Bleach (S) Abridged Ep8 - "500 Episodes Too Early"

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[Please keep these CC clean] [Go to English (Canada) for funny extras] GANJU: Hey lady, open up, why don'tcha? We're here to bust ya out, we gotta vamoose! Are you sure this is the right tower? HANATARŌ: What other giant white tower is there? GANJU: No need to get chippy, it was just an honest question. Look lady, we're coming in. Make sure you're dressed. Hey, my name is Ganju, nice ta meet you. We're with your boyfriend. RUKIA: Renji sent you? GANJU: Nah, the other boyfriend. RUKIA: Didn't I kill your brother? GANJU: Look, are we just gonna sit around all day and talk about your boyfriends, or are we gonna get outta here? Hey, that rat, Kuchiki - what's he doing here? RUKIA: He comes here every day to read depressing poetry to me. GANJU: What a guy, that's a class act. HANATARŌ: You guys stay here. For the sake of all that is free and huggable, I'll distract him. RUKIA: Hanatarō, no! GANJU: There goes a true hero. I'll tell my kids the story of this day... ...when I watched such a brave man lay down his life for his comrades. HANATARŌ: The invaders are in there, sir. BYAKUYA: Thanks. GANJU: Hey! [♫ Masakazu Morita - "Just Bleach" ♫] ZANGETSU: Awaken, Ichigo. ICHIGO: Oh, it's this place again. Is this coming back a lot? Is this my own personal hell? ZANGETSU: See this sword? ICHIGO: Yeah. ZANGETSU: Want this sword? ICHIGO: No, I don't want-- yeah. ZANGETSU: Too bad! Come on out, White! WHITE: Wha-ha, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Woo, woo-hoo! Ha-ha! Wo-hoo-hoo! Good to see you again, Ichigo. I missed you. ICHIGO: Stop stariiiiiing... WHITE: NEVER! Woo, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! If you wish to reclaim Zangetsu and survive, you must learn what it means to wield me. ICHIGO: Namae wa. WHITE: I'm Zangets-- ZANGETSU: APAPAPAP! 500 episodes too early for that! WHITE: Here I come! Better learn fast, Ichigo! You novice, Ichigo. If you don't beat me quickly, I'm going to have to help you! ZANGETSU: More menacing. WHITE: I'll have to lend you all my power! ZANGETSU: No! Like be misleadingly menacing. WHITE: I'll... Umm... Take your BODY from you! ICHIGO: Zangetsu, look - I think we should work together. Fighting apart gets us nowhere. ZANGETSU: But... I didn't, I... UUUUUGH! WHITE: THAT was your lesson, wasn't it? ZANGETSU: YES, GOD DAMMIT! WHITE: Well, that went quickly. "Let's work together." That's pretty lame! ZANGETSU: You're lame! Shut your face! ICHIGO: I'm going now. Do I just jump through a window, or what? ZANGETSU: FINE! ICHIGO: Oh - and for you, the white guy? For God's sake, man, brush your teeth. KENPACHI: ♪ You better get ready to die ♪ ♪ Get ready to die ♪ Mm-hmm...? God damn it, I can't even kill someone right. This must be why the other captains don't like me, I'll just have to kill more to earn their respect. ICHIGO: Time to pay your Union fees, Kenpachi. KENPACHI: Hey! Yachiru! YACHIRU: Yes, Kenny? KENPACHI: Hit the music, this is gonna be awesome! YACHIRU: That's what I do! KENPACHI: If I may make a request, kid: just give it a sec to start up. Any... second now... It's coming... GO! KENPACHI: Uggh! Uuh? Urrrrrggghhh... Ahhhh... this... is good... I want more of this... ICHIGO: You're enjoying this more than I'm comfortable with. KENPACHI: You gotta shut up and get lost in the groove of the fight! I'm not the kinda guy that hits you with super-powers... I'm the kinda guy who hits you like an 18-wheeler, and then BACKS UP over you when you get up! ICHIGO: If that's the case, I'm just gonna have to cut you over...! And over...! And over again, until you drop DEAD! KENPACHI: AAAH, HA-HA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...! AAAH, HA-HA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...! AAAH, HA-HA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...! ICHIGO: PLEASE STOP LAUGHING! ICHIGO: PLEASE STOP LAUGHING! I am on the verge of being terrified! KENPACHI: Let's end this. HURAARRGGUUGGHH...! Check this out! You're gonna love... what happens next! Better get ready to die, kid... The kid gloves are off. ICHIGO: 'Zangetsu... I need your help, bro.' ZANGETSU: I am here, Ichigo. His strength is only a false one. His blade lives in horrid disharmony with his soul... ...Relying only on raw power. ICHIGO: I'm gonna throw everything I've got at him, all at once, and hope to take him down. ZANGETSU: Wait, you don't want a new technique? Fine! Sure! Whatever! See if I care! "Getsuga Jūjishō"? What even is that? I don't know! KENPACHI: What do you say we bring this down to one final attack, Spike? ICHIGO: It's "Ichigo Kurosaki". KENPACHI: Come then, Ichigo! Let's put an END TO THIS! AAAH, HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! HHHHMM! ICHIGO: HUUUH! [Both continue grunting] ICHIGO: ... KENPACHI: ICHIGOOO!! ICHIGO: KENPACHIII!! KENPACHI: ... ICHIGO: KENPACHIII--!! KENPACHI: ICHIGOOO--!! WHITE: Did I come on too strong? ZANGETSU: I don't care. WHITE: I didn't want to leave a bad impression. ZANGETSU: He doesn't care! WHITE: You're still sore that he didn't do your tests, huh? ZANGETSU: SHUT UP! I am NOT. SORE! It's not like the only thing I have to occupy my time is coming up with these arbitrary tests for him! WHITE: Hey... Do you want a hug? ZANGETSU: Yes, I would like a hug. ICHIGO: Probably shoulda... ducked or something... Uuugh...! Well... this sucks... KENPACHI: I haven't had a thrill like that in a long time, kid. Kinda shocked I'm not in more-- Owwwwwww...! ...There it is. 'Whoa, what is this feeling...?' 'Is this pain?' 'I-Is this what pain feels like?' I don't know how to talk to my sword, little bro... ...but I bet if it could talk, it'd be telling me how awesome that fight was. ...Oh. I guess you killed it. Not a bad idea. Uuuuuuugh...! [Thud] ICHIGO: H-hey... Kenpachi... KENPACHI: What's up... orange-haired guy? ICHIGO: That was awesome. KENPACHI: Fuck yeah. YORUICHI: You appear to be doing quite a bit of bleeding there, Ichigo. What's the matter? Cat... got your tongue? Hu-he-heh... Oh, I'm terrible. Let's move you somewhere where your only career option doesn't include donating your body to science. Hyper-sexy kitty-cat powers... ACTIVAAAATE! GANJU: UUUUuuuugghh...! HANATARŌ: So, a-am I still in trouble? BYAKUYA: So much trouble.
Channel: Project Mouthwash
Views: 920,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Azure, Crow, TheAzureCrow, Semisoma, Voice, Acting, Horizon, In, The, Middle, Of, Nowhere, Fate, Zero, Stay, Night, Bleach, Transformers, Animation, Dubbing, Let's, Play, 3rdAndMain, 3rdAndMainOnline, Parody, Satire, GoStudios, Abridgement, Voice Actor (Film Job), Bleach (Comic Book Series), Comics (Comic Book Genre), Comic Book (Comic Book Genre), Funny, Spoof
Id: cFCPNxX83Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2015
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