The Not So Buried Treasure | Berenstain Bears Official

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[Music] so [Music] so follow me everybody i'll get us out of here faster than a bobble ink can blink just look at the rush rush rush that's the trouble with the world today oh i forgot something papa would you go to the magazine rack and see if they have the new issue of tree housekeeping can't it wait till next time i'm afraid it might sell out there's an article i don't want to miss how to keep sap from dripping on your rugs okay i'll be right back yummy gummies can we get some can we mama can we i don't know you've been getting an awful lot of treats lately please and i want some new jacks too stop it both of you i'll get you some yummy gummies this time but you'll have to save them for after dinner how about my jacks you already have more jacks than you'll ever need but these are purple i don't have any purple ones [Music] now here's something million dollar ideas in your own backyard oh this is it at last a blueprint for my fortune yeah easy money gave me that big money that big big money nearly as good as wild honey that big money big big money it's no secret that i'm divulging that i'd like to have my pockets bulging [Music] big big money fine big money thanks papa papa i don't think you should bombard the cubs with all that money talk now don't fret dear i'm just giving them the benefit of my expertise so they can learn to handle their own finances wisely well it certainly looks like they're catching on quickly papa when will you learn that magazines like that offer nothing but impractical schemes [Music] these aren't impractical schemes mama listen to this turn lead into gold the forgotten secrets of alchemy think of it led into gold now how can you call that impractical and here's another one raise ladybugs for fun and big profits what about gentlemen bugs maybe they're not profitable yeah and they're probably not much fun either i'm telling you this magazine is going to put us on easy street here how about this buried treasure in your own backyard that's it that's the one now hold on nobody's digging up my yard to look for some silly treasure that doesn't even exist but mama no use arguing papa i've worked too hard to make my garden what it is i'm not letting anybody ruin it look papa pirates code that's the little cold just off great grizzly lake just like in the book you read to us at bedtime grizzly island by robert bruin stevenson kept him up for weeks yeah a basty swab shiver me timbers it's captain cub i'll see you walk the plank land lava what on earth does all that gibberish mean it's just pirate talk from grizzly island [Music] just as i suspected there's no doubt about it mama cubs come here quick it's right in here all the proof we need proof of what papa riches beyond any bear's wildest imagination are within our grasp [Music] wow double wow see it says that long john grizzly one of the greatest pirates of all time in fact a shoe-in for the pirates hall of fame buried his fabulous treasure in pirates cove oh boy buried treasure listen cubs money alone isn't the measure of real wealth anyway i don't think any treasure is buried in pirates cove of course there is the proof is right here in black and white papa if we find the treasure can we keep it your darn tootin we can it comes under one of the fundamental laws of bear country government and i quote finders keepers losers weepers hooray we're gonna be rich let's go dig up our goal okay mates follow me to pirates cove [Music] don't tell me you've already found your treasure well not yet we've been temporarily derailed by one small problem we don't know where to dig but there's nothing to worry about cubs i papa q bear will find that treasure even if it takes digging up every square inch of pirates cove yes herme proud cubs this time your papa is really going to ring the bell it's the telephone hello bears residents hello dear i just baked a batch of my special honey nut cookies if you're going to be home i'll bring some over how nice grizzly gran we all love your honey nut cookies oh and gran would you bring your crystal ball the small portable one papa is determined to dig for pirates treasures but he doesn't know where to dig of course see you in the wink we'll get it how are my true favorite grand cubs today just fine grizzly gran and when we find a buried treasure we'll be even finer oh i always say there's nothing like finding a buried treasure to make a body feel finer it won't be long now i can almost taste those doubloons hush papa you're disturbing gran's concentration oh listen papa bear and you shall hear her great great wealth great wealth is very near yes but you still don't know where to dig oh yeah gran was just coming to that weren't your grand no i've said my peace now i must be on my way next time you see us we're gonna be rich well as they say wealth is where you find it yeah and not just rich we're gonna be filthy rich you know i remember seeing an old map once somewhere in our attic an old map yes it's been in the family for years not in here either how about you cubs find anything yet that's funny where'd they go papa peppa we found it we found the map the moment we've been waiting for has arrived the answer to our dreams the key to success our passport to happiness a magic carpet to fly us into the lap of luxury papa it's just a map but mama you don't understand it's the map an unmistakable guide to buried treasure come on papa let's get going right mateys let's go follow your captain papa [Music] no use rushing out there now according to the map we'll need moon shadows to find the treasure in that case we'd better wait until tonight [Music] pirates cool maybe it's not such a good idea to go down there nonsense little buccaneers there's nothing to fear your papa captain q bear the scourge of the seven seas is here so hoist the spirit of the jolly roger and think positive think gold it says to dig the spot which is 13 paces from the tip of the crooked tree's moon shadow there it is the crooked tree only 13 more steps to fame and fortune one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 14 but papa the water if don't worry cubs water doesn't stop papa q bear the map doesn't say to take giant steps papa now this is where we should dig and give me that big money that big big money nearly as good as wild honey get ready to feast your eyes on the greatest treasure on earth what's this these are just pictures of us where's the treasure you're looking at it you mean you hid the map and buried this treasure to teach us what real treasure is now it's time for me to give you my real reading you can compare the treasure beneath the ground or sea with the not so buried treasure of home and family you know we didn't find gold but we sure are rich [Music]
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 136,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain bears, Kidlit, buried treasure, Berenstain, kidstv, cartoons, vintage tv, retro tv, The Not So Buried Treasure, the not so buried treasure berenstain bears, berenstain bears full episodes, treasure, secret treasure, cartoons for kids, vhs openings, kids cartoons, nostalgia cartoons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2017
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