Blackpool Pleasure Beach Vlog March 2024

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a very good morning from Blackpool where we're back from our trip to Florida and straight in with the start of the 2024 season here at Blackpool pleasure Beach it is so good to be back at pleasure Beach we can get on some of our favorites today really excited to ride icon again of course get on the classic dark rise and see the changes throughout the park we've also had confirmation this morning the Blackpool pleasure Beach are working on a new attraction so we'll talk about all the details and share that too bit of a surprise announcement this morning from Amanda Thompson OB of course the director of the park hours today are 11:00 a.m. through until 5: it's always quite a rushed opening day isn't it normally it is cuz it's such short hours you just want to make sure that you get everything then that you want to so it is quite short but we'll make the most of it definitely we're also going to be staying over as well tonight at the big blue hotel and I've booked as one of the Park View Suites never stayed in one of them before and in fact it's been many years since I last stayed at big blue and Charlotte's first time as well I'm really looking forward to staying there cuz I've never stayed there before so I can't wait to see what it's get some awesome views of the park so check out that Vlog that will be coming up next here on the channel we'll make our way round to the entrance come and join us it's the first day of the Season at Blackpool pleasure Beach it's always delightful coming back and seeing Mr funshine there above the entrance here to the park and recently Blackpool pleasure Beach have revealed a new logo and it seems like they're going back to pleasure Beach Resort again be interested to see if have changed any of the signage around the park as you can see down here at the entrance nothing has changed yet and good to see Mr funshine still up there on the entrance it was actually only a few years ago when they put Mr funshine back up so hopefully they'll be sticking around cuz we love [Music] him well we' just made our way into the park and the gates are officially open for 2024 here at pleasure Beach turns of weather today it's not too bad at the moment I think we might have a bit of rain this afternoon but as always we think part W will make the most who where with Charlotte of course well I've got my Broly in my bag if it rains it rains that's the thing we're going to make our way down towards our first ride of the Season here at pleasure Beach and that is going to be icon still our favorite roller coaster here in the UK opened back in 2018 feels like a long time ago now that doesn't it feel like ages doesn't it yeah it's like well seven years isn't it since zon open yeah I know it's mad isn't it but yeah is zon still going to remain our favorite coaster in the UK I mean there's a lot of other rid opening this year including Hy peria down at TH Park so we will see what happens but you know what I'm really excited to get back on it today the double launch coaster here at pleasure Beach manufactured by MC ride so we're going to walk down in that direction in terms of ride availability today there's a few bits that are closed including the big one which is a shame because of course at the moment it's still the UK's tallest roller coaster I was hoping to get back on it today they've been doing some more retract work over winter but yeah it seems like it's not fully ready to operate yet which is a shame as I know a lot of people were excited to get back on it today ourselves included and it's not even windy so would have been open actually um if the work had have been finished off but yeah hopefully we'll get back on that at some point in the near future yeah it's open every weekend now through until the start of the main season so yeah we got quite a few weekends fingers crossed the big one we'll be open for some of the others we run away round to Icon quite interesting the big one is setting just over there even though they said that it wasn't going to be open so we'll see what happens I mean surely they wouldn't be sending it round if there was no intention of opening it today so I guess we'll find out but yeah we'll still head to Icon first obviously but yeah is testing the big one so you never know we might get on it we'll see what happens as the day progresses OD and on the best start this morning we're just being told that icon isn't going to be opening anytime soon yeah it looks like they're still working on the trains just down there so we thought you know what it's only a 6-hour day anyway we haven't really got time to be standing about we've got to get on some other ride hopefully we'll get icon later yeah we'll see what happens I mean fingers cross not the most promising start but you know what we'll see what yeah we'll see what happens as the take continues well you know what you can always rely on a roller coaster that's over 100 years old the Big Dipper is operational hey who needs modern tech this morning let's get have a ride on here you know what you can't beat it 101 years old the absolute classic Woody the big Depo let's go we already waiting 10 minutes there for our first ride of the Season here at blure Beach and that was the Big Dipper I quite enjoyed that because we was on a non wheeel seat it was absolutely fine yeah it was good I do love a good classic wooden coaster of course big dier had a refurbishing last year as well and it was really nice to get on there to start the day it has started to rain though now unfortunately but we'll make the most of it we had a little stroll around here to see if infusion was open normally have my Annual Ride of the Season don't I on the first day on infusion but I can't because it shut as well oh no not the most positive start this morning here at pleasure Beach let's hope it picks up this afternoon a lot of people have traveled quite a long way to come here as always with any theme parks yeah it's always disappointing and the so any rides that are closed infusion just seems to be testing again just over here now so maybe it'll open at some point this afternoon you can also see the scaffolding that's still up there on the big one as well from where they did the track replacement but even though that scaffolding is up they have been testing the ride it's not been testing since though for about half an hour now so yeah it's probably not going to open and they did say that it was going to be shut today on the way website but they did only post that this morning so yeah it was a bit last minute with that one really there's a look at infusion parked for comass LC hopefully this will be filled with water again underneath again soon as well with the water features on it always looks a lot prettier when it's filled up as you can see you kind of lower it all down mainly to do the maintenance that imagine over winter check all the nuts and bolts on the different supports there on the foundations just saying we hadn't seen it there it he goes again the big one is testing you never know there's still a chance this afternoon oh thank you oh I near got it by brother but the lady lifted it up for me which is nice so we thought we'd come and check out the ghost train now cuz we' heard that there' been some refurbishments happened to this over winter and yeah we just literally walked down here and they've evacuated the queue so it did open but now it's closed so yeah we'll have to come back later for this one however I can just say the front here looks fantastic from what we can see the painted all blue it looks a lot better actually all that section round at the top as well they've actually painted the drop and the ramp over there which is quite nice all the bottom parts of the KE lines yeah that's looking good oh it looks like the racing there you go evacuation of the ghost train oh should have come down here earlier we had a ghost trainy back but yeah it's looking good from the uh the paint workor hopefully we'll see what it's like on ride later on I've got to say so far I am very disappointed in how opening days going here at pleasure Beach love the Park great to be back here but this is definitely a weak start to the season today so far what is going on this is so disappointing today especially for people that have traveled as well yeah I mean it's not too bad for us I say that we still traveled 90 minutes um but yeah it's not a great start today yeah for pleasure Beach you know we do love the park and really want to see all parks up SE are you doing you're all right um but yeah it has been disappointing so far for the first day especially when you know they've had all winter to sort these issues out just people are kind of standing about and yeah there's just not really much of an atmosphere uh I think we'll head around on to Alice and see if we can get on therey we're going to make our way onto Alice in Wonderland just here now March the 2nd 2024 I do always love how they update the sign is just here every day the parks open they change the date on there which I think he's great them nice little touches I've had so many photos over the years sat on this bench just here so it's nice how they always update it another one 20124 let's go and make our way on Alice in Wonderland nice classic dark ride here at the park just notic as well we've done some paint UPS out the front just here of Alice in Wonderland which is really nice to see all the leaves have being painted all the rabbits at the top there yeah it's looking really good actually just out the front bit of TLC oh I've missed that smell over winter smell pods today are really good woo I love the Frog oh look at this wow some TLC over here completely updated scene oh that looks really good I love all these little changes that they doing the dark rides excited for Ghost Train hopefully it'll open up it's quite a bit Chang in there apparently oh look at all this lots of TLC Humpty Dumpty just seems like there's a lot more detailing actually like on that wagon just there very nice to see love me I good Dark Ride [Music] updates oh wow hey lots of updated paintings around here it looks a lot more green doesn't it This Ss fantastic oh audio's gone off oh golden ticket golden ticket to the Wonker experience oh the audio keeps uh Crossing out there I'm liking the Chang inside though that looks great back out into the rain you can always rely on Valhalla over there an old Valerie I was not expecting that many changes in Alice in Wonderland they've done a really good job in there haven't they Alice is looking so fresh I was going around I was like wow made so much effort in there which is really nice to see it looks great I mean they've updated a lot of the painting in there like of course you got the UV lights that make it look really bright but you can tell there just added some more detailing in there a few scene changes honestly that looked really good like credit where credit's due done a fantastic job in there that's what I love about pleasure Beach they always making little changes upgrades in the dark rid really hope ghost train does open this afternoon so I've heard good things about it and what we can see from the facade what we've seen there on Alice really excited to get on that and see the changes but that was is really good I love that classic ride anyway other than a couple of audio issues that hopefully will get rectified I thought that was fantastic really enjoyed that and we're going on Derby racing just here now walk straight on to a nice pleasure Beach Classic always love this especially with the organ as well just having a look at which horse we're going to go for we always have to look at this grind just here don't we cheesus cheesus yeah that one's quite cheesy which one you fancy yeah this you having them there we got a nice cheesy grin on the DAR racer horse oh I do love a good ride there on Derby racer it's a pleasure Beach Classic as well and the organ really makes the ride experience on there now it's not really the weather for it today in fact we're really cold and wet but Valhalla is operational just over here it's one of them with Valhalla always seems to have problems on the really nice hot sunny days when you want to ride it Low's on a cold miserable day like this and it's operating fine what do you mean I'm going on it oh yeah I'm nice it is I mean back in the day you know when I was a bit younger I'd have been straight on it I thought old do to it but now I'm think yeah I'm too cold I'm not going to I'm not going to give it a go but yeah Valhalla is operational us down here and yeah there's some big changes at pleasure beach at the moment coming with attractions and one of them is just around the corner over here so we're going to take a little look at that and that is ice blast so as you can see we've actually removed the gondol at the bottom and yeah it looks like the start to remove the fences around the side maybe that was for access access to remove the gondola but also it seems like the signage has been removed as well now there was a lot of rumors and speculation that ice blast was going to be getting removed from pleasure Beach course the SNS Shot Tower here uh but then Amanda Thompson actually put on Twitter or X as it's now know and everybody still calls it Twitter don't let's be honest she put on this morning that it is going to be back home later this year but they're waiting on a part so it'll be interesting to see what happens I mean of course a man is in charge of the part she knows what's coming so fingers crossed um is going to be back back open but as it stands at the moment it looked like they' started to remove it really especially with the signage coming down as you can see they've actually blocked the entrance here took out the signs down here at the side but they have still kept the big sign on the side of the building up there at the moment which is interesting in terms of the ride experience not one of my favorites but it is sad seeing a ride like this I mean Amanda said it's coming back I mean the way it looks at the moment it looks like it started to be removed though doesn't it really such a shame this is like it's just so so when you lose rides yeah not one of our favorites but if there's a replacement coming then fair enough but yeah it'd be sad just to see an empty spot just over here um but I guess we'll see what happens it's too early to say at the moment man's in charge of the park he says it's coming back so of course we'll trust that that's the case but yeah it's just not looking good around here at the moment there a lot of rumors about it being removed so I guess we'll see what happens look at this weather it is very Grim this afternoon but as always we'll try and bring you the best updates here on theme VA worldwide and show you what's going on around the park but yeah another angle just here of ice blast without the gondola and I guess we'll see what happens we'll just follow the developments closely down here yeah very sad though just to see it like this flying machines looking good just up there we're going to head into kiss me quick now have a look at the merchandise always look forward to seeing what new merch they've got each season here at pleasure Beach all starting off then with this nice bit of retro merch fun shine just on the front there as well that's lovely that is and that is priced at $4.9 not too bad I like this retro merch it's really cute yeah casino building they are $8.95 yeah they're quite nice aren't they again with Mr funshine on good to still see funshine having that big prominence you know look at this with the cow and then fshine in the middle that's a bit different These are nice ones yeah the casino building just on there too yeah and a few different designs for the mugs very classic aren't I love these yeah that's really nice that is yeah it's lovely it's kind of showing the fun vibe of the park yes that's a good one yeah I do like that you got the bag just behind you there as well is quite nice we're looking at $12.95 too bad nice selection of magnets down here yeah I'm loving this classic stuff oh funshine's got a massive prominence this year look at this look at this gym bag it's only $24.95 that's lovely I think that's a good price for that as well like funshine on the end and then pleasure of each Resort on the side as well you can't make out the resort but it is there as part of the Rebrand quite interesting actually obviously with the new logo and going to a resort this is actually the second time they've tried doing this Resort rebranding I think it was done in like 2012 first time I remember yeah and then they kind of dropped it went back to black ball pleasure beach now they're kind of bringing the the resort into it again which is interesting that's cool lunch bag 995 yeah that's quite nice is it sweet lunch bags quite a lot of reductions on some of these here some of your older items £5 there near said dollars then in tell just come back from america5 on those lot of your free nights merchandise for Halloween yeah quite a lot of disc 25 tiia ice blast sort of oh there you go they trying to get rid of them then with ice blast on is it coming back I mean really don't know it doesn't look like it over there does it like I guess we'll find out I mean Amanda says it is but I don't know it's not looking good is it over there lovely bits look at all these nice new bags D to ride High con just on there they're nice and spacious those bags actually as well aren 495 that is really good too bad at all think like value for money with the merch AT Pleasure beach is pretty good actually that's nice I like the icon one I mean the funshine's good but the icon one's nice a look down here the selection of R Parts have moved over to the left a bit loads of coaster wheels down there at the moment look at all those have a lot look at the prices we chatting with some people earlier they said they've gone up a little bit how much is that 250 for a big one 250 and then for a small one for the Derby racer is 55 55 just yeah quite expensive yeah but they are nice if you know especially if you haven't got any coaster Wheels still sell some old bits of wood and some other like brackets and that sort of thing over there as well I do love how you know the part do sell all these authentic ride Parts though cuz they are really nice if you love collecting the coaster and piece of History some more wood replacement of course they're always um doing that over winter and throughout the year when they need to replace wood on the coasters and selling the old bits just there there you go Nickelodeon streeton you're all right there I've just nearly knocked all of these over oh you Jo back up they started to fall all can you imagine the shop would not have been very happy yeah lots of all TI R parts and look at no falling candy floss lots of new clothing over here in the kiss quick store as well we have got these dressing gos these are so soft these are $39.95 but these are beautiful look at these they're nice they are aren't they oh they feel so soft this is in the Valhalla section I'm not too sure what that is on the back but uh there you go yeah it is part of the the Valhalla section I was expecting it to have a v on the back it does say pleasure Beach Resort on there though doesn't it as well just down there yeah they're quite nice wonder what that noise is you can hear the workings the the Flying Machine just above us one our favorite parts of this shop there you go there's the wheel spinning how awesome is that all the mechanics fantastic flying machines from 1904 oldest operating ride in the UK these are brilliant funshine pajamas $29.95 not too bad and we got these uh throws as well which are pretty good yeah they're only £10 this weekend it should be £24.95 special offer for opening yeah there some nice stuff then move over here into the icon in again we got some more dressing gowns got the icon dagger on the back oh that's nice that's good o I like that you've got like numerous daggers all around the side that's lovely that feels so nice pretty good another fleece blanket down there another one that says dare to ride down on the side that's pretty good and then some more for Icon here they've got like the different styles this one's got all the floral pattern on there I got PJs hey with the cherry blossom on these are so good These are nice and what do you call these like a a snood AR they yeah an udy yeah not a theme part one but they're so comfy yes they're quite nice and these are priced at $39.95 they're pretty reasonable to be honest so when you m $ 29.95 for those just there some more classic stuff down here we had for a while some ion Valhalla hoodies that's quite nice embroidered in just there as well with the V I think I'd have preferred if it actually said valhall a there we go would have been nice having that embroidered on the front I think and then of course some more these lunch bags there's some good stuff at the moment loads of new big bag that's nice we Brave the adventure on very impressed with the uh new merchandise that's been the highlight of the day so far I think seeing the merch well we just had a look around kiss me quick there at the merchandise some nice new bits isn't they I'm so impressed with the Merch this year all the pajamas and the dressing gown So Co yeah the lunch box are nice the bags them retro things as well got some lovely bits this year yeah fantastic tell you what's not lovely though the weather today it's horrible and there's a look over at the classic Grand National fantastic wooden coaster try and get a ride on there later on but I think first we're going to go and check out the ghost train cuz we've heard that it's opened up now we really want to see these new changes so yeah we're going to head around that way and it's indoors out this horrible weather let's make our way down here to the ghost train yeah it's back over we've heard quite a few people that the new scenes are really good in here so I'm excited love a good Dark Ride upgrade that's going to take you all on the ghost train here at Blackpool pleasure Beach March 2024 I can definitely hear some new audio coming from inside here so yeah I'm very intrigued to see what they've done with the scenes yeah looking good with the blue out the front hopefully they'll paint up the back at some point yeah that really needs a better TLC as well yeah it's going to make our way here on the ghost train see the [Music] refurbishments I you oh oh oh that was quite good oh screen bro can't play the file oh oh some good the jumpy scenes there went through quite fast woo seems to be lacking a bit of audio in here oh oh that was different it was a little bit dark in there to really see what was happening I think it was some s kind of Monastery in there definitely lacking in the audio department though lost a lot of them kind of classic sounds which is a shame fire exit is lit up there oh iconic they've been painted up a little bit they look good oh cloggy where I am we're back for 2024 so going to get the CL yes that is that one yeah I'm not too sure what to make of that some bits were good some bits I'm not sure on well we just come off the refurbished ghost train here at pleasure Beach started off very similar to how it was before but then when we made our way just before coming down the drop we had that new scene just there didn't we yeah it's nice to see new scenes in the ghost train but I felt like the lighting wasn't amazing in those scenes it was a bit too quick fast that first one wasn't it to kind of see what was happening it's like it needs the timing changing so the lights come on before you get to it I know they were kind of going for a bit of a junk scare there but you couldn't really see it that well you know because it started a bit too late so maybe it needs the timing changing on that and then after the draw of course made our way around in some of the other new scenes uh that kind of Monas it felt like but it was too dark to really see what was happening there was definitely some hooded figures in there um but I wasn't exactly sure what they were you know yeah I couldn't really make out what they were it just needs better Lighting in there hopefully that will come in the future yeah it's one of those things with dark rid you can tweak things around and obviously it's the first day it's operated since these changes came in something that I'm not too keen on is the changing audio in fact most of it there was not really any audio or sound effect was it it was just so quiet going through and then in some scenes you just got like a low like humming noise and not really much audio at all yeah I'm not a big fan of that change in there it's also lost its kind of classic announcement outside which I thought added to the charm of the ride one that was kind of like it's going to make you scream and scream and scream it's lost that so I think for me pleasure Beach you know yes they need to move forward and make modernizations but don't change too much as it loses that classicness and that Nostalgia and that's kind of what's happened there with the ghost train so all has not been lost um yeah there's some nice new additions in there but yeah it certainly needs some tweaking and certainly some better audio um putting back in there or at least what was in there before because yeah it wasn't the best that good to see the spectacular dancing water fountain show still going here impossible there behind I've noticed that's got a sign out the front so let's go and have a look at that another view there of The Fountains and yeah just here to the right impossible so yeah this a walk through attraction lots of different interactive exhibits but then also at the end it had a ride in there um and that was the haunted swing which wasn't operating all of last year unfortunately was hoping to see that come back for this year um basically like an old school mad house it's like hex at Alton Towers but on a much smaller scale um yeah this signs appeared out the front it just says we are hard at work getting impossible ready to open and we look forward to welcoming you back to our Exploratorium soon I said that right Exploratorium yeah that's right is it um so yeah the whole thing's closed at the moment so not too sure be making some upgrades in there or changes hopefully though when it does reopen um the ride is in action at the end too I mean the haunted swing was a classic another retro ride here at the park so it' be sad if that one's gone too well we're seeing the updates over on Alice in Wonderland and also the ghost train so we're going to check out rev caves now just in case they made any upgrades in here they seems to be going around the dark rid and doing some work yeah we'll go on this I do love the Rives anyway it's a classic us to travel down the mysterious rivers of the world in a voyage to many [Music] men oh lights off [Music] is that own a few sensory isues with some of these dark rid today [Music] oh with the music and the lighting and the star cloth s to be so sleepy in here it's a very relaxing scene this is make our way around it's a Valley of the Kings just down [Music] here so half Sandstone CLI on the west stand the temples of the they remain unknown to the outside world until in 18 theseal statues are the most spectacular example of the AR of the ancient oh audio off what is going on today there's the skin on that animatronic snake all the work oh God not looking the best day this oh no there he is wow the inside of an look at that what's happened to his skin oh no poor snake look at that oh dear yeah no TLC's been doing there we got no audio at all now yeah River caves not looking the best quite a few bits broken he just got off the river caves after with our ride just there and uh yeah well it was a bit creepy at the end wasn't it what was going on with that snake in there I mean it was cool to see a little bit of the en of B where the skin go it's obviously just fell off and hasn't been repaired oh it's such a shame we also had issues audio and lighting it is the first day this season so hopefully get sorted yeah I really hope so it's not looking great in there especially when they've done some work to the other dark rides yeah it wasn't the best we replaced some wood here on the outside um yeah it certainly needs a bit more TLC with the them inside the classic River caves piece of History well we just come up here to infusion and looks like it was operating and it's gone down again cuz it looks like they're just clearing everybody out the que line everybody's just coming down I thought they were just exiting at first because of the exit platforms down that way too um yeah one's coming down from the entrance and two members of Staff coming down here so obviously it's broken again good news is icon's open so we're going to head down there shortly and get our rides in on what's still our favorite coaster in the UK at the moment now we did mention at the start the Vlog that Amanda Thompson OB the owner of the park has confirmed they are working on a new attraction she hasn't let any more detail slip at the moment but I'm looking forward to finding out more in the near future we do know though where it's set to be located and that'll be here where Grand Prix is now closed which is a shame this is such a shame cuz we never got to have like our last ride like it's closed now it's so sad we've seen that with pleasure beach before though especially with the Wild mouss and as much as you know wild mouss with a really sad this not quite as much as that it's still a shame to see something go and not get to say goodbye to it and this a proper classic attraction at the park as well a nice family ride um where you sit in the car and drive around of course it's been electric for quite a few years but I remember that it never used to be you know actually used to be petrol cars that were going around on the guide Rail and then they made it electric maybe it's had some issues since doing that even though it's r with it for a long time but yeah this attraction is going to be getting removed at some point in the near future um for a new ride to come in so it's sad that it's coming out it's a nice family attraction I'd hope that something family replaces it really yeah because you don't want to put something thrilling when really was a family attraction to the with yeah and it was quite a nice long ride as well in fact you know it had quite a long Footprints let's just have a little look around the corner so just around the other side of Grand Prix now and here's a look at the back of the station and this shows how much space there actually is here and of course pleasure be are pretty good when it comes to utilizing space we saw that with icon how they fit it in there and then underneath the big one and steeple chase so there is quite a bit of space here to do something so you got this kind of downward Helix then it went into the rest of the layout kind of down the side of icon's queue up over the bridge there underneath the Avalanche and then came back up this way to the station so when you think there is quite a bit of room here then also an attraction got removed many years ago they used to be in that big dome over there so really it opens up quite a big space here especially you know if you did something with the Dome on that side and it ran over the top of the pathway so yeah I'm really not too sure I mean I'd like to think that you know it'll be another family attraction on here I think you know if you're taking out a big family ride like this it needs to be replaced with a family ride um yeah it's a shame that we didn't get to say goodbye and it's another one that added to the overall kind of kinetics of the park that's what I love with pleasure Beach how the rides interact with each other and go over the top and underneath and this is one of those you know yes it had this main section here but then also it ran all the way past icon's q line there was some nice interaction yeah it's a shame and again we didn't get to say goodbye to it but yeah this attraction will be removed in the near future and an attraction is being planned but we don't know the details yet so this is where it comes down next to the KE icon and then just also over there as well other lunch so yeah it kind of went all around underneath and down close to the big ones you know quite a big footprint really yeah sad to see that one go but it be intered to see what happens at some point in the near future will it be an addition for 2025 next year 2026 will be on but I'd like to think you know now it's closed we'll see some replaced in for next year really I think it needs to be hey avalan love it so we've made our way now down here into Nickelodeon Land of course the main family area at Blackpool pleasure Beach various different flat rides down here along with that there's two wooden roller coasters with the blue flyer the junior Woody and then also Nickelodeon streak down there at the back with the orange supports and track You' also got the log flum down here that Charlotte's definitely not going on I definitely not you so yeah you did get really wet on there but I think we'll have a go down on Nickelodeon Street just over here I think this the longest we've been in this park since 2018 without riding icon oh no I can't believe it we love icon yeah it is back up though now it is we got to get a ride on it yeah we're going to head down there shortly and go and experience it SpongeBob splashback just over here that's operational I think for me the water rides you know that could get away not opening them till Easter like I would focus on you know getting the maintenance that sorted on the dark rid the roller coasters getting them all sorted instead of having s like Splash Bash Valhalla and Rug Rats open you know yeah let's go on the next tree well it felt like our ride down Nickelodeon streak was a water ride today we got soaked and just started throwing it down whilst we was on there turns of the coaster though it was riding really good I do love a little classic Woody a Nickelodeon streak is certainly one of those just made our way then onto another Nickelodeon L Classic this was closed for quite a bit this year but it's own at the start of the season it's D's World Voyage let's hope we get some audio can't hear any at the moment I really have to question what has gone on this Clos season at Blackpool pleasure Beach as a huge fan of the park I am really concerned with what we're seeing here today like just neglect it's really sad actually what makes it worse is this was closed for a lot of last year and it's like what has been done while it's been closed we've got no audio like look at all the theming around here it's like it's just been ripped out yeah it's it's really sad actually like just to see pleasure Beach and the start of the Season like this such a shame yeah a lot of people feel the same in fact every single person we spoke to today naturally we speak with a lot of people when we come to the parks everyone feels just the same Enthusiast general public fans of the channel everyone we spoke to no one's having a good day people spent a lot of money and traveled and people are just so disappointed by what they've seen today yeah I know we're lucky enough that we're only 90 minutes away but still it was you know the fuel to get down here still 90 minutes it's still 90 minutes and you know we've paid for our season passes for the year so yeah you do expect better but it's even worse of people but we spoke with some people who've traveled like 5 hours to get here today from like down the south of the country and uh up in Scotland like it's a real shame so just little things like this that it's just not ready is it there's no audio on you know it's like why isn't it ready they've had all of the winter and it was closed for most of the last year it should be ready if someone that loves the park I am very concerned and disappointed with what we're seeing here today and I just hope that things are going to get better I really do by the time you know well ideally the next couple of weeks they need to be sorting out availability and I know the weather's not been the best today um but this morning the weather didn't really have much to do with it because it wasn't raining or too cold or anything really one of them where the weather's got no excuse for why audio not isn't off yeah and just generaliz you know upkeep throughout the Park yeah it's a real shame we're quite disappointed today um you know we came back from Florida on a high because we thought you know we pleasure Beach we love our UK Parks um yeah we love seeing what there is but yeah disappointing start today I just hope things are going to be better here at pleasure Beach soon I really do because yeah it's sad seeing it today it kind of feels like the passion has been lost it kind of feels like from today which is is really upsetting actually for a part that we love with so much history and Nostalgia well I guess there's no audio we're just going to have to sing it instead hey [Music] hello to everyone we meet hello say hello to friends around the world on a great adventure around the world we say got to make the most of it I think the panda enjoyed it so we're all good well we just made our way off of Dora's world voyage and we're going to have a ride around now on the pleasure Beach Express there's the Jeffrey Thompson OB locomotive course that one's just off to the side see we'll wait for the next train to come in Park's really filtered out a lot now probably because of the weather and also ride availability yeah it's really quiet [Music] now it's going to be a bit of a wet ride this one look at the seats oh no trying to sit where someone else has been managed to set on some dry seats so we should be all right avar Airbender going past oh this is not nice this is where I wish it had indoor carriages he we always still try to make the most the best we can it was a whistle doding just over there we not even been down this bottom end of the park yet looks like revolution's been having some issues today as well that's closed now it's not been a great day for the part today a real shame there's a look at the big one oh now the thing is of course the big one might open tomorrow I mean it's doubtful but you never know it might open if not could be next weekend by next weekend Hy peror down at TH Park could be topped off does that mean by then the big one loses its title by next weekend is the UK's tallest coaster or would you say has to be operating first I don't know this is how far back Grand Prix comes look all the way down here see I can't see them utilizing that smaller space especially the T under the pathway but you never know yeah I think for me hey Choo Cho in regards to the height record I think once hyperia is constructed at its maximum height for me that becomes the tallest coaster in the UK I don't know if you agree or not comment down below some of you might think all it needs to operate first but no for me I think as soon as it's actually tall and reached that height and constructed I think that's when the big one lose its height record oh beautiful there comes icon not the best foot is there with the rain but we'll always try our first I can't believe we on icon yet we are heading down there there's only believe it or not an hour left of the day so we thought we might as well do a few of the bits first and then just go and join icons cute at the end of the day it's been quite busy by the looks of it as well understandably with it being one of the only major rides open now the good thing is for us we'll be back on a regular basis and hopefully we see some better days look like infusion infusion yeah close have we got to T that Charlotte yeah whil you at the toilet I was getting a shot up here and this was being evaced again yeah Evac again what a day yeah I'm really wet now the camera is soaps I tell you what that drop that just got into place on hyperia at TH Park makes this one seem very T now on the big one yeah the angle of the drop on Hy perior looks incredible we're going to be back down there in the next few days for our first visit in over a month actually cuz of the Florida trip so yeah looking forward to seeing Hy peria it's going to be getting topped off this week by the looks of it sky for off to the left red arrows even some more flat ride Investments like that would be great as much as it's not my favorite sky fors and from a capacity point of view not the best either with any 12 seats but yeah even just some more Flats will be really nice and this is where we're going to be staying tonight in the Big Blue hotel and that'll be the next video coming up tomorrow on the channel going to be staying over in one of the Park View Suites which are actually just over here yeah you see the top rooms right up there looking out over the park never stayed in them in fact it's been well over 10 years since I stayed in big blue so thought let's start the year off with a stay there so yeah we're going to be rattled down the top floor looking out over the park which I'm really excited for and we'll certainly be making the most of the room tonight and tomorrow morning before coming on to the park yeah we'll give you a tour around the hotel we got breakfast as well and of course give you a full tour of The Suite yeah it's so much more in the room it's a suite it's been my dream to stay in one of these for a while actually so I'm really excited for it actually oh my hands are freezing now recording this you okay there Charlotte I am so cold I'm so so I found out the coat not water oh you joking well no look at it oh has it come through has it honestly I'm so it's like even down here last year they put the eff in of adding speakers for audio you know a year later and they're not on like there's a major like audio issue going on around this [Music] park well big one stop testing as well so yeah no chance of getting on that today Parks really felt out now we couldn't even see stevil Chase going around just as well I mean we've not walked down that part of the park here we're not a chance but yeah it looks like that might be closed now as well it was open earlier we saw it from on next street I have got some gloves but the issue is I can't film very well with gloves on I'm just pulling back into the station got a 10-minute ride round on the pleasure Beach Express on the Carol Jee just here think we're going to do another D ride next it will take you all on that's wallet and grommet thrill Matic looks like it's open was a good sign so we'll head around that way now and give it a game one person waiting two people look at these Pathways now it was really busy this morning but just deserted now I think everyone's had enough today but we're still powering on through till the end of the day because why not that's what we like to do W and gret th Matic a riveting ride an open Ride I think that should say let's go in experience it there we go here's the slippers all lined up let's going to have our ride in our big [Music] slipper cheese we go somewhere where there's cheese good job I priest the [Music] bearings No cers promise we the breast this morning M today that Tuesday [Music] you get that from that's my machine me oh no oh that's you be hearing from the solicitor about this capable of over 125 RPM that's [Music] rabbit well that went as well as could be expected from it didn't it look how big this is on me passing yeah enjoy that ride though wallet and grommet they're great ride wallet and grommet is so much fun I love the rabbit at the end the L little cheesy one with all the cheese around him everything was working until we got near the end and there was like one screen off and also the sound effect just there as well but other than that everything was pretty good on there yeah nice ride look at this though now it's horrible oh he's not nice the part's so quiet now we're going to make our way down towards icon get a few more shots on the way have a look in the icon shop as well see there's anything different in there to kiss me quick look at this I look ridiculous look look there I Air B on the Disco as we head around towards the back of the park just down here we not been down here yeah our steeple chase is going round that's a good sign might try and squeeze a rider on that first if we can look at this the entrance Plaza this morning was really busy saying oh it's one of the busiest opening days we've seen at pleasure beach in a long time but then it's really filtered out now a combination of a few different things I think mainly though due to ride availability in the weather and there's a look at the big one like I said the CH recording still officially the tallest roller coaster in the UK but I think for me it's going to be losing that record probably this week when hyperia gets topped off down at thought Park and yeah we will be down there in a few days looking forward to that stevil chase running two tracks just over there look at these Pathways there's like 45 minutes to go until 5:00 park close time and the park is empty and we are going to head on icon short I know I've been saying it a lot but we are going to go and ride it it was better doing what we've done though we've been around a lot of the rides especially quite a few that we can POV on as well um just to kind of show you around the rest of the park and then we'll get down on icon earlier on it was on about a 45 minute weit by the looks of it so I think we made the right call call walking around getting on some other stuff first and then building up for Icon think we'll have a go on steo Chase over here though another classic ride yeah that's the thing now I think for me at pleasure Beach you know you never know when it's just going to shut now do you know you worry about the classic rides now the fact that stuff just getting removed and you're just not told about it yeah I'm really starting to get concerned and I will be talking about that in a future video um but yeah like the fact that you know a 64 year old ride I believe it was like Grand Prix you know 1960 it opens yeah make it 64 years old can just closed um like unannounced without a chance to last ride it you want to make the most of these CL cuz you never know when they're going to close we just had a really funny ride then on steeple chase cuz Charlotte was winning all the way at first actually I was winning all the way around and then Sean over took me towards the end I was like I'm winning I'm winning and then you came past me we have one e thought we made as well I was quiet nobody there we had the whole ride to our sou and made the most of it that's the thing you know it's sad but I'm starting to think now like when rid can just go you don't know when your last ride's going to be on them especially at pleasure Beach made the most of them hey let's go to ride icon that shall we then I'm so excited to get back on there I am our last ride was what November wasn't it yeah excited to get back on this coaster here she comes well we looking the shop on the way down as well literally this is the warmest I've been all day it's nice to there you got them dressing gowns in here too ion blankets throws the blankets yeah nice they are aren't they there some good new merchandise I love this style with all the daggers around the side this has been on sale for a few years now but I do really like this shirt at the technical side of Icon you see the technical data and the train just up there 14.95 for the different t-shirts yeah I do like those and much like Dan and kiss me quick under flying machines there's quite a few discounts in here as well these are reduced from 15.95 down to 10 and same with these just here as well reduced 3495 down to 30 and the time has come we was going to be riding it 6 hours ago but you know what I'm happy to be rid it now probably about a 20 minute wait for icon in the rain it's going to be a bit painful probably won't bother waiting for the runs we all back tomorrow off camera as well so we'll be able to get some Rising weather's actually supposed to be better till tomorrow so we'll see how we get on we we got a nice day off camera get some reides in as well today our main focus was getting rounds and of course bring you all the latest updates and there's been quite a few of them including that surprise announcement for Grand Prix and of course a new ride plan for the future let's go on icon we it it was really good well we got pretty wet there on icons so we decided to leave the park straight after and come here to our hotel we did manage to last the full day though even though the weather wasn't great how is your ride on icon Charlotte icon is a fantastic coaster we love it so so much but we got soaked we did get quite wellet but it was great getting back on there again for the first time in a few months some really good forces on there some great air time as well and I just love the layout with interactions with all the other different rides that what makes icon really special in my opinion along with that the rattle was a little bit bad today I think that was mainly because of the rain I've noticed that in the past before but a bit of a rattle it's not rough but you just feel the train kind of jering side to side so that was a little bit you know offputting on there but other than that it was still really nice getting on it because it's a brilliant coaster with an excellent layout and then of course that brings to the end of our day at Blackpool pleasure Beach it's been a very weak opening today in fact I'd say it's been the weakest start of the Season that I've known AT Pleasure Beach uh in the past we've had some days you know where ride availability hasn't been fantastic but today's been really bad for it hasn't it Charlotte it's been such a shame for people today because you'd go to a ride and it would close we understand that these rides have issues but today it was just constant it was just so disappointing for people it was it feels like the part wasn't ready you know and going on to rise the rid that were open um effects not working audio not working um some of the rise won reduced capacity clearly they hadn't finished the maintenance yet to run them fully it was a disappointing show today from pleasure Beach uh the good news is though I believe that they revalidated tickets for people today which is fantastic and the season pass holders um not the best but they gave us something and that's a 20% discount off lunch at the Pizza Kitchen if we go tomorrow so it's something I appreciate the fact they offered that but overall pleasure Beach really need to step up the mark for the opening if you remember a few years ago they used to actually open the park at the start of February and uh one of the main reasons for pushing it back a month was to improve ride availability and we've just not seen that this time it was a real shame I also think I understand the big one was having problems and that's why it couldn't open today but I think you know running it for half of the day when you know it's been advertised this morning as closed for uh like annual maintenance was a bit of a poor show as well wasn't it it was building people's hopes up cuz we were standing outside the entrance and the big one went round and people was like oh it must be opening it must be opening and it didn't there was just running it round really they shouldn't have been doing that yeah and that was at the entrance to the park you know first thing this morning and every saw it was like oh great like it's on the website as being closed even though any went on today this morning uh and then obviously that was disappointing for people as well uh and then also we had the news today about you know a new ride coming in which is promising but obviously losing a classic with the Grand Prix which is a shame 64 years of operation I do feel like with these historical rides especially any ride but especially historical rides that could be someone's ride that could be their special memory really they need to be giving people the last chance to ride these but Amanda did confirm that that's going to make way for something new we don't know the details but I guess we'll find out soon with that one I just think it's very frustrating for the park to not announce it sooner so that people could have had those last rides said now people can't have the last rides cuz it's closed yeah I know some people thinking oh it's only a car ride sure you know Let It Go but for me that could be someone's really special ride you know cuz I have that sentiment with rides um so yeah it is a shame about that also ice blast who knows what's going on there apparently it's going to be opening again later this year but uh it looks like it's about to be removed to be honest but uh um we have some positives today it's a nice upgrad to the dark rise ghost training some tweaking um but hopefully that will get done and then the merchandise i' say's been the biggest highlight today the merchandise is fantastic I always love pleasure Beach merch it's always so colorful and there's just so much going on there's some really nice things yeah I'm really liking that uh and obviously yeah you know there all the updates today it's not been a strong start to the season with pleasure Beach we've tried to make the best of it we always do the weather hasn't helped as well we spoke with a lot of disappointed people today have' traveled a long way a lot of fans of the channel a lot of general public are at the park and it's not been a great day for the park sadly we love pleasure beachs you want to see it do well um but yeah it's just not been a great start to the season so here's hoping next time we're back for a better day hey I tell you what though we are staying tonight in a suite at the big blue hotel and it's lovely isn't it this is so lovely and so cozy it's really nice tonight with it been so cold and rainy just sitting here and just relax and we're going to be taking you for a bit of a tour round in tomorrow's video because we're staying in this beautiful suite and it's honest it's amazing I've wanted to stay here for years never stayed in it and so yeah a bit of a book at this being ticked off today but there we go thanks as always for joining us here on theme park worldwide as we always do we keep things honest we keep things fair and constructive as well it's not been a great day but fingers crossed um for a better rest of 2024 at Blackpool pleasure Beach that leaves us with one final thing to say get out there and keep on riding see you in tomorrow's [Music] video
Channel: Theme Park Worldwide
Views: 104,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Blackpool Pleasure Beach Vlog, Blackpool Pleasure Beach 2024, Blackpool Pleasure Beach Vlog 2024, Blackpool Pleasure Beach Rides, Blackpool Pleasure Beach Roller Coasters, Blackpool Pleasure Beach Review, Pleasure Beach Resort, Pleasure Beach Blackpool, Blackpool, Pleasure Beach Rides, Pleasure Beach Roller Coasters, Pleasure Beach Review, The Big One Blackpool Pleasure Beach, ICON Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Valhalla Pleasure Beach, Pleasure Beach 2024
Id: RSiowd5ZxcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 52sec (3712 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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