Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Vlog January 2024 - World's FASTEST Coaster!

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hi everyone and welcome to theme park worldwide where our trip continues here to the UAE we've now made our way down here to YZ Island in Abu Dhabi for a visit to Ferrari World so this park opened back in 2010 and is home to the world's fastest roller coaster formula Ross I can't wait to get on it it reached the top speed of 149. one don't forget the 0.1 miles hour manufactured by inin also opening 2010 along with the park and we just want to say thank thank you to Ferrari World for providing us with our mission today and also as well allowing us to take you all on formula Ross of the fastest coaster which is going to be great you're going to see Charlotte's First Reactions to it me on it for the first time in six years and also a POV as well which we cannot wait for so the park is located here on YZ Island that's also home to two of the theme parks and a water park as well and look at this the building is Iconic I remember seeing this being constructed I thinking one day I'd love to visit and yeah I came here in 2018 really enjoyed it and it's great to be back here this time with Charlotte to come and experience the fastest coaster in the world and yeah really excited to get plenty of riting on there it is a week day doesn't seem too busy uh but there's enough people around to give it an atmosphere which is fantastic and yeah as soon as you come in you're greeted by this huge Atrium and right in the middle you can see one of the roller coasters they've got here and that is Turbo track and yeah that Spike goes right out the middle of the building then that's really cool to see that I didn't realize that had that yeah and the scale of this place as well is fantastic it really is it's a massive Park all the Ferraris out just here that's a cool car it is a cool car imagine rocking up at that one se but yeah all the parks here are all very close to each other on Yaz Island it's a Leisure destination in itself you've also got the circuit which is just nearby not too far from the airports um yeah there's lots of attractions around here to see and yeah we're going to be covering of course all these theme parks over the next few days and yeah this is the only one out of the theme parks down here I've done I did Yas Water World when I came in 2018 that's closed for its annual maintenance at the moment so we won't be doing that unfortunately uh however U we're going to be of course visiting the Warner Brothers theme park uh that's new for me it opened back in 2018 but I've not done it because yeah that opened just after my visit and then along with that we're also going to be experiencing the brand new seawell park that only opened last year hey there turbo track right in the middle I love how you can just hear the screams echoing oh look at this just here pretty cool how the cars are spinning around you got two of them back to back there and yeah this place is much bigger than you expect isn't it when you come here it's huge in here I wasn't expecting to be on such a grand scale but it's lovely in here especially when you compare it to Ferrari land the other Ferrari park at Port of ventur in Spain you know wasn't expecting to be so big I was expects it to all be quite compact but t on it's quite spread out yeah a lot of rides all spread throughout the park we are going to make our way then down to the main highlight the ride that I've been so excited to get back on and also to see Charlotte's reaction and the fact they're allowing us to film as well normally it wouldn't be allowed um but they've actually rigged up the GoPros down on there for us to take you along which is going to be awesome it's just down this way it's Formula Rossa it always just feels surreal when you see something so iconic in the theme park industry and you're about to experience it here it is Formula Rossa the world's fastest coaster and since I was last here the sign's been changed actually yeah it's been updated think the logo is slightly more modern now than it used to be but this is it an absolute icon of the theme park industry that opened back in 2010 and reaching that speed of 1491 don't forget the 0.1 miles an hour and look at this it really builds you up showing you this video here too and yeah Park hours today are 10:00 a.m. through until 8:00 p.m. so we've got plenty of time for riding and also too the park have been kind enough to rise with the fast track wristbands which we really do appreciate don't we appreciate so much just keep going round and rid as much as we can and this is it formula Ross us do here I am just so excited it's going to be weird seeing how this launch actually feels that's the thing you won't have felt anything quite like it before and for me I've done a lot of coasters a lot of Park visits since last time we was at this park so the fact we're going to you know experiencing it again after 6 years I'm so pumped for this I love all the videos and building you up look at this just seeing the sign amazing and yeah how long is it going to keep this record for I mean he had it for 13 years Falcon flight in Saudi Arabia is now under construction and that's going to be the tallest fastest and longest roller coaster whenever that opens so Russa could lose its record soon let's go have a look out here before we take you on brilliant that have' allowed us to get the GoPro mounted up on there love this view that you come out there a little balcony where you can see the coaster itself and really build up the anticipation before riding station oh so you can kind of see your family and friends and then know when they're going to come out and down the launch track let how a look out here love this viewing area let's wait for a train to come let's go what you've just seen the offride footage but now it's time for the main event to take you on the fastest roller coaster in the world firstly going to show you a front facing POV of the ride experience so you can see exactly what it's like and following on from that we're going to split the go around and show you our reaction to the fastest roller coaster in the world Formula Rossa are you ready Charlotte I'm getting my hair up so excited you got to wear goggles on this as well no matter where you at goggles have got to be provided and yeah this is going to be it wait come en join us we'll show you front facing first and then a ride count of us on this iconic coaster it's formula Ross are you ready Charlotte nerv this is it it's a hydraulic launch you're really going to feel the speed the lights gone green and here we go don't go out wooo here we go then we've got a dispatch on the fastest roller coaster in the world 149. mph built by inin opening 2010 it's formula Ross are you ready Charlotte nervous this is it it's hydraulic launch you're really going to feel the speed the lights gone green and here we go don't go out woo there we go into the bre one how was that launch oh my God that was crazy that was incredible I enjoyed that so much that launch is but I'm look at you literally one PL survive the other one has and that's why you have to wear the goggles on there like I think your eyeballs will pop out the socket barath away how long is the launch track as well that is so good literally that launch track just feels like it's going on and on forever you get like five or six seconds of that feeling oh incredible like 6 years is I last went on that I forgotten just how good it was amazing I tell you what the power of that coaster you've just seen a front facing POV and of course Ryder cam others on formula Roser how did you find that charotte what an incredible ride words can describe how good that is that launch was so powerful it's completely took my breath away what gets me is Charlotte's hair on there as well it's going everywhere I was just going everywhere it was getting all naughty and everything you just go on that laune and you think oh you know this is going to be fast it's going to be incredible and he just exceeds that even more like the power of it and the thing is the laun track it just keeps on going and going it takes like 5 Seconds to get up to that top speed you get that initial acceleration which is fast kind of feels a little bit like Stealth at thought Park but then it really goes to town with the acceleration and with it being hydraulic launch as well and not LSM you really just get that kick you get that force on there don't you when you're about halfway down the launch you really feel the speed and it's like wow incredible and of course the trains are really comfortable as well um the seat belt and also the lat bar and yeah the fact that you know you're wearing the goggles on there too actually means you can see more of the ride doesn't it I like wearing the goggles cuz like Sean said when you're going so fast times you like squint it but when you've got the goggles on you're completely fine you can keep your eyes open as normal it's not just protecting you from the sand out here but also the wind as well so it means you can keep your eyes open and fully enjoy the experience then of course you come to the end of the launch track uh and then you go up into that hill where the train is actually slowed down by a break at that section and you do feel it start to slow but you still got a lot of speed and it's going around the rest of the layout and then basically it's loads of banking lots of turns and drops and yeah overall just the speed that you still feel at that point points I think the coach St is just fantastic I loved that so so much the question is did it lead up to the highight did it really you know overe exceeded expectations it was brilliant oh I'm so pleased I've been talking about it a lot I know a lot of people always mention it it really is one of the most famous characteres anywhere on the planet and to come and ride it again whilst it's still got the record um is great I love that thing to bit it's an incredible ride that much so we're going to go back round have another go before we continue on here at Ferrari World but honestly amazing thanks so much the for allowing us to get that footage on there um the Mount of the GoPro took them like 15 20 minutes they're very strict with on RVE povs here with the fact they offer knew that for us we really do appreciate and of course you know everybody could come along with us you can all see that amazing experience of us on there and that's a memory for us to keep forever isn't it my first ride captur forever and that's the thing that genuine kind of first reaction to it and for me six years a long time do a lot of their experiences going back on the world's fastest coaster almost 150 mph what a ride what experience oh what a coaster so we made our way right here to the middle of Ferrari World After experiencing formula Rosa there and it's time for another launch coas now this one using lsms and it actually comes up through the middle of the structure this is called turbo track and yeah from what I remember this was a really good fun ride and quite Snappy as well this looks quite unique where you can see forwards or backwards I'm looking forward to it yeah let's go and check it out the entrance is just down this way awesome off ride footage there turbo track in action and yeah we're about to take you on ride once again because they've been kind enough to allow us to film on this one too so we're going to do something similar to Rossa and show you a front facing POV so you can see the ride and a safe front facing you can either sit facing forwards or backwards on here I look forward to going backwards on this one hey and you're gonna get some great views going up the kind of spike in the middle looking forward to and then we'll also put in a rider cam showing you us experiencing the ride let's go time for Turbo track head back hold on [Music] here we are then on turbo track and yeah this has actually got dual loading as well for capacity so you got this side that we're on and also another one off to the side as well back hold on move over the middle through the building oh the end of the track oh there we go it's a short ride but that launch is very good en that that best thing you look at it off right you don't think it's going to you know optim the noise there the LSM that's it you're back fast but really good there we go now we're moving back over your seat Bel and keep your head backing the entrance normally that's to move when it's running two stations very good from capacity point of view all right footage there from Turbo track that's another creation by Swiss manufacturer intermid this time using the lsms and how did you find that I was really quite surprised from that cuz off right it doesn't look like much but when you was on it it was brilliant going backwards over the launches was great that's the thing it's like two ride experiences in one because you need be facing forwards first or backwards and then vice versa so you get a different experience going up into that Spike we showed you it facing forwards however but it's just as good and the other way because you're looking down instead of looking up but you know what two rides in one brilliant Coter that is and like I say it doesn't really look that much from off ride but it's great fun it is quite short but the great thing is with that too it hasn't just got one loading area dual loading for capacity which is fantastic but yeah that feeling of going up out the top of the building that was really good backward is definitely my favorite great ride I'm very comfortable and smooth too and something else I love about turbo track is just how it creates such a great energy in the middle of of the Park yeah you really feel the heat when you go out the top there of the roof of this massive building and the AC when you come back inside now these are of course 365 Parks I mean they're open all throughout the year and that does mean that maintenance does have to be done on these rides of course to keep them safe and operational and yeah unfortunately Mission Ferrari and also flying a8s are both closed now of course Mission Ferrari has got a big history this coaster was standing when it was last here 6 years ago and it finally opened last year and when we planned the trip it was going to be open then it's been closed on the website for about a month or so and then last week it did actually start operating didn't it again did but it was only for a few days and then it closed again it's built by Dynamic attractions it's the world's only sfx coaster and in fact there is another one of these that we saw a year ago in Malaysia that we didn't get to ride either from Dynamic attractions that one looks a bit bigger and so that was at Genting Sky worlds and yeah we're really looking forward to getting on this however maintenance has to be done and it does seem like it's very complex it's an sfx coaster the ride Vehicles spin there's Dark Ride scenes there's other elements inside and then of course you got the inversion just out here um however there is a chance we spoke with the operations team here that it could open in a few days if so we will be back won't we keep our eyes out and hope for the best and so yeah in terms of flying Aces brilliant coaster in fact it's an amazing ride it's a top 10 coaster for me so I'm a bit good at it's closed and yeah that only went down a couple of days ago but they were quite late putting on the website they were so we're gutters but the team here at Pary world have given us a roof walk experience which I'm really looking forward to so we're going to be going on the top of this ro we're going to get some fantastic views from up there and normally you can't take any photos and videos yourself no you can't and they've allowed us to give them the GoPro and film us do it yeah so the team are going to take us around and they're going to film us get some photos it's going to be really good I'm really excited of course I was looking forward to Mission Ferrari but all is not lost we're actually out here in the UAE for another week U so if it does reopen possibly at the weekend we will be back down down here and we'll film a separate video and review from it and yeah we're flying Aces it's a brilliant ride it really is and yeah the que line for it is gorgeous too that's going to be shut till February I think really a bit of feedback for the park that could do with advertising the closures a bit more in advance and we came out here not expecting Mission Ferrari anyway cuz that was on there and then we were surprised when it started operating last week but flying Aces that was only added for like a 3we closure um literally a couple of days ago wasn't it I looked on and it just showed Mr Ferrari then I looked again a few days later and then flys was on there as would have probably come down and done this part last week you know come down from Dubai and done this earlier but still it is what it is we've got the main event uh and that is Formula Rossa and the fact that allows to film on it um is great too how nice is this car ride on another note so nice it's beautiful and yeah it'll be lit up down here at night as well and yeah we'll take you on that but first we're going to head over and do this roof walk which is going to be great here's the entrance sign then to Flying Aces and yeah we're going to get some amazing views of this Co coaster from up on the roofwalk but you can see it just down here it's an intering wind coaster it's actually got the fastest cable LIF anywhere in the world yeah it's very fast some brilliant elements on here good to see the close sign out the front but you know what I'm glad we got Rosser especially for charet if we' come here and not got Ross i' have been gooded for you if we didn't get Ross I'm so pleased that we got on it especially after missing King the car last year yeah I know and Top Thrill really I miss both of us Cur of the intimins but yeah we did get that which is fantastic s here we go then see this an upcharge experience you can either um pay to do it once you're already in the park or you can just pay um and do it on its own experience and I presume to bring you in through a separate entrance so the price for this experience if you've already got a park ticket is 125 Dam that works out about 3035 and then if you want to do this experience but you don't want to experience the park is £195 Dam so that's about £40 right should we go and do it I'm so excited I can't wait and yeah the good thing is they're going to have the GoPro and they're going to do some filming for us taking us around this awesome experience it's the roof walk here at Ferrari World let's go and give this a [Music] go here we go then so we've made it up the stair here to the start of the roof walk experience you ready Charlotte I'm really looking forward to this we're going to get some great views up here look at you all dressed up I love these overalls look great we're ready let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] are you enjoying the experience so far this is such a good experience our tour guides are brilliant and the views are fantastic oh they are fantastic and look at this just behind us here you can see so much you got the golf course just over there in the distance we can actually see the grand mask in Abu Dhabi down here you've actually got the racetrack uh there is yeah all the grand stand seating is kind of built um into the areas where you've got the tents so cool along with that you've also got another RAC trck just down here as well uh what was that for Charlotte there was like a go cart goart drift drift all sorts going [Music] on [Music] he [Music] what an amazing experience the view some up there seeing all the roller coasters and the whole of the area fantastic and learning so many facts about the whole area as well which has been wonderful as it really enjoyed it oh thank you so much to the team here amazing really appreciate that than you well that was an incredible experience a rooftop walk over Ferrari World here in Abu Dhabi how did you find that charot that was so much fun the fuse at the top was incredible but our tour guys on there was so good so informative was I in such a la it was brilliant it was about a 1 hour experience definitely one of the best things I've ever done at a theme park and also definitely one of the highlights of the trip right there too and yeah the good thing is you take a lot of professional photos of you normally you wouldn't be allowed your camera mobile phone up there which is understandable in case you dropped it and lost it off the side of the building but they do a fantastic job taking photos and then you can purchase those at the end here's a few of our photos from the experience and yeah they were really good getting the kind of shots all lined up we got some amazing views of Abu Dhabi the race track and also I'm looking at the coaster here especially turbo track in the middle and along with that flying 80s from up the top was great too wasn't it you could see from miles at the top the views up there was just brilliant seen everything around the area yeah really enjoyed that what a great experience if you want to come in here I definitely recommend it and yeah you get some brilliant views of the park surrounding area and the rides here at Ferrari World well after all that high adrenaline this morning I think it's time for a bit more of a relax now so I'm going to go on this nice little car ride just here and yeah you can see some similarities between here and Ferrari land in Spain however this things have done a lot better here like the theman details look at this just here this is so cute this is going to look really good at night I bet there'll be loads of lights but the theming around is so good it's literally like a little miniature world you got all the cars and yeah this is really nice yeah let's go and experience this and we will take you on it's quite a big ride actually goes all around here and underneath Mission Ferrari oh and this attraction is called Bell just here let's go and experience it it is nice Archway and off we go on our nice tour around Italy there Charlotte in the mirror it's weird because it hasn't got a pedal this one no it's just going just kind of goes all the way around but you are steering it am can he's steering to the side or not I'm not too sure oh yeah he just left and right I didn't know if that was just for show zooming on Charlotte there in the mirror concentr Port toino this is lovely so cute it's very well themed it's been done to a high standard I would expect anything less though from Ferrari World bolog yeah this will look good at [Applause] night fascinating ride Mission Ferrari I hope we get it another day I really do but still we got two brand new parts to be checking out the next couple of days which is going to be awesome last thing with this trip we didn't want to do all the big stuff straight away wanted to do some of the smaller parks along the way and save up these parks at Yaz Island cuz I knew we're going to have a great time I still can't get over Ross my heart's still beaten from that thing it is crazy at all this looks a bit like Hotel coloso well that's all Italian inspired at Europa Park yeah the cars are lovely on this so much better than the one in Ferrari land this is like you're just looking at Tac basically on that oneing t pza turbo track again I keep wanting to say test track turbo track that was awesome just walking up down the roof and seeing that really good we did have to wait a little bit to get the uh the footage of it coming up but it was worth it over the little bridges down here now towards Venice all the nice water there's quite a few people about this park enough just to give it a good atmosphere which is what we like that's the thing with the parks in Dubai they do lack an atmosphere because they're very quiet here is different to that we're down in Abu dbby yeah it's about 90 minutes from like downtown Dubai down here to YZ Island from the hotel we stayed out Ro at the park where we were for the first 9 days of the trip about a 45 minute drive to Yaz Island yeah we learn loads of facts about the island itself when was up there on the roof walk I really enjoyed that into the tunnel is a good long ride this as well it's like all the red lights it's like I'm in a cooker you getting on well there Charlotte y I'm doing my best driving us around driving enough oh what happened that wasn't me I haven't even got a pedal to stop no brakes no accelerator this goes with the FL up to a malfie through the mountains just here now all the little trees yeah it's like a model village with a ride running through the middle of it very good that was I enjoyed that nice and chilled out after some of the highren experiences that we've done what a busy morning beautiful ride days it's nice and long as well isn't it that was so cute the theming on there was really nice I'm looking forward to giving that a try later at night yeah all the pretty lights as we make our way through Italy and yeah all the Italian buildings continue around here beautiful all the facades around yeah I think that's the show building behind there for Mission Ferrari and you got all the nice little buildings the restaurant just over there and yeah talking of food we're going to get some just around the corner here beautiful vins around here and this makes me very excited for Warner Brothers yeah they own all these Parks down here they did a great job of this but I know for a fact in Warner Brothers all the ceilings themed into so excited to see it it's coming up across the next few days a lot of restaurants here loads of places to eat lots of little shops actually feels like you're walking down a genuine Italian Street except it's being built here in what was the desert fascinating really lots of nice little seating areas these cute shops oh it's lovely all these buildings yeah the restaurant we're going to just over here it's called Mama Rosella yeah we're going to and have some lunch so we're looking forward to this it's like a nice Italian restaurant so we're going and see what's on the menu and get some food we've had a very busy morning we got loads of things done that roof walk was amazing and then of course formula Rosso what a way to get our day off to a flying start just not flying Aces yeah here we go let's go and get a nice table over here and here we go then ready for some lunch aren't we now yes I have gone for the B this looks really nice look at that oh lovely I've gone for nice classic margarita pizza just over here too yeah what a nice little restaurant there is just here we got the Italian music on all the nice exting and great theming right in this section too see we'll tuck in then we'll keep on riding here at ferar world oh the pizza was delicious very much enjoyed that how was yours that was so nice you can tell like it was like a homemade and now we've got tasu I've never had tasu before yeah have a nice dessert why not oh I tell you what that food was really nice I enjoyed that that lasagna was so nice I really enjoyed it just what we needed that was after a busy morning in anyway we're going for a nice sit down now we're going on made in Marinello one of the rides they've got just around the corner in this nicely themed area let's [Music] [Applause] go so this is a dark ride all about the history of Ferrari for many people owning a Ferrari is a dream and it's at Marinello where these dreams are made real at Ferrari we have a proud racing tradition and a constant desire to innovate but it's the extraordinary people who work here and their endless pursuit of perfection that make our cars like no other car in the world knowledge of the Formula 1 racing team and using the most sophisticated technology the design department is where the dream starts from initial sketches the design is gradually perfected and then developed into a computerized 3D wireframe model one of the most important aspects of the design of a Ferrari is the aerodynamics so a scale model is made and tested in the wind tunnel in [Applause] Marinella once everyone is happy with the design the car goes into production [Music] at the Marinello Foundry the metal alloys are heated to 800° C and poured into individual molds put together mainly by hand at the Ferrari factory where natural light trees and plants help to create the perfect working environment after the engine has been built in this environment it's where the famous Ferrari raw is heard for the first time nearby the car's body shell is being built Ferrari has one of the most advanced body plants in the world where the finest manual skills combine with sophisticated technology to produce the lines and shapes that make a Ferrari instantly recognizable painted body shell is sent to the paint department where it's plunged into a series of 11 dip tanks and rotated 360° to provide a series of tough protective [Music] layers then it's the turn of Ferrari's graceful robots who paint the car in the customer's chosen color the customer can choose from a range of proposed colors or ask for any color he Des desires and it's in the final assembly where everything comes together the body chassis and engine the electrics dashboard and windscreen in this department each car travels through about 50 specialized workstations in about 6 days which combine Cutting Edge technology with human skill and craftsmanship car is ready to be tested a great many extraordinary people are involved in the making of a Ferrari from research and development right through the production process to putting the car through its Paces on the test track all of them some on ride footage there from the Ferrari Dark Ride and yeah that showcases how a Ferrari is made it's kind of like stepping into a TV advert or promotional campaign for Ferrari really that one quite interesting though how it tells you how it's all made but I think it could have been done better in places that was yeah I feel like at the end I was expecting to be like a grand big Ferrari at the end but there just wasn't yeah it's okay though you know it's quite interesting about Ferrari especially if you're really into the cars then yeah it tells you about all the different stages and someone like myself not really into cars that much uh it's all about en kosas for me um yeah I found it quite interesting just knowing all the different stages and design that goes into it but yeah in terms of a reable Dark Ride it's kind of a once and done quite a few blank areas in there where they could done with more for example instead of having the robo arms um on like a screen it would have been great to have actually seen um them right in front of you anyway it's time for another coaster now you like these don't you I like these yeah this is one of the family coaster they've got here what remember it was more family thrill actually and this is randoo challenge the racing coasters yeah we're not going to be able to film on this one unfortunately but we will see you when we come off so it's quite hard to get angles of this coaster but here from the q line you can just see it out there in the distance yeah it features multiple launches and includes the two tracks that interact with each other yeah a big building in the background there is Warner Brothers and we're very excited for that yeah we saw a good view of that from the roof walk earlier on of course that's going to be coming up in the next couple of days yeah let's go and give this a ride quite a long family thrill coaster yeah I was expecting it more to be family but yeah from what I remember it is more family thrill this attraction so we'll see you when we come off here they [Music] come really Tes You by surprise that coaster you think it's going to be a family ride and it's really not is it I wasn't expecting to be like that it was quite Snappy and the launches were quite good yeah it's got lots of Launches on there and yeah in terms of the corners literally there's no banking you know you get around all these s bands and tight bends get some lateral forces it's a good for ride it's not the smoothest but it's not rougher anything either just good funks one minute you're on the left waving up the car on the right then you're over the top and underneath them yeah it's a good ride really enjoy getting on there really good fun that one all right let's keep on riding in Ferrari worlds time for another ride then now this is speed of magic driving dream as you can see from the screen just over there and in all honesty I can't remember much about this at all I reckon it was here last time well yeah I can't remember anything about it so yeah let's go and give this a go after me heads up look out bye-bye hey Max what's the matter this game I can't beat it I don't know [Music] Max so we just watched the pre-show and now we're on the ride he yeah we all wearing 3D glasses on him you want all you have to do is be really think it would be that easy change of scenery that's what you need this could be a crow's loving it down here wooo W hello hello oh the refrigerator open this way don't worry from here is hey where' you go are you sure you want to go that way okay I hope you're not afraid of height wo they all over that hey no tail oh so close keep trying that's it you're getting warmer wait no too warm too warm oh it's funny there eat my dust enough funny games time to finish this winner takes off you win some on right footage there from speed of magic yeah another dark ride here at Ferrari World can't remember doing that last time unless it's new since when I was last here or maybe I just forgotten because there's that many rides I've over the past six years and yeah it's kind of like Spider-Man in Transformers at the Universal Parks bit more on a budget though not many practical sets in there I wasn't a huge fan of that I found the glasses was quite hard on my eyes yeah I just wish there was a few more sets in between of the projections and screens really a lot more like screen into screen into screen wasn't it yeah there's a few like walls with lighting effects but not much quite a long ride though and a good story line which is nice yeah had like a character on there and yeah designed of course for families what a great day we're having though here at this park it's fantastic to be back here it really is one of the most iconic of the modern parks and I say modern you know it's been here for like 14 years really now I remember this place being built and always wanted to come and visit so it's great to be here and you always fantastic to take you along for the experience as well and that R povr honestly so good so our reaction on there we still got quite a few areas and rise to see what a day we're having love the golden horse just there too to make our way back here into the midle lots of Ferraris on display that you can p and heavy photos with I mean I'm not really a car person but I've got to say that is a pretty sexy looking car isn't it look at that it's iconic a Ferrari oh it is and yeah you get all the different colors I mean red is obviously the most kind of common but yeah they come in the different colors as we found out on the ride so that's cool I spinning round yeah this is brilliant here in the Middle with turbo track going just up there there he goes again brilliant that is are you enjoying it so far here Charlotte oh I'm really enjoying it they've got a nice variety ride which is really nice as well and you were saying to me off camera it's much bigger than you expecting it I wasn't expecting to be this big I was expecting to be quite compact but it's quite spread out yeah when you think oh indoor park you know you hear about formul Ros you don't hear about a lot of the other things you I didn't realize they had a lot more other things which is great yeah it's definitely a full day park down here and yeah we got another family area to check out and another Dark Ride I believe as well from what I can remember just around this way yeah we'll go on that now shall we yeah it's just down here on the left by Rossa and gearing up for another ride on that beauty again oh she warms up throughout the day I tell you that lots of photo opportunities around back down here into the racing Zone yeah you got lots of shops retail all the way around test driver's dream just over there another little experience yeah the dark ride just down here on the left look at this big play area that there is in the middle this is pretty cool all the equipment just there yeah you got some climbing areas as well designed for the fames just there in the middle that's the thing you know you've got the big throws but you also got some nice family attractions including this that we're about to go on this theming gives me proper Toy Story Land vi from the Disney park especially with the Big Blocks just there here it is it's benos great race let's go on [Music] theme and there's little look model of the ride system let's go on and this an interactive shooter let's go on and here we go again time for the look at me spanner [Music] brilliant my car back together I said get his spanner out what's good about this ride has got a lot of theming at the sides as well you know this is really well them the wrong way get this watch vegetabl out of the way I take get the [Music] vegetables spers slice those redin to clear a get your scissors out oh didn't love the sound of scissors out satisfying that slice the WB to put them in this is [Music] awesome it's cool technology this as you're moving it along you actually see it up there on the screen very good there inste of just seeing like a DOT or like a laser Bine theop those squ those squ C you can't look at that concentration cut through them their spider we so we can slip through you to lose again loser grab those bees when your rer the fin line is just the hello WS what happen out of the three dble rides we've done I definitely enjoyed that one the most there was so much going on on there wasn't there oh that was so cute and what was good with that is the screen you was doing different stuff on each one one time you was snipping scissors next was putting bees into Jaws that was really good fun holding the wrench was fantastic wasn't it like just a little bit different than like a normal gun or a tool that you'd have on one of those normally and so yeah lots to look at on there quite a lot of movement lots of great scenes yeah really nicely themed family dark ride that is yeah it was a pleasure getting back on that so we're now here in the Ferrari gallery and if you love F1 conss this is the place for you look at them all around here lots of information great photo opportunities you get really up close to all these fantastic F1 cars and yeah you look around the side there you see like all the different racing Legends and victories between 1999 and 2003 they're tiny really aren't they when you look at them here one person amazing brilliant to see yeah loads of information in here yeah it's really well set out now I can't remember what exactly this is but we're going to go and do it it's called driving with the Champions yeah let's go and see what this is don't have a clue can't remember at all now he couldn't film on there unfortunately that's one of the funniest rides I've ever had that is that was so funny it was UN like a simulator but the movement on there was so funny we was getting backwards and forwards and side to side that was so much fun but the video quality you couldn't really hear what was going on at all it was so quiet but that was so fun yeah the video wasn't great but that R Sy literally a chair and it was going side to side like this we were in hysterics on that laughing it was so funny oh tears of laughter on that oh it was hilarious once the seat was so hot as well when we went in we thought God this is hot no wonder why we it moving that fast and just come out to see another one of the family areas that they just got here lovely selection of rides beautifully presented here cuz you've got the interaction between the roller coaster formerly Roser junor you got a drop tower over there you can sit in a tire over in that section and you some other flat rides they've got down here there's a lot of rides at this park and yeah I think we'll give formul Rosy junr a go now it's got quite a Big C actually just over there yeah certainly more people about now down here got a great Vibe this park yeah we won't be able to film on here either but we will put in some offr right shots of the attractions just down in this area sitting a big tire over there how about that [Laughter] really good fun Little Junior Co that and yeah the interaction with all this family area is great there's a look over at the drop tower just a family drop tower is that would be another great investment for them here actually another actual throw Drop Tower or Shot Tower would be fantastic going out of the roof getting to see it all and you got the big tires just over here this is quite unique isn't it a tire twist flat Rod which is basically a teacup where you sitting in the tire of a Ferrari Speedway race over there and a little Junior ride and over here another flat ride too these are quite a good fun you pull the bar then you come up higher on the attraction this is called flying wings yeah this area is very well designed having all these Family Rides together even things like covering the coaster Footers with the tires using some Footers as seating just here and in general I just want to say about the operations here don't we the operations have been really good they've been do getting stuff out really quick which is great best off ations of the trip that we've seen so far here yeah certainly know what they're doing down at these parks and very excited for the next couple of days we see world and Warner Brothers just over here you've also got the carting Academy which is an upcharge attraction to St yeah it's basically go-karts all the way around in this part of the Park yeah quite a nice track 60 diam for a ride on there yeah not a huge fan of charg attactions but still they are go-karts and even back home you find that go-karts are up charge when you go to amusement parks anyway you've also got the screwed area challenge just up there I think that's how we saying it I don't have a clue yeah they're the simulators that's also closed for maintenance at the moment I don't think I said that right I don't know I always try not pronunciation but yeah that's sh for its annual maintenance at the moment too well we got one more major attraction to experience today here at Ferrari World and that is their flying Theater which is just here on the left hand side yeah this another huge area the thing is with this park they've got a lot of room for expansion cuz when they built it back in 2010 they thought about that with the size of the building there's so many areas where you can just take out seating or planting and putting another ride if they wanted to but yeah here it is flying over Italy the flying theater don't think we're going to be able to film on this but we'll talk about the experience when we come off thing is we're on camera you don't really get the full perspective of a flying theater anyway so you don't really see a lot even when we can film on them well that's why we saved that one until last I remember last time it not being great and yet it's probably the weakest flying theater out there in our opinion the projection quality on there just wasn't the best yeah the ride system as well isn't great because it takes 8s to get up there into the screen it's not like a massive boom arm and then it takes AG to come back down and you the video itself is okay you do get some nice smells on there there's not much movement in the ride system the video itself is similar really to Flying dreams the flying theater at Ferrari land in Spain well that's done much better than this one the quality wasn't great and he had the ride system just felt very dated and in fact out of the three different systems that they've got there only one of them was in operation so yeah there wasn't much movement definitely one of the weaker flying theaters and uh anyway we're going to get some reides in now pretty much just sound rer I think yeah let's go make the most of that do some other rides on the other bits and we'll wait until it goes dark and we'll get some more footage from around Ferrari World here in Abu Dhabi well over the past couple of hours we've done loads more rides and also as well some of the smaller attractions that we didn't do earlier are the little flat rid just over there in the family area and yeah it's dark outside now and yeah here's a look at the park at night it doesn't really look too different because yeah they haven't got loads of atmospheric lighting around mostly it's these big flood lights that are shining across the park I think that's something they could do with working on really just a bit more theme lighting however all of these with the lights on look quite nice turn they around on the side so pretty up FL short cuz they've got the big blood lights on you don't really get the full effect yeah just had another couple of rides on formula Roser as well along with that just done turbo track again at night that was good and yeah I just wanted to show you this awesome view from up here right on the top level last thing even if you don't go on the ride you can come up here it's quite a lot of steps but it brings you this fantastic observation area oh great footage of Turbo track from up here it's an excellent coaster that is and yeah here's a view looking out over the car ride just down there and I think we're going to do that now at night CU all the little buildings are lit up even though you have got these big flood lights kind of shining over it and here we are on the cars at no and yeah I do like how all the buildings I got the pretty lights on and of course the car headlights as well yeah it's not massively different for in the daytime still very pretty though we like this Charlotte's driving again taking us on a little tour here we're going to end our visits a couple more re rides over on the fastest roller coaster in the world formula [Music] Roso while this is it the time has come these could be our final rise on formula Roso as the title hold of a world's fastest coaster with Falcon flight under construction and possibly opening either late this year or next year this could be it but you know what Russell will always be an incredible ride and the launch on here is phenomenal so we'll get a bit of offr footage of the coaster T night we'll make our way down to the exit of the park what a day here at Ferrari World on YZ Island oh I tell you what we are feeling it now after more reides there on formula Ross the fastest roller coaster in the world what an experience we've had seven rides on there today I probably had Seven rides but oh it's taken out of me I couldn't do it again are you happy with that though I am so pleased that we managed to get on it today I was a bit concerned that the curse of Charlotte on these big intering coasters was going to come here to the UAE after missing of course Dragster and then King the car but no we got on there and it was amazing today to have seven rides on that coaster whilst he's still the record holder amazing is he going to stay the record holder when his falcon fight going to open will it open like who knows but he's under construction right now in Saudi and let's see what happens we have loved that today an incredible ride and just the atmosphere before and after the ride is really special people are so scared when they're in the station and actually sat on the vehicle but then when people come in they're all clapping and whooping and everyone's loving it oh it's amazing what a great experience I think we'll both agree that our second favorite moment of today has definitely been the climb hasn't it oh that was so good I love the tour guides on there and the views on there was excellent yes it's an up charge experience but it's more than worth it I definitely recommend doing that for the amazing views and the photos they took were lovely of us and then along with that getting on the other rid has been fantastic turbo track we've done the dark rid I don't think any of the dark rides are massively ridable but the family interactive shooting ride's good and of course the little car ride was great cuz the overall experience of the Park's been fantastic today thank you so much to Ferrari W for having us and also as well the fact that you know they got us that on ride footage that Rider can was amazing to capture Charlotte's First Reactions to that treasure that forever oh we'll always look back on it and for me to have that as well like on R footage of the world's fastest coaster incredible so thanks so much to the part we both really appreciate it of course the only disappointing Parts have been Mission Ferrari being closed and flying Aces but we'll be back it won't be 6 years before we come back and the thing is we potentially might get Mission Ferrari there is a chance yes so fingers crossed on that one we're in the UAE for like another six days and if it opens we'll be straight back down here there's a chance it might open at the weekend at the time recording we'll see what happens we'll come down we'll film a review if so if not the good thing with Abu Dhabi um it's a good C a connecting airport so possibly when we traveling out somewhere else either later in the year or next year we could maybe do a layover come and get it so we'll see what happens but uh there we go coming up next we're checking out the brand new SeaWorld Abu Dhabi we've heard a lot about this haven't we this park looks stunning so I can't wait to see it it's another one that's all indoors apart from Manta that's one of the launch coats that comes outside looks amazing we'll take you along for the full experience and that's coming up next here on theme park worldwide but from Ferrari World that leaves us with one final thing to say get out and keep on riding see you [Music] tomorrow
Channel: Theme Park Worldwide
Views: 97,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Vlog, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi 2024, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Review, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Rides, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Roller Coasters, Ferrari World, Ferrari World Vlog, Ferrari World Formula Rossa, Formula Rossa, Formula Rossa Ferrari World, Formula Rossa POV Ferrari World, Ferrari, Ferrari Theme Park, Ferrari World Yas Island, Ferrari World Review 2024, Ferrari World Vlog 2024, Abu Dhabi Theme Parks, Yas Island Theme Parks
Id: daO4hla8pxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 41sec (3761 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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