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here we go all right guys we made it to Fantasia land first time we ever been here and we're going to go ride by first head to rock oh my God first reactions to rockberg you excited Harry yeah this part feels so small I have to go into euroba park tin it actually is Tiny oh my God oh my God you ready to walk through actually wasn't well there we go oh my God oh my God R Rock bag oh my God this is cool fly 20 minutes oh my God this is crazy this is crazy [Music] [Music] so we've just done fly do you know what it's good theming however the coaster is not thrilling itself Harry said it's more like a family F coaster didn't you it is but we were kind of near the back we r eight but I think we need another couple goes on it to fully decide but their theming is incredible the system the way it works is quite phenomenal to be honest but yeah the actual ride isn't thrilling second inversion is probably the best bit also second launch that's pretty good yeah we'll have a couple guys on today hopefully and then uh figure out where it ranks We're Here for 3 days it's our first day so we still got plenty of time to ride it this is crazy this Park's so small compared to Europa Park look there's literally Cline there and then there's the Mexican area chap pass literally all combined into each other we've heard trap pass is having maintenance work today so hopefully it'll be open some point we're here in the next next 3 days oh yeah black M's actually there but yeah hopefully we'll get to ride it on this trip and here we are there's Taran I am looking forward to giving it a go and seeing if it is as good as everyone says it is oh yeah oh we'll see we'll see I am looking forward to oh there we go Taran here we go Taran it's on a 40 minute wait with oh with all of these pies well with fly we have to put a bag away in a locker um like before you got on about 5 minutes before you got on into the station so I wonder if there all the same like these Locker systems it is pretty good it saves all the hassle at the station putting your bags away to the side but yeah I wonder if the Lo we have to go through um some scanners as well like metal detectors [Music] oh my [Music] God so we just done T that was really good the theme in amazing uh we front R we literally waited an extra what like 3 minutes to get on the front 5 minutes wasn't too bad oh my God look at that yeah it's so good going through the rock work the only let down is the the trim at the end over the airtime Hill well the second launch is incredible not a great ride I said it's in his top three so there you go we're going to get some shots of the ride but that was awesome so much better than f oh tal them looks amazing just seen the ride go around and it looks intense so we'll probably do it tomorrow oh here we are by trap house which is unfortunately closed which is not good cuz this is our first visit here oh you but I really hope it will open tomorrow or Saturday while we're here just so we can get at least one ride on it we're going to head over to Black M now I believe I'll try to find our way to it you see it's there [Music] 15 minutes not bad and there's some entertainment on the outside oh there we go looks like en me really looking forward to this being an invert that quick look at the track there for black mamba super I feel like again this might be a front row coaster oh not seen it go around yet I've been said here [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're on the adventure Trail we just missed the loop this is so cool let to go for a turn getting in it's like an attraction love it oh oh oh my gosh it's a bit wobbly especially if you're not holding on it's coming [Music] up ow it's a difficult almost there wow yay I just got soaked on the adventure Trail cuz I didn't time it very well uh dear oh look at this this is cool wow we found the most extreme ride of the trip um Harry he's gone [Music] oh here we [Music] go oh hello ready for the convey I thought it was a slide but it's like what the hell [Music] right I'll love a go oh my God ah my B oh my bom Qui M sh time so we did black m but that was good not as good as Nemesis reborn however the themeing is great you don't know where you're going you just keep flying over rocks and oh it's so good it's good ride not as good as Nemesis reborn but yeah I really enjoyed that B&M in right we're in the key from mouso shakat looks like good them and so far believe this to be a shooting Dart R let's go give it a go see how it is W back for and samung don't know what that means back rooms Harry's making g River Quest I'm probably going to get soaked so I'm very annoyed but let's go I don't particularly want to do this ride cuz I've just DED off from the event Trail but here we are oh no oh no oh God here is around here oh no it wasn't a bug it was a bird flying past for what it was like perfectly in time go on [Music] so River Quest that was crazy four drops that could never operate in the UK what did you think M big drops it's so thed it's like a a log flum though isn't it like that level um really good I can see one of the drops there I'll film a bit of that but that was amazing I didn't get too wet luckily but them drops are absolutely crazy we don't know what's coming it's mental I'm going to go do Mystery Castle on my own now cuz Harry doesn't like Drop Towers Towers um 10 minute Waits I'm going to go do that hopefully we very long for it I've heard good things about it y 10 minutes for mystery castle G to go on my own so it's like a big drop tower just up in there very well themed I've heard um and you get a longer cycle near the end of the day so it's 20 4 so I'm hoping it'll be on the longer cycle here we go look at this seaming incredible oh it does look quite high but I used to love apocalypse dra Manor so you know into drop to I've done um the one at will be Belgium as well so did that one on my own so this one should be all right oh good leing there no w't wait too long the que so far been pretty good about 10 minutes we've waited maximum for things 15 minutes so not too bad a Thursday so weci to get busier tomorrow and Saturday but we'll see this is really good theming and go oh wow so I did blery Castle on my own so that was good that was as intense as I remember apocalypse being dra manner so I absolutely love the drop on it so to start with you shoot up and then you wait at the top and then it drops down and then you do a bit of a little bit of a sequence up and down again and you can see everyone around you moving at different times it honestly it doesn't look really in there it looks like um an animation like the more moving around it doesn't look it looks so strange like sort of Harry Potter but yeah that was great PR them in there as well very intense and i' definitely do it again Harry I don't I loved it you knew it I don't think you'd like it this area is quite well themed how do a dart ride I think it's here oh 5 minute wait G rure haunted house let's give it a go can't see anything a bit oh oh what's walk on let good so ghost of richer was pretty boring it was like River Caves at pleasure Beach were a bit worse the ride went on forever and the animatronics were really creepy but I will taking one on to fly we just finally arrived not got long left of the day it is nearly 5:00 so it's the last Park hour get SL and another ride on T of the day let's go l number two so we did fly again I tell you what that was much better this time I was Road two I actually got air time cuz um on the second launch you go over and like are waited literally in the air before the rest of the train went over the top so that was really good second go I really enjoyed that one loved it as well we're going to go do what it says my name spell wrong hi we're going to go do Taran again mom's not done it yet uh and it could be our last R of the day depends how long it takes but we'll see but I will Vlog tomorrow anyway so if I don't off this I will see you tomorrow for day two [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that is it and we will see you [Music]
Channel: Theme Park Tay
Views: 491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phantasialand, Travel, Theme Park, Vlog
Id: kAXzx7XeHv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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