The Road Trip comes to an end, but what did we really think of the Motorhome

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welcome back you join us somewhere on the Paris periphery right you know I like how this motor home drives it drives really well it pulls like a car but one thing I haven't mentioned is how I get buffered around when I'm overtaking Lor's or right now there's big high winds and I'm getting blown all over the road it dries really really well but it's not as planted as mine on the road that was really sobering we went to laola which is a it's a dome it was a Fortified Area created by the Nazis in the early 40s and it was kind of a Launchpad for missiles and and you know weapons against the UK and London especially now it is a memorial place so they encourage you to be very quiet it's a memorial to the people who um were forced into labor by the Nazis um there was a lot about the Holocaust and genocide as well it was the bit that I found the most fascinating was the information about the resistance um and the resistance within France and I know Harry especially was interested in the genocide side of things so there was a little bit of everything for everyone we spent a good two hours in there and I could have done another couple and and that was without even going into the planetarium because there's a planetarium there as well with a show which would have been fascinating to see as well really interesting afternoon uh sober and afternoon but interesting right a little bit of history for the kids yeah a little bit of learning yes so Ferry pno Freight yes is that right it's about every 45 minutes to an hour gap between them on the whole yes I'd say so okay how about that let's go and find a park up close by and get one midm morning tomorrow okay so we drove further north and decided to check out the popular air near the port at Cal so ly is trying to figure it out of the machine and it is a bit of a fa let me tell you but it looks like she sorted it hey and it is windy out there still waiting for the barrier to go up though it's got up yay do why is it lifting Jeepers Creepers that was the air was fairly busy but there was still plenty of space so we parked the van up for the night right one last night to put these pain in the ass blinds on the front windows Lindsay's been doing it most of the time I'm going to do it now and see how long it's going to take me okay that's the front one done just the side ones to go stop the clock how long was that hey hats off to if you do that on your mot home every night was you laughing at me then yep why you've been meal you've been doing it mainly hav you yeah making a meal of it right this is likely to be the last time we use this table so we'll give it a nice oh no yeah it is going to be isn't it yeah and what we'll do is we'll get uh get this home get it emptied and then do a quick little tour around and compare it to our Kiki and give you the good things about it and give you the bad things about it I did think you were going to say we'll get it home get it emptied and then we'll clean it together and I mean I think we all know there's no cleaning together to be fair we're going to give the insid a quick and leave the outside to them right oh yeah yeah yeah and they don't don't come with things like mops and buckets so I assume you don't have to I assume they're going to clean it before it goes out again but we'll give it a clean anyway we couldn't end it yeah of course I could not no absolutely yeah I've reached the end of uh how I can live with it like this as well it's ready for a clean there we are see that just folds over like that and spins around like that Tada good morning beautiful morning right early fairy this morning yes let's do that and then we can see about getting some breakfast before heading off up the country and going home brw fair if that's possible yes right I'll try and find this one near the P it's a cold one this morning all the condensation on the inside of the window Oh my days I'm sure external blinds would have stopped that happening but the internal blind is no chance so it's going to take some demisting but look what I found over here there's another just G at home coming back this one's the zapiro 6 6 75 look you driving this morning Mrs I am let's do this okay certainly I want you to have a fear let me know what you think morning we got subscribers across the road over there hey morning bud right let's put it in then shall we yes feel how this thing drives cuz I think this thing drives fantastic although I did read again on the Forum this morning about the wet belt so it's a rubber belt that goes through oil right and it deteriorates through the oil oh um and some guy has got a load on his Fleet and he's had several engines fail so someone else was saying no they're fine and they're changing it every 40,000 Mi and the oil every 10,000 so is it just a maintenance thing then I don't know I'm not sure I'm not sure right let's get going see you later bud see you later yeah look the barrier was up cuz they got Workman here I guess right ran to the service pitch so it's got huge service area there are four service pitches here look one either side of these so probably the last drop off of the GR before we go home and then maybe it's just emptying the L when we get home yeah right and taking it back tomorrow yes we are from our stop last night the port for our Ferry Crossing was just 5 minutes up the road and we were informed that we were on the freight Ferry as we were importing the motor home so we drove to the freight area and queued up with the lorries okay it's very strange to be in amongst all the lorries here but it seems like we shouldn't be here I can't reach window she couldn't reach the window it's built for Lor's up there Lind has handed them all the documentation it's importing a vehicle at the end of the day isn't it so you have to have all the documents for that some what goods no just the vehicle so we've been given our tickets and our paperwork back um but it says 10:30 and it's 8:30 now we got here early hoping to get across and get a nice full English Brewers fair and looks like we got to wait here for 2 hours redone okay okay we've been directed to Red Zone second control looks like we're going to get scanned I better turn the camera off okay straight through there they didn't even stop us just had the green light we drove straight through it and now hopefully we're going to load and board early I don't know so we've been queued up for a while now to go on the ferry um and as was thinking it was going to be a special Freight Ferry it's the same Ferry as everyone else we just had to go through the freight um terminal I suppose because we're importing this so we had to go through all them checks that's why yes the usual Ferry crossed it over we drove up the ramp and into the upper deck of the ferry where we're instructed to stick to the Middle Lane we drove all the way to the front and parked it up right that's just parked right the front does that mean we're first off we're on the top deck I don't know come on in Georgie we weren't sure what kind of boat we were getting on whether it was a freight only boat or if it was a piano normal Ferry and actually it turned out to be a normal Ferry um there was a bit of paper that was handed to us that had the the Lane number that we needed to get into but Steve dealt with the paperwork so he didn't read that just joing the shortest que but it doesn't matter cuz we were coming on the passenger side of the the the ferry anyway we're all on the same fair and it's a beautiful Fair isn't it it is lovely and new and fresh and awesome yeah really good okay I've just found out this ship is 2 weeks old it is beautiful and I wasn't going to show you around but I feel obliged so I'm going to show you around some of the fancy stuff I spoted I'm making the point that Steve doesn't feel BL he's just Bal CU his internet is not working enough so he's got his camera and he's going to go and explore well we're sat here and right through here you got food market there we go quick look in the Food Market Cold food here some me food here just had a breakfast roll a wrap that was really good some more warm food and some C drinks and hot drinks and it's one of themel serves pay here pretty fancy and it's full of screens look at this here screen there a huge dutyfree in here it' be rude not to buy something in here one of me the club Landes through there but don't think I'm allowed to go in there and the ship is practically empty look and here's the kitchen hot fast food which has got a screen to order there you go the breakfast box for £10 or bacon van egg gril for £5 and a here you got cold drinks and hot drinks and there's a pet Lounge through here but it's locked going to need access through the code commercial drivers in here got their own loue right in there and through here lot of drivers on here burgers fish and chips there you go and in here we got some machines and a nice fancy lnge again it's empty it's practically empty and and the Lounge Bar serving Costa Coffee there we go it's a real fancy ship really really plush like I say brand new just two weeks old cut the snack machines over here back in where we are so there we are it's not a comprehensive look around the ship it's just a quick look around a couple of decks here and how fancy it is one thing I did notice though that there's no cabins that's what we used to on the ships and we go to Spain there's lots and lots of cabins obviously no Kevin on this one cuz I think it's about an hour and a half long okay it's a bit windy but here's a scene I have not filmed in many many years the White Cliffs of DOA there's one advantage of coming on the ferry you get to see the Cliffs of DOA it's probably been over 20 years since I've seen them look this side is is pretty packed and this side completely empty look back to the van coming off the ferry was straightforward enough we just followed the signs and we were wav through customs and out into Dover in no time right we're back in blighty and we stopped at the do truck stop for a bit of uh full English really that's what we wanted and it was lovely just what we wanted Brewers Fair we normally do cuz kids eat free you Brewers fair but that was closed cuz we're after 11:00 highly recommend really nice breakfast at the DOA truck up but I did put a um a a post on Facebook and Instagram before we got on asking you guys who takes the tunnel and who takes the ferry and it was a pretty mixed Affair it was pretty 50/50 and the main reason being tunnel is more expensive but much much faster and the fer is much much cheaper um also if you got a dog with you if You' got an animal many people are taking the uh the EUR tunnel um another good reason though to take the ferry a few people said was it's good downtime to actually sit down have a meal do some dutyfree shopping before you get on the road and drive the other end again so the the two main reasons would be cost and and speed over it the ferry being cheaper the Euro tunnel being a lot faster we usually take the Euro tunnel we took the ferry this time though because it was included in the relocation package that was that we got from these guys right and we're home what a drive the M1 and M25 really takes it out of me um that was about 7 hours from our park up last night we left about 8:00 this morning um and it's just gone 3:00 now did include out stop for a bit of breakfast though didn't it it did nice right got it on the driveway so having actually two cars and two Motors on the drivve no worries now we're going to unpack the m at home now and give it a quick clean up and then we're going to whiz round and give you our opinion of how it compares to ours and what things we liked about this one and what things we didn't like about this one and you see the garage is mainly taken up with the cushions that we had to put in here to use the travel seats didn't we yeah and there's nowhere else for them to go actually while you're traveling and this side had four of our travel suitcases in so the garage was completely full and we couldn't use it getting Tetris remembering where everything goes right just like in our van it is a bit of a f converting the seats from traveling to uh to living and there it is the van's done Lindsay's spent probably the last couple of hours and once we all mocked in to empty it you get it all and span and clean so smells good now as well it smells lovely um and it's how we would want our hand van handed back to us if someone wants to borrow it right yeah absolutely bit of respect needs a good wash on the outside I'll give you that um but let's go around the van and tell him um some of the how it compares to our van some of the good things and some of maybe the Nots of good things right in a lot of ways it is a shorter version of Alan right except with the bunk beds at the back well no yeah but in our van they're side by side and here they're one on top of the other so so that's that's where you lose the length in this F and the kitchen's a little bit smaller as well I think it's 7.1 M long o is uh 8.9 so considerably less length and ours this as I said in the earlier video is much easier to drive much much easier to drive except in the high winds yeah was getting blown around loads um so what else should we go R van and have a quick look so the table it it's uh it's nice having the table but it's not as versatile as ours it's not electric for up and down and it doesn't move into as many positions does it it just opens up no but it opens up to a nice big table and actually every seat in here with these two turn has access to the table there it's not too far away there are someone ours that can't really reach and it's so it's really good for this this living area okay coming on to it's got the drop down bed like ours yes pretty much same but you do have the four under cabinets here which came in very very handy did they not yes they did because that's the majority of the clothed storage that was it yeah U me and each of the kids had one of these what this did do was when the bed down was down it meant there was less space above George CU he was sleeping under us so that was yes just something different that we noticed so the boys and Lindsay had one of those each I had this one in here but without any shells didn't have any hangers I just had my cloth stack there um and this one here was another suitcase and our dirty laundry right the fridge it's a slim fridge um we love this fridge we do love the fridge not as big as ours you've got the thin one there and you've got the ice compartment which you haven't taken the ice cream out of uh uh oh but no gas yeah huh yeah Swift need to do something like this I keep going on it in the guys at Swift they need to switch to a compressor fridge they have their reasons for not doing it yet I know they will when they're ready I'll keep on at them though but yeah all Vans should have a compressor fridge cuz you'll know they work much much better in the warmer temperatures when we go down the uh the three-way fridges only worked up to 30 degrees below ambient so yeah when it's 40° it's like 10 15° in your fridge it's no good but with a compressor fridge it's a winner takes care of that problem kitchen coverboards lens Yep they're good they're useful they've got um a Shelf at a really useful height so they're they're a decent yes height in a decent space and this is what you get with them look you go and get cups um and you go and get beakers there mugs and you go and get some bowls and small plates and large plates so yes that's perfect isn't it and this cupboard is a nice useful space actually this slides out and you've got a toaster and some utensils and a kettle and a chopping rack and pots and pans and strainers in there and the nice Fox spoons nice Fox spoons and of the important bottle opener now the interesting I've put all these things in here because it's all wire baskets and there's not really anything enclosed to keep them safe so they're just chucked in there for now but as we said in a previous one this kitchen kit comes with every single justo motor home so I'm really impressed with that it's very good and there were three different pens of different sizes they were perfect as well came with two te toils one of which which we're using on the grill pan which we use on every single grill pan we've ever used in a our time we always fold it up to stop the rattles yes and how's this for cooking three gas Hobs yeah it was fine three gas Hobs and um a gas oven and Grill we use the oven but not the grill yep it is a little tight in here getting back and forth yeah isn't it that's where the compromises isn't it right and the bathroom the bathroom the bathroom one thing I got to say about the bathroom the sink here is just way too low let me turn the light on in here um the sink is just way too low I need and this here they put this wooden thing in here and it just Creeks when you stand on it to use the sink I really need to be on my knees so but there we go it works and we did use the shower once didn't we we did yes something else I really love about this is the storage we have up here um because our bed comes down and there's nothing above it there there isn't a lot of storage so this was useful um I liked having my cup of tea here me brw shelf me brw shelf so how's it compar to ours we did struggle a little bit with room for the nine days we were in this because we're we're four and a half adults really aren't we so this is a family van um we put the big boys on their own beds on the the bunk beds and they did fit they were over six foot something so not even Harry had to to bend up I didn't like my sleeping position and this is something that I'm starting to not like so much in our van as well with the drop down bed she's either got to climb over the seats or climb over me in the night so or ask me to move so yeah this drop down bed is becoming a pain but with this one the other thing that's a problem is that when the ladder's in place there's no way out underneath either it's very difficult to unhook the ladder and move it to the side so if I do go that way I'm in trouble it's a great van for the money as well I think they're mid-70s something like that I think 77 did I see this up for it's a really great if you're buying the van new it's a really great starter van it's got everything you need it feels like the best quality build of any rental we've ever had yes it is yes absolutely um and if you're renting it from just go you get your towels you get your kitchen kit you get you even get toilet chemicals you get absolutely everything you need to get on the way and have an amazing holiday right and if you do the relocation you only pay £19 per day for 10 days that's exactly it you can rent it for a little longer go pay a little extra but 10 days you got to just get yourself down to PA your Bonds in a pza um and pick it up and bring it back and I thought that was a really fun adventure to go and do and go and show you guys that you can rent a van like this for £19 a day so there'll be a link in the description below um to the site that explains all about this relocation deal they're doing okay yeah um but it's done for this year but maybe think of this for next year the next time they do it right so if you got any questions put them in the comments below um like the video if you liked it and subscribe if you're not and we'll see you on the next one if you enjoyed this series of videos let us know and also let me know what route you would want to take back from Podi bons to the UK
Channel: Roaming Radfords
Views: 34,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorhome, motorhome adventure, motorhome family, motorhome road trip, vanlife, vanlife adventure, vanlife family, vanlife road trip, swift kontiki, swift kon-tiki, kon-tiki 874
Id: JvoHFkjx9HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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