Blackpool: Beggars, Booze & Bigotry

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that's what's it like on the streets of black oh this is my life so I'm back in Blackpool 6 months after my last video about the seide resort where I highlighted the homelessness and deprivation within the town but I'm back to try and do a bit more of a positive video today after just yesterday labor leader Kama visited here and said Blackpool needs real change claiming Investments was needed in areas such as here Water Road in South Shore this comes after many people here have given up on politics after Scott Bon the conservative MP for blackw South was called Last year by undercover reporters saying he would Lobby ministers on behalf of the gambling industry and Lee a confidential policy documents for up to £4,000 a month so this is the perfect place to start and show the pride and ambition of people in Black have for their place and even give a little back myself so this Cafe is the Pinnacle of society and thrives on the man of arrive as a customer but leave as a friend and has nothing but positive feedback about the inclusivity it thrives on also just like Liverpool's paper cup project this place offers a payer forward scheme where you can pay forward for hot drinks or food to support people facing poverty families on low incomes or just High budgets Which is far too common here in blackpill to put on there um two breakfast with yeah forward we doing large or small you love the large large yeah that's be I'll put one two one cofy on there yeah brilliant so it comes to 15 all together thank you very much pain c y thank you very much tight than a not back side wend I got them written out for you brilliant you can put it up thanks very much thank you thank you have a not so happy jacks I don't think I'll be staying at the Willer Tre house anytime soon what's it like on the streets of Blackville that's terrible it's absolutely crazy especially at night time I mean if you're homeless here you're try to sleep you've got people coming mased up robbing you taking a you kids you know what I mean up up hos uh noise right kids yeah but I mean they're old enough to know better you know what I mean but try to tell bus about it be job if it was some else not on the street be to Serious do you think the police AR B around there about the homeless we don't give a damn do you think people care about the homeless Ona no because black people gets a lot of money CH you put up the foreigners I'm not a racist far from it I believe should no wers but they're putting up people for another country in a hotel paying Millions for it and no know a room it's wrong and there plenty I got yeah and a decent sent never even G me just KCK you you 90 qu to you for a month does no have care after prison there nothing you know they make it their is but the people who matter no the screws there different staff de with that you never see them I mean no no have to care this nobody cares absolutely nothing they don't give a damn but people are get PID of Fortune to give a damn and the not for but for that I mean all Jama tourist right you know I mean but behind the scenes if you go two streaks behind then you see the yeah I mean it's Absol disgus I've been almost what's life like on the streets of Blackville I don't mind actually um sun's out now Sun's I don't mind all how have your hands up honestly I was living in Liverpool it was in speak house for veterans oh yeah how's your next V there's no help after there I went when I came out 19 years ago uh there wasn't any out but there lo Dev out but now you're honestly it's tough just just opposite here where we're sitting is um met building the metal building we won't go in I think a lot of people know about that yes refug that come this country and yeah but our don't country is not helping our ex serviceman like yourself does that sad you st you know what I'm I'm I'm not too F because I I re do you suffer with that yeah got diagnosed by the do so you got diagnosed with PTSD so do you think that's why you drink dday yeah yeah yeah there official ccle in isn't it s one just going around and around around going down and down C mate yeah see I hope you pull your life back together mate yeah thanks anyways and uh thanks for taking the time to talk to me today mate thanks very much nice this Z cron was given a rainbow makeover in solidarity with black wheel's lgbtq plus Community it cost over £6,000 to install yet the very next day it was vandalized with black pain [Applause] there is big changes expected to be made though in Blackpool with £300 million being pumped into the Blackpool Central Development scheme this will include a brand new worldclass visitor attraction open year round providing a major boost to the visitor economy including major job creation 4.5 million will also go towards modernizing the famous minations here Johnny good to see you my mate Johnny you're coming off the drink you going to start rehab yeah you're going to reab you're going to get yourself fixed yeah you're quite famous around here Johnny [Laughter] now um so what's your plan now Johnny go away program a me a meetings yeah work program keep m same time partn are jail year oh so your partner's inside yeah is that why you drink Johnny I Dr for long yeah always been in trouble up too much and uh end up up M how's your mental health Johnny very good problem to go away children as [Music] well Johnny I wish you all the best in the future M I hope next time will come I hope to see you fitting well I hope the rehab Works wish you all the best doing detox in uh do detox in Lan little girl here how long will that be 14 days yeah listen I hope to see you do well M take care see another business that thrives on cheap family values is Chris hig's one pound bers keeping his bers as cheap as possible to help hold them who may be struggling financially to feed the family Chris why did you keep the biger so cheap so you scouters don't rob me oh my God I got to scout through here any chance you bring me tires back on the car I want me tires back I'm not trying to stereotype you scouter I think yeah but what do you call a scouter in a suit the accused get I want to pay 10 forward to the next 10 people 101 Burgers you want to pay 101 burgers for the next 10 people okay well you just stand there then and we'll do that then okay is £10 what's that for pay the next 10 people's 1 big is for pay the next p 10 people power Burger you want 10 Burgers I'll put that there right nice to meet you guys don't forget if you like this video hit that like button don't forget to subscribe he's a scouser don't hold that against him yeah just don't expect to have your wheel trims on your car if you go visit him okay don't forget hit that like button don'tget subscribe and hit that notification Bell thanks a lot for watching much appreciated see you later guys
Channel: Adikia Media
Views: 42,814
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Id: so5JRWMgX7c
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Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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