Blackmagic Design Buyer's Guide - 6/9 - ATEM SDI Setup

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hny py again with another ATM setup thank you Sweetwater for sending the new ATM mini or ATM SDI Pro ISO with four you know all you'll see this but we're doing an SDI setup now with two black magic design cameras being remote controlled through through the software and we put did I put another camera I put I put this camera on there uh which had the wrong white balance and was way too dark again do not judge the actual video quality we're getting because I I'm focusing on how to set up and how it's all wired up and the little elements and pieces and little gadgets that you need to make it work the cameras weren't even pointing at relevant things that's not the issue again this camera right there that I used it's an fx6 with an SDI out uh it made sense SDI wise looked way too dark and way too yellow so don't don't focus on that um I hope this is getting you an idea of what you can do with an SDI workflow maybe that's for you most people people don't use SDI I love it and maybe you will too after seeing this video okay here's a more complex setup that you can do with a 4 camera input with the ATM SDI Pro ISO that's complicated so four inputs ISO recording and SDI that's the one that sweetb I sent it's my first for into the SDI version so I can tell you a couple things about it what I want you to see is the chaos that can ensue if you're really running this with software control and a couple of inputs and I'm going to run you through what you need to make this setup happen however do not be afraid this is with all four inputs and SDI and monitors and all that stuff later on in your journey through the Blackmagic world you might get to something like this or even way more complicated setups but when you start with just an atem put your computer into it and one camera and even maybe HDMI it is not quite that complicated so on input number one we have this Studio Pro G2 with SDI output going into one which means the camera is set to number one ignore that it says four um and then they actually communicate correctly and I have to run an SDI signal back into it a program output signal program means whatever you have on right now so that's this up here the program that signal needs to be sent back into the camera so that I can remote control it with the software and one way to do it would be just to take the SDI out to right this into the camera and you're good and that's likely what you might be doing if you're running One camera but if you're running more than one Blackmagic camera and you want to control more than one you have to multiply your program signal you have to create several out of one and what that does is this distribution I have the 4K version it would be enough if you're running the ATM SDR Pro ISO or any of the HD versions to buy the HD version of this which is cheaper I would recommend buy the 4K version spend the extra couple hundred dollars I know it hurts but later you will be future proof and you already have the 4K ability if if you later switch to 4K and you don't have the 4K uh distribution you're out of luck so what this does it is taking my one cable my one program out and actually splitting it up in up to eight same signals so one of them right here this blue one is going to that camera this right here is going to the little one it's all the same signal it's all program out and then this green cable here is going into my atomus and now here on the atomos you can actually see the program out so whatever hello so whatever I'm switching there you can see and I always recommend having a monitor in this case HD is enough and they're not very expensive just some computer screen or a TV one for program so that you can really focus and one for multiview because focusing and seeing details on a multiview this small isn't great I recommend having a dedicated program monitor now of course with these panels except for the mini the standard mini or actually in this case the standard mini STI um I can pick what I see so that would be camera one 2 4 multiview or program so I can actually pick what I see on the monitor so if you wanted to only work with one and then you know Focus you could could have this but I like seeing multiv view the whole time so that's why I've got two monitors in this case this setup is actually a little bit less cable intensive and converter intensive because both my monitors are atomos and they have SDI inputs so I don't have to convert to HDMI if you're running a TV or computer monitor you would need more of these SDI to HD or HDMI SDI converters which is why I recommend getting the bidirectional that can serve you in either direction um I have spent thousands on HDMI to SDI in this size or SDI to HDMI and they're everywhere in this house having one that can do both directions at the same time is a good idea and again you can spend 70 bucks on the HD version or 170 on the 4K version called 12g I would always buy the 4K version later on you're going to thank me so if you were running normal TVs you would need more of these to go to those two screens I don't need that because the screens have a SDI input it's very likely that you don't have something that does SDI input unless you're running a video assist from Black Magic design or an atomos monitor so this is how I'm splitting it up to go into two cameras on cam on camera two it's this puppy that's my Sony fx6 which happens to have an SDI output now cameras with an SDI output are rare and they're usually in the higher price range probably starting at 2500 to 3,000 then you would have a 3G SDI output uh meaning HD which is fine uh this actually even has an 4K s di output uh but again this is probably not the kind of gear that you would be using with this but I have three cameras all with SDI on input number three right now you don't see anything I simply have this inexpensive USBC two different things uh adapter but it has an HDMI output an HDI cable and I'm plugging that into my iPad and because this does format conversion it doesn't really care what the iPad gives it as long as it's not 4K okay as long as the iPad gives out some kind of less than 4K signal it is fine I can do picture and picture stuff and so [Music] on and you can you know do games or whatever you cannot do any Netflix e stuff because that is uh copyright protected that is going with an HDMI cable into my bidirectional converter and is now running SDI into the at Mini Pro SDI at mini SDI ATM SDI Pro ATM SDI Pro ISO that's what it's called and at the same time if I needed to I could still run one of the outputs into the SDI to HDMI output for a screen so this actually serves two purposes and again I re recommend go future proof and buy the 4K version you're going to thank me later because if you have cameras that can do 4K you've got converters that can do 4K you've got Distributors that can do 4K all you need to switch out later on is the actual switcher and then Bops your uncle your whole system switches to 4K wouldn't that be cool I did some test recording ISO files I will show you that later I hooked it up to the software and that is what this adapter is for so I've got a network connection because if you want to record on an external hard drive on the A10 you're blocking the USB port in the back now I can record to the hard drive but the USB port is blocked and that means you don't have software control through USB so you're going to have to use the network unless you're using the extreme version which is not a bad idea not necessarily for the eight inputs but it has two well two outputs even on HDMI and uh video outputs and it has two USB ports so you could run two different hard drives or you could actually run a hard drive and USB control through software so I'm using network cable and that's why I need this network adapter and there's my software instead of switching on the asual switcher you could actually have this somewhere in the back if you wanted to you could use the software you can see here Studio fx6 iPad micro I named these um but obviously having Hands-On control is a better idea but this is also where you set up uh your recording codex where you do different sized cutouts and all this stuff uh so having access to the software is always a good idea I don't know if I would want to run it purely on the hardware depending on what you're doing you could also have a stream deck like this connected to your computer and that could actually with the companion software not this that's not the software but with the companion software you could actually have this customized on your stream deck that is actually why the stream deck is here so that when Lesly is up there in the control room I can also control the cameras from the stream deck it's very convenient vent the computer with network to this thing hard drive connected power connected that's actually adap number one you if you're setting something up like this you might want to make sure that you build your whole desk around this setup because you need an adapter I have another adapter for power for the laptop so you need to plug in your computer you need uh USBC connection and some kind of USBC power for uh this B directional converter and you're probably going to run several of these so you might want to have a multi output USB power thing like I have right here to run all your converters off of this is for the distributor this is for one of the cameras that's the laptop over here we have the atomos this is for the ATM you see you're going to end up with quite a few wall WS everything needs power and as Leslie said when she walked in here what kind of a mess is this I deliberately left it just the way that it turned out to be because you don't want this you want to make sure that you built your desk setup around this thing as a hub and what I would suggest is depending on the desk you have customizing it with these types of little outlets and you put this right behind it and you're actually good to go in all the cables would go in there and then preferably underneath the desk you have some kind of drawer you can build that out of wood or some box where actually everything falls in all the cables go into the desk and that's where this is and this and most of the things that you have to have something like this maybe that can show you see where things just disappear in the table and once you have this right behind your atem you wouldn't have all this chaos on the table I've got something else here there's a one of the older Ultra HD Studio cameras and then everything goes straight into the table right there and in in my studio I have this in uh many places I have little holes like this where you can just have cables disappear it's relatively easy to install right there you can see that and you put this behind your atem and Bobs your uncle unless your uncle's name is friend but you will need quite a few power outlets so make sure you've got this even if you're running just one camera and running an iPad or computer or Xbox or something into it you will need converters so it's it's not just the camera and the ATM it's at least the camera the ATM and a converter unless of course you're running the HDMI version that will make things easier but but down the line depending on what you're doing if you spacing cameras further away HDMI is going to be a limiting factor in terms of cable length and also HDMI cables can be a lot more uh sturdy if you want an HDMI cable that actually can run good quality this is a thicker sturdy cable that doesn't bend around corners easily where this tiny little SDI cable is very unintrusive and can actually run 4K beautifully even in higher length so you have to decide where your journey as a content creator will go and I would recommend buying future proof If you think that you're going to have to have cameras F spaced further apart than let's say 15 20 ft up to maximum 8 m maybe 5 to 7 I would even say then I would from the beginning go to SDI going to SDI in terms of cables converters and everything will also make you future proof in terms of 4K because the 4K switches from Blackmagic design are all SDI and uh in here for example in this studio we have two locations where I can simply just plug in a camera as if you can see over here I've got these SDI patch base right now only four things are in use but I've got 1 2 3 4 that's three inputs to the switcher one coming out so if a plug-in B monitor right here I can actually see program out I could just plug in right there I want to have another camera bam plug it in there and if I'm working on that side of the studio there is another one up there and I can easily plug into the r 1 2 3 4 and actually just plug in a camera over here without starting to pull cables through the room so think where your journey might take you of course you don't know this yet if you want to go future proof make sure that everything you buy is 4K compatible except maybe for the ATM yet yet now at this point in time and even though it's going to cost you more money SDI will make make you more flexible in the future when it comes to cable length stability of connection and cable thickness hello I'm currently recording and I I set up this test setup uh with the ATM SDI Pro ISO right now I'm looking into a Sony fx6 connected with SDI but not remote controllable because it is a Sony this right here would be the studio plus camera in the G2 version and right now that is way way way in the back in terms of focus and I should be able to actually change the focus through the software as you can see right here and colors and all that which is of course if you have someone sitting there doing this remotely for you that is very convenient here is a micro camera very very tiny on the table actually right next to this uh studio um just in different lens that's a 20 mil and I can do the same I could change my Iris right here my black levels or pedestal as they say my gain which others would call ISO my shutter speed this can all be remote controlled so you don't have to dig through menus and even let's see the white balance as you can see it's getting a lot more yellow technically we should be hearing this but we are not because I didn't turn on the input from camera 2 now I am now oops now technically we shouldn't have been able or well you weren't able to hear that on the program feed in the beginning why could you hear it well because I instructed the ATM to record everything thing isolated so it technically should have what you hopefully heard in the beginning as an isot track so even though there was a mess up on my end you could always fix it if you're recording in ISO which is why the extra money for the iso models is probably a good [Music] idea [Music] so after some wiggling I got the iPad to show up again and that shows up like so and if I wanted to I can put something in the corner there which right now is the wrong camera but now it's the right camera which you have to set up in the software and that of course can be repositioned and I set it up so that when I'm switching cameras it'll still be in there and you can change that to not be in there but that is a preset in the software it's not like on the big switches where that can be uh easily remote controlled I can go into the other Corners however you can see the size goes back to a preset size still not sure how to change that no idea um so you can turn that off you can turn that on but it stays in there when it is on I honestly can't tell you as soon as you click the buttons to go into the Four Corners it goes back to a preset size I'm going to have to call them about that to find out what the deal is now I'm going to look at my data and there we go more ideas for your personal setup thanks for watching I put all the links below thank you Sweetwater for getting me started on this crazy video series you wanted one video and now we I don't know where we are and you know what there are three more videos coming because I'm running you through my studio a guess what Studio B and Studio C grid Studio C grid whatever I will show you my full setups in each room and how the rooms work cabling lighting cameras how it's controlled just to get you an idea of where your journey with black magic design can go if you're crazy enough to go there so watch those links are below thank you sweetb again and animals at the end do you feel life passing you by oh do you feel life as you [Music] bu if you were GI just one [Music] CH would you be standing Where You Are if you are Paving streets with the same old feet that you look upon if you were GI just one chance the man at the bar anchored on a drink and smelling cigar his face
Channel: EytschPi42
Views: 2,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EytschPi42, HP42, Henning Pauly, Blackmagic Design, Blackmagic ATEM, ATEM Mini, Blackmagic Camera, BMPCC, Videproduction
Id: x0RVEfTvwik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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