Blackmagic Design Buyer's Guide - 3/9 - Cameras

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hi hny P here again after looking at the Blackmagic design switches we're now moving into the other part of the ecosystem which is the cameras but before we do that let's talk about cameras in general for a sec every content creator is looking for the ideal content creator camera trust me it doesn't exist uh there's the Sony zve which has got a good mic and Flipper on screen stuff like this and autofocus that's nice it's a creat a camera uh for vlogging and stuff like this or vlogging cameras but then it doesn't do other things it doesn't have SDI um there are limitations to every camera design and the camera that is absolutely perfect for one thing like the Blackmagic Design Studio camera that I'm talking into right now would be completely stupid to use somewhere else like if you're climbing Mount Everest for example it doesn't have a battery you know it has to be plugged into the wall there are pros and cons to every camera so before we go into the Blackmagic cameras I want you to start thinking about what you have what you can already use with your switching systems pros and cons of that and what is it that you need I'm going to outline a couple of things that I do with certain cameras and hopefully that gets you thinking about your needs now the cameras that I go for which is loads of them I'm I'm crazy don't crazy like I am I buy a camera for a certain use okay we're going to start small here not inexpensive but tiny super high-end Sony it's called the RX this is number four I think we're up to seven great lens flippy uppy screen look black magic design it's possible limited 4K recording because of overheating overheating is a thing and a lot of dslrs or stuff like this they have a record limit limit I think that's going away now but record limit is a big thing of 30 minutes and then it just turns off that used to be some regulation regulation um so record limit is a big thing also some of these cameras even though they can be powered with USB that is just charging the battery so the battery actually drains faster than it charges so even though you're hooking up USB to it it will eventually turn off now incorporating this into an HD or 4K switcher we have done this this is was an overhead camer in Studio B for me so you can record with the micro HDMI out it's not the best connection there it's a little bit annoying it can easily break off however as I just said we use this as an overhead top cam for quite a while but we always before the shoot had to replace the battery because even though it was hooked up with a uh USB it drained great quality though now don't knock it many of us have a GoPro by the way Sweetwater sponsored this video and I think they also sell you these now this is an 11 GoPros are your great tool for many things waterproof throw it against the wall likely survives if you have the warranty they'll just send you a new one pretty cool they they have floaties for them you can mount them everywhere and this doesn't have HDMI out but if you get the little I think Creator or media something box for it which you will see in one of the setup videos that we did for the switches where we use this then all of a sudden you got a better mic and you also have USB charging and a 1080 output I think it's only 1080 but you can use something like this as your overhead cam for your uh switching Endeavors or whatever so if you have one or even several of these don't knock them obviously great stabilization would I want to use my red Komodo on a bike no but I mean you know this absolutely great now let's talk about action cams not for Life switching purposes but uh I'm going to be on a cruise ship do I want to use any of this stuff I have brought my fx6 and the Cannons to trade shows and stuff like this but realistically since I've been working with this uh pocket two from DJI it's a gimbal stabilized camera records 4K has pretty good audio with the included wireless mic why would you carry a big camera and go through XLR and wiring all things for a certain quality yes but when the lighting is enough this is a great walk and talk camera otherwise you might need a big rig and you know this is great for what its intended use is now they improved on this with the three with a bigger screen that also turns it on and it is look at this the the the the gimbal is magnificently stabilized nice screen on it great quality really good quality audio recording with the wireless m decent battery life but let's talk about battery life no external battery when the internal battery is empty it's empty no record limit though so you need to know what the intended use is so this whole thing is microphone camera little tripod and uh wireless microphone and ex external battery very very convenient okay it's something that you might consider it's not the camera for a live switching thing it has a purpose and it totally gets used here for that purpose being quick and moving around and you've actually seen this in these videos because we filmed moving around footage with them similarly if you want to make sure that you always have what you need get a360 Cam this is a um insta 360 the big one I think the pro with the one in sensor I am not a big fan of the post editing that you need to do but this records in all directions and it allows you to just hold it there and you know whatever you need you have later on not a bad idea for having it as a backup on a table for a discussion obviously in action cam when you're doing action footage you're not going to have these big things on your helmet get the camera for the job and and if it only does a certain job then get another one I know that hurts financially but get another one for another job so the cameras we'll be talking about today from Black Magic design are frankly highly limited for many uses but the use that they were designed for they absolutely nail let's go through some other stuff video camera no record limit this actually does 4K it's got a micro HDMI out right there I used this for quite a while the good thing about video cameras is pretty good battery life which on dslrs you don't really have definitely better battery life because you can get bigger ones because they stick out in the back which means you can get different size batteries you usually have nice and big screens that also flip around usually decent autofocus you have zoom on a DLS D dlsr DSL these things zooming like this I mean this is a very high-end lens but that's not smooth that that doesn't make sense so actually having a motor Zoom if zooming is what you need to do then this is a great tool okay you can definitely hold it differently having a video camera is a good idea is it as sexy in terms of footage as something like this can get no but it serves a purpose for certain shots now here we got a classic that's a Sony a73 and you see there's a cage around it so cages can actually be a really good idea if you want to mount things on them and also for protection so this is definitely protected I think this CES from small rig uh but I can now Mount lights microphones anywhere I want it all becomes a rig and rigging is a thing that we're going to talk about when we talk about the Blackmagic design pocket cameras so that's an a73 record limit I think it didn't have that anymore but it has a tiny little HDMI output don't even remember where it is oh right there that's not a great connection when you want to go HDMI out into the ATM switches I had it on my switcher for quite a while again pros and cons it swivels up not around so as a Creator when you're looking at it like this you can't see anything not perfect if you be find it create autofocus hello bra magic okay you get it you pick the features that are important to you and then get the tool that has those features for the job next upgrade in the line very very popular right now is the fx3 and you can see it here on a little slider I have a big slider where I use my codo on um I got the fx3 because I just wanted it and it is brilliant absolutely mind-blowing autofocus if that's what you want now if you're sitting there you're doing live switching and stuff or you sit in front of a camera the autofocus can be a problem if you can do manual focus now with black magic cameras being remotely controlled Leslie in the other room can do the focus which is great and that means even though if it shifts or if I'm shifting she can adjust on the Fly autofocus sometimes can pump and it makes your videos look cheap happens in my videos all the time this has amazing focus it this eye autofocus absolutely killer my eyes are always in Focus which means I hold something into the camera it's not in Focus huh cuz my eyes are also if I have a sweater on with characters that have eyes on sometimes they're in Focus H so not perfect but with its size on this slider it's great for the quick and dirty product shot this they added look at this a flipar around screen yes they've learned and also it has a full-size HDMI out I would still prefer SDI which is why I love the Blackmagic cameras but if you can go full sizee it means it's a higher end camera okay that fullsize HDMI comes with the money it's sadly the truth before we go to the Blackmagic design cameras I got the fx6 now that's really the same thing as the fx3 just heavier and more of it now why why did I want that how did that make sense well we talked about SDI and my workflow being all SDI look at this there's a 4K 12g SDI output I can just plug that into my system and we're good to go now with these types of batteries I have two three four hour battery time on this great these have just like some other cameras two card slots I can record on both slots at the same time which means redundancy one card fails I'll still have my footage and that is stuff that I like I like to be able to feel safe about all the work that I put in and know I've got it on two cards the great thing about this camera is also it disassembles this take I can take this off I can take this off I can take this off I can take this off and it disassembles into very small light parts that you can put in a nice flight case I am also a fan again for the use depending on what you need to do of cameras with XLR which means I can actually put professional recording things like guitar whatever uh recorders into it or of course microphones like this s the shotgun that require phantom power um and this camera because it is made for video can accommodate motor lenses so this lens actually has a motor Zoom so you don't have to do this and the lens goes in and out and it's called all jaggedy I can actually Zoom right here or right there and with being able to turn this I do this all the time get an overhead shot film from below you know now if this is not something you need don't buy this camera if the features on this camera are not something you can utilize do not spend the money it's heavy it doesn't have stabilization do you need stabilization make that choice if you need it super stable get the DJI pocket for 600 bucks if you need stabilization and really high quality get an fx3 this is more expensive than the fx3 doesn't even stabilize what it does have and that's something that's going to come in to play with the black magic cameras it has ND filters now andd filters will make your picture darker by a certain degree and you usually screw them on the front of the lens they have a thread right there and you screw certain ND filters on there or maybe even variable ND filters that you can turn for different kind of darknesses when you film outside and you want the nice Boke in the background you really want to have your aperture wide open there's way too much brightness it's just going to look horrible so you're going to have to darken the picture which you do with a screw on and D filter on these cameras I can just turn one on and inside it actually adds a layer of darkening thing okay it makes it darker in certain increments even here variable it's a variable indd filter why is that relevant well if you quickly have to adjust you're walking in from outside to inside from inside to outside and you have to follow your talent and make sure that you've got it lit right a built-in ND filter is a great thing to have and definitely worth the money so I do pay attention to these things on the cameras where I know I'm going to go outside of my studio which I do with this right now my arm already hurts cuz it's no fun trust me this is no fun to carry around I filmed Carlos asencio sweet waterer tour with this and uh killed my arm no fun but when you're walking around you can quickly boost it make it brighter you know different white balances you don't have to dive into menus you've got dedicated buttons If quick reaction to the situation is what you need this is your friend for an in studio situation like here I'd rather go with a black magic design camera no buttons on it and lesie will do it remotely from the other room now I'm not trying to brag with my cameras I'm trying to show you my justification for having them um and you you might agree on some so at some point I bought this 705 Canon xf705 uh filmed at trade shows with it it is heavier it's got a viewfinder which is nice I never use that but big screen that swivels even and that can come in handy to the other side very important XLR inputs wherever they are oh there's one and there's one XLR inputs for those big mics a lot of Zoom Moto resume great very very quick autofocus I can quickly just open and close this lens why is this convenient well because if you're the trade show you're running around you don't lose your lens cap all the stuff like on the other camera I can switch on the outside convenient and quick react to this to the situation without going into menus also again built in ND filters and I can very quickly say uh or I want peing I want not peeking duck that's different uh I want Auto Iris autofocus again two slots for recording cards media speed in the current situation so that you don't miss the moment that's why you have something like this also extremely long battery life you're spending 400 bucks on one of these batteries but everything in one without having a bag of extra batteries extra this extra this and putting together a whole rig that can fall apart that's why you have this and this is the smaller brother the 605 it's a little bit smaller a little bit lighter um and it can actually do a little bit more because it's a more modern model but the great thing is if I'm somewhere on location recording a video which doesn't happen a lot and take these two puppies I have really just two things and I can record two angles and they will look the same if I take the fx6 or the fx3 or something else in addition to this the footage will look considerably different so different that cutting back and forth isn't really that much fun with these two you have kind of the same look similarly if I use the fx3 and the fx6 uh mix footage is possible but pretty difficult which is also why in the studios with the live switching cameras right here I try to stick with Blackmagic design especially if they're showing the same subject if one of the cameras is showing something that the other cameras is not showing I have mixed these in with the others and that's totally fine because with the SDI outputs on these also SDI on both I can very very quickly put them in in the system and I'll show you that actually right now why not so I just pluged myself into into the SDI patch Bay over there which is going into the control room into I think input number six here's a cable and that's pretty much how quickly you add another camera to shoot so if I needed to move around the room Lesly now should have a signal and she does and now I actually have a camera this is what I'm seeing where I can zoom and show you guys details ease of using speed that's what I use one last thing before before we get into the world of black magic I'm the idiot who saw that red has a camera that's semi affordable and immediately bought it because I wanted to tell myself that I have a red camera um yeah it was a a penis enlargement camera and then I actually found out how much I was going to use it so I Incorporated this camera in my main videos because it has an SDI output right there uh uh Power SDI don't even know what that does and that actually always read the uh the specs is 4K capable not just uh HD and people really loved that main shot in my videos but it was contrast wise color-wise it was so different from the black Magics that I didn't like it it was just it I couldn't match the colors so I'm now using this for my produced tracks when I'm doing like the music video uh portions I even have anamorphic lenses for this which is very cool so I'm really getting a film look with beautiful lens flares absolutely love this and I use this on my edrone sliders for my product shots because I have killer lenses for this macro lenses Cinder lenses uh laa uh probe lenses and I really enjoy working with this for product shots it also does 6K 6K for this completely pointless there is and they switcher where you go into 6K I mean even 4K is pushing it so 6K for post production workflows zooming into places absolutely great okay so this to take on lo location the batteries don't last long you have to put another screen on it there's no flipar around screen I mean would anyone criticize this not having a flipar around screen no it's a red you put a screen on it and so on so there are reasons to use this and the results will be great but not in every situation again you're not going to mount this on your helmet when you're biking so decide what situations you need to cover and find the cameras that can cover those situations so people will absolutely go Bonkers nuts about criticizing black magic design for the choices they've made on their cameras without taking in consideration what those cameras are supposed to be used for I have this discussion with my friend Glenn all the time now we're getting into the actual range of Blackmagic design cameras now I'm going to skip over the uras the Ursa has a range of four cameras this is well there's an Ursa broadcast which would be for this kind of thing but really more professional with B4 lenses I've never even seen a B4 lens it's just it's a level a a little bit too high for me so that would be for TV stations and uh I don't even know what the benefit would be other than all the little stuff that you can set up on the camera directly versus remote control and maybe the ability to apply B4 lenses to the cameras but uh the other ERS are more like the red or the fx3 for film use and there's one in 4.6k and there one in 12K and one in 12 12 12K that does other blacks and stuff I honestly don't know about them it's not a range of cameras that I've uh I'm very familiar with and you wouldn't use for Life production except for the broadcast workflows okay so we're going to skip over the ursus I'm sure there's enough videos on them already well for Life production workflows the uras also allow you to work with fiber optic cables which means extremely fast and high-end video transmission over kilometers I think of distance but it requires a converter on the back of the camera it requires a 3,000 something receiver and a cable a fiber optic cable of very very high value so when you when we're talking about big TV stations and they need very long cable runs in the highest quality yes black magic design has the gear it's not something I have ever used or or would get my hands on now most of you are familiar with the Blackmagic design pocket Cinema Camera the bmpcc Blackmagic pocket Cinema Camera bmpcc I have friends that want to hate on this I think they're misguided because they don't understand the purpose this came out a while ago I bought it immediately returned it because of the HDMI output we'll get to that then later bought it again here it is by now there are four different models and oh boy is the naming complicated you need this video because I went back and forth between websites and did the job for you so this is that's by what it looks like without a lens how do I take the lens off here this what it looks like it's not super small it is a bit buky but it is in terms of the results a fairly high-end camera also massive screen on it right I have no battery in this uh well because they're always it is a filmmakers camera and that's what people need to realize at$ 1295 or $12.89 in Europe same price without a lens what you're getting here is a 4k camera that can record Blackmagic raw so you can actually work on everything later or apply uh 709 video look that looks extremely filmy and has killer results so nobody would fault a red for having bad autofocus which guess what the red has autofocus and it's bad nobody would fault a red for not having a flip screen so why do certain friends of mine hey Glenn about this not having a flipper on screen well because they want to use this because the quality is so good they want to use this in front of them as a create a camera with a flipper on screen and create autofocus well guess what it's not the purpose which is why this whole intro was necessary get the camera for what you're trying to do what they wanted to do is a very low cost 1,300 is not cheap but it is for what it is very low cost film camera which means you got uh ISO shutter white balance right there then do you know pick it right there do this so you got quick controls you got quick functions right there you've got a an amazing touch screen I really should have put a battery in here you got an amazing touchcreen on this you can quickly select whatever you need to select and very high quality what you do not have is a screen that's wibbles so that you can sit in front of it what you do not have is really functioning autofocus there is a button right there that does autof I mean you click it and then it does auto focus but you have to click it the camera doesn't do it by itself there is actually there are apps you can connect this camera to your iPhone and there are apps where you can do the focus and actually even do Focus over time and ramp it up and down which I've done for product shots this is a camera for someone to put a rig around so you would have a focus wheel that's that's why we have the the gears here where you do the focus manually as a cinema cat ographer this is a cinematographer camera you would have an HDMI out in HD only yes the HDMI out does not carry 4K this is a big issue for me which is why I first send it back because without 4K HDMI out I couldn't incorporate it into my 4K Blackmagic switching RI rig so put another screen on it that sits up here this lp6 battery oh it actually has a battery I could have turned it on the whole time this lp6 battery doesn't last more than maybe 20 minutes okay it's it's not great oh there we go now now we actually can see things did I update this already when you do this the whole interface changes and it's actually a camera where you can record reals how many cameras do you know that can do that where you filming in 16 to9 and you want to film for Instagram and all of a sudden look at this the whole interface shifted why is it doing this because they just added that recently and I don't remember updating this that is strange and then it actually pumps out this stuff in real form so you don't have to do this in post that is pretty cool it is a filmmaker camera these batteries do not last long so you really need to use the 12vt in put there's also a power supply but you need to put a bigger battery under it there are so many adapters on the market for it there's of course a battery grip and a battery extension and then it becomes bigger it's all about getting bigger having this camera as your centerpiece of a rig big lens Hood around it bigger Cinema lens it has USBC so you can record on an external hard drive like this which means you have it in a cage and that hard drive is connected to the cage with a cable you can put yes that's a mini XLR you can put a shotgun mic for example on it it has 48 volt phantom power if you put this in a rig it becomes a very very interesting filmmaker camera by itself it has shortcomings like the screen like the battery life like the autofocus but this is a camera in a very low film camera budget that is made for someone to be behind it here for example is something that you would have on it would look like this and all of a sudden you got a big grip you have a lot more mounting points for things works you could also use an adapter and put other lenses on it Overkill but now I have a c lens on there well that is what this camera has made PA for I put a KF concept adapter on there relatively inexpensive and now this is an EF Mount cens what's the result what's the crop factor we're going to talk about that in a second but I cannot remote control this because it's a manual adapter doesn't have any electricity going through it doesn't matter because this lens cannot be remote controlled anyway it's a manual lens it's a c lens this is what you can do with this camera and at 1,300 bucks that is great now incorporating it into to live switching workflows with the minis you can because it is HD as the minis are the the output is HD and you can fully remote control it including a tally light fully possible it does not allow you to go to a live production workflow like we have right here later on in 4k it cannot be scaled up to 4K because it does not output 4K through any of its holes you can record internally onto to SD or CF Express cards and incorporate it into the iso workflow so if you're working with an ISO switcher you can record 4K internally but you can never plug this into a 4K switcher and get 4k output okay that is why I would not recommend this for a live switching life editing workflow like we have here if you ever want to go up to 4K other than that this is a great choice for the filmmaker now before we go into the other models of it so you get a little bit of uh light in the dark when it comes to the pocket camera let's talk about mft this is the smallest of the cameras and it has an mft Mount mft means micro 4/3 there are mfts there is EF which is a cannon format there is e which is Sony there is something else from Sony there is PL which is the big more professional film camera mount there's B4 which is more for broadcast cameras and there's L which is a lier standard uh Leica and sigma I think are using L now so there's many different lens standards and often times they're also associated with a certain crop factor what does that mean oh it's difficult hope you have coffee crop factor means how much does it magnify I technically how much does it cut out I think really not sure on this stuff I just I'm I'm I'm the talent in front of the camera what do I know but all you need to know is on an MFD camera when your lens says 20 mm you're not getting 20 mm you're about getting 40 mm this has a crop factor of let's say two maybe it's it's it's like one 9ish but let's just say two it's usually what you get on mft lenses so that means the lens I'm looking into right now which is about m 50 away from me that's about 3 ft no it's five 6 one um 6 fet uh that's actually 15 mm lens a 15 mm lens on the Sony's which are full frame meaning no crop factor would be super wide angle you'd be able to see the walls big time would be super wide well on an mft that's what you need when you're sitting relatively close to the camera so you don't actually see any bending right there it's not a fishee effect because mft goes times two okay which is what this does right here I got one of the best kept everyone knows about it secrets of the mft world um that's a Panasonic 20 look at how tiny that thing is I mean isn't that a really really cute lens they are rather inexpensive it's a prime lens meaning it only has one Zoom so only 20 mm which means on this camera more like 40 but it lets in a lot of light it's got an aperture of 1.7 when it's fully up right here one 1.75 1.7 yep so it's super super bright now and makes this camera nice and small and it's just an absolute Delight to work with I actually have this on a variety of my studio cameras I own this lens I think four times in the 25 also four or five maybe six times because bang for the buck if you can move your camera back and forth if that's an option for you you don't need a zoom lens this is super super great picture for not a lot of money so mft are cheaper in general than EF or e-mount lenses you can definitely save money if you buy these primes and that's one of the big advantages of getting the lowest ranged bmpcc mft lenses so just to reiterate XL input comes with the power supply so you can run it as long as you want there's no record limit HDMI out only is HD so you can run it with the switches or an ISO workflow but never upgrade actually to a 4K switcher and get a 4K signal it could up uh scale from HD to 4k on the one we using but you couldn't get a 4K signal out of this which is why I wouldn't use it in an ATM workflow when I'm using 4K and if you investing into cameras to later maybe go to 4K this is not the one to use now you might rightfully ask why would you have this the Hing are you an idiot you've got all this other stuff first of all yes I'm an idiot because I've got all this other stuff and secondly I have Incorporated this into um ATM mini setups for my YouTube events because in HD totally fine remote controllable completely through HDMI and tally light all that stuff so it did a good job there but that's not why I bought it I love taking very nice product photography and product shots for my for my reviews and in the back there you see a jib let me get that here we have a fully programmable jip and it can carry about 4 kilo so there's about 4 kilo right there and with the full edone head I can't put my red on there the red is very very heavy but with the pocket I have a focus module I can do different Focus I can completely move move this in any direction I want and if I wanted to get a shot that starts up here and goes down here and up whatever like this I can absolutely do it the camera is small and light enough to work on this jip and be balanced everything I'm doing right now is fully programmable that is because of the weight of the camera none of the other cameras back there would be able to work on this this is what I've been using it for these kind of shots in raw still can work on them later in 4k now of course I would love those shots to be 6K and we're going to get to that now also very important to note I'm I'm sorry this is a lot of information I'm throwing at you but you need to know the differences with these Studio cams that I'm looking into right now you can't really go to super high frame rates they are meant for a life production workflow since the pocket camera and the uras are made for filmmakers they do offer higher frame rates so that later you might be able to go to slow-mo so with the pockets in 2.8k you can go to 100 frames per second or in HD you can go to 120 frames per second um yes with my fx3 and fx6 I can go to 100 frames a second in 4k which is better the camera is also four times the price spend more get more for 1,300 bucks doing 100 frames per second in HD is pretty good on the uras I think you can go to up to 300 frames a second whatever you can definitely get slowmo shots happening cannot do that on the studio cam so that's another reason if that's what you need to get one of those so now we're looking at the bmpcc 6 K now you would think that that's pretty much the same thing just in 6K it is pretty much the same thing with a couple of small differences this black magic pocket Cinema Camera 6K is the newest offering and it it's it's so confusing there's the 6K the 6K G2 and the 6K Pro now wouldn't you think that that the 6K Pro is the best one it's so confusing okay the bmpcc 6K clocks in at $25.95 or uh dollar or $ 2559 EO it's the newest in the line it is the only one that is full frame remember the 4K is mft * 2 crop factor this is full frame no cropping it uses an L Mount so you can use Leica lenses and someone else is doing them now can't remember L Mount lenses are likely not the cheapest one out there most certainly not if you're going to like her hell no okay so it's definitely a higher range but apparently I read that you can use adapters like the one that I have and still get pretty much the same quality even though you're adapter ring and that means it allows you to use any kind of lens you want with the right adapter so that's one of the things apparently that the L Mount improves it has compared to this one two XLR inputs with phantom power that's pretty damn Nifty the the the chassis is a little bit bigger too so two xli inputs again external power supplied it's in the Box it has USB recording to external hard drive for as long as you freaking want apparently of course also internal to SD and CF express it has a swivel screen it kind of tilts up so that when you're filmmaker and you're holding it here you can swivel it up a bit look down and see what's going on it does not swivel around for the Creator because it's not meant to it's not that type of camera does up to 6K recording and they realized that the Canon LP batteries really didn't last long so they actually made it npf battery compatible that's a Sony standard I think and those batteries have a little bit more heft and should last longer however if you really want to do work you might want to put an external uh something on there that goes into the 12vt input or purchase the battery pack uh and the battery grip from Blackmagic design just you so get you have more power because I'm pretty sure those cameras will eat up your batteries no matter what also for I think 460 bucks you can buy the uh evf the black magic design electric viewfinder electronic view electric probably not electronic viewfinder which means little little thing that you look into which these don't have um if as a filmmaker that's what you need if you're in a bright environment whatever and that actually has a really nice high resolution screen inside it's it's expensive but if you need that you can mount that on the top and then you have an evf right there so that's what the now top of the line I don't know if that's what we should call it Blackmagic pocket Cinema Camera 6K offers you uh also I think an HDR screen yep HDR recording look it up more different Lighting in one okay so when you usually film against a window and you want to have the person in front of the window being nicely lit it's usually completely blown out behind them with HDR you can actually get a good shot of the outside as well as the person that's the best I can explain that now let's move on to the black magic pocket Cinema bmpcc 6K G2 now the G 2 is actually cheaper it's 2,000 bucks and 2,000 bucks for 6K capable cinema camera is ridiculous so let's say it is the same as this but the two XLR inputs it's bigger it takes EF lenses Canon lenses like that Cinema lens that I had on there earlier from uhen and the sensor is super 35 meaning there is still a crop factor it still is not whatever it says on the lens if the lens says 20 I think the crop factor is 1.6 so times 1.6 but so it's not like the bmpcc 6K which is fullframe it uses EF and has a crop factor super 35 sensor I'm talking to you as if you don't know this and what it means I barely know what it means you probably do if you don't then that's why you want found this video I said it's got an EF Mount and again it's pretty it's really pointless for the ATM setup because we can't get 4k out of that thing so why 6K it's definitely for post- production workflows and for people wanting to do film on a pretty pretty fair budget okay so moving on to the 6K Pro clocking in at 30 uh 2335 is that correct yes dollars or uh$ 2559 that's a pretty big gap there Euro it's also super 35 it's also EF lenses HDR screen why is it like 500 600 more in Euro 400 more in dollars because remember when I talked about ND filters on those cameras and being able to run outside into the bright Sun go click click click have an ND filter react to the situation follow someone back inside go click click click and all of a sudden bam Bobs your uncle Freds your cousin you have the right lighting again ND filters is great when you need to film outside as well as inside and react quickly so if you are film filmographer filmographer I absolutely recommend getting the pro version I would get the pro version like magic design Pro U because ND filters are your friend again I think for uh that money it is an incredible value as a film camera as a product shot camera if I put that on there film my product shots I still can crop in quite a bit I can do zooms digital zooms and still not lose any resolution like I do with my Komodo from Red there are loads of workflows that make sense it of course also has a swivel screen and does it make sense for an ATM life production workflow no not really you don't need 6K there you cannot get more than 1080 out of or HD out of the HDMI output so it's kind of pointless for those workflows now we finally getting to what is relevant to us which is these Studio cameras those have very little knobs and buttons and they don't really have screets so little ones don't they are made for Studio setups like the ones I'm looking into it right now they don't even have batteries it's not they don't you have to have them on power they are so bad for so many things but they're so grade for what we're doing right here okay you do not want to take them into the Amazon but in this room they are king So as sadly don't have the micro 4K G2 oh by the way talking about this just talking about the different cameras I took a screenshot earlier because I selected one of the cameras here for remote control and this shows you the list of Blackmagic design cameras from the older ones to the newer ones um not having a clue which one is which and why that list should tell you why it's confusing and why this video hopefully you still haven't turned off so right now brand new on the market micro 4K G2 G2 for generation 2 I think I just made that up it's so new that sweet water couldn't send me one even though they tried thank you Josh and uh I don't have one here I even would have bought one I couldn't find one anywhere my friend John Brown already has one hate you John I do have seven of these not you this is a 4k camera it is likely the smallest and most flexible in terms of position 4k camera you can find on the market 4k camera you can find on the market while there's action cams but with an interchangeable lens mount which this has okay interchangeable lenses and I can put adapters on it uh this is mft now this right here again is the previous version I will absolutely get the new one and we're going to talk about this as if it's the new one this had a Serial port with lots of cables hanging uh pretty annoying and I will show you in a sec up there it has dual SDI in and out for program and remote headphone out little mic in HDMI out on the newest version this is replaced by just a 9vt input but it also gets a USBC which means on the new version you can actually record in 4k on an external hard drive like the one I had earlier something like this put it on there with a cable and you can record these ISO workflows that we talked about where you instruct the cameras to record even though you're working in an HD environment and I have this is what I usually have on there this 20 mil and for those who know my videos I actually look this is the whole thing and you can imagine that you can tuck this over a computer screen for gaming you can put this next to your TV for Xbox gaming you can put I've seen these at e- gaming uh championships above every computer you can do a workbench where you're doing woodworking videos and put five of them around the workbench and really it wouldn't would really look bad now you're probably now seeing clips from my studio where I've got six of these showing a guitar pedal from the top showing a guitar pedal from the side everything you usually see in my main video that are filmed in studio a uh the main shot the guitar cameras it's all this camera yeah there isn't a red and all this big no it's this little thing and now they even improved it now when I'm showing you this and Leslie goes to the top cam what do you think that is how am I going to get a camera in this quality from above you can see there number four that means it has to go into the switcher number four so it's remote controlled remember when we talked about switches and remote control so let me show you the one that's recording this right now so there it is hanging up there you can see that harness which they now did away with very small camera very effective not in the way not too heavy you can literally stash that anywhere you need now I've seen people go crazy like like my friend John Brown who bought this and actually bought a B4 lens he bought a used um big I think it's this big lens on eBay put it on this camera and that's what I mean you you don't want to mount the camera you want to mount the lens but I mean holy crap and that works of course then it's not remote controlable controllable I've seen people trying to run these in rcks with batteries and uh a monitor and external recording and even like little things to remote control them with the harness is it possible yes is that what it's made for no I I I wouldn't you're going to put all this stuff around it to have a camera that's still compromised when there's other cameras that can actually do that job much better but for a studio like we have it here absolutely amazing it does come with an lp6 does come with an lp6 battery how long does it last I don't know how much have I used that almost never I usually use the direct power in and I'm so happy that the new one just has a little 12vt plug and not this stupid harness anymore now for an an ATM production workflow you could run it HDMI uh we tried this with this previous generation and honestly I couldn't actually get remote control through HDMI happening so I'm not sure if this could do it but for the last couple of years these weren't even available they couldn't build them so this is definitely an older generation forget about any compromises of this the new one will so that means for an a to mini workflow you could run it HDMI with limited distance in HD and then record onto it in 4k onto with the USBC but of course you have these SDI plugs and they're really really tiny ones and there are adapter cables that you can buy black magic design will sell them to you the ones I am using here are from Z I show you one right here they are pretty high-end and very very nice and you can get actually get very inexpensive cables on Amazon from certain uh vendors and I'm sorry Sweetwater but they have those and you can get them angled you can get them straight and getting them with a normal SDI connection is fine but realistically you want a short cable on here as an adapter and then put a real SDI cable uh as an extension so one way you can do this is with a little coupler and they're dir cheap they're like you can buy six for two bucks and then you put these couplers in between and trust me it even works with a 4K signal I've I'm doing this all over the place but the best way to do it is get this cable this really really thin cable with the right connector already I don't know if it's male or female I'm gon to say it's male um and then just get that cable put them on here and immediately extend with SDI cables so you can actually get these on Amazon for I think maybe 10 15 bucks each sometimes there are two packs I've got them flying around all over the place and those cables are very very thin and you can easily hide them uh all over the place I think they make them up to 2 m so mine are usually about this long and then I put an adapter on it and that's also what you would need for the G2 version this is uh one as well as this one that doesn't have a cage small rig for this one made a cage that I have on all the others which allows you to mount them in different ways now underneath there are three holes right here and above there's one but I have a cage around them with loads of holes in the other Studios as I'm showing you probably right now and that means you can mount them from the side or anywhere you want even from the back and that allows you to just have an even more flexible mounting setup and I think those cages are about 80 bucks so if you're getting one of the new g2s check with small Rick if they have those cages and get yourself one right away that makes it first of all protected and secondly so much easier and more flexible to mount so for me this is the one to get get yourself an let's say eight to mini pro ISO SDI and this immediately go to the SDI setup move this anywhere in your studio as far away as you want SDI allows for that and the camera is 995 the lens I've got on here right now is 200 bucks and it's great if you want a zoom lens like we have on the camera above uh that's more like 900 that's the 12 to 60 but there's a lot of mft offerings uh there's even one that has a little motor zoom in it it's not that great lens I bought that and you could actually remote control from the switcher Zoom with it I we never did you could but I didn't that's a th000 bucks the switcher is 800 and then the lens then you're at two grand okay well you have one camera okay but you know what it's a great camera it's a 4k camera you have a switcher can put your computer on it and your other cameras you might have your GoPros your little whatever but your main cam would be pretty high quality nothing short of what you would get from a Sony A7 and stuff like this but you already have invested in a switching system so you at about two grand and you have an SDI switching system a kickass small camera so if your setup asks for a small camera that is what I would get and including the higher-end Switcher that's the iso version you are at 2,000 bucks if you get the ATM STI that's 350 with a lens you at, 1500 can you buy other cameras vlogging cameras yes absolutely absolutely it's not going to do this in your studio what this does you know what I'm trying to say so for me this is my favorite Blackmagic design camera and I'm so glad they brought back the G2 if you seen this Blackmagic design let's talk and replace some of these older ones with the newer ones I would love that on to the studio cameras I'm looking into one right now there are a bunch now be careful because again there's a discontinued one there's actually two discontinued ones and which one are you going to get so that means in terms of Studio cameras there's actually three discontin there's actually four discontinu ones there's the original Studio camera in HD forget about that there is the Blackmagic Studio camera 4K I've got five of those three in Studio B you're seeing it right here and two in my main Studio a very similar to what they are today today just have more options the original ones have STI ins and outs and that's how they're operated and that's how they're going out and the 4K version it looks great and it's still uh there're still you know the cameras that we're using and they're the cameras that are in Studio B and it's amazing footage They just added touchscreen operation and loads of new cool features on the new ones now when the new ones came out there was the studio camera follow me follow for me studio camera 4K plus was a bad idea it was just like the G2 this is right there that's the G2 that's the one that Sweetwater sent let's take that out of the [Music] box [Music] so the G2 uh the the original plus only had an HD HMI out which means you could incorporate it into ATM H uh uh HDMI switches and record on it with a drive but I mean it really didn't have it had two USB ports uh microphone and headphone and a 12vt input but why not give it SDI well very quickly a year and a half or so later they thought well we messed up it wasn't really that useful it was useful with ATM HDMI switches but why is it a 4k camera then I think it was a misguided idea I'm pretty sure they agreed because they immediately went to a generation 2 that added SDI inputs on the plus version difference between the plus and the pro is about let say 500 bucks the pro adds XLR inputs in Stereo five pin TalkBack there is Talkback on the uh plus but with a tiny little TRS plug the pro also has a professional 4 pin 12vt input so you can use the little plug or the professional XLR style four pin cable it has just like the plus the SDI and the HDMI that's the same it has the same USB ports but again XLR professional TalkBack plug and professional power and the most important thing on the pro for 500 bucks more it has ethernet now through that ethernet you can yes with that camera itself live stream either with USB or the ethernet so that camera itself Standalone has live stream capability all you got to do is give it power put it somewhere go alive with one camera don't even need a switcher that is pretty awesome I would never use that but it's awesome for me the ethernet has a much much much more interesting use which I will get into in a bit which is the studio converter and the way to run them with a single cable so back to the plus now the plus G2 has SDI and I'm running it let me show you so it's the lower one there number four and you can see I'm running it with an SDI out and an SDI in they're actually going into this patch Bay there and that way it's getting remote control and out and there's also power and that's really all there is and there's a relatively inex inexpensive 45 mm MSO lens on there so on the pro you see no power no HDMI no SDI nothing you only see a single ethernet cable right what doesn't that need look at this one single ethernet cable single ethernet cable now that ethernet cable goes up there and then actually goes into the ceiling into my attic and then it comes out of my attic in the other room go cl to the system so this one cable connection for power video to the system remote control back and actually a secret hidden second video signal to the camera that comes out of the HDMI output for let's say tele prompter information or anything that I want to route to it is magical it means I can take one of these cameras and move it anywhere in the room with a single cable which is why these cables have a lot of room so there's extra 10 m just coiled up behind them and I can take any of these cameras move it anywhere in the room and I'm moving a single cable and all connections are right there that is the ideal thing but if you're getting into black magic design are you going to spend $1,850 or whatever it is um on that camera that camera converter or Studio converter I think it's called is another thousand which means each of those three cameras is now clocking in at 2,800 something it's it's Overkill but for me it allowed me to make these three cameras super flexible and a very very clean setup there's just one cable going to it so if this is what you need or if you are actually running a transmission van and you need to set up four or five cameras Bam Bam Bam like this you know open the trunk of the van come on quickly go get the cameras in position the horses are jumping already you have cable drums with ethernet cables and you're good to go fantastic now on these cameras there is a pretty involved screen a beautiful touch screen that where you can set up everything you need that you need to set up um these screens are amazing they have these hoods that you can quickly take off put back on if they're in the way Sun of course not lens hoods I'm screen sunscreen hood protector thingies um first of all when you're moving the cameras around you fold it in bam the screen is protected and if it's in the way you just go click take it off beautiful design brightness and contrast and focus peaking right there on the back you go bam focus peaking and uh it's there you turn it back off and of course you can have different colors there then you've got three different F buttons for different uh settings that you need to quickly adjust with that quick knob above those F buttons these are cameras that can be used by a cameraman in the studio for a live production uh we don't have cameraman here if you have a lens that can be remote controlled with Focus there a focus demand that goes into the USB on the camera and it connects like this and then you just focus right there that way Leslie in the room wouldn't have to focus the cameraman can do that or if you have a lens that has motor Zoom you could even have a zoom demand another 250 bucks so on your rig you have Focus here and zoom here and you could you could play real cameram man for another 500 bucks however it would require a lens that has motor zoom and these usually clock in in the quite higher price ranges those cameras have the G2 the Plus or the plus the plus G2 the pro and the pro G2 yes four already they have mft mounts I have used them with the cine lenses set up one shot good to go I mean you know what why don't we do this right now so let's play this game just so you get an idea of what happens when you use a an inexpensive adapter 2 EF this is a 24 mm so similar to what's on there that's actually 25 that's a 25 24 so we're very close but what does the adapter do when I go from mft to EF let's find out I have a feeling not too much did we zoom in a lot more I don't think so here's the thing how much did we win in terms of picture H I'm looking over there I'm trying to find out cuz now we are looking at a $1,800 EUR lens $1,800 versus a 25 mm Panasonic Prime for 250 bucks and the Panasonic can be remote controlled this cannot have we won anything let's go back it's a little bit different lesli have we lost Focus maybe check cuz now she can so really the the the winner is always the 1.7 aperture Panasonic lens on these cameras cuz come on I I actually feel that looks better than this Behemoth that's pretty that's pretty crazy and in terms of Zoom this didn't add anything it didn't add crop factor didn't take anything away so that's also good to know I never knew now if you ask me if you're not going outside with these things and you intend to have them fixed in a studio setup a combination of the Plus or Pro depending on what you want and the micros is what I use and it is amazing it is upgrade proof because they can work in 4k through HDMI it's not like the pockets HDMI is full 4K and SDI uh you can record on the cameras in Blackmagic raw with USBC so if you later want to go you're going to go from a mini or extreme or whatever and you want to go to a 4K workflow all you need to get is the switcher and Bops your uncle I say that a lot you can of course integrate them into a ISO workflow recording on the cameras the cameras will record all simultanously when the software tells them to the big tally lights is really amazing and that is really uh what helps in the studio that helps me to orient myself that helps me to know what camera is next even though Leslie refuses to use preview but I know I know where the lights are the lights right there I I I know good all of the studio cams have a tiny e inch 1/8 inch audio in or mic in and trrs headphone out which means you could use them with headsets and communicate back to the control room on the pro version having the big five pin is a more professional setup so if you're actually working with the cameraman that's probably what you want to use and if you used it with the converter the studio converter you could add reference output and and sync and all that stuff which you wouldn't be able to do with the plus now the last one is the 6K Pro it's the same as the studio camera 4K Pro uh but it is now directly connected it it directly has an EF Mount so we don't need any adapters so it's got an EF Mount that can actually communicate with lenses uh so you can use EF lenses that's a big thing is the 6K relevant for a studio workflow no cuz I don't know what switcher could do that other than the constellation 8K where would you use that is this relevant 6K and 8K is more a post- production workflow so if you worked with that you'd have to kind of work in an ISO recording and then later replace 6K files because there's no 4K switcher that does ISO I don't quite know why or where you would do that yes you can then record on the camera on an SSD and later have the ability to zoom in or do post- production stuff with the 6K footage but I don't quite know why that makes sense what makes a lot more sense for the extra how much is it um $24.95 so it's an extra about 600 EF Mount but most certainly for people that need to film outside remember your horsey show or a bike race where you need 20 of these along the line or whatever Formula 1 stuff like this it has ND filters yes we actually have a studio cam with ND filters so as soon as I take this camera outside I couldn't do anything because I don't have ND filters for those lenses but with the 6K Pro Studio camera you can have built-in andd filters that that's a really good reason depending on what you know you're doing and what where you might need those cameras to maybe have one of them in Your Arsenal but that also means that if you usually have mft lenses now all of a sudden you need EF lenses and a that opens up a whole another kind of worms just like the 6K pocket with the EF Mount the studio camera 6K pro has an EF Mount and also a super 35 sensor so it's not mft it's super 35 just so you know let's quickly reiterate what the studio converter does it pairs well with the pro versions of the studio cameras so the 4K Pro G2 and the 6K Pro and it allows you to run the single ethernet cable to the converter which then can sit where all your switching gear is and be mounted in a rack and that allows for super fast setups when you are on location have your rack with everything pull down cable drums plug the cameras in ready to go but clean workflow in the studio I love it it runs 4K to the switcher it runs control signal to the camera and that it's it has to be getting a program signal from the switcher so that's all plugged into the back of that studio converter but it actually also has a second video signal going into it and that second video signal is also through the ethernet cable going into the camera and that can be taken out of the HDMI out something that we did for example a vocalist was upstairs uh we were recording vocals and I wanted to record him with the camera and he needed to see the recording software to see what we were doing and I was actually running a screen capture from the Mac into the switching system into the studio converter into that second input and I had a screen connected with HDMI to the output of that camera showing the recording software at any given point in time and with my video hubs which is a video routing system which would be we would talk about in other videos I love these things I could even say what I wanted on that output so it could be an ox out whatever and that makes it super convenient I actually have that capability here on the main cam I could plug something into the HDMI out and Route any signal to it through the ethernet there's also again reference sync I don't know what these are for it's for stuff that I don't use the camera plus the converter it adds money you can clearly see I'm completely crazy I spent the money I am rewarded with options and is super flexible and creative workflow anything I want to film I can set up within an hour not even that much we can come in here and within five or 10 minutes we're ready to go with five cameras super quick we have DM X for the lighting everything is about workflow if a video isn't hard to set up you are making the video versus sitting around procrastinating dreading to make the video I mean we still dread to make the videos but it's so much easier to get started when getting started takes 10 minutes that is what this is all about and if later on the editing is super easy because you have one single file that was already beautifully edited by your wife next door why not make videos okay that's what it's all about for me the cameras of choice are the little one and hopefully soon a few of the G2 versions and the pro even though I've got now A plus uh because the pro offers the connection with the studio converter if you want to also do cinematography incorporating a pocket camera into one of the smaller switches is a possibility just know that you can't grow into a 4K live editing setup now we're going to do more videos with some of these setups showing you smaller to bigger and then we're going to give you tour of all of this and if you then have questions maybe I would say find the answers on the Blackmagic design website there's a lot of information but it helps to have a good start hopefully this didn't melt your brain and you understood some of what I was talking about I'm very much into this whole thing so maybe I talk complete gibberish and you don't know what I was saying I hope it helped I put a lot of work into this series uh I hope you appreciate it I'll put links below please use them that absolutely helps and big thanks to Sweetwater for sponsoring this and um animals at the end as always [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EytschPi42
Views: 5,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EytschPi42, HP42, Henning Pauly, Blackmagic Design, Blackmagic ATEM, ATEM Mini, Blackmagic Camera, BMPCC, Videproduction
Id: obhWMOhobgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 50sec (4790 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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