Atem Mini - Live Streaming to Facebook Live

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Instead of OBS I would use an Epiphan WebCaster X2 for broadcasting which is less hussel.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QRCodeART 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
in this video I'm gonna show you how you can start live-streaming great high quality video productions with the new Blackmagic designs a 10 mini hello I'm Stephen ballast welcome to my channel where I explore worship technology solutions I'm really excited about the 8m mini from Blackmagic designs because this switcher is going to become the best way for a lot of people to get started with live streaming or if you're currently streaming with one camera this is a great way to start a multi camera production for $300 it's a full-featured 4 input video switcher which that in itself would have made for a great product but they've also included a video interface which lets you connect the switcher directly to the computer and send the switchers output into the computer without needing any other device in between so you can see why I'm excited this one device packs in a whole lot of capabilities at an amazing price point that is going to be perfect for churches starting out on a budget because I think this switcher is gonna start showing up in so many churches I'm gonna do a whole series of videos about it in addition to this video we'll talk about how to get audio into it from your audio mixer how to set up a multi camera shoot and connect cameras that are further away than HDMI cables can run and also how to bring your lyrics in from a projection computer and overlay that over your video so if you haven't already be sure and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss those videos in this video I'm gonna start with the basics how to configure the switcher connect it to our computer and begin live streaming using OBS software but first let's just take a look at this thing and see what it can do on the back it's got 4 HDMI inputs so you can connect four cameras or three cameras and a computer however you want to use those four HDMI inputs it has two auxilary mic inputs on eighth inch connectors and these can be switched in the configuration software between Mike and line-level so this is where you'd bring in sound from an audio mixer it has an HDMI out and as we'll see in a minute this output can be used in a couple of different ways and then finally what really is its main program output is the webcam out which is the USB 3 port that you can use to connect the switcher to your computer and one of the nice improvements that Blackmagic Designs has made to this switcher is that we can now also control the switcher using the 8 m control software through the USB connection without having to set up the switcher on a network which for reducing the complexity of getting the switcher up and running is a nice improvement it still does have the network port so if you want you could control it over a network or have multiple people working on the switcher at the same time on the front panel the first thing you'll notice are the four big buttons to select your four inputs and there are two ways to operate the buttons on the switcher the default is what they call cut bus and in this mode when you push one of the four input buttons the switcher will take that camera live on the program output with either a cut or a fade transition depending which one is selected in this mode you could use the HDMI output on the back as a program output and you select what is routed to the HDMI output in the control software at the top is an output menu where you select what the HDMI output will show the other mode that the switcher can operate in is called program preview and you switch to this mode by running the am setup software which is a separate program from the control software but it was installed when you installed the control software and if you are familiar with any of the other 8m switchers this is the normal place where you would configure the switchers IP address but with the mini there is also this section for panel settings and here we can switch to program preview in this mode route the preview bus to the HDMI output and when I press an input button it turns green and I'm going to see that input on the HDMI output but it's not live on the program out until I press the take or Auto button to actually transition that input to the program output so while the mini doesn't have a multi view output like the other 8ms it does have a way to see your camera feed before you take it live and on that note in my future video about setting up a multi camera system with this switcher I'm going to talk about some ways to overcome not having view output I think if having a multi view output is really requirement for your environment then you just need to get the bigger brother the 8m TBS switcher but at a $300 price point for the switcher I'm not going to complain the rest of the buttons these smaller buttons above the big input buttons control audio and this switcher pretty much internally has all the capabilities of the AMT vs as far as an upstream keyer for luma and chroma keying and a downstream keyer for linear keying that we can use to overlay lyrics on our video and we'll talk about some of those features in a future video as well I hope that you can begin to see that this one device with both a four input video switcher and a video interface built in is going to be a great way for a lot of churches to serve video production and live streaming so right now to finish out this video let's talk about how I would use this switcher to send video to something like Facebook live the first thing you'll need to do is download and install the a temp control software from the Blackmagic designs website once you have that installed for live-streaming you're also going to need OBS so download and install that when you first connect the switcher to your computer I'm using this lightning to USB cable to connect it to my PC which is a little bit of an unusual cable I've got a link to it down in the description of this video along with links to all the equipment I'm using here when you first connect it and launch the a time control software it may tell you that you need to update the firmware go ahead and do that and then you should be presented with the AM software control program just like you see with any of the full-size 8m switchers click the gear icon in the bottom left corner to bring up the settings menu and let's talk about setting the video standard with previous 8m switchers we had to be very careful what video standard we chose and be sure that all the devices we connected to the switcher match this video standard otherwise we wouldn't get an image from an input but with the mini it scales all the inputs to whatever video standard you set here so with the 810 mini I recommend setting the video standard with an eye towards your output donation since in most cases we are going to be using this for live streaming on the web I'm gonna save my computer a little bit of encoding work and set the output here to 1080p 30 so at least the switcher is gonna drop the framerate down for me from the 1080p 60 that's coming in from my cameras and OBS our encoder for streaming won't have to do that the video from the switcher shows up on your computer like we connected a USB webcam so when we plug in the USB cable there are no drivers to install it will just show up on your computer as a USB video device to take that video in live stream it will open up OBS and I'll add a scene I'll call it live video and then add a source to the scene and I'm gonna select video capture device give it a name I'll call it a 10 mini and then in the properties dialog I'm going to select USB video device that's how the attempts video input shows up on your computer then before I click OK this is a quirk of OBS I'm not exactly sure why we have to do this but this happens with just about any video interface I've used you need to scroll to the bottom and check use custom audio device and then in the drop-down that appears select this device USB video device and now when we click OK we've got the video from the ATM as well as the audio from the ATM coming in to OBS I can switch cameras on the ATM and of course we see the output video from the ATM here in OBS one trick I like to do in OBS for audio is in the audio mixer I'll meet all the other audio sources that show up so I can be sure that I'm getting audio only from the device that I want and not for instance be adding in the sound from the microphone built into my laptop by accident now let's configure OBS for live streaming to Facebook live click the Settings button and then click the stream page and for service select Facebook live and now we need to enter our stream key you need to get this from your Facebook account so in a browser we'll go to Facebook and select live video ok let me right here I get a lot of questions on my YouTube channel and people who contact me through chat on Facebook and usually because they're having some sort of problem with their live stream and I can't even count how many times what I'm about to show you is the problem that people are having please understand there are two options here camera and connect and they are very different to use OBS you have to select connect and this is where we'll get our stream key and all the information to enter into OBS and where will actually click go live to get our stream online but what a lot of people do is stay on the camera side and because they attend many shows up on your computer as a webcam device you can select it right here USB video device and we've got the input from the switcher going into Facebook the problem is when you do this you've completely bypassed OBS and now Facebook and your browser are acting as the encoder and they will send whatever video quality resolution and bitrate that they like to Facebook for your stream and you'll get less than desirable results so be sure you are on the connect tab I like to check use a persistent key so that each time I stream I don't have to copy a new key into OBS it will stay the same copy this key and paste that back into OBS now I'm going to quickly walk you through how I set up OBS for live streaming to Facebook if you want more explanation about why I'm doing some of these things I have a video about optimizing OBS for live streaming I'll link that down in the description of this video in the video tab leave base canvas as 1920 by 1080 which is the resolution coming in from the switcher and I'm going to set the output resolution to 1280 by 720 for Facebook set the frames per second to 30 then on the output tab select advanced for the output mode and in the streaming tab I'm going to select the Nvidia and vank encoder since I have a pretty powerful Nvidia graphics card in this computer rate control leave as CBR and I'll start a bitrate of 2500 the rest here you can leave at the defaults on the audio tab track 1 I'll set to 128 that's a requirement for Facebook I try and match Facebook's requirements not because they won't accept your video if a few of these settings are a little bit off but what happens is then Facebook will do the conversion to get your video to match their requirements and that usually leads to less than stellar results so I try and send the best quality feed I can that meets the requirements click OK and now I'm ready to click start streaming in OBS back in my browser I should see my stream show up and now one final step all I have to do is click go live here in the browser and my stream will be live on Facebook a few quick ways that you can check the health of your stream these statistics down here that Facebook provides are a good way to verify that what you are sending is actually getting through 2.5 megabits per second 128 kbps for audio and 30 frames per second this all looks good back in OBS if I click the View menu and stats this opens a menu where I can also get a good idea on the health of my stream the top part shows me if my computer is keeping up frames missed due to rendering or encoding lag if I see a percentage here that would indicate that my computer isn't up to the task of live streaming at these settings and down below here if you see any dropped frames from the network that would indicate that your internet connection doesn't have the bandwidth to stream at the settings you're using and that's it you've got your a 10 min eonline and streaming be sure and subscribe to my channel for more videos where I'm gonna go into more specifics about using this switcher for live production until next time bye
Channel: Ballast Media
Views: 126,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATEM Mini, live streaming, facebook live, OBS, video interface, Blackmagic Designs, Elgato HD60s, AJA u-tap, Stephen Ballast, BallastMedia
Id: kK4CFwJB7u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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