1 Impostor vs 99 Real Crewmates in Among Us!

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my goal is to somehow win as a solo imposter versus over 100 crew members zero second kill cooldown here we go get ready get ready get ready this is about to be insane here we go there we go we got a lot of people dead at the beginning all right all right come on come on come on where's he up where's he at there's a lot of people there are four bodies i think we just eliminated about 10 of the 120 players who are online right now that was huge well everyone just got slaughtered at the start but we need to make some soft and swift plays guys okay the thing is there are so many eyeballs watching that i have to be safe wait do we actually have tested oh we can actually do tasks i didn't know that's what we were supposed to do like i can't just go willy-nilly and start eliminating people otherwise i'm gonna get sussed out almost immediately i mean look at this there's just so many players in this 80 people got slaughtered i managed to kill one of you guys though i am alive yes you killed me yes perfect it's a good game all right guys i think we should blow down wait that was so fast yeah i might have made it really short on the bones wow okay and you say we cheat hey hey iq plays um here's one thing okay um who called me all right guys voted out brooklyn halo why did you guys call a boat so fast yeah i'm just trying to look at all the names i'm just saying cabbage looks kind of sauce dude what if that was a lie what if i'm not actually using a random name generator i might be pressed in plays i mean zachary plays just sounded like a name you just came up with do i want to go for these guys down here no i don't want to go for these guys down here too huh somebody do something suspicious there's no safe place to eliminate crewmates there's just none because they can see everything they're saying cyan don't call a button and what is i don't know what does he do maybe i'm to be honest i don't i don't think it's phased then well you guys voted i think if you've got an emergency meeting you've now sussed yourself yeah listen have you caught an emergency meeting without us telling you you're getting voted out oh oh that hurts my heart my can pretty good brother depression what do you say to me you heard me oh okay okay i voted i told you vote him out it's all right why are we voting people oh yeah he did call the emergency yeah yeah yeah if you throw the game and call a lot of emergency meetings unfortunately the vote will happen i wonder if i could turn everybody in this lobby against you guys i'm not gonna make it happen see i'm playing it nice and safe guys we're building up plenty of street cred there are so many emergency meetings happening each player has two emergency meetings there's supposed to be a cooldown but it doesn't seem like it's working but that's okay oh this person just got voted off that's sad what are people why are people eliminating themselves kill him kill him cheeseburger all right who called the emergency meeting cheeseburgers revival guys if you don't hit the emergency button you'll win a thousand dollars and mr beast is funding it do you want to enter my ten thousand views guys give it away to not hit the button get the thousand dollars we're getting killed there we go oh just got a bunch of people boys just go i just eliminated the smorgasbord of people into work thank you why would you say that another kid no no no no the challenge is starting out [Laughter] there's so many players it's hard to find okay so far so good we are doing good i we oh the temptation to eliminate everybody in your shields is so high but i don't want to die not today anyways another day maybe not today by the way if you're new to the channel you want to see more videos hunter player mod hit that red subscribe button if you want to it'll prove that i'm not suss which will help me out dearly in this i'm not sure what this person is doing um he's like running into the wall come on preston you gotta make a move not a lot of good kill opportunities here guys a lot of people still congregating together this is such a big open area to eliminate other players too not a good idea i ain't never been afraid i guess i should probably do the tasks but i'm just trying to catch preston in the act man i really want to go for this green now i'm going to build up credit with this green guy not going to eliminate him we're going to be best friends see look at this person watching you see this person watching right now they're stalking me i think electrical so there's no vents in this hundred player mod if there were vents this would be so much easier but there's not and it's a little glitchy because technically i can see people in electrical from engine that should not be happening but it's a part of the game anyways so we're just gonna roll with it he's too scared to get killed he's not scared that he definitely doesn't want to hear you so many people are camping the emergency button and there's some how is there a player on top of the table how is there wait how did you do that how did you do i don't know how somebody did that but that is freaking amazing all right we could go for a big elim down here in shields guys players are just spread out so much i just walked out of it well a lot of people usually die in this game yeah yo actually we're about to get slaughtered i know i'm waiting for it all right there's only about let's see so if you look at the task bar in the top left it's about like what one one eighth completed we've got plenty of time we don't need to worry about going for a killing spree anytime soon i haven't killed a player in so long as well i'm just waiting for the right moment you know i think i'm being followed by these two orange players or are they just trying to do their tasks in electrical i it's gotta be black i don't think it's that one but i just think it is cause i thought i saw that oh i'm gonna die i'm alone they'll be alone listen when there's a hundred people playing among us every area is a high traffic area not a lot of not a lot of eliminations lately yeah are you scared to get a kill my friend no he's not scared dude i'm not scared squid okay i thought i saw black or white andrew i'm trying to spot who are the youtubers so the people i'm playing with right now if i can eliminate them there's a guarantee that i'm going to end up winning this because they're not going to be able to convince people in the discord who i am just getting that opportunity is incredibly difficult right now do i want to go in electrical and kill everybody so from electrical you can see if you're in security cameras you can see a little bit of electrical which is not a good idea this is probably one of the worst rooms to eliminate people and honestly whoever walks away from the stat kill is obviously preston so if i'm gonna find a place to eliminate people i might have to do it over here to be honest all right i'm gonna go for a couple of kills i had to do it i had to do it that was what was right i had a i had to kill these guys as well everybody that oh okay did they see it all right kill andrew can you shoot him in this way max said he had valuable info and then chico starts talking this is perfect man this is i think we can win this i think this is winnable 100 i'm gonna also eliminate everybody right here okay i was gonna say actually that's killer watching behavior and there's been a pink in the cafeteria not moving the entire time i we're killing random names generator wait who's random wait no no no no no no is that you no wait there was a body i swear there was a body over here oh they're calling it again so many reports so many people don't have to reign that randomly we've killed more people than you and you haven't seen you guys i really think you guys have killed more people than i am that's because you're a bad imposter what else i'm a bad but dude literally all it takes is one of you guys noticing me and everybody in the discord will vote i know but we don't you're not doing anything that's like you can kill everyone except for us you know i'm trying to big brain it man i'm trying to big brain it all right lots of brainage plays going on over here oh my gosh why would you okay i just found a body in in bottom storage you reported a body you guys no no i didn't report a body i just i killed pikapiece kill him look at this look at this name over here not keith i'm voting for not keith i think preston maybe that's him and he's trying to throw himself under the gun maybe i'm not you guys can definitely vote for not keith if you want to do an x right i'm not going to be able to don't don't take the bait don't take the bait don't do it take the bait take it all right guys doing good not even half the tasks are completed yet these guys are spamming emergency meetings oh there you go can you stop spending emergency meetings that wasn't me killed not keith what you guys are literally voting out not keith why exactly why because you think you're going to win i do wait it just says this is not that nice oh they just killed an innocent person boys literally they just killed an innocent person i love it all right guys i think we need to kill uh i love diglett can you stop just voting it and no quill's mom vote queen's that's what he says for now see look at all these guys waiting around the meeting table this is what's wrong with a hundred player among us they're camping and waiting for me and it's giving me almost zero opportunity oh there we go there we go that was a big kill that was a big kill as well we got some good kills going on just hope nobody saw that i don't think anybody did i just got another two kills we're going on a tear boys we're going on a tear we're going on a tear big tear big tear big tear big tear here we go here we go one more one more all right let's kill these guys these three oh this is massive this is massive let's go am i the last one alive okay wait okay who's left alive who's left alive of the youtubers [Music] i'm gonna say my name gosh darn you president oh no one was ejected i kill you tico i did didn't i yes we want to go for some kills in here i think we do get some cheeky kills over here nobody noticed that i'm gonna go this way there's a red guy over here that's kind of sus no red guy i don't know i don't know man there's a lot of bodies oh just got that killed by the skin of my teeth always gonna report it red just saw that murder that's not good that's not good hopefully there's a lot of other white players left let's go for these guys down here this is so bad i feel like we're getting so close to winning this game you have literally no idea literally no idea okay purple's all alone no purple's not alone there's a blue over here blue oh meeting oh it's a red it's red it's red i'm pretty sure it's a red probably yeah definitely preston's number one fan friends oh you guys are gonna kill who's this guy olsen jamaican okay why you guys vote out the jamaican that's a great country i agree it's a red i thought it was a black i think it's playing squidward everybody's like i got no idea who it is so they have no idea who i am right now they think it's a red imposter which is perfect i want to keep that incognito going as much as i can use that to my advantage try to pick people off now that there's way less players i think we can get some limbs oh okay that might have been too edgy i don't know see it's hard like you have to kill multiple people at a time right now otherwise things get really dangerous i gotta keep moving though keep moving keep moving trying to eliminate people as slow as i can but as quickly as i can i'm leaving a massive trail of bodies behind me which is really bad nobody noticed that body nobody noticed that body let's go i think we just got away with our biggest play yet guys we did oh there's like 10 people left right now dude oh gosh i don't i don't know preston says are you ready who's in my bot no one was ejected oh my god i think this game is in the bag oh no i think you got it this way come guys don't let preston win he can't win we'll never hear the end of this exactly i don't know who this teal is but i'm definitely about to eliminate him should i kill the yeah i'm gonna get both of them just real quick oh i saw the orange i saw the orange and the oh oh this is big this is so huge right now all right do we want to do anything here do you want to call the emergency meeting i don't think you want to call the emergency meeting i think calling the emergency meeting right now is the last thing we want to do if we do that if we call the emergency meeting we might be able to get away with it but if we i don't know man i'm not going to do it i just saw like a trail of bodies by by bottom left i don't know who it is i don't know i'm going with red i'm going to ms stream okay you're really just throwing out the red like that huh wait you guys didn't even vote for me you didn't even know it no person i would have won that game i would have freaking won that game man
Channel: TBNRFrags
Views: 4,444,838
Rating: 4.8971992 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, challenge, funny, comedy, family, family friendly
Id: 2Et37DXz8JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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