Black Men Who Don't Date Interracially - A Discussion | #IndependentVoices

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[Music] foreign [Music] the very first question is why was it so important to only date black women for me um I love myself and so you know um I had just come to the conclusion one day just you know when when you think about the society as a whole you know uh when you love yourself you know you you want to be with someone that mirrors yourself you understand what I'm saying you want your children to reflect you you know and not just uh internally or culturally and psychologically but even physically you know I love the way I look you know when I look in the mirror you know and so for me to have seeds that look like me you know I should be with a woman that looks like me you know and I actually love it it's not like you know it's not just principle but it's also something that you know means a lot to me that you know so for me that's why it was important for me to be with a black woman but on top of that my mother gave be a good example of what a black woman is you know and so you know recognizing that example you know you know I I'm not tainted with any you know crazy ideas of what black women are you understand what I'm saying like you know I see how uh certain ideas can be pushed and then you know I can compare that with my mom and say you know it doesn't really it doesn't fit doesn't have to fit so you know really my mom is like you know the best example of black Womanhood I've ever seen and so you know I base my decisions on that I like that because a lot of people a lot of black people specifically have issued mommy issues and I've actually heard that I might be moving ahead of it ahead of ahead of it but um I've actually heard black men say that it's one of the reasons why they don't want to date black women anymore because of what they've seen their mom do or how she acts and how she portrays so that's really good that's very interesting and really good to hear any one of you want to answer uh yeah you know it is a form of like self-realization you know what I'm saying you can't realize that you know black women are ultimately behalf like that's it's like just the other half of what you are you know what I'm saying like and then just everything else this is even like the social connections we have just the way black women look you know what I mean like they really uh compliment us you know what I mean if you really think about it like you know just the essence of black women the way like you know there's a certain energy that they give off you know I mean that you're not going to get from nobody else like nothing is like a black woman like period And I mean so you know whatever issues that I have went through you know um it didn't it's just never gonna really affect it to the point I'm like oh no no Blackwood that's ridiculous and to me you know I mean because you know you know you may have some bad experiences But ultimately your best experience is going to be what you know I mean the other half of yourself that's the female half of us you know I mean so yeah just just all that it's like the social and then the the dynamic and the uh you know just but let me just look look it's the epitome of beauty you know what I mean and you know so that's that's uh you know that's pretty much my aspect on it okay uh for me personally it had a lot to do with a couple of things um for one what he said loving loving yourself um just put yourself in in a position where you're in a relationship with somebody else they can never fully relate to everything that you deal with okay you know what I mean when when you go out there and uh just use the typical the police pulls you out or they they can't feel the same way you feel because these things are not common right right with them you understand like so so there was that aspect and then you know I have people in my family that are mixed and there's always this identity crisis thing going on they don't know exactly where they fit or where they belong and um like for instance you know I have cousins that are are half Mexican half black and they're they're darker so their Mexican family is looking at them like you're only black so they have to deal with all of these different things I would never want to I never wanted to raise my children with these type of issues on top of the issues that we already deal with right right you know so so there's that aspect in them to be honest with you I just I'm with him when the black women are the opinion they they are what beauty is okay to me so all right all right well that's good all right all right brother so the next question is try to keep it PG as much as possible uh what turns you on about a black woman that's why I said keep it PG as much everything yeah really really the way they look the way they move really that's that's the main thing that gives me you know how we move they just move differently you know you can't even sometimes you can't describe it you know I just see a black woman and I just be like there's a reaction there that I don't have with other people so you know that's one of the things um but you know they're really unique black women are just unique they're different they look different they talk different they smell different they move different and I know other people know because I have to deal with them in the workplace it's true oh well can you edit this and this and that I'm like man you know can you just like yeah okay it's just a different it's a whole different vibe that black women have and so um you know they're just beautiful to me okay Ryan what turns you on about a black woman uh well you know um you know the boys should say something it's just a very listen if it's too bad I'll edit it out okay okay there's a very distinct um like I was talking about the essence earlier that black women have like in just like there's weaving with different ways that black women touches to certain things that they understand about black men you know what I mean and just you know I mean all the different types of black women and features everything just like I mean just just it's just the yeah it's just it's Indescribable to a great extent I mean besides the fact that you know you of course you got so most assistants with certain types of body frames and whatnot yeah I mean but I mean just like at the end of the day like just like it's just they just got it they got that that thing that is just the it's just that powerful that other half of your power to make sure you go wow like it really just enhances you you know what I mean so it's like you know just when you when you especially you find when we all got that that uh that uh same like understanding like um like um what's the word I'm looking for um just with conversation or personality where y'all really got that even that's just you know I mean when you're like wow now really like it's just like everything else is now coming into play it just comes in Full Circle 360. you know what I mean so it's just you know yeah I don't know for me it's a lady walk when they talk the way they dance every it's every aspect of of of of a black woman and um I think most of all the the mental aspect but I can't get that from anybody else because they're not going to understand they don't understand music the way I understand music they don't understand my my my struggle the way other people and it will understand it or try to understand because they never can because they never me and uh you know just back to what we said before I love myself so okay you know imma love everything about that yeah yeah I think that's important too obviously you know intellectually you know um psychologically like you said there's a relation there you know what I mean there's there's a commonality there that doesn't exist anywhere else you know so even after the initial retraction which is physical attraction there's there's more to it but even even with the physical like I said it's it's something that draws you you know to black women even even non-black and they already know what's up you know yeah you see that all the time you know so it's like this energy this is the difference well you actually brought that up uh what you just said about other racism in ethnic groups noticing about black women and the black women it seems that they just look but never come over or never touched in my opinion or in my experience so what made you say that you even see it with like other people I mean I mean it's the thing like you know a lot of times even in social media or whatever even if you watch people in interviews on talk shows they talk about how you know what he just was attracted to me and he he tells me I'm beautiful and he makes me feel this certain type of way and all of that these are things that I do you know to black women all the time so it's like it's natural to me so whatever they're seeing in black women I see the same exactly but I see it like he said double phone you understand what I'm saying so you know I just said that to to say that it's it's a valid it's it's a valid feeling it's something that can be verified across the board it's not just something that I'm sitting here saying you know what I'm saying okay so that's all okay I think along with what he's what he's saying there's um there's always intimidation and Power and one of the stereotypes about black women is that they're intimidated you know what I mean and for anything to be a stereotype that has to be a a an agreement across the board so I think that's what we talk about when that thing we see we're just not intimidated by it well all right and honestly a lot of well I mean we only recently like you like you were saying before recently a lot of non-black men have been approaching more and more but I think I think this is a lot it has a lot to do with how black men are being viewed by black women and how a lot of black men are with a lot of black men are doing you know what I mean how you know if you go on in and you see all types of you know black men like well if you want to call them that they talk so bad about black women you got some people saying great the craziest things you couldn't even imagine about how black women look and this that in the third and it's and it really I think it lets other energies know like oh okay wow that now now that whole now that you can see that their guard is let down black one was guarded because before you know black men were it was pretty obvious that black men still adore black women now it's kind of like this this and the media doesn't help you know pushing that making it seem like black men don't want black women you know what I mean so then it makes blood no black men feel like oh I mean I can approach it because now she feels alone or she feels abandoned now I have more of a chance you know what I mean because like honestly like you know they they know too but he's still like you can never really compare to a black man especially to a black woman you know what I mean so it only would take a time like this where things are really exaggerated and even you know there's a lot of truth to it too where a lot of black males kind of like their their minds are they've been warped to kind of talk about black women a certain kind of way so it's now given courage to actually see that courage they've always wanted to oh look at the way that they look if you if you look back in time you see they used to wear those dresses and stuff where the butt was kind of okay you know what I mean yeah look at those things or the museums and stuff where they actually had black women in they had black women in zoo so um why would you have something to look at it you've always wanted that and then if you look at it like you said a historic scale and on a global scale because we you know we tend to put things in the context of of America but globally it's it's recorded that non-black man white man Arab man have gone into black populations like Africa or whatever to have access to black women now whether it's it's obviously for the most part exploitive access you know what I mean they want to exploit them sexually or whatever but they're not uh running to Europe to try to have access to white women you understand what I'm saying they're leaving Europe to have access to young black women in Africa who they who are probably economically disadvantaged so they can use their position to have access to black women this thing is recorded all across you know in Africa and wherever there's black populations there are men who pay thousands of dollars to fly across the globe so they can have access to black women you know and so this thing is real you know even at times during when we were uh being colonized and subjugated and enslaved or whatever they they didn't waste no time trying to rape black women you know right they wanted access to black women so it hasn't stopped is what I'm saying you know and so there's this idea that they're not attracted to black women everyone is attracted to black women you know everyone is you know and so now whether you can be programmed to dislike it or to hate it that's one thing but for the most part they're attracted to black women now that you talked about them being scared to approach them there is a new thing going on like if you I remember like I don't know maybe a year or two back there was an episode of uh the Toni Braxton sisters where they went to Europe or something they went on some trip and this white dude just walked up and grabbed one of them on the butt like it was nothing like you know and they were just oh my gosh did you see yeah you know he just walked up and grabbed her on the butt like it was nothing and so you know and the reaction was was crazy because the sisters were they were more like you know well he didn't grab me or something like that weird you know but my whole point is it just that that the attraction is there or even if you there was a Beyonce incident where she was on stage white dude reached up and grabbed her butt right this is Beyonce this is somebody who's a mega Star World Mega star she got a husband who's supposed to be hardcore you know you don't do things like that unless you both you understand what I'm saying right he also saw he get away with it he felt like he can get away with it I mean he did right I mean well there's some privilege there but my whole point is that uh there is a shift I guess in the boldness of okay you know but yeah yeah right now please like you know what I mean so they've been involting by a lot of stuff that's been going on in the media or whatnot but um what I would say also is that even that uh uh shouldn't be looked at in a positive way because that's a violation of a personal space right oh yeah oh just like in terms of uh like I said they would go to Africa and rape black women you understand what I'm saying even today you know you can look at you can just just research the United Nations peacekeepers raping black women and leaving just all of these babies there they go over there as peacekeepers they're not keeping the peace they rape a lot of uh young uh black women who have no money or whatever so they you know these men look like someone who can offer them something a lot of times so you know the the scenarios where these things can happen are are uh they're not regular scenarios these aren't women who are well off financially right or or or or have food to eat for tomorrow so you know something that under normal circumstances they would be able to avoid but these are circumstances where there's people who come in positions of Power with some type of authority with some type of resources and they come to exploit these women and then they leave all of these babies behind and go back to Europe you know and then take trips back and forth I mean you got white men even just you know that go to Thailand or whatever to find you know other women to to to to to to to dominate but for the most part you can actually do research of of of historically and presently that people are you know they want access to black women and so you know this is something like I said that I see you know I have that same attraction to black women but it's a respectful attraction as opposed to a violation you understand you know what's funny about what you're saying it was a 16 year old he said it like this he said when uh he said do tonight the Ronald Reagan Era and the whole Welfare Queen situation that's the way that the other races look at us so when they see uh black men can't take care of their woman acceptable when that white man comes or the Asian or whoever comes down to the ghetto to be with a black woman it's not because they actually love them it seems like it's easier it takes less your man can't take care of you I can take care of you your man is not saying he you're beautiful Etc because he's struggling he's going through his name so now I could come and and take take advantage of the situation so even when that becomes your your uh their their wife Etc it's still it's easy yes it's more about it being easy rather than actually being loved okay so do you think there is an agenda via Hollywood and social media to push interracial dating I would say that's definitely an agenda especially in the media um uh for the most part like if you if you look at the relationships that they push in the movies they always have a black man with a non-black woman um even a lot of Tyler Perry movies you know China Will Smith and uh oh yeah yeah oh you know and you know even not just relationship wise but just the black male uh saving a white woman or something like Denzel has saved so many white women and I like them though he's just wow the little white girl I mean all of these movies you know they push this this uh the the black man um with the black with the non-black woman and the cold part about it is you know when you look at the statistics it's not really statistically sound to promote that you know um so it's being pushed you know it's not like it's a reflection of reality art is not imitating life what you have is you have an art form uh trying to influence life you know what I mean so that we can follow this Arc you understand what I'm saying so it's it's really deep and and recently they've been trying to push it on the black woman you know if you look at uh certain television shows like Lincoln Heights or uh like you said scandal or uh one of the shows the Princess and the Frog um all of these type of things have been um made to to push a multi-racial or interracial for black relationships specifically right yeah because when you look at the you know you look at these the other images of other races they they keep them in terms and so it's it's really it's really it's different in the outfit I think it's underlying that they're trying to figure out a way to get rid of our race Yeah well yeah and you know what it's funny because there's a there's a concept in our in our community that you know black is dominant and black cannot be bred out it's not first in Australia yeah they did in Australia rather proof offense you know there's a there's a movie called rapid proof fence where they describe how you know after a generation or two three up to three years it's gone you know the the Blackness is gone and so you know this whole idea that you know people take genetic dominance and take it to me uh uh genetic uh immortality immortality yeah exactly like you know like it's like you know like it cannot be destroyed like indestructible genes indestructible it's just dominant which means you know you put these two together yeah they just want to show up more but if you keep adding adding and adding something else to it it's gonna be you know it's gonna fall from what it once was and this is another thing you know can I add on to something he said earlier okay um he was talking about uh them basically destroying the black family unit because when blacks blacks at home get together then we start interacting with our brothers and stuff a little better then we start thinking about what can we build Etc we have evidence to that you you've seen it and I mean you could go as far as back as ancient chemical what people call it Egypt you know what I mean and how how we uh interacted with each other and the things that we did they still can't figure those pyramids out today right um you could go back to um the garveyi movement and you see all of these black proud people funding this man yeah I think he had over um 20 000 million so it was like 10 million it was 10 million members of funding funding his his his movement I think he had like 20 000 people funding his movement in a time where you have no social media except you have um he he got I think he got 65 000 people to come out to the Madison Square Garden or based on uh adding up all the nights together I think he did a three night thing filled up Madison Square Garden each time and then from there they all put their funding together and start building things they they put together the um they got the Black Star Line Etc you see it with um look in Tulsa Oklahoma let's let's look at the Black Wall Street let's look at all these different things we've done when we get together we work best as a collective and if you destroyed a home then you could destroy the rest you destroyed a black family then what do you have yeah ultimately you destroy the way each one looks at each other too you know what I mean it's like they've been doing things with certain um black male um actors too you know one of the one of the most indeed um revered black male actresses actors excuse me in Hollywood is uh Morris Chestnut and sisters love him right you know what I mean so but then he's got this new you know he's been the one brother that was kind of like and everything he's got a new TV show called Rosewood and you go like in in certain neighborhoods they have a picture of him right there and it's got this like it's just like this Spanish girl that he flirts with the tries to get with and it's like they just keep enhancing that like pushing nothing no he wants her he wants her so you you know what I mean you need to figure something else out you know what I mean when you're talking about the TV show what's called black love or something they call it that a TV show called Black love but it had a bunch of it was interviewing nothing but black males who said no I like dating out of my race because this that in the third thing like they couldn't find no problem you're right but I think about all the sister was saying you know they want black men but they just like they were acting like they just could not find no brothers who was like you know you know I like like women like you know who this is that the third you know that's that's got to be you know about designing it's like you know you got some brothers who would even say like well you know I'm like data and all but I'm married black woman at least at the very least you know I think that's a lot more bloodless like that but they made sure they found but this was like nah you know well and I just want to address another thing about the whole interracial thing um um or or just the one drop of black blood idea you know makes you black you know that was an idea that was created by people who weren't black you know they came up with that theory and we just took it and run we didn't like we take everything from them and run with it like like it was a dictation for God oh you know this this is this is love this is what it is you understand what I'm saying so you know uh it's not true you know um this is the thing and you know we can argue about genetics about you know Blackness being dominant you know it is dominant but it's not Invincible you understand what I'm saying but what I will say is that even if you just put the genetics to the side if we honestly believe black people are beautiful wouldn't we want to see more black people yeah looking like black people yeah so the more you mix with something that is not black or they don't look like black people obviously then you fall away from Black Beauty so if you believe in Black Beauty why would you want to water it down so just just a step in genetics aside for a second because a lot of times people want to say it doesn't matter what it is they're still like okay fine but are they black beautiful you know what I mean are they are they beautiful black people exhibiting black beauty as we know it you understand what I'm saying because black beauty is not Paris Hilton you know what I mean that's not Black Beauty that's something else right right so right so the more you get towards that then you don't have that feeling right okay right and so that's that's that's that's one of the things that I try to get people to realize you know even if you accept people who are mixed that's black which is fine um but the further you mix away from black you fall away from that beauty that we all say we love right also other yeah real quick I think a lot of us a lot of black people also confuse shades with genotypes they become in all shades okay but we don't come in all types you know what I mean it's one genomes have a lot of people it's a collective of different looks right but there's a there's a there's a it's overall there's a certain look to a black person that makes the genetic code of a black person you know what I mean it's like oh you know you see like a white person walking down the street or an age person oh becoming all shady they black like none of this because it's frivolous right I mean it's like you know it's funny because the same people who will say you know Blackness you know is everything you know it's in all colors and they have all different hair types but then they'll you know use uh ancient statues that are found they say that's a black person well if that's the case you're basically telling us that we do have a specific look to us because that's how you point to the Statue and say that's of a black person so then when you have this conversation about interracial it just all falls apart and you say well everybody you know every we have all shades we have all uh you know shapes to our face and attaches to our hair if that's the case then when it's black and everyone is black no one is black but even in that though nobody's black and you're black or 11 being black if you believe everyone is black you know what I mean so you know who's saying that these are these are the people when you get into a conversation with someone about whether or not they should date outside of their race or date with other people they'll say things like well they come from us anyways right it's based yeah it's based off the organism the other Africa Theory it's a lot of people that that believe that you know uh the first person was in Africa Etc that part true right but we when you get to dealing with I guess you could say uh types of humans you know homo sapien sapien isn't the only type of human that was here you you have I believe they're called The Descendants you have any other thoughts Etc you can't find no links between them and the Africa the humanoids that were in Africa so you can't say that this person is just African or African descent or what we call Black just because they have a darker shade or you know what I mean and that's what when you said who said you know everyone is black I was basically bouncing off of something that he was saying when he said that you know you can't confuse Shay with genotypes so what happens is when I say you know someone is black and they say well I'm not black I'm I'm yellow or she you know she's she's pale but she's still a black person which is true you know what I'm saying is if paleness is also black then they will use as an argument to envelope other races into Blackness that I've seen people do it I think people gotta do this they gotta understand that black is more symbolic than anything right and the reason why I say that is because uh you gotta understand the characteristics of black how black deals with the sun Etc how how black and chlorophyll basically the same thing how it attracts that energy Etc how it uses that energy utilizes that energy and all the rest of these different things and that's that's I think has a lot to do with why our people are not just the color because we there's some people that's black too you know what I mean and further backpack and you look the darkness right right if you're a rich dog yeah but it's we are are the way that our um skin absorbs the light and utilizes for vitamins and Etc I think it has a lot to do with the symbology as well and even behaviorally or even with our abilities you know you look around and you see what black people can do you know even with under the conditions that we're under even with media attacks even with um other things that are in our communities that are destroying us the the things that we're able to do you don't see other people doing it you know some of the things I like to point out is how we just create from scratch how we come with different things or different Moves dance moves whatever and then other people can imitate those things but it doesn't mean they originate them like we do you know so there is something to Blackness that that makes it special that makes it different you know that you know that isn't just related to skin tone and you understand what I'm saying yeah it's something to our Blackness that's why that's just the bounce off of what he said when he said that his Blackness is symbolic it symbolizes what Michael Jordan can do when he jumps up and does a 360 with his eyes closed behind the back dunk and you know I Dirk Nowitzki is not doing that you know what I mean it's just you know so I don't even even when you you know you look at other people as well I don't know any Mexican that can do that either so these are things that that Blackness is capable of and you know and it's it's yeah so Blackness is symbolic it's not necessarily you have to look this specific way you understand what I'm saying but there are some things to Blackness that obviously makes us recognize these statues as black steps speaking of speaking of the statue the other thing that's that's a trick that distincts us from uh other other ethnicities and whatnot it's our art even in the condition we're in if you just type in Black love on the internet there's tons of black little black men black women paintings uh just you know you can just the beauty showing the beauty of us together you know what I mean and just like you know you know whatever it is this is it was making love or it's just at a dinner table or it's just a hug or it's on the basketball court or black name whatever it's like it's just a very powerful that that we still have been able to maintain that even with all we've done it doesn't even make any sense really if you think about it right after all that we've been through within in this age of so much heavy propaganda and television that we still are able to maintain some type of understanding like yeah but I know right right look at that artist beautiful art so um okay all right so let's get to the meat potatoes and things all right my brother he looked directed at me okay so it sounds like you guys are very passionate about dating black women so that actually brings me to the question of have you guys ever dated outside your race and if so how does it compare to dating black women because you guys are very passionate about making sure that the black family stays together I wouldn't know okay all right yes I'm assuming um you know not something I really like to get deep into okay but uh you know yeah you know but I do uh we was talking about propaganda right and quiet as kept it seems to be some kind of like like a kind of like a twisted culture I was kind of that maybe a strong word whatever but where it's kind of like understood amongst black men when you grow up that you're supposed to like be with all types of different evidence you're supposed to collaborate on that well it's kind of like you know you're the black man you know you got to show you you know I mean you gotta go out there yeah everybody you know what I mean so it's kind of like you kind of like directed that way and like as I as I grew up I started again to understand that you know I never really like not black women I just kind of thought that that was something I was supposed to be doing you know when you get the television yeah all that stuff pushing it on you you know what I mean it's kind of like there's so much emphasis on the black male you know phallus that you begin to see that as your worth you know that's all I you know what I'm saying so I gotta you know I can do all the you know different types of females you know but you know I look back now it's kind of like you know I just wish I never really was influenced by that but at least I'm like glad I can talk to two brothers who would have or whatever I can go listen man it's a great chance that you don't even really want to do that channel you know what I mean so you you most likely going down the road they might be a small percentage of of uh black people or non-black people who may like something other than their race but not never not like their own race that's impossible you know what I mean but this this thing we're seeing Wally's Brothers going out their way in this then and third or they're talking about you know what I mean but to to a great extent the collective of black people like our natural mindset is to want to be with our own you know what I mean and I think that you know nothing compares to black women like it's just like you just I'm like bad like damn I could have known a black woman you know what I'm saying I do feel like you were influenced by media most definitely more death by media and you know Society you know and and other other brothers who were influenced by media okay yeah you know what I mean because I remember in high school you know and they used to be like oh man the white girls this and that they do this and that you know things that they are new you know everybody you know real quick and real quick also like you know I'm not trying to say you know some sisters but you know sometimes you know you can't go you can see it's a lot of sisters for some not a lot but some maybe a little maybe a little rigid for whatever they're going through because they're going through what we're going through as women so you know sometimes there's a little conflict there well you know she being mean or whatever you know so you might you know what I mean the other ones are trying to like outdo black women to a great extent so they're doing a bunch of extra stuff trying to oh I see you know competition it's not cut it's not because there is no competition what I'm saying is they're trying they try to you know do the extra stuff because they see we're having conflict okay it's kind of like it's kind of like you know I don't say infiltration but you know I know they see to a certain degree you know what I mean okay we're gonna move on I mean I haven't dated outside my race personally but I know people who date outside their race especially in this generation now the generation right under me I feel like they're um a lot of their motivation for dating out outside of their race really has to do with it's it really has to do with um one is the lack of identity you know what I mean a lack of love for self but I think the biggest thing is yeah the media and everything having having an impact on how we look at black women um when you got Housewives of Atlanta and uh uh what is it hip-hop Love and Hip Hop and you see how ratchet these people are who are supposed to be I guess you could say you would assume they would be dignified because they have some type of fun you know what I mean it automatically starts to distort your view of black women as a child and you grow up with that you know what I mean then you go to these parties and stuff with these young women who are trying to mimic that so now people like you know how I'm cleaning people in my family who don't date black women and it's it has a lot to do with that this distorted view of what black women are but it's on both sides of the field a lot of black women don't know who they're supposed to be you know what I mean but I feel like it's black man it's up to us to acknowledge these issues and and and approach them with the knowledge of that and help them find out who they are so we can help each other find out who we are and then everything gets passed on outside of the media just within the family I remember when I was young my uncle used to tell me you know get your Mexican girl man they they real loyal that's what he would say you know and you know personally I didn't fall for his idea because he really used to push that and this is a uncle that I used to look up to you know that he would give me money when I see him and you know we go work together or whatever you know and so he would he would push these ideas you know his first he's had what the babies by I don't know about seven women um but the first two were black women but all the rest of them were Mexican women so if you look at his relationship you'll say well maybe he knows what he's talking about because you know he's been with everybody and you know look who he's with now but today you know uh his woman left him you know put some younger man and left him with the kids and everything so that loyalty that he was just so talking about it and it didn't work out too well for him you know so the the ideas are definitely pushed on young young black men you know especially at Family media in the schools you know like I said you associate with with uh other young men and you know the idea is you know it's something it's a Trippy thing but it's something with dudes of all race is really that that finds some type of pleasure in sliding out the women of other races you know especially white I didn't think they started that you know they like this this idea of dominating the women of another race you know and so that type of thing is passed on you know it's it's weird it's a trip it's not really vocalized that way but it's acted out you know it's a it's a power struggle it's a power struggle when you can when you can take the prized possession of another man then you've defeated that man and I feel that's that's exactly what's occurred with black people about um that dude I'll just Cleaver right all right from okay this now this dude was in the Black Panthers he was main minister of information in a very prominent organization of the Civil Rights Movement but if you go into his book called soul on Ice he talked about um it's about how he looked when he looked at black women he was looking at slavery when he looked at white females he was looking at Freedom now that obviously was from all that propaganda you got to think of all the minstrel shows all the the hateful um you know the projection of what black men were and what black women were and so now that's that was the reason why I think he was Embraces because that kind of Twisted idea in such an unnatural situation manifested in the idea he articulated what a lot of black males it were broken inside were feeling you know what I mean and they did not realizing yeah it was also stem from police brutality like a lot of times those few black men who were interested in white women couldn't be with them so they'd be out in public and they'll get beat up by white men for being with a white woman or they'll get harassed by the cops for it and so a lot of times what would happen is you want something that you can't have yeah even if you don't even if it ain't good for you even in your heart of hearts you may not really want it but it's like you know what I mean it's like just the fact that someone said no you know and just like so I said such an unnatural situation you know when your mind has kind of been manipulated to give yourself a certain kind of way so now he's looking at black women like oh no that reminds me of who you and what you've been through you know what I'm saying it's kind of like you know you're running running from yourself and there's a certain level of responsibility that comes with being with a black woman because now you know you have to be a man out of me oh elaborate some more for us I mean it's just you know that those that day white girls they gonna just basically get over backwards for them they're gonna they're gonna allow them to it's a trick because there's no there's no social responsibility put on you anymore when you're in an interracial relationship you know because she has the privilege right she might also be established a lot of times even if she's not established she can at least drive the car for you so she ain't gonna be the one getting pulled over you know what I mean probably in the back and or in the passenger she spouts you know to where she she you know she's the face of the relationship oh I understand what I'm saying he's not the face of the relationship anymore so he he's escaped a whole lot of social responsibility that he would have had if he was in a black relationship you know um anybody else want to evaporate on that I was totally I was totally agree with what you're saying also a lot of as far as the responsibility thing goes and I'm not saying that sisters don't do this as well because you know but a lot of uh you know non-black emails like whatever they'll kind of like make it so a lot of black men don't have to do anything kind of like you know make them lazy thing baby you know like whatever right you know kind of like they're they won't say their pet but you know oh wow that's the way to look I'm just saying I'm trying to say that scenario right right now you know it's in every instance I'm saying that you know that does happen anything to add I mean I totally I totally agree with what he just said that's that's one of the biggest arguments is um you know all day black women because they be tripping them you're gonna like it and when men say tripping on me they do they they mean they require me to do something with myself they require me to be better do you know what I mean that's all they don't want to date excuse me other black women yeah but and it's so sad because Society puts so much stress on you already you know I used to work in uh in the warehouse right when you're working in the warehouse over time I started to see that there were less black people in the world there were more other races in Miles uh specifically probably more Mexicans and it got to the point to where Mexicans were coming straight from Mexico could barely speak English and these were your managers so you got these type these stresses on you um our graphic design now I don't get a lot of work from other races I'm just happy to be fortunate enough to have black people deal with you know um so when you're dealing with all of these stresses sometimes it breaks you down to the point of where you just give up you know what I mean and for somebody to allow you to just give up it's easier to just fall over there it might not even necessarily like you said it might not even be a love thing you know what I mean it might not be a love thing you're just tired we're tired as a people with everything we deal with every day and then also there's a push for our people to want to be accepted as something other than black so when you're in a relationship with someone that's not black you think you vicariously have uh a non-black identity I think you know I think that's there's something psychological going on there you know yeah so they've assumed a lesser black identity and so they hope that they will receive less oppression than what the rest of us receive in that relationship and also let's talk about Society it's like in going back to what he was saying when they're when they go out in the world they're dealing with so many stresses it's kind of like they're getting away from that because honestly it's like you you know if you guys because again this is just going through what they're going through you know what I mean if if communication is not there you know what I mean if the communication is not there it's not your home I apologize but like I'm saying if the communication is not there if the knowledge itself ain't there on both parts y'all when when the black male black man or black women get together they don't really know how to like communicate with each other the way they they need to to really get that true soothing of from from the outside world's pressures you know what I mean so it's like you try to get away from that you think you're getting away from it really kind of just running relationship they can't understand what you go through so yeah you sit in there struggling alone it's it's crazy okay so you guys uh brought up the social media and the way that black women are portrayed in social media so do you think it's a accurate representation of black women no um but the problem with social media is that one thing can get blown all over well social media Hollywood well yeah yeah when you put look at it under that lens uh through Hollywood and all of that then yeah there's definitely a concerted effort to uh portray black women in certain ways even especially in Tyler Perry movies you know people for some reason praise Tyler Perry movies but man the way he depicts black woman is if he really don't like him he already said not only himself when he dresses up like one and behaves in the most belligerent manner you know what I mean of of a black woman you know that's a disrespectful that's a very disrespectful depiction of a black woman you know what I mean that's that's what that is it's making fun of a black woman but it's actually been going on for a long time people sit and laugh at uh Martin when he uh played a black woman uh what was that Jamie Foxx so so it's not just comedy it's actually dissing The Black you understand what I'm saying that's why would you want to be portrayed why would you even want to be attracted to something that looks somewhat like a man you understand what I'm saying so all of that is communicating to you psychologically you know whether you like it or not why would you do Grandma like that which is what type of girl he's doing you understand what I'm saying so and then even the women that are actually black women in the movies they are positive black women you understand what I'm saying there's always like way out issues you understand what I'm saying in this movie so you know there's there's there's when you talk about the media there is the White media but there's also the the black media who cooperates with those ideas to portray us in a negative way and then we somehow uh interpret that as if it's positive just because it's on the big screen that'll make it positive I want to add this um I'm not trying to like give the other side to it I'm just gonna show you okay let's go no I don't believe him but uh um you know one thing he did that was you know his added to what he said you said oh it gets blown out of proportion they what they're doing is they'll take a negative part because everybody's got negatives and they'll take a negative you know part of how black women act and they'll make that the main thing like that's all black women do you know they don't show the other type of sisters and show the other you know it's just like when I when I hear you know black men on see them on the Internet or whatever whatever they are they're complaining about black women it's like well what you what they want to do is they want to go and try to make sure they kind of hurt black women with other nations of other ethnicities of women like see this is how you're supposed to be and see how there it is but why don't you show don't act like you don't see real good black women why don't you show them that that's how you really you show them the example of something that comes from them you say well you know what I mean because they can't relate to that really you're just trying to be you know trying to strike up and what I'm saying here um now you know there's some negative things you know that you know I know Brothers go through man you know there's a lot of things that kind of feel you trying to be difficult sometimes sometimes even for no reason sometimes you know just kind of just want to cause some conflict you know when it needs to be you know peace and hunger whatever peace just in the relationship or just dealing you know day to day you know I I do understand where some brothers is coming from in that aspect okay I mean they're they're their response to it is obviously waiting just something coming it's kind of strange but then they had it coming from a place they have certain they have some points as well not what they're doing is to respond to it is what making make much sense I I actually want to add to some both of them said he was talking about the tie the periods and I was I was trying to say um you know people need to stop taking these images seriously only due to the fact that people need to stop just watching stuff for face value and actually be studying the people who are giving it to if you understand Tyler Perry's life yeah being molested as a child Etc then you will understand why he he depicts Us in this way because he he does the black man just as bad as he does with black women that's true yeah and he wouldn't understand where he might have some some type of resentment towards black women from his molestations said he had been uh molested by black women you know okay that makes sense so you have that aspect and then as far as what he was talking about about black women uh I guess you could say sometimes it seems as if they're uh being argumentative or you know what I mean they're they're acting away for for uh no reason but it's not look at the world we live in it's nothing for no reason it's not for no reason it may manifest in something that seems as if it's no reason but if you've got all these stresses what do you expect we do things that are out of character all the time so how could we not look at our woman and not understand that they're doing exactly what we're doing it's just coming to us this way right right you know what I mean or the black women have attitude a lot of brothers as well I guess I could say they feel they feel like a lot of black women trying to emasculate them you know what I mean and that's not let me let me just say this I've you know I've I've seen it I've seen it in certain in certain times I'm not saying that I'm not like trying to get on level I love level only mental level I'm not trying to be like you know I understand why they going that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is I I you know what I mean to be to be to give another side to as the um the media and how you know the things that they're portraying it's like they're just trying to uh push that like that's the only thing black women are black women are so many other things right that give us that really compliment us and once you get that communication down between the right black woman and the right black male then it's everything it's supposed to be and it's the best of the best okay you know what I mean um one more thing I would just like to add real quick is you know when they show these videos of women twerking in Walmart right not real talk because you asked she asked you know right uh the question I don't know them like that's not her mom that's not my mom my sister I have never met a woman right never so is it an accurate thing being blown out there you know for everyone to see is that accurate for black women I the black woman I know they work every day you understand what I'm saying they you know they they they they dress you know themselves in a respectful manner you know they connect themselves in a respectful manner you know there I've never met someone that would go all the way out like that but I have I grew up in here so I have met people with you know uh certain types of uh issues because of the conditions that they're abundant but not to that extent right so when you push that out there it makes it seem like oh this is what they are you understand what I'm saying and so you know it's not it's not it's not an accurate uh description in the media of black women even though you look at statistics of professional black women you know what I mean yeah so or even college graduates yeah yeah is down through some of the most like heinous things just been there just all the way to the end you know you know what I'm saying they don't show that you know and that's I think that's on purpose what suggestions do you have for black women who think that uh black men have pretty much given up on them as far as dating uh marriage that that's not true I mean Brothers I mean and even if you they're kind of given into a real propaganda themselves because if you go somewhere that there's Brothers trying all at you they might be the right type of brother you know you may not he may not be as handsome as you like but you know in a lot of cases but there are kids you know Brothers is out there and they they you know there's lots of Brothers who are looking for black women you know of all different sorts you know all different types and whatnot it's just you got to be a little more open a little more willing to receive it you know what I mean and I would say just know your yourself in terms of you know who you are what you are you know what I mean be confident in that because we still are attracted to confidence a lot of times you know so I mean the only people that are attracted to p are confident or have those type of uh lack of self-esteem are the people who want to abuse that that you know those are the people that are attracted to that so when they see a lack of self-esteem they go for it you know what I mean but you know good men are attracted to confident black women women who who love themselves women who carry themselves confidently and and so I my suggestion would be that you will attract the right type of man when you have those when you exude those type of qualities you know what I mean and just work on it because a lot of we live in a society that's that's aimed at destroying your confidence and your self-love and your self-esteem so you got to make a conscientious effort to read to remove that from yourself and to actually you know um present yourself in a more confident Manner and to actually live that confidential and so when you have that you're gonna attract a good black man because the good black women are attracted to that you know okay I think they hit the nail on the head the only thing I want to add to it is um based on what he said talking about confidence I think it's more than just confidence I think black women got to understand that as a race of people we interval um dudes are lack of identity not understanding that we are African people it don't matter where you take a horse a horse instead of who's you know um if if we were to all push for each other to know who we are um I think that we'd be better off you know what I mean I think we won't we won't even have these issues because you you'd be prideful when you understand the kingdoms of stuff that we had um prior to slavery and the things that we did even after you know um I I think that's I think that's the best advice if you feel like if you feel like the men around you don't have an issue with you then we need to start teaching these men who they are and and also with the whole confidence thing just um in any relationship acknowledge itself is key period as far as not just a knowledge of where you come from um but a knowledge of yourself what what do you like BB be sure of everything so when you go into a relationship you understand what you're lacking what you want and what you have to offer how you can build the other person up and I feel like once once that's uh established I feel like it won't be no problem okay all right all right the very last question is you guys have children or one child whatever and if you do what are you guys gonna tell them about interracial dating all right all right I got three kids I got two girls and a boy um and to be honest mom my biggest things to them is um first love yourself and date someone who can relate to you that's what I'm gonna teach them you you can't date someone outside your race because then you know we'll be able to relate your mind both like art but your everyday struggle is not the everyday struggle and if you really love yourself like he said you're going to want your kids to resemble you and they can't compliment what you bring to this world as a black person someone that's not black cannot compliment what you bring into this world you got to think about that I'm not even going to explain what that means just think about what I just said because that's the truth you know um I know I don't have any children yet I want some I want a bunch of them really you know yeah I want to see my reflection of my children you know and um I would definitely see this is the thing a lot of times we have this uh problem with telling our children the truth about the world that they're you know the reality of the world they live in that we are under an assault you know as a people and how to navigate that and properly navigate that but one of the the best ways to do that is to have a black family as a people because if you're under attack as a people separating yourself you know is not that this you can separate it so you don't have that same power you know so I would I would definitely put it into my children to love themselves to love their people and to love what I just blessed you with because I gave you these beautiful jeans and you better carry them you know to the next baby that you have you know don't go water it down with uh Kim Kardashian you know what I mean yeah love what I gave you you know and then carry that out [Music] um [Music] um yeah I say uh yeah I'm gonna say you know you know what there's a bunch of things I'm gonna be you know teaching them about what they need and what they what they don't need and what they don't and what they don't want I'm gonna be showing them with different things and so that when I let them know I look you don't need that you don't want that it's already going to be understood I know this works out we're showing Improvement in the things that they don't even know and we already like like we were saying like we was all saying like we've been blessed with the best we just want to re-bless every Next Generation and maintain that that beauty because that strength of uh when all black people are together just in one room is already such a powerful Essence that just cannot be copied it can't be duplicated or imitated it's nothing when you got all black people together and you want to keep on maintaining that all right all right all right well thank you Brothers very much for coming in today thank you we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 168,908
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Id: LAHman0L41g
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Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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