Muhammad Ali - Dropping Knowledge (1974)

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don't fly together the buzzes everything hangs out with his own why people cultures different from black people Puerto Ricans and Indonesians cannot integrate Egyptians and Germans cannot integrate Australians and Mexicans cannot integrate they have different foods they have different music different cultures see you right none black if white people have a party tonight and black people have a party the party will be one under the Sun different than music I'll go to the white restroom we integrated a right you go on a white restaurant you got to look all day on the jukebox to find some new zone a party will ever reach a Franklin Stevie Wonder if I go well jukebox in the white resting anybody black Italian here you got to look all over the box or some black music Hank's no Johnny Cash all kind of names I never heard of you know when that train comes around so what I'm saying is ain't I want that music with that fist of white culture you go a nod joints oh baby don't leave Oh who's that running out of my backdoor honey [Music] see those are problems then I go to China rester clean teen taint I told you so we came in a grey we go never have no peace the culture the nature is different I don't hate you we can eat in your restaurant we want to marry your women we got your women now it ain't nothing we can do today but these things the doll got I see dogs on television eating at the same player white people I see dogs in the buses and they do everything with the dogs so I ain't get nothing the dog ain't guy so really ain't nothing in this integration I need some land I need some jobs my people need jobs we need some something so we can build and do for ourselves and we must have some land far 2 million people you know some lot of make rolls just in New York and Cleveland Baltimore Washington California so lot of like ruins that's a whole nation 40 million they don't tell the truth about that they want us to stop having babies they give everybody their payments 40 millions not 20 million yeah they pay and black women not to have babies now they got all kind of plans to stop our race ever so we know now a man with a man with my knowledge what can you tell a man like me now what [ __ ] what's your suggestion and she'll question okay you're talking to me not a dumb [ __ ] or a pork chop either don't know the truth I'm free now I woke up now what are you gonna tell me now I don't gave you my solution some land on my own doing something for myself like you Engel of America do now I know you not against a black man I know you not against me having my land are you and I know you English the rules and slave forever for a long time but do you do you still today don't want me to have my own country and build for myself and cover myself would you think that's bad if we don't like that I wish your solution to my problem 1974 then you all just saw white man just flew from New York to England in a less than two hours you also progress if you walking around on other planets now today I'm intelligent too now what do you what what's your suggestion what should be my movement integrate yeah equal rights and a mixed society in this society why are you still on the government you still on the train station the railroad plant the lecture plant these television cameras you still make a role a fool you control everything and I'm like a leash on a dog's back all I can do is just wait for you I can't do none for myself integrate that in your society don't mean I'm doing that for myself you're doing it all I want to do something for myself I'm tired of depending on you you might get broke one day your stores might close your gas pumps might cut off again I'm relying on you never can I have my own land and country well you've got your own freedom here for instance I know you're luckier than many black people in your own nations I know I promise representing just me I wouldn't be talking like this cuz I got it made I'm Tom for my brothers I just don't see how mommy I don't see how you can slice up America into bits and get all the white all the balance in England then we leave then we get too relieved but they'd miss you I know it one last question at the end of your life whether it was Allah who was saying it Elijah Muhammad or whether it was something that someone wrote about you after you'd gone what's the thing you would most like people to say about your life he was a great champion or what what would you like people to think about you when you've gone our life for them to say he took a few cups of love he took one tablespoon of patience one tablespoon teaspoon of generosity one pint of kindness he took one quart of laughter 1 pinch of concern and then he mixed the willingness what happiness he added lots of faith and he started up well then he spread it over a span of a lifetime and he served it to each and every deserving person he [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 1,379,865
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Id: UQmv8nNY8yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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