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hey guys so here's my pointless disclaimer telling you guys that this video contains spoilers but i'm sure you guys don't care at all because it seems you guys can't shut your mouth about making another enemy harder yeah why do i still do this and start black cover off we have this fedex delivery to this one church in the middle of nowhere which includes two of our main characters austin you know we then get a 15 year time skip because childhood isn't really all that interesting right and yeah here we have older you know and older austin who apparently lacks the ability to use magic and also lacks a mute one ah yes music to my ears so moving past that we then have austin declare that he'll become the wizard king who knows if that will ever come true he's just the main character after all and so moving forward once more apparently all 50 year olds in the clover kingdom are gathered at this ceremony which grabs them grim wars to further enhance their magical abilities we then learn that nobles are born with immense power and are able to get through the magic knight's entrance exams easy peasy but that doesn't bother you nonono the slightest who is a peasant and he gets the legendary four-leaf clover grimoire and after receiving it he then announces to the world that he'll become the wizard king wow as for asta his grimoire does not spawn feels bad man and so moving forward past that we then have this one threat who pulls up and does some bds some [ __ ] on you know kind of weird dude and shortly after austin shows up runs into a wall how very hilarious and which austin also gets rolled by this thrive soon after he gets up with the power of plot armor and what's this a five-leaf grim war that comes out of thin air well that's a little convenient and using his newfound five-leaf grimoire which apparently resides a demon or something he then looks like he's ready to decapitate his opponent but before we get into that we then get hit up by this one flashback with austin being awesome and during this flashback we then have sister lily telling them a story about a mage who solo this one demon that threatened the entire world but slays it with ease and was crowned as the wizard king the very thing our two main characters want to be my ears and oh hey there's the skull of the fallen demon with a statue of the first wizard king on it i wonder if it serves any importance to the story and so moving forward in this flashback we then have yuno on mailman duty delivering some mail upon completing his quest he then encounters a broke alcoholic looking for some cash and so he snatches yuno's necklace and punts him afterwards this is where austin comes down he's like hey yo we playing football it gets absolutely [ __ ] and after many of us pathetic attempts the dude got tired he was like you know what you can have the pendant i don't care anymore and yeah we have this very nice ending to this flashback now back to the main event asta versus this one level one ai and of course with being the main character he one taps him what did you expect and by doing so he saves yoon on the process we then have them bro fisting as rivals telling each other let's see who could become the wizard king uh you know didn't you just lose to a level one ai uh i mean never mind never mind moving forward we now get to see the clover kingdom's royal capital where all the rich people are and here we are informed by the narrator that the title of the wizard king has been passed through generations and his job is to command the magic knights to keep the kingdom protected now cutting to our main characters where we have them doing some training for the upcoming magic knights exam that will be held in the royal capital of the clover kingdom and the whole point of this exam is to get recruited into one of the imagine night squads and so after this nice little training session they then have their last dinner with the family before heading off to the royal capital for the exam and after traveling a very long and hard journey they make it to the royal capital upon entering the royal capital we get to see the royal castle where the wizard king and king resides how very epic and soon after austin euno register for the magic knights exam they then head to the exam venue where all the participants are and here austin encounters yami the captain of the black bulls we then soon after get introduced to the other magic knights captains who will be overseeing the exam no silva captain of the silver eagles uh golian vermillion captain of the crimson lion kings jack the ripper captain of the green praying mantises charlotte roselle captain of the blue rose knights yojere poisades captain of the purple orcas dorothy einsworth captain of the coral peacocks [ __ ] real boys mortier captain of the aqua deers and the almighty william bongins captain of the golden dawn which seems to be the strongest magic night squad out of the bunch and also apologies if i [ __ ] up any of the pronunciations for the names black clover honestly has the hardest freaking names in existence i don't even know what the [ __ ] i'm looking at here anyways now proceeding with the exam where our participants partake in various tests that focus on their magical abilities and as we progress through the exam we then have this 1v1 segment where the participants fight austin ends up destroying his opponents leaving a little bit of residue on his face you know ends up destroying his opponent as well i mean they are the main characters so that kind of makes sense and what this day is now over that concludes the exam and we are now at the part where the participants get chosen by the captains to join their squad you know ends up getting chosen by all the captains but the one he follows through with is the golden dawn as for us that he gets drafted into the black bulls by captain yami and with that arrangement our two main characters then go their separate ways and from this point forward we follow the underdog asta on his journey to become the wizard king or it's not guaranteed that he'll become the wizard king because like naruto wants to become the hokage but uh away anyways asta then gets yeeted into a portal to the black bull's base where he meets his fellow squad mates gordon vanessa luck gauche why is it spelled like this charmy gray magna and finra austin then goes through a series of trials set up by magnet to receive his black balls robe on which they play a little bit of baseball and yeah that's how we got everyone's approval he then eats a cupcake and gets his robe officially becoming a member of the black bulls and right here we have this one girl peeking over the corner there's no way she's that significant to the story right the following morning magna then gives asta a house tour and things get a little wacky and oh hey is that one girl from before and she introduces herself as noel silva in a very cinderella fashion following up with leaving in a single day fashion later going into some training because apparently she has no control over her magic despite her being born in a royal family which has exceedingly high expectations with that said we then learned that she has insane trauma from getting roasted by her family members non-stop and this is where she spots us to spying on her which makes her go absolutely bonkers damn near flooding the entire area yami then yields austin to clean up the mess on which she does with one single slash nullifying her magic and oh yeah by the way i haven't really explained austa's ability yet this far into the video how very professional of me let me give you a quick rundown pretty much this sword can slash through any form of magic no find it or reflect magic if he uses the flat side of the sword i'm sure there's probably a lot more to explain but i'm just giving you a tldr okay anyways back to the story after that little incident this is where we have a very uplifting wholesome moment where everyone accepts noel into the black bulls god damn they're cried man and so moving forward past that we then have austin noel getting assigned their first mission to go to sochi village to do some good old boar hunting because [ __ ] wildlife men alongside them magna tags along and using his crazy cyclone they fly to their destination upon rival they farm wild boars like its maple story and as they are walking along they notice some mist surrounding a village and they were like huh seems dangerous we should definitely check it out upon entering this village we then see this one villain attempting to slaughter a bunch of villagers but magna comes in clutch and saves them the bad guy then tries to make another attempt to wipe everyone out but this time osta comes in for the save and you may be asking why are these villains here well apparently they're looking for a magic stone of some sort which is located somewhere in this village and i guess they're just killing for funsies so very understandable we then have a full-blown war that breaks out between the black bulls and these level 1 ais and in the process no one unlocks a new spell which is quite massive we then have magna out here throwing some hot balls like he's [ __ ] mario or something on which the enemy avoids but little did they know asta pulls up right behind them and reflects the balls in the opposite direction hitting them from the back real good shortly after following up with the final blow and with that said all the villains are now defeated and would you look at that one of them gets away but that dude was barely a threat so why does that even matter we just need to look at the bright side and that the villagers have been saved and shortly after the villains defeat they were like all right we're gonna just head out now and end up self-destructing a rather unfortunate fate if i do say so we then have this one anti-bird aka nero which they name later on appearing from osta's cloak and flying into the sky going to this one place where the magic stone is located definitely something an ordinary bird would do nero soon after brings the stone back to the black bulls and what does the stone do who knows it's probably not that important to the plot right moving forward austin the others return back to the black bull's base and this is where they inform yami about what happened and he was like good job also telling them that the wizard king acknowledged their actions and gave the black bulls a gold star like that one spongebob episode we then learned that the other magic knight squads compete with these stars and the golden dawn has the biggest dick out of all of them and has a total of 70 while the black bulls have negative 30. not too shabby now cut into yuno's point of view because believe it or not he's actually the main character too we can see him accompanied with his new squad mates class and mimosa and oh my what's this an enemy attack oh wait i forgot yuna was the op main protagonist character trope and he single-handedly takes them out with one blast and oh another enemy dead another dead another dead and oh look the golden dime gets the golden star moving forward the black bulls now get a mission to investigate and conquer a dungeon that has spawned near the enemy borders the enemy being the diamond kingdom austin then learns that the wizard king particularly chose him for the job and he was like omg tagging along with him on this mission we have the two reliable lads noel and luck and upon entering this dungeon there is a very strong minor presence on which osta is the only one that cannot detect it and while walking around a bit noel ends up stepping on a trap on which it results in this tentacle monster spawning and getting a hold of both her and aston why must these things exist everywhere i go anyways this is where plot kicks in and you know comes out of nowhere and saves the day destroying this creature and with the golden dawn pulling up this is where we have a little bit of drama between these two girls oh no and kloss doing the anime glasses thing shortly after having a bit of a rose session the golden dawn part ways to explore the dungeon to find the treasure chamber before the black bulls do as a way to assert the dominance moving forward we then have luck encountering a bad guy from the diamond kingdom lotus of the abyss such an intimidating name indeed and this guy is responsible for leading the invasions on the clover kingdom mainly because his kingdom is lacking resources and of course with this being shown in the end of fighting luck then gets overwhelmed but this is where asta comes in for this aid the black bulls then coordinate a very beautiful team attack because we all know teamwork makes the dreamwork and with lotus now injured he then summons a smoke cart and dips the battlefield meanwhile now switching to the golden dawn's pov they find the gate to the treasure chamber and of course things are never that simple and they get attacked by a bad guy this bad guy is also from the diamond kingdom and his name is mars who's apparently a secret weapon of the demon kingdom that has magical stones embedded into him to amplify his magical powers with that said they struggle a bit with his throat and so yuno tries to use a big move on him which absolutely does but [ __ ] nothing and as things are looking pretty grim for the golden dawn this is where the power plot pulls through and austin appears to save the day and with the black bulls pulling up asta ends up fighting the boss battle while the others fight the clones and of course will be in the main character asked to collapse mars pretty easily they then restrain mars and proceeds to open the treasure chamber by slashing through it after alluding a few power-ups and other stuff mars then makes his return because you gotta understand that shonen villains have more than one life asta bank is knocked into a wall where nero escorts him to a new sword that he could use a very convenient power up if i do say so with that said us is now back in action and unfortunately takes an l by getting impaled in the belly button this is when yuno freezes time and we see this one fairy appear the fairy then blows magic at mares and absolutely annihilates him us this new sword then flies into his inventory aka his grimoire and soon after the dungeon starts collapsing this is when everyone makes a speedy escape even including our villains lotus and mars we then have oster regaining consciousness and telling the animators to change the camera angle real quick which unfortunately results in him experiencing more pain moving forward yami tells us that the magic knights headquarters wants information about the dungeon while heading there noel and austin run into the golden dawn once more austin then thanks mimosa for healing him and she ends up running off this is when noel and her have some girl talk about asta and mimosa says she may like austin this is when noah was like huh maybe i like him too but i'm not gonna admit it because i'm a cinderella after all they then end up running into the wizard king and when she tells you that the wind spirit itself has chosen him to be her user and also the wizard king gets a hold of us a sword and notices that it absorbs his magic while he holds it he then later tells austin that he's the only one who's able to use the sword because he has no magic present in him we then have the anime glasses guy doing the anime glasses thing again and then we have yuno and asta asking the wizard king how to be the wizard king and he laughs and tells them that they need merit how very cool shortly after the whizzing invites them to this decoration ceremony for the magic knights on which they accept and pretty much this whole ceremony is where the magic knights are given ranks to indicate their level of ability and the wizard king is the one responsible for giving them out following the ceremony we then have noel's family members roasting her again calling her a failure to the family that killed their mother this is where austin gets very angry and gets attacked by one of the nobles but he simply slashes through the attack he then tells them that he's gonna pile up a bunch of merit and become the wizard king and you know what i believe him we then have this guy bursting in saying that the capital is under attack and we got some zombies taken over austin then runs out to help and this one dude named leopold follows him who apparently made asta his rival we then have fugalian giving out orders to take care of the situation and the magic knights clear through the zombies we then learned that the villain behind the attack is named brad's and raz reveals that his main target is frugalion following that fugalian gets warped into another dimension and shortly after warped back just a little bit injured rather than tries to leave but oscar stops him and this is when the badass captures us as dumb ass but the wizard king is like hey yo you can't steal the main character like that and appears freezing all the bad guys in sight and saving us the ease the bad guys then all vanish and the wizard king returns with asl which everyone seems to be happy about moving forward we are now back at the black bull's base and it seems the bulls got paid today and it's their day off austin ends up going to a restaurant to get fat and this is when it starts snowing we thank god these evil mages forcing these children to walk through the snow we then later learned that the snow is magic and it affects kids whose magic hasn't matured hustle along with ghosts who happen to be in the area then head off to save these kids because i mean they are the protagonists after all we then have goshen austin pulling up to the scene killing a few frosty the snowmans and austin one tapping one of the villains and ghost ones happy the other who was responsible for the snow spell surely after austin uses his sword to notify the spell that was placed on the children and ghost ends up beating up one of the villains for what he did to his sister marie who happened to be one of the children involved and gosh has a little bit of a sister complex there's nothing out of the ordinary right so you know let's move on where we have the villain crying on the floor saying all he wanted was friends and you know what we all feel bad for him we all really do feel bad for him we then have this crazy scientist girl appearing out of nowhere who's apparently a part of the villainous group called the eye of the midnight sun which is a group of rogue mages with the goal to decimate the clover kingdom thank you wiki and this girl ends up injecting one of the villains with a serum to become this absolute monstrosity ghost then reveals the secret eye which gives austin the ability to use the shadow konjutsu and with him having multiple clones of himself he then uses gatsuka tensho followed up with a finishing blow to defeat this monster along with the crazy scientist lady the snow villain that gets 360 no scopes by some magical light and then the leader of the eye of the midnight sun appears and attacks gauche the leader is named licht by the way and he cries like a [ __ ] seeing the crazy scientist girl injured licks then vows to destroy the clover kingdom saying that he'll destroy and create a kingdom of his own austin then says you're a shonen villain that's impossible it gets hit for talking back yami then pulls up to save asta and of course we have a whole last fight that breaks out yami then explains the concept of ki to austin because why not we then have voltos another member of the eye of the midnight sun coming in as backup and this is where asta applies his recently acquired knowledge about ki and uses it in combat deflecting one of volto's attack back at him what a fast learner following that yami and oscar then get into this predicament where it seems licked is about to finish them off but ghost comes in clutch and reflects the attack back at him and defeats him with that said they restrain licked and it seems everything's all good now the kids are back at the village and yay the villains are now defeated but oh wait it seems it's not all over because licks reinforcements come in which are three more members of the eye of the midnight sun raya vetto and fauna we then learned that all three of them are stronger than the magic knight captains so that's quite scary and this is where the magic knight captains pull up and we have this huge fight between the good guys and the bad guys and we got asta and yami landing a beautiful combo attack unlicked and with landing this hit that managed to break the magical seal that held lick's powers back which was so immense that the three members of the eye of the midnight sun had to come together and reseal his ass shortly after they retreat and yeah with the bad guys gone we could celebrate moving forward the wizard king says there is a traitor among us and that there's the magic knights captain that has ties to the eye of the midnight sun the captains are all then gathered into one place and it's revealed that the captain of the purple orcas gildrey what's us and we all knew because who the [ __ ] has a name like this he then tries to escape with a cheeky camouflage ability on which austin uses his new key sensing power and catches him and shortly after real captures him with this seizure-inducing paint magic moving forward the wizard king calls yami and austin to his office to discuss some things and he tells them that the eye of the midnight sign is collecting these magic stones with the intention of acquiring their true forms and there's three magic zones left out there in the world one being in the underwater temple so with that said it seems they have to collect the dragon balls and the black bulls then go on a mission to the underwater temple but of course before we get into that we get a beach episode because we all know it's not a real anime without a beach episode but following that we then go on our journey to the underwater temple via noel's big bubble spell which kind of acts like a submarine and oh look they make it and using charms flying nimbus they get to the temple and end up bumping it to a lot of people which they are then led to the temple entrance to meet the high priest upon meeting him he then summons some mage minions and they end up having some random pvp fun also meeting the siblings kyato and kojono in the process and it seems all the fun is very short-lived because the eye of the minute sun appears once again like [ __ ] team rocket and the threat we're dealing with today is better we then have magna in luck coordinating a very juicy team attack which absolutely does nothing and as veto is trying to finish them off this is where the main character makes his appearance it gets a good slash in there austin keaton then tag team vetto and end up getting slapped and this is when noel and kahono appears and joins the fight and on a completely related note did you know grey was a girl oh my god but back to the fight kahuno sings which gives a stat boost to a brother chiato and which absolutely does [ __ ] nothing because he loses a leg in the process following that veto then dashes over to kahano and destroys her throat not in that way or i mean i'm sure you weren't even thinking that let me just shut up but she can no longer give stat boost by sinking anymore so that is quite unfortunate and then we now have noel pulling up with a big gigantic attack which is a big gigantic sea monster thing and would you look at that she rips off one of vettel's arms but that was all false hope because veto just opens up his third eye and fully regens his arm like it was nothing coming back stronger than ever before this is when vanessa and finro joins the fight and we have some very beautiful teamwork going on here soon after ghosts charming and gray show up and we have some more very juicy teamwork following up with austin going a little demon mode and destroying betto with a clean blow better then says [ __ ] it if i can't win i'm not gonna let you guys win either and tries to self-destruct yami then pulls up in yummy fashion and was like nah and takes down vettel with one single slash before he was able to explode nero then comes up with the magic stone afterwards and with that said i suppose this mission is now officially complete and they head off saying their goodbyes moving forward we're now back at the black bull's hangout and this is when yami shows up mentioning that he has to report to the wizard king bringing charming and austin along meeting up with the wizard king they are informed that the town kitten is being invaded by the diamond kingdom and if they manage to take over it will be significantly easier for them to invade the clover kingdom but as they are discussed in the matter they then find out that golden dawn has arrived at the scene to help out and we see yuno doing you know things as reinforcements austin and the other black bowl members pull up but it seems things are already taken care of by bonjins who spawns a whole ass world tree like we're in the fourth grade ninja war we then have austin you know having a nice little reunion where they just talk a bit of [ __ ] because they're rivals and we have yami over here who wants to have a little chat with vanjan because he has a gut feeling that vanjin's is licked due to the fact that he can use world tree magic and senses a very similar key resembling licks and so he orders him to do a face reveal with him taking off the mask yummy was like oh wow you're actually not licked and then we have a nice little backstory where we learned that bonjour was born with these scars and how he met the wizard king and how he ended up devoting his grim war to him so yeah pretty epic and then we get word from the wizard king's advisor that the diamond kingdom has retreated so i guess the town of kitten is saved hooray and so now moving forward yummy brings austin to the best recovery magic in the clover kingdom that actually works directly under the wizard king because one important detail i have accidentally left out is that ausa's arms are absolutely [ __ ] and are completely out commissioned following his fight with beto and as the doctor is healing austin's arm he then tells him your arms are [ __ ] cursed and there's absolutely nothing i can do to heal them then real ends up eavesdropping and tells the entire squad about austin's condition and here we see a very sad austin of course with us in this state this made all the bulls want to find a solution for us arm and so they all go on a journey for a cure eventually noel bumps into some people and gets a nice intel and they tell her their best bet is to go to the witches forest where they specialize in curses which it seems vanessa was already ahead of the curve and goes there by herself and one thing to note is that if you are a witch and leave the homeland of the witches forest like vanessa did yeah vanessa's a witch by the way that person will be marked as a fugitive but she decides to go anyways because our main character is in dire need she then offers that she's willing to return to the witch's forest if the witch queen heals us arm and things don't go as planned unfortunately and she gets knocked the [ __ ] out we then have asta noel finrol and three other characters i'm too lazy to elaborate on pulling up to the witch's forest cause we want our arms fixed man but of course things are never that straightforward and we have the eye of the midnight sun pulling up once again led by fauna and the diamond kingdom too decides to join another fun and invades the witch's forest noel then proposes a deal with the witch queen to heal austin's arm in exchange for the black bulls to fend off the invasion she accepts and using her blood recovery magic she gets asked back in action but little did they know the witch queen had an ulterior motive to steal austin's anti-magic at the end of all this but that's not our main concern right now and we got some bad guys to take care of so our first boss battles with bana whose main motive is to exact revenge on the black bulls for absolutely decimating licht and veto we then have asta going through with a slingshot attack powered by the power of friendship so she found a salamander in the process mars from the dim kingdom then pulls up and realizes that final was his childhood friend who he seemingly killed as a part of the dummy kingdom's human experiments planet then goes a little bit berserk here but mars uses the power of the tuk no jutsu to calm her down and bring her to her senses and just as things are looking pretty peaceful we they have lodges from the diamond kingdom disrupting it all getting a hold of fauna and absorbing her magic to become stronger this is where the witch queen is like yo i think i need to give the protagonist just a little bit of a power up to compete and so using her blood magic she awakens asta's demon mode which allowed him to communicate with his inner demon for a minute we then have this epic brawl between austin and ladros in this legendary episode which had twitter on fire for a whole entire day i believe that was almost four years ago but yeah surprisingly enough the main character wins here and as us this demon mode fades away he then thinks to himself maybe i should master this devil power it seems pretty cool this is when the witch queen takes over asta's body using some good old blood magic because you gotta remember her ulterior motive he then traps everyone in a pool of blood and using asta as a puppy she then tries to kill all his comrades with his anti-magic sword this is where plot comes in clutch and vanessa unlocks this red cat that could change fate so the fate where us slashes noel's head off yeah that must have been our imagination and the fate where the witch queen has total control over everyone yeah hold this wreck hat and with her losing to a cat she then goes like damn i lost i guess i'll heal everyone and let's move on with our lives giving the black bulls her earring afterwards which is actually a magic stone and regarding the diamond kingdom individuals mars intends to return to the diamond kingdom along with largeros to make it a peaceful place so good for them we then have the black rolls returning back to their base celebrating their victory and also handing the magic stone to yami which is later passed on to the wizarding moving forward we then get a little slice of life in there where we have some silly festival fun and during this festival we then have the clover king announcing that they've located the eye of the midnight sun's hideout and are planning to form a squad of royal knights to take care of them with that said the new temporary leader of the crimson lion mario leona then drags a good handful of characters into a little training arc not much really happens here but we get to see that us is getting a hold of his demon powers and of course we get handed a plate of some good old classic fan service i'm not complaining moving forward to select the royal knights that would be invading the eye of the midnight sun's hideout the clover king holds an exam to determine which individuals are worthy and by the way the wizard king and the clover king are two separate people the clover king is just the king of the clover kingdom and the wizard king is actually the king we only care about and with me kind of zooming through this exam the finalized team for the royal knights is oh god this is the largest list asta noel luck you know mimosa kloss real fragile nozzle rubin ben nils n kirsch huli haman shirin cobb and the new member of the black bull zora who was recently picked up by yami following the royal knights exam which he participated in and also the captain of the royal night squad is mary leona moving forward the real nice tp to the eye of the midnight sun's hideout on which they split into teams with the ultimate goal to reach the center of the base here's group one group two group three group four and group five you got me [ __ ] up if you think i'm listening to names again with the teams all organized like this they then disperse into the eye of the midnight sun's hideout meanwhile at the black bulls base they get invaded by the item midnight sun's rads voltos and the crazy scientist lady sally and with this happening this is where we get the introduction to another black bull's member henry who was apparently in the base this whole entire time but in a hidden room he then uses the base as a transformer to fight the bad guys but soon after balto sally and brad's retreat after robbie the black bull's magic stone they then delivered the stunt to lick where he plants the magic stone into a stone tablet revealing that he only needs two more to bring forth their true power which licked intends to retrieve himself moving forward while exploring the eye of the midnight sense hideout as the squad ends up bumping into raya and mario leona ends up giving him a nice little spanking he then tries to self-destruct as the final resort like all his other teammates in the past but austin says no and stops him with a sword moving forward past that we then cut to the wizard king who's having a nice discussion with vongens i know things are a little bit all over the place right now but trust me things will all come full circle eventually so as van just and the wizard king are having a rather wholesome conversation this is when vances is like i feel like being a bad boy today and the scars on his face start fading away revealing that he's actually licked who would have thought the captain of the golden john was a bad guy i am flabbergasted or technically he isn't actually the bad guy because licht shared the body of william bonchens and william himself was pretty much neutral in all this because he built such a strong bond with both the wizard king and licked so with being the middle man william was just like you know what take over my body and solve this yourself okay we then have like to explain the reason why he's a very angry individual and why he wants the eradication of all humans and that's simply because several centuries ago the humans apparently massacre all of his people aka the elves and he just wants to return the favor because you can't go against the law of equivalent exchange look then follows up with saying in order to achieve this goal he'll need the two last magic stones in the wizard king's possession on which the wizard king confirms he has we then of course have this very intense battle because this is indeed a shonen and in this fight the wizard king reveals his grimoire real deflecting that he has the biggest dick in the clover kingdom lick then launches an attack which is a whole ass aoe attack large enough to nuke the entire kingdom but the wizard king then comes in with the save and saves the whole kingdom by reversing time by a few seconds being the very op wizard that he is but in the midst of doing that lichten finds an opening and shanks him afterwards joining the magic stones and dipping which left the wizard king uh rather dead and with luke getting his hands on the stones he then plugs them into that stone tablet and uses his silly goofy minions rad sally and valtos as sacrificial pieces to fuel the resurrection of the elves which we could see in action with raya regaining his lform we then get this flashback from hundreds of years ago with the elves and we have this one curious elf named patrice asking licht about the rumors pertaining to the possibility of the humans attacking them lick then says that's all your imagination i'm sure we can make peace with them and nothing like that would ever oh and as poetry is dying over here we then see licks casting a forbidden reincarnation spell on him and which reincarnates padre into the body we know today as william vongenz so this whole time licked was actually poetry my brain damn near exploded trying to explain all that when it was with patriot's new given body he then sets the goal to destroy all humans and gather all the magic stones to revive the entire elven race which brings us to the present where he pulls through with the plan and humans all over the clover kingdom begin to get their bodies hijacked like gta vehicles by these elvery incarnates including many of the royal knights and somehow even getting our main character you know in the process with this set in motion patriot declares the extinction of humans and the reincarnated elves begin their attack on the kingdom and so we have a bunch of reincarnated elves popping up left and right and so this led to the protagonists running for their lives but sadly on their escape attempt austin gets grabbed by raya and drag to the area where yuno and his squad mates are looking around he seems everyone aside from mimosas hijacked by elves but with us this screaming that he wants to become the wizard king this woke you know the [ __ ] up still keeping his elf-like appearance with that said yoonan and oscar then have some nice tag team action knocking out claus and jaman who were possessed by elves and this is where the boss battle licked awakens from his slumber and picks up a pretty cool looking sword we then have a pretty epic battle with some pretty epic combat which it seems they're really trying to go up to space while in the air austin manages to loot lick sword now getting possession over it but soon after receiving it licked ass blesses the [ __ ] out of austin you know which seems to have done a number to the environment following that austin is left unconscious but at least he gets the new sword in his inventory moving forward yuno manages to save mimosa and asta and as asta awakens the other royal knights that haven't been influenced by the elves reincarnation are around him this is when the elves make their next move and drive their giant ass rock base like a boatmobile to the royal capital and with them doing that the royal knights then of course chased after them by fast traveling there and the main plot points following this consists of one also learning that his new sword can negate the reincarnation spell saving people from it two noel unlocking a new spell which honestly looks pretty epic and three the three bozos that patrice sacrificed for the reincarnation spell self-rest themselves and they are no longer evil joining the black bull side in the fight against the elves everything else aside from these events is just a bunch of fighting against the resurrected elves back to back to back to back and austin manages to nullify a few of them in the process turn them back to normal so yeah pretty cool which now brings us to patricia revealing the final stage of his plan which is to place the final magic stone which is yuno's necklace by the way into a tablet that's located deep within the castle and by doing so it'll wipe out all humans in the kingdom and make the elves reincarnation permanent we then have the apostles of saphira aka the top 10 most op elves out of the bunch opening the shadow palace which is a gateway to the underworld that has been sealed under the clover castle many many years ago by the ancient humans and elves we then see this big portal open up which the apostles fly into and with the apostles heading into the shadow palace yami and jack just had to follow and shortly after asta noel mimosa and some other captains decide to follow as well and as they are traveling in this portal we just see a bunch of sperm cell looking things or worms i don't even know what i'm looking at here and at the end of the portal they all magically get separated leaving us the pair to put mimosa they then do some parkour up some steps where they encounter one of the apostles and it's not just them who has to fight an apostle everyone else that we're warped here are fighting apostles as well so it's just a bunch of crazy action going on here but while all that's happening nino's necklace starts glowing which allows him access to the palace dragging charmy along with him you know he's then brought to this place with a bunch of the apostles where they tell him give us that damn necklace you know was like nah i don't think i will and ends up getting gang-banged by them sadly losing the necklace in the process the apostle rene then places the magic stone into the tablet and here it's revealed that ronie was actually possessed by a devil named zagren who now rises from the land of the dead oh no we then have asta mimosa dropping by and this is where the main characters try to fight zagred but they soon have to learn that magic is useless against him because he could use word soul magic meaning anything he says becomes reality kind of opie if you ask me zachary then reveals that he was the one who orchestrated the ancient humans to masquerade the elves and the war between the humans and the eye of the midnight sun was all a part of his plan to get his body back now that's what we call a certified anime villain moment with patrick hearing this he then gets filled with despair which transforms his four-leaf grimoire into a five almost zagreb joins and flies away with leaving oscillo and mimosa what they now corrupt patriotic to deal with nozelle then arrives to help out but that was kind of pointless because us to just simply talk no jutsu's pastry back to normal bringing him to a non-hostile state and so now moving forward we now cut to nero actually talking verbally to finro telling him to teleport them to the tablet where the magic stones are and bring them over to the statue of the first wizard king on top of the skull they then plugged the stones into him filling him up real good and by doing so the statue crumbles and it turns out the first wizard king was just sleeping there dormant the entire time here we also get to see nero's true form and identity security swallowtail which to now give you some insight on the backstory of the first wizard king he was friends with licht and on his way to his friend's wedding it seems the damage was already done by the nuisance of a devil zagrid as a result of his tragedy lichten falls into despair converting his four-leaf clover grimoire into a five similar to what we witnessed with patrick and this by the way is the original five-leaf grimoire that would one day belong to austin and with that said zygo then tries to possess licht and take over his body but to prevent this lick then uses forbidden magic transforming himself into this giant demon requesting that the wizard king kills him to honor his friend's wishes he neutralizes him with one pretty goddamn big attack zagreb then tries to loot lick's grimoire but is soon after stopped by sakura which left them with no other option but to use a forbidden magic spell on himself so that he could be reincarnated centuries later after that sucker then petrifies the wizard king who was in critical condition after fighting the demon and by doing so that saved him but due to the fact that sakurai used forbidden magic that transforms her into an anti-bird god damn that was so much to explain this video is going to be so [ __ ] long man i better see at least 40 likes on this video anyways now cutting back to the present we have the first wizard king and secretary zooming into the shadow palace into our room with our biggest boss battle yet zagreb fighting alongside them we have osta you know patriot licked lichten tries to pull all this power together for this massive attack and nukes zagrid but unfortunately does nothing this is where we have the power of friendship pulling through once again extra strong and austin manages to get one juicy slash in there finishing the deed well that was quite anticlimactic it's not like i skim through a lot of the content to get to the ending result anyways with the threat now defeated everyone in the palace will reunite and surely after escaping this place that was drenched in purple calm as they exceed the shadow palace they then find out that the remaining elves are still attacking the kingdom and this is when pashu reveals that they could defeat them using bonjas's world tree magic and tells austin to nullify his reincarnation returning the body to vanjins or william or i don't even know the [ __ ] to call him at this point william then combines his world tree magic with licks magic binding all the elves souls to the tree and using us the sword they notify every one of the reincarnations allowing the souls to pass on aside from veto raya and fina who have artificial bodies and with radz very angry at poetry for his betrayal he then uses a spell to capture patrisol and reincarnates him into a clone body that sally created for him demanding that he stays in a tone for all the people he killed and pashu was like okay with that said we finally have our resolution with the wizard king happy that the ideal world that he worked for has finally become a reality he then says his final words to sakurai before passing off due to the fact that he used up all his magic no moving forward we have secretary joining the black bulls and it turns out the current wizard king is actually still alive just a little small and the reason why he's alive is because he managed to store off 13 years into a magic tool just in case he was ever killed so i guess that came in clutch but now he's built like a middle schooler and no longer has the magical powers he once did in his prime he then gets together with a few magic knights also being one of them notifying them that the magic parliament may execute asta for having connections with the devil because their logic is a devil attack the kingdom so why not point fingers at the person who uses demonic powers and to quickly sum up what the magic parliament is is basically just a group of royals and nobles who create laws and runs trials for serious crimes with that said we then have austin getting dragged to the courthouse where he fails to defend himself and winds up with the death penalty but luckily for him gogolian comes in with the save and reveals that the wizard king has ordered the black bulls to investigate the devil race to prove asta's innocence with that said asta mimosa noel secret and funeral then head to the heart kingdom to collect some intel where they bump into gaja indian and eventually the queen load up chica i'm pretty sure i butchered at least one of their names but here we find out little pachico was cursed by this devil named megakula giving her a one year time limit to live if nothing is done which is also the same curse that took noel's mother indeed them requests if austin and the others can help defeat megakula who is located in the spade kingdom revealing that megakula is actually more powerful than the devil that austin just recently fought lord pachika then follows up with saying megakula intends on invading all the kingdoms and with that in mind she plans on invading the spay kingdom before the curse gets the best of her we then have mimosa opening up skype to verify what was the king if the clover kingdom can assist in this fight he agrees and with that said little chica gives the magic knight six months to grow stronger before the invasion and given the new introduced situation the magic parliament holds off on us trial and puts on hiatus until after the war we then have this very nice and thick training arc where we have all the magic knights train and during this time yuno gets his epic necklace back how very cool and after six months of ferocious training we then have the spades army crossing the border and this big-ass mechanical vehicle powered by its villagers this is when asta comes in playing sonic riders flying into the machine in complete and utter shown in fashion soon after his arrival he then takes out the commander of the vehicle with ease really showing off the results of his training and then we have reinforcements coming in just a little bit late and he mostly heals the space kingdom's prisoners that were being sucked dry from their magic to field this machine the prisoners then revealed that the spay kingdom is ruled by the dark triad each member possessing a powerful devil and they also have underlings called dark disciples that draw demonic power from the triad moving forward the golden dawn headquarters seems to be getting attacked by the dark triad upon yuno's arrival it seems everyone just got absolutely obliterated so much for being the strongest knights in the kingdom with that said you know then tries to defend his surviving comrades where he destroys one of the dark disciples quite gruesomely plus also takes out a member of the disciples and hopefully the golden dawn could pull through it together and maybe pull off a tactical nuke then on from the triad then suddenly appears having defeated and captured william which then yuno tries to do something about it but gets absolutely [ __ ] allowing xenon to get away with their captain luckily for the golden dawn william planted a nice magical tree for them which heals everyone that was injured as for the people who died yeah they're dead ain't no way you're coming back from that and this now leaves half of the golden dawn remaining in the aftermath we then have you know yelling at the sun for whatever reason and then we now move forward to the heart kingdom which is now getting invaded by the dark disciples which they weren't really that much of a threat and one gets destroyed here one gets destroyed there and one gets destroyed here moving forward we have austin funeral arriving at the black bull's base and little pechika and undyne undyne undyne i don't know how to say this sensing six enemies that have entered the heart kingdom and apparently veronica is one of them who's the host of the devil megakula they then get a personal visit by veronica on which she reveals that she cursed each of the disciples with immortality meaning the disciples that were defeated actually didn't die so how quite unfortunate and the only way to defeat them is by defeating banika herself they then break out into this fight and in the process noel unlocks her new valkyrie dress mermaid form delivering fan service to the viewers and delivering a blow on her enemy which does absolutely nothing unfortunately shortly after as the fight progressed monica activates her curse at all her disciples making them all self-destruct because they were nothing but filler villains she then kidnapped loto pachica telling noel to get stronger and that she'll be waiting for her in the spade kingdom meanwhile at the black bull's base finrol goes and teleports to fetch yami as that happens the base is then attacked by dante of the dark triad with yami absent this really only left the main character osta to take on the threat because let's be real here with a spiritual pressure like this the other bull stood no chance we then have asta unleashing a very new form from his devil power and even landing a slash on this op threat but that doesn't mean [ __ ] and he gets knocked out soon after a funeral gets yam into the fight and this is when dante explains the triads plan on reaching the underworld but in order for them to do that they require williams world tree magic and yami's dark magic to access the spell of the tree of clift which will allow every devil from the underworld to rise to the human world ultimately pretty much just destroying the entire world yami then gets crushed by a giant boulder but of course he survives following up with getting a very juicy shot on dante which really does nothing except unlock the second phase of the boss battle austin then gets back up and joins xiaomi in the fight because it seems the villain is a little stronger than they anticipated we then have austin conversely with the devil who agrees to give him some of his true power in return for a body part on which he accepts and so we have yami and asta going crazy on dante nullifying his devils lucifero's powers and defeating him following this xenon then suddenly appears and kidnaps yami and so now he has both pieces to his plan shortly after he retreats because he's a little [ __ ] and now we move forward to noelle's pov where she wakes up in elsia which is the new certified elves village along with sakurai charming leopold mimosa and luck they are all welcomed by patri rayafana and veto and pottery explains how the guardian elsia triad foretold them to save noelle and the others and that's the reason why they're here noel then please the elves for help to become stronger so they could save lotu pachika that's what they do moving forward also wakes up with yummy's katana appearing from his grimoire he then meets up with knott the secret vice captain of the black bulls who also possesses a devil in which he offers to teach austin how to use his devil's power and introduces him to his devil gimmedilla he also reveals that he's been a spy in the spay kingdom for years and that yami and william will be sacrificed in a seven-day ceremony leaving a little wiggle room for the protagonist to get stronger and he plans on getting an elite team composed of the captains and osta to invade the space kingdom to rescue both yami and william and stop the ritual in two days with that said we then have gadgets skyping the royal capital letting everyone know what happened in the heart kingdom and at the black bull's base not tells everyone they have two days to get stronger with that in mind we then have not bringing us to an abandoned house for some training knock then initiates a double binding ritual to summon the anti-magic devil and instructs austin to defeat it but austin was like now i'm good i'm just gonna thank him for all the help he gave me in my previous battles hearing this reminds the anti-magic devil of this one woman from his past that resembles osta maybe because that woman was actually his mother we then have his backstory talking about the rules of power in the underworld and that he was tormented because of the little magic he had the anti-magic devil is then rescued by elishta who explains her magic power is draining mana from all near her and decides to raise the devil as her own son lucifero then ends up possessing the anti-magic devil in the story who was just really angry that he was able to reside in the human world without making a contract with a human richter then tries to interfere but then gets rolled by luciferon which she then seals the anti-magic devil into a grimoire before dying this is where the anti-magic devil developed his anti-magic from spending time cursing loose pharaoh and the other devils austin then acknowledges the devil's feelings of rage and hatred and sorrow and all that pain and decides to fight him in this very epic battle as a result austin wins but instead of enslaving the devil through the devil binding ritual hostile proposes that they just be friends since they have a common goal with that said they then shake hands completing their contracts and austin manages to pull through with this talk no jutsu befriending the anti-magic devil liebe afterwards we then have a bunch of cuts to the other magic knights training to become stronger so they can rescue yami and william and oh that's it [Music]
Channel: SomeMoeGaming
Views: 948,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: somemoegaming, black clover, black clover in minutes, black clover in a nutshell, anime in minutes, OP, ED, black clover all episodes, black clover all openings, black clover all endings, english dub, english sub, anime, manga, episode, all episodes, asta, yuno, noelle, yami, black clover op, black clover ed, black clover episode 1, black clover ending, all openings, all endings, all ops, all eds, anime in a nutshell, amv
Id: YczZRgRwuhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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