Wu Tang Collection - Eagle Fist

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see joh H this is the last time we're practice huh why I have to go somewhere improve my Kung Fu I'd like to go still your girlfriend what's more there's still that gang I have to arrest them but that gang is a pretty tough Bunch you be careful sure I [Music] will well we cleaned up on that yeah did here's your share and here's yours and this is mine so little little oh hey boss that all don't want it give it to me sonan got you this time you're under arrest huh this HS Who Who Are You militia huh what get him come [Music] on [Music] I'll come in now who's making all that noise some stupid [Music] youngsters Captain I really fix this one very [Music] good some please captain give us a chance we'll give you all we've got just let us go you know you can't bribe me move Captain don't forget I helped you're bound to be promoted now so put in a good word for me all right come on hold it let me punish him oh huh you you want to punish him M hey now look I know you mean well but even Bandits deserve a fair Tri [Music] list listen I'm not really bad I never had a chance you see I came from a broken home listen all of you deserve to hang I think I'll say with you Alec I'm taking him in so stand aside no way I'm taking care of these men well are you pushing me mhm you could say that right listen do you call that real fighting that the best you can [Music] do come on then you be a good boy [Music] listen how long you been practicing and now come on kneel down stop kneel down stop kneel down let's have a few prayers then bless bless bless bless bless all right enough no no have some more you bet you want to get out there's no problem go have a smell of that eh that's really quite choice is it well now had enough ow ow you got nothing to say huh Hey listen please wait sir what for you want some more no sir it's quite obvious you fight too good better than me I don't fight good you just fight bad that's all there is you got no idea Kung Fu I know that take me as your student please [Music] [Music] hey let's go hey come on hey cousin you're back sit down I'll get some water how you all been well since you left all that we've done is to talk about you and the very worst one has been my sister [Music] really Ain here there's 300 bucks you can take it start a small business if something happens the family will be all right come on why are you talking like this listen I it's hard to say we'll just try to say it we are friends now look I'm real sorry but still I've decided I what I want to study more Kung Fu be an expert I mean I'm getting nowhere what I want to say is this to study properly I'll have to leave but why why aren't you satisfied to stay here like everyone else tell me why why a man can do what he wants he has the choice and I want to go a you better forget me get someone else don't wait cousin listen but we're engaged you're not pregnant it's no use hey hey hey hey huh what do you want please take me to shenu Temple Shu sorry why not I'm off jod here I've been looking for ages well nothing I bought you this back that was nice of you so hungry what's that ah it's nothing coming this [Music] way teacher what hey when are you going to teach me Kung Fu huh you really want to learn eh sure I wouldn't be here well to learn my Kung Fu you need a lot of patience yeah sure I got lots of that really oh fetch water sure hey hold it not fetch water you jump in there ah and the s you mean it well you said you got patience you jump in there and wait until sundown before you get out all right I'll see [Music] you [Music] teacher teacher teacher I did it I did it I waited till sunset get out of here take a get out God a terrible [Music] stink God [Music] [Music] teacher teacher teacher hey teacher now you catch me five of those birds and then you get fed all right teacher I I I got them here go get some food hurry up what not torture you no oh teacher teacher how's that stop it h teacher well listen I know you like dog meat tonight I'll cook you some all right all right right I'm going to have a sleep wake me when the food's ready teacher where do you sleep can never find you when I want you and when I don't you appear well when your kung fu improves then I'll get you a place to [Music] sleep go on hang on get those legs [Music] up just hang by your legs [Music] hey teacher I can't do it I'm scared going to come down you stay up there teacher I can't stand it I can't teacher oh go on again [Music] oh [Music] [Music] right [Music] w [Music] I see you teacher help me help me teacher teach teacher before you practice your F practice internal control then you'll be able to sleep in the way that I do then I'll teach you kung [Music] [Music] fu think you're safe do you [Music] h hey let's see H [Music] mhm not bad come with me right [Music] la I can do [Music] it it's all right follow [Music] me now watch me straight leg come on drop those hands not that way that way oh Eagle Claw that's not an eagle claw that's a chickens I just followed you well you got it all wrong it's not like that it's like this this is how it should look grab the pole harder s Flor L and kick now horizontal hands lower like this now grab this hands higher get them up come [Music] on I'm double fixed [Music] harder tired I think it would be tough teacher why the dumbbell practice the toad fist toad fist is that good oh it sure is teacher show me please all right now most people think these things are used simply to improve your strength but watch the toad fist is different it needs more than strength now this one is for the arms now the footwork s shape t-shape t-shape s shape s shape move left turn turn and move right and turn and turn and again strength and waist strength and neck and the wrists wow and you practice with only one hand use pressure and flexibility that's toad in the water toad chasing worbs and the dancing toad [Music] hey you take head elbow shoulder neck head spine back leg spine back shoulder elbow come on shoulder elbow shoulder elbow spine back neck head come on move it on there we come on shoulder spine shoulder spine up there shoulders spine shoulders spine come on get mine hurry up [Music] [Applause] [Music] there [Music] a again [Music] h a [Music] you know all the pressure points now how to lock all the nerves but remember try not to use them or you may kill someone oh but why because you don't know the antiock yet well teacher can't you teach it to me I need it it's not so simple I shall tell you a story about this 10 years ago my old kung fu teacher was a dying he taught me the eagle Fist and he taught my cousin how to use various weapons I specialize with my fists and my cousin with swords listen I won't have the time to teach you the antilock like I should but this book will give you all the [Music] secrets did you [Music] [Music] teacher [Music] [Music] [Music] I've never forgiven myself for letting my teacher be killed in front of my eyes and one day I shall get that killer he's a well-known Bandit and he's called the red dart on account of the weapon he uses but up to now I've not been able to trace him now this cover is all I've got left of the teacher's book I'm going to give it to you you take care of it teacher let's find that guy it may be too late for that now oh what well after all this time he must have learned the anti-lock so even if you lock a nerve he can release it furthermore he seems to know the monkey style the monkey style that's good you don't know it well I'll show you over the years I've learned a bit right come here here monkey Somers breaking Branch hurts don't worry but that killer there would have broken your back then you'd have had no chance huh he can't be beaten I've been working on that for more than 10 years but now I think I've the answer the dying fist huh dying fist well if I fight with him I'm bound to die but even while I'm dying my technique will kill him the trouble is the eagle fist will die with me as well so then you're training an inheritor and then you'll get him right that's right listen teach it to me I'm I'll get him I'm too old and you're too young ah teacher but I've got plenty of strength this dying fist you teach it to me and I'll go and find him and kill him all right right the dying fist is different from any other techniques other techniques are meant to beat your enemy but with a dying fist you wait till your opponent's in a position to kill you and as he makes the Fatal strike you make yours and use his strength to Ro him into his [Applause] death [Music] Eagle fist I'm sorry oh that's all right uh but tell me which way to the white Hills to White Hills yeah uh that way mhm straight on oh thanks there's no Road you fold [Music] me some tea please huh just see that's [Music] right mind if I have some help yourself huh this se's mine don't waste your strength well now you comfortable huh well I'm not much good can't beat an old man don't don't be too upset your Eagle fist is pretty good but still my cousin could never use his sword huh teach his cousin H so you're looking for the book yeah the fact remains that if red D has managed to learn the antiock then you're never going to be able to get him even if you found his vital point oh you mean it's hopeless perhaps not huh no matter how good a man may get to be there must always remain one vulnerable point and that's where all his energy concentrates could be anywhere so first of all I have to find out where that is and then try H but still if you find out you're losing though then forget your pride and run then I'll use the dying fist Pine [Music] fist I've got almost no money left and no prospects of getting a job it's a problem what do I do [Music] can you tell me if there's a hotel here it's downtown oh don't know that town I knew here [Music] [Music] H take her uh right come on come on hey so late yeah it's not like him at all [Music] [Applause] it's you huh good to see you you look good really fit that's great huh I'm glad you're here he well things going good with you huh are they then n not so good we've had a lot of bad luck but that's why we've come to you listen we can work for you like in the old days we're just as tough you'll see Kong things have changed they're not like before H yeah yeah but I'm the same man and you know you can always rely on me to help you out don't you now look how about you all work for me here as Gods all right [Applause] oh H you get a nice room for my friends and make sure that they're really well looked after right please see [Music] you hey he good huh yeah I told you this is going to be a good deal here three four five six seven teong carry on these four fellas know far too much about me you fix them right all right wasn't I right huh now listen like I told you things have changed here that goes for lot too so we better be careful ah now come on you worry far too much I know we're GNA be all right here who's there ah the teacher you want something huh H nothing Mr sent me with some food he says he'll come and talk later oh good come on in come on thanks hey why did he have to bother you with this when he could have sent a servant come on here come on huh oh cheick it [Music] [Music] yeah teach your [Music] Tong W them up [Music] [Music] go now what's wrong teacher fo that's the tower sent for you keep practicing right hey you clown that was real dumb what you think so some te the rents oh Master to the total rents for the last month came to $109,000 H brel right flowerhouse 25,000 and Spring House 20,000 gambling uh yes for all the casinos uh uh $54,000 that's all these two months you've done well I just did my job and you teacher food oh he was teaching Kung Fu I sent a man for him and Ling's not come back not seen him it's very strange that he just goes off and leaves the school without saying a word been 3 months he won't come back we need someone hire a replacement all right Harry dad did you bring me something yes yes yes yes but later though I'm busy now oh always later go and practice huh get tongue to teach me tongue is busy he's now all right he'll go tongue me go with her sure come on don't waste time some charity for a poor traveling man you will be rewarded in heaven for your gifts but will repay you for your generosity if you he what do you want I don't like dirty M hanging at my door have on a poor wondering will bless you peace be with you so please show charity lousy M yeah they all a same do not anger Heaven oh God you ruined my front door all right I'll give you something to send you on your way but then go and leave me alone thank you bless you bless SP a few coins in the M of the you will married in heaven if you give a few coins to a poor wondering go elsewhere go somewhere else will bless [Applause] [Music] you you're a I don't believe it I am I've begged everywhere my iron head always works who are you I'm a teacher and I've come to teach you a [Music] lesson [Music] oh Daniel what's your name one of these days I'll look you up I'm lousy Chun and I'll be waiting ly CH you look out very good Kung Fu you did a good job I'm impressed well thanks a lot what's your name I'm fuin Fong you live here or passing through just passing through looking for a job well now I'm a teacher with a TOA family teach Kung Fu it just so happens they need a new teacher somebody left them and so if you like I could introduce you teacher oh good thank you very much Bend those legs hey miss the new teacher's handsome hey you think I haven't noticed well teacher how things good morning Mr T things are fine thanks oh listen there's one thing I don't get these fellas have trained before why is that Kung Fu so bad H before we had teacher Le but he didn't teach too good though H one day he simply pushed off and never said a word so that's the reason anyway Lou will take care of your needs good please start again come on mistress daddy well want to learn some Kung food yeah well teach your's teaching the spring kick now why not join them I want something different no hey hey teacher the mistress wants you hello morning Hey listen can you teach me Kung Fu sure come on our mistress wants to have some private Lon monkey Som [Music] assult breaking the branch working hard huh see you we're here the door you'll teach me Kung well that's why I'm here all right now Double Dragon but I know that one try picking plumes blind pal and also picking m not yet turtle in it shell Chic sheds it skin who's teaching who now let's both teach each other pouncing tiger on yet hey seizing the Sheep that's all let's change around now and we'll see if you can do any better this way no way you get down [Laughter] now turn all right let's see [Music] you [Music] what's that come on don't stop [Music] now love just a mouse I'm here now don't be scared huh [Music] help hey teacher this is for you oh meet me tonight behind the hill to Ching my kung fu is quite different all the other styles are much too weak easily beat like a woman but my style works works and it kills believe me oh yeah teacher I do I do well why don't you clap then you you you you that was lousy you could clap louder than that go on not enough I'm out here what you won't come I'll kill you all then come here I'll test your pressure points come here here [Music] here now you four you attack me hey you go first go on go on come on what are you waiting [Music] for well your hand paralyzed did you please help me help you right take off your shoe now I'll show you how to unlock that nerve hit the soul unlock the hand teacher where shall I hit though hey I can move it there's nothing to it when you know how thank you teacher thank you teacher that's get no come on give it to me hey what are you two doing hit the [Music] wrist thank you teacher thank you thank you thank you thank you drop your hands no teacher no hit the back why don't you fight if you don't I'll hit your main neres no no no no teacher no no no May when that particular nerve is pressed a man dies in 30 seconds don't believe it just watch one teacher don't let my brother die he didn't do a thing please spare him teacher I beg you please please please beare him well I told him if he didn't attack I'd kill him he didn't believe me did he too bad I beg you teacher please beare him you're annoying me want to die no 1 2 29 [Music] 30 30 there you see exactly 30 seconds oh [Applause] yes 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [Music] [Applause] better meet at the Bamboo Grove [Music] instead hey [Music] what was that d [Music] huh me a night behind the hill to teach me Kung Fu to Ching she wants [Music] more [Music] there she is she's alreadying what's this who are you that doesn't concern you just tell tell me who taught you the antiock technique not your business he's tough Eco fist you must be lousy turn he well your monkey style isn't up to standard yet huh draking branch [Music] got your vital you're through you got 30 seconds you know that listen I can't unlock that one never learned help me oh oh please please help me first of all you tell me where you learned that technique who told it to you I can't if I tell you you kill me you'll die if you don't no you only had 30 seconds and you've already wasted 10 right I'll talk I'll talk sure it's it's him it's Mr Lou Mr Lou m Lou yeah please help me I'll hurry up or I'll die you goddamn fool I don't know the antiock either I'm [Music] dead oh so [Music] late well now for being late I'll give him a shot oh this better I've been waiting for you yes who are you I'm Chung who are you damn you hey out what's that for stop [Applause] it it's too bad tonging should attend our meetings I told him where is he you know Master Lou some more of your old friends damn it well all right you see him right hey misso remember me oh oh it's youuh I came to see my brothers two months ago they came up here seeking your help huh oh well they're out of town at the moment but they ought to be back any day now uh well now I suggest you stay here for a few days as my guests until they get back huh all right we'd like that you're a good guy great pal hatan sir you take these fellas to the guest room so they can have a nice rest huh sure uh please gentlemen this way come thank you follow them now you fix them do you know what I mean sure I [Music] know sorry you're too late why did he want to do that I don't know and I don't care too much let's just run or they're going to catch us and kill us come on let's go huh they've gone well then get after them right [Music] sure oh master master teach your lungs back teacher L Master teacher l you're back why didn't you leave a message my family had an emergency and I had no time to tell you oh hey hey it's you it really is you when they mentioned teach L thought it might be you good to see you so you two are old friends then uh yeah well we were both in the militia in our village oh well now we can practice together again that's great but where's teacher fu yeah Mentor ask you this place is real weird everyone here disappears yeah and the people act real strange especially [Laughter] [Music] Lou [Music] oh help me help [Applause] me my back my back my back my my my back my back what is it a hard point that's Fai let me through here let me through out of the way let me through master master master call Doctor son right away yeah you two you take Mr Lou upstairs to his room teacher you stand guard let no one by when the doctor comes you show him up [Music] a Dr Sun's Dead who else could save him maybe Mr tow [Music] don't be so anxious have a bath yes I [Music] will why do you wear that gold piece there silly give it me I've told you often not to touch it you're always the same there's no need to get so mad and why is that wound taking so long to get better well it's in a bad place takes time now come on just look you've wet the book all right after teone H come on hey no p come on Qui that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] up come on up come on where'd you get it huh you will never know that oh why huh well that's extremely simple you'll be dead [Music] that's him the Red Dot it's me huh I'm not the red dog I'm the police and I was sent specially to catch the Red Dog Tong I've got sufficient evidence to convict you so you better surrender to me huh what evidence could you possibly have to show that I am really the red dart well first of all there's some papers I found in your bedroom together with these doarts huh on top of that I I've got a confession from some of your men [Music] huh want to run get him get [Music] [Applause] him okay teacher fol [Music] [Music] [Music] got [Music] [Music] come h fire [Music] hey no listener I'm try what come and help me then okay [Music] a I release the [Music] Rainer [Music] huh [Music] he climb the tree right don't St H in the [Music] branch [Laughter] [Music] [Music] what [Music] okay want to die huh yes you're right I'll kill [Music] [Music] you I'm all right you're crazy [Music] good [Music] [Music] l hit the vital point the vital Point go on go on go [Music] on I'll hold him you grab the gold plate right hey hurry come on coming come on hurry hurry [Music] [Music] a teacher I found the book that's good teacher I'm just teaching y Kung Fu you teacher is he your teacher he the one yeah he's the one he's like that a bit crazy now stop that teacher he's in no state for lessons look at him he's big hold it now listen he's the one behind all all this it was him 10 years ago finished he intended you to die with red dart so you could get the book so fight him you fool no he isn't like that he isn't you're wrong sure he is you fool he has to kill you to stop you telling me that he's got the book cuz he always knew where to find Red Dot yeah the teacher he gave you that book not me why huh when that Chun told me about the dying fist I started to suspect you it seems that I was right you were the one who hired the killer there was no need teacher would have died anyway I probably did him a favor making him die fast huh huh well you'll fight your sword's good but you're not so hot with your [Applause] fists no get back I won't what's this you disobey me well won't let you kill him You Must Be Stopped let me see you try listen listen here's your chance to do some fo kill that beardy bastard I can't I can't move put the dot in my mouth now hurry out [Music] of teacher teacher teacher did [Music] you Te You [Music] [Applause] [Music] Up [Music] oh
Channel: Wu Tang Collection
Views: 312,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Hong Kong Cinema, Shaolin Movies, Shaolin Films, Wu Xia, Hong Kong Action Cinema, Shaw Brothers, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Silver Fox, Drunken Master, Ninja
Id: aAyrlKEm0mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 34sec (4894 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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