Bitcoin SCAMMER Breaks Down Crying on the Phone (Shocking)

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I'm back with some more calls to this crazy  cryptocurrency scamming call center this time   things get even more ridiculous if you want to  see part one first the link is down below I cannot   believe people spend all day doing this kind of  stuff it's insane thank you for calling support my   name is Sarah how may I help you Bitcoin support  under coinbase what kind of what kind of like   garage can I expect from that I put a $5,000 if  you spent five thousand you will get nine percent   interest on tomorrow you're chewing something  you know like a lunch a or snack hmm yeah you   having like a like a rap or something like that  like a chicken korma something look at that my   friend he's from India he's a vegetarian for the  past ten years food you know like a curry sauce   all that I all have Vietnamese have Charlie's  your Chinese yeah right but you sound like that   l that you are not a Chinese but you don't you  understand that all of a sudden you say like a   racist thing to me like not alright that with the  hot or like SSO races right can we talk later I   am watching a movie right now but you know I'm  not eating lunch I am watching a movie name is   Veronica 2017 is Saguaro novena movies how old  are you I am 21 years old Wow oh my god what   the hell you say no I'm saying but you're 21 yeah  is your first job like trying to be a scammer you   don't feel bad about that I know I don't feel that  about it because I'm getting paid you got me a job   you got me a job if you want I'll leave this I'm  happy to do that yeah please help me honestly if   I can help remove you from the scanning industry  I will do it I will give you a job but you have to   promise me you'll quit yes I promise you don't  quit forever I know okay all right let's talk   business then like what kind of skill set do you  have it recording you just to ask you like what   your skill set so I can try to find it a job I'm  serious I swear on God I was just taking a note   because honestly the idea of trying to finally  save somebody from this type of culture is like   it sounds good to me I'm happy to do that for you  tell me why do you feel bad talk to me Harrison   right people okay I understand but how can I  reach you you can come in India but coming to   India gonna be very hard for me you know I'm in  the United State now but I can give you a job to   work for me remote Yello I am scared what to tell  me why are you scared like explain to me I'm here   to help you maybe you misuse this number or you  like keep the doll things and on YouTube or you   make up enough conversation if I try to call you  back here and ask for Sarah what they transfer me   no sir don't call here because they may be made  fun of they may be like they may be like kicked   me out from this office I don't want to do okay  no problem just please don't forget to message   me then okay cuz if you don't do it then I can't  help you right so like just don't forget yeah I'll   call you okay okay I will wait for your message  you can send me the SMS too if that's easier that   might be better right you can send me like a  SMS or something like that I will do my best   to help you I'm gonna talk to my colleague to see  what kind of job we can give you for like a data   entry something like that something better than  having to be on the phone all day you know okay   all right don't forget okay I'm gonna be waiting  for your call thank you for calling support this   is John oh yeah I was just calling regarding the  crypto currency support okay first of all can you   help me with your name yeah it's Chris and what  is the email address that you use to create it   account what did you don't you equine be okay but  by the way your voice is so soothing and sultry I   love it let me go ahead and pull it up real quick  sure okay yeah this is the one I use okay it's   Chris mm-hmm deep inside at for Chris  deep inside at yeah that's right you   have a computer a laptop you plays yeah I have a  computer get to the browser open it up okay it's   open no you need to go ahead and I'll get you  the address bar is a Google Chrome a unit type load yeah I see the button  here yeah click on that and download the file   okay so what is it you didn't like connect to my  computer like how does that work yes launch this   application to run this for yourself and do let  me know what you get okay I have a DSL connection   so it I think it's taking a second here for some  reason tell me some more about yourself while I'm   downloading the file here like would you like to  do for fun like how is work for fun I also like to   work okay that's the only thing that I love about  oh my god of making money you love making money I   like that how do you make your money usually that  something that I cannot give descriptions about   there is not one thing that I do I never make my  income type text it has to be different once even   if one failed the others will do the job for me  oh my god that's amazing I have you heard of it   connect by any chance yeah I heard they have huge  returns but I haven't tried like with them yet but   I heard I saw some commercial with this cute bald  guy probably getting downloaded I guess it would   have been done yeah no the download is done so I'm  I'm ready to go yeah who wants this thing and do   let me know what what screen do you get so like  when you connect to my computer like what can you   see exactly cuz you know I have a bunch of know  what I see you'll be completed I I do understand   sir I'm no way too concerned about what personal  files you had there I'm just talking business here   okay just don't go snooping around there John  okay you promise I can't sir I can't whatever   I will do it will be visible to you as well I  cannot do it anything on my own it says access   collaborate assist I'm worried that you might  assist yourself to my nutes folder no my kill   did not swing both ways and completely straight  oh okay well me aren't you kind of curious no   well honestly okay hold on let me think we'll be  waiting I understand let me change my background   photo I'll show you my schlong real quick so that  way you can at least like you know accidentally   like get a little taste what what suppose do just  you you run that application that any doesn't let   you download it yeah it's open now what does what  are you permitted it to have on your screen but   just to tell it cuz honestly I just did a quick  google search and there's a search was all here   about like a scam or something like that I just  want to get like robbed so like just you can look   at my nudie pics that's fine but like you're not  gonna take my Bitcoin right in that gift you're   gonna hang out the quad so wait you feel that  where you can hang up the call you can go and   find someone else who can help you and I know  look don't give me ultimatums and be difficult   I'm just asking you like man to man like just  tell me the truth it's like do you just promise   me cuz I just need some reassurance so the only  thing that I need is that you would have to open   up your computer I'll connect your computer that  you will have to open up your coin base and your   evil so that I can connect to the server find out  what bucks is just not allowing the transaction   to go over once I find there is a lesion I can  maybe I can push the transaction back into your   account or whatever the resolution I'm going to  provide it back to you there's nothing that I   can eat and I need anything in your computer no  I understand we shouldn't change your tone like   that I kind of miss creamy voice John you know  like what you were just so like sultry and nice   like now you're kind of being kind of scary  killer robot John like forever yeah kind of   the reaction okay swing both ways I didn't mean  to make you react too hard there but like you   know if you want to get hard that's okay with me  but nothing like that okay gonna help me with the   code that would be great yeah I just saw again  like I just that voice you had before was as   creamy as chicken korma so like I kind of I kind  of miss it but um yeah the code is six to five seven nine eight one seven six two five seven  nine to one three right yeah I guess there's   something missing in there so six to five seven  nine two eight one three you have that right six   to five seven nine two after that it's eight one  three thank you where are you from John India oh   okay great honestly like one of my best friends is  from India one of my favorite people that's why I   said your voice was as creamy as chicken korma  did you pick that up I didn't pick it up but I   told you I only talk business nothing else oh yeah  I know I'm just saying like another Kentucky have   not provided them welcome to support my name is  Lisa how may I help you today terrified anybody   that sounds remotely sketch she's like abort  abort Corrigan hello yeah my phone died I was   talking to I believe Sarah and my phone died so  I was just trying to call back to her don't you   have any work what are you talking about when  I'm talking about I'm saying how free you are   you don't have any work I'm working right now  I'm at work right love's caught on you guys bug   okay okay now tell me that I I want a job can  you just provide me a job you want a job and I   I desperately need a job tell me what kind of  job what kind of job you will provide me okay   what tell me what experience do you have with a  word only five days experience 105 day experience   what about for scamming how much experience do  you have it for in that I have been in so good   tell me about like one day you do like what's  your secret like what like a new like try to   tap on the old people like vulnerable people  you go for the young people like what do you   think is the easiest people to scam and take  advantage like like the old people who cannot   even speak who thing that they are smart but they  are not and who think that they are very rich but   they are not and like the people like you okay  my favorite one okay Gucci like another I know   they pay you demand a stuff like that but like  you don't feel kind of bad like just no at least   I'm not like you like like VI working whatever we  are no no actually believe it or not I have a 5   million subscribers on YouTube and I'm working  right now to make a video about scamming call   centers Oh what they're gonna pay you for did yeah  you don't see the advertisement on YouTube like an   ad monetizing but hopefully when I put a title  as like a scamming call center Oh douchebag guy   like they gonna monetize it but I have to say but  yeah you know what tell me what you just get lost   no but are you what are you getting stuck now you  don't know what to say to me so you're just gonna   say get Ross oh my god so there's a solid chance  that Sarah gave me a sob story I'm wondering   if that all was a sob story it could have been  cuz like the crying sounded kind of fake but I   thought it'd be so interesting to get her to give  me like a candid honest interview about what it's   like to work in a scamming call centre but the  way Eliza whoever just responded and saying I   can give you a job it's be kind of like I don't  know but definitely still interesting Wow could   you believe no scammers so crazy I almost got  conned into thinking that Grady wanted a real   job if you enjoy the video encoding the scamming  [ __ ] people smash that red button down below and   don't forget to subscribe with identification  on to catch all the videos see you next Sunday
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 1,438,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SCAMMER Breaks Down, SCAMMER Breaks Down Crying, scammer crying on the phone, bitcoin scammer, bitcoin scammer breaks down, bitcoin scammer ownage pranks, bitcoin scammer calls me, bitcoin, scammer, phone pranks, ownagepranks, ownage pranks, scammer confesses, scammer confronted, scammer conference call, phone scammer confesses, how to get a scammer, how to get a scammer on the phone, confession of a phone scammer
Id: uFy3LuT4BJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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