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God in Jesus Christ tonight rebuked the day of evil and cast the Devils out of the minds of all we're here in the name of Jesus and we're glad to be here yeah we're thankful to God for his favor shown to us and we're glad for His grace that's abounding now while you behold and look and wait and you yonder in your beds your hospital victims tonight God has laid it upon Jesus Christ to give himself his own life change conditions in your bodies and minds and spiritually we thank God for the fellowship of the spirit tonight that gives us in him to think on others and to pray the mighty God to help and give unto you all that you may be delivered from that tornado god bless you Jesus gave to the ministers and said go e-gold into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believe not shall be damned and these signs he says shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils not in their was cast the devils out they should speak with new tongues they shall pick up serpents and if they drink anything deadly it shall not hurt them God rebuke death here tonight and refuse death there in you cast the devils out of your mind let your little ones look to God this is a time that we need Jesus we need the word of his wonder we need the wisdom of the blood we need the coming of the coming Jesus the Saviour Satan the Lord rebuke here death the Lord rebuke you an enemy the Lord rebuke you a liar the Lord rebuke you ashamed the Lord rebuke you the blood the blood the blood of Jesus Christ God's anointing giving it unto all we thank God for his presence in the room and for His wonders he giveth the latter reign of his wheeler tonight woman Jesus heal you Jesus would you death God give you tonight woman Jesus heal you your sins the Lord forgive be casted out the day of evening you get the word in his presence at night heal the sick his wisdom cast down the enemy of our souls we're blessed to come and glad we're here yes Lord yes yes look yes we thank God for his blow of a Oh a beautiful he can old mr. disken eeeh anthis oz kahlĂșa my save is annuity the world of his kindness and greatness of his name makes ways for us tonight may we rejoice to know that we have fellowship with him and in the spirit of Jesus Christ tonight we contend for the faith we rebuke death we bind the devil chair with the word of God's wonder the day of evil be casted out of the mind yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes mercy be shown tonight hey blessed be God hallelujah hallelujah Savior now you sick poor people that are here in the room lift your hands in the hospital [Applause] [Applause] the sheets me as my savior just in my mind yes yes yes coming of the Lord the gift of God tonight renew the spirits of this little one share and give the Liberals to all waiting waiting tonight with lead the blood of Jesus Christ we thank you for your greatness and great love shown yes yes Jesus that mighty God myself live and enjoy the weather is real tonight man Jesus deliver you the blood prevail Jesus Christ in this wheel align wonder tonight Oh God deliver this man deliver the man delivering delivered him give him saying yes tonight deliver the man delivering Jesus my Savior split at all fixed over this control I ask Allah know my heart we got a stable surah thank God for His wonders shown here for the blood dishwashing yes Lord yes our God in His Word in the Bible that we read I got first of all for supplication intercession thanksgivin be made for all men for kings for rulers for governors and for all maximum authority that we may lead a quiet peaceable life with all godliness and honesty oh god oh god all the spirit and peace of God tonight the Lord in power in the blood the mind of the translator the gift of God with us tonight we receive and enjoy we look to be for him tonight your word is life in your world gives life the word mix and makes a way for us woman your he'll tonight woman Jesus Helia yes yes tee's wisdom of God tonight let's go Jesus look horn and pity the night Jesus renew the space of the night tonight my soul my meal Sonia wonderful wonderful see yes yes yes yes wonderful Jesus yes we receive and now enjoy thinking on the goodness and greatness of your denied my god help this woman [Applause] Jesus Christ binder the world gives rise tonight the wonders are shown to us now strengthen that we care and renew the spirits of my children everywhere he illness Oh God tonight let the ministry be blessed tonight that then we have got the done everywhere let men return from their evil age yes yes Jesus Christ thank God for the anointing of Jesus Christ today now my Savior the first one with you and we receive and forgive we bless and loo we thank you for that constant baby spittle God's every day and everywhere and now renew the spirits of thy children here and under reason loosen from the snares give them power of the Evil One and renew the spirit of that children everywhere we beseech thee as our friend help us we come to the end this evil they deliver us we look for it from above God send it on all we ask it in Jesus name yes
Channel: Bert Cross II
Views: 120,920
Rating: 4.848134 out of 5
Id: h2DfAcU3Zzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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