Bishop Mark Morgan preaching on “Weariness”

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brother Morgan come on brother God's got his hands on let's worship God while brother Morgan comes in with the word from the Lord give a shout with me to God while he creeps in the word well I think it'd be all right if we clapped and magnify the Lord for the word we've already received Amen praise God amen well praise God let's read a verse scripture and we're just going to tap into what's it's kind of a unique feel sometimes have you ever well I don't know if you'd understand but sometimes it's just a real clear there it is and then other times it's kind of moving and this morning in prayer I just kept you just get moving and then right before service it just kind of boom boom so we'll talk to you a little bit and then we'll let the Holy Ghost do what it wants to do amen Hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation amen ties and in my Bible it ties back to sums 34 the angel of the Lord and campus around about those that furia amen I was looking at that text this morning in one of the commentaries and it simply says that these angels really are sent to serve the community they're sent to serve the community amen we need your Lord as for your guidance your direction as that you confirm your word today with signs following help us clarity of mind guided by your hand and your wisdom we ask it in Jesus name and everybody said amen you may be seated I'm not gonna try to sermon eyes and I'm gonna talk to you what I feel Holy Ghost has allowed us to kind of get in the vein of here anybody ever been weary before some of the act like you don't even know what I'm talking about weary Bible tells us not to be weary in well-doing but if you've ever attempted to do anything for God or to live for God then we have a tendency sometimes to get a little weary somebody told me that it's it's okay to get weary in the fight just don't get weary of the fight and I will tell you if I preach this message and I'm going to go back borrow parts of it it's amazing to me that you can be on a spiritual high one minute I mean Elijah's on the top of the Mount Carmel and I mean fire is falling in clouds and and he's outrunning chariots I'm gonna tell you that's some kind of anointing if you asked me hey man sometimes I felt like I got run over by a chariot but I mean what a great moment but I've also learned that the enemy hates it he hates those moments and of course Oh Jesse got stirred up you ever met Oh Jesse Jezebel for the sake of some of you sophisticated folks here today and here she comes I'm gonna kill you by this time tomorrow well you know you would think that after that great happening on the top of Mount Carmel well I mean you can really do some crazy stuff when you're under the anointing but after it kind of lifts and you're like oh my god what was I thinking it's not good so he's running in fear of his life you know the story's running in fear of his life let me stop here I honor this shouldn't pass her and the whole staff and everybody a man I love this church I love the man gets the love but all he also it's always an honor to be here you know they he's running you you know the story he goes to sleep he's tired he's weary I call it post and morning blues no serious the anointing of God can put you on a kind of high and then you're back to reality and Jezebel sends a message anybody ever had Jezebel send a message to you I'm not talking about your wife I'm talking [Applause] and so she's very tired is very weary and so he lays down goes to sleep and all of a sudden he feels a little nudge he wakes up and an angel was got a barbeque pit going some water eat and drink he eats he drinks and this is the part that amazes me he goes back to sleep I thank you for the great room I really do thank you so much for the great room but I can promise you this if I were to woke up in the middle of the night last night and an angel was cooking in my motel room I don't think I'd go back to sleep I'd be calling pastor say hey we need to have Church right now I'm telling you Bell wake him up get him down to the church it's on but I think it might have something to do with how weary he really was he goes back to sleep and then the second time the angel awakens this time he makes that profound statement he said arise eat and drink for the journey is too great for thee in other words if you don't wake up and protect of what God is sending to you right now you won't be able to finish this journey what is the journey he's on a journey number one he's not just running for his life but he's gonna be on a journey now can you imagine he eats his cake in this water and he didn't eat anything else for forty days I've said this before I want to repeat it if I could find out that recipe I'd be a multi-billionaire one mill forty days what a diet but there's something so in parcels supernatural in that meal that he's eating that it carries him for forty days but where is he headed well we know he ends up in this cave and the still small voice but he also ends up anointing the next generation that would have a double portion anointing yeah so it's quite a story if you ask me I want to tell you that a few years ago and in fact when I was preaching the revival here was part of it I don't know why God allows us to go through some of the things that he does I think some of it has to do with Revelation the balance of Revelation God tells Paul because of the abundance of Revelation so everybody once God talked to them everybody wants God to show them some stuff but and I talked to a man a few months ago I said you've prayed for the anointing of the Apostle Paul have you not he said I have I said I I said were you in a room and I explained the room to him he said that's exactly what happened I said but what you don't understand is if you get the revelation of the Apostle Paul you also have to get his form well there one half of your praying right there I don't want that but it's God's Way of balance it's God's way of keeping you saved and so I got so weary I had gotten so weary and I was called to preach they had a cancellation for a senior camp in the texaco district so the youth president called me and said brother Morgan you wouldn't happen to have this week open would you I said listen man I don't know how to preach these young people anymore they are weird there are some great speakers out there for youth and and you know I could recommend a couple I said I just have a hard time kind of connected with him I thinking and just he said no no we prayed about it and we felt like you should be the one to help us here if you could and I said well I'll I'll come what he didn't know was is that when I got there I was really have you ever felt like in this journey that you've kind of come to a brink of something and you're just so weary you just you know anybody relate to what I'm talking about right now you just I can't go on I can't go on well that's how I got to that youth camp I just man you know I just I'm weary I just my faith was under attack now before you think I'm back slid the bible does talk about the trial of your faith your faith is going to go on trial you sit there all day and say I love Jesus and I love truth and I'll have faith you do not know that until it's tested and so this is where I was at I was really coming to a moment I don't know it says 10 is almost like I was about to lose my faith I just where are you at in all this why can't you deliver me from this what can't you know and so I got to that camp and the unique thing about it is is I'd go to the pulpit and preach brother coxy and the only would come on then and I'd feel you know but then when I'd get back to my room it's a different story it's i struggling with all this and I was wrestling with all of it and so I on Friday night they come over service started about 7:30 and on Friday night about seven o'clock five after they had somebody at the room you got to come right now we've had an emergency all the electrical stuff is gone from the camp and what had happened is is I don't want to tell on the Texaco district but while they were wiring to the tabernacle was not up to code and it had fried a bunch of stuff and so there's no electricity to the tabernacle and and and besides that at that time there was no air conditioning now I'm going to tell you what is wrong with people we are in Amarillo Texas it is the end of June you want a fat man to come preach without air conditioning you got to give me a break now the fact the next year they've got to be back for their camp meeting and I told them then I said listen I love you all and you're a great bunch of people but I said if you ever invite me back you're gonna have to have air conditioning around there I said matter of fact let's take an offering for air conditioning right now and we did about seventy seven thousand dollars for air conditioning they invited me back the next year and guess what air conditioning thank God for air conditioning amen and so what happened was we get there the lights are out they had run some extension course from other places across the campground got a little bit of lights going on they finally started plugging up some of the amps on the PA and stuff they're trying to get it going and they had opened up some bay doors it's a metal building they'd open up some bet yeah so they'd open up some bay doors and they they they had cars shining their headlights in there trying to it wasn't quite dark but it was you know it's just and so we got into that service in Wow Wow are they not sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation so all of a sudden the Holy Ghost those kids just got to worshiping the holy ghost fail in the course of this kind of an a dim lighting of getting a few lights back on by then somebody snapped a picture the kids related matter of fact at this because of times the boy's dad was here they're related they're my auntie's and they snapped a picture and worship erupted in that place it was just tremendous and all of a sudden people was trying to work on the platform trying to get some more stuff up it's come up on the platform and they just they just fall I'm in slain in the spirit and then miracles and then all of a sudden one group over here from one of the churches come up and we just had 11 of our kids receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Holy Ghost fell and miracles began to happen and it just it was just an incredible manifestation of the power of God and so the picture was taken in the course then after service they brought me the picture we want you to see this picture I wish I'd have thought of it before and I was a little more organized and not such a procrastinator I would have Amen but I have the picture a matter of fact so brother talks while ago Mahaney boy was had his hands on there worshiping God and right here very predominant right here in the picture is an angel and then behind him there's kind of stacked in there not come to that camp so weary weary of the journey and then I'll sudden this picture because I've come to the point to where the supernatural is it is it everything that we've presented it to be it's why can't God deliver me from this stuff and so in that moments time that picture there it was and it's like the Holy Ghost said I sent them to help you is this enough now I can't tell you that I left the camp totally delivered from the trial it was part of God's process but I can tell you that from that moment there was something that was imparted into my spirit that removed the doubt yes this is real this stuff really does happen I am a child of God God does care pretty god he does know my name you know we spent all of our time trying to find the name of God and him to hear our voice but did you ever realize that it's totally reversed he said hey I know your name and you'll hear my voice and the fact is is that this journey that we're all on that there are moments Devine moments from God in the weariness now let me explain something to you we are on our way to a double portion generation we really are it was evident at because of the times the younger men that were here and all you know I I don't like it I'm kind of mad about it to be honest with you my god I fought hell are you gonna give them twice as much as I got I told brother hair at one time I said I don't like you I don't like what God's doing with you you've not fault half the battles our fault God's using you like that okay you sit there and act so holy on me right now some new convert comes in God starts using them blessing them they get a miracle and you're sitting there they're gone you got to be kidding me I've been praying you don't think that stuff kind of happens Jarvis was waiting on him at the boat and on the way to the miracle this unclean woman touches the hem of Jesus's Garman and Jesus stops okay gyruss I'll get back to you later I'm gonna focus over here a little bit and while they are there a messenger comes from the house of Jairus and said trouble about the master your daughter's dead well in that a great one I was waiting on yet the boat we've been on this journey of faith together and some new converts not even cleaned up yet touches you one time and get some miracle and while you're waiting on them it looks like my miracle just stopped and when that happened Jesus turn and said only believe who fear not only believe I'm telling you there's something getting ready to happen it's a double portion generation it's on and we're on our way we are on our way to anoint a double portion generation I'm not just saying that to hype you up I'm telling you that in the Holy Ghost oh yes we are but as we journey oh man and we've been with him on top of the mountain we've seen this fire fall I'm gonna tell you something this journey that we're on right now I don't know if you know it or not maybe some of you quit walking I don't know but I'm gonna tell you I get to looking at the journey hmm you know I really got to spear the Antichrist working really good in San Francisco right now seriously it's an Alexandria we got the spirit that our Christ worked we got all this stuff that's going on we are definitely in the end time and I'm telling you I'm telling you on our own without the help of the Holy Ghost on our own if we try to go any further out of our intellectualism or out of our own energies or out of our flesh are you listening to me we're not gonna be able to finish the journey if you don't think let me let me explain something to you this is this is just me and and I'm not trying to turn this into a political rally and all that stuff but I'm just going to tell you as far as I'm concerned how can I say this very our present president whatever you think I'm not here whatever party that's your choice but the deal is is I believe that everything was trekking toward globalization and then all of a sudden guy said nope it's not time yet it's not time it's not time it's just not time yet and so all of a sudden he raises up a leader he's not worried about the global picture he's just worried about America make America great again and you know what none of us would have thought he would ever got voted in but all the stuffing on I'm not here oh god I can feel this thing starting to sink right now we're on the Titanic did say I agree with the man I just said that God said not yet and when that happened I want you listen to me there's two spirits that got stirred the Antichrist spirit got stirred and Jezebel got stirred and but if she's focused her attention on the church she's focused her attention on everything that stands opposite of it and if you don't think Jezebel is after you here today and he's after this congregation and he's after the she's after the leadership she's after the staff she's after the pastor if you don't think poa has got the attention if you don't think all the praying if you don't think the revival if you don't think that you need to wake up that's what I'm really gonna try to preach here today you need to wake up because we got a journey ahead of us we got a great future if we can just get there and the key to this is we need to wake up spiritually you know what I I felt this a long time ago nobody will ever be able to stand before God and have a reason the backslide or not finish the journey let me tell you why because God allocated into the journey every day of your life he allocated everything that you needed to get the job done so he said you're without excuse your problem was you wouldn't wake up long enough you let the world rock you to sleep you let your circumstances rock you to sleep your that life rock you to sleep and you went into spiritual slumber the Bible warns us about that matter of fact if you don't think that's real he said hey listen he said when it's time for him to come the greatest thing you're gonna have to battle is the spirit of slumber because at midnight the Bible says they all slippin slumbered five wise and five foolish all of them were in a spiritual state of slumber hardest thing for us to do in 2019 specially North America is to stay spiritually awake because you reach the top you reach the peak and then you relax and you back up you let your guard down and you fall asleep and Jesse says gonna get you now I don't know if this is making sense to anybody else here something for you and if you just per take of it you'll finish the journey so anyway we're going to make it the only way I don't worship angels I told you they're just here to serve the community but I will tell you it's just really something unique when you know hey we do have some help over here this is great let me let me hurry to close here I know you're weary I know you're weary you've been on this journey any time at all mountaintop experiences and we get weary but I felt the Holy Ghost it's real simple today I'm going to sin supernatural provisions I'm going to sin supernatural provisions and in the next few days in the next few weeks for a lot of you that so I'm wearing if you're just at that moment you feel that little nudge you'll just wake up they'll prepare us the table before me you'll prepare the table you put all the provisions you need on the table you just got to wake up and come and dine see some of your sitting here right now and the Holy Ghost has brought you something by His grace see the message in tongues that went forth the while ago is kind of unique about truth but the fact is is grace and truth are the two components of Jesus Christ's true Grace has a merit and always as a company but truth and so to those that accept truth and all there's also a great sense of grace that comes now grace is God's I don't whatever but really it's God's divine ability to fill a deficit whatever situation you're in it end matter there's a deficit there's nobody sufficient within themselves so you have a deficit and God says this is where grace comes in when you've extended yourself as far as you can go when you've given all that you can give when you've done all that you can do and you still come short God says here let me give you a gift I won't tell one quick story here where I learned about this gift its own Saturday night in prayer is this okay everybody so on Saturday night in prayer and I still pastor in Oklahoma the Holy Ghost said I will Hill everything in the building tomorrow night whoa everything everything oh okay well you know how it is when you're praying it's coming to you you know prophetic just inspirational so he gave me two messages I preached the one Sunday morning men I'm telling you they were running the aisles and busting sheetrock out of the walls and and I mean I mean it just exploded in there I thought I saw I announce it tonight we're gonna have a miracle service God's going to heal everything in the building now fine now it's out here today so you'd be like but what if that's God's will now I know exactly what you're thinking woo yeah and I agree with you I would require quite a bit of faith wouldn't it yeah so here's the deal I announced it we come back to church that night it was horrible this service right now is extremely lively compared to what was going on while I was preaching I mean they were just like I mean we what we sang we worship there's I mean it's just it's deader than a hammer oh boy I mean and I knew I finally oh they're waiting for the show I done announced that they're they're here to see it happen so here we go so I preached my little sermon about children's bread got through said all right I want everybody that needs a miracle if you need a healing in your body in a miracle I want you to come get in line and so they did and so I'm standing up here and I look down at the first lady in line was a woman by the name of Margie McGuire and she had Parkinson's arm drawn shaking and stuff and all and the lady behind her had had three or four back surgeries kind of had been crippled by some of it and then he just and I'm looking at all this and I'm thinking oh my god you've got to be kidding me you can't we warm up just a little bit here seriously God you don't put a guy in the batter's box and throw a 98 mile an hour fastball straight up let me warm up here a little bit I need a couple little headaches or backaches or something that people can't see I'm just telling you I knew where I was that I knew the faith that I had and I'm looking at the journey and I'm like whoa whoa I don't think I got enough to finish this journey here tonight I don't see all y'all up healing everybody here today so I'm sitting there trying to figure all this out and I okay here we go so I got the bottle of oil I walked off the platform and when I stepped off the platform I felt like something kind of draped on my shoulders I had my coat off then and I felt something drape over my shoulders and I thought one of those Jeff was assisting me and another guy and they're always pulling pranks I thought one of those idiots come up here and I said it and I hope you're watching today Jeff I really did and so I thought well those guys come up put a coat or something so I turn around they're sent back over there and I was like well and then I hear this voice the gift of faith now rest upon you God said you don't have enough to finish this do you hotshot I don't well here I'm gonna give you supernatural impartation I'm gonna give you supernatural bread I'm gonna let you use my face I'm telling you at that moment I could have believed God for anything not have I had my oil and I had cards already printed up you know because God told me faith healer mark Morgan and I'm starting towards sister Maguire and before I mean I was probably at least this distance all of a sudden she just starts spinning and I'm just got just kind of stopped like whoa and she's doing that little I used to call it the twirly bird you know she just spinning she spun around about four or five times and then she stopped misses like something and when she stopped this arm come down oh her eyes got she said oh my god a meal I didn't even get to an honor with oil III didn't even get to lay hands on Kalli in the world could I take the credit when I could even get to an order with oil and Gaza that ate your faith doing this it's my supernatural gift of faith now get out of the way and just let me do what I can do I've got strength for you and I've got supernatural provision for you to finish this journey I'm telling you before God is exactly how it happened the lady behind her she I'm talking about back surgeries she gets to twisting around and I mean when she she stops she said oh my god I'm healed and I'm still standing there with my bottle of oil in one hand and cards in the other and it gets wet boom boom boom boom boom we're trying to do too much stuff out of our own energy God says if you just wake up come to the table I've got supernatural provisions for you here and if you don't let me give it to you you will not be able to finish this journey but God never put us on a journey that he didn't already factored in to him everything that was needed to get you to the end knows the journey you're on I'm closing God knows the journey you're on come ere angel you see them the weary aren't they yeah yeah they are I need to go help okay are they not ministering spirits there to serve the community you're part of the community of faith and God knows the journey we're on God knows the journey that POA is on God knows the journey that pastor and the staff is on God knows the journey this North American church is on and I'm gonna tell you listen me if we really think that that which has begun in the spirit we can perfect it in the flesh we're foolish this thing started was supernatural manifestations and visitations and in that great intervals in time listen they'll prepare us the table waffles Jesus thou prepares the table before me in the presence of my enemies listen that literally means at intervals from eternity established into time watching watching time in a segment time is nothing more but a segment inserted into eternity eternity is before time through time and after time time is nothing more but a season for a purpose to be fulfilled and intervals were set and this thing called time I could prove something to you and I feel the Holy Ghost to say it that there's a verse over in Psalms that from creation over strategic grid geographical areas God has appointed angelic warring host and at the right time they are to engage you listen at particular times so as this thing moves now prepares the table before me meaning that particular specific moments God has prepared this table it's a table of supernatural provision yes it is it's a table of supernatural provision and then at that moment we were to come to the table were to come to the table I said this the other day I felt it this morning I want to say it again God has already show people the table we are coming to a table I want you listen to me a table and the anti-crisis already seated there but God is calling ministries and churches to that table to impart to them supernatural wisdom and supernatural provisions so that the church can finish what it was called to finish you're going to complete this journey but if we think that it can be done in the flesh and out of our emotions and out of our mind and intellect I Got News for you the very thing about the Antichrist according to the Book of Daniel is he will seek to wear out the saints of the Most High and that verse deals with your mind studied it does he's gonna keep attacking your mind and keep attacking your mind he's gonna seek to wear you out but great blasphemous statements you want that means where is your God God can't do that the Bible's not really real the Holy Ghost is not really real that's how he's gonna war against you in your mind if God was real then why aren't you healed if God was real then why aren't you this if God's gonna do this where's it at why did this happen and he'll just keep coming at you and keep coming at you and keep coming at you until he starts wearing out on your mind that's your real battle here today is in your mind that's where he's trying to wear you out but the Holy Ghost says why don't you put on the helmet of salvation why don't you come to the table and let me renew you spiritually and emotionally and physically and even financially why don't you come set this table that I prepare for you the master calleth come and dine and today the Holy Ghost is calling this church matter of fact I really believe really believe that is the will of God on the next few days for God to send something supernatural to you adabo today the hot shower thing can you tell I love my house I mmm I receive hmm shot time I woo and it's coming to you it's here today it's here right now it's in the building right now the angels of the Lord have come they've come with supernatural provision now I could be totally wrong and I may be way off or something here but this is something that I feel like what activates it I don't have time not going into the angels and archangels and Jesus said I've come to seek and to save that which was lost he didn't say them that were lost or those that were lost he said I've come to seek and to save that which was lost the only thing God ever really lost from heaven was the angel of worship now you've got an angel over here at war Michael you got an angel over here Gabriel he's a messenger I don't know but in Missouri they taught me takes three thirds to make a hole now I've talked brother wood when he think there's another angel over here and you know but he's been wrong about some other stuff he's probably wrong about that but here's what here's what I really believed by the I believe that that thing which is missing that's the reason why Jesus said the Son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost why do you think the covering of Lucifer those stones and would he come for the throne all that brilliance and a light show you talk about a light show oh and then it's lost God comes to the earth man God the devil says well I took it out of heaven I'll take it out of your earth why would you think that something's made lower than the angels the angels rebelled God doesn't do one thing to restore more to redeem them but you and I that's a different story and it's almost like if you watch the stones that's mentioned in the book of Revelation to the church it's the same stones that ruin Lucifer hmm so God says to the devil you know what you took out of my heaven come here can we borrow one of you you look like a good devil come here come here just like God says come here I wanna show you something you took this out of my heaven but you watch them right now not praise when they get to worship and me they bring back the missing ingredient that we're going on and when they bring back the missing ingredient it activates the other two you want angelic visitation of supernatural provisions worship there's miracles here right now there's bread in the house but now there's strength in this house right now I feels to me I just go to worshiping God right now I wouldn't care about who white whatever I just begin to worship God right now whoo I really been in the battle we'll just worship God and let God activate a warring angel they're sent to minister for you you've been trying to fight the battle out of your own mind and that's why you're so weary today our supernatural bread there's supernatural provision there's bread and water in this place today you're weary and you're on a journey but you want to finish come on and worship come on and worship come on and worship come on come on come on and worship come and worship lahar Oconomowoc I let us out ah tomahawk I come on come and worship you can't get down here wherever coming just worship Him worship Him worship Him you can't say he didn't provide it's here right now but the key is he to awaken to worshipping Him ah yellamma hotshot AHA Kai something's happened in the holy ghost right now something's happened in the Holy Ghost right now some of you are so weary some of you are so weary your faith is weary your emotions your spirit but there's supernatural provision in this altar there's supernatural provision in the house of God let it be a house of bread here today let it be a house of bread here today that God imparts something into your spirit into your emotions into your body of strength [Music] I'm a hotshot a hotshot the whole guy I don't stop just just keep your hands in the air keep worshiping him keep worshiping him keep crying out to him I need your Street today Lord I need your strength today God I'm a part of the community of faith you have ministering spirits in the community they minister they serve they strengthen they help yeah I'm on door yeah [Music] [Music] the veil is torn the door fling a white I see glorious I ran inside the throne room before you hi the brother the gorge flame what I see inside you from before you [Music] the toys me why I see Boreas for you not here 8 happen right now let people who feel the Holy Ghost right now receive your healing in the name of Jesus by commercial I see ha [Music] [Music]
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 34,441
Rating: 4.8814015 out of 5
Keywords: mark morgan, mark morgan preaching, pastor mark morgan, upci, apostolic, pentecostal, oneness, united pentecostal church, apostolic preaching, pentecostal preaching, preaching 2020, best preaching, acts238, weariness, overcoming weariness, journey of life, upc preaching, oneness pentecostals, jeff arnold, lee stoneking, anthony mangun, mark morgan message
Id: Jn4a9rRH2Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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