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that camera has one eye out only one little red light there it's all right don't there are generally two little red lights on top of the camera that one little red eye is out must have been out last night the subject of this telecast is patriotism i will give you the uh the meaning of the title in a moment this is a story about patriotism in the year 2024 a woman was elected president of the united states the reporters approached the husband and said how do you feel about the election he said i regret that i have only one wife to give to my country that has two eyes the title [Music] america i am i'm giving this title writing it down for the sake of only three of you and the entire audience in the united states only three but the three of you who do not know latin call bodies america if you have ever been to rome you may have visited a chapel just outside of rome it was erected over a spot where according to legend [Music] peter was in flight from persecution in rome and on the road he saw a vision of the lord approaching him and peter said to him quova distraumine where are you going lord and the lord said i am going to rome to be re-crucified in other words peter that's where you should be well we've chosen that title instead of covadis domine quo vadis america america where are you going where are we going in this day and age do you know one of the most unused words that we have in our vocabulary is the word patriotism hardly ever hear it anymore patriotism is a virtue that was allied to the to the old virtue of the greeks in latin called pietas pietas meant love of god love of neighbor love of country and when one goes out all go out we no longer have love of god we have a love of no longer have love of country we're going to investigate in a particular way today the problem of revolution we started our country with a revolution revolution is in the air today as a matter of fact the revolutionists of our day are all arguing and contending that well we started that way therefore we should continue it so let us now investigate this question namely we do live in america in a revolutionary tradition certainly but the question is what kind of a revolution should we have what kind of a revolution there are two kinds one the kind we started with the other the kind we have today what was the kind we started with well i can tell it in the story of of an old soldier who had fought it concord and someone said to him in his old days why did you go to concord on that april day you suffered great oppression didn't you no colonel preston said no i wasn't conscious of any great oppression from the foreign power well then it's because you were against the stamp act oh i never saw any of the stamps i think the general bernard kept some of them in castle william but i never saw them i certainly didn't fight on the count of the stamp act well then you revolt it on account of the t tax i never drank a cup of tea in my life i wasn't interested in the tax well then you must have been reading harrington sydney and locke never read them all i ever read was the bible what's hymns and the catechism well then why did you go to concord he said for one reason in order that we might govern ourselves that was the american revolution to govern ourselves now what's the revolution of today what's its nature violence violence just for the sake of violence that is ours i mean not ours please god not any of ours that you or me but i mean the new type of revolt which involves destruction of everything that is in the past and these people who are actuating violence today claim they're in the line of the american revolution they are not now let me go more into detail these two types of revolution each of these had a character at the head who symbolized the revolutions the one who best expressed the principles of the american revolution was thomas jefferson thomas jefferson is the antecedent of all americans today who believe in self-government who's the pre-progenitor of this kind of revolution someone who was a contemporary of thomas jefferson strange to say sanchez 1793 revolution and all over associated with him in that revolution now let me tell you the difference between the two and here we'll have a review really in pietas and in patriotism and i will first of all describe what jefferson taught us what we believe what are the conditions of the preservation of our country then i will give you sanjuist who holds exactly the same thing that the violent revolutionists of today hold in our country they may not know that they are adopting his principles but they are thomas jefferson probably knew just they were in paris together but in order to do our american constitution thomas jefferson knew how to repudiate all of the principles of sanji's whether he knew scientists or not see what wonderful work the angel does knows when to clean when not to clean angel clean he's known as not as mr clean let's review the principles upon which our democracy was founded then let's review thank you thomas jefferson founded our democracy upon two principles one the dignity of man secondly i will just simplify it all rights and liberties come to us from god i will explain these and then we will go to san jose without telling a word to my angel he knows he'll know very well that he shouldn't clean the board at this point thomas jefferson first he believed that the government must be founded upon the respect for the individual so he investigated what are the source of our rights and liberties where do they come from where does my right of free speech come from or the right of assembly or any other right we have from the will of the majority if it did the will of the majority could take away the will of the minority jefferson intended that the majority would be the custodian of minority rights the rights and liberties come from the federal government certainly not if they came from the federal government the federal government could take them away taking almost everything else away i might just as well take away our rights and liberties but he set it down in the second paragraph of the declaration of independence that it is a self-evident principle self-evident that the creator the creator has endowed man with certain unalienable rights unalienable they cannot be taken away among which are the right to life to liberty and their pursuit of happiness that is our democracy those are the two principles and isn't it interesting that that particular government and those governments in the world that deny the existence of god are those that deny the existence of human rights now let's go to san jose what did sanjust along with him roy what was their principle their principle was that in order to make people pass through a certain door there was only one way to do it and that was the way of terror confiscation of property and the destruction of lie rights and liberties sanchez also said a people can be can be told can be taught to save themselves only by violence and the path to the establishment of every government must be upon a pile of corpses that was the thing that jefferson had to fight against when he wrote the declaration of independence he knew it wasn't anything new i'm bringing it up now to remind you that we're going through exactly that same crisis now that jefferson faced that our country today has to choose once more between jefferson and sanchez which we going to choose we're familiar enough with the principles of jefferson so i'm going to enumerate for you you will be it'll be easy to identify the new type of violence that's sweeping our country our schools our streets and i'm going to describe three characteristics the first characteristic of the new violence of our day is what we will call elitism now this word i don't know whether it exists or not but it's the only way that i can describe it it's taken from the world word elite there used to be a virtuous elite a core of heroes and saints that very much influenced any culture and democracy the new elite practices what is called elitism namely there is a dominant minority that makes a lot of noise and that uses violence to force its will upon others the revolution is without a program they have no flag they only know what they're against they do not know what they're for and taking some words out of toinb they're made up of two groups uh towingby called said the first group was conqueror i would call one of the groups the man with the bull horn he's always the leader you just watch in any violent group today that follows the principle of sanji's what's the man with the bull horn he's the leader of that revolt secondly there are the hangmen the kind little rifle desks destroy property burn homes do anything to enforce their will and then there are the wastrels the group that just profit from violence confiscate property to be in on the violence that's the first group i have six minutes and seven seconds so be patient you'll have to wait about six minutes for a commercial let me tell you too second mysticism this is another new characteristic of the revolution mysticism is a term that belongs to religion doesn't belong actually in the field of uh of politics but it's been transposed to politics now what was mysticism mysticism was a well it could best be expressed in the mysticism of of the john of the cross [Music] in other words god or nothing neither you give yourself to god completely or else you give nothing this was spiritual mysticism the political mysticism is of course there is no god it's my will or nothing this is what the elite insists upon no alternative no compromise so they would make in this mysticism a tableraza they would wipe the straight clean of anything that opposes them and then after they destroyed life and property they would ask for an amnesty and immunity thirdly this is not my term you could very well accuse it of being accuse me of having invented it i've often thought of giving a telecast on it but the other day i went into the ten volume history of twenty lo and behold i found toynbee saying that idea which has been in my mind namely satanism satanism is behind it too this is the third characteristic of it the world is built on order there's a plan so scientists are able to discover the laws of the universe and in discovering the laws of the universe men find harmony this harmony in order had to come from somewhere it came from god what is the essence of satanism the essence of satanism is the destruction of that order the order of law the order of morality order of religion the order of ethics anything that you please this is sanjuist in our day believe me fellow americans i tell you that before the flood the book of genesis we read and in the days of noah there was violence on the earth all of the violence that happens in our country is a fever graph read it and it points to a decay in our civilization how are you going to get out the reason i'm hesitating here is just because there's so many ideas that i have to choose in the few minutes that are left which one to give you i tell you one thing that we we have to do we have to realize maybe why the eagle is our national symbol the eagle always builds its nest i and the mountain crevices when the young are hatched the eagle pushes its young over the nest they fly down to what to eaglet eyes must seem like sudden death just before the young eagle crashes mother eagle swoops down from its nest down to the abyss and catches the young then flies up into the sky swoops from out it again and repeats the process until the bird has learned to fly moses saw that and he wrote as the eagle stirs among the young so does god stir among the nations maybe god is stirring us bringing us to the brink of danger order that we might begin to examine ourselves and restore jefferson the dignity of man and a belief in god our nation is too full of those that are crying down down with the universities down with schools down with the churches down with teachers down with government down with the police can you build anything down you cannot certainly time in our nation to change our words let's begin now to use the word up up from all of this filth up from this violence up from this indifference of courts up after the hit battlements of eternity up up to god [Applause] i got a half hour more to tell you about this subject but we have in time so just by now and god love you this is one of the two major prophecies spoken by archbishop fulton sheen during his lifetime the other one is available in this channel just click the link in the description down below or select the video on the end screen for the full version of archbishop fulton chains prophecy please subscribe to our channel so that you can learn more about deepening your catholic faith follow us and support us so we can reach out to more people thank you so much you
Channel: Catholic Chroma Channel
Views: 763,759
Rating: 4.8661366 out of 5
Keywords: bishopsheenprophecy50yearsago, fultonsheenlifeisworthlivingepisodes, archbishopfultonsheens50yearoldprophecyabouttoday, fultonsheen’s50yearoldprophecyabouttoday, fultonsheen, fultonsheenlifeisworthliving, archbishopfultonsheen, archbishopfultonsheensaint, archbishopfultonsheensuffering, archbishopfultonsheenthewomanilove, ArchbishopFultonSheenontheAnti-ChristAndCrisisintheChurch, ArchbishopFultonSheenontheAntiChrist, catholicchromachannel, Jesus, God, catholic, bishopsheenprophecy50yearsagoshocking, bishopsheen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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