Faith Prevails: The Miracle of Bolsena || A Eucharistic Miracle Film

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Hæc commixtio, et consecratio Corporis et Saguinis Domini nostri Jesu Christi fiat accipientibus nobis in vitam æternam. Amen. Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat anima meam in vitam æternam. Amen. Sanguis Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam meam in vitam æternam. Amen. Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata mundi. Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum : sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea. Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum : sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea. Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum : sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Bless me father, for I have sinned. I'm an ordained priest of seven years, and it's been one month since my last confession. Father, I think I'm losing my faith. I don't know if I really believe that the bread and the wine become Christ truly present. It looks the same and it tastes the same. So your physical senses determine your faith? Well, no. But I've been a priest for over seven years. If it were really Jesus, why isn't every Mass marked by some extraordinary miracle? Where's the reverence from the faithful? Why is there so much greed and laxity among the clergy? And if Heaven were really touching earth wouldn't I feel something? You sound like the doubting Thomas. Unless I see I won't believe, but remember what Jesus said to him. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Or another apostle, Saint Peter, you remember him. When Jesus called him to get out of the boat and walk on water, Peter was overwhelmed by his lack of faith and he started to drown. But he had the sense to cry out for help and our Lord saved him. Another time he even denied Jesus three times, even though he knew that he was the Christ the Son of the living God. But when our Lord taught about the Eucharist, that His Flesh was true food and His Blood was true drink, Saint Peter had enough faith then. When everyone abandoned our Lord, Saint Peter said, "Master to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life. And we have come to believe and are convinced that you are the holy one of God." But how does this help my doubt? You should ask for Peter's help. Pray for his intercession, pray for a faith like he had. That's your penance. Yes Father. Very good, now make your active contrition. I don't understand it. Is everything all right Father Peter? I just don't believe it. What don't you believe? The Eucharist....transubstantiation. That the bread and the wine become Jesus' body. How can I believe that saying some holy words changes the substance of a thing? Especially when it doesn't appear changed? Sounds to me like you're having a crisis of faith, dear brother. And is that not something to be concerned about? Listen, Peter if i've learned anything growing up, it's that some things just can't be explained in a way that satisfies all the doubts in our head. Wouldn't be real faith if we had all the answers, now would it? Well I have to do somethin, I can't keep pretending to believe in something I don't. I've celebrated mass hundreds of times. How much of a hypocrite does that make me? Well here, do something and help me with these plants. I water these flowers every single day, do you know why?Please, enlighten me. I water them every day because if i don't they'll die of thirst. They need to be nourished and fed. And so faith is the same way. If you don't feed your soul Peter, your faith will suffer. And if you're telling me you don't believe in the very thing that is supposed to feed your soul, well that's your problem. I know what I have to do. I'll go to Rome to pray for Saint Peter's intercession, for a miracle to erase my doubt. Miracle or not, that is a month and a half of walking just to get there! Ah, but you must have faith Margred. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet still believe." That's what mother would say. Listen, I'll pray for your miracle, but even if God does not give it to you, I hope you will come to realize the truth found in that tiny host. That you will still come to the altar with us and proclaim, "My Lord and my God." He has no idea what he's asking for. [Music] Oh Most Glorious Prince of the Apostles, Peter. When everyone else left Jesus because He taught that His Flesh is true food and His Blood is true drink, you believed. Help me to believe. Pray for me, so that i can say with you: "Master, to whom shall we go. You have the words of eternal life." Remedy my doubt. Ask the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit to prove to me the Real Presence of His Son in the Holy Eucharist. [Music] Hey, hey! You're a priest right? Yes. I suppose so. Oh good! My mother spotted you and asked me to catch up with you. We....we uh don't have anybody to celebrate math for us tomorrow morning, and we were thinking about skipping but then we saw you and thought we would ask. What's your name? Peter......Father Peter, from Prague. Prague huh? You must not be from around here. My name is Giovanni, my friends call me Gio.....if I had any friends. Yes, I'm not from around here Gio. Uh, Prague is a month's walk away. I'm actually...... Very nice. Will you say Mass for us tomorrow morning? Please? I won't hear the end of it from my mother if i can't convince you. Well I suppose so. Where will I go? Saint Cristina's, it's just up the road from here. I can help serve. All right, young Gio, I will see you tomorrow. See you then! Thank you! This is not what I had hoped for. [child humming] Imilia darling, please Mass is about to begin! Look at them! Poor Felice, she can never seem to get a handle on that little one. Come on now, Gemma it takes a lot of patience. Well, if I were her mother, I would certainly make sure she would at least stay quiet. My purpose is to celebrate Mass and to make present the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the rite of the holy Roman Church to the praise of our all-powerful God and all His assembly in the glory of heaven, for my good and the good of all His pilgrim Church on earth, and for all who have asked me to pray for them in general and in particular, and for the good of the holy Roman Church. May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us joy and peace, amendment of life, room for true repentance, the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit and perseverance in good works. Amen. Good morning Father Peter! Glad you were able to come this morning. Mother would have thrown a fit if she had to wait one more day for Mass. Father? Is everything all right? Ah, yes. Uh, do you serve often? Uh-huh, every morning. You don't look too excited about it. Well if i'm honest i only come because my mother makes me and says it's good for me. Something about "virtue and holiness." But you still you believe you get anything out of it? I guess so. Although i've never really thought about it. Ijust try to make my mom happy and come here and serve at the church when she asks. She finds something here, you know? Well you're a good son. Well we'd best be getting started. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Introibo ad altare dei. Ad Deum qui lætificat juventutem meam. Please excuse me I.......there's.......I don't understand what is happening. I believe I.......I have to see the successor of Saint Peter. I have to go and see the Pope. I can't believe what I saw. The host, bleeding! Is something wrong mama? No, nothing. Is it about what happened at church today? Well...yes. Tell me, what did you see? Well, the priest tell up Jesus' body like normal, but then Jesus' body started bleeding. Father looked pretty scared and left in a hurry. He said something about seeing the...the papa? The pope, Papa Urbano, silly. He's visiting Orvieto right now. Oh. Do you think it was a miracle mama? Do i think what was a miracle? Jesus' body bleeding like that! Oh darling...I don't know. Certainly seemed unusual. I think it was a miracle. I think Jesus made it happen so that more people will come to church and believe they are actually receiving His Body. I believe you are right. In other news, something incredible happened today Filippo! I was serving at Mass with this visiting priest, Father Peter, and during the Mass, the host started bleeding. Everybody's talking about it, and even Mother said that it's proof that Jesus is actually present in the Eucharist. You know, I never really thought about that Fil. I always just went to Mass because it was a good thing to do and you know, Mother taught us to. I never really thought about how we believe that those little discs of bread become God Himself. I mean, Mother taught us that, but who'd have thought it was true! God Himself taking on the form of a piece of bread. You know, it's really crazy when you put it like that, but it's also really beautiful. God sent His Son to die for us. He became a man for us. Just to save us and then to stay with us. I guess He must really love us to do all that. I just can't believe I've been missing the point the whole time Fil. You know, maybe becoming a priest like Mother always suggests isn't that bad of an idea. Well, what do you know of any of that, you're just a horse. Isn't it amazing? A miracle right here in Bolsena! I don't think you can call it a miracle yet. If it were, why did Father seem so scared and run off. And what would that mean for us? I think you're getting ahead of yourself. Well, of course Father was shocked, we all were! No one could have expected such a sign. Besides he has to speak to the pope first. And once he confirms it, we will all celebrate this amazing blessing! Celebrate? I don't know.....maybe he had an injury and managed to hide it, and that's where the blood came from. Gemma, we all saw it happen it was clearly the host itself. Why the doubt? Can't you simply give thanks? But why? Why such a dramatic sign? If this is true, maybe it's a judgment from God because of our lack of faith. I don't know why but miracles like this are a blessing..... No, you don't understand. I was taught to believe in the real present since I was a little girl. But today seeing that host bleed, I realized that I never actually did. I haven't honored or reverenced the Mass the way I should have. Well, maybe you didn't believe in the Eucharist, but don't you think that God is loving and merciful? I don't know. I've been so indifferent and now I'm afraid. What does He want from us? I think that what He wants is our faith. He wants us to believe, to really know HIs care and His love for us. Perhaps we should go pray, for ourselves, for the priest, and for the others who were there, that our faith may be strengthened. [door knock] Can I help you Emissaries? Apologies, your Holiness, but he seemed to think it was urgent. We bring a report of a priest who claims to have witnessed a miracle. And? I...I think perhaps you should hear his testimony for yourself. Very well. Send for him. I shall meet with him in my study tomorrow, if he can arrive that soon. He's...uh already here in Orvieto your Holiness. Well then why make the poor man wait. Let's go. Pope Urban will see you now. What is the matter, my son? I see that you're deeply troubled. Please, tell me. Your Holiness, forgive me. I have not been a faithful priest. You see, I doubted whether Jesus was really present in the Eucharist. I was returning from Rome when I stopped to offer Mass in Bolsena. And at the consecration, the consecrated host began to bleed. The blood streamed down onto the altar and the corporal and onto the floor. Holy Father, bread doesn't bleed. Forgive me for ever doubting. We all have doubts my son, but the Lord is kind and merciful. Thank you for bringing this to me. We will look into this occurrence, and discern if and how the Lord is speaking to us through it. Now, please, tell me more. Go to Bolsena and see if what this priest has said is true. Yes, your Holiness. Your Holiness? What if it is true? It would be a great miracle, would it not? If it is true, it would indeed be a great miracle and the world will have been blessed by such a tremendous proof of the Real Presence. Now, hurry. We're emissaries from the Pope. We are here to investigate the miracle that happened in Bolsena. Are you familiar with that? I am, I was at Mass that day. We're looking for the church. Saint Cristina's? Yes, its just up the road. Well, it was at the elevation. The priest lifted up the host and it began to bleed. It was the most amazing thing. Greetings. We are emissaries from the Pope, here to investigate the miracle. Were you there when the event took place? I...I was, but only for a little bit. What happened? Well, I was just sitting, minding my own business. And then suddenly the priest had blood all over his hands and I didn't know what was going on. I was....I was in Mass and Father raised the host in the air and it start bleeding! Now, even when i think about just....I'm just so overwhelmed. It was the most glorious thing I've ever seen in my entire life, and I so wish you could have been there to see it as well. What did you find? Is it true? What shall I render unto the Lord, for all HIs benefits toward me? Now, tell me. What did you learn? Your Holiness, we spoke with witnesses who told us that it happened just as the priest said. While the priest was saying Mass at the consecration, the host began to bleed. Everyone in the city is talking about it. Miracles like this, even in times like these....the Lord must be asking something special of us. Why just recently Sister Juliana, the Augustinian at Mount Cornillion, requested a feast for the universal Church to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. Perhaps this is a sign. But don't we already celebrate the Institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday? Ah, yes, but on that night we are sorrowful and solemn, as the next day is Good Friday. Thus we need a feast of great joy and gladness for the whole Church to celebrate the great gift that Jesus has given us of His Body and His Blood. And it shall be called the Feast of Corpus Christi. 🎶 Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui.🎶 Dominus meus et Deus meus. My Lord and my God.
Channel: Faith Prevails
Views: 260,158
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Keywords: faith prevails, faith prevails the miracle of bolsena, the miracle of bolsena orvieto, the miracle of orvieto, faith prevails movie, the veil removed, real presence, eucharistic miracle, corpus christi, solemnity of the most holy body and blood of christ, is jesus really present in the eucharist, jesus eucharist, catholic eucharist, catholic communion, carlo acutis, catholic movie, catholic, eucharistic miracles, miracle of lanciano, feast of corpus christi, eucharist miracle
Id: ei_CZp4zyVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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