Bishop Noel Jones - Noon Day Bible Study - September 8, 2021

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[Music] [Applause] for another day and uh i'm so sorry that we're coming on late because we just had the internet just crashed so uh thank god that it's fixed now and when uh and i am able uh to come to you and i'm excited about it because uh of last week i enjoyed it in a very very special way uh mark chapter one and verse one uh before we go into that though i have a few announcements to make and uh and of course to pray and who are we praying for we're praying for every bereaved family yes we're praying for our mental health we're praying for all levels of educational uh circumstances and situations where we're praying for the system the wisdom to operate in in a safe deep protocol i just can't understand why we're ignoring the science as if the god of of of the natural no longer exists the god of the natural is the god of the supernatural anger but you know it's it's one of the things that really gets me is i thought that uh you know people were smart and the people who govern and run things were smart but i'm learning that there are other things that interfere with our intellectual prowess and our ability to perform from a cognitive point of view and that is our selfishness our narcissistic attitudes our own uh ego maniacal disposition there are certain things that somehow mess with what is normal and what is prosperous from an intellectual point of view and i'm finding that out we get so caught up in politics and things like that until we forget that we should operate in the principles that god said before us and then it becomes even more difficult when you're dealing with people who should know god and should understand the bible and understand those things that are sacred religious and not only religious but spiritual and so the schools the kids are getting it more now it's becoming a dangerous place in florida i just read that 13 people died in various staff members that deal with the school situation and issues they're 13 all of them african-american all of them black folk none of them vaccinated and so uh it's it's it's getting to be quite quite a journey and in fact i'll talk about that later so we're praying now for all levels of the educational system we're praying for all bereaved uh families uh now we've got michael williams we're praying for his family his mother and his sister are members of the city of refuge so we must pray now for michael's family that the lord will comfort them and this is sudden this is uh so we're seriously praying the delta variant uh is is raging and now we've got a new variant called mu so you can see that so much is going on then the recall and where are we on the recall i cannot tell you who to vote for i cannot tell you what to vote but i know this uh it's going to be very important as an individual for each one of us to understand what makes our world go round yes yes this recall is stimulated by folk who believe that business was hurt in order to save lives again and here's the logic if the virus if covet 19 in all of its variants broke the economy you cannot have a fixed economy until you fix what broke the economy and that is the virus and in order to do that you got to follow certain safety protocols you've got to do what what's what's right to do and you can't put money over lives so it's very important that you that you understand the dynamics and make your choices based on understanding the dynamics tomorrow at 4 30 on your youtube channel official bishop noel jones i'm hosting united black clergy town hall meeting and uh and it's it's called no on the recall and i will be on with governor uh gavin newsom so on the youtube channel official bishop noel jones we're going to have a discussion and we're going to ask for some things and do some things early voting is available to our state for the recall election the city of refuge will host two days for early voting on friday september 10th from 9 a.m to 5 p.m and saturday september 11th from 9 00 a.m to 2 p.m please make sure that you're a part of what we're doing there and make sure that you get into it and be a part of it so that we can go forward so i'm getting ready to do this bible class but before i go into the bible class we're going to pray heavenly father we come in the name of jesus and as uh you know before we knew it that we would be faced with all of these things today we're faced with covet 19 in its variance the delta variant now the move variant we're faced lord with all of the things that is happening to us in our state with the recall of the governor uh with the threat for the recall rather we're faced with uh michael williams's family and uh praying for them uh because of his sudden demise we're faced with our own idiosyncratic situations that we're trying to make better so we bring a plethora of things to you now and we're saying lord look at each one of the things we lay at your feet and we pray god that you according to your will and according to the way you prioritize things in our lives we'll work them out accordingly so that at the end of the day we will be stronger after this i pray now god for every church every pastor operating in this season that you will bless them in jesus name amen and amen and amen make sure now that you get your mail ballot before tuesday september 14th get it in get it in get it in get it in on friday september 10th from 9 00 a.m to 5 p.m the county of los angeles mobile clinic will be on site for anyone who would like to get their vaccination that's the pfizer or the johnson and johnson will be available for you now let's go into the word of god let's deal with mark chapter 1 and verse 1. and [Music] yes it's right before me the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god and i'm going to include verse 2 as it is written in the prophets behold i send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee the voice of one crying to the wilderness prepare the way of the lord make his path straight john did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins i'm focusing however on the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god now let me reiterate we dealt with the christ event with numerous titles such as the son of god christ son of david and lord all of the terms are seeking to describe the uniqueness of the christ event i hope you remember that i quoted professor don treat and professor don fried said the son of god is jewish in its background yet it has hellenistic influences and that's greek of course especially the concept of a divine man who was known and worshiped for his miracle working abilities unquote we dealt with the attitude of the romans and how that influenced the presentation of the son of god because the romans their attitude towards the emperor and i quoted another professor professor gerhard friedrich who says the ruler was divine by nature so when mark is writing he's writing to a group of people who already understood the power of the individual and the power of his statement the son of god because they were familiar with the emperor the ruler his power extended to man his power extended to animals to the earth to the sea nature belongs to him the wind and the waves are subject to him he works miracles and heals men he is the savior of the world and redeems men from their difficulties that's how they viewed the emperor so in the contemporary environment that mark is writing and remember mark is the first gospel and matthew and luke bowered from him i went through all of that and it's critical to understand that he's writing to a people who can grasp what he says when he calls jesus the son of god and uh he is making sure that they understand that there is no difference between their understanding of the emperor and the knowing of jesus christ he marries the words so that they can grasp who jesus is not separate from what they understand the emperor to be and so he does not want to underestimate the majesty of jesus's miracle display he wishes to show that the uniqueness of jesus does not rest in his miracle working but now the gospel of jesus christ he takes the power of jesus christ where the emperor cannot go and that is in his sufferings and his death and that's what paul calls scandalizate he calls it a scandal because it becomes a stumbling block who can see him doing mighty works see him in the uniqueness of his power but now who can journey with him into his sufferings it's one thing to understand his greatness by his miracle working but the greatest miracle he ever wrought was wrought on the cross because any miracle he did only dealt with people on a limited basis but what happened on calvary if i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me so when he rose again on the third day that's beyond anybody who's a magician anybody who's a sorcerer anybody who can do any other works it does not compare to i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ because it is the power and the scripture says for it is the power of god unto salvation so now even though this was foreshadowed by the early conflict stories where the conflict between jesus and the jewish leader were intensified or intensing the account of the death of john the baptist there is such an enormous stress on the suffering and death of jesus that modern scholars call the gospel of mark a passion narrative with a long introduction now i'm going to move on and i'm going to be more exegetical now i hope that you have grasped or come with me from where i was he spoke this word openly the next verse and as peter the modern church does not see suffering the power in suffering for the sake of others now here is the greatness of our god when you study the hindu when you look at the buddhists when you look at all of the other religions you will find that people were sacrificed for their gods the hindus when the ganges river would overflow what they would do when the ganges drift overflow they would throw their kids in and they would throw human sacrifices in in order to appease the anger of the river nobody understood the concept no ancient group of people understood the concept if you go all the way back to the pharaohs all the way back to ptolemy go all the way back you will find that and even go into south america and study the people there the incas and the uh and the aztecs you will find that it was always the sacrifice of the subject for the benefit of the god to control nature to set things in order in a natural realm nobody could grasp the enormity of god dying for his people this is what separates the gospel of jesus christ from any and everything else he had to be rejected and peter is dealing now i'm borrowing there a little bit from the greek from the greek word apo and the simple verb means to put a person to the test that's dr marzo to put a person to the test for the purpose of approving him should he meet the specifications laid down this is and when we when we go into romans even deeper and he talks about daca manzo he dr marzo leads us now patience leads to documental and it is being tested to see whether or not the specifications are met that are laid down that's a definition apo of course is the prefix which means off or away from so the rejection now becomes in its full meaning with the compound verb to reject one after having put a person to the test with the purpose of approving him that person not meeting the specifications laid down so what am i saying and i want you to stay with me jesus did not meet their specifications as the messiah now notice if i should go over the definition again we've got oppo dacomazomaso meaning to put to a test to meet the specifications that are laid down the word here is apo which means away from which means then that jesus did not meet their specifications as the messiah they were looking for a military messiah to bring them to prominence they were not looking for a suffering messiah when mark says the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the gospel aspect is not about what the son of god does in terms of miracle working the gospel aspect introduces something that they were not looking for and that was suffering so they were looking now for a military messiah to bring them into prominence it's interesting that the disciples even at the very end and i hope i'm not rocking too much for your displeasure i'm just into it and and it's just organic the natural attitude of the disciples i didn't say the supernatural the the natural attitude was that they were looking for prominence even the disciples were remember when jesus was ascending they said are you ready now to [Music] bring us into our kingdom and the lord said you know it's not for you to know the time the day nor the hour it's not for you to know the time what i need you to do is go to jerusalem that you may receive power from on high send him back to jerusalem for the holy spirit because the holy spirit was not yet given because jesus was not yet glorified in order for the holy spirit to come he had to go to calvary so you cannot get to the upper room or you cannot get to pentecost unless he experiences calvary the suffering is not seen if i take you uh to the prophets old testament you will find that they saw his suffering they saw his glory but they didn't see the valley in between they saw the peaks they saw the suffering the cross of course and they saw his return in power but they didn't see the valley the valley that they didn't see was the church the gospel of jesus christ is what opens the door for new birth the whole john chapter 3 presentation to nicodemus and for those of you who think we have to have a crowd to preach the greatest message jesus preached preached to one man nicodemus for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son is the hub of the bible everything else is anchored in that so understand now that even the disciples after three years with jesus i mean peter rebuked him when he said that he had to go and serve it peter said no you don't and he's looking at the power that jesus has as the son of god and sunday had a little bit with his temptation and i'm going back again on sunday in a more in-depth way that was an overview because i want to deal with the issue of the son of god and how the view of god's son comes to mind in the thoughts of individuals even peter and the disciples you are the son of god be it far from you that you're talking about suffering but the display of healing and walking on water and feeding five thousand and when it came time for him to feed himself after forty days of fasting he wouldn't do it because he's not using the son of god might i say the son of god ship for selfish reasons and self-aggrandizing reasons like feeding himself because the devil told him to and because he had the power to no no no the strength of jesus christ is not in the miracle display and the sensationalism because all of that was ancillary the main power of jesus christ is in his suffering and they could not identify with a suffering messiah no more than people can identify with a suffering saint with a child of god who is going through for the benefit of others and i want to point out to you get that straight that everything that you have experienced before you were saved and everything that you experience after you're saved if you put it together and put it and galvanize it all it is for the benefit of others so that you don't throw away your suffering as if it is you're throwing away food that leftovers your suffering is not a leftover your suffering is a main event for the benefit of others don't you wish don't you wish that after you have had a sumptuous meal and you've had food left over i don't know how you feel but i wish i could take the leftovers that i didn't put my hand in the food and all of that kind of stuff uh you know and i didn't halfway eat and spit it back out the stuff that i didn't put a fork on the stuff that i'd put in the fridge that the next day you know you you pull it out of the fridge and you with somebody who says i don't eat leftovers let's go pray don't you wish you could take those leftovers and if we could gather all the leftovers in america nobody would be hungry in our country nobody if you could gather the leftovers you could feed millions of people of course we've got all kind of rules that won't allow us to take the food down to the homeless i've got homeless down down the street from me and uh and so what do i do with my leftovers right from my backyard or front yard or whatever yard it is it's called the jungle when you go to the animal clinic what i do is i throw the food over there of course my neighbors are mad because they say uh uh honorable sir you're going to let the animals come on up looking for something but my point is i have to do something with the leftovers i'm saying all of that to say to you why are you going to view everything that you've been through as a leftover it's not a leftover it's a meal for somebody who's suffering with what you have been victorious over your testimony is not a leftover for you to discard and put aside your testimony is a meal to energize somebody who has been in distress in trials and tribulations it's a meal to strengthen them to come out of that situation and jesus declared this openly he hid his miracles but he was not ashamed of rejection he declares but who desires to be great among you shall be a servant and whoever desires to be first shall be slave of all for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many i i want to deal with me because you know many people uh somebody came to me the other day and said uh somebody wanted me to hear something that somebody said and i just shut it down because i didn't want to deal with it uh if you want to if you want to tell me if you got something to say don't tell somebody to tell me tell me i'll give you the audience for a minute and then if it's going to be negative and get me on in a psychological debilitative mood then i'm not going to deal with it too often but let me talk about me there are times when there are certain things i would like to do there are certain vacations i'd like to have there's certain indulgences as a human being that i would like to indulge in and yes i have and yes it's bothered me because oftentimes you indulge in certain things which keeps you from focusing on what it is you need to do and you enjoy certain things and you have a good time doing certain things but here's what i discovered i discovered when god puts you in a position where people need what you have to give you can't be mia you can't go missing in action over personal things that you enjoy a sunday is a good day to sit to go jet skiing and and come back home and watch the ball game and and and you know call the church man get somebody else to preach you know i uh my favorite team is playing and i want to do this sunday is a good day to sit down and buy the fire and just but you can't go missing in action there are certain habits and practices that you would like to do and you would like to involve yourself in that you simply can't do because you have to deal with strengthening other people so what are you saying bishop many of us have to sacrifice what we would like to do because our lives have become a ransom for many how much have you given up for your children how much have you given up for your mate how much have you given up for your friends how many sacrifices have you made now take it to a larger scale and put it in issues of eternal life and see that if you deal with gospel it does not matter how powerful the son of god is nobody is expecting that much power to succumb to a cross so when when we get a glimpse of this we will be as blind bartimaeus who when he received his sight followed jesus on the road finally the final use of the son of god in this expression is revelatory experience of the centurion at the cross so when the centurion who stood opposite him saw that he cried out like this and breathed his last he saith truly this man was the son of god i want you to understand now because we brag about being king's kids that's the subject we talk about king's kids and we only see king's kids from the point of view of wealth health and prosperity but we don't see king's kids as the blind bar teamers who would follow jesus we don't see king's kids as if you're going to come after me you have to pick up your cross and follow me because a cross represents death and a cross represents sacrifice but the power of the son of god is not the characteristic of wealth and riches displayed but rather the power of the son of god is displayed in a greater manner in sacrifice the lifestyle characterized by humility is a lifestyle of service honored by god that's why he says he that is greatest among you let him be the servant somehow we have got so twisted in the christian environment that we believe that if you serve in any manner whatsoever and if you serve without a lot of praise and a lot of accolade and without a lot of reward and without a lot of flowers you must be somebody's flunky well jesus had to be the biggest flunky of all because with all the power he had as the son of god i told you sunday he feeds five thousand he feeds four thousand with a few loaves and a few fishes and yet when he was a hunger he wouldn't feed himself because he's not using his power for himself the character and the gift the character that god has given you should be a character that's laced with humility that brings you into a lifetime of service and the power that he gives you as an individual in your anointing in your revelatory illumination of the scriptures should never be used for self-aggrandizement but rather for the benefit and the building of others your testimony of what you got over and what you've been delivered from and who you didn't go to bed with and how you've been changed from the homosexual life and all of what you have been the prison and gain power over and all that you have been able to stand on should never be used as a tool to be judgmental it should be used as a servant's tool to bring somebody out of distress your leftover is a meal your testimony is a meal so now this is why paul says to the philippian church let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus what is that mind the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god the gospel representing suffering the son of god representing power therefore god has given him a name above every name yes a name above every name the name above every name came because of what he did on the cross not because of who he healed not because of who he fed with the five thousand with the four thousand not because he walked on water to the disciples not because not because he raised lazarus from the dead gave him a name above every name because he went so low that he touched people on every level jesus christ the son of god the beginning of the gospel so as many as received him now gave he the power to become the sons of god this is not popular now because indeed and in fact this is what makes us the real king's kids as many as received him not received what he gives not receive what he's laying out to us in terms of finance not receiving the big house in a big car but receiving him and to receive him is to admire him and to admire him is to want to be like him so that means then i will pick up my cross and follow him much of our distress and much of our sadness i have found it's because we don't understand where our joy is once we have been born again and once we have received him our joy is in being like him administrating like him dealing with people like he would operating in the space that he has filled us with his holy spirit to operate in any time we operate out of that there is no deep satisfaction in the same sense that it doesn't matter what he gives you it doesn't matter how big your house is how big your car is you can move around in a big wide house and still be unhappy and you can live in a one-room place and be just as happy and just as wonderfully content because you received him and you operate like him so your clothes might not be as fanciful as herod's clothes but you're a john the baptist so your clothes might not be as fanciful as the emperor's clothes but you're a disciple of jesus christ and so the fashion is insignificant to the power that runs in you and that power is exhibited by your ability to self-sacrifice uh well to sacrifice the word i should use is self-aggrandize it's not self-aggrandizement but that's humility that humility self-abnegation is what i'm reaching for and that is that humility that bringing oneself down to that place where you can serve knowing the power you have and so instead of speaking things that are not as though they are in terms of money speaking things that are not as though they are in terms of a bigger house speaking things that are not as though they are speak things in the life of your children speak things in the life of your friends speak things in the life of individuals who you and i know are passing through this life as we are this pandemic and all these theories of death have brought me to no other place than the knowledge of jesus christ for the future of after this life that makes me a real king's kid because i should be like my father which is in heaven through my relationship of jesus christ because that's what god said he would do for me he predestinated that i would be formed into the image of his son so when you talk about being a king's kid don't talk about your car and your house and you what you have and i'm not talking from a position of a hater i have all of that but that doesn't make me a king's kid because the dope dealer has that and yes the cartel has that and the billions of dollars that they make all throughout the world how do they express it they express it by killing others for their own sake they express it like people would throw kids into the ganges river no no no the real king's kids sacrifice for others the real king's kids serve others the real king's kids pray earnestly for others counsel others lead others why because you can't be a real king's kid in the kingdom and not be like jesus christ the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god reveals who kings kids really are you're hearing my voice you're looking at me i don't want you to look at me right now i want you to look beyond me into the throne of grace i want you to see the lord himself and understand as you study him that your love for him and your admiration grows and that you are seeking him to be like him in every manner in every way i want to be like jesus i want to act and talk and behave like jesus and that means many things that you enjoy doing that would be frowned on by others that would cause you to be m.i.a or cause you not to be able to function many things that i have character lapses in i have to build my character back to that place where i can function because my gift is being supported by and held up by my character and many times if my character falls into disarray then my gift cannot function because nobody wants to hear what i have to say because i don't live what i say because my character does not follow with all of the power that god has given us and the influence he has given us that influence should not be used narcissistically for self anger and dies meant but that should be used sacrificially to strengthen the brethren to win souls to christ because now more than ever before i understand that we are just pilgrims passing through michael williams may he rest in peace 16 years younger than i am how many how many people who have achieved greatness in the world have left here at an early age go through your book look at your family look at your siblings look my brother chris 73 the end of august august 21st if he makes it 73 years old i used to think 70 was old man i used to think 50 was old and now at 70 oh man i'm just a baby you know what i'm saying when you study your mortality and understand the ephemeral as opposed to the eternal when you look at things that are going to pass away the only thing left is the word of god that's embedded in you and that's what we're teaching that's what we're preaching so we sacrifice we sacrifice i want to say this and i think it's important i want you to to record this this this one statement if i make a sacrifice for my children to go to college and all of them end up dope heads then my sacrifice was not a sacrifice it was a loss i want you to understand the technicality here and it might be subtle the line might be you know you know i don't want to cross the line in terms of my linguistic presentation and my etymological uh logic and that's being redundant but if you were to give up something to make somebody better and the beneficiary ignored what you did and turned out to have completely obliterated the opportunity that your sacrifice gave it wouldn't be a sacrifice it'll be a loss if jesus died on the cross and nobody got saved it wouldn't be a sacrifice it'll be a loss somebody has got to be better off because of what he gave up and that's what i'm telling you i'm saying to you now when you follow jesus and you are like him when you give up something for someone else he will be in the middle of it and when you see them again moving in the power of what you presented it wouldn't be a loss you would be glad that you gave it up because of the results that you see i want to tell you this that what happened on calvary's cross was not a loss for me it was a sacrifice that brought me closer to the lord jesus christ and i will declare to you that what happened on calvary's cross and my following in his footsteps have made me a king's kid not my house not my cars not the money in the bank none of that stuff has made me a king's kid what made me a king's kid is the beginning of the gospel of jesus christ the son of god father i come in the name of jesus and i pray that this word will sink deeply into the heart of that child of god who is worried about losing a house worried about being evicted worried about where the next job will come from worried about how their kids are going to fair in school worried about vaccination or no vaccination word about all these things i pray god that you elevate their thinking into understanding that as they follow you that their identity will be with you and if they have you they can't lose everything because they have you and i just believe that with that in mind things will turn around in their lives by your doing and by your supporting their need and i thank you for it in jesus name amen if you're out there and you've heard this word i need you if you feel a repentance if you feel a brokenness because of this word god is calling you to him right now and he's reaching for you to understand that every broken feeling that you have right now is not going to be a leftover after he saves you after you go to him he's going to gather all of what you have been through all of what you have heard through and he's going to use that to bless somebody else and i'm telling you there is no greater feeling in your life than when what has happened and transpired in your sojourn here make somebody's life better that is more valuable than anything that you could have done and if you give your life to the lord right now you have traded the world for the kingdom and what would it profit a man if he gained the whole world and lost his soul one soul your soul is more valuable than the whole world's economy combined your soul because heaven and earth shall pass away the world's systems will cease but your soul will go on forever i hope you're taking another look at death because it's happening so much around this anybody who thinks they can't die uh needs to see a psychiatrist needs more than that needs to have their hands laid on you because it's coming it's coming to each one of us it is appointed unto man once to die and after death the judgment i'm talking salvation now now now the other guy can talk houses and land and deliverance and money and you can talk that and that's not my calling my calling is to tell you that he is coming back again and it's time to be saved it's time to get your insurance for your future i don't care where you were last night i don't care who you were with i don't care what you did if you feel the spirit of god pressing upon you now now is the time to call eight four four two six seven seven seven two nine eight four four two six seven seven seven two nine somebody's waiting on the other line waiting for your call anointed prayed up they prayed friday night together they're all ready with that power of the son of god to make the sacrifice of being on that phone waiting for you to call please call father i speak it into the minds of those who are sitting on the edge that you push them over now by the drawing of your spirit and i claim it in jesus name amen and amen now for any other need email us at prayer city of refuge and for those who want to write me and you know i say things out of my heart and i'm not trying to offend anybody and i'm not trying to single out anybody when you email me at bnj if you want to tell me you love me fine i love you too but i want to deal primarily with questions that you have as it relates to the things of god things of god that's primarily i i i didn't say that simply because i was you know trying to uh make a date out of anything and i'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings i mean you feel how you feel but i'm telling you that this is what i need to do here i need to sacrifice the romantic urge and i have it too to do what god has called me to do on this platform and i pray that you will not be offended if i say that this platform is primarily for me answering those things that are significant to the people who are in need of those replies i have many many uh questions that sometime i should go over with you and to those who are on facebook and youtube and those who are on the ministry app and those who are on instagram who i don't mention and i just call the names of those that i have here and in deference to all of you whose name i can't see and can't call i won't call anybody's name today even though i'd love to uh i love you and i pray that you'll understand who the real king's kids are and you are one of them god bless i should talk about offering before i go but we have so many ways to give and i pray that you will give as god has blessed you to give and i'm still saying in these difficult times uh the other pastors might not like what i say but i'm talking to the congregation and to the people that god put under my care i want you to give i want you to give in abundance i want you to give until it flows over i want you to bless the church with everything you have but i want you to know this if there's a choice between being evicted and paying tithes or giving the church money you pay your rent stay covered there are too many homeless people for you to join the ranks in the name of god that's that's not what we intend as a king's kid i have to say that i have to say that because these are perilous times these are difficult times and i don't see the barrel that i can lay my hands on at this point and you give your last to me and you have for the rest of whatever this economic difficult time will be i don't see that barrel now the prophet may see it and somebody else may see it and but i'm telling you as your pastor as your shepherd as your leader that if you have a financial difficulty that you have to fill because your kids gonna be outside then you take care of that and then we will pray that god will put you in a position where you'll never have to make a choice between rent and tithe anymore take care of your family that's first right now and then we'll work the rest out now when i say that to you do i believe that the church will not be taken care of i promise you that my genuineness in ordering you to make that decision is going to open the doors somewhere else and i have news for you the doors are going to open somewhere else with someone who can afford to give and who will not have to make that choice so much so that we can help you watch and see father i speak it so in jesus name amen god bless you i love you have a wonderful rest of the day and we will meet again inshallah you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 6,759
Rating: 4.9568343 out of 5
Keywords: #bishopnoeljones, #biblestudy, #noeljones, #cityofrefuge
Id: TWnaGvIivfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 5sec (3365 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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