Bishop George Bloomer - The 7 Spirits we have to comfront

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there are seven spirits that we have to confront and get out of our land oh we're not going to have the promise we're not gonna have the promise there'll be no promise for us Jesus comes over to it and I know you never heard the demoniac in this way but Jesus comes over to the other side of the country of the gadarenes and there's this guy who's meeting them out there and and and the question is how did he get there when Jesus sets him free he turns to him he says go back home to your friends and your family so clearly he had friends clearly he had a family where are they what happened that drove him away from where he was to a place called isolation where now he is talking to dead folks cutting himself with stone and a place of totalement not dwelling in no house and ain't wearing no clothes how did he get in that predicament he got there through relationships and relationships will make you or it will break you and if you're not skilled in relationships stay away from it I don't want to be by myself you'll do better by yourself then you will do y'all they hear what I'm saying with a person that you haven't figured out because the greatest conflict in your life is not a man that you met yesterday it's the man that you've been with all those years the greatest conflict in your life is not a woman that you met at the mall it's the woman that lived in your house with you because it takes time for the real you to show up and nobody wants to talk about it nobody wants to deal with it nobody wants to look at it we want to preach we want to prophesy we want to sing we want to shop we want to travel but we don't want to talk about my real issues and the issues that we have started back at home with Mama and Daddy when you wasn't nowhere to be found you were nowhere to be found my rejection don't come from my wife and my kids my rejection come from my daddy and when my daddy rejected me my darling my wife was a little kid and no idea she would be paired up with me but when she got to me whatever spirit was in me was transferred to her demons how long have you had this how long is this thing been with you how many times was this cast off with you now Tony jump back on you how many times have you prayed to have a praying man in your life someone that can hold your hands and pray in tongues and and pray with you and he promised you he was gonna be that way and every time Christ has come here coming in drunk he's a drunk you have to hold it you're not ready to negotiate because it's about politics all sitting in here I just want to get married I know God got my bow has bishop you say whatever you want I mean my boy has some of y'all women need to stand up until these other woman's about that bow ass you didn't hear me did you you need to tell these women about that bow ass I just say as I said bow ass that's what you need to tell him about you need to tell him about the struggles and the problems that goes along that goes along with dealing with the situation because it takes time for us to make up our mind and when the man is going through he can go through with a smile on his face he can go through and have sex watch the ballgame pay the bills and be oppressed and don't nobody in the house know and when you say what's wrong with you oh nothing I'm just a little tired oh nothing I'm stressed out oh nothing and never ever tell you because it takes time for us to process what is even happening with us at the time it happens we don't even know it happened to us until days late y'all in here well days go by before we figure out what's bothering us like it went one ie in the house I'd be happy days go by a wheel my wife can ask me something today and I just pass it over but five and six days later I said you remember the other day when you asked me that because it takes time for me to process it time for me the process of time don't in hear me I said take it take time for me to process we don't take women time to process but they always process it just talking all the time make me sick so three plus that's what your itself you talking out loud and then go ask me where I'm going wait are you going I'm gonna try to get away from this and that's what makes it sick and makes a dysfunctional when you reach meet up with a man that runs his mouth all the time time you come in contact with a man that is running his mouth always mad and upset got something talking it's because they have a spirit of transfer it is the spirit of homosexuality and I ain't talking about who you laying up with I'm talking about who you talking to because it's a process nobody opened up our adop's nobody taught us how to cry nobody said it was okay to cry nobody nobody nobody said we can be vulnerable was the worst thing you can do to a man into being with you and he tell you what's bothering him and then you when you're behind across the hall and tell it to somebody and then he find out that what he told you you said it to someone else but I gotta talk to somebody and you do but not to the person that you know don't like you not to the person that is jealous of you you got me out here dwelling in the tombs I'm feeling what I'm feeling but I don't know what I'm feeling I'm not a storehouse I do and I do good I do wrong I do up and do down I've been in I do out I'm done what was done to you when I was up what was done to you when I was down what's done to you when I was in what was done to you when I was out no excuse I'm on another page Luther I'm in love and I just want to be with my woman mom I've done some bum things am I talking my me I'm talking my lobon I've done some bum things but I'm not made up in the posture where I could Valentine's Day sales valentine day sales are larger than Christmas Day sales with men was guess what Dane spent no time they walking in and they gonna buy the candy predicated upon what they did if they did good you might get a small box if they did horrible check out the box listen when you've been good all year long you've been good all year long
Channel: generalofwarfare
Views: 96,112
Rating: 4.8704762 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, George, Bloomer, The, Spirits, we, have, to, comfront
Id: GWhc4h7_NYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 02 2008
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