Bishop Eddie L Long, All Dress up but no where to go 12 July 2009 1

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i extremely was extremely excited to see our own Bernice King entity celebration for my projection not in compromise that giving the Word of God we think thank God we're always strategically positioning her to continue to advance the kingdom in the midst of her trials and how forever folk heaven but what were the things that I really want to say even in the case with Michael Jackson etc and I'll talk a little bit about that moment I said this Tuesday night people really never respect some gifting or leadership until you're safely dead please please hear me out when Moses was a leader he wasn't respected we we celebrate Moses now because he's dead for the radical type of leadership that he had you will have to really question yourself whether you would have really left Egypt or not because here's a man who still has the charge against him as a murderer those of you who are old enough would understand that during the day that Bernie's father was alive especially in those last few years he was not celebrated the president turned on him because of his stance in Vietnam many of his colleagues and friends and even preachers and church folk and coloreds did not like him did not like non-violence and want it by any means necessary please hear this now that he's dead we respect him because now he can't threaten nothing please hear that I want you to understand it even in the case with Michael Jackson and man just from whatever when you understand and all of us are weird lord knows I am and I'm not saying he is I think maybe we are but when you understand when you walk with a certain degree of power in any arena if you were to jump up and buy the rights to the Beatles songs that's not what you're supposed to be able to do now you're starting to control instead of being being controlled you're becoming too powerful so let's see what we can do to mess up your reputation let's label you this let's label you this watch people who come into power power is permitted to a certain degree and then after that if you get too strong hello somebody and that's the reason why you have to you know and I'm praying for our country in reference to I want us to stand with you're innocent until proven guilty not guilty because you were charged and then the court say you're not guilty in this country still says you're guilty and I think it's time that we be tried in court and not in newspapers hello somebody and sensationalized by a whole lot of things all you ascribe to be great and powerful there is a price to that and you make sure you count the cost because when you still and you get to really wheeling and dealing in the right environment at the wrong time or whatever you will have enemies that you ain't never thought you would ever have dealt with and you need to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the Lord so stuff you hear about her family in the media that's what we're going to talk about tomorrow how the media dictates things etc your eyes are going to be opened up and all these kind of things you need to pray through those things and not grab hold of whatever you hear but we know that there's always something behind I was sitting in a meeting I'm tired I'm sorry about that sitting in a meeting with people from other nations this was before Michael had died and Matt Silas it were one of the promoters I hadn't ticket anyway I was gonna be right there and and I was sitting that blown away when they told me how many concerts he sold out in less than two hours so fifty and I was like I said now he might not been able to do that in America said everything to the world laughs at America because America believes what they read in their press he said the rest of the world thinks and knows there's something else going on and that they respect people for their gifts talents and contributions and stop getting into all that other stuff wake up people understand that there are forces that are going against knowledge the understanding of God and that is the reason why we have to be so rooted in the things of the Lord and fight for that which is right and sometimes you ain't gonna get no anniversary testimonial all that on this side read Hebrews 11 starts out good stuff about faith then it starts telling you the better stuff about faith about those who died in their faith not realizing or seeing it on this side and I'll talk about that in a moment but being blessed and rewarded on the other side with all this thing in the recent time of a lot of people passing a wave of notoriety of the first thing I want to say because I want I want I want to talk to the believers I want to talk to y'all today for a few moments I want to talk to you in reference to all these things and reference to death and where as a matter of fact I would like to suggest to you number one case you didn't know all of us are going look at your neighbor they going everybody let's use good English body in here it's going at one time or another and they gonna dress you up and you're going to be all dressed up and some of you ain't gonna have nowhere to go I want you to think about what I'm going to talk to you about this morning I'm just this is a kind of moment I'm not going to howl and sweat and all that I want you to think about it because you don't know when you're leaving and so in the midst of all of these things that are going on and I'm gonna say I'm asking God the prayer I prayed this morning for the qanun right for each I blow it they don't even know what I prayed but let it go forth to this this group also Jesus said they said cast your cares upon before I care for you the Lord that was dealing with me this week in my car on that and I was like anybody universal principle he said he said nobody will give you their cares or trust you with it unless they know you care for them okay so when the Lord says cast your cares upon me for I care for you many of us hold our cares because we we don't actually believe God really cares and sometimes because of all the things that happen sometimes we try to be God whether you realize that not you try to be your own God because there are moments I'm wrestling with is he God or me God he got me got me God I've handled this I'll be God today and so when I'm God I'm worried when he's God I'm sleep now know that but I'm going to say say this would be God cares about me not you if nobody else you convinced that cares about you God cares about you now I'm trying to and I want you to understand when he says cast your cares upon II because you got to understand there's some stresses this is thing you know I'm trying to I was sitting up thinking about Joel and so I restore the years that the locusts ate and I started running through there the Holy Spirit kind of led me down the path he says because he's getting on me because there's a lot of things away on me so I use my own personal testimony lot of things away on me a lot of things I deal with not only talk to you about know your business anyway and you couldn't fix it if you could if you would and all that is just stuff I got to deal with because of Who I am and please understand and so I'm now starting to get a grip that some things ain't going into is going in some things are just gonna be the interns gonna be there some things I just got accept until God switches the season but I ain't supposed to die here be depressed here and go through all this and and so the thing that I recognized God said let me tell you something now even as you come into this he's saying please understand that and I'm saying to you because see you could have a silent killer and it's carrying cares that you shouldn't carry which was which you can look good and all of that but stress will kill you please understand don't think that you're managing your stress well because you don't feel that bad and you don't feel like nothing's going on there are things happening in your body and and and chemicals being released in your and hormones adjustments and things like that and adrenaline and stuff overly pumped in this and unnecessarily putting your body at a disadvantage off kilter in your immune system messing you up because you're carrying stress that's taking years away from you and so some of you will be rolled in here before time because you are carrying stuff you are not supposed to carry God says I care for you I care for you give me your cares let me handle what I handle got to sit back let me do what I do and let you just sit up there and say my god and have a testimony but I want to show you what I'm gonna do and I got a timetable and everything i'ma do it and so all I want you to do is eat your daily bread walk in your today and wake up and say this is the day that the Lord has made I shall rejoice and be made glad in it I'm going to show you this little clip I just want to remind you just in a recent timespan we've had a lot of notable people who passed away so I just want just so because I want you understand looking at you can be rich Poe mill class whatever you're gone mine ain't gonna hold you acting won't hold you entertainment won't hold you your brain of knowledge well your good looks well knows they just walk by and says they look even better dead run that real quick I just I'm just putting you in the frame of reference that life is quick David Carradine born December 8 1936 and died June 3rd 2009 William Dean Mays jr. born July 20th 1958 and died June 28 2009 Edward Leo Peter McMahon jr. born March 6 1923 and died June 23rd 2009 Farrah Fawcett born February 2nd 1947 and died June 25th 2009 [Music] Steve's a trail McNair born February 14th 1973 and died July 4th 2009 Michael Joseph Jackson born August 29 1958 and died June 25th 2009 from birth certificate to death certificate from womb to tomb from delivery room to morgue from the cradle to the casket everybody is in and out when the first things that has to be dealt with is to make sure that I walk in my security of salvation I'm not going to walk through that whole lot this morning because I got a place that I have to get to but our salvation is hinged on the finished works of gripe of God through Christ Jesus on the cross and then all that if you look at and go real quickly with me I want you to look through your bio first John go to first John 5 first John 5 I'm going somewhere and I want you to I want you to understand we're on a little journey here because I this is kind of a readjustment moment to sit and analyze where you are what does time actually mean what does life actually mean and with all that everybody that you solve there are people we talk about their athletic abilities and entertainment abilities their acting abilities and all of these things that they bring and there was very great contributions but there is a scripture that was brought to my mind and this is not to say whether they're in heaven or hell that's not what I am here to talk about I'm here to talk about you but in mark 8 and 36 while you're going the first jawed it says for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul for what will it profit a man who gains the whole world and loses his own soul look at me new verb I can remember the moment that I actually actually actually and I've told you about this many times actually gave my life to Christ it was actually when I had lost everything what I mean gave my life I want you to hear this this when I when I stripped all bars down I went through a divorce lost everything everything I was homeless asking God a question past question stage and in the middle of the street I said to God what's this now here's my life plan for God whatever you want me to do that's what I'm going to do and if it's your decision that I will be homeless with my son I will be the best evangelist whatever you call me to be in the streets that you possibly can get that is my dream that is my ambition whatever you want and immediately God put me in a house and immediately please understand God started paying off my debt immediately God took over my life and started putting me into place and and God put me in a church at a church called me to be their pastor immediately once I told him I am totally yours now why are you bringing it up because most of us are not you you have but your neighbor has not ever got to the point where I ain't dreaming about stuff and how to make my life equal stuff and at the end of my life you ain't taking that stuff with you I saw the memoria and I saw at the end of the more they rolled a box they didn't roll a stage they didn't roll records they didn't roll anything but a box because you're here for a reason and ain't the reason do you think or the world projects on you it is what God thought and how you fit into this scheme of life and why did he have you come now instead of back then and instead of later you're on time for something and it has nothing to do with stuff it has all to do with substance that's just that's just so in the security of knowing and first John five and thirteen first John five and thirteen looking James Version says these things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you should know that may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God please don't say I'm very simply I don't have time to go through this I'm probably going to lay it down and talk about eternal security the way I believe it and waive scripture points it out to me there must be assurance of our security with God simply I need to know I'm going to be with them because where there's no assurance I'm laying foundations that stay with me of God acceptance there is no joy things that don't have joy in the body of Christ it's because they're not really sure if when they die they're going to go be with them and where there's no joy there is a limitation on one's ability to love unconditionally the reason why the body of Christ is not as loving as it used to be is because most folk ain't secure in there and their experience of understanding I will be with God so therefore I can't love you unconditionally and therefore we have a lot of attitude in church we got so much attitude in church that someone says why because a person with no insurance is by definition partially motivated by fear help me Holy Ghost most of us even in meeting folks talking to quote air by skirt some of us come to church the bishop will talk more about himself and you want to know my binnacle you darn sure ain't gonna tell yours so somehow I hope he can manage to talk about his life that Carl ends with mine to help me get out of the mess I'm in because I'm not even gonna really touch my stuff cuz I'm scared I'm scared of this I'm scared of that I'm scared of stepping out and scared of Fame I'm still getting out of this hole I'm scared of looking at what's beyond I'm scared of taping that leap in darkness I rather sit right where I am and tell you how I got here we know how we got where we are if he ever done this if she ended on that if I wasn't born here this and that then I would have been if my dad hadn't been off come on now you grown where's all this power that you sing and pray about or is that just routine and tradition and it doesn't mean nothing once this fear and love the thought mix well one will dilute the other one and often it is fear will dilute low please hit it in light of the recent depths of well-known people I need to call your attention to two questions write these questions down you need to answer these questions it's just I'm gonna be through in a moment here's the two questions where will Christians spend eternity where will the saints go and what will it be like talk a little bit more about this on Tuesday but I want you to hear this right here again we're we're Christians spend eternity and what would it be like now the first thing we need to talk about is our final home now please understand this when they say we're having a home going now for some folks that's a lie for some but we have true I'll never forget I'll never forget that chair I've done some I'm a country boy I've done some home going down in the country and I did I did but one that knew verbs I'll never forget I'm tired of lying you also come on live right I'm tired elder Wilson's tired of trying to convince your relative that you're going to heaven the Sun I've been doing the eulogy and I'll be sitting on a breath day going to hell they're going to hell I'm not a gonna hell but I'm trying to help Pookie from jumping in the box why for God's even cccd he gonna help I forgot what I was after oh yeah oh yeah okay everybody ain't going home a home zone is for folk going back to be with God now I was doing I was in a home going for these guys was yeah and and i'ma tell you I was magnificent I mean I put that guy standing next to Jesus he's a drug deal for me and his brother at sin I mean I had the house right his brother requested because he played a saxophone could he play a song in honor of his brother I'm okay well I don't have a jet and I'm blue the brother got up and played feel the fire he said if you fall I I ain't gonna lie he is feeling the fire I did everything but run out to church I send that damn [Applause] tell your brother don't be asked and do nothing after the brief to come up this that's leaving long I see it just so pretty what no well it come on what what when you die where you going come on where you going if that's your ultimate home well see you already jacked up how long you been saved I don't mess woke up your awesome in home is not heaven that's why you need to be here tomorrow night get out of my bishop said I ain't going to heaven why your ultimate home is Earth mmm that's God's original plan and intent its purpose if you read Genesis 1:28 through 31 oh I might as well read that I can read at first service but I'll read it again here then God said bless them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply fill the earth subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea in the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the earth and God said I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of the earth and every tree whose fruit yields seed to you and you shall be your food also to every beast of the earth and every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the earth which is there it's life I have given every green herb food and it was so and then God saw everything that he made and indeed it was very good so then evening and then morn was the sixth day I still got to give you that sixth day please understand and get an understanding this is God's creation and he's bringing us back everything from Genesis 3 to the end of Revelation is to get us back to Genesis 1 and 2 that's a whole nother message watch this the earth became our responsibility when Christians die they go immediately to be with God go to second Corinthians real quick 5 6 to 8 second Corinthians come on y'all gotta I gotta have you high like this because you need to be able to tell folk on the street we talked about you need to go see Bishop long no you need to just pop your Bible right out if you got an iPhone you can put the Bible on the iPhone and you can just pop it out there on the martyr train that's why you riding the train you got it second Corinthians five if you have it say Amen what's these words so we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord for we walk by faith not by sight we are confident yes well please rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord absolute from the body present with the Lord even in 1st Thessalonians 4 14 through 19 they have these wonderful words for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a say it y'all with what with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in a cloud to meet the Lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the Lord therefore comfort one another with these things now look at me new birth when Christ returns for the Christians still alive on the earth Paul states that he will bring with him those who died earlier therefore when Christians die they do go to heaven immediately but that's not the ultimate home they go to be with God but they do not stay in heaven forever when Christ returns he establishes a kingdom on earth a kingdom that will last for 1,000 years go with me to Revelation 20 and for I'm laying foundation I got a little video to show you come on revelation 20:4 I need you to be able take folk to the book and show him get it right four thousand years they a thousand years in revelations twenty and four you'll find and I saw thrown and he sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hand and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years Paul says we shall always be with him now please understand now when he returns it makes sense that we will be included in that Kingdom and the reign with him for the thousand years now keep this in mind this is an earthly Kingdom now in Revelation twenty seven and eight you have please understand these words now when the thousand years have expired Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to the seed nations which are in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog and gather them together to battle whose number is as the sands of the sea now please don't send simply when the a thousand years are over and finished and Satan is defeated once and for all God recreates the earth now go with me to Revelation 21:1 through three revelations 21 verses one two three you got to know this hear this now I saw a new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no more sea then I saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God prepared he come the wedding as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud boys from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people God Himself will be with them and be their God but God is not only going to recreate the earth in heaven but he's also moving in I said he's not just recreating the earth in heaven he is moving in now now what's this instead of men dying and going to heaven John presents us of a picture of God backing up and coming to earth now ladies and gentlemen dudes and do this it remember me this Sunday get the CD if you pass God in the air pretty good imitation you are not going to heaven because he coming I just met somebody else I'm sorry watch this after Christ returns the believers are back on earth forever sin and death is over with please understand that and that's what separated us from the Lord sin and death again you will know what heaven is like go to Genesis 1 and 2 that's where he's all this is bringing us back naked and unashamed without death without sin without separation walking with Him in the cool of the eve walking in order well what's this now let me explain this because sometimes we sing these songs and I don't know where we got them from but you know eternity is not this big white room where all we do is wander round walk around to you know what you up to chillin well and to see you we can talk where is Mesa you know I had this mindset you know when I go to heaven I'm three people I'm going to talk to Moses now I'm gonna talk to you life I wanna go see when I see Jesus all that I said I said I want to see the Lyla cut my hair baby all right all right it is not it it's not gonna be like that you know please I've said you eat enough if you keep eating them saw you'd see my mom up there tell I'm coming see my brother tell him I'm coming to LA yes hear me run around town seat now I'm again I'm helps Americo here some some folk will be upset some will be happy because in heaven you ain't married some say oh you ain't going to pick up the family like it would with just one big family now hello somebody somebody said my God he's messed it up flex it I'm sorry heaven ain't gonna be one big church service everybody think we're just gonna be in church for eternity let's get real you came staying here two hours if I ain't do by 12:30 some of y'all already gonna start tipping out don't be lying you want to go to heaven and be highly highly buddy-buddy planting back so somebody already go ahead and say I'm glad in a church all day I'm a watching on streaming fate hello are you out this should be in here you angle me walk around in white robes and all that stuff and and floating in clouds I'm sorry you gonna be with Jesus gonna be nice but all that stuff that we haven't got from the movie I'll mess up him see now you called me a devil T on the devil can mess up heaven I was gonna shout all look remember I'm a shot all over God him God is it hey hey hey hey hold it down you can kill come on Abuk where's that there he nuns left give me some heaven music just come help just give me some heavy meal how to mess up to heaven come on come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] over here cuz you want to get out of heaven real quick we got much time so we have okay so we have some choices dozen I said we have some choices our figs have it back hopefully on Tuesday good house some of you depressed well Lisa Jensen said herbs [Applause] [Laughter] hi I'll be there hi right now three years okay okay make it blame Ram okay now just pray for the bishop he all right all right you don't have to work okay all right just make sure Eve themself in the lake where we going now got two choices you don't show it you don't have a choice of when you leave we do have a choice and ability to choose number one where are you going a choice of whether I'm going to heaven or hell please understand you come out of eternity in the time back into eternity when you go back into eternity how you spent time will determine your eternity eternity or listen to me I want you to hear this eternity my eternity it's that quick if those of you who are somewhere around my age and you look back over your life it was like I'm sitting here now and seems like old I get to the facet I it's almost Christmas I'm sitting up now something it's almost crime still paying last Christmas almost Christmas again slow down I'm trying to slow time down it just seems like it just going faster and faster and faster and all of that so that's where I'm not gonna mess up your hair because about all you got restaurant right now but see I need you to understand what we where you're living now is so important so valuable because it determines how you live eternity so it really has nothing to do with how much stuff you can't it has all to do with what you do with the stuff you get it has all to do with all the resources that he gives you the steward over it has all to do with whether you have ever stripped yourself to the point of I don't care if I fit into the American dream long as I fit into the kingdom thought which means everybody may not have the big house too big this the big that maybe I'm supposed to stay here and do this and maybe I'm supposed to be over in the projects for a moment because they're kids that I have to inspire and somebody has to be I realize I can do more this but but but but I'm called to be a school teacher I'm called to go in the school system I'm called to save and protect and cover the lives of small children and so I've got to put myself where it counts for eternity not where it fits for my head it's so important so important which means I might be called to suffer a lot for other people please hear me please please hear me what please hear this please says it would hear this hear this that's that's why we we can choose how we're going to spend eternity and then we can choose how it's going to be when we get there please hear this eternity is not going to be the same for everybody in Revelations John describes the final judgment and it's referred to as the great white throne judgment go to general revelations 2012 I'm almost finished please let's hear this 20 and 12 the New King James Version and I saw the dead small and great standing before God and books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the books notice that we have two sets we have one books and then we have book please hear this and then it starts again in the twelfth verse at the end and the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the book and the sea gave up the dead who were in it and death and death and Hades delivered up the dead means everybody's gonna get the hell gave up the dead for a moment to be judged according to his work which means hell can be more hellacious what's this and they were judged each one according to their what according to their what now what's this I want you I want you to I want you to imagine it's almost an altar call on this this morning I want you to watch this because I went back to old a movie that that came out years ago called ghosts and and and it shows something of a it gives you a clue of what it would be like at the moment of your death whether you're going one way or the other and I want you to see of the transition because these death most times it's not when you planned it that's some forgiveness opportunity they they can say well bye and all that and that but for most of us it's not exactly and and one of the most agonizing things for me is to be a past I can remember one of our members who went in the hospital to have dialysis he's been going there several times and it was a routine for him and he went in the hospital and he did not expect not to come out but something tragically went wrong and he started dying and the expression on his face of anguish because he was not ready to go it was not in the plan was one of the most heart-wrenching things I ever seen in my life when I couldn't do anything for him and at that moment there was stuff that he realized that was not complete this was not according to his timetable he had expected to go in for a day and come out and he did not come out he went home you never know show the clip you did Willie [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm not trying to scare you I think this is a good time for altar call right yeah right right right about right here i times visuals are just more than people talking and i want you to understand this is serious it's very serious y'all and most of us don't think we just we just live in you talk to young people doing chilling they just chilling we just live it we don't talk about this much in the church no more because folk don't believe in hell no more they just don't believe in we don't believe in any eternal consequences we don't believe in whatever we didn't think about dying and that's the reason why life has become so cheap we'll shoot folk in a minute we think it's like cartoons they'll be up tomorrow they're not up tomorrow they did we're killing ourselves off because we have no value of life and no caring about where that person will go and what all of that and not even caring about the consequences of that to yourself please hear this I wouldn't want that for you God doesn't want that for us as another scene as he was retained as a spirit for a while on earth in the movie I'm just kind of those have never seen it but it was time for him to go home he was already dead but unfinished stuff I don't know about all that but I just want to say here's something that would be like a guy of God taking you home show that real quick [Music] [Music] amazing road [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I I can't exactly tell you what it's like but I do know there's a difference in being received by God or being held by Satan and you have a choice once you hit this and you cannot stand before the great white throne of judgment and talk about your daddy wasn't there you can't sit up and talk about this and talk about that because when you hear the gospel you have an opportunity and you can say well I was hurt I was in fear I was this a perfect love casts out all fear you've been in church long enough to receive what I have to say you make a choice you get saved you can know it's secure you walk in that security you grow it's that there's a book and book I travel all over the world and they're expecting me when I get there matter of fact there's certain hotels that I go to that when I get there up we've already made a reservation I get there they know me so well that when I pull the car up a little bit long welcome back etc now some hotels they have practice so I don't know how what their secret is I've never been there when I pull up hello mr. long so and so and so and so they know the names and this you go to the desk to register because you got you got a rule and you say well they say what's your name or whatever you say my name is whatever and they already got you a room and got your room ready and but if you don't have your name in the book there was somewhere along the line somebody called in to secure your name for reservation now please don't stamp that's that's the reason why you need to make sure you finish your course because you don't want it you don't want to leave and you I've been there where I had I got to the hotel too early and I had to wait till they clean my room please hear me I'm just truck trying trying to get you to understand that's salvation now their books say books now in these books please don't stand this isn't something you need to hear by the young and old you are being followed you are being watched you and your deeds and my deeds are being recorded in books my good deeds and my bad deeds nothing so why would you record my bad stuff if I'm forgiven of my sins and all that yes you and that you in heaven shout you you have two ribs you had four seasons you in the main building you and you there now but at the judgment after they checked in the first register to see if you in then they say ok come on we got talk over here now all right st. Peter sends you over to another desk now at that other desk they start going over what you've been doing ok oh you have been such you've been blessing folk you didn't complain you you gave up your stuff you sacrifice you this and that and this and now what I'm doing and and I'm doing a ledger because I got to reward you it's going to be different for you and that's why I say everybody work out their own with fear and trivalent me because now that's why you ain't got time to hang out with folk when going away who ain't wanting to grow because now you're determining how you gonna live eternity now I see this thing in here that is what messes us up cuz everybody want to be Hollywood now everybody wants to be famous everybody wants to be blinged out all this stuff God don't give a slapjack about that when it comes to what he called you to do and so you need to be able to say for this cause for this brief thing called time was I called and so in all that please hear this is I took little right now here's the big equalizer well I could imagine well I guess Bishop long gonna have all that in heaven - not necessarily not necessarily not necessarily imma be judged by my deeds public and private and according to my faithfulness and what he called me though and everything is relative but your stuff is just as important as mine whether you standing and talking to 172 Nations are you talking to one child so don't ever think your stuff is little and what I want you to hear today is understand I rather be in the will of God and not get much attention from folks on this side that when I go to that throne of judgment and it looks in the book and I got a reservation and then it goes to the books and I've been faithful because because you gonna find out what kind of preacher I am because when you go to heaven and you find out I'm on the first floor for the rest of my life you know I'm enjoying heaven you know but see when I go a hotel I mean as you know because it just say you know all right this is elder Harris Harris your name is in here praise the Lord and let's go here look at the books oh you do this you that you support a bishop well you take her your wife your children you did it oh you guys got jacked up over there for a while didn't you bro I see that right there but okay we'll bounce that right there then another okay you got a junior sweet forever then mother Johnson on the mother boy who you would pass up because you didn't respect her wisdom but she been praying for you and the reason she sits in the place that she sits and the reason why you where you are is that some praying women that wore white dresses and hats was faithful to their calling and they didn't get this gun and it didn't get that and they didn't get the hang with this and they didn't get to go to college maybe and get all that they weren't in the sorority but they was talking to angels and empowering quote and stuff and they sit and say not a job I was spectin you you got the penthouse suite you up here on the top you are yep your your rewards are according to your faithfulness and they're not going to check with the AJC they're not going to see if you were given awards or whether they did something for you at the Staples Center and how many folk came to you're feeling are your home going and all that stuff that ain't gots gone ain't God is just where you're faithful to me where you're faithful over the things that I gave you I'm writing down was your walk matching your talk was your private life as good as you acted in public because I called you to affect the culture I called you to stand up you sacrifice you went through pain you could have had this but you gave it up for me wants it now go ahead hill man I'm through I want you I want to see this hear me I want you to understand the value of life i I wish I could explain it I guess I don't explain what I can't explain why children go why babies go and all that other than maybe God's people in heaven he's not just one older people he he's people in heaven if you understand what I'm saying but but you know I always I shared this in the first service my mother she has dementia is you know what I go home to see if she doesn't know who I am you know I was I was momma's baby just gonna tell you I was momma's baby I was telling somebody the other day my mom had never had driver's license as soon as I got license on Saturday was her day sadly I took her wherever she wanted to go mama had when she went grocery shopping she had to shop at five different stores not because one didn't have everything is just that if she wanted produce she had to go to place specialize in protest he won't fish he had to go to the fish market she wanted bread she had to go to the bakery she just said she that's where she hasn't switched yeah they take us five hours the shop but God gave me those hours on Saturday because he probably knew that I wouldn't have those hours I try to figure out why is it that here's a woman who's been faithful all of her life sixth grade had to drop out of school to take care of mama mother died she married my dad he crazy and then all that she kept us together poor boys gave her life to wouldn't buy her anything new always trying to make sure we had and I kept telling my mom when I get my kit I'm be something because she sit in my room and pray at night while we sleep I thought she was a ghost I remember one day she broke in front of me because she realized what she dreamed for her life when she's a little girl wasn't gonna happen and she said some things that I never heard of my life is messed up and she was weeping bitterly and I just couldn't do nothing for her and I felt her pain and then she got all right I was on the phone I'm gonna speed up and come back I was on the phone with dr. Chan yesterday and Franklin Graham wants to with an apartment to do this major thing at Stone Mountain this next year and I said doctor I said as we talked I said okay well we'll get with him and we'll do what we had to do and I said did you know my mother used to take care of his father Billy Graham and then Doc Chan got real quiet and he said are you serious I guess he used to be a nanny and housekeeper and I said I met Billy of pasta Grameen in Kansas City about ten years ago and I shaking his hand I got a picture of me shaking his hand and I said you remember my mother miss long he said who had he I'd say yeah that's my mommy he's just said tell her I love her and all that stuff and I was filming and he said you don't realize what you're saying he said your mother touch to people who touched the world and she hasn't gone anywhere but in her home watch this [Applause] I need you to hit it if I need somebody here I need somebody here somebody who makes big sacrifice when this altar gets filled with folk when dr. Graham was doing Crusades and as they get played and folk give their life to Christ they're angels still sitting up with my mama not even remembering writing stuff down on her account because she sold in the folk that she called that's it bang-on call your name they won't know who you are on this side but on the other side they don't know who you are heading they gonna know who you are because I've got it record it that even though you didn't get what you're for just fold again I called you to a life to raise up some world changers I pledge you to put your hands on men who would shake the foundation of the earth some of you are like Mary was born to have a baby God trusted you in your womb to somebody who's gonna shake the world and all this other stuff you worried about don't even matter in the economy of God because when it comes down to it see too many of us are trying to grab stuff here that you can't take that is over instead of building yourself treasures in heaven that will bring forth great reward that will increase your quality of eternal living and your rulership and reigning with Christ this is so important Malachi questioned God because he couldn't understand why the wicked were prospering to the point he wanted to compromise have you noticed a lot of your friends don't walk in the standard that you walk in and you're sitting there you've been walking with him and seems like life is good for them but God said to Malachi the same thing he said I got a book of remembrance that they might think they're getting away on this side but there's going to be a great white eternal judgment and I'm recording every beat every act and they might face they're getting away and Malachi said that's all I need to hear you mean you're gonna remember my sacrifice God said show you right you don't remember when I put myself out to get somebody else somewhere God said I remember and I'm gonna reward you for it do you remember Lord I could have had the house I could have had this but I pushed this person in front I could have got the promotion but I knew they needed it more they didn't need to say thank you God said don't they didn't thank you from them yes thank you for me they can't thank you better than I can let me write it down I'm not gonna forget I'm not gonna forget it I'm not gonna forget I'm gonna forget I got somebody recording you and your quality of eternity now heaven just plain ol it's gonna be wonderful i'ma tell you about - because I don't mess them full up everyday they won't trade their rove in thought i was gonna be in the road all the time and all that it's gonna be wonderful but it's a kingdom it has order it has ranking it has position and so when he says well done by good and faithful servant you've been faithful over these things I'm gonna make you ruler of these cities and see now when God makes you a rule in the kingdom you don't have to run for re-election you already elected you already paid you're already there you're secure - ain't no jockeying around trying to look over your back see who gonna get your position they should have fixed that in time you have a choice where you gonna live in eternity you can sit up here and try to gain the whole world lose your soul I was reading something they said if they talk about you know we're the salt of the earth but if they talk about you too much you may have over-seasoned it to the point they don't see God they see you you're supposed to be able to walk in and out of places and add just enough season in the lifts of standard to get people to raise their eyebrows and call themselves the question how they walk and how they talking make sacrifice we don't do that much anymore thanks sacrifice stop getting so mad at forward help folk that you even think need to be helped bless people who won't say thank you please don't say I need your standing I need you standing here this there's some of you and I just feel this different unction this morning at this service I feel a Haddie move you've given your life to everybody else to the point it was confounding you and you were starting to ask what for you can find that they're going to be some folk who gonna come to you down the road who are going to be doing some major things in the kingdom that only got there because of your word and your sacrifice it has not been in vain but you know even in the book I wrote about elect lady I was trying to address this whole thing because some of us even men were elected to do some things that are totally out of what you want but is to take care of some extreme business for the kingdom that folk don't give you much credit for but it's so important it's more important than what I'm doing standing here if it was great to get movement by talking to a bunch of folk Jesus would have chose 10,000 to walk with him instead of 12 and then pulled three but he realized my effectiveness and disciple II is really done with few folk and when I really want to get serious about business I'll run the crowd away and keep the committees because now I'm gonna do grunt work now I need folks who can fish all night and then still pull the net on the other side who will not give up and say like he said but yet at your word if you feel like and was feeling somewhat disillusioned that with all the good things and sacrifices that you were making and you're totally off what you thought as a little girl a little boy and all of that and it seems like your life has been given to others to the point you were becoming weak I want to pray with you I want you to come down to this altar I want you to know that your stuff is being recorded come come it's not in vain it's not in vain it's not in vain and the last shall be first and the first shall be last I'm talking about what you get in time I'm talking about eternity when it comes he'll take your shame away and everybody that laughed at you and said well I knew you wouldn't go Mouse and not look at me they wouldn't be who they were the one for you even some of our ungrateful children but blessed be God if the children don't thank you God wrote it down he knows the sacrifice you made he knows what you did he knows how you position them he knows your kid he counted every teardrop and he's got it recorded and you're here you could have went anywhere else that they could have gave up and you watching other people looking like they live in life large all right let them go and be first let them go ahead your day is coming your day is coming he said and I'm against some stuff on this side cuz the first thing you got to get on this side when the elect lady accepted what she was called to do grace and peace hit her grace is the enabling of God and peace cover their heart and mind when you say Lord if this is what I'm here for I'll take it out Septon if this is what I'm here for imma stop fighting it I'm gonna flow with it and immediately grace and peace is gonna hit you I'm a empower you and enable you to get out of your strip into my strip cuz my grace is sufficient for you my strength is made perfect in your weakness I know you have I know my mind mind my that God hasn't forgotten my mama and my mother had forgotten godliness I'm a little jealous with God cuz when I go home she'll know who I am and I'll sit there and talk to about thirty minutes and she might mumble some stuff but I told you that day we was taking her to the doctor and she was getting in the car and she had a little pain somewhere because we try to bend her down and she saw old Jesus I'm sitting here you'll even know me but you know him and I'm glad about that glass that's yourself your spirit is still talking to your spirit your mind still knows who your daddy is and sometimes sometimes in your pain look at me doing all you got to say an ocean it's not my power or by might but by my spirit it gets tough I told him on Tuesday night he wasn't here and you need to get series I pursue and overtake and recover all this available I got two CDs and you can get it please understand whenever see when David felt like he was alone and everybody turned against him and everybody was with this man the Bible said and he encouraged himself in the Lord please understand when foking with you and you sitting up there and you doesn't done all this for all these folks and it just seems like nobody knows how to say thank you or anything and your son sit there and say I could have had this if I did I could have had that I could have had this look here just go ahead and encourage yourself in the Lord knowing that God knows what you're dealing with he's recording it you are being watched grab somebody by the hand come on come on come on elder King I want you to pray [Music] now I want to say this and the reason why I ask elder King to pray in my trips to the Holy Land I actually seen and you look at a book which actually touching a wine Olive Press when you can express olives to get the oil the big stone and all of that to get fresh oil when I when I invite anybody up to my prayer room I got fresh oil from a holy land nothing added to it pure olive oil in the crushing the fresh crushing it hadn't been through no processing I admire this daughter of this house because she smiles through crushing and I would never ever could articulate what price she has personally paid for us to be in here you know and folk won't say these things until we did but I also respect and honor fresh oil and I will never let fresh oil be in my presence without getting a drop because as she is crushed to make life better let's some drops now fall on me that it strengthens me but it's because there forget this alter right now I'm at Ava Herbert I wrote a matter then are in situations that you do not have the vocabulary to articulate to someone what is like to be you so you're lonely to the max because what I need is somebody to feel me I have this little joke going with elder moment and we talk by text and we'll kind of share by X and the last thing we say is do you feel me dog it's a little joke but it means I tried to tell you what I was trying to tell you but I couldn't tell you what I was trying to tell you cuz I don't even know how you can I can explain what I'm actually dealing with but I'm dealing with it do you feel me and and for somebody to say I feel you even though they can't fix it makes you feel better but when you got a walk sometimes where you can't even find somebody to the point you didn't want to talk about somebody asked me today tell me about what you're going feel I love them like you want you you I couldn't even give you a point of reference to start you on this journey and so I ain't even gonna talk about why why tear my band-aids off well you look at me bleed you can't fix it you might be walking through the valley of the shadow of death but it ain't about your death foci and valleys you're strong enough to walk through it and when you walk through it God is trusting you to grab somebody and bring them with you and the only way you can get them through it is you got to push them so they got to come out first and you're figuring Lord when am I gonna be first when am I going me first that's it I'm worried I'm writing it down I'm writing it down your assignment Moses was to get some people over and so soon as you can understand what my assignment is I accept it I know I don't pay the price I know I've been through this and that folk didn't even understand me mama didn't understand me my brothers didn't understand me I got all this but I was born at the right time in the right house at the right place I might as well accept it and make it work for me come on over
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 1,161
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Id: fBxwdFRRELc
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Length: 76min 16sec (4576 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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