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beware criminals for this cities guarded by super cocky and super player come on super player we have to stop those criminals [Music] i think they are gone because they're afraid of super friends oh they're playing with toys [Music] [Music] what are you guys playing um we were we we were playing with our toys huh what is this what mommy's evil oh no are you okay so can i play with you and your toys um me and player and we have to go and the toys so we are going bye so obvious everybody is scared of me i wonder who's telling all those awful lies about me who's telling her those lies well we will never know those darks they literally believe everything they read i'm just gonna drop these little pieces of paper oh gossip girl where do these papers come from there are too many i can't read them all [Music] horrible let's see oh what she she's eating bumpies now that's so sad what's this it says poppy is the best oh we should play with her she looks so cute we have to be her friend yes i am oh you were playing with toys may i play um what do you think yeah sure she looks fine all right then it's settled [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you you've destroyed our toys we can't play anymore fire you destroy our toys poppy get out we don't want to play anymore what's going on she destroyed the toys who cares about your childish toys i can help you i'm really useful with my hands that's it they shine you look at them [Music] thank you so much that was amazing so sorry it's okay guys can we play together now this was all a lie you're amazing mommy this city's safe again thanks to the super friends super player super hockey you super buddy it's coming already amazing i did it so this goes here great are you okay hey i'm all right sorry wakka woogie what is this place oh it's empty there's nobody what [Music] what [Music] it's a trap stop hiding and fight you're in trouble [Music] get ready you're such a fool run no my brothers last one [Music] that's it i beat them let's open up well guys it was a pleasure those fools well i did it now everybody what's going on i suddenly feel so sad like there's no more love i wonder where those two are oh maybe there i play five night at for casey please wake up oh don't worry you'll be okay hold on we are almost there please you need to rest you are cold what's going on who is kissy so bad lucky hey baby what's the matter don't you wanna play i'm not in the we have room help her maybe she needs some food i can do it but you'll have to go to the store i'll be back in a flash i'm back here's everything good thank you pee i'll help maybe some gourmet food will make kissy feel good again that sounds logical i must be really careful the most simple mistake would make this dish a complete failure it's race against time his abilities are more incredible than i thought he's been preparing all this time he cannot fail everything is going like it should good hug i finished [Music] hey kiss oh open your eyes don't feel hungry i can't do anything oh no i'm sorry i don't want you to feel bad don't say that we love you it's true we love you kissy [Music] oh oh guys i love you too that's exactly what i needed [Music] player where are you i'm not feeling good what's up player you're my only friend we had a good time together i don't want you to die [Music] oh this could be even worse just imagine that someone poisoned our poor huggy oh peace of whining oh thank you papi take it hack you'll feel better i'm amazing you're not gonna die yay just wait a few seconds [Music] [Music] wait puppy gave me the thing that turned hoggy wanna play with us no thanks [Laughter] [Music] i know someone's there there's nobody ah monster it's just a silly trophy there's no way there's a ohio let's scare him wait if you're here then who is hey what's up look huh oh oh no i'm not like that i promise i'll never hurt you huh um oh um it's okay let's hug guys guys [Music] [Laughter] there she is just trust me papi [Music] hey get over here oh [Music] who was coming it's maggie he's gonna eat me oh no oh hi this is for your niece oh you're kissy thank you you're welcome buddy we are friends now of course try to open the door oh with this lever sure whoops a little bit hard again oh sorry come on i love it fine now [Music] [Music] i'm scared [Music] wait okay it's just a lever you have to fight it show it who's the real boss [Music] this is oh amazing now it's your turn [Music] you can do it [Music] show me who's in charge [Music] did it yay i knew you could do casey where is he where are you going wait go [Music] i need you you're my only friend in this place why did she leave do i smell bad or maybe she smells bad or maybe ah a message it's easy i can reinforce what i'm coming with friends [Music] casey you're here to help [Music] thank you don't worry it's just a tiny scratch no hug [Music] mommy left me all alone here without any friends i'm so bored who's there oh [Music] looks like a labyrinth i have to find my way out well it doesn't look that hard this will be a piece of cake he's the player whoa another one perfect who's there never mind [Music] wait i'm trying to tell you that i'm not yeah i did it [Music] it was stupid nobody likes me [Music] i'll go back to my spot again huh hey buddy player oh hold on i have a present i'll put it on you oh oh my god i love it you're welcome back i'm sorry for being a jerk not again oh i miss you so much mommy when are you coming home oh it's you let's find mommy who's there i wonder who he's screaming or today imagine it oh mommy i was looking for you oh we are gonna find mommy kiddo what where are we going where is mommy [Music] mommy you leave [Music] do you know where mommy is yes oh amazing how are you huh is everything all right kissy no mommy is there oh what's going on darling what have they done to you mommy answer me [Music] he destroyed our family i need to know who it is i need to get revenge and i'll get it it's so dark in here [Music] i shouldn't be here but this is so fun a tape maybe it goes there you can run but you can't hide a stupid kid to survive you have to run every time you see a cute puppy [Music] not so cute anymore couch what's with that ugly dog this should be easy or not i'm alive and then life smiles at me for now and i thought this was going to be fun yeah it's gonna eat me alive i knew it bye he looks cute though repair world i'm spiderman i know you're wandering around so i'll do what i do best running [Music] he's behind me isn't he i can't hear you breathing with sniffing me whoa getting into a narrow tube wasn't the best idea what here we go again yeah mommy that was i did it what it's a dead end what am i going to wha oh no it's here again help me lord of video games why am i not dying i'm scared uh he didn't kill me um he's not a monster hey do you want to be friends with me of course you do you're so cute this place is so fun there you are i was looking for you now where's the other part hmm what was that what is she hiding huh she's gone phil thank god can you stay still why is she like this [Music] [Laughter] it's pizza night and you know what goes well with pizza a good horror movie i made pizza i'm really hungry what can i eat oh no there's nothing i'm starving you want some oh good [ __ ] thank you poppy you are the best hey wake up oh oh i have to hide where are you cocky hiding is useless there you are vampire please don't uh [Music] it's you and me our album no it's stormy we're no friends anymore wait homemade pizza any last words it's me wanna try your pizza [Laughter] [Music] none of you six lazy monsters could kill player he fooled you like the freaks you are okay i'll show you how it's done she can't do this to us it's enough we can't keep letting her treating us like that she thinks she's so powerful but we are more than her we need to confront her together i don't even dislike that player he's kind of cool look at him he will need some help fine let's go then hello is somebody here whoa no no no no why are you chasing me the lever come it's out of charge out of charge this is your end no no no i'm gonna eat you while [Music] you have dropped [Music] huh [Music] [Music] i'm gonna eat you wait a door seriously come on hurry up [Music] why this gonna be a horror game are you ready [Music] [Music] wait a minute bye mommy wait don't look who's begging now huh no way you try to kill me several times today but it wasn't going to kill you for real i just wanted to play with someone okay fine thank you buddy you're too kind player i said to kind over [Music] daddy what did we talk about eating the players [Music] i'm sorry for that inconvenience pal nice meeting the pleasure's all mine let's go home oh i'm sorry i was too hard on you we are good now of course we are having chicken nuggets for dinner phew that was close let's go see kevin now you gotta be kidding [Music] i'm gonna play with someone i can't open this door and you fred to further yes it is i've gotta crush it go up here buddy and who is the bunny i think he's in trouble here comes one big hug [Music] here i come ah it's it's easy that's you wait what where is he i miss you i'm gonna get you [Music] no what are you doing bunny easy what were you thinking no i don't want to sink you around oh b i miss you casey who's there easy where are you easy i'll never stop missing you we'll meet soon buddy [Music] holy moly i'm late bye i love you it's nap time good dreams done [Music] that's my baby i'm back family house one little boy sewer boy who wants some snacks thank you [Music] [Music] to save our baby we only need this too very well to the laboratory the darling please help us get back here too late mommy no my my family what am i gonna do are you okay those those new players the only new thing is gonna be my revenge [Music] hey pop you wanted to talk to me oh jesus i have to find her huh you're such a great baby i gotta open the door easy peasy oh ow my head [Music] mommy mommy heard that miss poppy was going to just give you the training code who is that [ __ ] the game station is still working it will be just like old time what should i do [Music] what does she ever stop talking and mommy will get things started obey the rules or i'll tear you apart and eat your insulin deliciousness [Music] wait puppy you have to wait right here don't move okay [Music] [Music] bobby how are you doing bob what is this i'll do this quickly okay you're free now thank you don't mention it i have a surprise the code amazing ah but you're leaving aren't you don't be sad pop i'll never forget you it's working bye [Music] out of this factory once and for uh no stop player oh no my friend oh what the hell oh you're alive can i have something where did i hear the play car key we are gonna have so much fun it's so big how am i gonna get through stupid gate okay my hand there's no way oh hey shadow who's coming stay away who is it hi i'm kissy [Music] wow you're super cute easy you're super cute i wish i could pass but it's impossible what happened i can't open this gate oh you want to open it there's the lever i want a bus to hug you fine what easy what happened nice meeting you buddy izzy wait bye where are you going [Music] casey where are you where did you go [Music] ah a tall it's kissy i'll never forget you kissy okay stay focused i think we are pretty close to finding our lost brother we must keep looking for him finally we can meet after all those years wait is that when we first met yeah it is we take a bunch of pigs that's when you found a queen hand and we pride ourselves wait a sec who are those others they look like you are they like your family those are my my brothers it's been a while since i lost them i loved them and i still do we were inseparable what fun we used to have i miss them pretty much whoa oh don't feel bad i'm here now and we can play the new game wait what a game about me i'm with race cars of course i want to play keys here you go bro this is gonna be late are [Music] everything reminds me of them please no you [Music] it's you guys funny sunny and joe after all these years we are finally together [Music] ouch that hurt ah oh my god welcome it's time to go to home to home to be a family again and have fun like the old days thank you for being there all this time you're my best friend okay i guess this is goodbye take care of this place i'll never forget you love you bro wait doggy no cocky don't go oh no haggy take me with you don't leave me alone you can't leave me cubby you're my only friend my family my he already left he didn't think it twice i'm all alone now i don't have anyone left he's really gone [Music] we're here [Music] i think something's up with huggy i don't know maybe he missed player after all this time it's been haggy's friend i left him without telling him anything earlier i miss him i was his family rose we have huggy but he's not happy what should we do choose your brother to start playing hockey cards i can play by myself i i can do everything alone i don't need anyone to play with i don't need haggy of course not i'm lying i'm all alone again baby i don't know if i misunderstood you cookie are you playing hockey card can i play with you lucky cocky you're back over here come here i'm so sorry pete i don't know what i was saying about your brothers i thought you were never going to my brother player besides my brothers are here hey p huggy changed our mind i think we're gonna stay for a while that's amazing now i have my brothers do you want to play hacky cart yeah sure the pro of our bro is our bro you're not gonna win sunny you are not even close [Music] [Music] well who cares i'm gonna keep working [Music] he hates us i don't know what he's gonna do it's okay funny don't cry back wanna play we have new toys [Music] [Music] [Music] you need to go something is happening to us [Music] i think i lost them [Music] that was close oh what is this poster mommy wait hey you give me that stop give me my toy back now don't get closer oh no but this is for my friends stay back mommy i got enough go or you'll see [Music] wow [Music] i wonder what's on the other side oh a new plane to play with hi [Music] today i'm gonna finally beat player i've been practicing all night now where is that p is that his scrap pack but is this a player is dropped down there i have a new present for you a new backpack do you like it you can try working this out thank you mommy but i think we have to see if the present works sure yeah that's it it has to open come on work oh pee i hope you're still alive oh no what's going on [Music] last one [Music] fantastic thanks now that everything is done i think i'll be going [Music] be careful don't worry ah stop hiding i know where you are i love playing hide and seek enough mommy whoa let's go buddy [Music] this must never open never again hey buddy yeah yeah i can finally watch batman i've been waiting for months what low battery you know what should i do he was there hi yes you're right look this was the problem this is not bad man never mind thank you you're welcome i hope he likes it huh player player no get back uh i know your intentions don't try anything with my friend you need to be happy look he just pretend to be nice but he's pure i was just trying to protect you dinner's all ready now who's there i swear i saw something must be my magic are you sure he's gonna eat me i heard it was dinner time nope on gangnam style please he told me to stay back who's screaming is that you player no please [Music] don't touch him are you ready pete oh no player are you good step back don't touch him no you don't get it i told you to go now oh fine are you okay you don't get it look that red one in the floor is a bad guy yellow just help me look oh he protected us from the red evil huggie we need to thank him [Music] hey yellow i'm really sorry i misunderstood everything come here [Music] who's ready for dinner delicious thank you pug [Music] well cat makes dinner i'll need some potassium i got you player delicious and rich in nutrients now where was i that dork has no idea i'm here shh i don't want him to notice why are you not blue you're yellow me blue of course and the thing is i'm yellow now cause cause i uh yellow paint [Music] now of course i painted myself yellow because i wanted to look more like human oh that's so cute taggy i hope player likes chimichangas [Music] wait what who's that yellow me and why is player hugging that huggy he has a new friend oh the food is burning but hype [Music] [Music] this box is super big but i want to see what's behind [Music] would you help me yeah sure that's what friends do ready [Music] now let's see what this door is what is this for um okay let's see wow now my hand is green enough i'm getting hungry around hungry i guess i loaded a pizza no player i know something wasn't right i'll save him i have to hurry this feels amazing watch out that yellow hug is trying to eat you but if you're there then who is oh come on buddy give me another hug thank you bud you are mine [Music] you are alive buddy you too you have no idea what you're getting into you'll see me again that was weird this gun seems to be electrified and maybe if i put it here it's open a new place in the factory and a lot of new adventures well well what do we have here a new playmate it's been so long [Music] let's watch a movie i love hockey's show hi kids [Music] oh that's so cute who's there oh [Music] now [Music] is he laughing his face gotcha oh what you don't scare me don't you ever mess with i hey mean to make you cry it's just that i don't like beers oh um oh no i'm so scared [Music] i'm so sick of playing all alone it's so boring who's there i wonder what this does [Music] did i hear something never mind [Music] you can do it this is boring all this toys and no one to play with [Music] nice to meet you i live here i know we can play together oh i love that why did you do that i knew these hands would work for something see you guys [Music] which one should i pick i mean they're both cute or maybe they're both ugly doggy oh it's you are you alright oh i i need a hand it never gets old see you around [Music] come on die die take this dinosaur you're next why is he like that wait what is that hey videotape [Music] he doesn't remember me i don't think he ever will hope it's an old one oh it's me who's that he doesn't look nice oh no he took me away where did he go poor cocky all alone again everybody's making fun of him he must be feeling really alone missing all his friends i remember now i need to find hockey to tell him the truth cocky cocky it's me player where are you where could he be i have no idea huh my crew doggy [Music] i'll be good i promise this is one of my best bras best friends i finished and i love it what are they talking about i can't understand anything hey player hey guys [Music] sorry why are they hiding things from me they don't trust me but we were such good friends all those times we spent together all those times i was in the back hmm all those times i was alone [Music] all those times there were together and i was left behind all those times they had fun and i was bored in the back and that time they cosplayed together and i was a sad clown oh it's enough [Music] he sims here burn it all this is the last time they're gonna ignore me literally the last time hey you this is the here's my gift pleasure watch out it's too dangerous [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh man [Music] [Music] i never thought cooking this corrupted cookies will be so fun wait what if i that's it [Music] they're ready love cookies huh player play with your friends attack him i made cookies enjoy [Music] you're delicious love love cookies [Music] oh my god i'm so sorry it's okay poppy it's never too late to say sorry oh oh fine slowly slowly don't mess up i'm here a new friend to play with oh hi hi so wanna play um well where are you taking me [Laughter] [Music] one two three ready or not here i come where are i there you are i win but this always happens you scared him it was me no no no no bad kissy he's a friend but okay fine sorry little one for peace oh i know how about a new grab pack just for you oh thank you kissy now you are friends what why is it so silent all by myself oh it's charging a new friend okay goddamn hug breathe in breathe out yes is that a huggy hey what's up don't move it's not like you can [Music] now where do i begin i guess it was just my imagination there you are go hand open the door i'm getting good at this oh wait don't leave me alone well it will be a minute this goes here write a little bit of this and here it is i don't know how to read oh is somebody here if he sees me he's gonna freak out i wonder how high he is wait i'm not there oh my god he's not there what am i going to do i'm sorry i didn't mean i'm gonna die [Music] please help me [Music] almost finished that's it looking really good buddy oh friends you have to smile for the picture say cheese good one what a nice christmas card yeah i'm okay now take this puppy bye oh what's a long day is that for me let's see oh you shouldn't guys dinner's ready [Music] i hate the fireplace [Music] this is so dark is here to deliver a present you can stay for dinner come back i made cookies that was close you're crazy leave me alone wait i guess that hug is not getting his breath i'm hugging i'm so sorry i get too excited i guess i'm on the naughty list nope thank you it's what i asked for yes it is thank you santa [Music] here's the tv let's watch the movie come on a little bit that's it yay shrek oh there's the tv controller where's the key huh there we go that was cece where are you going huh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just wanted a friend huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you friends [Music] a new door i wonder where it goes oh kind of creepy who's there what the hmm well it was me i knew it you're always trying to scare me just like [Music] i got you with that one [Music] shut up first player now that stupid elmo all i want is peace [Music] don't be sad be sad i know what to do she won't be able to scream to us if she can come here one more there i'm such a genius time to play so maybe we can [Music] oh watch have to die [Laughter] [Music] i warn you [Laughter] [Music] oh it's never gonna stop it's taking over me [Music] oh whoa he's super tall and cute nice huh cracky see you later i have a new friend they have some good movies here i love hornstrom [Music] oh oh creepy i think i'm scared now uh is someone there my imagination [Music] hey where did he go never mind ah an album it's about huggy oh he's so sweet i wonder what he's doing now wait what is that oh why is he crying shaggy it's okay wanna play you're my friend now [Music] that's weird oh i remember yay oh my god and you got it it's perfect grab ouch that hurts huh hey who are you i need help [Music] don't be rude the monster is gonna kill me i was just trying to help [Music] i have an idea he is it was my fault i appeared too soon [Music] what is going on take this you monster stop are you crying play your hurt hockey cocky needs hugs this thing is gone [Music] need help sure thank you but you were rude oh i'm so sorry it's okay paul
Channel: Hornstromp Fingers
Views: 8,699,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Chibi vs Finger, anime chibi fnf, chibi fnf, fnf vs finger, anime chibi fnf vs finger, anime chibi sky, chibi boyfriend, boyfriend vs finger, finger vs fnf, finger vs friday night funkin, cute friday night funkin, chibi friday night funkin, anime chibi finger, anime chibi friday night funkin, poppy playtime
Id: p5tebXV2fMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 0sec (3900 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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