Birth to Death πŸ§β€β™€οΈ GIRL Edition 100 Years Life Simulator NEW UPDATE

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happy day i'm glad welcome to jurassic park to the 100 years challenge i'm going to try to live for 100 years and this time it's as a girl this is a new update with new endings and i'm real excited some of the content is the same but some of it is very very different we got our girl here she's a cutie and she's ready to go one year old oh i can already tell this is gonna be the best life ever why does it say invite her for lunch or get rich what obviously i'm gonna get rich what are you talking about what is going on what are these options why would a one-year-old be inviting people for lunch my origin is the same but my end is going to be very different i do not want to be abducted by aliens and die in space this time that is not happening we're going to live a good full life and i want to see this character as an old lady we're growing yes i'm officially an infant i'm an infant here we go five years old why does it keep saying invite her for lunch and get rich the girl side of this update is like slightly bugged but i'm definitely going to go with the boy i'm gonna be a little flirt this time eight years old i've got some bread it's moldy i'm gonna call 911 because i don't think it's right that that guy sold a little girl such as me a terrible piece of bread and they they brought the helicopter and everything that's what you get i'm already a little rat as you can tell but i have to protect my papaw from getting sick we're still inviting her to lunch or getting rich what is going on hey friends how are you i'm gonna wander around all right so get out of my way i know how to speedrun this because i've done this before so we're getting to the juice right quick i'm going to go and ask the spirits do i invite her to lunch or get rich is this a new option that i really have to be thinking of to the point where the game is forcibly making me think about it even since birth hello big rock i want fortune thank you so much i really appreciate you taking the time to stay okay we're gonna do that again so i wished for enlightenment it's my only option and hopefully i live an enlightened and blessed life i'm growing up 11 years old that's a big kid coming across a girl who's getting teased and i'm gonna have to make a decision here do i laugh at her or help her out i did just ask for enlightenment so i'm going to help her out then i'm going to invite her to lunch or get rich we'll see sometimes in life you don't want to assert dominance at things that you're not good at because that's just cocky and there's nothing to back it up but i'm asserting dominance here in something that i was trained for you got owned thank you so much i like this life path a lot now i know that when you become a teenager in this game it gets really dicey and weird and like i wear a bikini to the movies i wonder if any of that's going to change this is a crossroads so let's just make sure we make the right decision here hey kira want to hang out tomorrow kira do i say no or sure i don't know sure why not i don't want to miss out where do you want to go the amusement park on your dime thank you really appreciate that i like corn dogs i like cotton candy i don't like candy apples but i like looking at them so i'll take one of those and i need you to win me a toy this is new a brand new path take me to the amusement park it looks gorgeous oh my goodness yeah oh the merry-go-round a great place to start nice and romantic those little things i get a little dizzy but okay sure uh we could have sat next to each other but we don't know each other like that just yet the roller coaster oh oh i'm scared but here we go oh and it's empty and we're in the front we're a little dizzy lucky i didn't eat before this oh the ferris wheel so romantic with the fireworks oh what a great sixteenth seventeen getting up there i don't wanna sound like my mom but you're not getting any younger graduated here we go seventeen again okay so we had two big momentous occasions because i need to make a big decision here it's weird how if i go this way i grow up immediately and if i go the other way i don't i wonder why that is okay so this is gonna be the schoolyard where that guy with the afro tries to make a move on me but i have a boyfriend do i stay loyal i mean he took me to the amusement park all on his dime i'm gonna go ahead and reject this idiot he's creepy too like i did not ask for him to make those butterfly hands i did not ask for him to make those heart hands he is making me giggle though because i like the attention that being said i did not ask for that you're disgusting get out of my way i'm gonna throw you in the pool ah and i grow up quicker is it because i'm making more grown-up decisions this time here we go 18 yes long hair too ooh i'm looking in the mirror i'm not sure if i like what i see oh no oh i know what i do if i wear that bikini i'm going to wear it everywhere and now they make you watch an ad if you want to wear the bikini i'm going to go plain i feel comfortable oh hey new roommate how are you my new roommate loves to party another big decision all right here we go i'm working away on my essay i'm trying to graduate trying to graduate with honors and my roommate's like totally into me i was gonna say i think that maybe like what about my boyfriend but that was when i was 16 like i don't know if i'm still into that i'm gonna say sorry because i think she's coming on too strong i'm sorry leave me bae leave me now i feel like i can do all the grown-up things that i've always wanted to do like go on a hike now i know for a fact we're going for danger because it's going to turn out really great ah the rainbow [Music] okay i'm in the bikini just for the pool and there is a cute lifeguard there love him love him a lot i'm wearing my shoes in the pool it's the new thing the kids are doing i'm gonna keep swimming i don't know if i need his attention that bad like i'm already wearing heels in the pool oh my goodness i gotta pretend i'm i can't swim why must i always dumb myself down to attract the boys okay we're being saved thank god giving me some cpr just like i wanted and i'm i'm telling him right now you're mine a mark in my territory 24 i'm getting up in age so quick i'm coming home to my roommates and they want to party all night long which i really can't do because final exams are coming up i'm very tempted because that's the lifeguard i need to study i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm finally graduating do you remember everything you learned here yes what's the square root of negative 9 3i get me out of here 26 i'm almost 30. all right the alarm is ringing oh this is where i see if i'm about to drive or not i'm gonna have to wear the bikini to my driver's test i can't be good all the time hi piano guess who's back it's you girl hi are you feeling shy well don't watch how i drive too much it's a stop sign of course i'm gonna stop i don't wanna crash i'm trying to get old i'm trying to live to be a hundred okay we've got a big jerk behind us i'm gonna pull over so he can be a jerk by himself and that's what we call karma i'm 27 years old here comes a big decision i'm nervous i'm sweating do i become a firefighter or do i work at a nightclub i'm gonna be a firefighter i'm gonna be a firefighter because i've seen the gentleman's club and i didn't like it invite the cat to lunch or get rich take your pick okay i'm out here saving cats i'm gonna jump down it must be really really hard to swim in those heavy heavy clothes i don't know if you've ever worn a fireman's outfit before but that is heavy i'm strong though i work out there you go i'm looking for a boyfriend he doesn't seem to care 29 here we go house is on fire let's invite her to lunch i think oh okay so i know how this works it's too late not the best decision but sometimes we have to make sacrifices alarms popping off what now oh there's my dad i still live with him hey kira i cooked you breakfast oh dad oh jeez oh god oh geez i'm eating i love my dad very much i'm eating his breakfast hi let's talk let's bond let's have a good time together i'm living a blessed life where the heck were you today your teammate got injured because of your no-show you don't deserve this job you're fired oh oh dear yeah woohoo indeed you know what it was worth it i love my dad more than anything maybe at 32 i can make a decision to get a better job here i am at home oh earthquake earthquake under the table duh you go under things during an earthquake hopefully you're under something too dad all right 32 let's get it one of those decisions you die young which one is that i'm walking down the street minding my own business i see a pet shop okay i think it's a dog a cat or a penguin whoa they got spiders now a dog a chihuahua oh gee oh they got all sorts of pets these days he looks pretty cute i'm not getting the penguin i'm getting the golden retriever cause what's a penguin gonna do when the knife wielding maniac comes out nothing give me your money bark rover get him rip his arm off this is what you trained for what a good investment uh oh i don't like the way that looks i was hoping to go left and not right it's nighttime i'm going camping all by myself okay so this right here is the part where i got stuck doing the macarena with aliens for the rest of eternity but i have a feeling they added a different ending this time hello you're very futuristic i'll invite you to lunch i like your cute little dances should i follow them i don't think i can kill them but i'm going to try i really don't like where they lead me get out of my life you guys yes just leave thank you thank you oh okay so my hands are tied my hands are tied i have to go with them is this all because i didn't choose a damn penguin all right i'm following you i'm skeptical why do i feel like any decision i would have made would have led me to these aliens and their messed up plans oh a crossroads right here okay all right alien man is giving me a little chat he's trying to get me to make a decision should i let him destroy earth the answer is absolutely not no absolutely no you're not doing that absolutely not i don't care how much you want to they didn't do it i have somewhere to come home to please let me go home if you let me go home i'll invite you to lunch i'm going to kill him because i have earth to go home to this time will it work i'm killing all of them all of them not all of them hi i'm your new queen i know i'm the best i need to go right and not left i can't die instantly 35 years old here we go we are going to the ring planet no might have to redo that decision but let's see if there's anything new about it first you stupid idiots you dancing idiots hey guys we come in peace we really do i killed half of our crew for reasons unknown and with that let us dance and there we go all right here's my tombstone this is the ending we got last time we're not doing that again absolutely not no all right we are job hunting now i'm going to make the alternate decision i'm going to work the night instead of the day and the night all right here we go this is my new outfit that i like to wear i'm looking cute i'm wearing a little wig and we are officially going another way oh dad hey kira i cooked at dinner oh no do i want to get fired i can't dad i can't i can't i'm so sorry oh i'm so sorry burgers and fries too they looked so good now here i am making my money i feel like for the guy update they did so many different things and for the girl update they just added her dancing this is the hospital your dad has been sent to the er no your dad had a heart attack we tried our best i'm sorry no bro okay well we're definitely staying for lunch i'm staying i'm eating i should have done it before i'll never forsake you again and the betty here i'm sure she'll take over well they're calling the manager on her what is this we want kira where is she i don't know she could be eating lunch with her dad oh and they're beating him up i'm so fired i am so fired what happened say no more don't come back ever oh dear no you need to stop cheering your life as a disaster they added those cut scenes but did they add an extra way out i'm gonna take you guys to the end and we're gonna check if there's an alternate ending so the aliens are here i have to follow them i feel like whether we blow up the world or not is inconsequential but i'm not gonna blow it up just in case because we're gonna try the rocky and we're not letting you destroy earth i'm gonna not kill them maybe they'll drop me off at home okay i have to kill them you're starting to corner me game our only feasible choice is to go to this other planet not the one with a ring around it and hope for a different outcome if there isn't a different outcome then they updated the boy side so much and they completely slept on the girls side give me something new it's still the same dude no we're invading them because we joined them last time oh and it's the outcome is still the same please cause an explosion so big that i go back to earth i'm cheese the guy ending like you get to go to an island and live the island life of your dreams or you go home and you go to the hospital you get a diagnosis for the girls you just die no matter what you choose in life you only can live with the aliens and die and dance with them i can't believe it well guys i hope that you enjoyed this video i hope that there was enough in the update to make it worth watching i feel like there was a lot of new content but definitely not enough if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,460,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, life simulator, birth to death, 100 years, 100 years life simulator, 100 years all levels, 100 years tablet, 100 years app, free games, lets play, 100 years game, life simulator game, 100 years life simulator walkthrough, app game, mobile game, free app game, free life simulator, android game, iphone game, iphone app game, android app game
Id: aqW5rGRz8CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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