Birth to Death 👶 Girl with an ENEMY in Bitlife

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oh no my mother is suffering from constipation why do I'm sorry why is that any of my business your father's suffering from flatulence how am I gonna live if my mom can't poo and my dad farts too much happy dance and today I am healthy glue and by that I mean I'm gonna live a healthy life I'm gonna live a hundred years okay that hair is not what I wanted at all I was born a female in Los Angeles United States I was conceived after my mother duped to my father by poking holes in the protection I'm pretty healthy pretty happy looking pretty good my smarts is absolute doo-doo but I don't need smarts to live long after playing all morning your mother says you need to drink something and ask what sounds good okay so do I want a glass of milk some apple juice some water or some prune juice guess what I'm into health I'm into being regular yeah I'm only a year old but I want that prune juice I want to crap and fart hey yo do a new friend a little girl named Desiree wants to become your friend she's a year older than me even though it's only one year I feel like she's gonna be a bad influence I'm gonna reject her fine your mother is taking you to get vaccinated I'm gonna try to stay calm because I am into Health thank you Namaste I'm starting Elementary School it's too bad that my smarts is only three percent your classmate Carly wants to become your friends she's a classmate you know we could be Study Buddies we're in the same class we're the same age I'm gonna become friends with her while playing in the neighborhood your friend Carly tells you to fake a fall on your neighbor's driveway because then you can sue them for lots of money okay so I'm stupid right I need this money to like live my long life and to like afford my Whole Foods groceries so I'm gonna do it because I'm stupid oh no kids being mean to me Kyra Skelton that totally sounds like a mean girl name I'm gonna report her to the principal I'm a tattletail your classmate Joshua just flipped her desk over while your teacher Mrs shaft stepped out of the room what do you do I'm going to report him with a principal I'm a child nobody likes me I have no friends at all a kid from your neighborhood tells you she received a board game called Candyland as a birthday gift and confesses she doesn't really want it I mean heck yeah I'm gonna play a fun board game my smart is now in the green we might actually live oh I just saw my mom Velma Gloom cheating on my dad on her phone on one hand I really want to tell my dad because he deserves to know the truth on the other hand what if I don't live as long because I'm in this crazy home with the parents are always fighting I'm gonna pretend I didn't see anything your parents are concerned about your eyesight and are taking you to okay I know I know I can't see oh no oh dear oh shoot uh what am I doing I can't see okay what glasses do I want uh those are no no no no no no no no no no okay these are these ones aren't bad I got my first period what do I do do I tell my best friend my mom or keep it a secret mom oh no my mother is suffering from constipation why do I'm sorry why is that any of my business like hello why is my help um why are we still here there's a lot of things in this life that I do want to know because I want to live a long time this is something that I really genuinely just didn't need to know but thank you so much your father's suffering from flatulence how am I gonna live if my mom can't poo and my dad farts too much you have an opportunity to attend a pool party that one of your friends is throwing what do you do go fully clothed stay home and read or go in a new fashionable swimsuit I'm gonna go fully clothed because I don't want any sun damage on my skin I want to I'm I'm just trying to protect myself okay that's all I'm trying to do out here I'm even filming a video in a hat I I cannot I'm right by a window cannot get burned do I want to drive no I don't want to drive because drive is dangerous first kiss you have an opportunity to have your first kiss with a boy from your class named Tucker Mayer he is not cute at all I'm gonna kiss him but definitely no tongue oh he hated it I graduated from high school I'm gonna take some time off my cat died at the age of 20 though that's pretty good oh no okay so I can enlist in the military no I'm gonna die if I do that I'm gonna go to Universe I got rejected okay that's just perfect I'm just gonna get a job as a oh I'm not qualified for any of these what's like the safest thing I can a baker that'd be really cute while being interviewed for the baker position at finger well and Sons you were asked the following questions what are you looking for in a new position are you harassing me a chance to advance my career lots of vacation time or a chance to learn new skills a chance to learn new skills I'm a baker and I can boost my happiness a friend invites you to work in a community garden while the weather is nice of course I'll bring knee pads I'm the kind of girl that wears knee pads to work in a garden your best friend Carly is having a reunion and invites you to bake something extra special for the event well girl I am the finest Baker ever but I will not do buttered muffins because there's too much butter on those sweet things I'm gonna do banana cakes because that just sounds disgusting and it sounds healthy you've been coughing so hard the last few days that your chest is starting to hurt additionally your nasal passages have been extremely congested lately ah I'm just trying to live why can't I live I'm going to the doctor okay I have the common cold please treat me okay I'm cured one day after work your co-workers invite you out for a strawberry daiquiri drinking bad for you but I've heard that one glass of wine a day can actually be good for your heart a daiquiri isn't really a wine but I need to laugh I need to love I need to be happy I'm gonna do it oh no now my friends want me to go partying with them clubbing I'm yeah I'm gonna go dance the night away it's gonna cardio I hated it ooh a guy named Winston asks if he can have my number he's 26 Winston Kardashian Kardashian I'm going in I mean we both had a really good time your supervisor wants you to do four more hours a week of unpaid overtime I can't I can't overwork myself like the stress is gonna kill me I can't do that your friend Harper has tickets to Chance the Rapper and invites you to go with her let's go that'd be fun I hated it huh stop a lady named Layla wants to become your friend oh she's great she's good looking she's smart she's not crazy Layla I would love that you've been laid off I worked for them 11 years I never got a raise and I got fired because I want to have a healthy work-life balance decided to make you her enemy stress my happiness is plummeting you're relaxing on your couch when your enemy Harper's fiance Caesar shows up at your door wearing a hot costume you I'm definitely gonna hook up with him I need the happiness oh I hated it but it helped my happiness a little bit I needed that sorry Harper your friend Layla has unfriended you oh no I have no friends I'm gonna try to salvage it your enemy Harbor substituted your orange juice with a water and Kraft mac and cheese powder mixture I'm gonna laugh it off you win a raffle for a free weekend staycation at a four-star Resort including a City Pass okay I have a feeling I'm gonna live a long time girl you receive a box in the mail from your enemy Harper and open it to discover a voodoo doll with your likeness with a long sharp needle piercing the Torso do I throw it in the trash but that's like throwing myself in the trash I have to pull the needle my cheating mom just sent me a disgusting text that she meant to send to another man that is not my father you know what I think it's time I do the right thing to tell my Dad I'm trying to live forever but like this has been going on for decades my parents have divorced great oh no father has a disease oh I've got a lot of stuff in the family got hemorrhoids constipation Alzheimer's oh my happiness is zero on your way to the airport an old hag calls you a draggle draggle I'm gonna forgive her for the good of the city oh I'm so sad what do I do I need to go clubbing I need to be happy should I drink whiskey I can't that's too crazy for me while at a Pink Floyd concert a security guard takes you backstage to meet everybody what are you gonna do I need to have a deep conversation like okay that gave me 16 happiness that was exactly what the doctor ordered but I needed more a love interest a male you met while out running asked you on a date okay so he's not very smart just like me he doesn't really have money I have 100K saved up from when I was baking and I've lived with my parents actually this entire time so I haven't had rent or really that many expenses I'm gonna start dating this guy that's some kind of a risk but let's give it a go uh quality time your boyfriend Ryan wants to take you to send postcards to distant relatives okay whoa this Ryan guy is making me so happy this is really good my mom died I'm gonna be so sad I'm gonna plan her funeral oh no it's gonna cost money um I think for real oh my goodness I inherited 1.2 million dollars mom you were you had butt problems but I've never seen an inheritance this crazy in this game oh my status got updated to independently wealthy whoa I'm a millionaire oh my goodness Ryan's sack has an itchy butt I inherit my mom's money and my boyfriend inherited my mom's butt oh no my dad died too I'm gonna get him taxidermied and put on my couch I hundred thousand dollars my boyfriend Ryan proposed to me with an a .82 carat diamond ring at a jazz concert I've never had a boyfriend in this game that actually like completed me and made my life good I'm accepting his proposal there's a Tony Robbins motivational Center okay I guess I'll go to him I'm gonna be one of those old ladies who's going to motivational seminars to make myself happy but it gave me 30 that's pretty cute your fiance Ryan is demanding you get married he's starting to think that you have cold feet what do you do okay we were together for nine years he made me really happy I have two million dollars I'm gonna do a really expensive country club wedding in Disneyland twenty thousand we can afford that easy if you're thinking about whether you should make your fiance sign a prenup I feel like even if he took half I would still have a million dollars left and I don't want him to like leave me and like it destroy my happiness like I'm trying to live to 100 and happiness is one of the most important things in this game what if he cheats on me though I have like baggage issues because of my mom cheating oh I don't know what to do um surprise me I I can't I can't guess oh I made him sign a prenup your fiance refused to sign the prenup oh your fiance Ryan is arguing with you because you tried to make him sign a prenup I need to not be stressed I'm gonna argue back oh no my happiness okay can I take Ryan for ice cream or something Ryan I'm gonna give him a compliment my fiance wants to break up with me oh no it was going so well and then I tried to make him sign a prenup I think it's because he really thought that I was like his everything and I got scared no no no no no no no no your enemy Harper has invited you to do illegal things I'm gonna die if I do no you've been experiencing dull pains in your ear for the last couple of days no I'm concerned I'm gonna go to a doctor what's wrong with my ears okay I've got a middle ear infection let's treat that your best friend Carly calls you while you're sleeping and says she's on the side of the road with a flat tire needs her help I'm going to help her I need connections with people okay that helped my happiness my looks are really going down the drain your enemy Harper signed you up for a subscription to cranes magazine leave me alone Harper why do I have an enemy your enemy Harper started a rumor that you were held back in third grade for two years I'm 63 years old why would that matter I'm denying it while sitting in the hot tub next to your friend Carly your best friend she confides in you that she's been experiencing some problems with incontinence lately maybe you should do better eating habits like change your lifestyle around like me I've never cracked my pants before and my mom cracked her pants all the time your enemy Harper called you from a blocked number and pretended to be a government official okay you know what I'm gonna do I'm going to insult Harper because she won't leave me alone I'm trying to live a long life okay so a new friend Hillary wants to be my friend she's very smart not crazy that seems like a low risk thing some of your friends are eating chocolate covered bacon that sounds really good okay so on one hand it's unhealthy but on the other hand I feel like the happiness from this chocolate covered bacon is going to make me live a couple more years I'm doing it oh that made me so happy but I now have E coli that is really really bad I need to go to the doctor um I need to go to a doctor doctor help oh no no no no no no no no no I don't want to meditate I do not want to meditate I want to see a doctor right now give me a doctor Dr Dalton I need treatment for this E coli thank you okay oh okay your enemy Harper started a rumor that you were adopted from Saudi Arabia no I wasn't adopted from Saudi Arabia my parents worked in Saudi Arabia your ex-boyfriend Ryan wants to get back together with me I mean maybe I should wanting to get a prenup with someone is essentially saying I don't think this is forever so I can see where Ryan is coming from I'm gonna try to get back together with him my happiness is so good he just died that's not good you hear a plane buzzing above your house and go outside to discover your enemy Harper has paid an airplane Banner that reads healthy Gloom is a gas Factory that's my mom not me I'm just trying to celebrate my 80th birthday I'm almost there I'm almost 100 years old I'm gonna ignore it Harper you spent your entire life just stalking me your enemy Harper toilet papered your home Harper you're 80. how can you even throw a roll of toilet paper your enemy Harper shaved your head while you were sleeping can I at least like call the police I have been turning the other cheek my entire life I'm 85 years old I'm gonna laugh it off I guess your enemy Harper just texted you pictures showing her middle finger with the caption you're a douche that's it I'm returning the favor I just can't even stand this woman anymore like my stress your enemy Harper started a rumor that you were accidentally Switched at Birth but After figuring out the truth 20 years later and you decided that you never wanted to meet your actual parents I can't stand this anymore I'm starting a rumor about her back to me the one time I don't turn the other cheek a grandmother named Tia wants to become my friend she's smart not crazy at all hideously ugly I don't see any threat whatsoever you woke up with a mild fever but coincidentally you've also had a constant urge to urinate I gotta go to the doctor gotta go to the doctor now Dr Springer's reputation looks good kidney stones please treat me please what I still have kidney stones I gotta go to the doctor Justice because Dr Springer didn't do anything to treat me 90. your best friend Carly died oh no my happiness if what if I skipped the funeral okay if I skip the funeral it keeps me a little bit more happy which is like kind of messed up but you gotta do what you gotta do you're out of town hall meeting and you are asked what you think the town should focus on what can make me live longer fix the noise pollution I need peace and quiet because my enemy picks on me constantly it's all she ever does my enemy passed away ah wait why didn't my happiness go up from that some of your friends were eating steak tartare We join them I'm 96 years old I cannot risk it I cannot risk it I'm sorry I can't risk the E coli I'm almost there no how do I know I'm 98 years old bro she would do the right thing even when no one was looking but wait how did I die no no I have never lived a more straight and narrow life in my entire life and I died at 98. I was trying to learn to honor oh I 100 blame my enemy I need it I think I needed the enemy to live I died like the year after my enemy oh no I mean that's just really unfortunate I oh my goodness I need to go lay down I can't believe this I hope that you guys enjoyed this 100 Year challenge haven't played bit life in a while and wow that's a lot of new content I hope you enjoyed this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 971,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, life simulator, birth to death, 100 years, 100 years life simulator, 100 years all levels, 100 years tablet, 100 years app, free games, lets play, 100 years game, life simulator game, app game, mobile game, free app game, free life simulator, android game, iphone game, iphone app game, android app game, bitlife, bitlife 100 years, bitlife walkthrough, bitlife challenge, bitlife update
Id: 4vdg7gzKVdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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