Paella on the Grill

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hey everybody i'm chef tom with and this is paella on the grill so paella it's this beautiful dish the national dish of spain that consists of an array of vegetables and all kinds of different proteins that bomba rice it all comes together in one giant pan it's like the ultimate one pot meal but it's it's beautiful it's a beautiful dish and we're gonna cook it on the grill today now there's a ton of ingredients so let's just take a look at what we're working with so like i said quite a spread one thing that we've got to have is that bomba rice that short grain rice we've got some san marzano tomatoes a little wine we've got this vegetable stock we're going to infuse with our saffron and then the veggies some peas some green beans we've got some peppers onions parsley garlic all good things and then proteins we've got some mussels clam shrimp and chicken so a lot of knife work to do before we get started and we need to get that grill going so let's start over there today we're cooking over charcoal on the yoder smokers adjustable flat top grill so i'm going to get a couple chimneys a lump fired up you get a little starter cube going underneath the charcoal we'll wait until these coals are red hot before we dump them out our onions we're gonna take down to small dice and we want about three cups next we've got some sweet peppers we're just gonna slice these up all right so after a cup and a half of our peppers we're going to do a cup and a half of green beans but just trim off the stem ends and slice those down just a little bit now we've got some garlic about six good sized cloves here we're gonna get these peeled and just give them a rough chop all right so now we have some cured spanish chorizo you're gonna dice this down as well about a cup of it we're gonna move on to our raw chicken now i just want to cut this into strips so these should be just about the size that when you go to take a bite that's just not too much just the right amount for one bite all right charcoal's ready to dump it's a lot of heat so now knowing my cooking zones i'm kind of going to do like an upside down l here we'll keep the heat here and here i'm going to have to have a couple of pots on here we'll have the paella pan on this side and a pot with our stock staying warm in the back corner all right slide our grate back into place we're gonna get some vegetable stock here in the stob add two quarts of our vegetable stock as well as a good pinch of saffron so we'll let that warm in the back corner and then we'll throw our 15 inch lodge season steel right over the rest of our coals i'm going to lower those down just a little bit all right so we're going to close this up just to preheat a little bit the thing that's unique about this grill is that we can raise and lower that coal bed to adjust the amount of heat that we're getting on the pan now the idea generally is you need it hot but not so hot that you're going to scorch your rice in the end really it's probably a medium to medium-high heat whatever that looks like on your grill all right we're going to kick this off by adding about a quarter cup of olive oil to our skillet add the chorizo the chicken and the onion i also want to get that seasoned up with some spanish smoked paprika and some smoked salt [Applause] so at this point we're going to let some of that fat render out of the chorizo and we're looking to get our onions kind of softened up start to look a bit translucent before we go to the next step all right this is looking really good yeah getting some fat rendered out of there onions are getting there let's go ahead and throw in our garlic give that a good 30 to 60 seconds all right now we're going to add in our green beans and our peppers it was moving around just a little bit as soon as we get these mixed in also going to add to the mix our tomatoes so this is like half a can of the san marzano tomatoes break these up just a little bit then we're going to bring in our wine using a nice dry white wine one about one cup and then we're going to give it some time to reduce down i'm just going to kind of eyeball it all right so we're going to let that reduce let all those flavors reduce but these veggies start to soften all right well we've given this about 15 minutes now as you can see that liquid is not filling in too quickly behind my spoon so that's where we want it get that wine and that tomato all reduced down now we're ready for our bomba rice just kind of spread this around evenly this is one pound of rice we're adding roughly kind of going to be the last bit of agitation we do for a while now because this rice is going to sit and cook in place and start to form a bit of a crust around the bottom so obviously we're going to need some liquid to get this rice cooked and that's why we've got our veggie stock off to the side here with the saffron threads i'm just gonna pour that right over the top of everything and this should just about fill up our pan so now we can kind of just leave this undisturbed close it up and let that rice cook now we're going to have some shrimp going on here in a little bit i'm just going to season them up a little bit with some olive oil a little lemon juice salt and pepper and those can sit just like that for the next 10 or 15 minutes as the rice cooks so this is what about 10 minutes in looks like and you can see that our liquids almost gone but this rice here i'm gonna take a little taste they're not soft enough yet so we need to add a little bit more liquid just to make sure that we get all the way there without scorching the bottom and the flavor is incredible already though that's exciting you can prevent this a little bit by putting some foil over the top during this part but we're gonna fix it up by just adding a little bit more water all right well our rice is fully softened i'm just going to continue to add just a little bit of liquid because now we're going to get our seafood in here brought the coals a little bit higher to help form that silk rat crust on the bottom it's a hard thing to achieve and i don't get it right every time but playing around with this is the way to do it we're going to add some peas as well those will take no time at all to warm up but we've got some muscles you just want to make sure they're still alive see that one's still it's closing and what we're going to do with those is just kind of nestle them in down like that we've also got some shrimp that we want to lay right here on top this is the stuff that we just started sort of putting that little marinade simple marinade about 15 minutes ago just gonna push those right into the top of the rice we need to leave a little bit of room here because we also have some little neck clams to add so same thing as the mussels i'm just kind of going to push those down that way as these open up they kind of open up into the liquid into the flavors and it works its way right into the shell there that big guy right in the center so the goal here is basically to get all of our shellfish and our shrimp shellfish opening up and shrimp kind of opaque cooked through while we're also forming up a bit of a crust on the bottom that silke rot give this just a touch more liquid and then we're going to close the lid up and let it work all right guys well as you can see pretty much all of the clams and mussels have popped open the shrimp is opaque all the way through to the center so that's fully cooked and we're starting to get nice crust formed on the bottom that soak her up so we are ready to pull this off the grill so it's okay to give your paella a few minutes to just kind of rest it's not going to lose all of its heat in fact it kind of helps form that crust a little bit on the outside we do have a few finishing touches to add so we're going to do that now want to hit the top of this with some parsley some nice greenery and we've got all these wonderful flavors including tomato in here it's a very rich dish they can use just a little something to help brighten it up so a little bit of lemon for serving is ideal [Music] plate some up here get some of the mussels some shrimp you know that rice and chorizo scrape the bottom for a little bit of that soca wrap oh man what great flavors i love the way that stock melds together with the tomatoes all those veggies they're so creamy and that's not rice just the texture that that rice makes is incredible i get some of this muscle here i'm gonna use it to scoop up some of the other goodness oh yeah i love it a little bit of land a little bit of sea in here the chicken looks great melt in your mouth such a great dish so fulfilling from so many different angles it's like you took everything great on the plate mix it together into this one incredible thing great job spain well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoy the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments or there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to the sauce all things barbecue where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 37,735
Rating: 4.9351654 out of 5
Keywords: atbbq, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, grill, grilling, grilled, seafood, chicken, mussels, shrimp, clams, clam, little neck, rice, bomba, arborio, Spain, Spanish, Yoder Smokers, Yoder, smoker, charcoal, chef tom, the sauce, recipe, how to, lodge
Id: gjQgQFoVp64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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