Chicken Shawarma

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hey everybody i'm chef tom with and this is chicken shawarma well shawarma is one of those classic middle eastern dishes chicken shawarma especially really popular here in the states but it's popular all around the world consists of thin slices of seasoned meat stacked on top of one another on a vertical spit that rotates and you kind of just shave these thin layers off little by little as the outside gets that great texture and as that meat gets cooked so today we're making chicken shawarma we're using chicken thighs have been marinated overnight in a paste that we're getting ready to make here in just a moment and we don't have a vertical spit so we're going to be using a horizontal one we'll be cooking on the napoleon p500 with that rear burner that infrared burner just toasting up the outside of our shawarma of our chicken as we shave it off little by little and enjoy it for a couple hours time so we're going to kick it off here with our marinade paste that the chicken's going to be soaking in overnight we're going to start with three quarters of a cup of nice quality extra virgin olive oil all right so we're going to call that three quarters of a cup there we're going to add a half cup of minced garlic next we're going to add a half cup of tomato paste this is kind of our flavored base right here now we're going to add a little bit more acidity to that with a quarter cup of white wine vinegar these things are going to help to kind of tenderize the meat as well as add flavor and then speaking of flavor for our flavor base we just need something with some good salt pepper garlic content so we're going with killer hogs texas brisket rub and then we're going to add some spices to doctor this up so we'll go with a generous quarter cup of our flavor base and then we're adding those extra spices so a couple tablespoons here have smoked paprika a tablespoon of cumin tablespoon of coriander and a tablespoon of oregano and then we're just going to brighten it all up with the zest and juice of one lemon so we're just taking off that outer layer of the lemon just the yellow part really aromatic and that can go straight in there just do this over the sieve here to catch any seeds and then one last thing that i almost forgot i'm gonna add a little warmth to all this but just a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon yes all right so now we're just gonna throw this in the vitamix and blitz it up [Applause] let me give that a taste that's got some intense flavor to it and we're gonna drive all of that flavor right into those chicken thighs as we marinate them overnight now this is one of those situations where if you don't have an overnight amount of time to marinate your chicken thighs and give it what you have if you've got a couple hours that's what you got you're gonna get a couple hours worth of flavor out of it but if you really want maximum results overnight's the way to go so here we have about four four to five pounds of boneless skinless chicken thighs i've trimmed these up just to make sure there's no bones or anything left behind and then we're just going to hit this with our flavor paste and we want to get all surfaces coated so just going to get in there with our hands and get dirty now you could throw this in a bag if you like i feel like the easiest thing that i like to do is just to throw it into the briner bucket and let it sit in the fridge overnight until the next day and we did that yesterday luckily so we don't have to wait and i'll show you here in just a moment what it looks like well this is our chicken that's been marinating overnight if we look at the surface you can tell that chemically not a ton is changed on the surface which is good we don't want to start cooking it before we start cooking it but we have had plenty of time to really force that flavor into the chicken all right so here's our spit rod we're going to try and put this right in the center of our spit rod which means we need to get our forks in here to lock everything in place and then we're going to kind of book in all of this chicken with some onion so we'll start by going right through the center of half an onion here and lock that down then we're just going to come in piece by piece with our chicken right in the center same thing over and over again slightly rotating the chicken so you get as uniform a shape as possible and of course all the flavor is coming from this marinade paste that we made we're not getting rid of that we're leaving it right on there last one here and then cap it off with another onion half squeeze it down tight get that other fork in place there we go all right now i haven't fired up the napoleon yet just to make sure that we kind of have a safe place to get this positioned without burning ourselves but i'm going to slide this into the rotisserie over here and then we just want to make sure that we lock this in that way our spit doesn't fall down and then today we're going to be cooking with the heat from the rear burner back here the infrared all right so firing up the rear burner we're also going to go with these two center burners right underneath and that's because as this stuff drips down onto these burners it's going to flare back up in the form of flavor all right so we'll flip that on we've got high heat starting out just cooking away at the outside and then as the outside gets cooked we're going to come shave a layer off now while our shawarma is cooking away we're going to make a tasty little condiment to go along with it called tomb and tomb is essentially an aioli or mayonnaise made without egg so it's an emulsion of garlic and lemon juice and oil all right so here we have about a half cup of garlic cloves that i've cut in half and then i've taken the germ out of the center just to help so that there's no other really physical obstacles in the way of creating this emulsion so the way we do this is we'll just slice right through our clove of garlic and take the skin off and then we'll take this end off here with that tough little bit and then you can see underneath that that's where that germ is it runs right through the center so we'll just start by taking that end off and then we're going to take that round part out of the middle just like that but this is about 25 minutes in you can see the very tips are getting charred this will be more uniform as we start to uh really shave this down because right now we've got these parts that are hanging out and you know we could take off some of these outer parts right here or we can just let them char up a little bit and we'll take them once these these parts are a little bit lighter are done as well so we don't have to start sawing away at this just yet but i want you to see what it looks like as the tips start to get browned or black and deep and charred on the edges there so it's really important that we get these garlic cloves blitzed down before we start to try to create this motion we're going to start off with that half cup of the garlic cloves and we're going to add to that a teaspoon of our jacobson's black garlic infused salt only two things that are in there and the salt's abrasive so it's actually going to help to break down that garlic a little bit but you're going to have to get in here and scrape the sides that's just the nature of the beast so we can continue to break this down finer and finer so i've just continued to scrape this down and and keep on breaking that down until you can see it's a little more than minced now really starting to release its juices so speaking of juices we're going to add now a tablespoon of our lemon juice so this is just some fresh squeezed lemon juice just a tablespoon at a time we're gonna go slow on this another scrape let it go again and what we're going to start to do now is to drizzle in our oil now typically with tomb you want a fairly neutral flavored oil so i've got one cup of avocado oil today here but i'm also going to be adding some of our chili oil as well this is a chili-infused oil just going to pack a little extra punch this is optional but really elevates the flavor so i'm going to start by very slowly just drizzling in the oil we'll go about a half cup this first round and then we're going to add a little more lemon juice and then a little more oil i'm going to take a peek down there and see that we are creating an emulsification it's not broken it should start to look like it's thickening not breaking apart as this comes together you can add the oil just a little bit more quickly but don't dump it all in at once that's our first half cup so let's go ahead and add a little bit more lemon juice now we'll do another tablespoon why don't we take a peek so you can see how the consistencies really changed you know it's not liquid in oil anymore it's not just garlic it's starting to thicken up we're going to keep that going all right so that's one cup of avocado oil i'm gonna add the last little bit of my lemon juice it's probably just another teaspoon there and that's really developing into that consistency that we want let's see what it tastes like got a real punch from that fresh garlic i'm picking up the lemon too it's bright i want to add a little bit of that chili oil as well we're not going to take this much further and we can always add a little water to adjust the consistency but i want to get some of that chili oil in there at this point most of the flavor is there otherwise i'm going to start with just a quarter cup typically tomb is this really bright white color this chili oil is going to darken that up a little bit but it's definitely worth the flavor it adds yeah now that's looking really good but that's the consistency we're going for so i'm not going to add any more oil that stuff's just really right where we want it as far as the consistency goes oh yeah we get a little bit of that chili burn as well all right we're going to call that good all right so we're sawing off this first outside edge and like i said this first one the color is going to be a little more extreme on the tips and this is going to start to even out as we can shape this into a more uniform shape i'm using a nice long knife so that i can stay away from the flame because it's hot in here it's like between five and 600 degrees but you can see that white meat not white meat it's dark meat but the white of the meat fully cooked it's no longer pink but man look how juicy that is all right we're gonna get a little more consistent shape here and that's when this thing's really going to start to shine [Music] oh dang so much flavor and super juicy but with just the right amount of crisp on the outside we're going to get more and more of this layers and layers and just kind of let it pile up start eating on it now if you want to otherwise we're just going to check back about every 15-20 minutes shave another layer off all right well we're just working away at it my gosh look at the juice just dripping out of there what a great technique for cooking up some chicken thighs the aroma and the flavors are amazing as well going relatively quick now about every 15 or so minutes you're ready to take another good heaping off all right let's let it roll all right guys i'm getting a little impatient we're going to shave off a layer here head over to the table and build up some bowls there's lots of different ways for you to eat your shawarma just wrap it up in a little flatbread but honestly i love it in a bowl full of rice with a bunch of other stuff in there as well so we're going to go down with just a little bit of rice here bring in some of that chicken shawarma just a little bit of that tomb right on top there you can mix this all in here in a minute a little call back to our hummus recipe this is our roasted pepper hummus go check out that video if you haven't yet already and then just some fresh stuff a little bit of tomato in here and some cucumber a little red onion top it all off with just a little bit of our everything bagel seasoning boom that's it all right i'm just gonna mix it all together i want to taste a little bit of everything and that tomb it's got a good kick to it so don't go too heavy right off the bat that stuff will stay good in the fridge for a couple weeks so you can save some for later this is comfort food for real for real comfort food i mean the flavors are fantastic this is the kind of thing that you can eat in any kind of weather you know the freshness from from the fresh fruits and vegetables that we put between the tomato the cucumber and all that on top really lightens it up this makes it a great dish for the summer time but at the same time i could sit down with a bowl of this in the dead of the winter and be perfectly happy the flavors are big the marinade did its job i don't know everyone showed up i couldn't be more happy about it well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button if you have any questions or comments or there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to thesauce all things barbecue where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 89,900
Rating: 4.9165926 out of 5
Keywords: atbbq,, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, chicken, shawarma, rotisserie, gas grill, gas, propane, grill, Napoleon, Napoleon Grills, marinade, chicken thighs, thighs, toum, mediterrenean, hummus, chef tom
Id: RZkIpsCakUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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