BioShock Infinite: All scenes with the Luteces

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are you going to just sit there as compared to what standing not standing rowing rowing plan on it so you expect me to shoulder the verden no but I do expect you to do all the rowing and why is that coming here was your idea my idea I've made it very clear that I don't believe in the exercise theowing no imagine that's wonderful exercise then what the entire thought experiment excuse me how much longer one goes into an experiment knowing one could fail one does not undertake an experiment knowing one has failed can we get back to the rowing I suggest you do we're never going to get there no I mean I'd greatly appreciate it if you would assist perhaps you should should ask him I imagine he has a greater interest in getting there than I do I suppose he does but there's no point in asking why not because he doesn't row he doesn't row no he doesn't row ah I see what you mean we've arrived he's not moving he will eventually I suppose he does shall We Tell him when we'll be returning would that change anything it might give him some comfort at least that's something we can agree on hey is somebody meeting me here I'd certainly hope so it does seem like a dreadful place to be stranded maybe there's someone inside yeah that's where they said I'd find her telegram Mr dit huh telegram for you sir dowit stab do not alert comto to your presence stop whatever you do do not pick number 77 stop less [Music] heads or tails come on let me through heads or tails Tails told you H I never find that as satisfying as I imagined chin up there's always next time I suppose there [Music] is no the the we have company we do indeed why are you following me we were already here why are you following us a pair of [Music] teeth what was that surprising surprising that it worked surprising that it didn't kill him but a magnetic repulsive field around one's body can come in handy if it doesn't kill you a fair [Music] [Applause] point [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what makes the girl different I suspect it has less to do with what she is and rather more with what she is not a small part of her remains from where she came it would seem the universe does not like its peas mixed with its porridge Mr DT here bird or the cage or perhaps the bird nothing beats the cage these two again how do never [Music] mind look at these they're amazing which one do you like more this one or or this the bird is beautiful and the cage is somber but there's really something special about it I just can't [Music] decide the one on the right are you sure I'm sure I love it surprising I expected the cage if you're going to be a sore loser then I should do this again that's just sophistry the one on the left are you you sure I'm sure I love it I expected the bird if you going to be a sore loser then I shallan do this [Music] again too late God damn it this is what he meant now we need to find someone else to make those guns no dead is dead Elizabeth dead is dead dead what where the hell I see heads and I see Tails it's all a matter of perspective why are you following us who sent you comto what do you want what do you see here from this Angle dead listen and that angle alive [ __ ] Chen [Music] Lin this is becoming rather [Music] awkward this one needs a bit of a nudge we could spell it out for him I suppose ah your silence betrays you brother the body's gone it was never here it's another Colombia a different colia the same coin a different perspective heads Tails Dead Alive we have to go through to this other Columbia but how it's like riding a bicycle one never really forgets one just needs the courage to climb aboard that's not it certainly is is is try again all right here you are Booker we've got to stop them no that's the e no certainly it no it's not it is isn't isn't the whole song Come Back no you try Fine hurry Booker hurry come on nope that is not is not is not pay attention are you certain quite certain that's the E it is it's wrong though it's quite close but it's wrong that was the same [Music] note here [Music] stop [Applause] it stop it you don't know what you're doing H there it is no you've done it now he's he's coming back he's coming back the notes were correct the instrument was not one needs both to get his attention but if you know how to sing to him he will take you where you need to go [Music] would you care to hear anything else brother perhaps a [Music] waltz who are you we are where we are needed and needed where we are so kto uses is these songs are there others we can use something to keep the bird off our back perhaps you should ask the Maestro himself so where is he of course well at least they left the piano when I was a girl I dreamt of standing in a room looking at a girl who was and was not myself who stood looking at another girl who also was and was not myself my mother took this for a nightmare I saw it as the beginning of a career in [Music] physics the lest field entangled my Quantum atom with waves of light allowing for safe measurement sound familiar brother that's because you were measuring precisely the same Atom from a neighboring world we used the universe as a telegraph switching the field on or off became dots and dashes dreadfully slow but now you and I could whisper through the wall brother what comto failed to understand is that our Contraption is a window not into prophecy but probability but his money means a lest field could become the lest tear a window Between Worlds a window through which you and I might finally be together you have been transfused brother into a new reality but your body rejects the cognitive dissonance through confusion and Hemorrhage but we are together and I will mend you for what separates us now but a single [Applause] chromosome [Music] [Applause] I just realized who those two are they well at least she invented the technology that allows the city to float giant balloons Quantum particles suspended in SpaceTime at a fixed height so not giant balloons but the thing is my book said they disappeared several years ago I told you they'd come no you didn't right I was going to tell you they'd come but you didn't but I don't you sure that's right something tells me they're not exactly what they appear I was going to have told you they'd come no the subjunctive that's not the subjunctive I don't think the syntax has been invented it would have had to have it been had to have had been that can't you seem to want to help they seem to be out of their minds odd isn't it what's odd the fact that we sometimes finish each other's sentences exactly it would be otter if we didn't how do you suppose they managed that I'll get back to you after I figure out the floating city bed I had trapped the atom in midair colleagues called my leesfield quantum levitation but in fact it was nothing of the sort magicians levitate my atom simply failed to fall if an atom could be suspended indefinitely well why not an apple if an apple why not a [Music] city you see child you chose to follow a false Shepherd and he has led you [Music] astray what I do I do for long what Lions do notop cringe to see their Cen pain but spare the rod spoil the child if you won't listen to me perhaps you will listen to your [Music] mother what is she I don't know what am I I God is she the source of my power but what is she alive or dead why' you ask what when the delicious question is when the only difference between past and present is semantics lives lived will live dies died will die if we could perceive time as it truly was what reason would grammar professors have to get out of bed like us all Lady Comstock exists across time she's both alive and dead she perceives being both she finds this condition disagreeable perception without comprehension it's a dangerous combination look footsteps she goes to unfinished business we have to follow her convince her to open the gate to Comstock [Music] house it's a shame you have need of her to enter Comstock house frankly she doesn't seem all that Cooperative there is a way to bring her to reason three truths you must discover first truths which in this world Comstar has destroyed if only one of you had the power to alter time and space that would be a blessing wouldn't it well they [Music] sarcastic you are that's my mother I assure you madam my sexual interest in your dear Prophet is non-existent and Madam less furthermore the man is quite sterile there only why come get you little bastard I want her out of my house Lady Comstock seems to believe the child is a result of some errand Act of carnality between myself and her beloved Prophet I told the poor woman the truth that the child was a product of our little Contraption but I think she found that less believable than her delusion less says the bastard is a creation not of her womb but of some Unholy science I do not know which is true the child is no more Divine than I what says that from my husband's prophecy he begs my silence but I can only offer him forgiveness but with repentance need come truth I can suffer his lies no [Music] longer the Archangel tells me that Colombia will only survive so long as my line sits the throne yet lady comto produces no child I have done what a man can do yet there is no child I've asked lutessa about the matter but even she refuses to help comto seems to have been made sterile by simple exposure to our Contraption a theory just as sexual reproduction can deemphasize the traits of each parent so goes the effect of multiple realities on our own your traits dissipate until they become unrecognizable or cease to exist and if I do this this [Music] sabotage all their patents all of them Mr Kink now why does the prophet want these two killed for the same reason lady kto lies buried the child and why does he want me to do it because only you can make it seem an accident Comstock has sabotaged our Contraption yet we are not not dead a theory we are scattered amongst the possibility space but my brother and I together and so I'm content he is not the business with the girl lies unresolved but perhaps there is one who can finish it in our stead but you who are dead I took your funeral photo yes and made an absolute hash of it one doesn't expect a picture of one's courts to come across so lifelessly that's Insanity what proof would you have that Mr thinkink would hurt the lesses the lesses told me the lesses when yesterday yesterday morning Robert they've been dead these seven days bring us and WIP away the debt bring us the girl and wipe away the [Music] Deb [Applause] [Music] what it's a tear what is it why' you ask what when the delicious question is when lives lived will live dies died will die my brother has presented me with a ultimate him if we do not send the girl back from where we brought her he and I must part where he sees an empty page I see King Lear but he is my brother so I shall play my part knowing it shall all end in tears our Contraption shows us the girl is the flame that shall ignite the world my brother says we must undo what we have done but time is more an ocean than a river why try to bring in a tide that will only again go out the prophet is dying the metastasis has aged him so quickly why does this comto Decay while a comto in another world remains fit if genetics are Destiny what accounts for the difference perhaps exposure to the contraption H it merits further study and what of my DS bring us the girl and wipe away the debt this is the man who hired me to find you really yes the girl for the [Music] debt wait way I know this is wrong what is this there was no there was no [Music] baby I remember there was no baby and if there was I sure as hell wouldn't give it over to this guy Booker you don't leave this room until you do do it time is running short bring us the girl and wipe away the debt go ahead no you can wait as long as you want eventually you'll give him what he wants how do you know all this I can see all the doors and what's behind all the doors and behind one of them I see him C [Music] stuck what choice do I have the de's paid Mr Comstock washes you of all your sins bring us the girl and wipe away the debt there was no baby the deal was I go to Colombia to get you Booker they're leeding oh I remember but I remember that now we've upset him I don't expect this next bit do much for his move come [Music] on what are we doing here comstock's dead we can just go on with our lives you don't need dead you mean like chenl like lady commstock no he is alive in a million million worlds it's not over because the prophet is dead it will only be over when he never even lived in the first place hey hey the deal is off you hear me unstable the deal is off give her back hry give her back fine are you mad no you will not get caught in between come it is uncomfortable enough as it is it's going to be more uncomfortable if you don't come now if I get caught it's going to be a very long time before we see each other you will not get caught I promise you can't promise me that we're going to lose our wind no I'll wait thank you give her back you son of a [ __ ] it's ready go no shut down the machine shut it down shut down the machine now do it give me back my daughter [Music] no anah anah no no I'm sorry I'm so sorry she's gone Anna I'm sorry Anna's gone you shared this room with your regret for almost 20 years until one day man came to you offered you a chance of redemption a chance for us to breathe [Music] together I told you it was so all you know it question is sorry you suppose he branded himself as some sort of penance sure didn't see the point done is done what's done will be done I suppose the brand is his hair shirt as he is [Music] ours away the dead here's the girl wipe away the de see he's starting to put his story together you're quite fond of this theory of yours he's manufacturing new memories from his old ones the brain adapt I should know I lived it Booker wake up Booker wake up this is where it started i s I sold you to your credit you did try to weasel out of the deal this is all K's fault what if I went back killed him before he did any of this things get set in motion how would one know how far back to go that's the only way to do it go back to when he was born and I'll smother the son of a [ __ ] in his crib
Channel: FluffyNinjaLlama
Views: 425,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BioShock, Infinite, BioShock Infinite, fps, game, Irrational Games, 2K Games, Columbia, Booker DeWitt, Elizabeth, Booker, Rosalind Lutece, Robert Lutece, twins, ending, tear, Prophet, baby, child, Anna, crib, Zachary Hale Comstock, Comstock, Lutece, Voxophone, recordings, audio files, Lady Comstock, kinetoscope, telescope, Jeremiah Fink, murder, ghost, death, dead, graves, piano, songbird, New York, contraption, Jennifer Hale, Oliver Vaquer, quantum
Id: 8Cb96qvTWGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2013
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