BioShock by bloodthunder in 49:59 - AGDQ2020

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all right I am getting word that our runner is ready so take it away blood thunder with Bioshock know what's going on everybody my name is blood thunder I'm back for another gdq appearance this is my number 16 so glad to be back you got to show off Bioshock once again I'm pretty excited so don't blink or you'll miss it already at the credits we're good perfect a lot of people know me from my streams and just gdq's over the years so this look doesn't feel right it's gonna be one second oh nice oh yes oh yes that is the classic bTW yep that feels so much better that's ready to go or ready ready we've got some little sisters to save so we actually start this game from a CF follow on the crash light so it skips the intro so time starts right after we load in thank you three two one go OOP we're all making good progress already we're just gonna swim through this fire real quick you know those two get a little damaged all right I'm gonna get this beautiful scenery of a lighthouse there's always a lighthouse always a man always a speedrun we're just gonna casually microwave here and we don't have too much to do in the opening so we'll have some fun stuff coming up but a couple things go away you may realize as we go on you may have some questions this is the original version of Bioshock and not the remaster the remastered actually fixed a lot of the stuff we use in the run we also play on easy because the damage on hard if you try to do one do it is pretty insane make our way through the dark down here and get to our first skip one of the greatest own things to a game ever the greatest thing he asked me we're just gonna jump out of the bathroom spirit as we hit the lever and that's gonna put us on top so right now we're outside of it which you can't move you can't do anything but it does save us two seconds and I'll explain that when we get to the end but because we have a moment and it's kind of a GDQ tradition I think to get a selfie with the couch that they Don's guess well most people just take a selfie the couch oh but they don't get the Hostin everyone loves mr. Coburn muffins yes please come on over here all right okay all right back up couch you're gonna make some noise you in there too that's good enough oh yeah thank you so much mr. muffin so now Andrew Ryan's going on his little field and you're supposed to have a little cinematic but yeah we just get this little game your fish they surviving yeah call duty ghosts hadn't come out yet so the camp actually oh yeah we also have some crabs in the squid over here just chilling out you know it's a little late for him so one really cool thing about being outside the bathysphere here is that not only do you get to see all these wonderful aquatic sea creatures but you get to see the parts of Rapture that actually aren't finished at all like over here it's just like we'll get to this eventually you know the giant holes isn't problem for flooding or anything it's actually takes place right next to bikini bottoms right here we have handsome square-root exactly like joking no listen and everyone's favorite whale echo that go the whale high echo like cruising and say hello you have that that music I wish I remember how Tori talked to whales now you like we should be doing more yeah covert I know you did some you did some voices for doom do you do a Dory whale stalling boys would you kindly [Laughter] come on man if someone donates for it he'll do it fun I mean I can make whale noises but I would donate like $5 and he'll do it I swear so the reason we save time is because going into that the load trigger to start the next map you got to actually dock and then it starts raising up but because we're on top of it we don't have to wait at all so now we're loading into welcome to rapture and we get to meet one of my favorite characters in the entire Bioshock franchise mr. Johnny Johnny yes such a small arc but it's it's perfect it has a beginning middle and an end and if cloud chamber who's making him for the next Bioshock is out there watching and listening what's story ideas just bring back Johnny you know what if it would have to but if the game with Johnny ended right here you know it probably should but this is also a horror game it wasn't in the horror block with night cry run by license also I didn't introduce my couch though if you guys want to say who are up who you are and I I'm Jamaican bacon hi I'm Brian Otto this was my favorite game of all time I'm excited so now this place was gonna try to get in here but it's not do a great job it's a good thing you're not still on top of the atmosphere yeah it's perfect you know yeah we just like snuck back in at one point so weird things been happening I didn't realize it happens before we'll see if it happens today so normally splicers runs off but sometimes she'll just fade I don't know why it's happening but it's awesome today would you say that's never happened before I mean not in the marathon settings okay there we go it's not we picked up the radio we meet Atlas the a guy yeah guy he's here to help us he's really nice he says would you kindly light which you know I think everyone should start doing so if you guys would kindly donate yeah haha let's get the two million by the end of this run so we're just gonna make her way through rapture we're gonna pick up some weapons here then we're gonna go straight into a very crazy trick that everyone always asked about sometimes do my best to explain it we're gonna get over now we have the way from when asked us to pick up the rich so we're actually gonna jump into the very left side of this couch to try to manipulate this place or to come closer and he didn't slept the reason we need him to come closer is because once he dies this so this is the trick we're going to hit saved and while it's saving for any hit use and the menu at the same time so it buffers them to go on the first frame and once we've done that we can make us save the reason we're doing all of this and we're gonna hit the another pause menu so we can load it the game right now wants to put us into the cutscene for a lecture bolt because it needs to be in this very specific spot so you fall down but because we did a save night we can actually gain the ability to jump back which because it wants employee inside cutscene it takes away your ability to jump because once you're an air it can't actually pull you see that spot so by this jumping away we can run away do you bind this for a wheel to jump for this at all I do you can get through with just hitting space but it just makes it a little bit nicer to do right with four wheel what was it like lap worthy trick by the way and this ah yeah I mean you can clap if you want to I'll take it any moment in the run you want to clap for some reason just go for it whoa yeah Bioshock dude so currently this is also allowing him to skip the like intro cut scene where you get electro bolt and you can't actually proceed that normally without electrical so he just kind of has it and you don't see the little sister like walk up to you and you don't see the Big Daddy there yeah there's a pretty long cutscene a lot of people aspect this is actually safe time like they have very long this is a little tricky to get in your head if you know what it is Johnny it's what I view Johnny my heart okay I actually couldn't tell it was it's an original but really this is it the banana taped to a wall you take bananas the walls I know we're roommates but so we're gonna grab this pistol on the baby carriage try to get around so this is kind of hard because any time you touch the floor if you happen to run onto something like this party hat the game will play back so if I just thought oh it's also pulling him in the direction of the original cut holy yeah not just backwards - yeah I think we going here we're gonna do another see you blow because we actually get stuck to this wall and it kind of happens to break the next cutscene as well red Silas is gonna come in decade would you kindly put away your weapon no I really like incorporating the slide in with the movement that's cool I like into movement forward you have to like go that way you might as well there's really no reason to jump away yeah now we have to do some combat which was really annoying it's got the jump around the whole time let's go down here we need to kill off a couple waves of splicers these guys we've missed the first shot that just runs away which I shot dude who's clap for this yeah I have a little practice try not to go over-estimate alright so nobody needs to wait for two more splashes to come down and that's over would you kindly read a donation uh certainly well there are a lot of whale noise donation yeah we'll start off with a 250 dollar donation from Ariel that does [Music] 250 if muffin reads the next five days we [Music] actually did a trick well on that yeah so this is a bug that was left on that door in development where you can just shock it will open now we're at a medical probably the hardest area to get through perfectly this is where dr. Steinman does the all his surgeries played this game he's a very creepy and delusional man this is where we get the two plasmids that we're gonna use for the entire run sadly we don't get the bees I know everyone loves the bees so now we're actually into medical proper we're gonna pick up a few more supplies flame you're here for Lawrence again yeah yeah I'm the Lord guy yeah there's a sinner in here that's what's in here yeah that's Laurie yeah clapping for Bioshock Laura's probably probably the best lawyer you could comment that was pretty good lord yep so now we have incinerate we can just burn everything to a crisp the reason we're even bothering to deal with those places really come back through here and when we do we actually don't let them following us at all they like it's gonna hang around we're gonna pick up a diary really much later a lot of the run actually ends up being setups for stuff we'll talk about later so we're gonna grab telekinesis and get rid of telekinesis if you haven't seen speed on before it's extremely broken plasmid splicers just dying one shots yeah and it uses like no no Eve whatsoever occur now we have talked abou says we can go activate the Steinman cutscene we're doing what's known as a fling so we're gonna grab a box and this is a trick that requires high FPS to the higher the better these fees at pcs actually have really high FPS for Bioshock so this could get messy what we're just gonna jump use telekinesis to die yeah that's a little higher than I have at home dying it's pretty good okay so that that was it was a death intentional no that was not okay okay anyway it was a good fling though yes usually like hit the top of that wall when you can fall down without taking too much damage blood because these PCs a little too good thanks typically you're looking for around like 300 to maybe 600 tops thousands of little overkill and these are I 920 80 pcs running a what like a game that came out who's the mm why shouldn't others on the Lord guy we shoot this little robot down in early medical is not going terribly great force general idea here is that he's gonna hit diamonds with his bullets if he does to get actually off the entire speech he gives here about being beautiful requires pretty precise timing and aiming and sometimes things just go off you could just get the gates open a little sooner yeah we gonna listen talk it doesn't look like the object like went in the direction of the cross there anyway oh hello oh the ammo box did a lot more straightforward with the throw while the trashcan will just like found everywhere hopefully hit him so the reason we have to kill him is to get the key off his body which opens up the exit now we're just gonna stand in a very particular corner because this will activate a respawn that's where you die respawn which means you die before supply action we skip this little animation an old trick with the fling before is to actually skip this fight a chamber so we can do one less death warp but essentially now we're going to keep using incinerate to actually die so we can go back to different vital chambers and get earlier now that explains would you kindly read some more donations certainly we have lots of love coming into this run man we have $20 from Mott that says doesn't get old I'm gonna try and like to take these out really fast we have $5 from your eyes then that says look here's the wonderful world and then we also have $100 from B Mac that says here's and $5 from Steve is rad that says five books cool well first you've got your self [Music] [Applause] we're at a medical the hardest part so rust the run should be nice and easy going into Neptune's bounty things aren't as crazy delusional but we do have peach to go through you kind of throws a couple bosses so now that we have the diary that becomes very very useful we're gonna pick up some supplies ready to take on a big Daddy get started pretty quickly on easy so we're actually gonna rescue her we're not gonna thank our hosts and we don't do this for the Adam the only reason we save is because it's a vaster animation this actually allows a different trick to work I don't know so the splicer in the room coming up there hitbox is already loaded in in the ceiling here so there's two different ways back there we go if you get both its then the quest go get pitch ruse for a peach activates almost instantly because we only got one we fortunate we have to use a barrel for this and barrels like the roll okay and currently the gate hasn't actually opened for him to just walk through it very nice bling yeah yeah the barrels are always really hard to place down the right time as being the wrong spot like other than I mention they can roll away but that was really good they really like the rule I'm surprised that one as well as a big now we're on the quest to go get a camera whoa this game does have a little bit of lag here and there and they always find is the worst moments the pop-up things skipped like that so we have to get three pictures of spiders places and we just got one up in that room I remember this always been like one of the hardest parts casually because yet I like go deep into these areas but uh might be a little bit different in the speedruns yeah yeah Bioshock really likes to show you what you have to do and then like hide it away behind different quests so these places all right at the entrances and you're not supposed to have the camera out and although a bear looks like oh hey here's the spiders point you go follow him yep that's the entire mission it's not we can go back generally want to do but you need to die in certain spots talking about stuff that I care about it he's the war master so now that we have the Diaries and we're going to try to go into the fisheries real quick play a diary that we've picked up actually two different types of dialogue there's radio messages which are a different NPCs talking area games like oh this is important you should listen to it and then there's Diaries which are the extra ward those aren't so important so the cool strat though yeah there's actually some other properties that we'll get into later so we did a little trick there to keep the grenade launcher it's trying to advance the and the reason that we keep the grenade launcher is because once you get your weapons back after these flights the game gives you a very small amount of handle for each weapon okay here's a general amount that we think you should have we actually want more grenades than that so we keep the grenade launcher yeah gives through the shotgun yeah that was wondering when we were gonna pick it up in the run cuz you obviously you skip that long segment yeah that could never do it just decides to give it to you yeah the game's like oh these are things that you probably should have at this point so [ __ ] Neptune's bounty going the smuggle aside a very easy stage very quick one two is the shotgun useful on the speedrun idiot all the weapons are sort of useful I've missed places around generally it's like you throw a body into a different splicer and it doesn't kill it we're actually jump on his water is real like with 90 percent speed boost Oh baby booster booster a little finicky sometimes there's Bruce we'll get into later that we actually tried to set up and go for far something you can just get we tried one back in medical not to mention to that he'll it really disclosed on your speed if you try walking up it so ideally either want to jump or get the boost them sell their do something very much like the electable cutscene we did before so we're going to get this to you state we're gonna hit quick save and while it's saving we're going to there we go so it's buffering an input of views hold right back on the same frame so as soon as we can play again it's like alright you start walking so he can you wait can you like get close to Atlas down here happy we saved his family yeah we're saving the little sisters who could have done this here's where diaries come into play so right now we hit a whole bunch of NPC dialogues or just radio messages and the games like oh that's important you should listen to explore but if we just play a diary on top of it it's like that's not I'm dying right now don't worry I'm pretty sure we'd like it's okay yeah things get a little tricky in Arcadia can't believe you actually blow up the it'll blow it wasn't oh okay I thought like it actually did that because you threw it at it okay I have a lot of experience climbing we're gonna break this and grab this box news we're gonna set up a couple of different slings this box is a little nice so Arcadia gets a bit weird let's be run so we're gonna go in here which gives you a damage bonus yes give us a tonic here in just a second as well which is what we're really after I was up this fight here at the Spicer Big Daddy they just ready to like gear up with that one here's another nice speed movement increase imagine that builds up a lot over the course of the run yeah you can also get sports boost too but the time to get it isn't there we go being very careful not to hit to the left or go too far left because there is a trigger that starts the treeline quests yet to go and to make the Lazarus vector performers market which is where these are so we're gonna stay Eve in case I happen to hit that where we have 9 so I'm just gonna try to fling over it huge that looks pretty good he's in that noise I hate love like you poison the area after you like like you're that Lauren so we're gonna basically gonna do the exact same thing in for for like I know everyone loves it it's a great stage sander Cohen's a great character but yeah we don't have time for that so would you kindly read a couple more donations yes certainly we have to follow up two hundred and fifty dollar donation from Ariel that says I think we can all agree that was very well done nice we also have $10 from random pink bunny that says hey BT good luck on the run and thanks for leading the Cabbage Patch PS Thor is the best XOXO rpb oh thank you so much okay cool so right here we're actually going to hit a lever that we can't see although it's still loaded answer is there any risk of like falling down here if you fall off the sides there is but ice flowing down there it's perfectly fine so yeah the bathysphere goes off it's like oh you have to go deal with Sandra Cohen and then you get it back but obviously we don't and I Fest this we have a little bit forget to the main questions over there oh yeah absolutely in fact we just got a big one one thousand dollars from Ezekiel the third oh wow Oh awesome and his the chioma curse says I saw that my favorite game of my favorite series Bioshock was being run and I knew this was the time thank you to all the runners and volunteers for keeping me entertained this week it's always my favorite event of the year and I make the choice to donate every year because as Andrew Ryan said a man chooses a slave obeys money goes to control ashtray maze yes yeah do that alright I'm Gladys if anyone donates runners choice that's actually my my choice oh I really want to see it that guy so we're gonna go in here and there's the progress the quest we need this door to start opening there's actually a message play it and then immediately skip it we don't want to do it so well that's going we're gonna set a couple things like a crab mermaid grab this lock box so we're gonna set up a boost for much later so this is where the grenades come and play we want quite a few we're gonna take down two more Big Daddies in the area and kind of that leg always comes at the weirdest time do it when you least expect it so I put down to fire reserves I to different suppliers places also some fishes oh I love the quick swap strat yeah so there's a few different weapons where that works the shotgun new grenade launchers across will have a small reload animation between each shot you can just swap two plasmids and back right instead of actually I'm the way for it that's spawning a couple of money hello there we go really wants to die she have to be a little careful with shooting at the Big Daddies because if they're interacting for the little sisters they won't take any damage so you don't waste your needs so there's one thing we picked up off of peach which was an auto hack door and this whole area is trapped I just pick up a body the kind of nitroglycerine we need to build upon juris the reason we killed the Big Daddies as they have a wire cluster on their body running four of those so we're already two bodies around the area daddy's been killed so we're gonna go down here pick up language and luckily for us the fastest has like the perfect vitae chamber to get to everything that we possibly need others perfect right back up here take out that splicing you stood up another fling this way she was crying and sad what you're just gonna leave her she's just been off the road so we don't actually need to be acted on it's okay live well until the next that wire clusters we're gonna go all the way back to the vibe gene but we just came from Oh sputters places are still alive the thing with setting up the lanes to find one to put the item to be the direction that you can face a little bit tricky to know a lot of people like to use the machine gun rounds but those are awful nation never ever use that all that take its style all we have to do is grab two more wire clusters which are the two big ideas we left down in the bottom area and Jill fast way down so this part we can start building the bomb and then we're gonna do another point glitch to get back up place the ball quick and every time you go into a new level you have basically one set of invincibility frames so if you get down like one HP you won't take any more damage for a while but if you've done that once already and you get down the 1 HP ilds kill you straight off so you kind of we're gonna fling up on this rock through the core and skip having to that's sick do some quest that I forget what we do another respawn glitch get back up because as I said before the game really likes to be like hey here's the exit to a level or here's the quest go do all those though there's nothing to come back so the quest exit the level exit is at the very beginning of the map very calm we're just gonna get back through here try to go for these boosts see what happens yeah nice little bouquet nothing amazing I'm not gonna go see what's up Dan G Ryan got time for a quick donation all right sounds great well we have $10 from dissidence 383 that's the fuel thank you so much once again we just do a little diary skip to get past the exit there we're going to start abusing it in the opposite way now so we're going to trigger a festus the load which is level we just came from by playing a radio message which is NPC dialogue that the game thinks is supporting it's like oh you want to go to Festus well you just have to leave this area is gonna go on lockdown maybe there's an invisible wall you have to jump over so this whole time just keep in the back of your mind that the game wants us to go to a Festus and kind of makes a little magic trick but we need also from the store so maybe be careful not to play a diary so you may be thinking like why are we going back to the level we just came from we do actually go say hello to and you're lying again but he has two parts to this cutscene and this is the way to skip the first so we can go straight into the second one bots are really ready to shoot me it's not going back in the horse you see and this is really the only trick I'm actually worried about because of the FPS that we mentioned before the most flings it doesn't matter how high you go usually live or do whatever you need but this one has a feeling that if you have a hit it's good luck date happens yeah when he entered that cutscene a gate closes behind him so now he has to get over that gate so right now Andrew Ryan's just waiting for us to go into the second part of the cutscene but you're not supposed to leave that area so we have to go through this little gap overall though this thing stays well I think 8 minutes or so Wow it's a Andrew Ryan talks a lot it's true Wow so just skip the second part we're going to save and then we'll load and I need to be kind of careful I mean some weird stuff can happen so he wants us to start off his body weight it's fine it's fine we plan this [Laughter] we're actually playing it for playing Skyrim no he's still going through his little cutscene there's one little thing I want to show off with this usually gives you the club and you're supposed to kill him and a lot of people think it you don't can only use your plasmids or your melee weapons but now yeah both we can actually just put this on our other guns too he's getting into a fight we got we have to follow little sisters and going through the record even when I was doing practice I didn't show that he would literally stop that hits like that was it so now that andrew ryan is no longer with us Fontaine reveals himself as the bad guy and he's like oh I've been controlling you this whole time you're three old super mutant baby look Laura gets really weird yeah it's really good really good playing as the actual three year old though yeah so Tenenbaums gonna help us remove the coding from our head so we're gonna skip past a couple here using diary messages and because this kind of takes a while for them to get going yes that's good bTW we have $50 from life like hey that says instead of Bioshock what if there was a game called cabbage shock you play as genetically enhanced cabbage stuck underwater just lifelike we also have $10 from Thor cat that says go what Thunder love from your cat ah so I'm pretty sure that's my mom they were naming excels Oh challenge my mom so it's the BT's mom oh yeah stays up every time I do it wrong that's so cute they never read our donations so I said the little sisters are the only ones that can open these doors it's really poorly designed that rapture has so many doors that only little sisters can open but now they're open we can continue on Frank Fontaine he gets real aggressive and tells us to go get stepped on by a big Daddy it's kind of rude [Music] scratch under here real quick and once again this level is going to tease us with the next map really early on like I'll go get the first dose of 119 so once again we're going to let radio messages play and hit the trigger for the next map so right now the game wants to load in but as long as we keep radio messages playing really long message here the game won't let that happen so as soon as we're done with what we're doing we can just work straight away and luckily here he talks for infinite so it gives us enough time to get across the level to get what we need and then we can play another diary when we're ready to leave that message is so long my time we've gotten over here where we have to do some other divers we've had a whole bunch of triggers that note though the next hour is actually one the most important in the game because if you mess this up you will go back to Apollo sweat so we're gonna play a diary which has the trigger for the next part of the quest we need to play a radio message because once again if I just let that play we would war back so to get that trigger we have to play a hand skip it without leaving inventory so you usually alarms are kind of sketchy in this area but only if you get it in this next room so we already have an alarm it doesn't matter but if the camera up here happens to catch you it will lock the store until you either clear it or pay money to clear it luckily we don't have to do one splicers are gonna follow us were just before 8:00 theirs are the best animal there's a lot one I need to a little bit more lag and then once we have that another magic trick where we just warp away that's often that's right side effect of the lot 192 because people get really confused when we load in when we have winter blast we didn't pick those up we also don't have our Center in some cases and you work a lot one eye in two triggers and effects where there's lots of nice the game will just keep you random plasmids it's not random everyone but how do those boots work is it just like weird collision there it's based on the collision checking and if the item is close enough to the wall you can kind of collide like close enough with the wall so you're just kind of smushed in between them and then it tries to correct you and you can jump at the same time and it will just push you out and so the walls are like angled away where you don't even need an item place down a target dummy so we lost our winter blast he was a really cool thing apart you tell me that helps up there yeah we can place with the front of a door and it's gonna start opening it for us which is really oh that is cool it's a little small mechanic that's not useful for most players before us very nice series our second docents going to clear off we die on top of this drill which is I believe she owns boners to challenge body it's gonna do a respawn glitch it's a little closer to the exit yeah has certainly well off on that note we have $500 from Star mannequin and they have to stay would you kindly keep those donations cuming zeis we also have $50 from rogue Dark Jedi that says what's up gdq had to donate while bt running bioshock good to see you here again tears from the cabbage squad so we're gonna jump down this elevator shaft though I can only do this one easy and it seems about 7 seconds if you're playing on medium or hard the full damage is too much no killing straight so he picked up a couple extra my kids along the way [Music] coming up in point from me thesis which is the next map for going to is a very infamous skip if anyone's ever watched the Bioshock mmm it's be run before but luckily Fontaine is really really nice not only does he say would you kindly a lot but gives you a lot of different chances so let's see what happens he's also now spliced up he's it's been Vaughn's dialogue there every time the race moves gonna follow him up here and once again the game doesn't a lot it's gonna show us the exit but generally he's gonna run away and be like hey you can't catch me and you have to go become a Big Daddy so you can get a little sister and turn kill off the robots to make this a little nicer to set up this is last chance good skip so we're gonna save in case we don't get it you'll quickly learn why this is called last chance again I think I already know [Laughter] so here he has to actually prevent the game from locking him in place by jumping over the thing that locks him in place this looks really hard it is do you first pride really like the first one we usually kind of gives you a little bit more momentum and then the later ones could be a bit tougher just to kind of get that root position and this gift I mean I would imagine just based on the casual playthrough it saved there we go nice that's the safe like like like a lot of minutes yeah yeah the entire quest of becoming like a big Daddy where you pick up all the suit parts and it's like yeah yeah it's pretty long so this is everyone's favorite part of the game that's where you basically just escort a little sister on the map dude oh how much effort has been put into finding a skit for this level I would imagine like I stopped the bottleneck right yeah there's been a lot of theories but because we need the little sister to open the doors there's not really any way without just physically clipping through walls Wow and this game is pretty good about not letting you out of bounds and when you can get out of bounds even then it's not useful realize we haven't gone outside the map at all great so I'm actually running back into this door because it's the manipulate hurting one little sisters can either walk or one and if they walk it is really really slow we want her to want it basically every second that you can every now and then she's gonna pause the hitch I points on the floor which is very important is if you get to a fight and start taking damage she's gonna run to you and those checkpoints don't we never want her to actually run to us we just got her to roll on to the next body coming up on the first basically just gonna use telekinesis for all of this as we mentioned before tailpiece is incredibly broken and I want shots of the things we're gonna skip this dialogue couple waves of splicers who's gonna be a mixture of blood heads and punish places wish to use pipes and wrenches and some use guns once we see a spider splicer about is there are the spawn points or engine sort of you can somewhat manipulate them by and we're looking so here's this place actually start taking damage so since in one instance we've won her 2-1 to us and now she's following us we're gonna run down here and stop right at the ends and she should be right behind us on a checkpoint nice that's very well really Oh rad okay night there's a couple more we could go for but they are way hard and save way less time so close tonight I'm gonna please done some Fox and mines sometimes this places like to spawn and spot you're not looking so if we just look here the entire time they would spawn so you can sort manipulate them but it's not 100% consistent otherwise use please place then a whole bunch of proxy mines and it's so satisfiying so really how the physics are like the ragdoll runs a different frame rate I don't know a frame rate affects a switch over to frag grenades and because I usually pick up on little small details that ruin games for everybody if you have OCD it happens with various people I do if you take a look at the weapons crosshair the very center bought most of them are accurate but if we spin them real fast you can see what the camera is actually not centered at thank you next time you use the cameras that's not so so we used the grenade to kill off those three splicers in the water because they pop up all at the same time they started fighting you she's going to run it's coming up in the third body pretty much home free so all supplies going on would you kindly read a couple more donations yeah absolutely we have tons of love coming in for this run and ubt especially speaking of which we have $5 from Jericho won 7-3 that says shout out to fish Fox neuro and twitch at gifting over 100 subs for the amazing Bioshock troll that's the five thousand percent [Applause] we also have $50 from brief worden that says blue screen troll earned $50 well played vt and just for everyone so where does it people school I have a comment on the last time I did this at a gdq it wasn't cutscene at it it didn't actually blue screen it wasn't actually Skyrim a little modding very easy to confuse I still get comments every day about it fully main fight the trapezes hot-swap real quick it's awesome I found that independently unlike my recent casual playthrough this game so they're like the reason we can't skip any of this is because she has to open the final doors for us so we could actually get to this platform because that's where we came in that's where we study we could just do a couple flings over those walls in the fling up here but she has to open this for us so in the meantime we're gonna go here and grab a cup or a little pet no I just yeah I think she's earned a bit make sure we give it a bath thing is if you're gonna have a pet you gotta you gotta take care of it you know you don't want to be like your favorite twitch streamer just throw it around we're gonna make sure she takes it with her you're gonna live happily ever after she doesn't have a big dad anymore but she has a cat that's the last main level we're gonna go deal with Fontaine now just a little bit of a jerk but he's not he's not too bad at this point he's gone full splicer and he's his he's his full Club we're still a Big Daddy so we never actually got the Big Daddy super games like oh you did it so here you go here's this nice overlay for you to enjoy load it we only really need the proxy Mayans and I like to use told tip bolts some people need to Frank over grenades we're gonna wait for this go up it's gonna make a hard day for us so another thing I'd like to point out this it's kind of ruins things usually when you stab Fontaine he has like an animation of moving around but the first time he does it so you're just like dragging but usually I'm just dragging a needle around through his chest and it mines is enough for one wave oh that's thick we're gonna use another clear off his first two waves and then much like the toy veins like we did earlier we're just going to hot-swap the crossbow these faces are actually supposed to be like themed like it's nice and one and fired another so you're supposed to use for spawn in class beds weapons and whole lot of stuff that I'm sure isn't allure and it's great 49:59 dude I didn't go over estimate not 50 so now little sisters come out of the woodwork so like oh he helped us he saved us if you're afraid of needles don't watch this part let's parts gnarly yeah what's the impostor statue and it's okay if you make fun of the Lord for this part cuz everybody knows this is the worst part of the game so getting stabbed to death it's just this whole boss fight oh that's unfortunate yeah the last map like last where the game is kind of all over the place yeah we get the good in me everyone yeh lives happily ever after thanks guys if you like Bioshock you know be sure to follow me over on Twitch actually have you get bioshock glitchless anthology runs do you want to get home because my community was so kind to help me get here yeah I get a lot of challenge runs in so if you want to see an O plasmid run where we literally don't pick up a single plasma pop over there follow me your life I seriously do that this dreams are dope I hang it up there all the time thanks be sure to stay tuned for Wolfenstein Youngblood which on my couch where it's gonna be super hype it's nasim run thank you for having back hopefully I'll be back again it's doing all right give it up for blood thunder with that excellent Bioshock run great job et yes and hype indeed because that wolf is Wolfenstein Youngblood run by the fun King and Brian Otto is going to be coming up just after they finish setting on up we have a donation here from sentian petunias that says congrats on passing 1 million here's to the next one thank you so much for that donation we are so hype here as we're going into the final weekend of the event especially with so many great incentives for you indeed to unblock to extend the marathon if you unlock the 140 upgrade to all levels incentive then that indeed does extend the duration of the run for more awesome speed content so get those donations coming in we still have about just over 3500 to go for that having said we're going to be going to a quick twitch ad and then continue on with the marathon see you soon welcome back to awesome games done quick 2020 coming to you live from Orlando Florida benefiting the prevent cancer foundation founded in 1985 PCF is a us-based nonprofit organization but the mission to save lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection by focusing their work through research education outreach and advocacy their vision is to stop cancer before it starts and you can find out more information about PCF at prevent cancer org i'm prolix and i'll be your host through wolfenstein young blood here and any % co-op run by brian otto and the fun canada Anonymous stood in 250 dollars saying even though there was no preventing raptures downfall we can still work together to prevent cancer donation goes to runners choice thank you for that a $25 donation here from vicarious vice I think Andrew Ryan made a mistake when he allowed gun ammunition and substances that give people superpowers to be distributed in vending machines right next to each other then again maybe the whole underwater City thing was a bad idea altogether we're still setting up here for our next run Wolfenstein Youngblood by the fun Canon and Brian Otto let me tell you I cannot wait for this one I'm so excited huge Wolfenstein fan all my life from wolf3d all the way through life some art ECW multiplayer and the latest most recent games at home I definitely have the replica BJ bless co its bomber jacket it's so awesome so I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this and I hope you little stay viewing consider donating if you like the skills these runners are showing off join me on this run it's gonna be a great time speaking of runs done and there are one of our runners Brian Otto he does have control coming up later in the marathon as well yeah yeah some hype for control a great game from last year a very recent game and just wanted to let you know about a bid war out there for that you can choose the language of the audio for the control run and Brian Otto wouldn't mind if you donate it toward French just throwing that out there that's the runners favorite choice get a little they know they know what's up yeah oh yeah you may be able to hear some fun little arrows in the in the run if we have French so uh yeah I'm just throwing that out there blasted foot 86 with a two hundred dollar donation thank you so much they say I unfortunately missed the Destiny to last wish run but I can't wait to watch the run on YouTube oh yeah that is unfortunate you know I was on the host Mike for that one as well and it was a fantastic time I think I could slim the word up with wait do you want spoilers ok mute the stream if you don't want spoilers blasted foot but I can sum it up in three words mm voices okay um yeah anyway yeah check out the games done 'quick calm YouTube you can see all of our runs we're uploading them as rapidly as we can and it's a great place to catch anything you missed live Jake's snake donated $50 cheers to another great gdq let's get that pokemon blue Taz bonus run awesome thanks for the donation Jake yeah our bonus game incentive is open right now pokemon blue at as run a goal of $175,000 to be able to see that bonus game another shout out to our previous runner here with kavacha a $25 donation hey blood thunder it was your run back at agdq 2016 that finally convinced me to play the Bioshock series that's great to hear Thomas H with a $100 donation first time donating but y'all are the best let's shock those BIOS are actually honk those honks David Pittman a four hundred fifty one dollar donation we all make donations but in the end our donations make us would you kindly help me prevent cancer thank you very much for the generous contribution $25.00 from Morgan Bioshock more like Bioshock [Music] we received a $25 donation here from hey Jennifer this is for Jenny putting up with me taking this whole week off to watch speedruns and not do chores around the house to hear the apology here first Jennifer mr. GE donated $200 much love to all the runners and this amazing event greetings from Austria EPIK name donated $25 first of hopefully many donations this a GDQ thank you epic name yeah here's hoping donate early donate often I always say but yeah remember when you go to our website games done 'quick calm and donate all of your money does go directly to the prevent Cancer Foundation the wonderful organization that we're benefiting here today and all throughout this week during our speedrunning marathon Jason a-133 donated $25 here's another $25 donation shout out to a floppy-eared hat girl she's been there in the front whoa all week since I've been watching [Applause] we received a $25 donation from the shaded master a man chooses a slave obeys a goosed feels and honks kuranes seven donated $20 I wasn't going to donate but then BT asked if I would kindly donate and I don't know I couldn't stop myself hey thanks crowd at seven the James brothers donated $25 I should sleep but now that I saw subnautica coming up idk now I know right so after Wolfenstein Youngblood coming up next we have subnautica and anypercent run and then we have the Sun and Moon any % but that was upgraded to all bosses thanks to your generous donations [Applause]
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 580,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, AGDQ2020, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 5Av68w-c1ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 11sec (3971 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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