Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) by FocusSight in 49:38 - AGDQ2020

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Ah, the game where doing a Glitchless run is near-impossible

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PaperSonic 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
joy of gaming and consequently helped me get my future job the pain of losing my dad still hurts greatly and I hope the cure for cancer gets found soon so no one has to go through the same pain I did much love to you all thank you so much friend hey I asked this once before but are you all ready for some garbage cuz next up we have Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 with focus I give it up friends [Applause] alright hello everyone my name is focus I've been running this game for seven years as previously mentioned and this is today we're gonna be reliving Silver's story no missin select glitch or no I miss G I will introduce along the couch Chris we have three commentators there are five people in the couch though we have Liam triple agent over here he ran in sgdq 2016 and we have diamond over here he ran sonic RDS at one of the idea that one of the other gdq's I don't really know so on the couch if you guys would like to introduce yourselves really quick you can go ahead darhk's plans funny I'm critical said and I'm weak yeah all these are well versed in the silver story but we'll see to get today how will we do so first in well rusty yes exactly so with that when we have a countdown 5 4 3 2 1 Hey so first thing we get of course is load screens gonna have a few of those don't worry um the first thing I wanna talk about is actually a trick called telephone telephone it involves object mechanics in Sonico steaks so whereas two ways of picking a bomb or interacting with objects one is to hold RT from far away I call that grabbing the other is to press R Tijuana topic which is lifting so for instance here we lift the object but we can also wall on and op if we can grab it as if it were from the far and that was us that allows us to do something pretty neat but I can do this properly uh basically what happens here is silver the object always has pushed a certain distance away and above from silver so what happens is the game just constantly keeps you going while you're on it and because of that we can be at that section that's know me like two minutes three minutes and less than 30 seconds yeah that's basically you're gonna get with those stakes lots of load screens and lots of shortcuts yes very much [Music] homework in the middle of sonica six runs so now we have plays the second play style in silver story blazes the fastest in terms of base movement speed but nice everyone excited for plays so we get our first frame perfect trick here if we can get it let's save it the first trick is called the AFC although it really should be call the ASP because no one read the manual back in 2007 when DSS was around laga DSS the advanced fire car AFC involved a it is this trick that was claimed perfect by the way so basically there's a trick there's a move called the spinning ball and the spinning call is this move where you hold X and then release Texas blaze there are two forms of it one that's airborne and one that's done on the ground the ground one retains your ground speed but doesn't last as long the air one has a longer duration but doesn't maintain your ground speed there is one frame if you let go of X before you press a where you can maintain your ground speed to have the duration of the air spinning call everything should be called an ASC but we call it an AFC because you know we all love misnomers now what I've done here is I've actually frame buffer to the input on the previous screen I press X both going into the section and let go on the the loading screen that buffers and inputs on the first frame when you enter into the next section and what that does this allows us to skip the automation of the automated follows plays and allows us to skip Silver's section as plays so places are faster walking speed and Stover so this is much faster than actually playing a silver here and with that we are done our first level Christ the city just a hot cup you're gonna hear the word print perfect file on newsroom that is definitely true there's also me a lot of load students yet somehow there's too much time for there is a lot of time to describe things yet not a lot of time to read donations don't ask me why because there's a lot of stuff - in place - yeah there this is just the beginning that was the first stage of the run and there was all that in just three sections so now we have a bliss which we all we all love this boss so much hitless is the main part the main antagonist of silver story specifically silvers you fight phase one and Phase three because you fight Phase two in shadow and Sonics because that makes sense yep so it was phase one end for all based on top of mechanics your object management rather so silver will only has two ways of really defeating any any sort of enemy the first is to pick up objects and throw them at the enemy now this is limited by the things around you obviously but the most important point to know what this is that you pick up objects in the order that you throw objects in the order you pick them up so for instance the big one at the right here is going to be thrown first that's a really important point to make because you don't want objects destroying other objects by the way we call these cocoa puffs I've want to mention this very importantly now unfortunately I didn't get the best or envy right there so this isn't going to be a great time but we're gonna be just fine if list is partially RNG because it's all dependent upon what you can grab and can't grab so we're just gonna wait for ablest to do some weird stuff I don't actually know at this point why don't we have a donation read if that's okay let's start if there are any donations to be ready actually everything alright so the host is currently a little bit I see I see I see okay well that makes that thank you feel much lighter so if I go for a plus one to be honest but if this one is kind of unpredictable to be honest I can make up some donations if you want not sure why let's see greetings from Germany and good luck we were covered it but yeah that was a bit rough answer bliss a bliss is always rough and what do you expect from a Demon Lord the annoying part is is those cycles mainly actually the cycles basically you just like we did before you hold you hold Artie to pick up any objects and objects themselves can be kind of blocked from each other which is very useful um except it's not it can lead to you actually destroying everything you have in your grasp if you have like an explosive object and you decide to throw it because it's the first thing you picked up and then you lose eight hits worth of stuff so it's very important you actually manage things properly I was also trying for his slightly harder strat there which is probably why it had you know it's a karma whatever so yeah yeah okay this is great because this is one of the sections I wanted people to read donations as alright I'll let you know when she's back well I can actually just talk about some stuff here at the moment so silver currently silver his fastest his fastest method of movement at this point really is walking back except hovering without stopping his alpha is actually faster so if you hover and then hover on to a section where for instance you immediately start running again it's actually faster oh yeah let's start you're here alright good start I can't hear anyone sure thing sorry so do you mind uh we're at a bit of a lull in the Ron do you mind reading a few donations of course I like one or two five just one actually sure thing I got a pretty good one $17 from silver the hedgehog it's no goose yes I I I'm really looking forward to the Sonic a6 DLC and on to the goose game coming out this year so that is this is the first instance of something a bit atypical for anyone who's played oh six so we're not supposed to do this these studs flat move which is held by which is done by pressing X has some really weird properties there are some really strange properties mainly with momentum conservation so no matter what the action is basically if you actually um I actually do not know why we can skip on water like that but I believe it's cuz it reverses the momentum which is great good jump height ah there we go so noting that the thumbs up is very useful we actually are going to do something slightly different than what's done before at agdq 2013 instead of skipping on the waters more we actually can use this to hover hovering over without stopping is indeed faster than skipping and from here I'm going to do something called levitation extensions or Ellie's so sobers knots only be supposed to actually regain the bar in midair what we do is we do a frame perfect' trick which is let holding X as soon as you let go of a there that retains the momentum of your hunter while also letting you to regenerate the bar because regeneration of the action gauge at the bottom right is done by pressing or holding X for whatever reason it should normally be like that but you know it's fun it's sonica six and then another tenant oh yes that ball was actually way harder to grab a hold off than the one in crisis City so notice we had to actually defeat enemies there we didn't have to defeat them it doesn't matter so I can actually comment on the leader regeneration you already have the upgrade that you get later in the story where you smack the ground any shots or enemies around you the game has a built in where you build meter while that move is going on but they didn't program so that when you don't have to move your meter rebuilds so that's why I does that interest I actually didn't know that Thank You dears I don't know if anyone knew I've just I've just like over the X button again I held it on save we're doing in yet another frame buffer here and we're going to try for I not many people try this in RTA I'm one of those crazy people who does so we're gonna use another ones AFC's here which is not normally what people do in RTA yeah I will try my very best to do this so we're gonna do a loop launch loop launch is available in sonic story and all I said like that it is a trick set many people probably seen in a different form than this but basically we're going to try to extend our homing attack for much longer by aligning ourselves proper like so which allows us to skip to this section of stage and from here we're going to try to pull up at ASC Oh 1 2 3 4 5 what I believe is man this is also frame perfect as I should mention nope that actually stops so Liam do you want to mention the rail mechanics oh wait no Liam's out night never Maya this just for the visual visual appeal Liam is now my name is now light sorry what would you like three gather them again here we go let's see if this is real okay there it's pretty annoying to get actually here which is why and most people don't do it I am NOT most people if you haven't realized already explain the veil mechanics if you got the rail mechanics tiling with the rail oh yeah that is the timing on the rails is really particular it's weird you only do one turn around and yet it's not the turn around that determines how uh like your speed up it's actually how many times you press X so you can press X 3 times for everyone turn around and you get 3 times the speed boost damn Thank You Liam thank you Liam no problem please hand the mic back to DSS alright I already know you were going for crazy tries because of course that that's when we just have to go for I'm glad we got it first try that first try I'm glad we got it without dying right mm-hmm yeah okay so mom here this is a really good point to mention this so why is this called no MSG or no much intellect glitch well so I believe in early 2014 Diaw subsidy it was early 2014 you found this yes yes okay I got it okay 2014 GSS found that you could actually maintain that yes/no box from a mission wall in the Hubble by dying while it's on the screen so from here from there you could actually at this point in the game in any percent we would actually because we had to change the categories because that actually well let me just explain what MSG is so if you get if you get a yes/no text box active and you are able to take it into another mission you can quit into you can go into the second mission the one that has the yes the text box wall in the first and then from there you can um once you're there you can actually quit back to the first mission and then either fail it or continue it as whichever is quicker honestly one of those two oh and then you the game doesn't know where to put you after that expects to put you into a hub world but it doesn't have a hub go because the second mission is registered so the game as a fail-safe just work to do the credits because you know I was sick also I kind of skipped over one of the most important things in early silver here but why we separate there's no mosquitoes it's through wall there you go that's pretty much any plan objective an exploit more than like a guess it's a trick it's an exploit so with any flat object if you can move it higher than the ceiling and it's any sort of ceiling aligns with everything you can actually clip through it and that allows us to do major skips here invest again sir which is my favorite early game stage so that's desert normally here we're supposed to play as a me and we're supposed to go through this section is over then play as a me and then we allow we hit a switches a me to go back to silver we're gonna skip all that which takes about five minutes normally to just go over here I am doing a levitation extensions as we speak if you see silver falling further four than you normally would that's an elevation extension and I'll remind about again it's been perfect high silver I actually touches over whatever don't touch pillar okay all right yeah now we're back here we're gonna do yet another one of those dumb another one of those box exploits this one is the same as the previous buttocks we need to be careful these enemies they can break the wooden box or they can do that that's pretty neat I think early I said wall man what's up we're gonna now going a really small seam here we're gonna go on a really small oh oh oh that's not good I'm glad I hit the checkpoint it's cool I'm glad everyone's happy with Silver's voice acting this is the best part of running in English we're still on good pace don't worry so that unfortunate happens I'm gonna be much more careful here we're gonna do the same thing I'm gonna try to trick the enemies into killing the one one another that's great good I need a line really close to the wall otherwise I won't actually be pushed through properly because there's a very narrow scene here okay I apparently just don't know what caution is so there's a very narrow seam there's a seam here very narrow if you go too far the right you fall down as I did if you go too far the left you get pushed back in by the sand wall so be very careful here I wonder how much of dusty desert we actually spend out about something it's got a got to be like good 70% assignment yes about 70% so now we get to the final area here that skipped a sand room and a an enemy section so now normally is supposed to be the ball puzzle which was actually the incentive at agdq 2013 I'm not crazy enough to do that and so instead we're gonna do a variation of the same box trick it's the same basic concept except the ceiling is actually too high and we don't actually want to cook through the ceiling because if we clip to the ceiling you would actually go back in bounds that's not useful so I'm gonna put the box around the center here and if it's being it's gonna be finicky of course the new finicky so I want to align it with pretty much the center so I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna hold our team I'm gonna there we go so basically you land on top of the door instead of actually going to the ceiling because what happens there is no burger just basic gets pushed on the door but as the cute as the box rotates because again nothing in this game basically any sort of wall or door in this game is a suggestion not a requirement sounds about right and with that we've completed about about I would say about a fourth of the run now with that do you mind if this was gonna be a little oh wait no I know exactly to do here so I kind of like you know there's this nice little so Leon has a really good aesthetic I think there's this night it's you know it takes from Venice very very very strongly so there's a nice sense of like flowing water ways and and you know canals you know local townspeople you know cafes and whatnot and of course my favorite part of any sort of Venice based thing is a fourteen-year-old psychokinetic Hedgehog pummeling a blue hedgehog to death I've been to Venice once it is actually even more impressive in real life there we go we go that's actually really good because it's so with here that was a boss really important point to mention here actually so notice that I get an a-rank so the really important part about our TA in sonica six is that the s-rank actually gives you an additional gold medal these gold medals happen here those take 5.5 seconds to actually go through so the thing with these is that they just simply take up too much time so if you're able to avoid an s-rank in less than 5.5 seconds like getting a 13 second time they were up to getting any rings it's actually advantageous it's actually very difficult to get a time that's even 5.5 seconds faster than 13 hitting an 8.5 or lower is actually really really difficult or actually 7.5 I should know this I'm a math major whatever Oh one important point is it's okay to get ranked in missions because you only get a gold medal you get an s-rank on every mission not the individual so we actually skip a lot of missions in fact the one thing I did before that's skipped a normal mission no metric our mission mission eight that's where you perform it mission select which it doesn't matter we don't do that so with here I'm gonna I'm actually at this point we're gonna skip the shock bracelet of this move that DSS mentioned earlier the shock race that allows you to do ace well I think it's called cycle shock which is basically cast on ground pound move it's actually really useful for combat in general because it allows you to stun those enemies really quickly and pick them up and then put them down that's the other easiest way to actually remove most individual enemies but we want to skip it because it actually clutters up our X button won't the X button to be held for fairly obvious reasons it's worth in the run with that we can have a few more donations right out because we're based we're just walking here sure thing I have $50 from gas flare hey he's a no 6 runner hey focus Liam why consid good luck on the run I'll donate 50 more if you can roast turbo and or shadows story for me okay well shadows story is the most boring story in Sonico stinks I can tell you that right now it's the only one that's not been read it so the only one that's up and run at a gdq so yeah it's objectively worse as pertained by gdq committee sorry alright I just wanted fifty dollars because we need we need to raise more money guys yeah but do we know the for the 50 bucks there oh that skips a normal card I didn't call the shock bracelet and we go directly to what accomplice everyone's take it by two blades because this is the last time we'll see here well we will see her she was gonna be an MPC and probably die in the final boss in a really really awful time to die but you know don't go plays I love plays so you can also do AFC's off the ground again they are frame perfect so it's not the easiest thing to do but there is an mg at the end of the section it is kind of risky to go for because failing it can potentially lead to losing 50 seconds so you gotta go for it right of course I have no shame now I had no shame when I started running this game so this is the basic an automated section not much you can do i align myself to the right here or the left left I don't know to my directions I line up the left here so I can get these speed boosts off these these line up there are three of them so that means I'm currently holding X I'm preparing to turn the camera around me by pressing LT the camera controls no sticks are really useful and AF see here oh yeah an important point I want to make with this is that in ou 6 if you have the right speed geometries writing at the right angle you can pretty much clip through anything so that's really useful for when we get to silver oh boy this is gonna be fun the second half of the run pretty much changes everything but while we're here the fastest way you can really move around is walking and Elian well we're in the air so you can see that's a levitation exception that's a levitation extension when I fall spa that's not so when I fall further forward that's a lob tation extension and remember that's frame perfect I'm gonna need to use frame-perfect a lot in this run as already mentioned so in here we got to shave a few more donations also right now there is just nothing we can do to clip out here unfortunately alright we have $100 from health myself whoo thank you just donating one dollar for each time I heard it's no use when I play it sound like Oh sticks to completion back in for monies facts the Sonic the silver boss and sonic story is the easiest boss and sonic story yeah it's funny because everyone has trouble with it in the main game yet as speedrunning it's like the only break you get dude sonic has great anti-air this is the definition of speedrunning right now by the way who doesn't love walking there you go feet jogging speed jogging yeah see jacket funnily enough Silver's like strolling the third slowest character I think knuckles is brown speed is slower and I think Amy's grounds he is slow I know game he's grounds be to slower so still have the slowest now but silver will be the fastest controllable character in the entire game once we get to pass this boss in this mission that's a pretty good time right there sub 2 10 is optimal honestly best of gun is 204 I'm pretty glad with this a bit of a rough start but a bust is always like that Oh William so this boss I want to shout out right now to my boy in Northern Ireland oh Tunisia he is a silver store he is third place currently on Silver Spur for this for this category and he's one of the three people whose tie the anypercent world record he and I he IND SS basically kind of pulverized over story more or less because we're the only three that are kind of active he helped me with this figure out the cycle this boss is cyclic egg Genesis it shoots missiles and you need six hits per cycle 24 in total each missile cancels one so I'm gonna pick up all the missiles here one two three four five six that's a bit more than six that's fine as soon as the camera resets one two three four five six remember guys math major so I'm gonna wait for the cannons on the side to actually activate first and release some and then I'm gonna shoot the rest I have [Music] Oh a bit low but that's still good hey that should be good gonna go back one two three four five six hey there we go pretty good time this is I actually used to beat get this with fifty fours and this is going to be a forty seven or forty six even this is a pretty good time overall consider a guy I didn't know how to do this boss two weeks ago so we're actually in a wait we're trying to avoid lag here and that and because the boss crashes down much like an sonic story if you try to actually stay on the screen while it's on it may lag the game and cause you to wait a second to have 100 milliseconds pass that's fun so it's best to avoid that by angling the camera properly and just running away from it because you know definitely hate my game for use for like three seconds one time crash my game I shouldn't set this up right now but my game actually did crash in practice there's oh six for how much people say that's bad oh six is not a game that crashes often yes but thankfully there are places where you can make a crash on purpose of course there are forces because why wouldn't there be oh yes here we go so remember how I said we could try to skip a me and most things this is the only mission you can't skip it's one of two missions you can't skip and the only time you get to play is a Mia this entire run so let's get used to her and her slow unfortunate movement look at her go so with this I want to bring up a point about why I'm running on the 360 so the ps3 and 360 versions were developed sort of together but sort of separately the important thing about the ps3 version is that it's bad so for speedrunning I actually have the game download to my console on 360 you're able to do this without hacking you can go into the game options and select install that improves the loads by five to 10 seconds per load these are the fast loads on ps3 you lose about 10 minutes compared to 360 just from loads but 360 and fierce we have some other differences for instance 360 and ps3 have some differences in what is it in spawning objects draw distance that's sort of fun stuff and for some reason this boss is faster on it this boss yes this is a boss this mission is faster on ps3 because there are a few spike balls that are on the roof that expect the hat actually forced the boxes to explode and that leads to them killing auto auto killing like four enemies which as you can see hitting one enemy takes a lot of time so we need to it's the only time I believe one of a few on ps3 that's actually more efficient on ps3 but it's not worth it ten minutes worth of loads but you know for else though it's nice it is which means that our boy and first amy in in belgium he still holds that world record because no one owns the PSP version anymore oh wait I have to pee after your version Louis Knight okay there we go everyone in force Amy you're probably gonna have your last record finally taken just get ready so this is the big changing point for silver story so here we get the heart of wind which allows us to do something called the teleport - and because we there's a few things of course so remember the stun swap has some weird momentum properties well if you're able to cancel the teleport - effectively by pressing X in the last frame of its animation they're about six or seven frames so yes it is again frame perfect you're able to preserve the momentum of the of the teleport - for longer than you normally be able to also that so doing that allows to do this yeah we tie so we can work back to the start here we can clip through in skip mission 11 basically this is makes over the fastest character the entire game so with that we basically are all-powerful again it's frame-perfect every time I do it but we're not even to the worst part of it yet or the best I would say so remember how we skipped the shock bracelet in right Acropolis also hi plays hi plays hi guys so that's skip mission 11 that's no mission you're required to have the teleport - you you're supposed to the devil - for but basically none of the guards can see it doesn't matter this saves time because the load spins but yeah because we skip the shock race that we're actually but the whole decks after that which still preserves momentum so if I can get this right we can do these super extended teleport - like this yeah also frame perfect' well which I that again there we go that's still frame perfect it's the same input as before but I hold X this right here is the reason I runs to other story that's so cool it makes over the fastest character in the game because if you clip through almost anything well or you can mess up you know that works do you need this is where action gauge preservation is really vital action gauge preservation is really important because basically all the teleport - always takes 15 15 points up a hundred so you can do six in a row without recharging again so you need to make sure you actually have enough bar good thing about the SD DT is the super extent at elbow - is that it recharges as you fly so I can go like this and it recharges so or more room to do more ETDs ever again every time I do this extreme perfect I want to mention that just to make sure and with Matt if we complete the stage hopefully in less than a minute hey that's a good sign I will remove let's see know happens I believe is so the trains that are there they're actually despawn as soon as you touch the top of the ceiling there the the thing there what happens there is the this is gonna be fun what happens there is they actually despawn but the actual trains themselves are still invisible so you can actually go back and I can just ride in a visible train but I believe the Train actually pushes you on the results screen out of bounds so that's fun okay shadow shadows arguably the most annoying boss in the story other than it was three so I'm doing something something slightly different than most runners do because I found this was safer just a few days ago shadow is much like Sonic in terms of you need to have items and you need to manipulate them quite well except Shadow has less items available so frankly it's harder to fight chat you need to make sure to use these barrels wisely there are total he takes a total of 24 hits and their total of 22 in this main area and six in the other areas holding them like this is really is sometimes useful but the issue with that is that sometimes ooh nice I press the Xbox menu nevermind I hope you all liked soccer balls um sorry manipulation sure so I'm actually a way for the barrels to spotty I'm here and then I can hit attack him once more one two three four and I'm gonna wait once more there we go oh he's oh this is a good position I think yes okay we're gonna show the cutscene here which is an important no 6 cutscene it is the it is the only piece of the plot I actually pay attention to so you need to make sure you actually listen important lore right here it is very important right now has little or enthusiast any crowd that's clearly part of story you need to know in Tonica 6 now the rest matters then you black out wake up in aquatic days so I want to mention before we go here this stage normally cast even though even if I'm trying to do a sports hike this is about 4 to 5 minutes let's just see how sure this is now with the ETD I'm gonna still go Elly's perfect frame perfect so I can extend myself that sounds weird um this is the final room of this area I'm flipping here gonna kill these enemies and we're done that's normally four to five minutes casually pretty decent for missing the SVT why not you know supplement one frame perfect Rick with another that seems great I did I did the great trap there don't worry so again this is the power of the stdt I cannot I cannot like emphasize this anymore but there is some amazing stuff you can do with this again speed is all you need to clip through almost anything so unfortunately we can't actually clip directly to the end of this section because there are death planes there kill planes and those are unfortunate they are in fortunately place because they're everywhere so we have to go through this section unfortunately but it's fine I was ready almost ocarina dive there because you can get silver stuck you can if you actually get a ledge as silver when doing an SVT or ATT and you keep on holding X you'll continue to hold X and therefore he'll get stuck oh yeah also this that's got hope and clip we definitely hope we definitely clipped that's gifts the final room and unfortunately we actually have to defeat these enemies most the time I know 6s you've noticed before we actually are able to like get mostly enemies stuff this isn't so we actually skipped the Shock bracelet as mentioned prior and as a result we have to actually to defeat these enemies with just the Sun splat movie and the most knowing of these enemies are these believe they're called tricksters or takers they are the most annoying part of all of Sonic oh six there's one up there and I can't get so I'm gonna have to go over here and wait for it to die basically that's still a very good time combat in those six is harder without the shock bracelet because if I had the shock bracelet I could hold X ground town basically and there would be a range of a range of effect where enemies would be stunned and therefore I could pick them up those are always vulnerable so I just mentioned in oh six if there there's really an important distance yeah I just think you need to make when you're finding enemies when an enemy was vulnerable and how much they have so if an enemy is immediately venerable and they have a large health bar stun them if an enemy is sort of low on health like one hit it's there what had object at them if an enemy only becomes vulnerable after they've thrown certain objects just wait or not just wait try to get them as soon as try to kill them as soon as possible or defeat them as soon as possible because you should therefore hits the golems and the egg golems because you know dr. Eggman is very very very good at naming things they usually require certain conditions in order to be vulnerable so if you're able to destroy them before then great if not wait for them to become vulnerable and just have blast that oh we're going to go into the the other required mission in Sonic oh six hey so I want everyone to pay attention to this load scream now this is an important load screen we have a lot of data being loaded right now a lot of important practical data that is going to be put to use in the speedrun and what we're going to do here with it is we're going to start it and immediately end it that's it there's no points of that that's what's the long load screen I like making fun of that because it loads the entire hub world every time you load into this which is why the loads are so long so now i protect anna as so what immediately started we actually just went to the end of this mission the reason why is because is the same principle as it works now because anna here will go to the end no matter if she doesn't have any enemies if she does have any enemies she will continue to go on to the end the mission is finished by anna reaching the end so we do nothing and we win but we actually want to do something a bit different we went from actively protecting her to neglecting her to actively threatening her because what we do here is we scare her so that she walks a bit faster there and that it speeds up the time a little bit which is kind of against the point it's oxymoronic considering what we've just done but whatever i'll by the way i've just put out of bounds and i'm gonna have some fun we have about a minute to go through stuff and i want to show off the colorful cast of characters that oh six has because they're NPCs loaded out here i'm gonna try to make barrel captain if i can rule Oh perfect oh look at that boy okay guys we have bottom exploding over here obviously he's floating and we have my favorite actually i call it self portrait again there's all these embassies this is my favorite one it's the angel and the devil on the shoulders I said we just wait for Anna to go to the end of stage and we're basically done this is like physical Menace page manifestation of the poisonous head or some things pretty much which is you now said apparently yeah well this is interesting camera angle hi hi and that's the end of the mission so I also want to mention really importantly we have we actually because we don't want to go to the end directly because going to the end directly actually still keep some of those enemies spawned in and therefore prevents Anna from moving at the beginning but it's the same effect in the end there's a soul in man yeah Courtney a man had the utter right right there the man in the background he's very important and he's unfortunate blocked but whatever our hero these are here are 40 and we need this is an accordion couch I'm sorry decisive this is an accordion couch I've accepted it alright we there are many NPC's in those six that are just beautiful so we're now going to start Hill boy so this is the point where we have trial skip so I'm going to save for sure so this is going so at this point of the story we're supposed to for some reason go with sonic I don't remember why because we just you know pummeled him with table so you should be in the hospital but we go with sonic to find Eggman for whatever reason I don't actually read the plot I don't watch the cutscenes anymore but instead which so normally you have to do three three missions by the way this is frame perfect' as well or near frame perfect' doing those it's double tapping a really quickly in succession you can do it easily up these slopes but it's harder to do if you do it at other points but basically normally you'd have three missions here you have three missions to do here and you need to complete them all to unlock an eagle that takes to the top of the tower over there so normally that tower you can't really access it any other way I'm gonna try to do an SPT here where you go normally you can't access that tower any other way besides completing the missions but because it's a sonic o6 we can use the we can use the geometry here and use LEDs which again are frame perfect to retain our bar and maintain our speed so we maintain our speed that allows us to stay on the wall Lord long we thought we could and because we recharge our bar as we do that we are able to hover higher so you might think oh this seems high enough you know going up this wall seems pretty high this is one of three we have three walls the first two are pretty easy to be honest the first two you can see the mirror up there on the bottom the right the mirror on the right that that that show even though it's blowing just because a mirror is placed in a hub world doesn't mean it's active just because a mirror is placed it doesn't mean it's going to be there we actually do like test them we tested them all this mirror is active so basically touching it will take me to came the valleys skipping all three missions so I'm going to go up this second wall and I'm gonna try to get to the very top with all of my bar pretty much intact I'm gonna get right here I'm gonna oh that was a bit lower than I wanted I'm being very precise here again there's not much help there's not much bar here I'm gonna fly over to this steep wall because yes this is the only way we can actually access the kingdom valley mirror currently at this point in time I need to do quite a few frame perfect' inputs in a row so I'm going to try to it's very steep and I can't if I mess up one I fall off and I have to redo this all over again I mean you get a full bar once I get a full bar I can go up and there's this is at a diagonal sort of there's a they're staying to the right tends to be safer because the right is act you're it's the right side of this wall which by the way if you ever noticed yet what you see is not what you get currently the geometry doesn't match because they didn't expect you to actually do this so the geometry doesn't match but basically it's that sort of like a letter like a diagonal here the right has a roof that can actually stop you but the left keep like basically makes you slide off and that's very disadvantageous so we're trying to stay to the right of snooze as close as possible while getting the most height as soon as got enough height here I'm gonna slowly tap a up this wall and I gotta go to this pillar here I'm gonna do one more set of recharges here and then I'll be done trial skip and we're safe more or less I have still lost it here though and here we go Matt it was trial skip even attempt this in a marathon is absolute insanity that she makes it equivalent this curly on paint we're currently on pace were over been previous world record with that even though we messed up all this stuff this saves about two minutes have done off me and that was done pretty optimally and we okay this is amazing this is why I'm saying I say because of is a packed run these load screens don't help at all I'm gonna do a teleological try to do it first and see if I can get in there we go just minutes so what that is telling teller launching is based off the telephone so the telephone earlier pushing it a side pushing you know pushing off with while you're you're grabbing it so you let you basically fly on it if you throw the object while you're telephoning you are able to keep it it's perpetual grabbed state and while it's in this craft state the the lift function works strangely it actually launches you up exponentially rather than linearly math Major Tom oh by the way prepare yourselves for Sonic now I am Wow okay I meant to take no villefort couch interpolation this is a steal for couch we are we are not exclusively silver in this phone because I'm currently playing a sonic and we're going to finish the stage of Sonic Liam is freaking out over there probably oh yeah oh yeah that is a small little time saver there I am build the control stick to the left and right it's the left to the left and up that allows you to skip that third enemy I'm not going to get myself stuck here so when I get here I want to jump over to the left here and I'm gonna humming attacked and then sky jump that allows us to skip the loads into silver section as silver and we complete it as Sonic now I actually have gems so these gems are pretty important in Sonic story the gems normally available in Sonic's story are for the RTA are you get blue and you get blue and red app after tropical jungle is it one of the two it's right before Kingdom Valley but I actually have it in this file I actually have Sonic completed to the extent of a what is it like 93% so I've access to the purple and sky gems which no me wouldn't have at this point but you would normally have it cuz you have to be the silver you have to beat Sonic story or be part of it to reach silver story so it doesn't matter the notice how there's an action gauge at the bottom right it was supposed to drain but one curly bracket and the code prevents it from doing so what's actually a misspelling I was told it was a curly bracket but regardless one thing Unicode and with that we can beat that stage in less than 150 that is really good [Applause] yes it was silver just to reiterate just how crazy to trial escape is those levitation extensions there are all frame-perfect if he misses too much he falls down and has to start off away from the beginning the reason why that occurs is because as silver never mind as silver Falls or as any character falls they fall exponentially they fell like a rock effectively and that's the case no matter what even when is EDT when is Aditi what happens there is it sort of goes like a parabola it starts off going really far for but then then it basically still gets dragged further and further down as we go further and further through it but you basically need to make sure that oh am I gonna be able to hit this or not most of time you can you can wage it really well I was actually really worried beginning kicking in valley getting that misty I was really worried I would hit the death plane because I wasn't high enough you were really low hey that's how it works so I'm not we actually found something recently here don't enishi my boy again he's back on his stuff but actually here what I'm gonna do I'm not going to do the first version of it but I'm going to do in the second section I'm going to attempt it so remember how we were able to tell launch off of rocks so far we were able to tell launch off of uh you know spheres all that stuff well boxes have always been in an enigma because boxes are notoriously hard to tell it tell it launched off of you have a very narrow window to input everything and your youth when you tell a launch you actually have to account for the animations of throwing and listing which is it of themselves takes time so the importance is with boxes you have maybe less than a second most occasions and we've never figured out a even semi consistent method but on today's she we're after I found something already kind of crazy in this stage which we were going to go for he said I'm gonna try this and then what happened was he then found something that was even worse and even better because that's what we are in Tonica six if nothing else a bunch of optimization bunch of optimization maniacs so we earned I'm going to officially dump it Tony method I don't I don't think starry feet gives the justice I'm going to try it in the second section oh by the way that door over there is the one of the few doors you cannot clip through using the ETD so instead we're gonna just you know go around yeah go around Hey these are frightening cuz these cocoa puffs oh these cocoa puffs Penn's Hill or Church you even over here hey we can still get hit here but we didn't mind I was frightening yep thank you okay so Tony method is interesting so this isn't really so much so a glitch in of itself as still as a setup for 10 launched so I'm going to align myself with the dot diagonal of the box that's basically the longest line of Vox look it up in your geometry textbooks I'm gonna allow myself the diagonal I'm gonna go to these red circle which at the edge of the red circle and then I going to take two steps to the right and then two steps back towards the camera and then I'm going to in this case I'm going to do a quarter circle that will give us a decent shot at getting tellings so let's try well let me do that again let me align better so I'm gonna line up with the diagonal gonna go one two one two and I'm gonna do the quarter circle the kid I didn't get it that's a that's a stuck teller launch that's what happens when you fail it so I'm not gonna try for it unfortunately we're just gonna complete the stage normally I'm glad I tried for though I attempted it something that would be able to skip like 30 seconds 40 seconds easily I was close to there I was actually closer there got in a while tell the fling on anything that does not appear coal is just these ones are odd these ones are odd boys they're odd because these ones you actually have to tell if you want to tell us playing off of them like I just did you have to have to do it on like the last of the frame as you land normally don't to do that you can actually just get out of range and then go back in range and like I didn't trace the city and it just works how are these ones I think because you activate them by picking them up that's the reason why you have to do that so again we can ignore this one I'm just gonna cook through we're at the very last few sections of the stage and with that i'm gonna click through here i'm gonna clip around again a frame for it every time and this is gonna look super secure i'm going to get my good bait gauge up and i'm going to hover over i'm going to do get hit gonna use a buffer invincibility frames i'm gonna pause buffer here this pause but Boop down that far whoop I'm just gonna hover I'm gonna do as Meli's it's fine if we die here yeah we're gonna die here no where's not much loss I hit the check point we're all good the annoying part about that is if you haven't noticed yet if you mess up pretty much anything by IIIi did all the movement there early really well and then it's just like oh well okay you want it you want it to beat the we call this the massive puff again we have great names in this community we have incorrect ones and we have great ones okay I'm gonna align myself up here I'm gonna do a pause buffered one here and we get to skip that entire boss like that this is actually amazing cuz this is gonna be some 50 pace I think so do we have the inaugural box here yes so speaking of cocoa puffs cocoa puffs they're really interesting this final boss was the bane of every silver on his existence this final boss is basically entirely up to luck the best I've been able to get personally is a 155 the boss takes 32 hits if we count one cocoa puff is one hit which is a great you know system of units one cocoa puff is one hit it takes 32 you have 19 available with the amount I'm taking and you have 20 you have an additional ten from the automated section stuff one oh that didn't know it did hit one two three I needs free from luck in order to get guarantee a to 20 I need to get lucky here I got pretty lucky but let's see if any of them hit because that's the most important part two of them hit I need one more from launcher you might look like you've done well but you don't do well this is why it was three is effectively a lottery a blissful use effectively a lottery you just get lucky or not you figure out what you need to do see explosions my favorite I'm pretty sure we're just barely good yep I'm pretty sure we've just barely good for 220 it depends on how well I do these next to you this so the best time that's ever been gotten for this boss weight-wise nope ooh one puff just died oh I might I think I'm still okay we'll see you in due time I think you're fine there is one the only time anyone who's gotten below at 155 to my knowledge is what we call and deem the stuff again it's summer boy on sandy she the stuff happened in a dead run and it's and it's the best thing ever it's the best speed in your moment of the 2010s because effectively tony was able to do what he couldn't do after 12 hours of grinding this boss which is get a really really good rng and get a 125 a record that still stands to this day no one is able to be replicated because it is effectively i wonder if all these things hit you actually have to aim someone is silver when you have these objects you to aim towards to target and when you have so many they sort of just playing it everywhere as you probably saw also plays is dying in three two one yep so i'm gonna go to the right here left here i'm gonna pick up a puff that's gonna fall in the fall over here oh that might be the killer there this doesn't look good the time ends when we when the whole bar is fully depleted by the way so i'll say time so this is what we call the god puff of course everything is puff but yeah the stuff basically is something that will never happen again speedrunning and i'm so beautiful it's so beautiful to watch let's see are we are we a hit away no time that is a sub 50 that is only 30 seconds off previous world record [Applause] that was with you know what the funniest thing was if I had a better gift list one this would have beaten previous world record it's crazy that was a pretty good run very nice that wasn't the stuff but it was the stuff yeah that's pretty that's pretty solid right there for a merit thats the best marathon tent that's ever been got by the way what I can tell everyone I know that's the best marathon time that's ever got for this right after this run this beats the previous time showing at gdq by 14 minutes and none of that time was saved on loads remember that loads are still about a 25% of the run 15 minutes so I managed to save we managed to save all of us really all of us see on the other six community which is fairly only a six so that bits only has six apparently we managed to improve this by 14 minutes without any additions to without any benefits from the loads without anything in seven years which is pretty great you want to read some donations for the end of the road if you don't know what to do we have one from kirby mastah finishing up curie/nasa gave us $20 and says screw master with his last donation during the sonic block I hope this donation will be of some use let it go to focus this choice also are we going to see the box showcase today oh I mean I have a lot of next time but we are behind schedule so good luck focus site and shut us the entire sonic couch and crowds for keeping up the hype this was legitimately a good run if if I actually got would record I actually beat my own war record in practice for this event so before this before the before I got that 47:25 what record was 4901 so this was only 37 seconds slower than would record the previous war record and it's only like two minutes slower than my per Mille record of which i lost about 40 seconds and 30 seconds on two stages respectively so that's a pretty good showing to be honest I'm pretty happy and yeah it does actually crazy also both by and not by Blaise because nothing in this canon makes sense Oh silver the funniest fact about all this is that this is the this is the voice I associate with silver most even though it might be annoying it fits them the best I love silver silver is one of my favorite sonic characters but [Music] you weren't even used halfway through the run that was crazy that was absolutely crazy some really good times in there really good overall I mean I'm amazed never covered that and got a sub 55s character I'll miss you [Music] beautiful now with that service taramis tree is complete I want to thank everyone again for joining so much for this run I am this is it more than I could have honestly expected from the gdq run this is amazing also yeah this shows my estimates a bit maybe high I don't know yeah I had 110 for a run out for when I got 51 in but you know it's just what it be now listen to uh you know some basically what fits right in with like 90s Eurobeat but all right do you have any like cool glitches do I still have time do you want me to showcase some stuff why not we can I can go back and show some stuff no one's telling us to stop okay why don't cool stuff I can often I know all the stories really well actually so oh can I get through it in time can I get through it in time I'm gonna try to see if I can get to my favorite straton Sonico 6 it's in last story it's in the end of the world and it's my favorite strat I found this completely completely accident look kind of accidentally and it is undeniably the best strat in Sonico 6 so we're gonna go to the end of the world and the world's a really cool final stage for Sonico 6 and of the world is really interesting because you basically go through as all the seven remaining care just remember places apparently dead but also isn't because rush adventure so we're gonna play through all basically seven of the stages of seven different characters there's a crazy show I could do here I don't want to do it because it is literal torture so I actually it plays all seven characters for you're here but I'm actually gonna go to silver section so this is very fitting my favorite stradun Sonico six is in silver section here because my favorite character in Sonic is silver as you can all see silver is is an ideal speed game you want to pick up a hard game pick up Stover if you want to not do that pick up shadow I can try to keep this as short as possible this is there are three more three more sections to this so I will get to this as soon as possible if I miss it if it's fine if not it's okay a mecca by the way fun fact that Omega fastest character in terms of ground movement speed sonic slower than Omega that kind of makes so basically the fastest characters are individually Omega fastest in terms of walking speed blazing sonic fastest uncontrollable silver fastest controllable there are only two more sections left is all I get to silver and I'm gonna try my best to get this first try if not hey look it up on YouTube I have it there well lava doesn't hurt me so it doesn't matter I promise this will be short the load screens are actually the longest part which is fun again these are the fast loads I'd like to mention that again if you play on ps3 these would be about 25% fat 20% longer hey there we go that's actually frame perfect as well retaining the screwdriver speed and the glide so I'm gonna get to hear Oh so this is the start of silver section here and this is my favorite stratton sonica stick so in the stage there are there there are these different eyes of Solaris some are blue and those are time dependent those suck you into them and those can kill you on top on contact the others are red eyes of Solaris these are position dependent so that red eyes is Laura's are position dependent and the thing about that is we can trigger them to they also have consistent let's see this does make it yes oh yeah so bad I submitted all stories just at the end of the section by the way as fast as doing it's hella launch or near it so that's gonna be it then that's pears gonna be it that is basically us timing a read Solaris I to to basically spawn a box underneath us as the spring launches us up and we land on it as we fall down that's a beautiful tree lab and with that that's like a six [Applause] big shout outs to focus site can we get another round of applause friends and what an incredible run thank you all for watching for the sonic block don't go anywhere though the fallout anthology is next if you want to watch all Fallout games in a row how well we'll find out don't go anywhere I'm going to play a quick twitch ad but that's it for me I've been hosting for like nine hours today i'ma go take a break I'll see you all later on this weekend this has been Liz Starr have a wonderful day friends and I'll see you next time of course it's a Kirby song as I appear hello agdq i am an arrow veena and i will be your host for a fallout anthology being run by tomato this is gonna be really interesting um if you haven't already donated for the character name this is the last moment you can so make sure you get those donations in we have a $50 donation from Zakariya that says extremely excited to watch tomato breeze through the fallout anthology at htq 2020 ha of course Thank You Liz 28 for your $25 donation that says the first time I've been able to donate to agdq yay good job I always love watching thanks to all the gamers for running and don't forget that not only do we have the last incentive going out right now we also have another one right after this game for the outer world ending choice to side with the Sun is at the top at 1200 and $12.50 a side with Phineas is 1080 dollars and side with the board is 305 so if you actually want to see that ending choice be different well guys start donating now if you want to make it change we have a 250 dollar donation from Jess Tom longtime viewer first-time attending volunteer everyone I've met so far has been so friendly and amazing and that monkey dart looks dope lost my aunt to cancer a few years back and I don't want to see others lose their loved ones anymore I totally agree Thank You cinders 0-3 for your $20 donation French donator here oh well bon soir coma Siva he big shout out to the lip entry stream since 2017 I started to watch the games done quick and never had had the possibility to donate for a good cause thank you for your marathons every year keep going thank you so much Green freak 17 for your $10 donation that says here's $10 towards a great cause I lost my mom to cancer almost four years ago and it's time for cancer to get rekt I hope all the players are having fun and that their runs go well thank you so much I appreciate that you guys purposely put a Kirby playlist right I'm not just the only one we got a $10 donation from Sparkle buff that says my first time getting to watch live you can do a tomato we have a $25 donation from snowboards with a Z I says the gdq marathons are one of my favorite events in the year thank you for all you guys do to raise money for charity we appreciate you for supporting Max Payne 33:22 donates $25 it says attending agdq in my hometown of Orlando this year I flew back from Vancouver Canada to attend with my best friend Dylan thanks focused site for showing off the broken mess that is Sonico 6 wait you mean it wasn't I thought it already was okay and I'm looking forward to seeing my favorite Fallout game broken down to bit tired dad games and tired mom donated $10 that says my wife and I have been watching with our toddlers since yesterday oh how cute we're huge fans of the gdq and even bigger fans of preventing cancer we're looking forward to seeing the rest of the runs this week oh and one more thing
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 374,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, AGDQ2020, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 6Yg57BeaIy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 59sec (4379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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