BINGE-WATCHING Episode 1 to 26 l Stone Age the Legendary Pet l NEW Dinosaur Animation

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[Music] [Music] tectonic a land untouched by the hands of time a place where dinosaurs and humans coexist in harmony a mystical shell allows humans to communicate with dynasties these dinosaurs have been designated as pets [Music] however not all pets are so willing to cooperate a person who contained these unruly pets a trial is called a trainer trainers use their togas stone we get to clean pets the pets are enclosed within a small piece of rock this mystical rock is known as the pet stone [Music] new trail and [Music] [Applause] [Music] their time [Music] [Applause] the great secrets the moon try [Music] that's [Music] [Applause] from the dark I love Keith all I hear is the sound of my own heartbeat jsf spit the ground shake real loudly big up [Music] for my first pet again huh professor play-doh Woodie you'll never be a great trainer by using force what if I'm gonna be one at all I need to learn how to tame a pet you don't tame a pet with your strength you tame a pet with your kindness now get that in your head [Music] good luck Thanks huh tame with kindness why does everything you say sound like a riddle someone is after you you find my path thanks kid come to Daddy who are you oh I'm a pet trainer my sweet boat who didn't want to train and ran away wait hold on she'll be fine right [Music] huh what's that what in the world is that turn your boat pet poachers what's with this run we're not I told you a trainer don't lie to me let all the pets go annoying little punk now that you know who we are we'll have to poach you poo [Music] go on you're free [Music] [Applause] [Music] I call that the rebound dress that's it he's gonna get it now therefore watch where you're shooting what what will you drive [Music] [Music] serves them right what's this sound well I'll be that's a baby pet come on out it's safe the bad guys are gone you can go on home somewhere to go then wanna hang with me let's go home I'll make you something yummy a talent for training [Music] hmm here Kubo put this in the dyno vault [Music] it's a baby pit its name is mocha you've already given it a name yep mocha mocha is all it says so woody this pet is a baby mobile rose mow girls that's right one of the strongest pets I know maybe I'll take the trainers qualifying test now don't you think it's too soon but it's a super strong pet right so why wait longer I know let's have a match with Kubo first if you beat Kubo I'll write you a testimonial for the test it's a deal okay are you ready born ready what you got [Music] are you okay see woody no pet is strong right from the start you need to train them to help them become stronger from now on it's boot camp good after some hard training we'll have a rematch you're on okay let's go dream professor do you think woody has what it takes don't worry Illya just wait woody will become an excellent trainer because it's in his blood got that Moga will train real hard and clobber Kubo now let's get started this is fiery Barry ain't careful it's super hot [Music] what he likes them so they're not hot [Music] fire back already is the training going well haha all done with training we're here for a rematch with couvreux he's improved totally ah but it seems like he still has a lot to learn just wait and see you think you're a food fighter or something [Music] [Music] [Laughter] do that it's cinnamon if he eats fiery berry he can breathe fire really that's something even we didn't know professor remember that testimonial you said you drank you got it told you what is going to become one of the greatest trainers ever this is it I'm on to be a trainer with God worthy of the stone reader [Music] here we are this is where I take the trainers qualifying test there's a ferocious pet inside the cave you must defeat it and go to the end where you'll find an altar if you truly cherish your pet with a pure heart the strength of the stone readers spirit will be granted my heart is as pure as snow right MA well thanks for the info chief let's go I hope he fares well it's freezing cold in this cave [Applause] [Music] that must be the ferocious cape Moga time for some fire [Music] [Applause] are you okay I think this is the spot this is the chief told us about now once I played on it you can't take him who truly cherishes his pet shall be hence I was ordained as sleep this this story Durer [Music] in the name of the trainer locust pet stone what was that some kind of magic this Punk [Music] [Music] [Music] finally I'm an official a strange khaki I can't believe I have a stone right it's like a dream come true I have a pet now I'll cherish it forever hello [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm sorry I promise I won't play tricks again I just got a stone reader and you're late but I can practice with so from today we'll look for a new pet I can claim sound good hi that's a khaki I have to hurry and catch it huh oh yeah I can't get a pet by using fours slave to make them my friend haha let's see what he's doing I need water here's my chance huh what's taking that fumbling brained bubbles so long thirsty huh here have some oh how kind I really needed that much obliged my friend hey my friend then that means we're friends now right well not literally No [Music] so cool I got my second pin let's go back to Professor Plato I got you water where are you hey who are you looking for ah professor Kyle he has a pretty bad temper but he is one of the most renowned experts on dinos uh as for me professor's ace assistant models nice to meet you want me to help you find your professor hmm hard pass I'm going to be a leading dinosaur professor in the future so I don't need no help from some toddler what toddler yeah you're looking at the next greatest trainer on the continent put a trainer yeah that's right in fact Island a new pet just a minute ago [Music] [Music] professor Kyle Oh see I told you that I wasn't on that I'm real sorry but how did you get to look like that ah you see well my latest research has been on Hybrid one day I was combining a company with another plane I made a mistake the professor combined with a cocky now we're on our way to sham gear village to ask professor Plato to help oh you know professor Plato I do Plato and I have been good friends since our old school days ah then just follow me I'll take you to the Dino lab great this is unique case so there's no known cure but I'll work on finding one if anyone can it's you ah one more thing hate to ask but would you mind giving me a place to stay no problem you're my old friend it's the least I can do [Music] [Music] first mission as a trainer you call this road it is pound it's pet food but that's what you are now you are not and you know it I don't quite tasty I should never have let him stay here and no I'd regret it you can't go around eating human food you'll get used to it soon luckily it's just indigestion it'll pass with time by the way woody glad you're here a wild tiger hog has been attacking people recently can you go look into it this is my first trainers mission sure we can call it that you can count on me will you come to Professor Kyle me no why would I go with you actually what he could use your pet expertise professor plus some exercise will help with your indigestion no way forget it I need bed rest yes I have no choice then return now how'd you like that pretty impressive oh I can't believe I'm carrying you when I'm sick technically speaking you're my pet professor Kyle if you keep complaining I'm gonna turn you back into a flat stone tyrant the wild tiger hog was last sighted here look at the color of its eyes it's being controlled by someone I'm sure of it this time we're taking a mugger off yeah they're poachers after mocha we're not pet poachers if you're not then why do you keep taking Alice you two must work for dr. Thielen how did he know that he just told him dr. thalis who's that he's an evil scientist who worships machines the great dr. phallus and his brilliant machines will rule the world I wouldn't bet on what it didn't faze them take a blow like no other Moga you can't keep running away sensitive noses so they hate bad smells yeah Oh asking questions and just get that hog over here oh you got it oh okay in the name of the trainer I blame you [Music] that was a smelly low blow my tummy feels good now man the gesture is gone you were awesome professor Kyle I look like a bird but you still have you're smarter thank you anyway if dr. thalis is making moves then we're in for big trouble woody if I can help you I will that'd be great professor I love you too thanks bubbles our second mission is to go mysterious Lucy [Music] that was awesome yes good after training some fiery sorry MOBAs I'll find you more fireese okay be more careful let's just find them already think there is a bush of them across this bridge huh hey what's that [Music] no it's not a pet it's a person let's go see in a forest near sham deer village more importantly where are you from how did you fall into the water what's your name my name is Lucy and I'm afraid that song I remember why she must have lost her memory when she fell in the water poor thing then you can come stay at our house what we live together yours mine ours I'm letting you stay with me of yes don't you forget that that's out I think a pet some danger huh wait for me you step right into a trap [Applause] with you guys again I don't know why they keep showing up timing stop wasting our time [Applause] a small taste of a machines no way to run now so you come to me only when you're in trouble now it's time how did he get free [Music] he won't dodge this one [Music] thank you crop good thank you I'm grateful for help gore only the most skilled trainers know how to give treatments to pets who did you learn it from I don't remember so I was hoping I could stay with you until I regain my memory of course you can smart numbers are always welcome right oh wow hold on you are way too weak I'll join your team and protect Lucy goal which means I just claimed a new path you must be tired so let's go home be bubbles it's my house remember I remember don't be so petty why you don't tease kooky [Music] those kids are making fun of them honey those little meanies [Music] that's right you better run you jerk call me out for scare a bunch of kids you okay cookie do you know how bad it feels to be teased about your looks sorry I didn't mean to we should go find Kakashi and apologize we are your guardian angels we can make all the teasing stop sound good [Music] [Applause] hmm leave those kids alone fine I'll play with you instead go costi is being influenced by those mechanical arm popcorn clapper goes are you caught it [Music] when I'm through with you calm down I know what you're going through don't lie to be ski no it's true I know how you feel because I used to be teased for being short but still revenge isn't the answer hey cuckoo skis wavering my friends treated me like an outcast everyday so pretty seniors he looks like this and he's doing just fine confident you're attractive in your own way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give up now well you still can [Music] Kukoc I'm sorry I'm sorry - you know if it's okay how about we all be happy friend yeah we'll make sure no one's [Music] happy and looking at this khaki makes me even happier sneaky ah what hold on why is that looks like another day Oh - - master of disguise I'm a yummy pie for you guys Lucy there's never a quiet day [Music] where did it go altitudes are masters of disguise they're impossible to find in the forest in that case come on out [Music] ah oh so you'll use Tiger hog sense of smell I don't think up Edna's timid would normally steal can you tell us why you took the pie I'm being threatened are you in heaven Bob they said if I didn't bring them something sweet feeling the flourish police hey Bob no threatening pets now how low can you go glad you hear glad we've prepared a special present for you a spear gar same family is clubgoer but more fierce wealthy hung beer she is [Music] he's no match for his spine screw that's right when spear Gore's eat sweets they get stronger and much more ferocious that's why they forced 402 to steal can you put this pie in that pot what more it's all a part of my plan [Music] don't worry [Music] [Music] charged with this I wish to repay you by joining UT like a spook or freak out before huh when no one was looking I put a bunch of fiery berries inside the pie oh yeah what an ingenious ID the boy who saved the world what you ran into dr. phalluses goons that's right there were two of them who is this dr. thalis anyway hmm a Dino expert he was a rival of our professors but one day he started doing dangerous experiments with mutants then he began dabbling in the forbidden subject of mechanical studies so he was banished I don't get it why is he after Moga then he's collecting strong pets and making them even stronger if dr. Dallas succeeds they'll be no stopping him we must act fast let's inform chiefs scham gear [Music] of course now let's start sniffing that's an evil doctor after pets notify the village trainers to reinforce the border yes sir it would be wise to take pre-emptive measures oh no don't you fret beach toys papa will always protect you my sweet divine revelation Jah I've received a message from the spirits a fortune-teller who communicates with the spirits boo me yes you you had a chosen one who will save this world he's gonna save the world please would you please stop ranting nonsense but not one of your prophecies has come true maybe we should leave my tiger hog - oh dear even the pets in the village aren't safe I'm sure those goons are behind this let's not jump to conclusions we should investigate first this is perfect first chance will suck him in so where was the last place of saw your pet over that way I stopped to say hi to was entered and she just disappeared [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey what's going on here here you are tiger hog that's incredible let's get out of here before we get caught what is all the hullabaloo about chief Sheldon we found our missing pet boy is that really true woody uh I guess in a way it was just dumb luck if you ask me fluke you know maybe I am the boy who saves the world [Music] punching King Ogawa [Music] it says we should find one somewhere around here woody are you serious about claiming an agua of course I am if we're gonna beat ballasts and his goons we need a pet that can pack a punch well yes but do you think we can tame me we'll never know until we try he's amazing looks like we found ourselves on our cool we can't defeat an agua with strength alone so first we need to think of a plan why don't you ever listen to me where you go ah my name is woody and you'll be my pet just like that huh don't make me laugh if you can defeat me then I'll be your pet go ah it's a deal oh I tried to warn him Inagua must be won over by appealing to his natural habit so it's a natural habit their habit is [Music] show him what you got he's way more agile than he wants now it's my turn [Music] [Music] this funny dude has got some moves I remember now what I go was loved to dance if you dance with him you might win him over to our side come on you expect to cost how about a dancer be ready to be amazed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was an honor to dance with you I've known that deep connection go ah if I can't dance with her this skill then I'll gladly come on don't you wanna be on number the party crashers it's good to have you on board what do you say you and I bust some moves missing beach toys what these toys disappeared yes and I love him like my own child so much - don't worry - I promise we'll find him for you I'm counting on you how did beach toys go missing beats me chief said he's never been out of the house before could've been stolen footprints up all their peach noises humans me he was pet masked if so I think I know who did it did you oh did you find something I had beach choice by the pond choo-choo by the pond right - definitely him okay guys let's rescue Beach toy yeah you think [Music] spying on a lady baby how naughty of you boys you'll want to talk you pet Napper what you stole poor beach toys you must work with Chan and BA I didn't steal him he came willingly and as for Chan and Bob no clue quit pretending and hand over beach toys if you want him back so desperately then name your price that's not so much did you sell you should be ashamed of yourself [Music] my [Music] my I thought you were just a little kid but you're a trainer well then let's play shall we that woman is a trainer - yes the names Bambi the prettiest trainer intact Annika Wow that's right I've heard rumors of a blonde money-grubbing female trainer then that must be her let's see what you got kid ah go on go knock him out [Music] shows you how important experiences because I don't want to go back doing what you don't know just how much I've wanted to travel the world come reached Royce the chief has never was no he cares about me but I can't see I want to see the world with Bambi easy I told you what she's untrustworthy she'll sell you the first chance she can Bambi would never do that how did you find us chief some gear sorry old man the pets mine now have some compassion tell me what you want don't give you anything just please return my pet to me anything this should get me a pretty penny hope I never see you again hey you must be tired sweetie let's hurry home shouldn't we see something well it's not really our place what you want me to take a choice no no site you ever since that day beach choice has been running away I will miss him but I think it's time to set him free oh I want you to show beach toys a bigger world hmm cheap sham care must really love Beach tow yes he really Janice don't worry chief we'll take real good care of beach toys can't you at least pretend to be Yankee Don outlaw this is where Yankee dumb live do you really think Yankee dong zhuo in our size sure why wouldn't he join what's this who are you and why are you loitering outside my pad you ready mentor thanks bubbles because if you leave from the hoop super fun no prob feels like we're on a date [Music] Bob Lucy leave the Three Stooges to me yeah feisty little fellow aren't you [Music] what a weakling get on yeah wait my friends alone mentor is that guy he lost to harass us every chance he gets are those scoundrels but you trickster sweet-talk that pass poor man my apprentices then you'll have to deal with me yeah likewise if you hurt my friend don't make you scary come on out [Music] [Applause] that sounded like an order Tito that's a piece of cake Catan coochie-coo come to Papa you can run but you can't hide yeah [Music] beautiful scales young obsessed with their [Music] [Music] youngji dawn this is the end for you are you bonkers I know how you feel you must be very upset here so your scales go back you can wear them oh thanks this is the nicest thing anyone has given me my style mentor stand there bow to your mentor what's a mentor always a mentor [Applause] it's nice but the wig has the smoke you smell on your nose must be sensitive it looks great on you sleepyhead Mui this is the river where we found you does it ring any bells sorry if we follow the river I'm sure it'll jog your memory he's right don't worry Lucy thanks everyone [Music] hey it's usually a gentle cut humans [Music] happened I finally found a nice sleepless but these evil humans too so I haven't been able to sleep for a few days and that's why I'm cranky [Music] it makes my blood boil let the injustice of it the village instill kids let's get digging I know what we do guys get movie hit Big Mac we meet again they're always showing off me words don't work with these guys [Music] rest on my way in his MA [Music] [Music] in my dream [Applause] [Music] time [Music] what if you become my pet once you're in a pet store I can't believe all you want [Applause] in the name of the trainer now we can sleep till his heart's content right sleeping already Shannon Bob best friend forever machine I don't want to hear it you good-for-nothing idiot stop giving me lame excuses if you break one more machine machine you broke was made from a rare relic of the machine civilization that I found go back there right now and dig up the remains oh you're calling silly you big Neanderthal meathead look meat hood let's get this straight stop marginalizing me oh stop scratching I'm not gonna stay here with the likes of you go nowhere you coward big old meathead he can dig her junk all he wants but I'll catch some pets which will make me the doctors pet determined to succeed chansu fell fast asleep meanwhile Baba's finished work on his own heavy lifting to be you drive this thing anyway let's drive this [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] basically mm-hmm you came back empty-handed yes I haven't tested this yet I wonder how well it'll work Bob I've learned that nothing in life worth having comes easy let's hope they don't forget training 101 with woody we'll find you some fiery what's going on barbecue hog virgin doing let go are you trying to steal my catch no Tiger hugs my pet I thought it was a wild pass sorry about that I'm a hunter named Zuba next time be more careful I'm woody a trainer what are you really a trainer it's my dream to be a trainer too but now I'm just a simple hunter good to know they feel a trainer then you must have a stone reader of course so cool with this you can summon your you deserve my result of lag go on Rudy please be my master you shouldn't use brute force like that stare deeply into the pets eyes I'm really hungry I couldn't even tame one this is too hard oh maybe you could show me how it's done so you alright I'll show you how to tame a pet watch and learn thank you master then could you tame that pet over there master thank you I could tame that one in my sleep did you mean that one that's right if a pet that nigger's easy you must be amazing [Music] masterji a practice is a gentle herbivore so they mind don't worry then why are you hiding hello hey practice would you consider being my pet down here do me a favor will you consider being my pet no sorry I must get back to my herd yes uh then just for a little while could you pretend to be my pet I'm begging you please I said No he's right in the practice that's my master go and return to the Pluto's render OVA and bear poo I want you to be my I don't know why all the pets are afraid of me maybe I'm just not cut out to be a trainer chin up don't worry you'll find the right pattern positive thank you master just watch I'm gonna try even harder baby it probably got hurt we couldn't keep up with its mother I think I'll take [Music] I'm not gonna hurt you I just want to treat you okay your legs shet yeah more from me then oh it's delicious you know what I haven't named you yet I know very cool you like it isn't it cool try walking on it it's all better right you're a real trooper pal hey how about some meat [Music] there's not much me left should I go hunting no I can't I found not to hurt pets anymore I'll give the last bit of her poo and look for some veggies from me I didn't know the forest had so many things to eat were these poisonous mushrooms but I can't eat right now if you insist [Applause] [Music] the painters gone who was it because of this berry that was cool I think you're ready to take the trainers sorry go to your mother what are you doing trainer I told you to go why are you sending it away what ver pou needs isn't me he needs his mother right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] their boo one day I'm going to be a trainer when that day comes I hope you'll be mine a ghost in the forest just look at us we haven't found any pets and we're eating on the dirt like savages at least we caught a lot of fish for dinner they look yummy we're on a mission to find Pat's not to have fun hey what's wrong your pouch of fireese is missing really uh I think the water bottle is missing too and I can't find the berries I pick that's a weird at first the ghost likes to steal people's belongings then at the very end thanks people's I got them real good there's no such thing as a ghost what no way I can't have my star reader [Music] not till I find my stone ring I think it went this way yeah yeah where's is the spirit cap on its head to do magic so then it isn't too good right little feet I'll teach you to play pranks [Music] so your magical powers come from these leaves they [Music] [Laughter] that's my only I had my star [Music] well it looks like you still haven't learned your lesson get it on messing with so much hairstyle is [Applause] I'm so sorry it was meant to be a fun prank but it got out of hand it's alright at least you helped me in the end anyway Lucy your spear skills were awesome it's true where did you learn those moves I don't remember I really wish I knew who I was I want to transform back oh is it finished it is with this device I think I can turn you back into a human however there may be side effects great endeavors always come with great risks I'm ready and willing are you sure Kyle I'm sure alright good luck my friend farewell to my pace of hardships thought it might be some kind of mask or something it's not a mask cuz professor Kyle's real that is really bigger than this Kyle I don't know what to do yet but I'll keep researching and I wouldn't eat human food just yet your bodies are pets so you'll get indigestion stick to pet food okay [Music] he's like that because of a bad experiment oh dear if I scan you just look at me I'm completely I must find a way to change I'm hungry something to eat first been great if I still had my legs and wings okay catching up to us Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] professor your body huh how did this happen we should go hold on try and catch us if you get [Music] you know come on that's enough for today an unexpected saboteur interesting you could have been hurt experiment was a total failure huh I'll figure out how you changed back into a khaki but after today it might not be so bad to say like this lovesick pink pig for better play there's no one here coming through professor I can't find a pulse too many layers of fat temperature its sky-high what is bad will he pull through [Music] are you saying about do you feel yeah oh you're go away no you're not really my type she would never go for a weak bit like me don't give up all you have to do is become stronger we'll help you all the way why is he so emotional [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] youngji done let him win okay sorry I didn't know he was bad why are you making me put on the show anyway get on do you want cow pig to leave you alone or not oh I'm gonna lose like a Jeff did on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] hmm impressed ray come on lazy day now incoming [Music] another kaki a rusty our young one is unforgivable Wow let's take him gasps I don't know I feel guilty slacking off don't we deserve a break I'm fine just get me out of here no prob professor Hey where's my stone brother Oh Lucy I gave it to her for safekeeping our mortal enemy kaki gasps don't be so angry I have no idea [Music] please let's get out our friends in danger impossible - we could never help friends of a cocky gasp I don't understand why you hate khaki so much we despise them because ever since I can remember they used us for sport the humiliation will never be forgotten targis but I didn't do that so don't blame me you know what you're right you can't blame him are you bonkers for the team professor Liu Oh fine tell me how can I make things right with you hmm apologize Gus from the bottom of your heart hmm where did everybody go wonder if something happened while I was sleeping your apology isn't cutting it for me my anger is lifted over you'll meet the same thing [Music] [Music] [Applause] that was some awesome teamwork so I was thinking adventure-seeking Mambo why are you so lazy we've been waiting forever I had a sudden emergency I'm sorry we've all been stuck here because Mon mo came really late that's not like you man mo you're always on time for your route I know actually it's my son mambo shift today but he's playing hooky what he's out in the plains but I can't look for him until I'm done with work then I'll go find him for you really no sure just leave it to me thanks Mambo have a good day you do yeah when I get my truck on your mum or you'll be sorry mo I wonder what lies beyond these planes who are you we know your father Wow he asked us to bring you back I'm not going I'm sick and tired of working bull I've want to be free and travel the world bull then want to go on an adventure adventure yes if you stick with me I'll show you the world no that sounds great you're here to help man might not make things worse ah - be really angry with you Mambo I don't care if he is those eyes I think he's being controlled by someone not you guys again my dad is a hockey woody you'll have no chance of defeating him one on one [Music] with a three of us you might get a little get on [Applause] dad what's wrong with you [Music] [Music] what's going on Oh daddy the pedestal fell out daddy wake up from now on I'll work hard to be a good son I promise so please please open your eyes dad I have one favor to ask let my son be a part of your team I know your dreams of traveling in a venture I'm sorry I was so hard on you a bigger world [Applause] [Music] woodie's test Oh mother tell me what happened to her no energy we found on the ground in the square I'm afraid I'm shuffling from the dreadful disease oh yeah you sneezed on my face now you have it you think adjust nice catch the procedure and then soon after you're done so what if only I had shipped our new curve as soon as they hear dreadful disease everyone freaks out what are you doing here you can't let me go all alone I can always count on the fortune-teller drew me a map so it should be easy to find huh let's see I think we're going the right way wait is this simple a bridge this is just a bunch of they're all gone boy were they angry raining come on give me a break the freezing-cold were a fire sign so water weakens you I have to get you out of this rain put the herb what was that that's the tonic Harve hang on Moga I'll be real quick I'm not giving up [Music] why is he attacking us [Music] you're not strong enough to fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was fun fortune teller how'd you get here you have an iron will with physical strength and also a caring height for your pets you truly deserve to be the chosen one the the chosen one sending you out to get me the herb was all a part of a joke the chest I'm actually a spirit Oracle could shield in the human case ebook spirit Oracle you are the chosen one danger is looming over the north protected there is where your true adventure will begin the journey begins you good-for-nothing slackers empty-handed again to complete my ultra pack machine I need ammo gross how many times do I have to tell you I want you to go out and catch one they're infuriating when are you going to get over your obsession with these pets jinx mind your own business and make me some more power stones look here I'm not one of your lackeys I'm your partner remember that and I have a great plan great plan I'll acquire something quite formidable soon if we make a Power Stone with it will control not only paths but humans as well jeez Louise it's heavy all the essentials remember what the spirit Oracle said that's right I'm only borrowing this human what are you talking about mother baby she's no sick from that disease with the Joseph during the journey you will find a clue to your path please tell me how I can turn back into a human how the chosen one your wish will be granted as well and that's why you have to help me is everyone packed and ready hope it's not too heavy the place the spirit Oracle mentioned is right here Catan village you must pass through a rough desert so please be very careful I'm the chosen one where does he get his energy what did the spirit see in this clown anyway let's go we have to hurry huh we're running low on food we should stock up on some fruit from the forest no prob just leave it to me yeah I can pick them from right here yes whoa I usually don't like to brag but it was the best archer in my village Wow really bubbles I'm impressed do you wanna see something cool [Music] Wow that was amazing it's nothing really Wow show me what else you can do hmm well pal can you hit a moving target of course I can Mitaka let's speed it up you watch yours II see how skilled I am [Music] what are those two goofballs doing right now [Music] [Applause] Thank You Reno you saved my life no prob it's my duty at the pet trainer judging from those arrows I'm positive a human did I find this human [Applause] Machoke it is unforgettable [Applause] professor do you think they can handle this mission I don't know but at least they're going in the right direction [Music] here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's this hole doing here the desert is full of wondrous landforms you won't see anywhere else and this hole is one of them did something collapse the desert floor is quite weak so things like that can happen from time to time you know everything professor Kyle why not use it to our advantage would see those guys there's something really fun to play with [Laughter] what is that hey give that back [Music] I should have known it was you that's right it's undesired don't bring us out red panties can't let you do that Mambo [Music] we need fire [Music] how does that taste [Music] [Music] please admit our job easier [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] professor Kyle I had a really strange dream I was having the same dream it must have been a mirage Bambi a dubious guy come on let's keep going [Music] [Music] he's just giving Mona some water oh it's been a while he even gave us some water really Wow now that everyone's up let's get going let's go pammi said she'd show us the way to cotton village we're going with her oh my so many stones must be heavy let me oh how nice why are you running would you see the greed in her eyes and remember beach toys I don't trust her how you treat someone who just rescued you I know but your scales must have improved what memos are difficult pets to tame he'll bring in a pretty penny he's not for sale I'm only kidding can I have a lift too sure boy and does it thank you yeah it looks good Bo well I think you're a great trainer badly really then wanna be my back she can't be trusted [Music] woody why won't you let us write on Mambo I don't want him to get exhausted and collapse again so you want us to get tired and collapse let's tell him it's the hottest time of the day now so why don't we take a nap and save our energy that's my stone reader caught you red-handed finally showing your true colors I wasn't peeping Bambi stole my stone reader a woman but yours is right what's this doing here remember I'm a trainer too Bambi is just trying to help us why can't you trust your woody no good that's how you feel less hard ways pajamas just caused a deal you can find it on your own right yes we don't need your help ah it's better without an outsider around am i right ah he has a stubborn streak we didn't even say a proper goodbye hey guys now that she's gone there's even a breeze [Music] is this the end [Music] you saved us again man I thought we were goners for sure Thank You Bambi of course I'm be time for my beauty sleep get a night hey Bambi oh I'm sorry I didn't trust you before and thank you I'm actually touched uh better get some rest we're known out of the desert yet Bambi I I want you to know that I think you're pretty cool cool a small price to pay for your lives right to mana sips black magic this one was tough I had to search the whole desert to find this little guy this time I'll just take this had an unexpected windfall today my bad I'm so sorry oh he's exactly my type we should hurry we might be late I'm sorry for keeping you waiting guess he's already taken its village [Applause] Jaybirds like something dr. Dallas would name huh who are you safe that is it Morrison tell us are you a chanting Bob oh you must be that interfering trainer boy safe how perfect I've been wanting to meet you safe so I could teach you a lesson tomorrow in business you're not teaching me anything [Music] going clobberin Oh bonuses can use black magic he can make you hallucinate don't be extra careful what let's have some fun shall we guess we'll have to fight all of them to find out come on out nice work guys [Laughter] [Music] you are knowing yellow clouds to say goodbye [Music] [Music] I have no choice [Music] but I'll just be more scarecrows look they got away [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Stone Age The Legendary Pet 스톤에이지
Views: 6,081,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stone age the legendary pet, pet, dinosaur, dinosaur video, dinosaur movie, dinosaur animation, dinosaur anime, stoneage, trex, T-rex, stone age, jurassic world, jurassic park, legend, trainer, cartoon, dinosaur cartoon, cartoon for kids, game animation, game, video for kids, kids, tween, moga, woody, tyrannosaurus, binge, watching, binge-watch, binge viewing, netmarble, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 40sec (8080 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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