Binding and Loosing. | Kingdom Agreement with Rev. Eastwood Anaba

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we are looking for a man he said and i sat on my throne and i wanted a man to stand in the gap and he said i found none and the endless expectation of the creature does not wait for the manifestation of god it is working for the manifestation of the sons of god that time has come for you to stop playing religion and take your destiny in your hand [Applause] listen [Applause] one organist and one human being in this choir can play and turn the whole world upside down just one organ organs listen david alone took music took a hat and changed the whole world because he had an impact on a king now so here is jesus talking to his disciples and he said i give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatsoever you paint on earth shall be bound in heaven and what you lose on that shall be losing heaven that means when you stand on earth anything you do has the ability to affect heaven here are people sitting on earth and they are waiting for heaven to move before they move what you bind on it shall have been bound in heaven and what do you lose or not shall i have been losing heaven and the word to bind is the word which means to fasting with cheese to forbid and to for to prohibit now keep in mind to forbid and to prohibit because you see the word to bind is so religious it is so cumbersome it is so difficult to apply that it has mislead many people i want you to turn to somebody and say the word blind has misled you because pastor john when you say shall we bind the devil you see people we bind the devil we bind him we bind him we bind him yeah chili poison very soon i will show you binder doesn't mean what you think binding is not so difficult like the way you think no binding the devil and binding evil is very easy it's not the way you think i will get there and when i get to this thing and i don't finish i will just stop it and continue it another time because i don't want to rush the issue of binding and losing at all binding and losing and to lose means to release it means to unbind and it means to untie and you see the christians again and we lose it and we lose it they go into a gym immediately we are losing we are losing and then when you say we are binding they are they are tying up [Applause] now so he said whatsoever you find on it shall i be losing heaven now listen to me a human being on earth you have a lot of authority don't ever take yourself for granted daniel was a young man in the land of babylon and daniel went into the period of fasting and prayer the man was fasting and praying until the angel gabriel in the human form was released by the prince of persia to bring ancestry supplication now watch this an angel is arrested and entitled to take the prayer of a human being to release the engine [Applause] the angel that is going to help you is coming god does send the angel but if you don't fast and pray the angel will be arrested in malawaali some of you your angels go to walewali and stay there and you know what instead of fasting for 21 days you fasted for only 10 days so the angel is still in the counter back in waluali and you are sitting there saying god god hasn't i said my prayer i'm waiting for god and the lord has not done this and god said you know what you should have prayed for 21 days until that angel is released the prophet elijah told the king he said shoot the arrow on the floor on the ground the man shot on the ground one two three and stopped and the man of god said you know what you should have shot five or six times but because you did it only three times your victory is limited but if you have done it five or six times you would have had perpetual victory that means your victory depends on you yourself your victory depends on yourself it depends on what you do it doesn't depend on your pastor it doesn't depend on your prophet it doesn't depend on your apostle it doesn't depend on your teacher watch this can i sound this can i sound it doesn't even depend on god where you are now does not depend on god anything god should do for you he has done it already jesus had died he was buried he rose from the dead he sat at the right time of the throne of god father by principalities and powers he gave you the holy ghost he gave you the power of the blood and gave me the power of the name of jesus and you are still crying out to god to do what what should god do with you again by his stripes you were healed so if you are still sick what does god got to do with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] the chastisement of your peace was upon him and they took the crown of thorns and put it on his head to give you peace you are still crying on to him peace on your name you o man rise from the dead for you he rose from the dead defeat principalities and powers he defeated them sat in the heavenly places at the right hand of the throne of god the father and god guess what he raised you up together with him and made you sit with him in heavenly places for about principalities and powers and you are still weak what should god do with you again listen some of us are an embarrassment to the kingdom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] some of you sometimes you make god put his head on the ground and when satan stands to accuse god doesn't know what to do i know god knows what to do all the time but you you just render god you just render god i don't know what you render god to be so there is daniel and behold and hand touch me and it is believed that this is this is the hand this is the hand of the angel gabriel and han touched me and set me upon my knees which set me up on my knees and upon the palms of my hands and he said unto me oh daniel a man greatly beloved daniel a man greatly beloved understand the words that i speak unto you and stand upright for unto thee am i now sent and when he has spoken this word unto me i stood trembling oh yahuwah then said he unto me fear not daniel for from the first day that doubt this set their heart to understand and to chasten thyself before god thy words were head and i am come for your words you see it's just your prayer that brought me it was your prayer that brought you you started fasting you started praying and it was your prayer that brought you that is why i tell people whether we like it or not you know i i tell the people in bogota i say whether they like it or not it is the prayer of the believers that is bringing development on the land the believers are praying the believers are talking to god and they are prayers bringing angels am i talking to somebody at all your prayer in your family is changing a lot of things he said and i am come for your words look at verse number 13 but the prince of the kingdom of pressure which stood me one in 20 days below michael one of the chief princes came to help me and i remained there with the kings of pressure he said i was praying i was coming and then the prince of persia held me and because you kept praying michael one of the princes came and helped me and he has released me and verse number 14 i am now come to make you understand what shall befall your people in the latter days for the vision is yet for many days he said you know what i was arrested by an angel but i was arrested i was arrested by the prince of pressure but because you continued praying i was released ladies and gentlemen evie your your prayers empower even angels your prayer releases angels your fasting and prayer is very important you know people when god gave us the right of redemption the right of redemption also went with the responsibility of redemption and god is saying you know what i want to do many things on earth but i need your cooperation i need you to be involved i need you to pray i need you to bind i need you to lose then the thing will be done and the thing will be performed so we see a human being who can pray until an angel is released and i pray in the name of jesus tonight may somebody go home and pray until your angel is released release the angel of your destiny release the angel of your future release the angel who will bring you that breakthrough anybody clapping your hand that thing is happening to you in the name of jesus christ now binding and losing is so important jesus christ teaching his disciples when they told them something he said but if i cast out devils by the spirit of god then the kingdom of god is come to you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind a strong man then he will spoil his goods everybody say bind the strong man come on shout it bind the strong man and this is where i want to talk about the ignorance now how do you bind the strong man maybe you haven't thought about it before how do i bind a strong man i cannot i can i will show you how to bind a strong man from the example of jesus but let me start with how we bind the strong man oh shakkadoos yeah we bind the devil we bind the devil we bind the devil now your padlock which you use to lock a door when you lock a door with a padlock and you are going to open do you hit the padlock you take a key and you open so you bind with the key he said i give you the keys of the kingdom of god that whatsoever you bind on earth should be bound in heaven you use a key and listen the proof that what you are using is not the key is how difficult it is when you see the thing is very difficult it means you are it's a wrong padlock or a wrong key [Applause] because you know what ladies and gentlemen it was if it was the right key when you put it in you just here the amount of your shouting alone means you have you you are afraid [Applause] [Music] you ask my wife she will tell you i do a lot of spiritual warfare this woman i don't know all the years you've known me whether you've ever seen me in a panic mood no no no no i don't it's not my style [Applause] you may even listen one day just before we travel to america i was lying on the bed at principality thick and tall i looked on my shoulder and this let me i was lying like this i looked on my shoulder my left and this principality thick and tall the waist was through our ceiling i was watching tv at that time i don't know whether it was football or something they were doing or whatever i was just watching this thing appeared in front of me i felt the sensation in the movement i looked and listen i just did this i saw the team fall bam i continued with what i'm doing and i just told mommy i said i just knocked the principality down but there was nothing like hey children come children come that devil is a liar and so is his mother-in-law what is all this noise going to give to you look at jesus christ one day standing with jesus he said the prince of this world is coming but he has nothing in me cool with you listen may god give you cool christianity christianity [Music] you dare rush [Applause] that's what allah christianity you have going to carry when he said come unto me all you deliver and i have been lady and i will give you rest some people the prayer and the fasting is so difficult that sometimes they go and hire prophets and give them melo to drink and fast for them so they say man of god i'm giving you some melo or i'm giving you a seed of 3 000 ghana you fast and pray for me so that i get the miracle but i can't pray for myself and that's because you know what they think the whole thing is so difficult and the past sometimes make it difficult make it look difficult for you so that you can depend on them [Applause] oh yeah you know as soon as you sit down and describe your problem then the pastor will throw his head we must go into the third hell i know the third heavens but these people are better here [Applause] you need about seven men of god and then you are sitting down so by the time you are going you have no faith you can't believe anything you can't now so jesus is saying i give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven what you bind on earth is bound in heaven and he said you cannot enter a strong man's house and spoil his goods except you first bind a strong man that means you cannot enter a strong man's house and lose those that he has bound unless you first of all bind a strong man but if you want to know how to bind a strong man you must look at jesus's own example how many times did you hear jesus say satan are binding or demons i find you have you checked the bag this one where he said accept your band did you see him using the word mind you're a scholar of the bible you see him say about i bind the devil i bind demons i take authority over demons i bind them i bind them but look at us running all over the place are buying a bind and you know what let me shock you most of the time you are binding something you are bound already oh i know you are confused i know you are confused the worship we were worshiping today he is bound already all all jehoshaphat needed was for them to go with the praise and worship and as they went with the praise and worship there was a sound on the top of the trees and the enemy was bound the enemy was immobilized so even your worship is binding and your worship and praise is losing so you know what paul and silas are in the prison and when they had to be lost from their chains they didn't say we lose the chains and we lose the shackles they just raise praise and worship and the chains drop so ladies and gentlemen your praise and your worship is binding and losing [Music] so you know what when you are coming to church and you miss the time of praise and worship you have missed the time of the binding and losing [Applause] so when the brother today was saying only you can do what no man can do [Music] only you can do what no man can do takeover only you can say what no a [Music] when they were singing that they were binding but at the time they were binding you and your house and i don't even think they knew they were binding that is why sometimes they can be singing present worship and chewing chewing up because they don't even know the importance and that is why some of the same people who are to bind will come to the church late because they don't even know the significance of their ministry binding how many times did you hear jesus say abide one day he had to bind some people you know the devil is the accuser of the brethren and he is an accuser and he accused a woman and said this woman was caught in the very act of adultery and when the demons moved their religious hypocrites who were filled with the spirit of hypocrisy to stone the woman to death and their activity was devilish when they brought the woman and jesus had to bind the spirit of accusation and the slandering demon of satan jesus didn't say i bind you slanderous he wrote on the ground and as he was writing he was binding them and binding them and binding them and they were running away he got up now and said woman where are your accusers he bound them by the things he wrote [Music] i i i have seen people the other day aaron was giving testimony about one of his friends he brought to me and and he said i prayed less than two minutes have you ever seen me pray very long prayers over people you bring to you have been bringing them every day do i waste my time 30 seconds maybe obediently maybe three hours crying something and to buy a fast track pay as you go [Applause] [Music] i don't know no i don't wish listen when you come to me no matter how big the problem is you will never see me start jumping no no no no no i used to jump when i was in primary school i cannot be jumping down because of you me would agree let's see me and cancer has sent me to me ask my wife whether when i'm under pressure i jump around the whole place i don't the only place you see me jumping and running is here and that's because over here i jump and run not because i'm desperate i jump and run because it's a gym this is a gym i come to do exercise can't you see i'm wearing fitbit [Applause] oh we take authority over the devil in the name of jesus we took the devil devil i took you devil i took you devil i took you devil i took you you don't shook him by a knife the word of god is a two-edged sword and when he came to jesus all jesus said it is it is written it is written it is written it is written it is written and he was not dealing with with demons he was dealing with the devil himself and it is written was enough to bind the devil [Applause] [Music] listen the demon troubling you is bound already you know what ladies and gentlemen pastor mike sometimes by your obedience alone you abound the devil he can't do anything you know why he i believe that there is a certain obedience i've obeyed god when i was 17 years old 21 and he said come to bogatanga and stay all your life and i said yes sir and i came not even knowing what i will eat the day i obeyed god the devil was bound i can tell you today he lacks authority over me the bible said and having in all readiness to avenge all disobedience when our obedience is complete when you exercise complete obedience in christ the devil cannot do you anything and i came to tell somebody you are in the will of god and you are living a life of obedience and the enemy cannot touch you come on shout that yes and praise him oh am i teaching you anything at all listen obedience is a key to binding the devil when you obey and sit where you are supposed to sit no devil can't touch you but when you sit at the wrong place and you are shouting i bind you i bind you and bind you the devil said look at the rebellious person you know what the roman centurion said he said you are a man under authority stand there and speak the word and to work because i also am a man under authority and i said to this one go and he goes to that one come and he comes and when i say it it happens because me myself i am a man under authority oh somebody come and clap your hands i'm i'm just listen i'm i'm just teaching you out of your ignorance about binding and losing binding and the thing binding means if you don't use the word bind you are not binding so you see them use the word bind like they are nandi kanika bind i find you i find you i find you i find you i find you i find you i bind you i bind you i bind you i find you i find you i find you and then while they are doing bye-bye i'll tell you i find you i tell you i find you i'll cut you up and they say well we are everybody by finding the devil oh jesus ignorance ignore us ignore us ignore us i'm not saying then do that it depends on the amount of energy you have if you have energy do it i i'm sixteen something years old i don't have that kind of energy i go for the sophisticated mechanism of binding illusion and the sophisticated mechanism is to walk in the spirit and when you walk in the spirit you don't fulfill the loss of the flesh come on somebody clap your hands and scream like a voice is yours oh jesus now now watch this when jesus was defeating principalities and powers did he say i bind you no he obeyed god and they hung him on the cross and when he died he screamed my god he said my god my god why is that forsaken and he said it is finished and the devil was mad by the way when he died who went to pray and bind the spirit of death for him to come out look at the way he said it i have the power to lay down my life and to take it and when he obeyed god and laid in that grave that obedience alone was binding and losing listen we have obeyed god to the point where the devil cannot touch us can i hear somebody say under amen i said you have obeyed god to the point where the devil cannot touch you and your obedience alone is blinding and losing listen you obeyed god and entered that marriage the devil cannot touch you you obeyed god and started that ministry the devil cannot touch you you obey god and stop your business the devil cannot touch me somebody shout the devil cannot touch me [Music] [Applause] now that's what jesus that's what jesus what you bind on at this boundary heaven what you lose on earth is losing heaven there is a storm the storm is about to sink all the disciples when he got up if it was you and me and we get up hey shall we bind all the spirits in the underworld or demons in hell any demons that are causing the storm we bind you from the north and bind you from the south and bind you from the east and bind you from the west in the name of jesus christ we take authority over all these storms we bind the water molecules in the name of jesus and we bind every wave and every storm we buy no he got up and to bind the storm he only said peace be still peace be still three ways and a storm stopped [Music] [Applause] a storm what stop stop binding and losing sometimes you don't say a binder loose issue a command issue a command sit and stop in the name of jesus certain stuff are binding i take authority abandoned abundant abundant sometimes you don't need the word abundant i'm not saying it is forbidden to use the word abundant but you know what repeating it and jumping over all over the place like the prophet bill doesn't change anything [Music] huh a woman was bound by satan how many years 18 years bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself they brought the woman into the presence of jesus the bible said jesus took his hand touched the woman and said woman you are loosed from your infirmity it's a statement authoritative statement listen to me you abide by saying what you want to happen what do you want say it and stop all this mantra we bind we buy we bind we buy we buy and we buy hey we buy and we buy kotori mosaic and when we finish and they access your boom [Laughter] look at the way he was binding things go and untie the donkey and bring him that means go and lose the donkey but you cannot lose the donkey without binding the strong man so when you are losing the donkey the strong man or the owner will come and ask you saying what you want tell them the master has need of it the word the master has need of it will bind the man and release the donkey [Applause] listen the fact that you are saying jesus needs it you abound the devil in other words when you know who sent you even by that you have bound the enemy even by that people you burn the devil so jesus is walking up listen nobody did binding and losing more than jesus no lazarus is dead the man is in a tomb jesus is going to lose him from the grave clothes they took him to the place of the tomb and you know how he bound the enemy he burned them as a roller witness too sometimes the way to bind is to tell people to do something impossible run away the stone and they said by now he's thinking by now the man is smelling he bound them further i said roll away and to lose lazarus he didn't say i lose you i lose you larger us come forth come on come out of that place large rocks just come out today i command somebody in the name of jesus i lose you from bondage i lose you from sickness i lose you from confusion i lose you from madness i lose you from depression i lose you from oppression i declare unto you in the name of jesus come forth in jesus name come out of the tomb and come out of the grave and come out of the confusion come out of the bondage somebody shouted amen three times find it binding look at jesus walking about and find him look at the way he bound times tell the person because sometimes you need wisdom to bind the enemy now a woman had a child she slept and the child another woman had a child and that woman's child died and the two women appeared before solomon solomon had to bind the woman who was trying to take another person's child he didn't say shall we pray he said bring me the child and bring me a sword i'm going to divide the child immediately the wicked woman was bound she made a mistake fell into the trap and they gave the child to the right person listen if you are full you combined no matter how much you jump [Music] am i teaching am i preaching no wonder we keep binding and binding and nothing is binding because we are binding in the in the atmosphere of foolishness well jimmy's out you know maybe they will buy the wine which don't be a new life no wisdom no understanding no wisdom no wisdom no wisdom no wisdom i'll give you a very good example you see this week when the ghana bar association are here and they are doing the meeting in this place and we offered them do the meeting here they came they said they wanted the place and we said take the place and do your meeting it is more than binding for 100 years no no i can tell you it's more than binding for 100 years because you are going to have 600 lawyers and listen 600 lawyers plus are going to go out of bogatanga [Applause] and they are likely to say something favorable about your church that one alone is binding that one alone is binding and losing now you may be standing here saying oh you know we need that we you see we needed the temple for wednesday prayer we needed it for one day prayer and pastor livingston will come and stand at the door very angry pastor livingstone today don't call me livingstone i'm a death stool i'm not dead still wednesday we should have been fasting and praying daddy has given the praise to lawyers why look but the glory of god would have fallen here by now but look lawyers have taken over all these places you know what pastor feels that sometimes apart from the prayer you need an injection of wisdom an injection of wisdom and injection of wisdom because you know what sometimes to bind the enemy you need favor and you can imagine 600 lawyers you have favor with them look at the kind of favor we have with the police in bogatanga the kind of favor we have with the police look at the police the amount of favor we have [Music] look at the favor i don't want to go into details i don't want to go into details but we decided to partner with the police and help with this help with this help with this help with this help with this help with this one of the things one of the people that were very pivotal to the ministry of jesus and the ministry of the apostle was the roman centurions the roman centurions jesus had a good relationship with them and his disciples had good relationship with them that one alone is binding and losing [Applause] wisdom i'm not teaching you anything at all you see binding and losing is not just working about our buying design and i take authority over this and and i'm buying that one about sometimes how to get how to bind your husband it's not pouring gallons of oil on his pillow oh yeah [Laughter] every witchcraft holding coffee every witchcraft holding him in the name of jesus every witchcraft witchcraft god is coming now let me stop the prayer otherwise you hear father you know in the name of jesus this man too many demons in here but peter said you don't bind the demons on your husband by pouring oil you bind him with your good works your holiness your righteousness your submission your your purity your gentleness all your gentleness that when you treat him like that the fear of god will enter him and the person will be bound and submit themselves to god you don't bind them with the kind of binding and losing you think you are doing i pray that god will help us may god deliver us from the spirit of deception in the name of the lord jesus come and grab your nuns and scream like i'm talking to you [Music] bind it whatsoever you buying whatsoever you permit what you from what you what you bind what you forbid what you prohibit what you stop now there are things you and i can't stop one of the things we are stopping at the desert passes is we are stopping poverty we are stopping poverty you know what [Applause] [Music] when i come here in bulgartanga and i put up a scream like this a giant scream in bogatanga in a church building what i am saying is poverty you cannot stay in the uprising region poverty you cannot stay in bogatanga poverty this is not your location if you want to go to another place you can go but as for here we are bound the spirit of poverty come on here [Music] listen by your dressing tonight you are binding poverty your shoes are binding poverty your t-shirt is bound in poverty your hair is bound in poverty your shout is burning properties come on [Music] when we build some egg when we build some egg some egg house when we build it we are binding poverty when we build the world headquarters of m we are binding poverty now watch this watch this give me the finished version of some echo house finished version of some egg house when you put up this you are saying poverty you are not in the upper east region poverty we are banish you from this region somebody that can shout out property is living your environment come on shower you say so keep it keep it right here keep it right here you don't bind poverty we burn poverty we burn poverty we take authority over poverty we buy no do something show something say something build something establish something i cannot scream like your voice listen where where is the end product of eam wealth headquarters this this this i said this i said this oh come on scream like i'm preaching to you like i picture you listen [Music] you don't break the case with i break the case i break the case i break the curse put up this put up this this is what solomon did and when solomon did it [Applause] the nations around were silenced when you put up this you have silence ghana you have silence africa that is the time you prove that god makes rivers in the desert and he makes a way in the wilderness come on somebody scream like your voice is yours come on shout it like your voice is yours [Music] by the time you go to not bogatanga not win cogo not congo but balungu and you put up this building seven story build and they asked is that the bank of ghana office is that the office of the sic is that the office of synod and they say no it is the office of founding chapel is the office of desert persians it is the office of e.a.m it is the office of kia by the time this thing goes up like this we are saying poverty your lifespan has ended in our region poverty your deaths are numbered i came to tell somebody and as you see all these buildings coming up we are binding the spirit of poverty and as you see the building's coming up we are saying poverty your deaths are numbers property you are found poverty you don't live in the upper east region poverty you don't live in bogota poverty you don't live in natural prophecy you don't live in boca polity you're not living don't go come on somebody clap your hands and scream like a present to you cannot shout listen so sometimes you know what to bind is to make a statement make a statement what i'm telling saying is that lay down the marker that from now this is it [Applause] we're sitting in bogatanga when somebody from america shipped to us a whole load of hospital equipment what they are saying is that something gets approved you must have a hospital in bogatanga and i see it coming [Applause] do you know that the desert pastures international school there are universities in accra who don't have that facility this [Applause] there are mushroom universities in akram who don't have this [Music] we only call it by seeing in bogatanga we just call it fountaingate international school up to jhs because even our ss will be nicer than this [Applause] our university will be nicer than this if you club club if you don't want to come stay where you are i will see you another time but if you are flying with me and you are moving with me come on give a big [Music] come on shouting like your voice is [Music] [Applause] who go to the center of their critics and give them a boho anytime they are drinking the water the water will be a witness against them bigger boy [Applause] am i talking to somebody dig about who go there do oral health sanitization go there do something give them hospital equipment everything is binding because you know there are these people that are walking about and these churches are doing nothing and these churches are doing nothing and these churches are doing that nothing you don't bind them by staying in a church room and binding them take them hospital equipment take them ppeas go there and show the love of god and when you do that you are finding the enemy come on scream like i'm talking to you and then and then and then those of you who are punyat put yet somebody in london tell somebody [Music] somebody in america tell another person punyat [Music] punyat [Music] [Applause] [Music] stomach direction christians who think about only their stomach sometimes when you walk out of the church and you go and help the needy outside the church [Applause] we are sitting here and we are hungry and then they give us their food and they carry out the food and went and gave it to unbelievers look at what he said if your enemy is hungry give them food because by so doing you hip-hop chords of fire on their head that is one way to bind and to lose come on clap your hands and scream it like your voice is yours listen what this is binding do you know that the number of enemies in hiking who cannot speak again do you know the number of enemies in hicking that this building stopped their mouths and this food stopped their mouth [Applause] i am fed up with empty christianity and christianity that is baptized and immersed in juggle we burn we take authority in the name of jesus oh somebody tie up to any tie of the enemy tie up the enemy tie up the enemy and we are very busy tying up and nothing is tying up so jesus is sitting in the temple and jesus is in the synagogue and jesus is there all of a sudden jesus is teaching let's go there and jesus is teaching in the synagogues on the sabbath and when you stitch on the sabbath you're causing major problems especially if you intend to heal and the bible said and behold there was a woman there which had the spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed together and could in otherwise lift herself up so this woman is bowed together bound jesus had to lose this woman but to lose the woman he must first of all bind the strong man and the strong man in this synagogue is called the spirit of infirmity the spirit which has bound up the woman but the woman was not only bound by the spirit of infirmity this woman was bound by the laws of the pharisees so when jesus saw her he called it unto her and he said unto the woman thou art loosed from thy infamily how did he lose he didn't say shall we pray and lose shall we bind and lose no he just said it he just said he just said it somebody said he just said it come on said he just said it today can you just say something can you just say i'm loose from poverty i am loose from unemployment i am lose some confusion i am loose from bondage i am loose from depression i am lose from oppression i am lose from obsession i am loose from single life i want to marry and i'm loose from that bondage in the name of jesus come and clap your hands shout at them praise the name of jesus i am loose i am loose i am loose he said woman bow [Applause] [Music] lost from this your infirmity [Applause] if you have faith as a grain of master seed you will say to this mountain be thou removed and be that cast into the sea and shall be done [Applause] the day i stood in this building and said i will never leave bogatanga that was it [Applause] now listen no devil can do anything about it no it's finished it's a statement today may you make a statement of finality [Applause] listen there are words i have spoken about hospital admission in bogatanga i have spoken words and my wife knows the words so pastor prince you know what it doesn't happen that is how corona i came and stood here one and a half years and i was on my feet and i didn't miss even one service because you know what there is a word i have spoken i came to ask you concerning your prosperity concerning your health concerning your blessing what have you said [Music] [Applause] what have you said [Applause] what happens [Music] right now i'm writing my book number 99 i am on a chapter i call power and i said i will finish writing the book end of september we will edit it throughout october november it will go to the printers did i pray about it no i said it did i pray about it no i would said it and i know i have the mind of christ you see and the lazy people this is the way they walk you see if it is the will of god then i'll finish writing the book but if it is not the will of god then no no no no what do i want i want by 31st of december i should add two more books to my 98 books and they will become 100 by the 31st of december this is what i have said and what i find on earth is bound in heaven and what i lose on earth is losing heaven listen to me it is not about god it is about you [Music] so you know officer mike today i was i have preached three times today yesterday i was not studying my notes to preach today i was writing my book yesterday because by friday night intentionally i shipped off all my notes for today on friday night so that saturday i would rather write the book this one will be prayer topic this one be medulla oblongata waiting day for your head inside if we keep working our brain [Music] we are blaming god for things god baptize ourselves in the lime juice of religion am i talking to somebody don't i believe god i believe him absolutely or if i had gone to god to ask him what is your will between now and december concerning writing books you tell me write 10 because i'm able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can think or ask so you know what even my two is an understatement of what god wants to do am i teaching anybody am i preaching am i preaching he said look woman you are loosed from your infinity listen if you lift up your voice today and say this is the last day i'll be poor in my life that is the way it will be you know what i sat down with francis a rebel a man of god the day i sat down with francis and i sat down with raymond the balance in the account to build memorial hall was not up to twenty thousand ghana cities i sat down with the manui [Applause] among all the buildings we are building the one which has no financial problem at all is the one in the village and they smiled they said daddy we knew we knew you would just do it i'll look at them and say you people owe you fools and slow of heart she knew they just believed it because you see i spoke it by faith but you see was i deceiving them no i really believed it you see the roofing going up the auditorium and i can tell you pastor friends that day when i said it like that that is how it has been it has never liked money and i can tell you by the grace of god where i'm standing now everything to finish this building is ready everything from window to tiles to everything is ready you shall have whatsoever you say [Music] i went to america i was preaching today i was sharing a testimony with me the lord led me to call a pastor a white man son i called this white man i said take two thousand girl take two thousand dollars one thousand for you one thousand for your brother and this is an associate person in the church i want you to honor him with two thousand bring the money tomorrow i'll put it in his hand and pray for him and god will break every financial limitation over your life the following day the young man said they have put some money together two thousand dollars he came and put it in my hand i prayed over it i said give it to your big brother they associate pastor he gave it today his pastor his father sent me a text and said is what i wanted to tell you something that when you led my son to sow 2000 into pasta sour sauce live a few weeks after somebody just walked up to my son and handed over to my son twenty thousand dollars [Applause] hey listen when i go to them places like america no no no listen i don't go there to sing bogatanga song of poverty no no no no no no you would think bugattanga is full of holy god i tell them here this place is a blessed life i talk huge one day one of them made a mistake and followed me to a shop to buy jeans he bought me this one and i decided to buy my [Applause] [Applause] foreign 11. this american was following me pastor you i'm fine i went to the kill i was ready to pay then the man undertale told me sir it's all right i said what is okay he said your friend just covered can you imagine if i had gone there with poverty mentality and i have seen one and how much is this jeans and they mentioned the price and i said jesus i would have come out with only one pair of jeans but because i read the scripture which says open your mouth wide and i will feel it god bless me according to the extent of my desire [Applause] jesus listen you bind poverty not by shouting i buy you poverty change your lifestyle when you change your lifestyle your blind property [Applause] the day you stop beginning over week you will bind poverty [Applause] how much is this week they say 25 [Music] when you stop marrying her you are binding poverty because is the language of poverty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen i i know i know it's good to pour anointing oil but sometimes instead of just pouring the anointing oil and just walking about there confusing yourself when you pour the oil just it is done no demon can enter this house and then sometimes you know just take the anointing oil pour it and say now no demon crosses this line and go back and go and sleep you are bound you are bound you are bound you are bound i remember i remember that i've told you this story many many times i preached in england and the principality of a woman followed me and i'm telling you real principality because i could see her the way i'm seeing pastor prince i'm sitting now and i'm signing books she came and stood in front of me physically everybody saw her when she stood there this is london everybody backed off look i was signing books for many people everybody just went like that and they were looking at me and this woman alone wearing black dress red overcoat her fingernails the cutest were black lipstick was black eyeshadow black and the eyelashes and she put a book in front of me to sign i didn't sign it i looked at her and i said who are you and where do you live she said i cannot tell you i responded and said i know what is your name she said i cannot tell you i said that one to anu by that time everybody was standing and looking at me i didn't sign the book you know what she did she left the book on the table and she says see you later and i also tell her i will see you soon see you later i said i'll see you soon and i knew i will see her again because i knew this woman is a fallen ninja this is not a normal human being when i went back to the hotel chestnut mariota hotel on that day i finished washing down i lay on the bed put my head on the pillow to pray [Laughter] yeah then i heard some noise in the room i had a noise and a sound and then i felt something like some wind we had entered the room when i turned the woman in the corner that door was locked she's standing in the corner and looking at me and i looked at the corner oh you followed me here [Applause] i said then i'm talking to the thing i said it is about 12th midnight you followed me here and i told you see when you saw me in the church i was preaching i'm tired i want to sleep i'm going to sleep when you stand there and you are tired you can leave somebody said did i pray no i took the booger i covered my head and i went to sleep but the word i spoke was when you are tired leave i didn't say you can attack me because i knew you can't attack me but when you stand and you are tired you can leave i opened my eyes around 3am she was gone i have never seen her again all my life you shall have whatsoever you say you shall help whatsoever you say you shall have whatsoever you say i need somebody to stand to your feet right now he said and woman you are lost from your infirmity when you bind and you lose anything can happen somebody lift up your voice right now listen anything you don't like in your life name it and say i forbid you i forbid you i prohibit you name them five six seven eight nine ten and the things you are losing upon your life lose them in the name of jesus come on somebody go [Music] fellowship to partnership justice league [Applause] hey [Music] wow [Applause] i we can change all right [Music] now the kingdom of god is here we declared somebody oh hey is foreign is he comes over yeah yeah yeah we your kingdom come your will be done we speak to africa asia your kingdom come you will be we are rusty already in america the lord over every nation something has to break [Music] i'm in the spirit [Music] will be done if your kingdom come you will be done listen [Music] i want you to prepare [Applause] for an unprecedented one week in the next one week lawyers will be meeting in this place we will come to church tuesday night and will be here for kia on tuesday but this place is practically going to be followed you are going to speak tonight and you will receive more miracles than any other week of your life since the year started you know what i want you to do just lift up your hand and lose upon yourself anything you want and lose yourself from anything you don't want in your life further i lose my blessing upon my life i lose my favor upon my life i lose myself from any sickness come on declare it in the name of jesus i'm walking out of indebtedness i'm walking out of indebtedness i'm working out of indebtedness this week my debt is paid off in the name of jesus my death is paid off [Applause] [Music] now whilst we are praying listen to what god told me god told me tonight that whilst we are praying and ministering the atmosphere around people is going to change listen the atmosphere around you that that tension that cloud of heaviness is about to be lifted and as we are praying you will sense all of a sudden that some heaviness that has been on you for years has just departed from you those of you that are online today we need the testimonies quick quick quick quick quick because sometimes the testimonies delay in coming to us and by the time we are closing that is the time a lot of the mighty testimonies are coming william had some testimonies from the last meeting we did and there was one he came to share with me later but by that time we're gone i want you to send your testimonies quickly the atmosphere is about to change the atmosphere is about to change as you lose things upon yourself now minister dr you came with your daughter to see me in the office can you bring your daughter back here i've forgotten what numb the last oh jesus the lord said for me to just lay hands on her you also come and lose upon her lose upon it you know sometimes when when i'm sitting in the office well i tell them every day they don't get me [Applause] today you see mr when i finish service and i sit in that office anybody who comes to talk to me about 90 percent of what you tell me i can't get you i don't understand you you will repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and it's not entering because when i finish this thing and go sometimes it takes me about two hours three hours for me to come back to normal [Applause] you may see me i'm saying many things i may even be joking but i'm not i'm not there you are wasting precious time i remember you brought it but i promise you anything you told me about her i don't remember apart from the fact that she came to say hello as for the hello i remember i was sitting there when my brother alex picked our junior brother john and came with him with paper and they are sitting in front of me with certificate and i asked my brother what is it my younger brother he explained it once i didn't get it explained it too i didn't get it explained it three i didn't get it i said election you know what go and call pass a solo and come with him and when they came as a person solo these people are speaking grammar go with them catch everything this young man is saying and tell me later because they say the assembler cannot maintain he will meet you so you see when you finish talking to me i prayed and when i'm praying and the spirit has not said it is different from when i hear from heaven and release a word the blessing loose from heaven receive it and your wife what she would
Channel: Eastwood Anaba
Views: 4,887
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Id: SX9AGxNM-3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 35sec (4475 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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