Explosive - Supernaturality | Pastor Eastwood Anaba || Prophet Agyemang | Prophetic Explosion

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[Music] hallelujah [Music] fire in my bones your grace is like water to my soul you make me pull down every day [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] i don't know why she was sitting there couldn't we put it somewhere else what happened [Music] somebody pick up the bag for me or something mommy grace you know i want to put you on the spot you know we're just singing this hallelujah hey mommy why don't you turn like this face the people i want to put you on the spot and pull pull pull down your face mask so that you can see them mrs adam mila well this is the biggest surprise you can ever receive maybe just take it off just take it off yeah so that they see you this is the reverend jim a domino's wife the wife of pastor jim atombilla fountain de chapo tamale and you know i sometimes the meetings have a certain pattern in the morning i i felt we should just have a lot of greetings tonight we are likely to have a lot of testimonies of people just talking and i told you that the meeting is going to be interactive and then where by the time you do some you do monday tuesday wednesday thursday when you enter friday you should start getting feedback that means others should start making inputs and i remember when lady they first joined fountain gate chapel at that time were ninten i think or broken oak which one did you come ninten you know when they joined they didn't have any children but today by the grace of god they are blessed with four sons four an army of four where is where is um normally i don't know the difference between eliot and the only one i know the difference is jaffet because that's what jeff had me and him come a long way but this elliot come here so this elliot mom elia's mom okay and you know elliot yesterday archie i don't know whether it was this morning or yesterday and she told me said daddy i want elliot to come and stay with me in the house whilst i'm here before i go back to accra or something so can he come and stay here and then he said i also want barnabas to come to the house one of us is i'm reverend clement and jefferson i need them to come around and just be around me in the house are you okay with that i said why not you are the boss i mean you are you are a bishop that is the bishop of the house me i'm a cathy um and even the cat kiss i'm just a retired carcass but this is elliot that's his um pastor james what born are you second i like the way he said the second with a lot of authority you know and second so he's here i i just want uh mama grace just tell us your story maybe it can encourage somebody to believe god who is believing god for the fruit of the womb the other day i saw um prophet was just ministering to people encouraging them about the fruit of the womb is there something you can say in five minutes to just encourage somebody that a few years from now or many years from now they'll also be standing with a tall man like this by the aside come on welcome reverend mrs grace atompillar hello i'm so grateful to daddy for this opportunity i bring you greetings from tamarind some few years many years ago when we joined nintendo were looking for the fruit of the womb and it was not possible we went to the hospital they said one of the fallopian tubes was blocked then one day that he said anybody who is looking for the fruit of the womb should come out so myself and my husband went out and then he prayed for us why he prayed for us i think two months time also the miracle took place i became pregnant then we went to him and told him daddy your prayers have worked a miracle has happened then he pray he laid hands on us again lay hands on my tummy and we had jaffet in nine months time after a year a miracle happened again i think one and a half year then eliot came and i think that if you are you have the privilege to sit under the man of god and you are seeking for the fruit of the womb not only the fruit of the womb by any miracle you are looking for a sunday's house as you believe god and you come before him he lay hands on you the power of god will hate you [Applause] and the miracle will come out now and so that was our okay go ahead go ahead that was the testimony after jafar came i think it was three months was it four months and then he was down with diarrhea we didn't know where that thing came from he was almost dying so a particular night we saw that the guy was just going sleeping out of our hands and myself and my husband came together and we said no the man of god prayed for us we didn't have one and he laid hands on us and we had jaffa so if japheth is going to leave us we need to go back to the source of the miracle so i took the baby and i said we should go to our father's place and my husband said it was very late so i should let him go and inform him first because he knows nothing about it so he decided to go and our father didn't wait for us to come day but he followed my husband to the house while he came he looked at jaffa then he nodded the head and i was panicking and he said grace don't worry at all the god who gave you this baby will cause this baby to resurrect so he laid on the baby i can remember everything vivid he laid on the baby and then he prayed that he said no which no necromancy nothing can be able to penetrate into the life of this baby and that this baby is going to grow strong and stronger and stronger and true to his word after he left by the following morning japhet was strong and since that time he never got sick until when he was grown and we give god the glory for the life of our father and mommy somebody come and club like you japan as a miracle child even up to date and anytime he is not well we know that once that miracle was worked i always stand on that and believe god for him and he becomes fine come and clap your house and praise jesus there is miracle in this house if only you believe you always go go home with miracle you go home with something there's power in this house there's anointing in the life of our father and mommy when i was standing i was sitting there and i saw him coming i looked at him from the head today too and i said anointing is written all over my father that is my father i'm proud of you dad and i know that he's a man that sees in the spirit whatever you say whatever you do he looks at you and he says it and it's exactly and i was just proud of him as he was entering daddy i'm so grateful to you god continue to keep you and to preserve you a moment for us thank you very much for the opportunity somebody can you lift up your hands and i want you to do something today just pray for reverend jim at dumbilla in the northern region and fountain gate chapel and all the churches and the body of christ in the northern region of ghana can you pray for them for just two minutes father in the name of jesus we pray that you send forth your oil we pray that your anointing will go forth we pray that the power of god will come upon the life of your daughter her husband the children [Music] receive it in the name of jesus a refreshing in your spirit and we pray that any miracle that we have ever encountered may fresh miracles come upon you receive it in the name of jesus let it go flow jesus touch this one let it be a career of miracles and signs and wonders receive it in the name of jesus let it flow take it now somebody come on keep blessing the name of jesus keep keep praying for the northern region of ghana keep praying for the northern region of ghana and somebody lead grace to a seat where i won't have to change it take it to a seat that i will understand that you know what you are doing somebody come on just give a big club offering and keep praying and keep praying and keep praying keep praying keep praying [Laughter] lift up your hand somebody begin to pray that today's meeting will be saturated with miracles can you pray that prayer today father saturate this meeting with creative miracles with with signs and wonders with fruitfulness okay saturate this meeting with testimonies in the name of jesus and those of you that are online anywhere you are when you have some testimonies keep preparing them because i want to take the testimonies i want to take the testimonies i want to see what god is doing in people's lives in the mighty name of jesus come on somebody pray somebody talk to god tenacity in the name of jesus and i want to hear somebody say an amen and recover your seeds and god might delete bless your life in the name of jesus i started off yesterday in the night by talking about the fact that as believers we are explosive everybody say i am explosive somebody say the gospel i preach is explosive and somebody said the manifestation of the spirit is explosive everything we do as believers is explosive and when you talk about that word explosive you mean the fact that something that is explosive is something that has the ability to expand rapidly rapidly it expands rapidly it has expands in a spectacular manner is able to best fault and best out and the power of god is explosive the believer himself is explosive his gospel which he preaches is explosive and the results are explosive i i started just studying by telling you that i define what being explosive is and tonight i want to be talking about the supernaturality of the explosiveness and tomorrow night i'll talk about the spontaneity of the explosiveness and on sunday night i will talk about the spectacularity of the explosiveness you understand so the first one today is that it is supernatural tomorrow it is spontaneous and on the third day it will be spectacular now somebody says well i'm spectacular spontaneous spectacular supernatural spontaneous what is the difference supernatural talks about the source of the explosive power spontaneous talks about the nature of the explosive power and spectacular talks about the effect of the supernatural power or the explosive power now so let's start with the with the with the spectacular with a bigger pattern supernaturality of the of the explosiveness of our power it is supernatural in the sense that it does not come from the flesh but it comes from god we are talking about the source that almost everything we do as believers the thing is coming from god it's not coming from man it is supernatural it's coming from a supernatural realm it's not from a natural realm it's from a supernatural realm your calling the anointing of god in your life power of god on you everything that you do wherever you go whatever you say everything about you is supernatural a manifestation or an event is said to be supernatural when it is attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature the thing is beyond it is beyond scientific understanding that means you cannot take science and explain something that is supernatural and you cannot take the laws of nature and explain something that is natural and that word supernatural comes from a latin word most of the words you see in english they they actually come from other words and supernatural for instance comes from um a latin word and when they are pronouncing it latin they have a different way they pronounce it you see it written supernaturalist but they will actually say it like super naturalist there is a way that the italians who say it or the people who are latin will say which i can see but supernaturalist is the way they will say it supernaturalist and we just say the thing is supernatural that it is beyond nature today i'm praying that god will teach somebody to live beyond nature listen god will teach you to live beyond nature unbelievers are trying to do everything to convince us that we cannot live beyond nature to tell you god doesn't give money all these people in churches who are praying and shouting for money god doesn't give me god doesn't give money ask the pastors themselves whether god has given them money before now ladies and gentlemen if god doesn't give money how do you think the pastors are the way they are gabriel he's not here gabriel knows my salary if i am to live by the salary i will not be sitting there where i'm sitting pastor mike salary can take care of this man's suit check him out this is not salaric dressing you know the meaning of your salary that word salary is from a latin whether it be salarium which means money to buy salt so when the soldiers went to work they gave them something small to buy salt salary is not for building house or car or buying proper shoes it is for buying salt so if you want to live on your salary you'll be a very miserable person but today may god open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blast [Music] you hear people say oh money doesn't fall from heaven food doesn't fall from heaven so the manna that fell where did it come from the bible said god gave them the corn of heaven and the food of angels listen i've had a revelation where i've been into heaven before not once not twice and i'm telling you they eat in heaven and when i saw the kind of food they eat some look like some roundy something very little something some of them look like fruit some of them look like they look small small small little things and they will bring it to you in a in a plate that looks like a saucer very little over there they don't keep the food in apart or you are [Applause] no no no no i am you are going to be disappointed [Applause] there are small small things and dark an angel was taking me around at a certain point i asked the angel are we not eating then he asked me are you hungry i said no he said but you you've been eating all alone i said what he said those little things the other angels have been handing over to me that's my food i said ah he said but are you hungry i said no then he told me that on earth the reason why we used to eat plenty food was because of the inefficiency of the digestive system so he asked me have you seen any toilets here i said no any urinary i said no he said over here the digestive system is 100 percent efficient so there are no escalatory products [Applause] the food itself is perfect everything in heaven is perfect so there's no excretive product you don't go to the bathroom to pee you don't go to the other one and can heaven by your back so he told me you guys have been eating he said he said you've been eating since since you came around and we we started going around you know it reminded me of the restaurant i went with with mommy too and they said we are going to eat 15 to 16 courses of food and i was sitting and waiting for them to bring bangku about rice yam like soup cut gold pepper soup these people brought oh i asked mommy anticoas of bagooni india i wish mama comfort could face that kind of food that the unconverting same oh but you know what people when the manner fell i understood that when the bible said the corn of heaven and the food of angels some people may think it was just pictorial metaphorical allegoric speech but you know what it was real men were eating the food of angels that is why the bible said and there was no feeble one in all their tribes they walked in the wilderness nobody was they were not sick they were where one day now watches when they wanted water water came out of a rock i pray that your money will come out of nowhere listen look at when the creator of the universe oh jesus and that song i wanted to hit it somewhere i didn't get it that way that's how i stopped it when the creator of the universe wanted water he didn't say come and do bohol a rock was following them listen god is a supernatural god god showed him a rock he said hit that rock water will come out of the rock in the first place water shouldn't come out of a rock but the water came out they got to another place god said now point the rock point your rod at the rock and the bible said and it was a rock that followed them so it means this human beings was walking and a rock was also working listen we have limited the holy one of israel elijah was asleep an angel woke him up and said get up eat and drink and when he got up there was a cake that was breaking and and and water on his side may god give you food you didn't cook may god give you water you didn't veg you know we we are so full of doubt i remember when i was a young boy we used to have this magician in south sungo here you know i grew up just at the back here sabon this is where i grew up i'm not a stranger in bogatanga we had this magician called am the way and in those days i didn't know jesus said i am the way the truth and the life so when the man's name was on the way me i didn't know and he was this muslim magician i'm the way i'm the way and all of us used to call him i'm the way a very nice man he'll smoke his wii and finish and still do their magic and he used to call and say kuzokujo come on we eat rice and we will go to am the way i'm the way we'll fill a bowl with sand and put about five stones on them and say you see that sun we say yes that's rice do a singer the stones the stones they are meat they put it down say some things we don't know what he's saying by the time we open rice is steaming with meat on it somebody said did you eat it what question are you asking like this we ate the food sanctified it in the name of allah we will consume so boy i only hope i don't need deliverance [Applause] we ate the food and when i'm the way was sending us to go and buy him cigarettes he had these fingernails which were very long and those days a lot of the houses are these mud walls and the way we stand by the mud wall and use the finger and start scratching the wall and coins will be dropping and we will collect it to go and buy him the secrets the only thing is that sometimes when we buy the cigarettes on our way the owner will stop chasing us because the money has disappeared [Music] now watch this how many of you believe that the devil really does things like that now why is it that when it comes to god you limit him the way you do the window of the raptor the flower was multiplied the oil was multiplied they brought 20 loaves of bread to the man called elijah the bread was multiplied and fed over a hundred people jesus christ took five loaves of bread and two fishes and fed five thousand men i demanded i stated i established it upon your life that from today may you begin to live by supernatural sources in the name of the lord jesus christ and you see ladies and gentlemen it's very easy the way people normally say oh these persons are chopping the people's money and these pastors have done this listen a lot of the pastors have learned how to live supernaturally we receive an offering that is true but do you really think our offerings in bogatanga can do the things we do oh that just these offerings we receive can build some egg house the offerings we receive can build the world headquarters of eam that the offerings we receive can build the desert process international school ladies and gentlemen if i was to depend on offering to do the things i do to depend on offering to put up the screen and put up that one and create the sound and create this light and create this environment and the camera and everything if i am to depend on offering to do what i am doing i will be of all my most miserable and i will not also tell god i agreed to come and stay in bogatanga but when i agreed to stay in bogatanga what i am saying is that the creator of the universe he can do all things and there's nothing that is impossible unto him i came to declare to somebody that the god who kept me on this land and the god will kept me in this country and open the windows of heaven and put a blessing upon this house may that same god take care of you in the name of jesus come and grab your guts and shout listen listen listen and especially if you're founding a chapel pastor under the sound of my voice listen to me the reason god allowed your ministry to start in a place like bogatanga is not to punish you is to show you how they just shall live by faith just shall live a feed the trouble about many of the pastors is that they go to the place instead of looking at my example they chose radar to be better the man depended on god you want to depend on the man it's not possible if i was depending on man i would not be standing where i'm standing listen and because i did not depend on man i gave all the churches autonomy and i told them you know what keep all the money you have we are the mother church we don't want to take from you you are now starting so we encourage you keep building all the money you have use it on yourself use it on your ministry now people have come to me and they said brothers if they don't bring their ten percent to bogatanga if they don't give to bogatanga they will not prosper i said it's a lie it's a lie jesus christ disciples were not giving him money before they prosper elijah did not give any money to elijah before the prophet he prospered joshua did not give any money to moses before he prospered if you can give to your children friend but if your children are in need you the father should take care of your children the bible said our father which art in heaven give us this day our daily bread so fathers can also give bread to their children paul paul worked with timothy and others and my bible said that paul my bible said paul he said with my hands i worked and i took care of those i should take care of i believe in children giving to their father if they can afford it but i don't believe in children dying to take care of a father who doesn't need what they are bringing together i say you know what let them keep what they have let them use it to develop so that when they look at me they can have faith that the father in heaven takes care of his own and they can do what god wants them to do and ladies and gentlemen i pray today the god of covenant who kept me in bogatanga and didn't disgrace me start giving me some of the child buildings on the screen right now i pronounce it upon these founding chapel judges wherever they are around the world if they can hurry i will do it if they are not hearing or move on in the name of the lord jesus christ may god who took care of me in this land may the god of my fathers may the god of my fathers may the god of abraham and isaac and jacob i'm still giving you just a few seconds to get me that thing otherwise i go on with what i'm doing because i can feel it calling in my spirit i pray in the name of jesus i pray in the name of jesus that same supernatural god may he breathe on the gate pastors of ankle and may this word be completed in the name of jesus may god supply everything that they need keep rolling the thing for me i'm in a hurry there are a lot of ammunitions in me today i pray over the blessed pastures in appreciation let the power of god come upon all these founding churches in the name of jesus press pasteur i call for completion of this building in the name of the lord jesus christ praise the lord jesus christ his presence process in kenya say i pray in the name of jesus let there be a completion in the mighty name of jesus prayer pastors in king temple bono easter i pray for completion in the name of jesus are the perennial pastors in i pray for the completion of the project that they are doing in the name of jesus upper room processor be completed in the mighty name of jesus christ i speak over this past tense the blessed bastards beat him we speak the word of god upon these pastures in the name of jesus christ the love passages in the name of jesus oh yeah if apparently let the word of god go forth unto them in the mighty name of jesus may god supply all the indeed according to these riches in glory by christ jesus the heavenly pastor sir in congo i pray in the name of jesus let the hand of god go upon them in the mighty name of jesus dunamis pastors why i speak the word of god upon all these churches let the god of the supernatural let the god of the supernatural let the god of the supernatural work a work in their life and any of you building a house i pray that the supernatural god will be upon you and i saw for the first time that there was a desert pastor in family already and i pray in the name of jesus may god enable this deadly process family let the powerful hand of god those of you that are building houses may the hand of god be upon you those of you that are building houses may the hand of god be upon you the glorious pastors who will speak in the name of jesus expansion of territory may my god supply your need supernaturally cannabis give me hand the caution pastors in pastures let the power of god come upon you in the name of the lord jesus the unity process in the poor district let the hand of god be upon them i pray in the name of jesus a little one shall become a thousand and a small one will become a strong nation i pray over the wink of green passage let the hand of god be upon them in the name of jesus come on somebody shout the shout out triumph and give god the praise the lord god's past yourself answer replay or whatever let the hand of god be upon them in the mighty name of jesus we pray we pray we pray over the royal pastures in naturally in the name of jesus let the hand of god rest upon them we ask anemastia the eating pastors in yali let the hand of god go forth in the mighty name of jesus come on somebody lift up your hands right now the praise process intentionally begin to pray for all these churches let water come out of the rock let our god supply all the need according to his riches in glory by great jesus [Music] and we pray for all the pastors that they have made the foundation made their hands finisher now watch this why this 2022 our team in fountain gate chapel e.a.m desert pastures everywhere our team is settlement and our scripture is obadiah which is only one chapter from verse 17. the bible says upon mount zion there shall be deliverance and upon mount zion there shall be holiness and the house of jacob shall possess their possessions we came from the jubilee we are in the explosion we are now going for a settlement every house we are prayed over and those we have not prayed over they will complete the houses in the name of jesus and you will complete your personal house and your business and your school if you can shout the blessing of god is upon you [Music] [Applause] but you know what pastors i have never started a project with money lying down normally the balance can be very discouraging but i don't look at balance and look at supernatural supply you see sometimes when we speak you guys think we are just telling you stories you think i just tell you stories the day i determined my minimum offering nobody has ever given me that money as a gift because the lord told me anything you can sow as a seed can never be your harvest so i said i won't give an offering of 50 or 100 no i don't do it anytime i pick up my phone there is a minimum figure i give and diner knows it i don't pick up my phone like this and give god 20 or 100. abba like that you don't determine your offering before the money comes you determine the offering because god laid it upon your heart and when you determine it in your heart and you release it then the supernatural begins to take place they hit a rock and monica and water came out of it can i talk to you about the supernatural can i talk to you about the supernatural that everything about you supernatural in the sense that the thing comes from heaven human logic cannot understand it intellectualism can't understand it scientific knowledge cannot explain i remember one day some people were having a problem with me in burger they called me to an office and they said reverend so i am where we have checked everything we've checked your salary we've checked this and this and this but we cannot explain so how do you maintain your lifestyle i thought you asked me how i became six feet two inches in a country where many people are below six feet you want to determine how i live determine how i became tall i see a teacher here you will drive your range rover to school your head master will ask you where did you get the money from then you tell him you got the money from teaching his ancestors come on clap your guns oh come on scream like i just talked to you like i just prophesied over your life [Music] somebody lying in the hospital you will be discharged just tomorrow and you will never be admitted to the hospital again all the days of your life somebody who can clap and scream the power of god is upon you super natural supernatural beyond scientific explanation oh i had a prophet a friend of mine he's called prophet beggar beggar came and stood here and started teaching he never opened the bible verse he never said give me a scripture on the screen the man was quoting all the scriptures and i know he hasn't been to school before uncle school the guy is not educated he said that he's been called school down he said daddy made the whole anna angel ever too meaty an anchor removed his head and brought another one [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am i know if i was talking about baba lola from nigeria ghanaians would believe me but i'm talking about seafood beggar from ghana if you won't believe it why is it that normally you doubt your own but something from another country you believe it he said his head was removed and they brought him another head he said when he got that the lord told him take a bible and read it he took the bible started reading and he said that idea anyone want to say anytime he cares not coming to him when he raised it it starts in his mind those of you with master's degree how many things remain in your mind you know kobe anymore opinion i pray anybody shouting the loudest shout the bad yes that is the man that is a man [Applause] foreign a flying witch landed in the midst of their priority the last time he came to me here he said that they should picture them they were doing prayer work in the night a witch appeared in the room in on the road as soon as the witch saw them the witch took off they began to chase the witch [Applause] the same manner in which is pointing his hand i pray that somebody will receive a supernatural invitation cannot scream like your voice is yours yeah you know [Music] you know what the fact that you cannot do it and somebody else is doing it doesn't mean what you're true [Music] [Applause] and listen the fact that you don't agree with somebody that doesn't mean that god has no mercy on the person [Applause] the thing about god is that listen when you go and fight somebody on the behalf of god because you think that god may not be on the side of the person you may make the biggest mistake on your life [Applause] oh jesus [Applause] supernatural one man by the name of nicodemus went to jesus the bible said john 1 1 john 1 1 a certain teacher a fairy si john 1 john john 3 1 abigail pardon 3 1 john 3 1 john 3 1 john 3 1 john 3 1 john 3 1 and there was a second man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews verse number two the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from god the same teachers come from god is the same one some of the same pharisees said this man has a devil and he's casting out demons by bill's above but there was one pharisee who had enough common sense who said i know that you are a teacher come from god and i know that you it is god that sent to you you are a teacher you are a teacher you are a teacher you're a teacher sent from god you're a teacher sent from god you're a teacher sent from god you're a teacher sent from god you're a teacher sent from god you're a teacher sent from god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are a teacher from god not because of your accuracy in the knowledge of the hebrew language or the greek language not because you have a good command over the lexicons but you are a teacher sent from god because no man can do the miracles that you do and said god be with him [Music] listen can i suggest can i suggest that the greatest sign that you come from god is the miracles you work now listen i don't care about your lame important theology and traditional belief just to excuse yourself from the pressure of present to see the miracles the bible has never never attributed anything else to the manifestation of the reality of god apart from miracles look at look at look at look at the crazy prophet on mount carmel he said bring me two pools take one bullock for yourself give me another one put cat up the bulldogs put them on the water and let us call them fire and they got that answers by fire let them be god and that day the god of elijah brought down fire upon the sacrifice [Music] he said in the last days perilous time shackle people will practice a religion that is a form of godliness but it denies the power thereof look at jesus but if i with the finger of god cast out devils then no wonder no doubt the kingdom of god has come upon you can i tell you this can i tell you this christianity without power is not christianity i don't care how nice it looks these sons shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they will take up serpents if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay their hands on the seeker and the sick shall recover i call for miracles in desert pastures miracles involving the chapel miracles in the body of christ miracles in ear miracles and come on shiny ass [Music] [Applause] [Music] beware of false prophets beware of false prophets beware of false prophets and when they say beware of false prophets they don't even know what they are talking about a false prophet is somebody who says it but it doesn't come to pass and who are the people who say it and it doesn't come to pass the one who preached moses but they've never read moses miracle the one who preached elijah and they have never been an elijah the one who talked about john the baptist and they've never been a john the baptist watch this the people who mention the name of christ but these signs don't follow them they are the liars [Music] listen [Applause] the way they knew their magicians was when moses and iran worked a certain miracle and the false magicians of pharaoh could not do it listen the fact that you have no miracle means you are fake look at you look at you look at you from today i'm talking to a superman i'm talking to a workout miracle i'm talking about a workout miracles come on amen [Music] listen i got born again in 1980 my father was worshiping adult life to christ in 1994 and the reason he gave his life to christ was that i was going to do a meeting and i sent them to go and bring him from the village and they took a taxi and went and brought him i finished ministering of course my father was an illiterate so he couldn't understand english i print i finished all my grammar all my grammar and this young man finished in in 1994 i was just 34 years old i began to fire the miracles and the move of god and the terrorists and my father was standing there and watching me and every miracle the healings and the deliverances and demons coming out of people and the holy ghost chaos were just in front of my father when we went home on that day my dad slept in our house he called my younger sister mata he said mother if these are the things your brother can do if these are the ones your brother can do our idols in the village are nothing our adults in the village listen my father did not get born again because of nice language he got born again because he saw the signs and because he saw the oneness and because he saw the miracles and when the man saw the kind of signs and wonders that were coming in my ministry and he knew that 14 years ago i had given my life to christ and i didn't die my father told my sister martha he said these idols are nothing look at what your brother can do i traveled to london the following week our pastors went there they told them and they said oh man when your son comes you come and break down the idols he looked at them and asked them are you not also pastors can't you break them down what are you afraid of and prophet you know what he told them my father was like why would they wear a man wild a free baby [Music] some of it comes from the holy ghost some of it too comes from a soldier [Applause] argentina or save me i planted these idols i will approve them myself old man took pickaxe and everything and broke down the idols and he stayed alive oh this was the man when you go to tamil tindong right now when going to tamil tindong francis can you send us the pictures send the pictures of the man's memorial hall and send it to two that send their pictures to to to francis and send the pictures to william my village my father's house where is alex alex was the first man come come come he's my brother i'm taller than him this man we used to call him boxer the guy used to box they beat him up he stopped [Applause] baby i'm asking whether they have been taking off his tooth alex was the first man in tamil tun to climb up a building and roof the building with metallic roofing sheets this man everybody was afraid the fetish priest came and told my father you will die because your son has proven and your son is going to die many years after the man is still standing here my father didn't die and the good news is that if you go to the village right now even the fetish priest his house has got metallic roofing sheet on top there and these signs shall follow them that believe now watch this watch this watch this watch this and now we are building the man's memorial hall and they came to me with different routine sheets you'll notice that the roofing sheet on this building is not red the one on the school is not red the one that toxic is not red this one you may think i didn't choose when they brought it beyond your friends they have started roofing it with red rain roofing from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven separate violence and the violence taken by force for every battle of the warrior will be with confused noise but this one shall be with full of fire and gum is rolled in blood cannot scream like your voice is [Music] listen [Music] listen listen the other day some lawyers came to meet me baristas they are coming to do meeting here and they say can we hold it here i say yes and i told them listen i am not in the upper east region to practice christian religion christian religion get born again wait and go to heaven quietly no i am here to practice reformation transformation revolution that is why i am here we are here to turn this land upside down what you were just seeing what you are just seeing is the classrooms and the toilet blocks to roof the main building and i hear next week it will continue you know what ladies and gentlemen no unfortunately we lost one of our brothers years ago they came and told my father in this village you don't bury with coffin that one too we had to break the taboo my father said i'm burying in coffin anybody who is a man should come here they ran away and left you my father was not the one you will meet like that no no no no you'll be meeting fire you can't handle [Music] some of you were born by cowards yourself you're a coward grandfather with great grandfather coward but i'm talking about a man who was very pulled and i came out of his lungs and because i came out of his lungs god gave me the heart of a lion you have not received the spirit of fear the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby you cry abba father come on scream like your voice is [Music] [Music] now [Music] for no man can do these miracles that don't do us except god be with you today when we rather see the miracles we said acquired you drop but nicodemus said no man can do these things a man can receive nothing except it be given to him from above these signs are followed under belief it doesn't say these signs shall follow the people who have ritual money and ritual miracles why do you attribute every manifestation of power to the devil and jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto you except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of god oh hmm except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of god now go to verse four without verse four you cannot understand the story nicodemus said unto him how can a man be born when he's old can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born now stay here without this vest you can never understand the first one except a man be born again he cannot contain to the kingdom of god then he now said should a man nicodemus said should a man enter into his mother's womb and then come again and jesus said no that is not what i mean by being born again now watches watches watches watch this watch this watch this look at you look at you look at your software look at yourself well be honest watching me oh don't pay fingernails come on come on come on i want to ask you a question the day your father and your mother conceived you in the wood you didn't have hair it was an egg and a spam that entered you that entered your mother egg was there spell moment no bone no hair no nails no eyes no mouth no nose no employment no brain you were formed in the womb and by the time you came into this world all your mother saw was hair eyes nose mouth nobody taught you to cry in the womb when you came out lay so jesus is saying the same mystery by which you were born physically and came out of the womb of your mother unless you are born again a second time something is going to happen to you again spiritually in the same manner in which an egg and a spam made you the physical wonder that you are by water and by the spirit god is about to change you into a new creature and you are going to become something else just as you didn't know where your hair came from where your bones came from where your nails came from where your eyes came from you are about to become something different god is about to transform you into a miracle worker a preacher an apostle a pastor a teacher a lecturer a billionaire god is going to make you a great man and you don't know where he's going to come from so he said the wind blowed where it listed you hear the sound terror but you cannot tell from whence it cometh and whether you're covered so is every man that is born of the spirit [Music] [Applause] i was sitting with mommy in a restaurant recently when we traveled i looked at it as a pair i can't believe i'm the one ah [Applause] i was walking on board and looking for food [Music] and i see some people sitting somewhere and the man went here and the man got this and that pastor is like that and that person is like this and listen and i'm saying i will produce this picture [Applause] [Music] these were the things they were calling food [Applause] this is one cause you are seeing going away look at look at look at peter yesterday when i went out there power fell on peter he got lost in the spirit took paper and started right 49 million dollars hey million dollars em this and that is pitasco something something million writing a lot of nonsense [Music] plenty of money he was writing when he now came back to himself the other people where are we the spirit of god fell on him listen to me you are about to become something you never knew you would be and what he says except a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of god it is the same as you becoming a new creature and that word new creature two greek words chinos and kittis kitesus that's the thesis creature kindness new become a new creature that means you are the same person everybody knew you from the time you were a child all of a sudden some say he's the one others say he's not the one you look at him you say i am he but god touched me god gave me a miracle i used to be a but now i am healed i used to be blind but now i can see somebody who can shout right now the power of god is opposed listen everything about us is supernatural our new bread is supernatural we are born again tell somebody i am born again come on shout it i am born again and it is supernatural so you know what i am not a womanizer i am not a manizer i am not a drinker i am not a smoker i am not a stealer i am not a killer i am not a liar i am born again i'm a different person my life has changed wherefore if any man be christ is a new creature all things are passed away i am not the same person you used to know listen don't call me your classmate because i stopped being your classmate years ago [Applause] years ago [Music] yes ago [Applause] listen everything about us should be supernatural even water baptism it was the same water baptism everybody was being baptized naturally but jesus alone when you are being baptized and praying the heaven was opened and the holy ghost came upon him what a baptism holy ghost baptism supernatural a man is there all of a sudden filled with the holy ghost begins to speak in tongues and prophesy baptism of the holy ghost supernatural our calling listen it is god who called us [Applause] a supernatural paul was on his road to damascus and then midday jesus appeared to him the sun was shining and the glory of jesus hit to the ground hit him to the ground and jesus told him he said get up and go into the city of damascus and he shall be told you what you must do listen and afraid our call is not from the earth it's from heaven that is why you can do nothing about it that is why you cannot stop it that is why nothing you do can change it because the thing is of god when you fight it you are fighting against god you can never stop it the more you stop you try to stop it the worse it will become i pray in the name of jesus you were called by god you were anointed by god your marriage is from god your business is from god no man can stop it come and grab your hands and scream like your voice is yours press the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] oh jesus [Music] our calling our calling our calling our calling our calling is from god god called us we heard him in the morning we had him in the night we heard him in the evening when i was in the bulgars bogatanga general hospital i left the hospital people thought i was a madman and that's because you know what boy i would fast for weeks and the only water i would drink is a little salt in water and i was small like that i went sit in the hospital and all i'm doing is carrying my boss mr santi my classmate he passed some years ago i was scared my boss because i wasn't eating i could be sitting with my and i used to embarrass the man all the time because the people used to steal the medicine i used to see them one day i remember i was coming from the stores with mr mike asante and we saw one of the workers at the dispensary who has stolen medicine and put in his pocket and pisceling and paracetamol 2020 we used to wrap them 20 20. so 20 here 20 there when we were approaching the man i told him i said mike and i mentioned the monthly i said review [Applause] i [Applause] he looked at me and said in the house language massa ke maini master you are wizard [Music] i said remove that thing bring it down stop he removed it gave me this he removed this my boss went when we're going he said i said today one day i was sitting with him in the office we were talking we were conversing and i told him i said mike oh beeruya paracetamol dispenser no not dispensary the laboratory where they where they manufacture where they do the the lotions and things he said we are sure i said let's go we went into the office i stepped on a chair climbed the bench put my hands in a corner and removed a container of paracetamol my boss looked at me said we're sure you see he he's trying to be sure that this is really the power of god and not magic one day i was doing a meeting in the labor office here house of deliverance he told me that he wants to come and see me he and his wife they are believing god for the baby but the baby is not coming and he will say jehovah witness jehovah witness he said israel and he mentioned the name of the wife he came with a woman i finished the meeting i don't know who was with me on that day i don't know who was with me on that day i'm trying to look in the room to see how many um and jesus christ of latter-day saints uh in this place all of you making vampire in this house you are you are you are you are more than the christians and more than they found things that is why sometimes they say that day he came that day my friend mike came and then i finished the preaching and i went out and sometimes when i finished preaching i can be very wild the anointing can still be on me like that i went out my eyes with cha cha cha so he brought it and i said and i've forgotten why he brought it i said mike what is it he said sounding problem i took my hand as if i was going to touch the stomach and before the the hand touched the stomach the woman just collapsed we stood there for about 30 minutes this woman won't get up and i said my girlfriend coffee so we took this man put him in a car i think prophet oppong was the one driving the car because the car belonged to one man called mr preco so we said green car so i sat on this side mike sat on that side the wife was in our middle we got to the hospital bangalores we got to the neck bangaloo so that is where he was staying and i left him and the wife i waited for them up to one am the woman was still unconscious and i told him i said mike make me worry me goofy at that time i wasn't married i said i'm going home he said he said intimately i said wait i mean fine uncle what did you take her to the world i said no you saw what happened to her hospital manner mata she has received a miracle that same man the woman conceived and they got their daughter i came to tell somebody you know what ladies and gentlemen that god is still in the business of miracles and if you can believe god these sons shall follow them that believe anybody can that can shout the power of god is coming upon you in the name of jesus listen [Music] god is god that called you who told you to do that business god who told you to start the school god who told you to marry that woman god who told you to raise that family god who told you to come to this church god who told you to join this ministry god who put the anointing upon your life come and say god [Music] [Applause] supernatural and the reason we survive all the challenges and attacks we face is the same supernatural lift up your hands right now begin to declare supernatural come and pray jesus supernatural supernatural [Music] supernatural [Applause] supernatural [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] somebody prays supernatural [Music] unbelievers have laughed at us for far too long because we are the same people driving the supernatural out leave him on the floor jesus [Music] can we try that song again creator of the universe can we try it [Music] [Applause] but again we know we will succeed let's not try it because normally i know exactly what i'm looking for [Music] what can't you do jesus come on keep praying [Music] what can't you you change why can't you change jesus [Music] nothing you can't know [Music] my trusty [Music] what can you do jesus [Music] what can you do jesus [Music] hey [Music] oh foreign [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] you is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is jesus is what can't you change oh [Music] oh jesus how many of you love this this evening i almost thought it was dizzy i'm like this thing has gone too quick lift up your hand to him i want to do something not all the time but sometimes what you believe in you sow into that thing i remember the first time i went to world harvest church columbus ohio the atmosphere was powerful mommy and i decided that this particular church anytime we come here any seed that the man of god will ask for we will show that seed we forgot about the fact that we come from bogatanga we went to america and we were sowed our seed but before the seed plain tickets hotels and i used to look at the atmosphere in the world harvesting well harvest church and say when can we get something like this in burger and i was sowing the seed and sowing the seed and sowing the seed pasta road pasta was not seeing anything because i was standing in the rises and god with time little by little was pushing today i want somebody to do what i call an atmosphere seed atmosphere seed lord i want this atmosphere of liberty in my house this atmosphere of liberty in my business this atmosphere of liberty in my family this atmosphere of liberty in my church you see the churches were rolling down there you may think that the best way for these churches to be built is for the secretariat to give them money but no it may be for these same uncompleted buildings to go and sow a seed into something that is greater than them listen to me i can tell you by the grace of god i have friends in america i have friends in commercial big ones none of them have ever given me money to do what you are seeing here i'm sure sometimes you see me and the white man and you think they give me money no no no no no i don't go to white man looking for money because i want the white man to respect africa i want the white man to listen i have a friend who is a white man when i'm going to his church his office staff some of them they tell me the man goes to do shopping to check his wardrobe well because his food is coming then he'll be like when he comes what will he wear he said we should be able to recently we went there he said you know when it comes to dressing i come at you i can't match you so i just tried to do something little and i looked at him and i said you really look sharp you look sharp so you know what i don't go out of bogatanga as a beggar i am too tall to be a beggar you see when you're a short man you beg nobody will see but can you imagine a tall human might be like me walking about everywhere in akras somebody bring me some envelopes so let me do something quickly and let me sit down i preach unto you supernatural i don't need to lay hands on you too much tonight is a prophetic night the other day i call for people to sow a seed of a thousand now remain standing remain standing room and standing don't sit down when you sit down all these songs we have sung and all the words you have received so far they'll just evaporate from your head i want somebody who is a thousand seat thousand ghana seats or come to me here quickly for somebody under the sound of my voice it may be a thousand dollars depending on where you are so does listen to me you just said he's able so he cannot give you common thousand ghana to sow the bible said he gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater if you believe he can give bread to the eta you should be able to believe him to somebody lift up your right and begin to tangle take that envelope and sow the seed [Music] i'm not going to waste time at all now when you saw that seed of a thousand may you break a certain barrier in the realm of the spirit concerning your finances in the name of jesus i believe that if your finances are fine every other thing will be fine i sense in my spirit that there are some seven people who must come to me here quickly and i'm waiting for them i'm waiting for some seven people please they shouldn't waste my time i'm waiting for them to appear in just 30 seconds thank you [Music] the day your disobedience on just one thousand stops you from receiving millions and billions you would have cheated yourself you are showing the seed between tonight and tomorrow night go ahead and do it some of you don't see this 300 can you come to me quickly can you come to me quickly some of you don't see this 300 that series 200 come to me here quickly maybe just put it on the altar and god bless you just put it on the altar just put it on the altar i know some of you were thinking okay when he finishes preaching a miracle will take place but you see jesus finish preaching and the first thing he asks is i need bread for the people to eat and a young man had to give his five loaves of bread and two fishes and that is how the miracle started and i pray in the name of jesus that what we are doing tonight will become the recipe for miracles to take place in this building in the name of jesus come on somebody take it if you can do that seat right now do it and put it on the altar i want the vice chairman of huntington chapel and the administrator the reverend james assanil and i need pastor john kotia to help me i need you to carry envelopes wherever you are and i want anybody who is saying tonight father i'm releasing my faith i'm releasing my faith i want to sow a seed of just 100 ghana cities get up and come to them and take an envelope and do it between tonight and tomorrow night between tonight and tomorrow night listen if you can find 100 ghana cities you broke in you broke in a certain barrier get up and start coming if you can take one hundred kilo cities and say it is a seed you broke in a barrier somebody get up and rush and go and find it find it [Music] this is how we change this is how we change the upper east region this is how we change ghana this is how we change the world when your faith concerning money begins to go up there somewhere somebody take a seat of 50 gallon cities and follow them take an envelope and put the 50 in it i see that 50 is 1 000 get up pick up an envelope and do it don't just put it on the altar take an envelope and sow that seed of 50. [Music] all right let's let's let's change that song now let's change that now to fellowship partnership fellowship partners and when you are singing fellowship partnership remember that even if god anointed me as a superman i can never do what i'm doing on this land without you jesus christ needed me and i need you so that we would do it together one person does not do ministry somebody take that 50 gun i see this now i want everybody today dignify your offering somebody take an envelope and put 20 ghana cities in it somebody put 10 ghana cities in it somebody put one guard even if it's 50 look for an envelope even if it's 50 pesos look for an envelope and put it in those of you that are so now watches keep the music keep this some of you online can sow that seed of a thousand go ahead and do it some of you can sow the seed of the 300 500 201 go ahead and do it you are doing it online and i pray in the name of jesus that our giving will be like the five loaves of bread and two fishes and may god multiply every giving every offering and may god use our offerings and our giving like the five loaves of bread and two fishes of the young man to give us miracles some pastor should get more of the envelopes so that it can be faster persons watch it some people need the envelopes just give it to them i want everything to be in an envelope even if there's one cd in the name of jesus i'm praying and just like we can't see anything that is in any of the envelopes i pray that god will open the windows of heaven and pour a blessing out upon us in the name of jesus come on somebody pray we can change [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] that's true [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] back [Music] i [Music] yes [Music] is oh [Music] if i had forgotten this song and you are going home i i'll call you back [Applause] i will let them make a city-wide announcement all the people who are founding the desert passions in the night they just return okay reverend clement was asking me where did this come from when we traveled to the u.s those were the only songs i was playing is [Music] [Music] now wait justice find him again on youtube when you get him then i'll hand over to prophet because you see these modern boys they can sing these songs their voices are too polished these are da da ba heel song the words they can go is dancing and i like it when the lead michael bishop michael or say bon su will use the accordion dsm-b tmbb when you get the song just do me like that but tabby you see most of the men we are criticizing today see the people who are criticizing insulting one day when they are dead and gone then we start crying because you know some of the people here we will never see one like that again africa has never replaced idaho ghana has never replaced santa marco you see this guy bishop michael joseph you won't get another one kusi beckham the accordion man and that is why you know what anybody who is walking on earth and they call themselves the man of god no matter what happens you will never hear brothers will open my mouth i choose not to make it my concern it is they who said god called them to their master they stand or fall let me concentrate on what god has called me to do if somebody works a false miracle let me work the correct miracle if somebody gives a false prophecy let me give the correct prophecy the only thing i can do is to do the correct thing not to spend all my time looking at what somebody is doing wrong that is my personal philosophy i have seen good men good women we persecuted them until they left the earth then we started crying pastor daniel come here thank you so much for coming father bless him and bless his ministry in jesus name be kind unto him reverent emmanuel mentioned please father we thank you that your servant came and that he was such a blessing father please bless the life of the servant of yours we love him so much and appreciate him father fill him with all your goodness and your mercy receive it in the name of jesus thank you jesus god bless somebody's life how many of you enjoyed tonight tonight is a prophetic night tomorrow is going to be the anointing service tomorrow is the anointing service and watch this the anointing service starts at 5 pm not 7 p.m [Music] 7 p.m it's time for the prophet you know me i'm an old man retired catholics i want to do my job between five and seven and i'm done so if you want to wait in your house and come for the anointing service uh later later in the night you come when would i finish so everybody tomorrow night i want you to carry your anointing oil and i want you to bring it with you but for tonight i want you to pick up the same anointing while you brought the other team and i call this one the supernatural anointing the supernatural anointing pour it on your head and i pray in the name of jesus that by this oil upon your head may something supernatural happen to you tonight in the name of jesus receive something supernatural receive something to supernatural receive something supernatural in the name of jesus receive something supernatural and as you pour the oil just keep praying just keep praying until you hear the prophet's voice just keep praying until you hear the prophet's voice now raise the song when i get out of the way then the prophet's own singer will bring the tune he likes come on pour the oil on your life and pray something supernatural [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you get up and pray with the man of god [Music] hallelujah hold the song one minute hold this one one minute there's something on the screen right now there's something on the screen right now this is the thing i was going to tell you yesterday and i stopped a crash should get ready for explosion we are getting ready to explore the crowd we are getting ready to explore the crowd we are taking the bombs and the explosives to accra and this is the accra explosion the speakers are myself and the prophet himself and the death is from the 6th to the 8th of october and it is at the upsa auditorium accra i didn't tell you yesterday so that you will come to burger today because if i told you yesterday today you won't come so judge i'm happy i didn't tell you so you came all right so this is accra and what about new jersey do we have new jersey we are going to be in new jersey in the usa two of us again from in the in the very first week of october from the last day of september up to third of october i will be with prophet premper in new jersey and then he will be my host over there and we are going to have a very powerful time well they told me they had that flyer too but i think i am okay so this is a prophet suspended senior group i'll tell you i can see that woody and a bishopric suspend us [Applause] bishop alexander the man the man in the middle is act bishop alexander in new york and that is prophet premper's very good friend they hosted me in new york some time ago and it was very powerful and then so we have a retreat in the u.s and it's from the 30th of september to the third of oct of october and those of you who come from the us those of you can come to the us i'm expecting to see prophet livingston there and azor peter donggo is there already lisbeth zang i can see her there already and i can see comfort munchie there already and i can see and there's call of flying first class to appear in america i can see him there already helen adongo is already standing like an american i can see all of you there the lord bless you the lord bless you so watch out for these events and be in prayer and acquire by the grace of god we are coming i cried by the grace of god we are coming keep the dead six to the eighth of october at the upsa hall and we are having explosion in accra all right michael joseph [Music] somebody stop praying that god will speak to you today and that the prophetic word will change your life and usher you into the supernatural one powerful thing about the supernatural is the gift of prophecy you want to pray father i believe in the supernatural manifestation of god and prophecy come on somebody speak to god [Music] [Applause] [Music] if in the course of the week in the course of today anytime you made a pledge you made a seed offering or anything come and put it on the altar if you are still set standing and you are holding on to anything just come and put it on the altar whilst this song is going on i'm just trying to get the place ready and the prophet to come except those of you who have a meeting with prophet that one i don't know any instructions he's giving you but if you made any pledge any other time just come put the seed on the altar shall we come on lift up that song and i want to see everybody praying come on chant the atmosphere before the prophet even tells you to clap your hands and pray [Music] somebody pray open your mouth and pray just walk around in prayer walk around in prayer that you are walking into supernatural prohibition you are walking into supernatural provision for the rest of your days of living you are walking into supernatural prohibition walk around in prayer walk around let your voice be heard let your voice be heard let your voice be heard [Applause] let your voice be heard [Applause] somebody lift up your voice anywhere you are lift up your voice activate the supernatural provision god is able to pray after school things god is able to use you to heal the sick lift up your voice believe in everything that god is able to do it no matter what you have been done lift up your voice somebody activate the supernatural provision raise your voice somebody write your voice somebody raise your voice somebody open your mouth somebody open your mouth somebody someone open your mouth everybody online the mistake you have made that sings the time you join you have not been able to share the page with somebody everybody online we are pitching to 3k tonight 3k everybody online i want you to share it to about 50 people on your contacts everybody let's do it right now let you right now everybody online let's start sharing let's start sharing and those in-house everyone in-house and online i want you to share the pages to 50 contact on your phone everybody right now let's do it let's do it let's do it everywhere you are let's start sharing it every body tonight we are preaching over three kings open your mouth as you are praying everyone keep sharing everywhere you are in-house those are like keep sharing now do it foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] lift up you to us daddy just made us to understand about the supernatural there are things that no man can do for you unless the lord commands them tonight there are certain things that you are close to it but you have not been able to have access to it we are praying the lord i am tired to be on that medication i am tired to go through this promising field i am tired to go to this struggle i am tired that anything that i start i cannot finish lord i believe in the supernatural help for the next two minutes everybody in the room i said this to you your expectation and your tenacity can unlock something you have never come in line with after this meeting everyone that has believed god for something is coming to pass what is what is what is the difference between ghana and nigeria is the strength of assertion and belief if it's in nigeria that a world of such have been declared someone would jump and shout but in ghana we believe that god owns us something so we must relax i said this to you any miracle you have never seen is coming to pass tonight you have never seen supernatural provision i came to declare to you if the lord was able to send a raven to send the food to the prophet your next meal is coming to your fridge [Music] in the name of jesus money is coming to you in the name of jesus a job you never apply is about to be given to you that business is about to give it to you where is that person that i'm talking to supernaturally [Music] those of us watching us online tonight is our night of supernatural and by the grace of god your name is included within the supernatural provision the louder your shout the better you are massage what did you just do ah you just let that sit at the other this one i know it's not god who told me because i've had a conversation with you but this is what the lord is telling me that i don't know the lord said the seed you drop is a penguin supernaturally giving you and your ministry your property [Applause] hear me the lord said i am giving some people supernatural properties they are getting properties that they have never dreamed of malabar ever hear me don't understand what the lord have done for us tonight if you heard what daddy was really screaming about it is when your physical strength have got into a place that it cannot produce supernatural must take over let me tell you you have been dreaming about something anything you have dreamed you are dreamt of over the years that has not manifested it means that god must come in and do it the lord said tonight anything you are wishing including things that you don't wish god says supernatural is coming your way the love that you shall the better you are those of you online god says supernatural is coming your way always that present that i'm talking to receive your portion [Music] god will prosper your work god will prosper your hands everything you touch will work are you hearing me somebody are you hearing me somebody why are they standing there anything you touch will work everything you do good work i say it's going to work this time because the supernatural have taken over are you ready somebody are you ready [Music] as you are singing anyone that anything you touch it does not get completed you don't finish you struggle to make it happen as you are singing just find anywhere of the altar and touch it and i prophesy as you are touching it assets are granted to you let's go everything you put your goodness what is this those of you online you need to stretch your hand toward the screen and declutter anything that i put my hand in and to work let's go oh [Music] [Music] i if [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] m [Music] if you believe [Music] i [Music] yo [Music] is [Music] straight just [Music] [Music] follow [Music] this is your prophecy the next we're going to sing for another one minute also when we say that you could be your boss you also said lord i qualified to be a boss you said that when we are saying you said that lord i qualified to be a landlord as well so you also said a lot are qualified to work the workings of the miracles oh am i talking to somebody every man of god the woman of god you don't own your own church property when we are saying just go and type the altar the lord said to me that he is giving you a miracle beyond understanding two you have a check prophet that is not completed hundred percent tell the altar for the losses the miracle is coming a miracle is coming and two anyone you own a plot but you have not been able to finish building or you have got a house or you have built it but you have not been able to complete once the song is going on yesterday lord supernaturally open the door [Applause] anything you put your hand go what are you ready [Music] touch the screen right now [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] i [Music] i [Music] anything you put your hand in equal work [Music] it's your prophecy i say go on any way you have been denied they will approve you this time i see traveling document being approved i see business deals being approved i see many of you 20 million souls by the end of the year [Applause] [Music] anyone you talk to them about jesus they will believe in him [Music] i see the threat of evangelism coming on you now i see the strength of healing upon your life now i see the giftings of the prophet coming on you now anywhere you stand god will show up anything you say god will prove it anyone you heal god will heal them receive it in the name of jesus [Music] you don't understand what is going on we have been surrounded words of limitation but when we shouted hey i saw the words coming down someone said hey say hey [Music] everything you know he said he said that we will prophesy and now that the brothers from enum pay enough dry bones and the lord said prophesy and after the prophecy the drug won't receive flesh yeah i mean there are some of us here our situation is beyond the dry bones all you need to do is to speak and as you are speaking transformations are taking place anything you put your hand in god your name opens up yourself [Applause] [Music] i don't like your expression if you believe that god is doing it you will not stand there you shall amen for the bible says the promises of god in him are yay and amen [Applause] [Music] everything you put [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i just i just heard a word from god i just wear the heavy word from god that tell my people that within the next 24 hours we have encountered a miracle if you have a state id i don't know how they call it here the ghana they call it what id caller ghana card if you have an id card or driving lenses if you fail leg just start the author at any point the lord said there's a switch in your favor there's a switch yeah i mean anything that has covered you not to receive anything the lord said the veil is about to remove those of you watching us online those of you online those of you online get an idea and tell the screen you are watching the program from touch the screen businesses are receiving help ministries are receiving anything you touch your work everything you put your hands down [Music] immediately infinite touching any miracle you are believing god for start answering as you are going to your stop asking god right now shake it again sing live to the song everything you put your hand over your neck [Music] i [Music] is [Music] my [Music] tonight the spirit of prophecy is in the room you know one of the world fought out by the spirit of prophecy when you be in a place of expectation it locates you especially those that they receive and shout well [Music] what is what is what is tonight a prophet will locate you touch online a prophet is about to locate you [Music] in the realms of the spirits i saw a wick and the wick was a human being and it has entered into somebody's home evicting a person's husband from the house it's a mystery why am i i saw a wig that has entered into somebody's house and the wig is a woman telling the husband you are mine to leave the house let's go and i saw the husband packing things running away from the house following the week and they are running away the week is what is on our sister's head [Applause] sister the way you are wearing is a human being [Applause] how should i prove it let me prove it [Applause] anything the devil has brought to your household we command it be thrown out [Music] you didn't hear what i said you were married to a great man of god but the devil said that he would trouble your house i saw our sister married to a great man of god somebody that carries god's grace and the way he said i have entered into this house to evict him and the edition has got a date and the day is the 23rd of september so god said we must stop it nobody will understand this it is not physical thing i'm talking about it's major deep for the family members of our sisters have got it and saying that your marriage is an honor and it's the stepping our family because we never with such marriage to proceed in our family mummy this week is the reason i call you it's not a week it's a human being today it's time for the way to trouble your house i troubled the week oh look at the way you are clapping [Applause] everyone stand up [Music] that work is saying it came if it doesn't have access to your husband it's going after a child that is in the school it's going after a child that is in the school but hear me he tagged you a lot in the secret place of the muslim [Applause] when the dispute took place the meeting took place last week saturday for they say that our sister and her family are troubling them with prayer and we loyalty to god's servant so they must do something to be a hit to the servant of god and the ministry and god said that it will never happen oh look at i say it will never happen [Music] someone shall fire three times [Applause] [Music] come in we're gonna see you three situations we gear it looks nice with your skin by sonar summit this week is not a week daddy was talking about something the other day said there are people that the devil bring them physically into the system this way is far from the devil into the system this week came from the sea it arrived on the earth two years ago and it had been in circulation and has gotten to our sister's house but we are telling the devil you enter into a wrong location [Applause] [Music] can i minister to somebody anything that devil had brought to your house we send it back to the center [Music] someone said fire three times [Music] [Applause] you know that a certain meeting in the spiritual realms is taken by agents of darkness but this decision was taken by the devil himself the devil said that the level of the grace of our sister's household the agents cannot carry that assange so he must be the one to take the assignment because they sent four agents all of them told the devil that they cannot come to your house so the devil said that now how many of you have gone to a mechanic shop and other apprentice cannot touch your car the master must leave everything and attend to your car this one the master of the devil said that i'm coming to do it and you know what jesus stood at the door and said this house belongs to me oh look at the way you are clapping anywhere you lead [Music] you never leave me [Music] [Applause] i know student i know you came with fire but give us one minute mama are you in this church anywhere you lead me [Music] jesus [Music] our sister standing here she is married to twelve dwarves also [Laughter] [Music] fire [Music] someone said hey somebody say hey say hey [Music] daddy just talk about supernatural there are things that doctors cannot help it is not in their jurisdiction this one is in the spiritual letter standing letter standing here letter sonia is going now the the dwarves are in her house now they're in her room that was pleased and then i'm going to frustrate me ah that was in her room right now they are in her room as we are here they are there our sister woke up and she can see coco and mansa that she has not bought by her bedside and she eats three days ago they brought her a peanut butter soup with two fingers of human being our sister saw it in the afternoon the time was exalting 1 13 pm our sister was out of the room she went back to the room when she went to the room she saw a plastic ball the color was the plastic bowl was blue and saw there was a peanut butter soup in the bowl and there was something by the side all that she saw was that there were two fingers in the bowl in the soup and heard the voice that eat it this is your lunch our sister took the food and ate it [Applause] left over to us someone said catch fire i can't i don't like you we are going to close if you want us to call it let's close somebody say cash fire say fire fire if we are saying the name of who because of the dwarves they said that they have given him mental attack mental attack this woman has been going off in and out in an hour and a second [Music] [Applause] [Music] she will not die on the 5th of october any warrant or death that has been issued after her life we acknowledge i didn't get i said we are knowledge we acknowledge we void it with the blood of jesus [Music] tonight is a night of liberty [Applause] they gave our sister a gift at the age of 11 years it's a strategy and the only thing this gets fit on is road accidents the only thing that this gift they are giving to a feed all is road accidents when people get asleep and die that is when the strength of that spirit becomes almighty well okay there's a wicked medical personality i send it to this region to target three pregnant women their pregnancy for all of them to suffer still death just at the point of labor so who are these people let's look for them [Applause] [Music] someone shall fire three times [Music] [Applause] manchester go someone is missing someone is missing they are trying to hide the person's ritual but we will not allow it we will not permit it [Music] everyone stand up so that i can pick up the person quickly not you not you your story is different you are not part of the list there are two more there are two more they are here there are two more they are here this one this one go there's one more this one come [Applause] amazing [Music] [Music] here where's your husband that will come and stand with you where's your husband sorry don't worry at all he was coming is he here keith is that your baby chick chief is that your sweetheart have you been pregnant before yes please are you pregnant have you been going to antenna turkey don't say to the hero of the public [Music] sorry just across the road there's one midwife who is in charge of all this that midwife has been assigned to attack all these three children all right the midwife is very nice very nice when you meet her physically she's very nice but spiritually she's a terror father let the one behind this let her lose her job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can i prophesy to somebody anyone assigned to attack you let them lose their place [Music] the louder you're shocked the better you are i declare a 24-hour miracle over your life [Music] [Applause] money to break hurry up hurry up sir run come back stand here i said run you just ran out of accidents [Music] our brother just flew an accident oh look at the way you are clapping [Music] what is and i said sorry to the church may the lord help us to understand the spiritual tokens and practicality and application i am not here to disgrace anybody but when you are walking to the place of the prophetic remember that god can use any foolish thing to execute your deliverance tell me that god can say that throw your shoe away all you need is to just be obedient and see what will happen they're all told me that let him run and he was not dragging the thing let it run i saw our brother was sitting in the car and the car was supposed to overtake quick but the car was slowing down once another truck was facing the car and ran over it and sandwiches so thousands just ran because he needed to be in a certain speed to reflect his deliverance [Music] someone shall fire three times [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry to make this statement i am very sorry my brother i'm very sorry but let me make it a man of god is saying that it's like you are trying to take the honor that belongs to him so something must happen to you so that things he has told people about you can be confirmed or software when he said it there was a demonic gathering for our brother's bloodline they came together accept the word and say we initiate it the lord said in a place they want you to die god will give you long life oh look at the way you are clubbing oh look at the way you are clapping [Applause] [Music] does that clap may god open the door for them [Music] i said may god open that door for someone i said may god open the door for somebody shout i am the one [Music] this man will be a great man the reason why you can't shout that you are jealous of what the lord is saying i said this man will be a great man [Music] [Applause] very great and he will move the council of god as never before this man will move deeply in the prophetic and i saw that people were running into a certain place and the sound of the voice of the person was like the son of daddy so people said that ah it's proper easter here they entered there and they saw that this man was the one standing there god said that a major impartation has come on you those that club and believe god god is about to reflect the same blessing on you [Applause] [Music] let's drop some oil do with lord do we love do we love you about to now receive prophetic dreams revelations that has never occurred to you five [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all these children will be born without any attack [Music] can i speak to you this one we call it the decree of the herod herod sees what has been born and now established a decree that they must kill all of them all of you will give birth without any sweat the longer you are shot the better you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] three angels just passed this area and they were dropping money into hands of people ushers just take your attention here there are people that they will start seeing that some oil is dropping on them supernatural they can't stand one two three father let it be done to them one yes or two yes or three there's a visitation i saw another angel that was touching the eyes of some people and said that it's up in your prophetic eye yes no one two three four five six seven lord do it don't do it don't do it i've seen the same angel on the other side i've seen eight angels that are dropping oil of the prophetic the island of the prophetic the oil of the prophetic the earth of the prophetic i see prophetic marriage breakthrough other side i've seen it happen right now yes lord lord confirm your will give it to them yes [Music] fire [Music] fire [Music] fire [Applause] why the english concentration has come here so strong i've seen that the angels have multiplied in this area father give it to them one two three yes lord yes lord yes lord anywhere you are there's a deep prophet or you're dropping it ready here anywhere you are standing ah yes sir yes lord yes lord it's raining here deeply i see at the prophetic yes lord yes yes yes lord yes lord yes yes yes lord [Music] ah ah i see spiritually five men in the crowd here that a metro deep prophetic oil is falling on them orchards get ready five men one two three father confirm your word on their knives one all says get ready yes lord some of them are about to behave strongly some of them are about to scream run some of them about to move yes i see five and the lords are going to use them beyond this nation i'm going to use them beyond this nation fire take it jesus take it take it take it take it take it ah because the angels are still working on them anyone that is ready the angel is still working on them [Applause] ah ah [Music] this child will be born this child will be born that's how to be born fire in the name of jesus fire [Applause] ah let the fire be released ah ah help me help him just go down just help him get something let's help there's someone watching us online your name is god solomon you are feeling some burning sensation in your hands that is the power of the law that's the power solomon take it take it take it fire take it there's someone online your last name you have got densure this wa the enemy is trying to attack a child of yours the lord said to me right now that the thing of the lord will be released to your household and that attack over that child has been canceled right now [Music] [Applause] look at those that are pregnant very well because the angel said that it's time to bring them out one two three fire yes let it be done let it be there let it be done let it be done let it be done jesus jesus jesus ah there's somebody here your brother is missing your brother the family you have not heard from your brother for a long time don't feel shy if your other person come out right now for the lord sorry your brother is coming back your brother is getting touched run you haven't heard from your brother for a long time sorry yes sir for how long now the last time i heard from him was last year january is that so your brother is getting in touch oh look at the way you are clapping oh clap your hands summer he is getting in touch so get ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't feel shy are going through a situation you are going to a situation that situation is troubling you anytime you lay on the bed a situation happens that makes you uncomfortable let me say guide your integrity and pitch myself around that angle of deliverance anytime you lie on the bed and you wake up there's something you see on the bed that makes you uncomfortable it's been going on and going on and you've been soliciting for every help it's not happening walk to me right now that person god is touching the person now it will cease from today oh look at where you are clapping is that your daughter god just told me the bad reading is cancer oh look at where you are clapping [Music] oh look at the way you are clapping it is castle [Music] [Applause] it will repeat again in the name of jesus brother lift up your two hands ah ah he's parting his way out yeah just be a circle around him and guide his head you know what an antique did this on him an auntie did something on this man a very deep and i can't say all to the hearing of the public but today how can auntie look at this young man at the age of five years and say you are too handsome and i don't like any man in this world you are the one that i like so you are my husband and i'm keeping you for myself let me leave the rest of the matter the auntie now decided to do things that i can say publicly and establish and so tie with our brother and said for me to keep you from my life i will make sure that i will embarrass you anytime you lie on the bed so that i can still keep you spiritually today that thing that auntie established break break break break break breakfast [Applause] someone stand up and shout fire three times and sit down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can i say this to you any demonic warrants that have been passed on your children we are vetted that war until now anyone that came around bringing your children up any household made a friend a family member that they have less something against your children we can see today the louder your shot the better you are [Applause] we are brought it in the name of jesus [Music] you know all that i trust god for mommy any time i i'm walking into the place of service i say lord take me to the root cause of the issues that's all because when the root cause is not identified we pray in vain that's all about it one of the major things that we need in our time of deliverances is the roots hear me the moment the root is identified i don't care anything because no matter what let them let the leaf blossom the moment that we dig to the root over the time the leaves will die oh you can clap [Music] someone shall fire three times [Applause] shout [Music] you know what you just did you just told the devil that get off your hand from me [Applause] i prophesy whatever the devil has confiscated it will be released back to you your job has been released back to you your favor have been released back to you assets have been released back to you shout i am the one [Applause] the strength of the lord told me that he's not ready over our sister one two stand around here three let it go now let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go i now shred every spiritual marital certificate that'll be issued between you and any dwarfs fire though let it go break loose go 12 dwarves they are all married to her i've seen that eight of them their marriage have been announced in level four in a second it will be done one two three fire four let it go i just heard a voice a major chain has been broken oh you can clap your oh you can clap oh is that the way to [Music] clap tell her that she's free tell her and she must not go back to the camp of the witchcraft say that for that one she will not survive sis do you come to church here patricia everybody give me a baptist specialization [Applause] is [Laughter] clap your hand for jesus [Music] a baby this woman will sleep from today oh look at where you are clapping church anything empty you and your loved ones we cast it in the name of jesus the louder you are shall so shall your deliverance come in the name of jesus [Applause] mommy by divine authority this woman is free amen amen that's what does the [Music] let me say this i am not god i'm a human being but i am telling you amen where god took me to show me this to bring me to where you are you know what that did took us into a major in-depth today so while we are standing we are on the platform that daddy has already unveiled the place of supernatural oh look at where you are can i say this to you every missing goose in your life have been located [Music] [Applause] why you stood up you were one of the first ones to stand up why you know what your promotion has been located [Applause] [Music] nobody can stop it [Music] [Applause] i they are sitting on the table they said that they have denied their promotion too long it was a result of a gossip or somebody somebody will be our parents [Laughter] you have lifted yourself from the chair and the new chair has been given to you oh look at the way you are coming can i say something say to somebody where you are sitting leave the chair or the way you are and go to another and say that i have relocated i'll put you in front let's go in front of my menu [Music] i put you away [Music] you are wrong [Music] [Applause] worship [Music] that matters to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so i'm the reason [Music] my [Music] i am [Music] you are the reason you are the reason you are [Music] you are the reason [Music] [Music] is [Music] i am [Music] everybody [Music] you [Music] you are the reason [Music] much [Music] you make my life jesus you love me is [Music] you make my life [Music] jesus you love me [Music] you love me [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] myself [Music] is i am [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] ah is [Music] [Applause] everybody foreign is [Music] every time is [Music] every time jesus christ [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Applause] holy spirit [Music] i'm oh [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is foreign [Music] anyone designed the prophetic is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] i [Music] in your head [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's somebody here you've been feeling nubbness on some part of your body just walk out right now you just received your healing you've been feeling numbness there's somebody here that you see there's a growth in some part of your body there's a group you see it's there it's there those are the problems those that you came for it's already done place your hand where the situation is [Music] one two holy spirit do it for them where is the oil lord do it it for them there are two of you standing here you only is not the second he said which gods but for the sake of your integrity i'll not pull you out father let the healing over their lives be secured and be done now i give you praise i thank you anywhere the sicknesses you are totally healed go back and check where it is check it go back to your seat it's down oh clap your hands somebody oh clap your hands from fellowship to partnership [Music] jesus the plan against the children it has been cancer prophetically go and deliver peacefully congratulations from fellowship go to partnership let's go [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] here comes heaven is [Music] the kingdom of god is here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] chief are you living with somebody at home yes my with my family yeah are you affronting it yes sir into one right so how is tomorrow sorry when put your two hands on the altar and say lord i cover my children do that and come back [Applause] [Music] why are they calling you a terror they there calling him a terror that's what they are calling so is he a terror and those that are calling me terror they are not physical mortal beings they are invisible beings and they are speaking this language from the spiritual point of view they say you are terror the law to be out of this auditorium into a certain place and they had written on the lintel of the place that i have entered i saw the name called sombo right sorry samba that's where i come from that's my hometown that is your hometown clap your hand for jesus oh clap your hand sir have you ever met me anywhere and said a prophet i come from a town called symbol have you have any discussion with me anywhere have you chatted with me anywhere no they are saying that you were terrorized i mean they say you are troubling them so they were orchestrating an arrow and the arrow was looking for some children and i saw an angel at the entrance of fountain gates church and the angel said that not this time [Applause] can i prophesy to somebody any arrow on the way to your doorstep we stop it right now can't wait for us to be here tomorrow can i say something to you let us say you sister juliet and all the ladies the lord said that devil had tried his best but the covenant upon daddy has broken all of you loose the lord said the wording bears the wearing bells are ringing oh look at the way you are clapping [Music] that loudest i should tell you the wording bells are ringing and they cannot shut it down the last day is coming to me they can't stop it [Music] says the lord it will be a moment of glory [Applause] [Applause] can i tell you what i'm seeing spiritually i've seen none less than uncountable marriages taking place between now and the year by this time i thought you're going to run and tap into that blessing i see uncountable marriage ceremonies [Applause] the lord said they can't [Applause] they said they can't they can't they lost that they can't they can't they can't [Music] what is woman calm are you speaking to somebody shh can i have some of the across pray if i have it where is the one check the ba is it here this one i think i brought one in the back also whom are you speaking to sister anything i'm talk i'm telling you i've seen it if you want me to go all out i'll go allow to call the names and everything that'll transpire even with the chat that has taken place even in the auditorium but you know what we have what we call self-permission giving god the permission to get to an area which he has given you demanded as a human being to be in charge of there's a reason i'm asking you that woman i am not here to make anybody's full statement my name is called brother prempe i don't care yummy if you watch the one minister i am not in hurry of course anyone that i call you it means i have been given the mandate to enter into the realms about there's a reason why i according to us that because this relationship will not go anywhere unless something as you override and that's what i'm saying here so it says there's not anything something is going on that these eyes don't see and they're not saying we should ever write it so gail i'm sorry for intruding your privacy when you get to the prophetic there's nothing hidden under the prophetic so allow me allow me it's like you have gone to a doctor you are taking it through what we call a scan machine i was i was not one they took me to a certain place in a car and we put me through mri machine when i was entering the mrm machine i saw a demon laughing and saying we have gotten you here i scream and i told him i said bring me out i told him i said hi bring me and the ones operating it they know me as a prophet when i go they say hey prophet i've come here today is going to bless us they tie me up pushing me in i saw that he won't laugh he will go to you i say hi hi let me out there's a prophet will finish i say sir pray me they put me out as i said the demons in my family god are let i am here and they have come to meet me here please let me go i'll find another location in another country where they will not be able to locate me easily but here they are here i'm telling about i ran once i was fighting there's a prophet can you prophesy i said let me tell you the prophecy has been hanging now another time [Applause] shall come [Applause] [Laughter] arsenal it was bad to me look how much that international hold up one of my heading [Applause] my friend be patient oh my friend mr prepare prophet muhammed you escape [Music] anywhere they are waiting for your death anywhere they are waiting to get you may you escape someone stand up and shout i have escaped [Music] may your soul escape you know what i just said my brother your children have escaped julius julius julius sorry that is your name the lord said tell pastor julius he has escaped oh look at the way you are clapping oh look at the way you are clapping oh look at the way you are clapping look at the way you are clapping someone may your children escape may your ministry escape may your family escape shout escape [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord said tell julius pastor julius and he said that is my name we'll be back tomorrow anywhere you around the world you can't miss the services people flew in from germany places look at apostle sake leaving his ministry coming with his team may god bless you oh look at the way look at the way you are clapping what is this look at the woman of god look at the apostrophe jira living everything church you know what there is a collective grace at work i am not standing here by the element of the grace of hermione it is the impartation from daddy and the collective grace of all the great men and women of god that is why we are fighting one common enemy you just got a miracle look at i said you just got a miracle receive your miracle right now receive your miracle right now tomorrow we are here in the morning empty isn't it tomorrow morning the lord told me i must begin what we call deliverance anybody that is coming here tomorrow if you can don't have breakfast if you are not under any straight medication none of you should have a breakfast if you can women also wear something that cannot be revealing when it comes that you have an encounter with the grace tomorrow anyone that you have been having dream seeing yourself in your village seeing yourself in the school you have finished seeing yourself seeing dead people or you dream you cannot remember anything you start in life you cannot finish everything you touches you struggle everybody both online and in-house tomorrow the lord just told me it's a day of deliverance oh look at the way you are clapping [Music] oh look at the way you are clapping two any situation you have there you have a document to it bring it tomorrow if you have your resume i don't know resume how they call it in ghana is that what or cv all right if you have your cv that is our okay bring your cv everybody you are finished school you don't get a job bring a copy of your certificate everything you have a business bring a copy of your business card or your business and cooperation if you can tomorrow the lord said there will be a mighty deliverance oh look at the way you are clapping [Music] and those of you online gather those documents tomorrow tomorrow and tomorrow right after the morning session i am coming online to do a one-on-one issue with everyone that sends a message to the number on the screen yesterday if you have not enrolled those in america those in europe those in london those in asia everywhere you are send a whatsapp or a test and say i am one of them do it as soon as possible tomorrow i'm going to be having zoom one on one with you unlock you speak to some of you give directions and watch out that you don't miss it yummy and can i have some bush i know some bush chief you are such a good man god told me to tell you you just received a breakthrough into moon [Applause] the church that received a major breakthrough oh look at the way you are clapping [Music] oh look at where you are clapping the lord said to me a miracle have been released [Applause] [Music] father bless my brother we declare increase [Music] sis i just saw your father again start taking three steps towards me another three steps hey can you take four steps back stand behind here well this has been the story of my sister she takes tristan forward in life and she goes backwards fourth steps and the lord said this is what you have been doing to her bloodline but today anything that drags her more than what she gets the lord said is broken oh look at where you are clapping oh look at the way you are clapping we break in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] can you raise my sister for me come on cry no more okay cry no more are you comfortable for me to put my hand here are you sure are you very sure because where i'm coming from these things are not permitted so i need to seek your permission before i can do this because if i do that it can be something else in somebody's mind so i need to seek permission someone should get close to us because something is happening ah something is happening something is happening and then are we okay ah something is happening spiritually they have tied our sister up in a place the lord told me go and release her now this woman can be married [Applause] [Music] oh look at where [Applause] [Music] i stand here to declare prophetically my sister here i stand here right to this day down by the decree of what the lord has shown me this lady is a marital material and her marriage will not be procrastinated again oh look at the way you are clapping you know what happened as you are clapping the same element is coming on you it's coming on your children is already done [Music] 90 of our followership are multinationals when you stay on the tree too much the numbers start dropping because they cannot accommodate the language they don't understand so you know what you got to stay in a place where you can be able to be balanced all right you know what i mean you get what i mean from fellowship to partnership to africa [Music] we call this one lazy one yeah okay [Music] everybody you guys are the best can i say something to you god said that a major financial miracle have been opened unto you all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everyone that believes that god has sent me as a prophet just walk and pick one like the word i've carried on my head you believe i've been sent as a prophet that whatever the lord asked me to ask you to do or speak or declare it is done in subtle just do it all that you need is to just do what i'm asking you to do if you can oh jesus you know why you are failing you are failed because you don't understand the voice of the prophet you don't know what i'm doing and you are missing it for the last time the reason why you are sitting down you are missing what god is doing you are missing it anywhere you are you are missing it anyone online you are those in-house look at you look at the way you are sitting down hear me hear me something is happening but you are missing out oh jesus oh jesus i don't know whatever it is i would judge that the holy spirit said that put it on your head and tell everybody that believe the word of god in this house to do the same the last i tell everybody that he has the voice of the spirit to do saying i don't know why the lord said to me as you put on my hand no that you wait don't give any money just put it on your head even though today you wait to cry i just heard that we should do this the lord said let anyone under the sound of your voice that believes that i have sent you as a prophet that believed to do it let them do it brother listen you have yours oh jesus those of you watching me online you can log on to the amazon or kindles and do it get the same pack that i have on my head it's about five pack get the same thing do it now amazon kindle anywhere you are and those in-house you know the problem of the church we always miss the moment we miss it you miss it we miss it the spirit of the lord diminishes to me there are people still sitting down here that they are missing tell them they shouldn't miss it they shouldn't miss it oh jesus they shouldn't miss it they shouldn't miss it you shouldn't miss it why did you nearly miss it you nearly miss it the spirit of the lord ministry to me some of you the reason why god sent you into this convention is this assignment and the law says the moment you walk into that place of obedience whatever you are trusting god for is already done for the last time hear me why do you sit down and allow the enemy to corrupt your thinking and your pathway jesus oh jesus oh oh jesus oh jesus you know what the lord told me we are helping to offload every altar building from daddy's ministry and god said i should tell you he has commanded people to offload every weight on your life can i say this to you right today's day if i be a prophet the manner of help that you have to receive from people that you don't even have a contact with them there are people that are coming to you either you know you have never even met them in your life two the law says what you have in your heart is a buildup the law says anything that needs to be built for your ministry for your household for your life the lord said it has already been established hear me something is taking place oh jesus the lord says he's giving somebody a second chance the lord said ready he's giving you a second chance it's not about money it's about walking to the place of obedience for the last time there are certain things that you know what god does not permit me to just speak about it publicly but let me tell you those that are deep in the realms of the spirit you may feel that something is taking place now now about saki this thing i'm sorry about what i'm taking all of you through just lay your right hand on the book anything that has not been completed in your life your ministry or the expectation of your mind for what you have in life just call it right now call it call it call it call it take it off i heard the word of the lord i would take the foolish sins of this world to confine our some of you are not to read this you don't like reading it's not a problem if you don't even read just go and keep this in your office or your home some of you you can live under shelter find a place under the shelter and keep this the lord said as obedient kept the act of covenant and prospered god said that this thing in your hand is an element of the act of the covenant oh i didn't hear you amen can i say this to everybody write today's day down after today with this stuff in your hand anywhere blessing must come from blessing will locate your household it will locate your ministry and to locate your children in the name of jesus ah what am i hearing the lord said there are some people that is giving them the third chance that you're walking right now because they're about to miss their last opportunity they don't say there are some of you are sitting here god says walking right now hurry up you're about to miss it i don't know why i don't know why god is still keeping me then i said there are people here they're about to miss it tell them they shouldn't miss it they should walk in and take it and anna what is the token for this 150 gunner is that all 150 gun for all this potential oh this with the blessing that i'm seeing spiritually just only 150. with that things i'm seeing 150 is nothing as compared to what i'm seeing with the grace of labor that daddy has labored over our life we qualified to do more than even the 150. can i suggest to you can i suggest to you oh can i suggest to you can i suggest to you can i suggest to you there are some of you that 150 is a peanut to your integrity everyone online do it our time is up you know what they're going to do every man standing here he said i want a double portion of the blessing connected to this we are talking about 150 i'll do 300. i'll do 300. if you are one of them just come and stand here with me you say we know what i'm not going to show just 150 for this i would do 300. i need a double portion just come just come and do this just come stand here with me you want to do 300. just come and stand here look at it as if i counted the money in my pocket what i pull my hand is exactly what came out 300. you were standing here saying you know what i have said to my heart that i can't do one i want to do more than this i want to do double portion 300. come just do it father i speak over my sisters and brothers they've walked into the place to stand with the grace you have placed upon our father's life father it's not that we have money but we are sacrificing even what we're about to eat lord if there's any way you come to honor yourself in the life of people's affairs we stand here to plead oh lord remember us in our household remember us our lord our ministries our job our businesses our health and anything that concerned our lives in the name of jesus christ it is done can i say this to you let's help ourselves and release it whatever it is le donna will help us the rest of us we want to do that 150 let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do that 150. let's do it let the team members get in touch with us make sure you don't sit down unless you have done what is needed for or you have spoken to the team let's do it let's do it let's do it those of you online release it and do it um let's do it everything on torso amen oh clap your hand for jesus oh clap your hands don't take this dress to dry cleaning don't take it to dry cleaning and keep in your closet a destiny has been built out is and everyone lift up right now say in the name of jesus i secure myself for my deliverance tomorrow i can say i secure myself how many you have ready for the deliverance tomorrow stand up let me see you how many of you everyone that you are coming for the deliverance stand up everybody yummy stand up let me see you tomorrow everybody must come with any family member in your house come with your children come with your husband account everybody must be here on time in the morning now lift up your two months say any finances that have been locked up are released shout out releases i release it [Applause] lift it up say in the name of jesus i am for the release shut up i am forced to release i enforce the release i enforce the release i am first released [Applause] never again it's your time my brother never it's your season it's your season to be commanded [Applause] tomorrow morning 9am shop 9am every one of you should come with everyone that is connected to you and we're going to experience the hand of god i said this to you ladies and gentlemen tonight the lord will put you into a good sleep i didn't hear you amen oh i didn't hear you amen i didn't hear you amen oh i didn't hear you amen i didn't hear you amen i didn't hear you amen by the grace of god tomorrow we are coming i am and god will manifest his glory are you blessed tonight now say this after i'm saying i counter against the devil over any reaction after tonight's gathering any retaliation of the enemy we block him we block him we block him [Applause] now there's something i want you to know anywhere you lay your head tonight god will visit you [Applause] those of you that the lord stretched our faith and gathered us around the 100 people that we met yesterday maybe you came in late you didn't have the opportunity to be part of us your assignment and instruction is not late right after the service those of you that yesterday i met you here that you are not part of our gathering today before the service all that i need you where is the dyna come we are meeting all of you here before i leave the building but tonight every one of us get an offering everyone get an offering it may be 20 50 100 everybody get an offer everybody anyone watching us online you want to show by mobile money you want to show by zero cash up wave whatever everyone get an orphan it may be one it may be two cities fifty plus one ten ghana twenty gun or fifty got a hundred gunner stop making your way the altar everywhere you are everybody come and drop you often at the altar everybody everybody in the house drop everybody don't sit down every offering everybody get an offer those of you watching me online start releasing your offering start releasing it right now start releasing your offering start releasing every offering every seed you have release it and see what the lord can do jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus let's hurry up please let's run let's run i should welcome pastor mike to take over clap your hands somebody else will bring you on friend and those of you i met with 100 people that you were not with us this this evening meet us on the right side we lady diana god bless you thank you sir hallelujah let's do it better for the master prophet you want to give god the honor you want to give jesus the praise can we have another one for our president our daddy for how he has pushed his body and ministered to us time and time again these are not mere men in our generation and we don't want to take them for granted we want to say thank you to everybody bringing the offerings and to everyone online for staying with us throughout i just want to announce that anybody with sensitive materials and documents on the altar like passports pictures and those kinds of materials you want to take them away and then bring them back tomorrow amen we also have t-shirts at the bookshop and for anyone who wants to represent the love revolution outside of burger or within here you want to grab your t-shirt before you go home lastly this ministry costs money as daddy says we always try and make sure we give you the highest quality you can experience wherever you are and in the room so we want to make sure we are partnering with eam both in prayer and in our provision so you want to make sure that you are a responsible partner of eam make sure you follow the link on the screen make sure that there's also a table outside you want to try your best for those of us in-house if you are not a partner of eam take a bold step visit us and i'm sure that as you partner with us the lord will be with you in your home somebody raised an altar of giving unto god and you will never see luck in your homes amen shall we be on our feet as we close lord we thank you for your men and how they have used us and how you have used them we thank you for every single every single word that has come to us we believe that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think as we go home take us safely in jesus name we pray amen shall we take our declaration in 2021 i am exploding with the power of the holy ghost to be a witness for jesus christ in my family in my church in the body of christ and in the world amen hallelujah thank you so much for watching we believe you've been blessed please head over to www.eastwoodanuba.com for more information and we invite you to connect with us on social media
Channel: Eastwood Anaba
Views: 9,728
Rating: 4.9239545 out of 5
Id: u10BYWmtx2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 246min 50sec (14810 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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