Fire Assembly with Rev. Eastwood Anaba

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[Music] [Music] yes [Music] give him a shout out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh yes you are [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be [Music] [Applause] yeshua i'm a [Music] yes you are [Music] my [Music] yes [Music] you know [Music] give him a shout out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello my name is lindsay and i want to welcome you to the fire assembly with reverend eastwood anaba at desert pastures where god makes rivers in the desert we pray that the words you're about to receive will transform your life and renew your thinking god bless you and enjoy [Music] hallelujah please we begin in the service this morning you want to be on your feet online we are beginning the service you want to be in prayer this morning just lift up your hands wherever you are online in-house you want to wave those hands onto the name of the lord jesus just wave your hands and thank him give him praise give him glory just honor the name of the lord with the way in the name of the lord jesus just declare the goodness of god just declare the goodness of god declare the goodness of god the lord has been gracious unto us he has been a blessing unto us just want to thank god this morning thank god this morning bless the name of the lord child of god giving praise we are in the mount of the demonology and you want to pray this morning just begin to pray this morning in the moment of demonology we are dealing with demons [Applause] but the good news is that you and i we have power over those demons they may come in one way or the other to torment us but we have power in the name of the lord jesus you just want to pray this morning take authority over every assignment of the wicked one this morning we are going to be praying about that which we received from our father during the ki last thursday he spoke to us about the fact that the devil or demons seeking they are seeking or they desire to inhabit in our lives but we want to pray this morning and cut off every desire of any demon that is planning and that is desiring to inhabit you and to use it for the negative things just begin to pray now les brandes see priyanda behind we lift up our hands and voice and we declare in the name of the lord jesus our bodies are the dwelling place of the holy ghost and not demons in the mighty name of the lord jesus we pray that no demonic desires to inhabit our bodies will have access in jesus name we deny them access to our bodies for our bodies are the dwelling place of the holy ghost in the name of the lord jesus don't permit any devil to inhabit you in jesus name rihanna brandy siandi kanta wala brandi brando priyanda bahar librant rikata adventure the demon had already possessed you you want to pray you have the power to cast it out and it will go out of you in jesus name just begin to pray now [Music] secondly you want to pray he spoke to us our daddy spoke to us about the determination as soon as the devil takes hold of your life inhabits your life the devil is determined to stay as long as it can in your life but you want to pray that our determination will be stronger than that of the devil that he will not in the first place be able to inhabit us and even if he comes we will cast it out and you want to pray that you will receive a determination that is higher than that of the demons in jesus name just pray [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody pray this morning that any of god the devil when he enters you is not willing to live you want to pray and exercise the devil out of your life in jesus mighty name [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay just pray now oh god cast out the devil in ash in jesus mighty name just lift up your hands and begin to pray cast out any demon in jesus mighty name in our life any demon that has entered us and is not willing to leave this morning it will leave in jesus name for at the mentioning of the name of jesus every knee bowels and everything confesses the bible said when the seventeen returned they said even the demons were subject unto us you have power over demons in the name of the lord jesus liquor liberating oh [Music] [Laughter] jesus christ of nazareth we thank you this morning and we give you preacher and we give a glory in jesus name someone who has power over the devil just lift up your hands and wave it unto jesus just lift up your answer and weave it unto jesus just lift up your hand sir this morning wherever you are weave it unto jesus weave it unto jesus wave it unto jesus look not to the one on your right or left i just lift up your hands and weave it onto jesus and thank him for victory in the name of the lord jesus christ labrandt our hunter library under behind let us put our hands together let's welcome agape preacher as we continue the service in jesus name oh hallelujah hallelujah he deserves all the praise come on lift up your hands and worship him he deserves all the praise he deserves all the glory make us satire about about shaking just begin to lift up your hands and worship him for he deserves all the glory we give you glory lord as we [Music] we give you glory lord as we honor you cause you are one therefore [Music] you are oh [Music] you are worthy [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey you are wonderful [Music] we give you [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are wonderful [Music] you are you [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes you are [Music] [Music] [Music] and lift them up [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] give him a shot [Applause] [Music] all right yes you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to see you worship him [Music] yes you are [Music] okay let's go like this [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he deserves all the glory he deserves [Music] um [Music] and there i [Music] [Applause] [Music] when ocean's right my soul rests in your embrace for i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] your grace [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] of my savior [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is is [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my [Applause] you are my [Applause] [Music] is [Music] take me deeper than my [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the presence [Applause] lift up your hands today just bless the name of god almighty give him glory and honor and thank you so much that you've been able to make it in spite of this concern which doesn't know when to fall somebody just lift up your hands and give god a glory thank him thank you agape madanashatu ribrando risi mihacaba somebody come on lift up your hands give him glory and honor praise his name everlasting father unto you be glory and honor we magnify your holy name we praise you for your faithfulness and we ask even now that the spirit of god will move in our midst and that your name will be glorified in the most excellent name of jesus amen you may be seated and god mightily mightily bless your life in jesus jesus holy name well we thank god for this morning you can see that there the building has changed with a lot of numbers they are not the number of the beast so you know especially if your number happens to be six six six [Laughter] so if you saw a seat in the route 666 to aqua the ghana bar conference of 2021 will be taking place in this place from tomorrow and um so i told you clap to be taking place from tomorrow and we thank god that they are hosting it in our region yeah so this is this is the region of the czar somebody came to bargain to me said the people are very nice people he said they are reception so um the ghana bar association is coming here and when you are describing them is very difficult because they have a lot of terminologies and you may even use the wrong term you know we're dealing with some architects and we're using um words like variation and they said this one is not variation this one is price adjustment and this one is that in that so when you are dealing with people that have got um they they have um the inclination towards technical terms you are very careful because you may use even the wrong term on the people but um they'll be doing it from tomorrow and it's going to be morning into evening they've been considerate enough to to recognize some of the times which will be having service i think pastor mike will make a lot of those things very clear because um he has been involved in all the dealings but from tomorrow the the building practically doesn't belong to desert pastures it belongs to the ghana association so just just take note of that just so tomorrow just just know you are tenants and if you are coming here you should come carefully and you can see the number of police around that shows that there'll be instant justice if they put it to you [Applause] they'll just hand you over to one of the police so if you're confused please don't come around here with the confusion from from from to today and um we have their president um mr antonio force engineer is in the house and then that's the national pride very much here you can see he's tall like me so dealing with you is will be very easy you're welcome very much but what i would do what i would do is that i would try and round up the service as quickly as i can so that the national president will bring a word and then he would introduce the rest of the people i think that would be most appropriate that would be most appropriate so i just wanted to acknowledge their presence before i go ahead and do anything and then also explain why all these numbers but i myself i never saw the numbers it was this morning signia was telling me there were numbers in the place and i can really see the numbers i can i can really see the numbers and we are grateful so um i didn't want us to put up that becomes a sanctuary for the practice of building which is for communal use where anybody can come here can do whatever they want to do that will benefit the society and benefit the community and i have always looked to look forward to a group of people coming and they are not coming here to clap and dance and somersault but they are coming to do something that will engage intellectualism engage development of ghana africa and then this upper east region so for me it's a prophecy that has come to pass and you are most welcome and um the goal of this week just feel free do whatever you want to do of course within the limit um so that i don't so that way to you consider small that we don't come and see bubra all over this place okay so but but it is so is so much of a blessing it's so much of a blessing man we are very very thankful to god for the opportunity to be able to host this kind of event now they are their visit is a good one so all of you pray for them that they will arrive safely pray that everything about this conference will go on well pray that to bring law and order into our country pray that it will bring justice into our country pray that god will keep them and bring them safe because you know their journey is long can you kindly lift up your hands and pray for the ghana bar conference the bar conference 2021 which is taking place in the upper east region of ghana it's not taking place in the desert pastures it's taking place in the upper east region of canada can you pray for just two minutes pray for them pray for the president of the country pray for the president of the the national president of the bar association just prayed for them pray that god will give them a mighty mighty conference in the name of jesus to god be the glory to god be praised father we commit them into your hands we ask in jesus name that the spirit of god will rest upon them that the power of god will be upon their lives that grace will abound towards them in the name of the lord jesus christ spirit of the living god fall afresh on them and eternal father we ask in jesus name that you give them a mighty mighty conference that your name will be glorified that will be comfortable in the region and further keep them safe keep them safe safe from danger in the name of the lord jesus christ we ask that the power of god will rest upon them and that the kindness of almighty god will give them to your praise and to your glory in jesus mighty name amen you may be seated and the lord bless you again the lord bless you again i was telling mom this morning that one of the good things that the corona brought with us was the this multiple services a first service a second service and then the third one in the night so when the rain happens like the way it happened if you want to come to the second you will come to the second and if you want to come to the ted which is the oil assembly you'll be here in the oil assembly and if you want to come in the night for kia you still come to ki and then the one who wants to follow online they will follow online and i can see them they are there already you know the the online family there are people who have decided that until they hear that viruses don't exist on earth they will not go to church but truth is that viruses will be with us for a very long time so people should start getting used to it but we thank god that there are all these services that people can attend in the second assembly pastor mike will be dealing with um the activity of demons today this morning i'll be dealing with the personality of demons and in the second assembly pastor mike could deal with the personality of demons and then in the third assembly i will come back with a very strange topic i call it familiar spirits familiar spirits many people don't understand what familiar spirits i'll come and show you in the third assembly at 11 15 what familiar spirits are coming from the latin word familiaris familiaris then i'll come and show you what familiar spirits do among people in people's lives these vessels that contain all these spirits that run their errands and then in the night i'll come back kia and come and do kingdom agreement at them 5 p.m so it's a very loaded day and um the lord bless you as you participate in all this now talking about the personality of demons talking about the personality of demons if i want to describe the personality of demons it may be appropriate to talk about the nature of god himself and then his angels that god is invisible you cannot see god with your physical eyes nevertheless sometimes in order to aid our humanity and our inability to perceive spiritual things the way we should sometimes god himself jehovah has appeared even in human form you remember the story of abraham how three angels appeared unto him and when they were talking to him one of the angels was obviously jehovah himself we are talking about the pre-incarnate christ appearing as one of the angelic beings that appeared to abraham lot had another situation when he had an encounter with some two angels of god the bible said in the book of um genesis chapter 19 and the verse number one and that there came two angels to sodom at even so these two angels appeared in the evening and they came to solo and they sat at the gate of sodom and lord seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face towards the ground you know we have all kinds of negative things we say up a lot that he he is a canal man and he he he whatever he's a greedy man he fought with his uncle over land but we never talk about the good side of our lot but one good thing about lot is that when he saw the angels he recognized that they were angels because these angels appeared in human form if it was you you may even abuse them you wouldn't even greet them but lord saw two people and said look these are not human like me they are angels and then let's continue and he said unto them behold now my lords can you imagine this turn in i pray you into your servant's house i like that because his uncle abraham had taught him how to engage angels and i'm praying for somebody right now that apart from the physical world may god help you to see the spiritual world may god make you understand that all the human beings you see on earth sometimes you are not dealing with a real human being you are dealing with an angel who has appeared to you just for a brief moment one minute two minutes one week two weeks and disappear now so he said i pray you turn in onto your seventh house and carry all night and wash your feet now so these are angels they are immaterial they are invisible they are incorporeal but he is saying turn around and wash your feet how can an angel wash feet because dust has collected on the feet of the angels and they must come and they will have to wash their feet that is attributing human tendencies and human limitations to angels he said come and wash your feet and rise up ellie that means you come and sleep so i don't know whether the angels slept that night but i don't think they did and then go on your ways and they said unto him nay but we will abide in the streets all night we want to stay on the streets all night and he pressed upon them greatly he pressed upon them greatly and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and watches he made them a feast and he baked on living bread for them and they did eat so the angels ate food that means god and angels god in the supreme power can make angels assume human form they can assume human form now with this in mind you start understanding that demons satan and fallen angels also god in the supreme power can let them appear in human forms and they can take on some shapes and forms they can come in a certain nature and if you are not careful you will miss it and think you are dealing with just beings human beings now you go to the to the book of revelation and revelation chapter 18 john the apostle sees a vision and he said after these things i saw another angel come down from heaven so this an angel that has come in has come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory so the angel learns he has great power and authority everywhere he standing is light and then he said the angel cried mightily with a strong voice saying babylon the great is falling it is falling and it has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bed now if you have no introduction whatsoever to demonology you are not likely to understand this verse if you don't have you don't know anything about demons you don't know anything about spirits you just read your bible and you are just a casual walk you are just taking a casual walk through the bible you are not likely to understand issues like this but the angel descends and the angel says babylon the great is falling it's falling now when you look at babylon the great falling you are likely to be thinking about institutions and nations that that babylon represents but i want you to take babylon out of the question and assume that you are the babylon that a human being is the babylon so what he's saying is that somebody can fall and and to fall means that you used to be at a certain height of glory then you descended in elevation it can happen to anybody it can happen to a person it can happen to a bishop it can happen to a believer it can happen to an apostle it can happen to a church member you can start at a certain lofty level and then you can fall so babylon fell and he said babylon is falling and when babylon fell he said it became a habitation now look at the three things he became he became the habitation of devils everybody say devils and i know that when we talk about devils you know we are talking about demons because the other day i told you that the demons the word demon does not occur in the authorized authorized and king james version of the bible but other words like unclean spirit are the words that it uses unclean spirit and devils okay so he said that babylon is falling and it has become the habitation of devils and he said it has also become the hold of every foul spirit the devils and the foul spirit are the same everybody says the devils and the foul spirits are the sea so he uses devils to describe them then when he's talking talking about they have become the old instead of saying of devils he says foul spirits by they say it means a human being can become the house of demons a place can become the house of demons an environment can become the house of demons some heavenlies can become the house of demons so he said they have become the habitation of devils and the hold of every false people what i'm interested in is that it is a cage of every unclean and hateful bed it is the cage of every unclean and hateful bed so he sees a place and he sees devils he sees foul spirits but these foul spirits and devils he's seen have taken the nature and the form and the shape of unclean and hateful beds so he saw some beds and he knew that these beds represent demons and that is why people when you see something like a snake it should start reminding you of something when you see beds like vultures hours it should start reminding you of something and one of the things one of the things you can do with time as you grow up in life is to go into the bible and dig well and see what are the kind of animals that can represent demonic entities so that when they appear to you in either your dreams or physically you will know what to do with them otherwise you are going to get challenges because when the demons appear to you they will not always appear like um as a satan somewhere with some horns and red eyes and dangerous teeth carrying a dagger ready to plant it into you know they can appear in human form they can appear like beds they can appear like like a fly so when the jews talk about beelzebub they are talking about the lord of the flies so an insect like a fly can represent a demonic spirit in the bible so they call it belizebob the lord of the of the flies or the fleece so john is seeing that demons can take on a human form now sorry i beg your pardon demons can take on the form of an animal and these animals in particular are hateful and clean beds he said every unclean and hateful bed and when i checked the word unclean the greek word actually for unclean here also means demonic so demonic and hateful or wicked bears okay now to look at the personality of demons and find out what what do they really represent what do they represent what's their nature how do they behave one typical example i can pick is in the new testament story of the the demoniac of him the gatherings where the bible said that jesus came to the other side of the sea and when he came the bible tells that as soon as jesus landed when they came on when they came onto the other side of the sea into the country of the gatherings the bible said in the verse number two and when he was come out of the sheep immediately then met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit a man with an unclean spirit the man later on said his name is legion because there are many they are more than six thousand but the reason they said the bible the reason said a man with an unclean spirit over here is singular but the man later on said my name is legion it means that this one is the leader this one is the leader so the man is a leader with over 5900 demons and all these six thousand demons live in just one person so one person one day somebody asked me soon human beings and demons who are more in population i said oh the demons fire outweigh us and when you look at the pre-adamite race huh pre-adamite uh pre-adamism i told you that one on on on thursday when i was doing ki those of you who didn't come you missed it so when you look at that it means the demons are a lot in number and you can imagine let's assume that all of us in this room we don't even have six thousand but each of us just approaching yourself [Laughter] how many do you think you have i mean every listen almost every one of us here is a bank of demons or a hospital of demons or can i call it the secondary school of demons because six thousand come from a second school or a university and there's the faculty of lies faculty of fornication faculty of stealing faculty of anger faculty of depression look at yourself where you may be at university of deox [Applause] i told you the other day that the difference between satan and the fallen angels and demons is that fallen angels seem to have their own spiritual body but demons always look for people to inhabit in order to manifest their characteristics so the demon will constantly look for either a human being an animal or some other environment the other day i was shocked i told them i told um one lady in our house my my my good sister auntie mary i said auntie mary you know my mother used to cook to kara for me to eat baobab leaves i like it a lot in fact well when i was a child i ate that soup a lot not because i liked it but it was the only available one you don't buy bubble leaves you just go there you block your thing and then your soup is ready so and for me baobab leaves about leaves so i told you i said anti-very umbrella to carrots up i want my teaser and my my what is the name my baba believes to eat this was about three days ago just to tell you i'm still in the business so i told auntie mary i want tizzat and baba bliss you know and she traveled all the way to winco took him bring me the leaves i said auntie mary bow bob leaves are all over the place she said no some of the trees are no good and i'm wondering how can there be a good and um david from your brother vincent's area where they went and there was a tree that was snatching people's files now whether you believe it or not that was a reality you buy your foul you are going and that part over there where is that area you are well you are emoji area you are going with your foul and the tree will snatch it after 6 pm the chicken will just leave your hand hit the trunk of the tree and disappear inside now this was reality and one day one of our church members was coming home with his foul the guy poor man just having his foul and the tree snatched it and the guy got wild he went and told the pastor they went there and prayed after a few days the three died this is reality this is reality now you see but when a fratra man cases a tree and he dies because he's not a jew you don't believe it but he said this sign shall follow them that believe isn't it and he said the words that i do shall you do also and greater works than these yeah you also do including casting a tree and i pray in the name of jesus may the lord empower you in jesus mighty name and anything that a demon occupies i pray god has given you power to train your serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy anybody that can shout the power of god is upon your life in the name of jesus christ so you see they went to look for baubar and they had to make sure that the leaves they bring to me will not start singing in the night can you imagine you eat the barbarian village we are here to be better pastor indeed you have eaten us we are inside here and then they tell me they formed a nestle in my stomach my goodness so the demons occupied a human being in the case of jesus and everything the man taught everything the man said and everything the man did was inspired by this demon in the third service at 11 15 i'll be talking to you about familiar spirits and you will understand that we're familiar it's from the latin word familiaris and it has to do with household servers and they believe that this was a vessel or this was a container a human being who is occupied by demonic spirits who are servants of the family or the house and they will do anything he sends them to do i will explain them to you at 11 15 so let me not belabor that one but this is a demonic man occupied by demons and and jesus appeared and the man manifested a lot of the tendencies of demons i will show you i would like to just classify them under three categories so that um it will be easy for you to um handle i'll be talking about the fact that demons have reaction everybody's a reaction and then demons have religion everyone say religion and then everybody say demons have revelation everybody say revelation so i'll be talking about reaction i'll be talking about religion and then i'll be talking about revelation is that okay now let's look at reaction first of all so jesus appears let's read the whole story and then we'll come back and pick up the poems and the into the country of the galleries okay verse number two verse number two and when he was come out of the ship immediately they met him a man out of the tombs then met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had often been bound with feathers and chains and the chains had been plucked asundered by him and the fetus broke in in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw jesus afar off he ran and worshipped him and he cried with a loud voice and said what have i to do with thee jesus thou son of the most high god i adjure thee by god that doubt torment me not and he said unto him come out of the man die unclean spirit and he asked him what is your name and he answered saying my name is legion for we are many and he besought him that he would not send them away out of the country so you can imagine demons are saying don't send us out of the country don't take us out of this place we like this place so it means a place talking about emotion about intellect and i'm talking about will but let me deal with emotion and will because when i get i will talk about the intellect more when i deal with revelation but let's just talk about emotion and will that this man was reacting to life reacting to his environment reacting to himself because of the thing that is happening to you but because of the demons that are in you that's why i always tell people stop all these useless crime the slightest thing you are crying this man will cry scream cut himself look at the number of times you cut yourself not maybe with knives but with your own words your ideas your actions you cut money in in the tomb you don't know what happened probably he lost his business maybe he lost that family maybe he lost he lost some money probably he grew up in life and had congenital issues from birth we don't know what happened to him but this man just couldn't face life he had to cry and cut himself some of you pride in crying so you are always loaded with three handkerchiefs one for crying in the morning one for crying in the afternoon one for crying in the night there's slight testing you are crying who told you others don't have problems people have got problems that are bigger than you and they choose to face their problems they deal with their problems [Applause] oh anybody that can clap your freedom is coming your freedom now so he cut himself and he was tormented he said jesus thou son of the mosaic have you come to torment us before our time they could feel pain they could feel the torment and the torture so demons have got emotions they've got they've got feeling they've got the wheel so now what he uses his will to do is to cut himself everybody has got a wheel and the wheel is a two-edged sword you can use it positively you can also use it negatively so the demon had reaction number two the demon had religion you know when he saw jesus coming from afar the bible said he ran and he worshipped him and he said jesus that son of the most high that is religion i can tell you that many demons in this world package themselves in nice religion i know when i said some of you may be institutions of demons i'm sure you are like oh we are in church or demons they like church they like where they worship jesus and where they bow down i i have been a pastor long enough i got born again in 1980 i started pastoring in 1987. and i can tell you some of the most demonic human beings in our churches are worshippers and prayer people know the person can be very demonic fornicating lying liars and fornicators as soon as the worship starts the rfs and because i know them i'm standing here and i'm like abba [Applause] one is gonna rain who are you deceiving the place and when sit down because i know you and 10 people don't talk if you want the people who can worship first those who don't talk to anybody in the church they talk to holy god as soon as they stand at their seat they look at everybody then as soon as they say lord i worship you [Music] talk about prayer they'll be the first to be there talk especially dancing with white handkerchief [Applause] [Music] and i look at them and i'm like who are you deceiving the other day i was talking to mom and i said when we're in the university and we're young people did you ever hear the word no i was talking about when were unbelievers and we're not saved i never heard the word unforgiveness the word bitterness i never heard it unforgiveness bitterness i never heard it when i was unbeliever i only heard these words after i became an adult and i was in the church and i could see pastors who are bitter pastors who are unforgiving people who are angry with god and with other human beings and life and they are so bitter with the spirit of bitterness in them but when i was a child i never get those words until i came to church let me tell you these people he talked about the habitation of devils the hold of every foul spirit and the cage of every unclean and every hateful bed the church unfortunately sometimes has become the habitation of devils and the and the and the the hold of unclean or false peoples and it has become the cage of um every unclean and hateful bed no wonder jesus would take a king and go into the synagogue and start claiming people i'm praying in the name of jesus christ that you will not allow the spirit of religion to delude you that the fact that you say jesus doesn't mean you are okay the fact that you are the first to worship and the first to pray doesn't mean you are okay the fact that you you are the first to pay your tithe does not mean you are okay look at your life he said by their fruit you would know them jesus said that you are your of your father the devil and the last of your father you would do so you want to look at your life well listen demons can practice religion they are the first to worship they are the first to think they are the first to bow down they are the first to lie down and roll somebody can clap your hands here so they have reaction they have religion i'm just talking about the personality of demons and the final one is that they have revelation revelation in the sense that demons can know things you and i don't know and they also know some of the things we know so these demons they knew that jesus was jesus the son of the most high even the pharisees and the teachers of the torah in that time did not know that jesus was the son of the most high god but the demon knew it he had a lot of revelation and then jesus asked what is your name he knew his name he said my our name is legit for we are many the demon was in the realm of revelation he knew many things and and people that are full of demons they know a lot of things in the mapping they know the territory they know where where they are and they said now permit us to enter into the peaks and jesus said enter and they went in and entered that means they have enough knowledge in spite of their reaction in spite of their religion in spite of the revelation of demons i happen to be swimming around there or you and your wife are taking a walk they'll just walk into you like that i'm praying we we have the authority to cast out devils and jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast our devils they will take up serpents if they drink any deadly thing you shall not hurt them they will lay their hands on the sick and the sick shall recover he said in my name they will speak with new tongues shall we stand to our feet everybody in the name of jesus and i want to to my environment my business my minute of my life out of my body out of my soul out of my spirit i rebuke every demonic entity demons of sin demons of sickness demons of frustration demons of depression demons of confusion demons of anger i rebuke you now and i command you to leave my life in the name of jesus now lift up your hand and start thanking god for your freedom come on start thanking god for your freedom start thanking god for your freedom start thanking god for your liberty in the name of jesus christ somebody and i want you to just thank him father i'm free from every demolish i am free from every demonic influence i am free from every demonic pressure in the name of jesus i declare that i am free to the glory and the honor of god almighty and somebody shout and amen and take your seat and the lord mightily mightily bless your life in jesus name come on clap your hands one more time i want to receive our first offering everybody come on pick up your offering right now we want to be a blessing to the ministry i keep telling you this ministry is a good ministry it's a good place to sow your seed it's a good place to my hands when i finish and then number two it helps me to make up my mind on the spot when i'm giving the offering i don't have to predetermine it and limit myself in the offering that i do so i choose to take my device and give that offering and then when i also use the device to give the offering what i'm seeing is father plus this device and let finances come into it in the name of jesus [Music] somebody what song are we doing so that [Music] come again i come here okay so you you let's turn i wanted to know whether we should stand or sit but let's stand and find the nearest basket or just lead us [Music] what can't you do [Music] [Music] you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] created can't you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now oh [Applause] [Applause] i think [Music] [Applause] you are able to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen maybe see that and god bless i want us to immediately come back with our project offering for the summit block bring the summit you know summit block um i was there when um director gabriel assumboya brought pressure on me he said he wanted to come and discuss summit block with me on i think was it friday friday and i knew he wasn't coming to discuss he was coming to bring pressure so the man came brought pressure we have to do this and people i'm believing god with all my heart that will be able to do this thing and get it out of the way quickly get it out of the way quickly it's a it's a four-story building you know it it's just here you can see it it's just here and we want to finish it can you imagine if we had finished this block and the lawyers were coming to do their meeting over here can you imagine the space they would have had for classrooms for breakout sessions and so on and so forth this is the finished product and um it's it's a four-story it's called a samek block or summit house and you and i want to finish it quickly by the grace of god we are making progress i i think today i was meditating on this book project and i realized that where we are now is the most difficult doing the second slab is the most difficult by the time we get to the third slab it will be easier because psychologically we are saying this is the last lap and we are finished and when you finish the last lab as for the roof and things like that um it's going to be quite easy for us to do so please every one of you try your best and so into the summit block is one bag of cement two bags of cement give us one iron rod we will accept it i'm not saying go and take your own iron rod and start pulling it from dragging it from your house because you may go and bring us and say it's iron road because these days they have all kinds of specifications of the iron road so you just ask them and then you give them the money for the iron road and some of you ask how much is a pillar going to cost over here and take care of it i'm i'm just praying that we will get this thing out of the way quickly um raymond came to me pleading with me daddy we have to cast this thing quickly because the formwork is becoming weaker because of the rain that is constantly falling on the thing so i want to appeal to you to do your best especially those of you that god has blessed and you can really help us do what we are supposed to do may the lord touch your heart and and and and make you help us do what we are supposed to do pick up your cement offering wherever you are online in person wherever you are sitting just pick up that offering and in the name of jesus stand to your feet let that song continue and find the basket wherever you are in the name of jesus don't wait for an osha to bring you [Music] what can't yeah do what can't you do [Music] yeah can't you do [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing you can't [Music] turn around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a man all right now before i take my seat let me go back to where i started the meeting i started the meeting by informing you that the the ghana back conference 2021 will be taking place in the upper east region and for us as a as a region it's an honor sir to have you and your people in our region that you chose to come to chief afocuac i can see his heart today that my big bro is the chief who is going to receive you guys in this place and we are so honored and so blessed now comment i want to make the whole of the week pastor michael explained it to you from monday to friday this premises belongs to the ghana by association is that okay you know i'm making this meant emphatically because i have gone to rent premises like the national theater like the event before and we were renting yet the laws and the restrictions and you can go here you cannot go here you can touch this you cannot touch this and some of it i didn't like it at all and i don't want us to do it to our neighbors and to our friends um do not look like they have come to church because they love god but it's not all of them who are very comfortable with drumming and jumping so they they may come and think we are about to jump into a baby [Applause] and you know um they will just feel free and tell us they want to do it like this and like that and then you know some of you two get very concerned about the answers that when it is the other way they don't have a problem for example if there's a cinema palace and we rented to do church no man holy ground people you worship in cinema palace and you worship in classrooms and we worship in all kinds of places so please let's not put a canvas or blanket of religion on these people i think i think i've said it in so many ways and i don't want to believe at a point let's allow them to enjoy the place and they want to help but and that introduces people and if there is any other thing they want they can go ahead and do it come on welcome them well welcome them welcome then welcome welcome them properly [Applause] well i'm told in church i don't say good morning i say praise the lord thank you very much pastor for opening your house to us we are very very grateful words cannot express how much we appreciate what we've done for us and at the appropriate time we'll do the needful but i have to say when you were preaching that you didn't know about unforgiveness and things like that before he became born again a certain verse in the bible came to me strongly romans 12 18 which says that so long as he lies within your power live at peace with all men so long as it lies within your power that is what god says to live at peace with all men i believe that the bible also recognizes the fact that sometimes it is not within your power to live with all men so for me i will say that there is nobody on this earth that i will not live at peace with if he chooses not to live at peace with me i've done my part thank you very much so i have with me here members of the national executive and uh some members of the bach council so i will introduce them without much ado my name is anthony forsen jr i have the vice president of the um bar association mr william o'draw he also happened to this year but the bach council decided that in consonance with all international proceedings every conference was shifted to this year and the venue maintained this year we're supposed to be in ho but we agreed that we'll be here so we are here [Applause] so start tomorrow and end up the patronage of his excellency the president of the republic of ghana so he will be here i believe tomorrow morning for the opening ceremony several other dignified the china pew and other dignitaries will come and join us we have several events lined up and we had a chat with the regional minister who also said that he will just let his uh those who operate taxi services and food joints to be up and doing so far it's not been bad i i am resident at a doctor court and uh it's [Applause] it's a wonderful place indeed yesterday night i was telling the receptionist on the use of the facility so that's what is going to be happening but then remember that don't take this as an opportunity and a vacation and say that as has been said this week there is no church service so i'm here to let you know there will be church service yeah so what it means is that tomorrow is monday we will not have fresh fire and orientation calls for members that one will not happen that is for the monday so monday tomorrow there is no meeting here of course daddy has told us kia tonight we are going to be here so clap your hands to that on tuesday we have our midweek service and it will happen what i mean by it will happen is that there will be church service here on tuesday evening at 6 pm the bar conference ends at 4 30 p.m on tuesday so we'll be coming in while they are going out because they'll be meeting somewhere else for a dinner so the evening of the tuesday we can be here to do what we have to do same way on wednesday we usually have the afternoon friday from 10 o'clock to 12. that one too will not happen the wednesday afternoon prayer will not happen but then on thursday we will be here for kia at 5 00 pm on thursday again by the afternoon they have various visits they will be embarking on so there will be no meeting in this premises so as early as one o'clock there will be no meeting after that so we can be here to do our preparation and get ready for kia at 5 00 pm on thursday of course friday we don't meet here we meet at home level so that will continue and then they would have departed on friday actually so friday they don't have a formal meeting here except to just close and leave so friday the property is available so ushers pastors ministers take note we will put our place back in order for the weekend services after friday maybe by 10 a.m we have we have the opportunity to come back into the building to clean up and to tidy up to get the environment ready for and the prayer warriors to take note for our weekend services so that is what it is for the week those meetings that must happen are happening and those that have been put off two of them is monday evening fresh fire and then wednesday afternoon prayer meeting those are the two that will not happen every other meeting will take place so take note of that the lord bless you as we make room for them to come and enjoy what we have been enjoying to the glory of god thank you let's receive the announcements [Applause] thank you and god bless you for celebrating jesus with us this morning i believe you enjoyed yourself in the presence of the lord pleasure is mine to come your way with the week's announcements may i please have your audience kingdom agreement with reverend eastwood anaba is on thursdays and sundays at 17 hours gmt right there at desert pastures and also live on all our social media platforms on tuesday we have our teaching assembly from six o'clock to 7 30 p.m please make it a point to be here next sunday our first two services pekka lascaux and uracil which is our green service and account service will come off from 6 a.m to 7 15 a.m our fire assembly will take off from 8 00 am to 9 25 a.m the rain assembly will take off from 9 45 a.m to 11 a.m the oil assembly will take off from 11 15 a.m to 12 15 p.m now to the other announcements the desert rimmer hub has installed books of the senior pastries and other souvenirs currently know that at these latest books the explosion series is available agape priest is seeking for new members especially meals to join the choir all interested persons should contact minister dina is admission into the fountain gate bible college board atanga for 2021 2022 academic year is ongoing application home costs 50 ghana cities and all interested persons should kindly contact the church office vacancy vacancy vacancy vacancy is hoping for qualified persons to teach at the desert pastures international school the primary department subjects english language and computing interested persons should submit their application letter and resume to the school secretary on or before wednesday september 15 2021 thank you so much for your audience and a happy sunday hallelujah you can do it better thank you pastor mike for the announcement and please let's be on our feet you want to just lift your hand just pray for this week that it will be a great week and you want to pray for members of the bar association that as they are traveling by air by route that every one of them will arrive in safety and that their conference i'll be a successful one just pray for them eternal father we thank you for this day we thank you for what will be happening in this place we ask that you will cover every member of the bar association and bring them safely even into this place and that their programs will be a success in jesus name we commit ourselves and the rest of the week into your hands that you will lead us that we will not dust our foot against the stone but will do your will to your glory in jesus name amen
Channel: Eastwood Anaba
Views: 2,146
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: s4YGJ-jdviw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 58sec (6058 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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