Billy Connolly on Cannabis

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i don't take drugs myself i did and it was okay didn't enjoy it much to be quite frank too strong for me and so strong i had to smoke it in bed because if i didn't i would never get to bed you know i'd be found three towns away ducking under railway bridges my roadie used to to raise if i had a huge crew about 12 guys and this guy jim kenny i think his name was jim kenny and him him and his brother were known as the flying mcnulty twins for no obvious reason to me he would like my joint i'd be in bed i'd get ready and get into bed thanks very much and that was me till the morning never woke up once no i always had the big fancy sweet in the hotel because that was the start and and they had like single rooms and double results sharing and stuff so as soon as i was out of it they would all arrive with all the waves and strays and [ __ ] and mad people and homeless people that picked up along the way people's pets and stuff the room would be full of nutters all having a big orgy party drinking stoned and then they'd leave in the morning i would wake up oh [ __ ] oh no i've wrecked the room [ __ ] i must have got up stoned for a pee [ __ ] wrecked place or something so we'll put it all together so they wouldn't notice you know and then and they would never bring it up of course this went on for about three weeks i must have been mentally ill and then in a town called newton stuart it's in galloway near the scottish borders so we bought a town fine fine town i might add and the same thing happened and the party was going full swing half of them are naked the place is full of dope and there's a local girl some old [ __ ] she's leaning over the bed looking at me she says that him is this billy conley here god i've never seen him empty famous close up oh look at he's just the same as on the telly isn't he she vomited on my head and i didn't wake up there was a dirty ugly rush out of the room people try to put their clothes on and get the [ __ ] out quick ah wait a minute i'm trying to get [ __ ] ready pulling each other back i woke up in the morning oh [ __ ] i've been sick oh and i've wrecked the room again where will it end oh my god oh it's in my hair i must have vomited up and off it's looking me wait a minute spaghetti hoops i don't eat [ __ ] spaghetti that's when i found the game out lined them up
Channel: SwanSongRecords
Views: 230,389
Rating: 4.8673115 out of 5
Keywords: billy connolly, drugs, weed, cannabis, hashish, dope, funny, comedy, world tour of new zealand, new zealand, tour, live, hash, concert, humour, herb, vape, billy, connolly, scottish, scotland, glasgow, comedian, stand up
Id: voXMr9OiGjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2011
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