Billie Eilish Talks Coachella, Touring & Injuries

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you know it's Billy Eilish I just add exact sang interview and we talked about what you so go watch it [Music] hello beautiful human we have Dan here hello and we have Billy eyelash hanging out in the studio all right that's good that's good how are you I'm doing good yeah how would you uh like okay a lot of life obviously happening pretty fast would you say or are these big moments happening in slow motion for you um it's kind of that I mean like everybody's saying it's happening really fast but and I guess it is but I don't know because I'm would you say it's happening fast I don't know by the way your mom is this live as human my mom is laying in the beanbag comfortable I'm so happy that you're comfy I'll send you one of those too you're connecting on candles yeah we did I walked in and I was like who's most good in here and then we started talking about Christmas trees and stuff they have a Christmas tree in this room yes we did I don't know if you know but there's a little sad little fake little white Christmas tree in the corner no decorations no lights and there's a ukulele blocking part of it so I can't even see it you're festive all year there's like a thing at the top I don't know why it's like a bow or a ribbon oh that's a ribbon anyway but you love Christmas there's a special place in your heart for the season and obviously smells your mama saying connected to memories yeah you do you have a vivid sense of memory when you think of things and you kind of like dissect your life do you remember every little thing or do you remember and like kind of broader strokes um first certain things I remember everything but then there are some things I don't even almost remember like butt smells actually are like kind of the reason for that so if I have you know if something happens where there was no or you know there was no smell or there was no like texture because I have synesthesia and it's more it's less like regular synesthesia it's kind of like synesthesia with every single thing in my life and if you don't know what synesthesia is for anyone it's basically when one sense triggers another sense in your head so like for instance maybe every day of the week has a certain color or every number has a certain shape or like every person you know has a certain color or whatever and so for me like sometimes sometimes synesthesia is really simple and it could just be that but for me it's like everything in my life has a temperature a smell a color a number a shape a day of the week a month a year like it's and it's normal for me like I don't think of it as anything weird and so like with my music even yeah that's how I make music that's how I come up with my visuals that's how I come up with like artwork and the tracklisting and the like everything so with this album let's just pick a random record bad guy what do you see when you hear that song like how how is synesthesia connected to that and what what sense is that trigger well the thing with synesthesia is that it's like there's really no explanation for why you feel whatever you feel about something so like for instance like bad guy I think of the number 7 I don't know why I think it's because bad guy is yellow in my head and the number 7 is yellow and the ending of bad guys is like red part in my head like it's red so it's like the whole first song is this eye kind of bright yellow the number 7 type song and then the end is this dark red like thing like this big blob of energy and like I don't know I mean like I when my album came out which was March 29th which is like a week a couple weeks ago I we had this event called the Billy Eilish experience which we've been working on for like half a year which was basically bringing my stiva it's a life and like letting people like step in a room that's like stepping into my brain so like there was a song there was a room for every single song off the album and outside the room there was a shape and a color and a number and then inside it was like describing why everything is the way that it is and then when you walk inside every room had a certain smell every room had a certain temperature and everyone was a certain color and stuff so how weird is that for you to experience dude is that trippy I I felt exposed because it's literally litter it's literally like being in my head like I remember on the on the opening night which was like the night that I went and like it was like you know friends and like people yeah like I remember I was I was kind of standing in this this I was doing some interview or something there which I love that I have to do that even at my own party no time off but I was like standing at this in this at one point that night and I was looking around at all these people you know having fun and playing around in these rooms that I've created in my head that I that I think about every time I think about that song or what I was thinking about when I made that song and these people are just like in these rooms full of my brain you know and it felt so here there was even a room in the exhibit that was kind of a clone of my room oh that was crazy I don't know if I like that I don't know if I like it either there's nothing he's off-limits in that moment and you use the word exposed yeah totally I I there's no other word I can really describe it was like I'm I'm exposed like because all of your thoughts are out there nothing ends up becoming your own yeah so after and I want to dive so deep into this album and I there's so much to discuss here by the way thank you for the energy today it really means a lot thank you yeah I appreciate you taking the time um knowing all that and knowing that feeling Bossier do you change the way you'll create the next time will you keep thoughts to yourself that's do you change the way you create and what you share after seeing your the inner workings of your brain in the freaking flesh tangible like tangible it's crazy that's a good question I don't know if I'll change it I mean I think I think the thing that I do the most is change um like if you look if I even look at who I was like a year ago or less than that you know it's like the things I liked completely different the the things I would say the things I wear and that's like that's with every human being you know you you change every day you know you get older every day and that's like you can't not get older every day and you can't not change and I think a lot of the time when you when you know one finds themselves you know getting some sort of success or whatever with one thing they do they're like I can't do something else like this is it like I can't you know this is the only thing that people are gonna care about so let me keep doing this forever and it's like no I don't want to do that I don't want to just appeal to one person and that person only for the rest of my life you know or that group of people or that you know style or whatever you know I I want to be able to go I want to be able to put 14 people in a room and have them you know listen to my song with 14 songs listen to my album with 14 songs on it and all of them will at least like one song you know 14 people who have completely different tastes one person likes this kind of music or this or this or this or this or this and every single one I want them to be able to like at least one song if even if they hate everything else if they like one thing that's what I want you know cuz I want everybody to be able to to love something I don't want it to just be like only people who like this will like this artist so what is the Billy I love genre easy your voice is it who you are is that the common thread I I guess I guess it's Who I am you know I don't I don't even know I don't be knowing no let's tell her I yeah honestly I mean I think that's up to the listener for real like it's just like whatever you think it is is what it is so that's a real goal of yours moving forward you want to be able to create an album that has a song that appeals to all different likes and tastes yes yeah you're gonna bring people together that's the goal special stop it it really is do you see what you're doing is special do you do you understand the impact on culture and people that your art has um yeah yes but no like yes but also like why like I know why I do it and why I love it but why did these other people like it it's like shocking to me yo beautiful human if you're ever stopped at a railway crossing and the signals are flashing and you don't see the train or it looks like it's moving slow and you're thinking maybe you can get across the tracks before the train comes think about this in 2018 alone 270 people were killed at railroad crossings 270 stop trains can't this message was paid for by Nitsa are you questioning why people love your music or why people have our fans in general no not even that because I'm a fan yeah you know I know why but it's like more like why me in the best way possible not like oh why me poor me more like why am I the chosen one why well you know and like especially things that have been happening in this last week like things that if I told my 12 year old 11 year old self like i I and I feel like that's something people say a lot like on my 12 year old self if I told them that what I'm doing now they'd be like that but but it's like I can't even almost fathom telling myself that then about anything that's been happening recently and like my mom can vouch for that because if I was told then about the things that have happened and where I'm at right now and like the things I've seen and the things I've done and the people I know and everything like I don't think I would be able to breathe honestly I don't think I would be able to breathe or move or do anything at all I think I would be stuck and you know in in half the best ways possible and pretty bad ways to you know it's just really crazy to think about your answer gave me goosebumps because it shows a real sense of being grounded and appreciating what you have in front of you because it is it it's opportunity it's your voice your art is being heard and I don't know like you can lose sight of that and yeah it's easy to lose sight it yeah has there been a moment so far where you felt yourself losing sight of it mm-hmm who reels you back in who wakes you up uh I mean that's it's a really hard thing to get out of I mean I don't know I don't know how I get out of it I really don't I don't know how I like and the thing is that that no matter what anybody tells you about how great you are or how bad you are nothing is gonna be anything until you actually feel it and it's like I don't mean that with like love I mean that with like strength and like believing that you are something because I don't think you have to love yourself I think you should you should you know have love for yourself but I don't I don't think like there's a whole thing about you know make sure you love yourself before anyone else and you do this you know you love you everyone I said love yourself or did it and I think it's great to love yourself and and you should take care of yourself but I don't think you need to love yourself to be able to do things in life I think as long as you're there for yourself and you respect yourself that's what it is I don't think you need to you know I don't know I think it's just such an an over lee said thing that everyone has to love them and I think and I don't mean don't love yourself no I just mean there's this weird kind of thing that people are now like made to feel like oh if I don't love myself I can't do anything or I can't love anyone and it's not true sometimes you need other people to make yourself love you if you're stuck with yourself it's like what I can't do this knowing you know but it's like if you just I don't know it's the truth because loving yourself is a process right and I think through new experiences through loving somebody else going through life you then learn to love yourself because I knew things about yourself actly but you can't hold yourself back from taking on new challenges and living life and waiting for the day that you're gonna start loving yourself because loving comes as you go you can't you can't just randomly you can't meet somebody and love them before you know them I mean you can but it's not like you can't expect that to happen and so you can't expect that to happen with yourself you can't just be like okay I can't do anything until I love myself that's not gonna help you at all especially if you really don't love yourself that's really not gonna help you and it's like I love myself I really do but I also have a lot of issues with myself and the only way I'm gonna you know I don't know make them mine make myself stronger and make myself happier is if I go out and do things that are gonna do that I'm not gonna sit in my room all day and eventually love myself wait wait for the clock to strike whatever yeah that's not gonna work it's not gonna work you got to get to know yourself how do we do things in the world you have to do go don't go break a fence or something I don't know it starts with breaking fence like I've broken like three fences that's something you've done like I've done that a lot actually maybe once I'm getting this weird flashback to this kid Phil his mom yelling at me for breaking his fence one middle school like everybody's broken offense like I really did break fences a lot Oh weird boy sir running no like no like I don't know I I feel like the first time it was I was like in a park and I was just climbing on it and like jumping on it and it broke and it fell over and stuff I'm like I don't know I learned a lot from it somehow okay I don't know you you broke you brought down a divider that is I'm just trying through a symbol for the future true that's true you grew up homeschooled yeah did that shape who you are and who you will be because yeah I had you have right yeah okay what is the biggest what's the biggest lesson you learn from being homeschooled and having to be a self motivator having to spend all this time with your siblings did you teach yourself did your mom teach you um yeah my parents taught me but uh I mean listen I have never been to school so I can't tell you why it's better or worse than school I can't tell you that you know it's different in this way or it's different in that way cuz I've literally never been in the school I went I stepped foot in the first high school ever that I've ever stepped foot in like a week ago oh my god I feel I feel like a movie set I was like oh where are the annoying high school actors jacket the writing and I literally like it was really fun cuz I did I did a show at this like um Cleveland school I don't I don't know but I did a show there not I stepped foot in the like hallway and I was like like I was like well there's always like a school like crazy I've never I had never set foot in one it was really fun though they were super sweet does any part of you want to one day maybe experience that no no dude I get it you know what like there are a lot of different ways of homeschooling and a lot of people do it differently I think everyone really does it differently unless you're like doing it with other people but you know some people have tutors come to their house and and like sit down at a table and work for however many hours some people have like classes they go to or they have a certain teacher or they have their parents give them homework and stuff and then they sit and they do it and I don't even know and then there's like people who do like no school where it's literally just not school and I mean with with our family I think it was like it was it was more my mom could speak to it but it was it's more like it was learning things being schooled through life so like you know my mom was an amazing cook and Baker and so when you know we she'd have me cook with her and we'd make like you know whatever we'd make it should be like how much you know how many halves are gonna make this amount or you know how much is gonna go into this to make this and that's how I learned math you know and then I learned you know like and then my dad is like a carpenter kind of and he would build things and he would say you know how much how you know how why does this have to be if we want it to do this and this and this and that's how I learned you know everything that I learned was through things in my life which which is more memorable because it's actually telling you why it's that way I feel like there's so much in school and again I've never been in school so I can't say anything but I feel like right I'll tell you from what from what I've seen is there's a lot of memorize this memorize this memorize this and you kind of say why and they don't tell you why this is you just have to do it and that's that and this is the answer and there's no reason for why it's the answer but this is the answer to remember that how are you supposed to remember something if you're not given a reason why exactly none of its attached to lie nothing is practical it's yet there's no like there's nothing to grasp onto you know there are like ways of memorizing things like you have to like you know if you want to memorize a number you think of you know like the the alphabet there's a song for it so that we can memorize it you know what I'm saying like we're not just like ABCDE and how we're supposed to remember eyes if we don't know the song you gotta figure a minus E and you're gonna know math because you did it while you were cooking cuz I did while I was cooking so I understand why you know I'm like I'm learning about where things are now from driving I'm not like my mom isn't like when I'm little pointing to things and saying this is here and this is here and this is here and I'm like how am I supposed to know what any of that means if I don't go if I don't you know live it do it you know your mom also taught you how to write songs is that true she did and my dad taught me how to like play whoa so did you of you you you and Phineas learn at the same time um the same time four years apart so yeah because you grew up watching your brother play in a band but you wanted to be a dancer I I grew up with your type of person some were you into dancing to give you a competitively I did actually yeah yeah you give up a lot of life for that yeah give up a lot of healthy working limbs you know I I was a tap dancer I was - yeah were you great I bet you were good I was pretty good I was fired I had some happy feed style moments in my life not gonna lie I was coveted because I grew up in New Jersey and I was tap dancing and they were like oh my god there's a boy here doing this we must use them for everything yes and I watched a lot of people give up limbs give up a lot of moments in their life for dance competitions dance practice on her so but you understood commitment from an early age because of how much that took yeah what what injury led to you piece a now um when I tore my growth plate in my hip which is like you notice so as is no but it doesn't sound good it sounds like vital yeah it's this little evil thing in my in like right in here that is I didn't even know what it was until a couple like last year because I'm like doing all this physical therapy and stuff still but uh the one that took me out for real for real was yeah I tore my growth plate in my hip so basically the bone in my muscles separated from oh mama I'm sorry I mean the bone from the bone separated from the muscles so it's kind of just like oh yeah that exact note yeah and the thing is that I've my whole life been prone to injuries like it's so bad like since I was really little and now still like I'm I have this horrible pain here and in my lower back and in my shoulder and in my neck and I'm I don't know why dude I'm like in 17 and my body is like broken and it has been for what I am very flexible my back is like and that is your mom is 100% right you do all those like when you walk around on your freakin legs backwards crap yeah you do all these weird things like that's you yeah I got I got way too flexible elements of myself and you know like my splits are way insane and I used to be able to like you know kind of be in my splits kind of like that with my foot up on something I can still do it but don't but I'm not going to but like you know I've sprained this ankle like six or seven times I sprained this ankle like twice I had tendonitis in this foot I woke up with it nothing even happened and it's like I mean I've said this before that it's like you know when when you you may be you know you're skiing like someone could be skiing and then get an injury and break their leg or something and then they have a broken leg and that sucks but at least it was from something my interviewers have all my interviews your injuries my injuries have always been from nothing literally like nothing I mean obviously from something in my body but there's nothing that I can blame it on I get it besides myself there's no one like action that cause yeah it can't be like oh yeah I fell off of something or I fell into blah blah blah I tripped on that I'd that I fell off a blank I've ran into this and it's my whole life it's been like that I woke up with tendonitis you know I are you go to the doctor the doctor I've been to so much physical therapy for years and years I've had like it's so bad I mean on this last tour I was in when I was in Europe I sprained this ankle twice in the first week I threw my neck out and then I got shin splints and both of my legs does it have anything to do with all the jumping you do on stage yes she's gonna hurt herself dude well yes but it's not it's just like it's like no you want to be seventeen and invincible which I'm in so much pain this neck is this this shoulder or neck situation is so painful my hip over here is you wouldn't even believe it so do you feel like you have to change how you perform so you don't know I mean you're like 17 I'd rather die okay but that's that's why it's so bad because I would rather not do a show with and do a crappy version honestly for myself and for the audience like I you know there was on my last tour when I had shin splints then I had sprained ankle and I threw out my neck and everything like there was a moment I think it was in it was in Manchester where I was in so much pain that it was the first time I've ever thought that I had to cancel a show because not because oh I'm - I'm in too much pain to cancel the show it was more like I can't do the show I want to I can't give you the show that I want to give you and it's like that's the worst part because the thing is that my favorite part about all this is the shows and that's the only reason I do - were but it's great though because I love shows so that's why I do it is for the shows but then it's like if I can't do the show how I want then it's just a very bad dark place because you don't wanna let your yourself down I do not want to let myself down I will be my eyes if I let myself down but that's also attached to you feeling like you let the audience down right yes and did you give them a show that they deserve yeah mm-hmm that's passion and commitment yeah you understand what's on the line yes what is on the line well it's weak because people say and I'm they might be I don't know people you know my team and stuff and people have said like that I could literally go out on the stage and lay on the floor for an hour and the audience would be perfectly fine with it that's what they've said because it's you know there are some those those kids are amazing and they are just there to have fun and it's like they're not gonna be they're not gonna be mad at me you know if I have fun with you in the same room as you yeah but I don't I don't like it's the same thing that's like you know people ask people think there's like a whole thing about like girls who wear makeup like you're only wearing makeup for guys that are no they're not they're wearing it for themselves to feel good you know you you get your get your nails done for you you get your makeup fire and looking sick as hell for you you're not doing that for anybody I don't dress for anybody I dress for myself I look the way that I look for myself I'll spend a whole day alone in a house and I dress the way that I dress so you know I wear all the chains that I wear alone echoing clinking of you this for nobody but me you try to do chore yeah and as much as my shows are for everybody else they are also for me and it is my happy place and it is my like you know peace and joy and I don't want to [ __ ] it up I don't want it to look stupid you say these shows are like everything but you you posted before the Europe trip like I don't want to go or take me home whatever on Instagram true so is it what don't what is it like do you love it do you hate it is a combination of both the shows aren't even a question when I'm saying I want to go home when I want to go home it's because that or cuz acted is rough and also I was injured and then it's like I'm on tour not even doing the show I want to do so it's just a bunch of miserable at once but the the main difficult thing is like leaving everyone that you love cuz it's like you know when I feel like people don't really think about it the same way cuz like you know when you when someone goes off to college it's like the saddest thing in the world yeah and they're all like they all pity themselves forever and they're like my best friend I'm like I'm gone for like all of the whole year basically cry for me like but nobody died for me cuz it's I'm not trying to pity myself cuz fire but it's just like it is really difficult to leave the people that you love that you know you want to spend your whole life with and it's like yeah I don't know it's also like when you're gone everybody gets used to you being gone life does not stop yeah and that's how it should be you know it's same with when people die you know you can't you can't just mourn for the rest of your life you can keep it in your heart and you can keep it in your head but you can't let it ruin every single thing in your life and nobody should that's how it works everything has to move on when someone dies when someone moves away when somebody leaves or you know isn't like breaks up with you or whatever the whole thing about life is you have to move on you have to let things be the way that they are and try to be as happy as possible with the circumstances but it's like when I leave like I remember saying before I left I think the last time I left was the hardest because it was just like everything at home and with everybody I you know that's in my life was so perfect and I felt like if I left it would just go away yeah because it's happened before and and you know I I kind of would say like you guys are gonna or not you guys but just like people are gonna forget about me and stuff and it's like everyone's like nobody's gonna forget about you and I don't meet and the thing is they don't understand what I mean by that obviously nobody's gonna forget Billy you can't no but it's it's it's I it's more about life moving on and you're not being there to to experience with them and said what a fair of you to ask them to hold back yeah exactly that's the that's the thing like I'm not I can't expect anyone to just be like Oh Billy's gone we have to cry for a whole month and she's back we're happy now I can't do any I can't do that I have to but that's what's difficult and it's literally you can't change it and that's why it's hard it's something that has to be that way and that's it that's that you know there's no changing it and it's like not that you're gonna forget about me but you're gonna get used to forgetting about me you're gonna get used to me not being here obviously I'm gonna be on your phone I'm gonna be everywhere you look it on billboards not the same you can't forget about me like that but you can forget about my presence and you can forget about my voice and the way that I say things in a way that I move you know that gave me goosebumps because the one thing that I've seen tree was a few of my friends who are in the same business and have to leave for the those lengths of time it doesn't matter how much money you have it's a really hard problem to fix you can't fix it no it does you could have all the money for all the private jets in the world and be able to fly people into now it's still not gonna be the same it's not and it's like all so other people have to do yeah they get that other people have a job as much as this is my job other people have a job you know I'm you know even it for my for the summer tour for the u.s. like I'm taking as many friends as I possibly can but it's like because I literally told my team I was like I can't do this I'm not I can't do this because it's not I'm I'm unhappy doing this without the people that I love because I've also always been the kind of person that needs a group of people with me all the time like I like traveling in a pack of people forever I've always had like a friend group a good friend group but a group but a group I mean there was a point where I had a good one maybe and like right now I think I do but it's like or let's like people that I just like quit and that [ __ ] with me I think so it's like it's raw they are filter different though looking for friends today or bringing adding people group yeah yeah I don't be knowing you got a bull squash meter what pull squash no is that can you send somebody's book from a mile away uh I wish I could it's very difficult to figure out who the out here like or what they're trying to do you know like what is what are your intentions here you know and I just mean like people not even like with me like just like what is it business is a friendship right I don't even you know is it where you are trying to go or are you trying to get where you trying to leech off of me or whatever but I think I have people in my life right now that are that actually really care about me and that I just love to my core but so like you know I'm I'm making it a very big I think priority to actually take people with me and also you know I've I have a couple friends that are artists that like you know Khalid takes his friends with him unto her and I remember when he started doing that I just was like I need to do that cuz I know myself and I know how I work and how I get unhappy and how I get happy and like that was always something I really wanted to do and the fact that he didn't he figured out a way to do it I just was like I need to do that for myself because I know that he needed to do it for himself so I'm working on it we're trying to do that for this summer you don't have the time of your life I think so I know so I have friends you did tour without friends then from friends who did tour oh yes dude for the I've done it for like a couple days at some points I was like one person who feels great it's great yeah you have your ride or die I do um okay I have a there's a lot here and we've covered a lot so far what are you thinking right now Dan I'm gonna use you for a second just to uh let me reorganize my thoughts I know we have to wrap soon all my minutes I want to talk about Coachella what happened was it all the good girls go to hell you forgot some jerks dude I was so excited to do that song that you know it's crazy I was just talking about this on the car right over here that all the girls go to hell was the worst song off the album owner making it it was horrible it was like the worst thing ever everything about it was bad and I remember thinking like oh my god this is gonna be so bad I loved the lyrics I love this song but there was just something there that I was like this is horrible I me and my brother both said this like we were both like why is it like that like we could not figure out why it was bad and eventually we did and we made that fire what changed it I don't even know honestly I was trying to think about it I don't know it just got good and and I've been so excited to do it live since we got it to that point and it's like one of my favorite ones now because it's like that chorus on the two like oh my god like oh dude I was so hyped to do that song especially at Coachella with the visuals and everything and it's all the earth people there are into it yeah dude and I was so excited and and it was great and then it got to the second verse and I started thinking about something else and then I just was gone would you say would you think about that's actually true see because the thing is that the screens weren't something was off with the screens before the set so they delayed it 45 minutes yeah and everybody blamed that on me when literally I was standing there behind the stage like can we go like I was like I want to go on this day I literally I'm telling you everybody all the dancers were with me they were all we were all just like standing in my area and I kept asking my tour manager Brian I was like what stuff I was like can I go on stage and he didn't even he was like I don't know what's going on like there there's something but nobody would tell me what was wrong and so you know as as amazing as the articles have all been which has been amazing like they all they all still say like you know she went on 45 minutes late and some people like I had like a break I'm like dude I was standing behind the stage for 45 minutes like ready with my energy and I was holding the mic I was literally like so excited my heart was racing the whole time I was like ready to go on immediately and nothing we just waited for 45 minutes and then finally we do it and the screen didn't work I'm like real real but they worked really hard they were busting their asses you could see there was dudes like climbing up on it it'll be amazing this weekend it'll be all good it'll be fixed but since it was a delay and everything we had to cut two songs which was the hardest thing I've ever had to do I feel like what you cut we had to cut Danny and when I was older Danny's a great record but really beautiful um what is it about them I must be missing something they just keep doing nothing and then you go on I can't afford to love someone who isn't dying by mistake I mean powerful and in the production in those drums all of it together Oh your vocals at the end um what do you think about when you sing that song what's bass to you uh I go to like a cloudy hole like a beautiful I don't I love that song I loved it right when we made it you know immediately like we wrote it on just piano loved it immediately then we went to production loved that immediately there was never a moment when me and Finney's were making that song where we were like oh you knew it was good every step of the way to us like it was like why is that is it because it was a story that needed to be told it was everything about it it was like I can't honestly I can't even describe it that that song like just the lyrics are one thing but just the song as a whole the song in general you know the melodies and the chords and the bass and the drums and the distortion and the the like broken and raw vocal at the end which I was crying at the end of like it just I know and I was I'm telling you dude when we were backstage because they were like we're probably gonna have to go on a little late because of some weird thing they were like what's the first song that you'd be a comfortable cutting and if we have to choose a second song also that you'd be comfortable like first choices worst thing to say to you and I that would be easy back in the day when I had you know five like what setlist of 12 yeah and there was like a couple that I didn't really care about I loved them but like you know wasn't like oh whatever and I I literally sat in my trailer staring at the setlist first so long at every single title every single song and I just was like I there was no song I wanted to cut that was a first that was a first that I didn't want to cut a song that's the first time I've ever felt that way there's always been a song that I was like uh you know even if I like it I still was like I don't they don't really like it you know I don't really want to do it that it I could not it's an important message that song has and that obviously for that Coachella crowd gets people going tells them a story that they need because it is about safe drug use that's what you said right yeah it's really and when I was older the visuals ah yeah we'll do it this week don't worry about it it'll be better this week wow that is that is the ultimate hype it's you by the way just going back real quick and I know we got to wrap it up Oshin eyes you made that record that really sets you up you made that record thing about lyrical and contemporary dance did dance play a role in the creation of when we all fall asleep where do we go I think subconsciously it did but I think also in general with all my music it always has because you know I was like I grew up as a dancer I grew up finding music through dance you know always always wanting to choreograph a dance to the songs that I like I remember there was a song called breathe into me by Marion Hill that I was in love with when I was like I think 11 or 12 no I think I was 12 and I choreographed a whole dance to it my yard and I I would do that to tons of songs like all my favorite songs I would make my own dances up you know I would I'd film myself doing random dancers to stuff because that's what that's what music made me want to do it made me want to sing and it made me want to move and dance and you know and making ocean eyes that song initially came about because my dance teacher asked me to make a song you know it's just so crazy I wonder how that dude feels like it's because I've seen him since and it's like he's just like crazy like cuz it's like yes that you know into I don't even know and I think like you it's not a real song if you can't move to it if you can't dance to it is there something special about your parents house where you created this album and is that something that you never want to change throughout your creative journey the house yeah did you make the songs in your house right yeah I do yeah it was until a little bit kind of recently because some creepy stuff has been happening because people know my address I'm really sorry because there's memories and there's energy in that house really really um that's not fair yeah it's not fair at all especially cuz it's like it doesn't matter we don't have to go to that but know that that house is like my house like that where I've never moved you know I grew up there that's where I did everything that's where lived obviously I've never not lived there that's always been home always and we've always made everything ever in my brother's little tiny bedroom you know right next to my bedroom and there's writing all over the walls in my room that's like random lyrics random thoughts of mine you know random there's writing all over Phineas's walls he has it's he doesn't write on his walls cuz he's a very clean person also he he has like a what's it called yeah he's like whiteboard paint on his wall I've seen that yeah which was such a cool idea I remember when he got it I was like so jealous and and so you can write with like a race marker and then you can like erase it but yeah he's always written all over his walls anyway to do you want him to be a constant creative partner for you yeah do you think of the day of creating a song without him well that's the thing like I don't I don't think either of us think of this as like we're not against not working with each other but we're not against working with each other like it's not gonna there's no if there's never like oh we have to work together on this we can't not like that's cuz then it's like well I don't know cuz it's like I write my own stuff all the time that I write alone and he writes his own football this time he writes alone and you know then we'll write together and then whatever and it's like there's there's never like oh I have to write you know we both have to write this now or you have to write this now er I have to write this just literally what we feel and it's completely organic and it's like you know I'm not gonna say we will never not work together but I'm not gonna say we're gonna not work together at some point cuz I'm just we're just like living in it and we're like doing what we're doing and that's that and you know it's like if it's not broken don't fix I'll fix it by the way living in it is one of the reasons why I think people connect with your art so deeply is because it's authentic you're living in it even the songs that are fiction you know records like bellyache or the one you wrote based on Sherlock like you're an incredible story Terrell tell ru and Phineas you bring these stories to life and it's the perfect balance of just lyrics that are complex yet simple and production that is that matches it perfectly right like simple in the best ways to allow the lyrics to shine and give them life but that production it there's like a drum in bellyache that sounds like thunder like it strengthens the story so exquisitely special stuff truly really cool top to bottom this moment right now it is Wednesday April 17th 2019 you were 17 years old today how does Billy Eilish want to be remembered are those nipples on that shirt another beards their what their beards I brought it look like crazy hairy nipples I wish I have a boob lamp that you do yeah it's a lamp that's covered in boobs that's sick I want one I'll send that to you too that's hard yeah you don't need to answer if you don't know I don't know I don't know you come back to me like I really don't know you excited to turn 18 later this year yes but also no because it's cool to be young not like it's cool to be young but like it it's like you know you're an adult for so long yeah and you're a kid and it's like done you know that's weird like why isn't it half and a half I don't that's what I don't understand why aren't you a kid for half your life and then an adult for half your life like that you know because you're only a kid for like I don't know when the kid cutoff is but different for everybody that's true would you say you're an adult now my life is my life has been an adult there's death there's a kid screaming outside that is weirdly time to my know yeah my life has been an adult's life for like three years so I don't know why you expect I don't know anyone expects like me to have like I don't know dude you keep living your keep leaving you fight anything else I'm I'm in a dream I don't think you're really living you cut back on those Instagram stories the funniest ones like what you used to post some funny things on Instagram like a year ago and you seems like you cut back I have because internet be saying some dumb I'm like I keep this funny [ __ ] to myself you don't deserve me honestly this is for me no for real like doesn't deserve my funny ass they don't on there he's got I make one joke and it's like damn I made a joke calm down I literally deleted Twitter cuz they I made the funniest joke the funniest joke I don't even regret it people dragged me for like months no I'm not gonna see because it was funny and it doesn't deserve it it's why comedians get such a weird reaction you know when when like some you know an artist like in the in the music business dates a comedian or something then all those fans are like because all comedy is is like being horrible and it's hilarious truth you know like that's why the office is funny dude if the office came out today ya know if I think that all the time and they're all like I wish we stayed making Newsies and I'm like dude you guys would be in peeing yourself because you're so offended by my god my final question to you is which office character do you most relate to you Michael and I did the personality test the other day and may I'm hoping I answered the questions wrong but I'm the same personality type as Michael Scott okay fire yeah Thanks I feel like that's like an insult but hopefully without all the races he says oh my god like it's like crazy that's what he needs well sometimes anyway well they made him in such a character that's like you feel for him and you have so much love for him but you're also like this dude is horrible but he's so great though dude it's conflicting dude steve carell dude oh my god what an incredible human Oh Billy I wish we end on that note I know it's gonna come because one question real quick I've wanted to ask this forever though how do you feel about people calling you an industry plant Oh okay you know what it's I just want to hear the reasons why that said because I could understand that for somebody that you know I don't want to name names because I actually don't believe in the industry plan because it's actually impossible to make somebody genuinely successful like and it'd be fake I agree you can you can get famous and it can be fake but you can't actually have people love you and like cherish you and have art that's really good you can buy a media fame yeah and I understand I understand though like what's the word the phrase or whatever term phrase whatever you know it would make sense if if my mom was some like crazy famous you know model or actress or singer or something then it would make sense to me well a little bit I love my mom and my mom is insanely talented and an amazing actress and an amazing songwriter and I learned how to play music and how to write music from her I learned from my dad how to you know play the piano and play the ukulele but they're in there I love my mom but you agree we've talked about this before because where is the end where's the plan where's the twist the seed bro where'd you put it like I'd love to be an industry plant I would love to have not worked hard for this I would have loved that you know to not do anything but the thing is even industry plants work really hard yeah people that are born into families and it's like that's not fair you can't that's not fair that that anybody that was born into a rich family or into a famous family is automatically an industry plan that's not fair they don't they're just they were born they didn't choose to be born they deserve their own show you know and it's like also like people think industry plants are like you know like record labels getting together and saying like who's gonna be the right look for blank and like let's let's do this and then put this here and they make all these fake better and it's like they you couldn't do that if you tried you can't do that I don't think you're doing no you can't fake like raw yeah and it's like I respect everybody's opinion go ahead and think I'm industry plan I'm I'm fine I'm doing just fine but it's like it's just weird to me cuz it's like it doesn't it's gonna say something and it's gonna be great uh they're gonna kill me in the corner fight I know they are he's doing this he's been doing this for like 40 minutes um what the wasn't gonna say um well you do that I'm gonna tell everybody listen when all when we all fall asleep where do we go it deserves your ear times a thousand it does is he Billy Eilish thank you thank you for giving us time and energy looking with us do you remember what you want to say fine I'm gonna remember like when I leave okay and it's gonna be driving me insane hold on just give me a second okay it's about the industry plant ah yeah call it in I really hope you enjoyed that conversation if you did please subscribe and also check out our podcast there's a link in the description and also comment didn't like and do things other interviews are on the screen somewhere so click them thanks for watching
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 1,803,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Billie Elish, when we go to sleep where do we go, Bury a friend, Bad Guy, when the party's over, finneas, Coachella
Id: KfDKtCLU_qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 42sec (3342 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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