Billie Eilish Was An Intimidating Teenager | Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend

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I I told you before we started rolling that uh the world's a little blurry I really love that documentary because it's about the process and I love anything that shows both sides of Fame success in a realistic lens and what I you know first of all the gap between the journey between you two in a bedroom you put a blanket over your head sometimes I know uh bickering you prodding having arguments you know arguing with your mom in the kitchen um and man are you intimidating I know when you're Billy when you're mad I have you know uh a teenage daughter I get terrified so when I'm watching the documentary it's as scary to me as any horror movie because you'll just shoot those eyes at someone and you're not even trying you're just staring at them and if I were your mom I would jump out the window I know 16 year old me is a scary thought it's a it's a scary sight to see I mean I I think about myself and think about the people that I used to have to make them be put through being around me at that age and I feel very I can't I can't even it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about if I had to be around the younger Billy it really freaks me out sometimes yeah scary girl what about you I mean Phineas you seem and this is again this is just from uh the documentary and and performances you seem like someone who doesn't lose his but do you sometimes yeah oh yeah Phineas is an incredible actor incredible so so I mean genuinely are we talking about like backstage you're are you kicking stuff are you smashing things should we tell stories yeah I think that's what we're here to do uh I was as a as a little kid as like a five-year-old six-year-old I'm told that I was very explosive and I have a infinite supply of Rage yeah what an explanation but hi but I don't think anyone um should uh be on the receiving end of it so I try to just you know quell it I try to I try to go empathy first but there's always rage below it my friend my friend Ricky always reminds me that at one point he said he said do you have a lot of rage which is a testament to like being around me too much maybe to see me sort of at the Guitar Center staring off in the middle distance and uh and he said do you have a lot of rage and I said are you joking that was apparently looking at us that is all I have but I don't yeah but I don't I don't scream at anybody true or false yeah yeah yeah I would agree no I would agree I would agree I I uh uh my team will disagree I have no anger issues what are you are you an uh I don't think I'm well you guys can back me up I am not an I don't everyone but whose mortgage is paid by yeah I remember before you answer yeah your checks don't come out till Monday it's a full panel of people um can we meet you behind the building later I think I've worked for him longer than anybody and I will say he's not an but he has made an art form of being passive aggressive because the way I grew up the way I grew up is I do have I I relate to Phineas because I have a lot of anger I have a temper and what I and I used to really get angry when I had a bad temper when I was a kid and what I did is I learned I grew up in a family very unlike yours where we weren't supposed to express negative things Catholic we're not supposed to express and no one was around saying well how do you feel about what just happened there's none of that yeah so um there was nobody expressing any of that so what happened was there's a lot of pent up anger and what I learned is you could express anger in this I could let it out like a teapot there's a little hole that it's coming out but it's shooting out at great force and it's passive aggression it's me saying oh wow that sounds like a wonderful idea and people like and I mastered this thing of being able to talk to somebody for a bit who I was really mad at and we had a pleasant conversation and then I'd leave and they'd think I think we had a pleasant conversation oh my God I'm bleeding he stabbed me with words nine times but I didn't feel it so it's an issue yeah it's an issue that I have to work on but I don't think you can have creativity without some internal right you have to have yeah uh I think that's one of the things that I think you have to be a little tortured that's what I think yeah you have to be some great quote and I'm misquoting it but it was like a lot of the world's great work has been been done by people who didn't feel quite well you know it's like it's true I think the the caveat there is that it's this slog and it's this Challenge and then sometimes it's effortless for two hours do you know does that yeah so like we had that yesterday we've been slogging through writing for months yesterday we had a couple hours where it was the faucet was on it was really easy yeah but mostly it's not I feel bad that I interrupted your great creative flow and you had to come here and do the podcast it was yesterday yeah what if it was going really great and they said you got to do that Conan podcast we'd do it thank you yeah thank you very much I have to say that right now yeah no but then their fans would be like what did we miss out on by the way if you played other giant have you played Bonnaroo uh-huh we've done all of them you've done all of them we did Sony you were with me when I did Bonnaroo yeah oh because they have they make years ago yeah and it was what the hell trench war it was like trench warfare it's all mud it takes place in the summer in this in Tennessee you're in a tent you're in a tent no and like what I noticed with your fans is they love to get their hands on you and you're very generous about hugging people I'm the same way I'm I don't mind hugging people huge mistake at Bonnaroo no one had nobody had had a shower in a week yeah oh yeah naked and moist yeah naked yeah and disgusting people yeah yeah but happy and high probably like yeah just you know well you were high too I was but not too high I would send you out for an iced coffee and you'd come back with like a goose here you go oh it's not an iced coffee yeah it's Bonnaroo yeah it was a good time
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 365,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan o’brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan o’brien podcast, conan o’brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian, billie eilish, finneas, billie eilish and finneas, the world's a little blurry, the worlds a little blurry, documentary
Id: HqXGs91FUgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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