Entrevista a Billie Eilish y Finneas en el Grammy Museum (1) // SUBT. EN ESPAÑOL

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all right one more time welcome back to the sage Phineas and Billy Eilish first of all how are your ankles I read about this yeah you're you're like spraining both of your your ankles well listen they said I didn't have to wear the boot in the daytime and I didn't wear the boot in the daytime and I've been yelled at all day for it so that's where I'm at this was brain like a month ago yeah this one I sprained you did that the other day didn't you yeah you know and Milan like a few weeks ago yeah yeah yeah well jump one of the show well we're glad you're here in semi ambulatory that's that's fantastic so tell me tell me um there's so much to talk about but tell me just thinking about ocean eyes and having you know just listen to you perform that when did you realize that song blew up what was the moment that you kind of realized oh this well something could be happening hear about it I think the moment we thought it blew up was not when it blew up it was like it was the next day we had put it out like super late on like a Wednesday or something and I remember the next day I was at like my dance class and Phineas called me and he was like you got it and dude like that's a lot of people like it actually is even though it's not yes that's five times as many people as we have here saying you know if you put that like he always says if you put a thousand people in the room that's a lot of people would want I wouldn't want to feed him lunch no I would not either yeah but you know at the time it was just like the biggest deal and I really thought it was like that was my moment and then it would be over guess what I was wrong yeah sorry you were wrong so so I want to talk about making the album and in particular you know there's so much that's interesting about the record particularly the way it sounds and yet it was done in your childhood bedroom and I would imagine given where were you were at that point when you recorded it that you could have gone and done this record anywhere you could have said I want to do this on the moon and the labor would have figured out how to make that happen the reality is you did it in your bedroom why it worked yeah and I don't mean like now it worked like it worked then Joe was like we don't you don't have to fix something that's not broken you know so it wasn't really like we must because actually for the EP that came out like a year before that don't smile at me that we actually had never made a project before so we were like we got him we got a B all we had a studio we like we're in the studio like every day making that and it was like the worst experience on planet earth it was just miserable what why why was that miserable I love you asked why it's miserable and she's like Phineas you explain I think I think to circle back to the bedroom thing there's yeah there's perks to the childhood bedroom there's there's the place you sleep is there so if you're tired you can just go to sleep back out so yeah yeah there's a there's a we had a private chef named our mom fire all right so already we have sleep we have sleep and we have sustenance so era peed aughh so the larger quit so the larger question becomes how does environment that environment affect the work how does it affect you creatively um well I think for like the time in our lives when we were making the album it was so necessary like friends the reason I say that is because I think now when we make music we're kind of at a place where we can kind of do it anywhere at this point but I think making this album and I don't know if you agree with me but like it was so it just came naturally and it didn't make us feel I don't know it just was it was it just like made sense and it was natural and it was I mean and that's why it's so good that we're like that's what the good thing about being brother and sister is that it's just natural and it's just like good yeah and I don't know I think it just was great to be in my room and be like have an idea and immediately record it you know don't have to go get in a car and go get it it uh you know so I don't know if you yeah I think um you know I think the reason that we wanted to do the EP in a you know studio in the first place was just a sense of focus you know I think that can be like the main drawback of home is like sometimes you like a messy room and you're just like oh I want to clean my room and that's like whatever 45 minutes like an hour and a half yeah or somebody just shows up to hang out yeah your friend comes over whatever yeah that happens like a total you know large amount right and so I think renting the studio for the EP was was important for that to just go somewhere and just sit there and like you know especially at that point with with the EP we had a real deadline we we had come up with a couple of songs and we had this like date we were shooting for like August 11th which was when the EP came out yeah so we knew that everything had to you know vinyl and for you know all of the you know digital stores and everything they needed artwork and masters and mixes and everything so we had this sort of like back date of like everything needs to be done June you know and so I think working toward that deadline when you do have a deadline like that you you can use that to your advantage and just kind of knuckle down yeah by contrast the album had a much looser deadline we had this kind of all of 2018 to work on it we toured a lot but that's one of the things that's great about being at home it's like sometimes like I'll use when the party's over as an example there were days where we worked on that song for like 20 minutes and then there was like the night we finished it we worked on it for like 18 hours because we just knew where it needed to go and it was just like it's like solving a puzzle you know I mean we just like sat in my room and just like hashed it out and then like the Sun rose it was like the Sun's up it was like 6:00 in the morning yeah time to be time to be done yeah so 13 tracks on the record you wrote 11 of them together and Phineas you wrote 2 on your own I'm interested in knowing when you're writing on your own because you've got you've got your own thing in addition to what you do with your sister are you writing specifically for Billie or or are these songs that you've written and it's like well maybe well maybe we'll try this yet a bit of both I think like the strange addiction' was very specifically for Billie and I just felt like it was a character she could play and just have a lot of fun with and I knew that I couldn't play that character yeah and then especially once we like doing a production we had all these office clips I was like this is such a Billie's world you know feeling song and then the other song that I wrote alone on the record was when the party's over and that was that's sort of the opposite end of it which is that it's like a song I wrote alone that was that I had this feeling that it had a kind of a universal quality yeah it didn't just pertain to my life and that she could ingest that song and do it way better than I ever get you know there's one thing when when you listen to the record and and this is what I think is is one man's opinion but but you know part of the genius here is that there is an intimacy it's as if you know because so much of pop music can be quite bombastic you know just beating you over the head with you know chorus pre-chorus you know whatever you know big you know it sounds but there's an intimacy there as if you're telling the listener a secret and and intentional is that something you came to over time or has it always been that way I don't think we're trying to be anything I think it just was just ended up being that way I think if we were trying to be something it wouldn't be that but you know I think when when something is the way it is mostly they didn't mean for it to be that way it's just kind of natural and I think that's why like you really can fake authenticity and originality and said a word yeah yes okay hey I don't know you can't fake all that city cool yeah no um okay I lost my brain for a sec I don't know no saying go you can answer it no no you're in a really good moment no they were talking about how like when you're trying to do something it's harder to do that thing it's easier if it's an accident yeah so so what you're suggesting is perhaps that this is this has come about organically yeah I mean I don't know I the reason I'm blanking so much is I think I just don't know like I honestly don't cuz it was just natural like it was I like I don't know why I always hear something like about you know I'll do an interview and there will be a question about like you know you're you're the anti pop star you're the you know you're breaking all the rules and you're like such a whatever and I appreciate that but I not like where when was I like no and who ever explained the rules yeah what are the rules to like for real totally so I don't know like I don't it's the kind of thing that somebody who breaks the rules would say yeah well maybe we should ask your mother by the way so there are a couple things you know in terms of in terms of songwriting and where songs start for you does it start with something finneus does instrumentally does it start with a beat a lyric a title where do things generally start free always different I wish I could tell you the exact way we do it but I there's never like it's almost never the same um it could be like a chord that I like it could be a lyric that I come up with in my bed when I'm trying to sleep like it's really random I'm I feel like inspiration comes from everywhere which is what I always say about like art and like visuals and stuff is it you know where do you what artists start you inspired by and stuff and from me I'm actually more inspired by them things I see yeah and less of like who's wearing what or who's singing what or whatever right because I think if you just let yourself be inspired you will see so many things that are inspiring you know so I don't know I just think it's if you let yourself you'll find that [ __ ] you know I'm gonna get to that in a minute actually but the reason I ask is because you do cover and you know any number of topics that are that you know that are difficult you know whether it's you know depression anxiety you know very personal topics and and I'm wondering for you why be true why be so transparent that's that's the same thing with like how I don't I never decided to I never was like I'm gonna talk about this and I'm gonna talk about this I just talked about what I was feeling and talked about why it was bad or why it was good or why it was whatever and then it became this like oh she's making a statement which I actually love because I didn't realize I was and now that I think about it like I realize how many people aren't talking about that kind of stuff and why people are so like shocked when you do talk about it I'm like why is that shield shocking like I'm telling you like about how I am as a human like why is that weird you know but then it I mean it's true because people just don't talk about it yeah and it's weird cuz I think it should be something that should be talked about I don't like that like celebrity or whatever is thought of as this really bulletproof thing and this like you know beautiful perfect you know and lots of it is amazing it's incredible and like priceless but a lot of it's really hard and it's really like intense and I don't think that should be lied about yeah you know what one of the things about making music you know you know clearly whether you're writing whether you're playing on stage whatever it might be is collaboration and the ability to collaborate why and I'm gonna ask both of you this question why does this collaboration work so well why do you guys work so well together I would say because I mean who's a sibling in this room who has okay siblings right if you have an argument it's not like it's over forever with your brother or sister or whoever you kinda don't have a choice you don't I mean you really don't have it you can't like break up with your brother or your sister I know you can't so it's like maybe you want to sometimes but you you can't so it's kind of like it removes that line of like boundaries so it's like if he doesn't like something I come up with he can be like no no let's do something else and I feel like with collaborating with you know someone you just met or whatever yeah if you don't like something it's like a whole 40 minutes of trying to tell them nicely that you don't like and with him it's so not you know and sometimes it's a look we go a little too far with being mean yeah but it gets it done quicker you know so that's what I would say but you answer your version videos you care to comment on what side start with an addendum to that which is just that like I think the other thing that's great about that yeah is that one of the other things that in my experience I haven't done with other collaborative relationships you have is that if Billy or I say I don't like that first of all we're being super straightforward and that saves a lot of time and because we're related and there's there's no like hurt feelings in there really I don't think the other one can go like well I love it again that like just that back and like the strength in in your position and how much you're invested and it is really important I mean I think and it's like sometimes like I kind of dealt with it with like a song I was working I was like producing a thing for somebody like last week and it's for their record and they were like it should be this way and I'm hired you know so I was like okay and they're wrong to me and I I love that Billy and I get to we never say that you know there's we told ya know that's really important having a winner to an argument it's like the way to like honestly in life everyone I am a child start I don't know but I feel like don't compromise like you either like if you want something you go and you fight for that thing and then you get it if you don't want it fight for not to add you know but if it's a decision where you're trying to work with somebody let them win and then they should let you win you know it's I feel like compromising like who who who who makes who's happy right right so you guys so you guys will wrestle stuff yeah to a certain degree and then somebody has to you find out who cares more we've been wrong sometimes totally there was even for all the good girls go to hell which is a song of mine we both had very strong feelings about what the intro should be and Phineas wanted it to be the chorus which is like that all the big girls go to bat refrain yeah he wanted that to be the beginning of the song and I wanted my first lonely to be the beginning of the song that was a an ongoing fight for months like months like argued like yelling at each other and I would not stop and I just kept going again and again and again and again and the intro is I won I won that one you did I listened to the other version like a couple weeks ago like way better that's way so I lost it but it's okay to lose you know okay so so now tell me so Phineas now tell me one that you won was it was it was there one that you went to the mat on Oh a lot I can't think I didn't think of like a that's a really specific good example yeah but I will say that like it's one of the reasons we've never built it as a duo or anything it's like it's so important to me that when I'm working with Billie as a producer and writer for her that it's that it's her vision you know I don't have anything to do with the visual aspect of her right career at all and so her a hundred percent yeah and so I think I do I do tend to like I'll always voice my events like just to go back to that case sure I'll totally be like I really think it should be this way and I won't I won't pretend that that I prefer the other way to be like you know save face or something yeah I'll be like we can totally go with that but I just want you to know I totally think this is right but that being said it's it's totally her singing the song yeah and I think that's really important and like I never want her to have to sing a song that she's like I hate this song you know right for any reason well that's one of the things artists talk about this all the time is you don't necessarily want to be laboring over things for so long that you start to hate it you know that's not a plate not a place you want to be you mentioned the visuals and I have to I have to talk to you about video because you know God knows we've seen the videos and a lot of them creep guys to know em thank you for that so listen the Christians in the comment section oh my god honestly I Catholic priest watches Billy I listen I mean zero offense at all but they are me yeah there's some mean like damn I'm trying to make a song about global warming and they're like she's Satan y'all are saying down no offense though no for real I totally feel that everybody should have their own beliefs but I fully support it gotcha don't laugh damn back to the videos alright so spiders in your mouth kid really I here's the thing it is things so I have a thing about spiders to begin with immunity but you managed to find someone who actually wrangles she's spiders she does she's great how did this happen I mean this person I said I wanted to make a video where I had a spider crawl out of my mouth find someone and they found someone but but it wasn't just that I wanted to I wanted to find someone who was not abusive to them I wanted to find someone who treats them well could you yeah somebody who knows what they're doing treats them well I wanted to first of all find out if it was okay to do that and not like the spiders hated it turns out spiders actually love being in really dark like wet places so like your um now is chilling it's weird man but even if you hate it you gotta respect it's different you don't I'm saying oh it's weird though I apologize no no wait I would think it's weird there is no reason there is no reason to apologize I just personally had this thing for spiders so what happens when you go near spiders I'm totally freaked out completely for you I for a long time I lived in a house in Venice that was overhung by trees so a lot of spiders in the house and what I learned to do when I saw a spider was I got a very long attachment to my vacuum cleaner and I could like suck them up off the ceiling so why didn't you just let him live because I mean what now were they doing to you my biggest my because you know how big you are to a little tiny spider I didn't realize I was gonna get into an argument about spiders this is why Scott doesn't have superpowers vacuuming all the spiders yeah one of the one you know one of the things that that stands out you know in the album because you know a lot of you know a lot of your your interviews and things you know when you're talking about the record you will occasionally slip and and there will be a you know a swear word every now and then but there's none there's none on the album and I think and I and and I think Phineas you said something about Billy being you know sort of the antihero that you can listen to with your mom and dad well so the swearword thing I think on the record that was a choice that was it was it was a broad choice but I think the individual choice per song was that when we sat down to write each song a lot of the time expletives find their way into lyrics because people need a certain amount of syllables to make the line sound good sure and they put it in as like two syllables and we would do that sometimes when we were writing songs and we were always like oh we can write a better line than that there's always a better line than a swear word yeah like it just sounds cool right but I just feel like sometimes I hear songs it's just all swear words I'm like like come up with a new word like use it you know like you're create get creative it sounds really cool it sounds great but you can always come up with a better like a you know so we tried to do that I know on a slight a slightly more serious topic um you you your relationship with your audience and your fans you know first of all is remarkable and it's a very and it's a very close relationship and there's you know there there there's a sense that you know that I've gotten that that you are very invested in helping your fans and your audience through difficult times why is that important to you um I just think people don't have things to help them I think so many people don't have something that makes them feel better and if I can be that on even a microscopic level like I want to be that and I mean my relationship with them like it's weird to call them fans because it kind of puts this label on them that means that they're lower and I mean I call them I mean I call them fans if I'm like talking about whatever like because I don't think it's a disrespectful term I just want to both fans of stuff we're both fans like but I mean I just you know I do meet and greets where you know I see scars all over a girl's arms and it just like it hurts me so much to see it because I used to be there mm-hmm and I know what it's like and I know I know exactly what it's like and and I don't talk about it I just look at them and I grab their shoulders and I'm just like please be good to yourself like because you don't when you see something like that you do not comment do not talk about the scars people have on their arms ever don't be like oh what's that you know I had band-aids all up my wrists for like months and it was always like what you do [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what would I do to like get a scratch there you know I don't mean to be making this into a joke I really don't I'm sorry but I just feel like I wanna be theirs I want to be theirs you don't want me I don't want them to be mine I want to be theirs and I know that a lot of people have really messed up family lives and parents that just do not care about them which I don't understand and there's people that my mean greets are the shows that tell me stuff that I'm just like whoa and it like it just makes me want to scream for them and grab them and hug them and like take them with me like keep them so I just want to be there's you know I want to like make them feel a little better yeah there's um there's a responsibility I think you know that that comes what you know whether you ask for it or not that comes with the place where you find yourself you know a certain amount of notoriety people know who you are they listen to your songs they they they take meaning from it do you feel that responsibility do you feel that you know for lack of a better term the weight of it really I feel more just like like I don't feel a pressure I just feel a attention yeah I don't know I think I I think whenever I'm I hear like you know I mean cuz there was a period of time where I would see something like Billy you're a role model like why are you acting like this people who look up to you I'm like yeah cuz I'm the way I am like why would I change after people are looking up to me like they're you know it's like if you made a friend if you like started being friends with someone because you thought they were really funny and then they were like oh my god she's friends with me I can't be funny anymore like but that would be a bummer that would be a bummer so it's like you know people like you for weight the way you are so you don't have to change that you know I want to talk I want to talk just just for a minute and we're gonna get a couple questions from from from the audience here but um you tell me tell me about music that you heard you know as you as you were growing up that that's inspired you cuz you know I've heard some I've heard some names tossed at me that that that you you know art are really into that I think might surprise people tell me tell me tell me a little bit about Frank Sinatra my god Frank Sinatra I feel like for both of us a million percent changed the entire way we thought about music how soul his emotion and delivery and he didn't even write songs he just sang them that's so impressive to be that good hmm you know because I don't know I mean we grew up on so much different music I mean it was like it just varied all over the place ugh I grew up on tons of hip-hop and like Tyler the Creator and your childish gambino and our future and Earl Sweatshirt and then like dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg and and also you know Frank Sinatra and Peggy Lee and Etta James and Johnny Mathis and loved Avril Lavigne I loved Green Day Red Hot Chili Peppers Arctic Monkeys 21 pilots like My Chemical Romance [ __ ] Marina and the Diamonds God am I allowed to swear am i actually okay oh he said yes yeah and the amazing thing is he doesn't work here I'm aware but I will say also that I actually I don't know if any of you even know this we grew up coming here and watching artists in this room yeah and I came and I saw a childish game you know I saw Tori Kelly I saw this ukulele guy Jake shake squirrel yeah we saw him I did that interview Stevie Nicks when I was 9 here we came here all the time yeah this room well well not only did you did you come here and I was gonna get to this but thank you for leading me into it you participated in a series of songwriting workshops yeah both of you guys yeah um so so tell me a little bit about that um you know because now we want to take credit for what you're doing but um no I'm kidding completely kidding but what you know what what did that and I know your your mom taught songwriting she did what she taught both of us how to write yes yeah if there's if there's one lesson that that word you know that that that your mom taught you what would it be what was what's the takeaway she was a great song writing teacher I think song like when you hear that somebody is a songwriting teacher I would assume that songwriters kind of bristle because it's such a varied thing to do and there's a billion different ways to do it and the reason that she was such a great teacher was she was really clear about all that and you know she was always like no wrong way to write a song and let's just talk about songs you already love and like let's sort of come up with some you know terminology here this is the chorus that you're hearing this is the pre-chorus this is the bridge and post and once you kind of understand the architecture of songs like houses like you can build a beautiful house but you can understand what you want your house to look like because you know where to put the doors and if I understand correctly if you were making music there was no going to bed yeah yeah that's pretty cool there was kind of a rule in our house that I didn't I didn't realize was a rule and for a while just because it just happened and it wasn't ever like this is the rule basically if one of us if we were playing piano or singing or writing a song or playing guitar we didn't have to go to bed and it wasn't like a way to not go to bed never figured it out yeah we're never like oh let's do this so we want to go to bed it was just like you know if we weren't it was like time for bed got to go to sleep but I never interrupted our our creativity right which is pretty crazy whose creativity is really rare yeah but yeah and and you know if you look at the you know kind of kind of the arc of your career to this point how would how would both of you say that that you've evolved as songwriters how has the song raised a cool question changed like that yeah clearly I did so well there's no answer today it's okay you know what's funny is I actually have always thought I was a terrible songwriter I still do I still think here's the thing the reason is because he so we're four years apart he started writing music around twelve I also started writing music around tall obviously four years of art yes but he as soon as he picked it up it was like a song is written like immediately like it it would it's it was so annoying how good he was at it like honestly and once I started writing cuz I was kind of like little sister like I wanted to write to my brother did it I want to do it too and I was and I still AM I'm I'm a lot slower at it and so because he's always been so good and so quick it made me feel like I was bad and he said the same about singing which i think is hilarious that like he like the first year after like like our music started to get recognition it's like wait till she was like really far away in the house and I be like he was good because of me her pitch is like just he's an incredible singer and like I I thought I was a horrible writer I still I don't think I'm a good writer and I genuinely don't I know that I've written good stuff but I don't think I'm a good writer I don't know but it's because he's so [ __ ] well in it well then that been the chorus then the corollary to that question is what have you learned from him what have you learned from him um you know what I've learned from him is something that we do a lot I mean I don't know if I don't know if we both kind of say that we both started doing it but I think he's the one that made mean even aware of it which was that a lot of our songs are written as like characters mmm and that sounds like it's really cheesy but it's not it's really like we we sometimes we'll sit down and be like what's the backstory like and we can either be writing about us we could be writing like we've written songs from our friends perspectives I wrote a song from the perspective of somebody that I had actually hurt like mentally and it was like a situation where I didn't know how to go back and apologize so I just wrote from their point of view and it actually really opened my eyes and he was the one that taught me how to do that because before that I thought it was like you have to write about what you go through what you feel what you've experienced and there's only so much you know you only live for so long you only experience so many things so it's like you don't actually have to and I don't mean lie because that's a complete different thing don't lie about the way that you are but you can write from the point of view of anybody you can and and I feel like something that it's made me seize is it's made me understand other people's experiences in their lives way more and how other people struggle because everybody has their own struggles you all have your struggles I have my struggles we all have our own things but so does everyone else in the world and it like made me see the way that other people feel and because you know we're all in our own heads like that's good we have to do things for ourselves that's right but also you do have to put yourself in other people's shoes a lot of the time and I think more people should do that because when I started doing it it like changed my life yeah and he taught me how to do that so so we're gonna take one or two questions from the assemble throng I hope it's to and then and then we'll we'll move on yes first hand I saw right here that is something I don't think I've nailed yet I think I mean if I'm honest with you like the last two years were kind of the worst mentally for me and it sucks to like know that because and feel that and say that because I had such an amazing like career you know I had these crazy things happening all around me and I was so not there for them because of my brain and because of the things that my brain was telling me and like the beginning of this year I think I was the most depressed that I've ever been I was in Europe for a month and I just was I felt like nothing there was no point to anything at all and I don't know how I got out of it I just think I was patient and it sucks because like obviously ocean eyes came out when I was 13 you know this all happened to me when I was 14 or 15 and it was I gonna say um Emma wasn't gonna be so good uh-oh okay my back this is the thing like I up this was happening 13 14 15 16 17 and at the beginning I would always see like because I'm a very open person and I've always like just said the way I felt and if I felt like [ __ ] I would say it and there was a period of time when I would see line like she's fake to press like she's you know she's she's like faking how she feels and she's such a [ __ ] what it is she's like a little rich white girl and she's it uh and it hurts so bad to see that when I literally was bleeding on the bathroom floor and I would see and it just like Oh bad thing I just it like tore me apart also because I grew up like I don't pity myself at all I grew up with I had the most amazing childhood we both had like so much fun growing up but we didn't grow up with money at all you know I grew up in a tiny little house and that was fine but you know it to be to see that I'm fake depressed and I was doing it for attention it's just like it just made me like never want to go outside again and the last two months of my life right now I've kind of been in the happiest place I've ever been and this is so embarrassing I'm literally the worst it's okay I think all it was was I was patient and I to be honest with you I didn't think I would make it to this age and I have and I waited and Here I am and I'm like happier than I've ever been in my life so I think be patient wait way in the back wait yes yes stand up where there we go yes I like the cat ears what's up wait you like tarantulas or you don't you do tarantulas want to know something I wasn't gonna say this cuz I know there are a lot of haters in this room that hate tarantulas I understand I have a pet tarantula you should come over and see him there you go he's blue he's very cute anyway I I don't know that they'd like their fun like they're not gonna hurt you they're cool they have personalities thank you for that question yes yes hi dream collaborations good question that's a good question I wish I could give you a good answer dude ah I have a selfish addendum to that answer for both of us cuz I think about it a lot it's way more fun to just be friends with them I know that's such a lame answer hold on hold on can we unpack that a little bit it's way more fun to be friends than work with them is that other artists that you're like way into and like inevitably like the first like the ice breaker question like you're flirting with each other is it we should get in the studio and it's way more fun to like just hang out and talk also it's such a thing like you can never like you can never take a picture with another artist and have people not say their collabing so I don't know I just I don't I don't feel the need to like collab I love this I'm alert I like friends I'm like I'm learning I'm learning things here it's fantastic yes right here yep yep no no right in front of you right there whoa we'll get there don't worry hi go for it that costs some money to do I don't really know I love the office and my strange addiction just worked the office is my strange addiction and I just thought we'd literally thought it would be funny and so we just like ripped the audio from like Netflix and put it in and we were like this is never gonna be like they're never gonna say yes to this thing like in the episode basically I don't know if you people have seen the office in this room but but there's an episode where they they michael scott has made his own movie and so he's they're all playing these characters and one of them is playing a character called billy in the episode so he says like no billy and so it just was like it was so funny to us it was such a joke that we were so almost not serious about it but then we did it and it was so cool that we fought really hard for it and it cost oh dude money but it's okay though it's okay it was worth it welcome what's our bedroom alas was cheap either wide world of clearance yes all right so we got we got time for like one or two more yes right here yep you know I should be wait hold on hold on she asking you about your diet yeah she is no no she's making she's being sweet Oh nobody thank you for asking I have been trying and I need two more though that the heavy accidents here that question that's incredible good question gosh here's the thing there have been missed the question was is there a mistake you're glad you made if you didn't hear it there have been must have made mistakes that taught me a lot but I wouldn't say that I was glad I made them it's more like it's hard because there are things in life that you like wish that you could not have done but then if you didn't do them you probably would have done them later in life anyway you know and I think that's what it kind of is like you kind of have to make those mistakes and it's really hard with the entire world watching you and cancel culture because you know you could say anything and it's over for you so a lot of them I feel like if I bring them up now I'm gonna get dragged it's the reason I deleted to Twitter if you want to look it up you'll find it all right we're running down on time I promise this guy in the Hat good but I'm right in front of you man ya know enough enough enough of that yes right here try it yeah turn it trying to balance those who if I understand correctly hear those who kind of want to tell you what to do versus what your gut tells you to do I said what my gut tells me to do that's hilarious [Laughter] sorry I'm like I listened to your question I don't mean to be like changing it why don't we get the feeling there's a lot of sort of internal dialogue going on here that that we're completely unaware of um I I don't know like I think I think I have a team around me that is incredible and I I think I was super lucky to get that like really early on because I know a lot of people and artists that had a really really bad time with their managers or their label or their anybody and I think I was I mean there's been a couple people that have came and left because of whatever but it's all been really normal and I think I've had a team that really from the start believed in my ideas and understood that I knew what I wanted and that I was not going to just do what they said so I feel like I I'm I'm a little spoiled you know I can't really say there's people telling me what to do all the time I mean the Internet is all the time but I don't get really is also the Billy is also the age of the market research demo in and of herself so the focus group that people are spending thirty to forty five thousand dollars on she's sitting right it's right there this makes her own right there you know all right so so I've got a couple of last last questions um well you know one of which has to do with performance and and you know I I know that you went to you you went to play Coachella not long after the record like a week got done first of all how well did you know the songs when you went to do that funny like not at all dude I forgot like all of the girls that give the whole thing yeah it was kind of terrifying but it was actually really exciting because we had been performing the exact same songs for so long and we only had like 13 or something you're playing everything we had everything done yeah go right now a year ago in like October last year we were just playing every song we'd ever made and that was crazy or every song that was out I guess yeah um and so to like put out an album and then have a bunch of songs I'd never done live and then do the biggest show of my life it was kind of crazy yeah good thing about playing something like which our festivals that's that's an enormous space fill' did you consciously have to sort of change who you are as a performer when you walk out on a stage like that I mean it's one thing to be in our little room here super different yeah it's another thing in a field with a hundred thousand people yeah um I just I've loved I've always loved performing like onstage is where I am the happiest always like even a show that maybe didn't go so well on my end or whatever like I'm still the happiest onstage performing singing and I've always been that way and you know like a hundred thousand people is so many people yes but for some reason this sounds weird but you have to experience it to know it's performing in front of a hundred thousand people is less intimidating than this yeah because you're looking right at these folks all of these people are very close yes you can see yeah yo you guys can see all of my pores for real so you mentioned you were in Milan tell me do you find differences between say audiences in the US and overseas oh my god every single place is fully different yes like nothing is the same it's crazy it's actually shocking you you've different reactions to different so everywhere every single place we've performed has been different it's I've never thought that sometimes they're the same the next time you can kind of like like put things on your map and go like okay Boston was this way yeah and if you remember it the next time Boston is kind of that way it's pretty amazing it's kind of crazy so it's kind of consistent it's the place place but then every place is fully it's fully different yeah all right so last question how's the Challenger he's talking about my car your car come on now she good she fine that's what I thought she she got a new I got a little new rap new matte matte black but windows are just wait till we start getting into the modifications will you'll come back and we'll talk about that first of all thank you both very very good this is fantastic we want to hear a little more music so give it up for phineas and Billy Irish [Applause]
Channel: B E takis
Views: 72,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f65qvHte_M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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