Bill Winston Partnering with the invisible PART 2

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i'm gonna read starting starting galatians chapter three and verse five he therefore that minister to you you the spirit and worketh miracles among you do it he it by the works of the law by the hearing of faith even as abraham and believed god and it was accounted to him for righteousness know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same of the children of abraham and the children foreseeing that god would justify the hebrew see then through faith preached before the gospel to abraham unto abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed so then they which be of faith are blessed with who faithful abraham all right praise god well we've been teaching on uh living in the supernatural and we're in this section we call now a partnering with the invisible partnering with the invisible the place that we've come to now is the fact that the supernatural is the atmosphere of heaven and that when you're talking about miracles you're really talking about works of god that jesus said something and we talked about it over in john chapter 14 verse 10 jesus said it's not me but the father in me he doeth the works because they were kind of getting on jesus about healing on the sabbath day he said i don't think you understand i'm not healing anybody the healing is coming coming through me but the father he's doing the work i'm healing by speaking that word and most of the things that jesus did in the earth he did by the power of the word of god but the father was a final of authority because he came here sensed by the father and he said always do what i see my father do say amen to that but jesus also we call the sample son or he was a patterned son he was a son that god sent to you and i that not only would redeem us but he would bring us back up to the level that adam had fallen from in the beginning so jesus came to cause us to be restored in every area of our lives and he was bringing us back to where adam functioned adam was functioning on a high plane one of the biggest things that adam lost in the fall is the image of god he lost that image and that image was very powerful because it allowed adam to see god and heaven openly it also is the thing that gave adam this distinguishing trait as a ruler or one who had dominion over this earth see when god said in first in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 it says this and god blessed them and said to them be fruitful multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish and seals follow the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth and god blessed them now and god verse 28 and god blessed them and god blessed them and said unto them now he was not communicating have you ever communicated with god yeah do you have to when when when you're listening for god he communicates with you how does he do it spirit do it through your thought life do it to your thought life first time i heard god it startled me i got born again and i was in chicago i was working for a computer company at that time and where i lived downtown in chicago in oak street i had to walk straight up one of the main streets and i had to go buy a huge this huge church that was on the way so i decided i'm trying to get close to god and i decided that i'm going to stop by this church every time i go up and get myself a little prayer a little devotion didn't know much about it but i'm i'm working at it you know so i went there and every morning i'd pray this morning i was just things were not going well in sales and so forth and so on and and i just know what was happening so i'm down there and i'm not going to have praying half crying you know and uh and a voice spoke to me he said don't worry william you'll be all right and i had my eyes closed but it seemed like i saw a marquee come you know how you go to a theater and the lights are flowing on a marquee and tell you what's playing there that's where it came by don't worry william you'll be all right whoa then i opened my eyes and tears just dried right up instantly i'm trying to figure out did anybody else hear that because that this was from the church that you know people come by and so forth man wow and i i didn't i didn't know what that was i said man god spoke to me now he did it through my thought life i'm just saying he walked and talked with adam they didn't need to open their mouth they didn't even need to do that god can operate on a higher level with you y'all know he what put the verse back up there please he wasn't communicating he was transferring power are you with me now don't y'all ki y'all stay sharp with me right now okay hallelujah so adam when you saw jesus doing something you saw the last adam you saw him doing what adam did the first man did you saw him talk acting the same way see are you following what i'm saying and he said be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth see perpetually renew and supply it well how is he going to do that through the blessing the blessing was powerful enough to give adam the same ability god had to create this thing well i'm preaching better than you saying amen that's a blessing the blessing that is on you one man said this now i believe i i agree with it because i can't i can't i can't find nothing to disagree with but he said the blessing that's on you is more powerful than it was on adam folks that's why i'm telling you i've seen tapes of of places in newark new jersey and so forth that this group and that's what they do they they walk around two by two and walk in ruined neighborhoods and bless them they just speak blessings they just speak blessing notice what happened what are they doing they're calling heaven down to earth now let me let me let me help you with that as as you do that jesus in his ministry in the earth no matter what the situation call ah no matter no matter what the situation that jesus had he always called he reached to heaven for a solution that's what i want to say he reached to heaven for a solution his only resource the main resource that he had to operate in this earth was faith closing with god y'all with me when adam sinned a lifeline came into man's existence because now it's separating heaven and earth where heaven and earth the earth [Music] was was a copy of heaven the garden was now adam's job was to replenish what the earth his job was to take the garden and make the garden all over the earth got it but when he sinned he broke his relationship with god now he doesn't even know god anymore he's running from the one who created him and hid from him thought he could hide from god but you know you got to have some kind of mental rearrangement to think you died from god he went and hid from god god called up adam where are you he wasn't talking about his location he was talking about his position he had lost headship he was no longer the head of this earth amen now god has got to work a plan because this man just blew it so he had to take him and put him out of the garden the bible says he drove him out of the garden somebody said in a mercedes 3 25 no not a kids kid drove him out of the garden now man's out there where he's got to try to feed himself and he doesn't know anything about how to feed himself he went into a mode called survival survival is a way that people avoid death and adam went into it his own 24 7 on his mind was food what i'm going to eat what i'm going to drink and the same thing about people today who's on survival they wake up thinking about how i'm gonna pay these bills and go to bed thinking about them that is the curse christ redeemed you from the curse oh the curse is still out there it's still poverty or nothing anybody who wants any but you've been redeemed from it so poverty could be raining all around but you will be in the blessing put up there please genesis chapter 24 and verse 1. and abraham was old and well stricken in age and the lord had what blessed abraham how oh everything spirit soul body mentally everything blessed him the blessing of abraham now has come on the gentiles the same way he blessed father abraham he is obligated to bless you [Applause] same way no difference if you're sick heal you if you're in bondage deliver you are you following what i'm saying i feel the holy ghost in here now [Applause] that blessing passed from abraham to to isaac whom and and jacob well jacob had another brother named who esau well what did esau do he saw sold out the blessing for some food same way eve did and food's been a problem ever since all right now that blessing travels right along here's jesus he's operating under that blessing so now he came to add something to it the spiritual part because the material part was right there and that's why the enemy doesn't like this thing of abraham taught a lot because if you pick it up and you start operating in that blessing you will accumulate well now where am i praise god well that's that's a message right there that's the first part that's part one part 8. so now we're talking about the supernatural and just about everything anything jesus did he resolved he he he his resource was heaven to make this thing happen and so now as we start going jesus said wait a minute now the works that i did show you do also and what we said is you're coming into a time now that the natural or intellectual won't deliver you you're coming into a time where that knowledge is not enough and you know what people say when they've outrun that intellectual knowledge here's what is a comment what are we going to do now that almost all hope is gone but any time you are partnering with god all things become possible all right let's go to genesis chapter 18 please genesis chapter 18. in genesis yet praise the lord genesis chapter 18. look what it says i'll start reading here at verse 9 and they said unto him this is the angels talking to abram abraham where is sarah your wife and he said behold intent and he said i will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and lo sarah thy wife shall have a son and sarah heard it in the tent door which was behind him now abraham and sarah were old and well stricken in age and it ceased to be with sarah after the manner of women meaning that she's too old now to have children anyway therefore sarah loft when the when within her herself saying and uh after i am waxed oh shall i have pleasure my lord being old also now notice she she gladly put him right in the same category that she put herself and the lord said abraham unto abraham wherefore did sarah laugh saying shall i a surely bear child which am o is anything come on too hard for the lord so notice that's a question that we said that you need to ask yourself is anything too hard for the lord let's go back over to luke's gospel please luke chapter 1. is anything too hard for god because what we start talking about is the god factor the god factor says have you factored in god because the tendency is because we have been in this world and we've been trained by mostly this world system before we got born again we're still thinking like the world and when you think like the world you think without god if you look at the motion pictures or television things that are out today you don't see anybody break down the middle of this this this thriller movie saying praise god let's pray you don't say anything like that they leave god completely out of it why because that's a babylonian system that's the only way they can make it work satan has to leave god out of his system if he wants it to work and what we said is you came to bring god back in it you you come on now you came you came that god is going to use you in that system that you won't bow down to that system but you'll stand up on the word of god in that system and the word of god will manifest and bring forth deliverance to everybody in that system look what it says here and this is uh the angel coming to mary now verse 31 and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son shall call his name jesus and he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the lord god shall give unto him the throne of his father david and he shall reign over the house of jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end the king brought that from isaiah chapter chapter 9 and then said mary unto the angel how shall this be seeing i know not a man i'm a virgin i don't have a man i'm i'm not in a relationship with a man how's this going to happen the angel answered and said to her the holy ghost shall come on you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the son of god and behold thy cousin elizabeth she hath also conceived a son in her old age and this is a six month with her who was called barren for with who with who with god nothing shall be impossible now if you'd like me to go just a step further i'd like you to put something in your bible because this is the direct translation of that verse no word of god is void of power no word of god is void of power now that's going to mean something to you in a minute no word of god is void of power and what has happened is some people think if they just get the word it's just a word no no no no the word of god according to hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 is quick and what powerful it is alive quick means alive the word of god is alive it's as alive as you are sitting in that chair right now say amen to that because the word of god is god got it and look what it says in verse 38 mary said behold the handmaiden of the lord be it unto me according to your word and the angel departed for her and mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste into the city of judah and entered in the house of zechariah and saluted elizabeth and it came to pass that when elizabeth heard the reputation of mary the baby leaped in her womb and elizabeth was filled with the holy ghost and she spake out with a loud voice and said blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb glory to god and which is this to me that the mother of my lord shall come to me for lo as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears the babe leaped in my womb for joy and bless is she that believed blessed is she that believed bless is she that believed now notice she had no evidence she had nothing but the word of an angel i guess you know the same thing about you you have no evidence but you got that bible sitting in your lap you've got nothing but the word that's in that bible and if you take it and conceive it you are blessed now notice what happened first of john chapter 1 verse 14 and the word was made what flesh the word came forth out of her in the form of a baby so the word of god is capable of bringing forth the fruit of whatever seed it is now turn with me over to first uh peter please in chapter 1 verse 23 put it up there he says in verse 23 being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the what by the word of god now notice what he's saying here he's saying being born again by the word of god now this word of god is called an incorruptible seed in other words god's words are promises and what this says is that if you take this word and meditate on it and eat it and consume it then it will come alive inside of you and the seed of the word will produce in your life and bring forth exactly what it says now the same thing will work if you eat somebody else's opinion come on help me now if you if you allow the opinion of other people to come in to you and you eat it then that opinion will express whatever it says now the word of god has miracle action well i'm preaching now the word of god has miracle action now let me show you this turn to if you will lost jesus [Applause] let's let's go to two places matthew chapter 14 please matthew chapter 14. all right matthew chapter 14 this is when jesus came to the disciples walking on water as he came walking on the water it says in verse 25 and in the fourth watch of the night jesus went to them walking on the sea now remember what i said to you that whatever he was doing he was now showing you the power and the ability of the first adam that existed that adam didn't need a boat folks folks let me give you can i can can i handle it right right quick hold your hand right there because i'm going from there to chapter 13. but hold your hand right there and let's go to go back to real quick go to john chapter 6 just real quick now just real quick because i've taught this but i want you to put it together see you can't advance a kingdom except supernaturally see people are trying to do it out of the intellect but it can't be done look the enemy has stopped that he he he you there's no match for him there you got to come up to another level another verse 15 of john chapter 6. when jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king he departed again to a mountain himself alone and when the evening was now come his disciples went down into the sea and entered into a ship and went over the sea toward capernaum and it was now dark and jesus was not come to them and the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew now understand what the picture is jesus has sent them and he's maintained his position there say amen they are now struggling against the wind verse 19. so when they had rode about five or 20 or 34 longs that's three or four miles they see jesus walking on the sea that's the supernatural hello and drawing nigh to the ship and they were afraid now notice they're rowing they're doing things in the intellect can't make it but notice jesus comes walking on the sea supernatural he can make it verse 20 but he said unto them it is i be not afraid you cannot operate in the supernatural with fear i'm going to help you that's all i'm going to say about that figure it out yourself verse 21 and they willingly received him into the ship and immediately the ship was at the land where they went so notice what happened he got in the boat the boat was here in chicago [Applause] then once he got in immediately it was in south bend indiana come on help me now help me what am i telling you adam moved at the speed of thought his body was not matter that that that could cause the spirit of him lord have mercy jesus his spirit his body was not the limit of his ability his body was just a house it had to go where he went and one moment he jesus was here and the next moment he was over here and when you see in luke chapter four when they tried to push him off a cliff notice the bible says and he walked right through them well how did he walk right through them he just turned into nothing and invisible man just went right to them and the next thing he was gone you're looking at me cause your intellect has bound you and it doesn't want to let you go to let you know your body doesn't have dominion over you you have dominion over your body i'm saying if you can come with me one moment you'll be in debt and tomorrow about this time you'll be totally out oh you follow what i'm saying i'm saying you need to think supernaturally because if i can teach you the supernatural and you can think the supernatural one minute you'll be right here the next minute you'll be over there [Applause] now let's look at this matthew again in chapter 4. y'all with me oh yeah see time was never meant to rule men that's why adam's in the garden you never saw anything about time you didn't see anything about time until he sinned once he sinned he came under time yes yes that's right other than that he was eternal just like his father but now everybody's dates are given of how old they were why because everybody's head toward death because of adam's sin now every man's got to die but before that adam was made to live forever but you can restore the years [Applause] y'all got to go with me because i feel a i feel a flow all right all right now [Music] the word has miracle action and resurrection power boy there's somebody came in here pulling this thing out today boy now let me just show you that cause you got mark matthew chapter 14 there don't you well let's just send what happened real quick so we can get out of that the word word has miracle action and if you eat the wrong thing you will lose that miracle action and the word won't bring forth the fruit that the word supposed to bring forth other than that you'll get the fruit of doubt that you just ate so when you you pregnant with somebody's not a time to hang around folks that ain't pregnant you know that it it is not a time to go around folks are you following what i'm saying i mean people you you got to know who you're hanging around with because some people you know they they ain't ready to bring forth and and they try to tell you where big mama had the same symptom and she died well listen god is not basing what you can do on what big mama did god's word is true if you don't ever see it work it's not true because you saw it it's true anyhow because god said it if god walked in this place right now and this is what he announced today is thursday you may as well go home come back on sunday because today is thursday whatever god says is let's just go to resurrection real quick before we come back here let's look state in matthew chapter 14. have you got that all right look at um romans and romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8. how y'all doing you doing okay i don't want to get too deep for you now but i'm telling you that we're going to a place where one moment you're going to be right here then the next moment you're going to be over here one moment you're going to be broke and then the next moment [Applause] one moment nothing's going to be in your bank account and then tomorrow about this time you're going to be loaded [Applause] i'm just telling you about the miracle action of the word look what it said in romans chapter 8 and verse 11 but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead come on dwells in you he that raised christ up christ from the dead shall also quicken oh you gotta define quicken quicken means restore life i said quicken means two to two quicken praise god to make alive your what mortal body by his who spirit that dwelleth in you folks that's a scripture that i've used more than once you see i was playing tennis and i heard something pop on the tennis court and then my ankle my heel uh uh just begin to pain i said oh my god what's that i thought i was outside playing i thought somebody had shot a rifle or something from a long distance and it hit me that's how loud it sound and that's how it popped and i couldn't walk i came home my wife said what's wrong with you i said baby i don't know i must have this this tendon or something about to pop i said but by his stripes i'm healed and i'm telling you i knew if i went to the doctor thank god for doctors but i knew if i went there they're gonna say the thing is pop we're gonna have to put it in a cast we're gonna have the diner it's gonna take and you probably won't have full function of it for another five years or so ah i said wait a minute i'm not going that route but the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwells in me he shall restore life to my water body i took that scripture worked it worked it worked it in a few days i was kind of running started walking in a few days i did the next thing i was back on the telescope praise god my point to you is that scripture is designed to bring life back to your bones that scripture designed to go down to the very cells of your body and healing why because we've been redeemed [Applause] proverbs chapter four proverbs chapter four i believe i got some believers in here somewhere [Applause] proverbs chapter four death and life aware power over the tongue the power of the tongue folks the devil's trying to use your authority to keep you down don't give it to him i don't care how bad it looks say what god said telling you mary had nothing in the natural to tell her that this thing is working not our thing not our thing but you believe god say i believe god verse 20 my son attend to my words you know what a 10 means you you're doing something somebody come and say hey can you come over here with me no no no no i got 10 to this right now you got what i'm saying make it a priority every day you should get a little word you know why because the word has life in it i said the word has life in it not only that if you look at ephesians 5 26 it says that the word will cleanse and wash say amen to that it says washing of the water with the word it'll wash off all that corruption that's come to you because of sitting around and going places and so forth those things try to hang on to you get back in the word and get a good brain washing get a good washing [Applause] my son attended my words inclined my ears and my sayings let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your what heart for they are for they are to those that find them and i don't know what your bible says in my senate column reference the hebrew says medicine to all their flesh you know what we're doing we're taking preventive medicine we're going to take the word of god and meditate this word day and night and any little sickness or any little pain come in your body get in this word meditate it let the holy ghost bear witness inside of you and bring forth healing in [Applause] now i'm not saying anything's wrong with the oil i can get some oil but it says let you call for the elders of the church suppose no elders are around you can go get some medication yourself see we got this big cabinet in the in our home sometimes that we call it medicine cabinet in any case anything come in on us we can always go to the medicine cabinet we've kind of conditioned ourselves to run to that cabinet or in the workplace we call it sick leave we kind of call it when we get off oh i'm taking a sick day you need to stop saying that find another word to say it you say amen you in that medicine cabinet put a king james bible up in [Applause] [Music] there [Music] say amen to this i'm talking about living in the supernatural partnering with the invisible while we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are not seen for the things that are seen are temporal are subject to change but the things that are not seen are eternal well what is not seen the word of god but if you take it and put it in your heart it will manifest and bring forth exactly what it says it will drive anything else out of your body [Applause] does this make sense to you now how about the blood [Applause] you got the blood not only did the blood save you because the bible says that that ransom that was paid for us was paid by the blood of jesus so notice they couldn't use gold they couldn't use silver because it wasn't worth enough this is how much you're worth he had to save you with his own blood watch this and the blood came from the father not from mary come on now yep what am i telling you that blood once that blood you plead that blood then the blood speaks hebrews chapter 12. so you got the blood you can put down the bloodline notice nothing delivered them from egypt until they spread put the blood once they put the blood they were out isn't this powerful that's how powerful that blood is now let's look at one more thing let's look at the name go to acts chapter 3 please acts chapter 3. let's look at the name whoa are you with me all right here's a case where some people we're going up to the synagogue going to church and i want to let you know that a powerful witness is you going to church you'd be surprised how many people don't go to church anymore and when you put on your son to go to meeting hat and put on your your clothes and so forth they watch you they're checking you out it puts something on their mind when you roll out of that driveway going to church now when peter and john went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour three o'clock in the afternoon a certain man laying from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask alms of them that entered into the temple who seeing peter and john about to go into the temple ask in alms peter fastened his eyes upon him with john and said look on us and he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something from them and peter said silver and gold have i none but such as i have give i thee in the name of jesus christ of nazareth you rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he leaping up stood and walked and entered with them into the temple walking leaping and praising god and all the people saw him walking and praising god jesus peter said this in verse 12 peter saw it he answered it to people and said you men of israel why marvel ye at this or why look ye so earnestly on us as though by our own power of holiness we made this man to walk but let's let's skip on down here verse 16 and his name through faith in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know faith in his name now you can read the other part there he said let me read verse 13. and god of abraham the god of abraham and isaac and the god of god and jacob and the god of our fathers has glorified who his son whom you delivered up and denied him in the presence of pilate when he was determined to let him go but you denied the holy one and the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto you and kill the prince of life whom god has raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses let's go all the way over to acts chapter 4 and verse 13. now when they saw the boldness of peter and john and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with jesus and beholding the man which was healed standing with them they could say nothing against it but when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council they conferred among themselves saying what shall we do to these men for that indeed underline the next word notable miracle has been done by them is manifested to all them that dwell in jerusalem and we cannot deny it but that it spread no further among the people let us straightly threatened them that they speak henceforth to no man in this name and they called them and commanded them not to what speak at all nor what teach in the name of jesus now what am i saying folks still being threatened because of that name today come on now there's a threat coming from some folk and and i'm saying that you're going to have to rise up in a new level of bonus but i want to call something your attention on this whole uh uh teaching right here that this name caused havoc among religious folk and the one thing it did it start upsetting the whole city the name did and if you go in some of the seminaries today i almost call that cemetery but if you go to some of the seminaries today no i don't mean that they don't preach on the name they don't teach on the name i remember when i was going to seminary and i remember that there was we had preaching class um uh that that that we had to go to and you learn how to put together and exegete passages and so forth and so on and here i was i'm trying to get the hormone x right and so forth and so on because they don't want you to take things out of context and it didn't mean that and people have preached that but what happened was here i was we were preaching and remember a guy behind me or in front of me whatever it was started preaching and preach whole thing and i said to myself my goodness now he's preached and what they thought was a perfect sermon ideal sermon matter of fact some years ago one man preached the best sermon for that particular year it was picked by you know people theologians didn't mention the name of jesus once now i'm the only saying not mean anything against him that the enemy is trying to get that name out say amen to this and when we're talking about that jesus is the introduction he is the body and he is the conclusion he is the alpha he is the omega he is the beginning of things and he is the end of things he is the author come on he is the developer he is the good shepherd he is the bright and morning star there is not anything that he is not jesus is all at all and when we come in we got to understand that wait a minute if we're going to talk about anything we got to talk about jesus because this is what this whole book is all about from the beginning to the end of things so the devil is after our testimony the next thing i want to bring to your attention is just say they said this is a notable miracle you see i'm about fed up with the miracles where somebody take the cloth that little handkerchief and throw it on somebody and they fall out in the spirit i'm through with that i need i need a man who has been bound up like a knot who has never walked and when you speak that name bones begin to straighten out we need miracles that somebody won't say or they rigged that or they did that no no no you're about to see miracles in the church right now that nobody can deny it whether they're saved or unsafe we got to stop just falling for little miracles little handkerchief miracles let's go for some miracles that's going to astound the world this is it let's not anymore be caught up in those little things that might happen thank god for those but we want some big ones now i said we want some big ones and we're gonna expect some big ones [Applause] y'all looking at me kind of funny now i know what i'm talking about [Applause] so what am i saying to you i'm saying here were some men and this notable miracle took place and as this took place the religious people wanted to put a hold on that and i've been invited before to speak or to give the benediction or the prayer some in a public gathering and they've told me now pastor winston we'd like you to to understand we have various people here and all these people that are here these people some of them of different religions and we me we may not want to mention the name i said okay if i can't mention it i'm not doing it let me tell you something the enemy is trying to get that name out of god's people trying to intimidate you so you won't say his name now wait a minute we call his name when we down and out and don't know where our next meal is coming from but let us get up and get a little car a little new pride new car new clothes come on now all of a sudden we get too cute that that name can't be called anymore but i want you to make up your mind today that you're not going to be ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ this that we're going into now is going to be a time of the supernatural the church is no longer going to be look at that as begging borrowing and and and battered we're going to be recognized and respected because as i'm putting this in you right now the supernatural is going to come out of you [Applause] your days of being lacked in lack are over your days of being ridiculed are gone your days of being ashamed of who you are are over come on now you may as well wave them goodbye because god is coming in with a new season in your life i said he's coming in with a new season [Applause] when a man was died by the side of the road he was begging and he was named blind bartimaeus the bible says that jesus passed by and he called for called for him and nothing happened matter of fact the religious people told him shut up but he couldn't shut up and i'm going to tell you there are places in that bible where jesus told them don't tell nobody and what did they do you know what they told everybody because they had been touched by the master and a lot of folk can't tell folk about jesus today because you ain't been touched right i said you haven't been touched right but when you get touched right by the master come on now my grandmother used to say i know him for myself are you following what i'm saying i'm saying god is touching people today and when he touch you right you are not going to shut up you're gonna tell somebody somebody gonna have to listen to what you say do you hear what i'm telling you i'm telling you god is on the move now and when he has come into your life i'm telling you my grandmama used to say son you don't know him like i know him cause she knew when she was out of food he came in here she knew when her husband was sick and prayed god moved sometimes all she had to say was god you know hey and something happened that night i'm telling you you want to know him for yourself and when you know it for yourself nobody is going to shut you up hello this is bill winston i would like to briefly speak with you about the importance of spending time with god every day now this every day is important because one of the things that helps me or helps the people that i happen to teach or am coaching or whatever have you is consistency a lot of times people are not consistent and you can take a drop of water and drop it on a stone and when it's consistent enough it'll actually wear a hole in that stone because it's consistent and the same thing about you and i in the spiritual battles of our lives we have to be consistent and when you're consistent you'll find that pretty soon you'll get a breakthrough now it comes from spending time with god every day in my life i get up early in the morning because i give god the first fruit i get up don't turn on the tv first or do anything else first i go and spend time with god i read the scriptures i pray in the in my own english language and then i pray in the spirit because the bible says when we pray in the spirit we pray the perfect will of god for our circumstances and our lives so i pray in the spirit and i receive that done by faith i get god's word in me the bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god just like you have to feed your body to get strength you got to feed your faith or your spirit to get faith so what we're doing is feeding our spirit why because we're going to walk by faith and not by sight all day long praise god so i encourage you get in that word every morning spend time with god every day you may not be able to read a whole bible in the morning maybe you could read just a chapter chapter a day might say well i can't even hardly read a chapter well start with a verse praise god read that and then pray some every day guaranteed your time with god not only will grow but your effectiveness as a kingdom citizen will grow you'll see more victories all kinds of things will be happening to you as a reward in your life for spending time with god so it's important not that you just spend time with god but you spend time with god every day now in our website you can go to we have a host of resources to help you grow in your faith walk these resources include books and teachings and on health and finances family much much more so we've made these things and items available to you to download for free now you can subscribe to our podcast our free podcast because we'd love to have you come on and hear the teachings and be strengthened in your faith so this is time for you to prosper and we're going to help you do it how by spending time with god every day so that's all i have for today praise god this is bill winston saying keep walking
Channel: Eric Clayton
Views: 870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nADD-Y5vAek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 6sec (3666 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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