Bill Murray Acceptance Speech | 2016 Mark Twain Prize

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[applause] It's a big deal. Pass this around. Pass that around. Here. Pass that back. Pass that. Let everybody see. Don't, don't hog it, man. Pass it around. Let everyone see it. [laughter] Keep it moving back. I want to see how far back it can get by the time I get done. [laughter] When it, when I can't see it any longer - that's when I'm coming down the steps, okay? [laughter] So my theme tonight is - "What is it like... to be beloved?" [laughter] I come from Illinois. [cheers] I grew up in a small, uh, what you would call a small house, uh, for nine children uh... and, uh, their names are [indiscernibly fast and trailing off listing] [laughter] I can say it faster, but then you don't hear my name in the middle. but it's [indiscernibly fast and trailing off listing]. [laughter] and they're, uh, [laughter] I remember when my father passed away and left these nine children and the widow Brian became the breadwinner of the family and he got a great job as a peanut broker with the biggest peanut broker in the world and he was he was going to make a lot of money. A lot of money. But then one day he announced that he was leaving, that he was now doing, practicing theater games, and was going to become an improvisational actor. [laughter] So, and that's a big money gig, if you don't know. [laughter] That's a lot of money. That's a big money gig. And there's a lot of money being made out there in improvisational acting. [laughter] So, um, so then, years later, I couldn't do, I couldn't... I was fired from a number of jobs for just... not enough pause, honestly, I never thought. [laughter] But, um, there was a lot of misunderstanding about who was supposed to be working and who was supposed to be, you know, just supervising [laughter] and, uh, and so I ended up going to, uh, Second City and hanging out and then it was, "Oh, that's - Who's that?" That's Little Murray. I was Little Murray. And people like Harold Ramis and Joe Flaherty and Brian took care of me but I mean to say tonight that my brother had more guts than anyone I ever knew and the only reason I'm here is because of the guts of my brother, Brian. [applause] [cheers] He's been waiting a long time to hear that. [laughter] Yesterday I was, I was walking in the White House, and I was in the Blue Room. They didn't know I was there. [laughter] and, and you look out the window of this room and, and you see the monument and you see the memorial right out the window and your heart just leaps. It just leaps. and you think, "Oh, god, it's real. It really is real. There's something that you can touch. It's real that, that thing. It's not just the stones. It's the idea of America and the idea of, of all that they wrote, and all that they feel, and all that better the best of us try to get done each and every time we wake up. You know, if you have a good morning you're probably going to have a good afternoon. You know? And this feeling of being beloved is not just from the break I got with those brothers and sisters or the break I got with my own six sons. The break that I, we all get every single day... there's, like, a...there's this just this little, kind of, there's a little trampoline that's inside of you. A little kind of thing that bounces, and it's... it's something that makes you care. It makes you care about other people, makes you care about yourself. It makes you care about yourself, and it comes to you, It lands in you, and then you bounce it back off, out, the back of, off of you to other people. You know we, look at each other. Look at who we are. Look at us. We're all here and what a break. What a break that we're here. In this place. Right now. Together. Alive. Ya know? That's pretty good, right? [applause] I tried to, I feel like I'm in a wedding. It's like a hurricane around me, you know? Everything's happening and I'm, it's a blur, but I tried to wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. [laughter] This, right here, this is Chicago Cub Blue. This is what we're really all about. [cheers] We're here. [applause] We're here and, um... I'm glad that they won last night so I could be here this evening. [laughter] And, uh, because I really, I wasn't, uh, I... If they hadn't won tonight... If they hadn't won last night, I would have had to have been there because honestly, I do not trust the media to report the score accurately. [laughter] [applause] But I really am glad to have met all of you. It's nice to be here and I don't, as much as I dreaded this [laughter] I dreaded this. I really had to come back to this idea that there was, there is love. Um...There's love. That's how, what we what we came with [applause] and what we go with. [applause] Goodnight. Thank you. [music] [applause]
Channel: The Kennedy Center
Views: 474,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the kennedy center, kennedy center, john f kennedy center for the performing arts, performing arts, washington d.c., Mark Twain, Mark Twain prize, humor, Carl Reiner, comedy, comedian, Whoopi Goldberg, Bob Newhart, Lily Tomlin, Lorne Michaels, Steve Martin, Neil Simon, Billy Crystal, George Carlin, Tina Fey, Will Ferrell, Ellen DeGeneres, Carol Burnett, Jay Leno, Eddie Murphy, Bill Murray, David Letterman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, saturday night live, snl
Id: tw0IRVMU7I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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