Bill Maher at Live Talks Los Angeles -- Audience Questions.

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some questions what guest on Real Time challenged a personal belief the most for you from Amanda and a similar question is what issue have you changed your mind about the most over the years from Milo uh guest that challenged me I don't that's a good question that I have to think about more I can't give you an answer right off the top of my head and I also don't love talking about the guests after they've left the show because have you evolved over a certain issue over the years have like I would say guns really yeah I would say before uh like I would just swallow what the you know boilerplate of the left was about guns uh I think I have a much more Nuance view of it and I also think that it's something that uh isn't is a look we have a gun problem in this country no doubt about it but the the problem of mass shootings and so forth is is a problem not just of too many guns but other things and to think that you can change it with just getting rid of guns which you could never do this is the gun country it's the one country that has a second amendment you could never take the guns away from all the people who have them this is what they go more bananas about than anything that's a country of Elmer fuds yeah right yeah um but it's also a leveler you know I mean it for women for people in bad neighborhoods I think it's very elitist to tell them you can't have a gun in places where the police don't show up right away right they'll show up in my neighborhood pretty quickly yeah but uh a lot of other people not quite as quickly and um so I would say that and also I I realized when I was first talking about it I didn't know anything about them yeah and liberals very often talk about guns and they just don't know I know a lot of people have thought like AR the AR-15 they thought that stood for automatic rifle AR yeah and just the little things like that that that if you don't know what you're talking about maybe you shouldn't talk about it or learn something first um so I would say that is an issue yes where I got more educated and had a different view on it yeah it's not that I'm a gun nut I don't like guns I always compare them to antibiotics I never want to use them but I'm glad they exist in the world yeah I always felt in my lifetime no one had a problem with guns until the Black Panthers were armed you know once the Black Panthers had guns we need gun laws you know we got to get guns out of the hands of people absolutely and you can only imagine what this country would have done if January 6th was tell you something yeah people would have arrived with guns uh to stop January 6th and used guns right yeah it would have been a whole different have been a whole different story got that what's your next question Ted any plans to shoot a sequel to religionists I think the world speaking of religion sequel in the works um well they've asked me that over the years I don't think so but um I did have a a a lunch with the director Larry Charles about that very subject fairly recently uh we both probably came to the conclusion that we're too old to do it so we're probably not going to do it but if we did do it I think what we would do rather than a sequel about religion which I think we covered in the first one would be uh politics is the new Rel religion mhm because speaking of January 6th I mean that was a quasi religious event I mean you saw crosses I mean the whole Trump quanon yeah phenomenon absolutely it Christian nationalism this is all kind of moved in together I mean it's one thing to get rid of religion but if you're going to make it into politics it's even worse and that's kind of where it goes people are always going to need something is my view people like worshiping bill they do like worshiping they really do they really do and they do like self flatulating themselves for some reason they like I never understood that about creating an entity who's always disappointed you disappointed in you disappointed in you right right in you you know aren't there enough people in your own life your spouse and your siblings and you know your boyfriend whoever there just you have to create a new one for no reason who doesn't even exist I like how all the minutia God is involved into you ate meat it's is today hello it's Friday I mean like why is God concerned about those and then they just shamelessly change whenever they just make it up as they go along oh sure I mean I remember when I was a little catholic boy and it was a very serious thing about meat and then just one day the pope was like um this just in uh meet okay me just okay now it's like wow interesting and I think Purgatory went away one of those places limbo away or limbo went away limbo limo limbo in limbo now limbo's where where dead babies went that's crazy the whole thing is crazy Larry the whole thing is great you can't pick out limbo God that is so okay Lena asks what's an appropriate sentence for Trump in the New York hush money case do you think he should go to jail community service well I think like I don't know this you read so much from both sides on this um look like all his trials he's guilty I think he's whether he's guil it should have been brought as a federal case by mer Garland I tore that guy a new about a montho it's a feder if they made it into they had to like shoehorn this into a state case which which is so convoluted when you read how it has to be a state case it doesn't make sense I'm not a fan of this trium no I wasn't to begin with but if they were going to bring it it's an election interference case correct it is Absol absolutely that right he it did affect the election and you and you can't do that so I mean is he guilty yes he's guilty of all of them should they send him to jail um this is very similar to me the situation Obama faced after the financial meltdown a lot of people said you cannot let these Wall Street guys off the hook yeah these are the guys who are responsible for this yeah I remember that you got to put them in jail and Obama said yeah but that that'll just tank the whole economy so do you want to cut your nose off despite your face or do you want me to do the right thing and no drama Obama I think did the right thing I mean and it's a very similar here do you want to feel good and send Trump to jail and make magga Nation go apeshit and really throw a riot in this country uh I don't I mean bill I make jokes last year that Trump could be president while behind barns he could and that could be true he could yes he could he could run the world from house arrest like a mob bus like a real mob bus like like or something like Paulie and Goodfellas you know where you're that kind of cell where you're in the bathrobe and they you know the I almost kind of want to see that happen I would love to see it happen but it would be right part of me is like oh would it would be house arrested maralago is what it would be I mean it it's not that much weirder than his first term was super weird In A Million Ways yeah except we were the ones prison during right why do you think that Liberals are unable to spin their message the way conservatives do successfully and will they ever be able to adapt Rob and Caroline are asking that yeah that's a good question they don't sell themselves very well lials of messaging messaging and also um like with the economy it's that same thing we were talking about before about the guilt yeah like if Trump had this economy he would be blasting it from the rooftops every day we came back better from the pandemic than any other country in this world the stock market is at record highs unemployment is practically at record lows what do you want and yet the Democrats don't want to ever say things are going good because that person comes along and says well what about the people who are left behind exactly we're working on it we don't forget about them but but the Republicans are not afraid to brag and the Democrats are afraid to brag because they're going to be forgetting about the poor people who are left behind I know you know what you gota you got to look at the big picture and they just don't do it yeah they always turn like Biden into droopy the dog at the end of the day you know like would you believe the economy is doing good I'm the hero sorry I had to throw that impression yes well you know me let keep it at 100 comedy night Joey asks are you concerned as General David Petraeus has said about whether Israel's military strategy in Gaza lacks an adequate day after plan and do you worry as Biden hinted today that nanahu may continue the war for political reasons I don't worry that netan is continuing them were for political reasons first of all I know plenty of people who have been to Israel they all come back and say the exact same thing do they like Netanyahu no they don't will whoever uh comes after him follow the exact same policy yes they all want Hamas destroyed and Hamas has to be destroyed this is not as complicated as people make it yes we're all concerned about what happens after Hamas is destroyed the day after we don't know I assume Israel has something in mind they're not stupid people but the idea that you can let an entity that has attacked you five times after you gave the land back gave the land back in 2005 they could have done anything they wanted with it it could be Dubai now if they had chosen but they chose to take the money that much of the world donated to them and spend it not on their own people who they use as human Shields but to buy bombs and Rockets and build tunnels and just attack attack Israel endlessly five times since 2005 including the most recent one on October 7th of last year and they have avowed over and over again it's in their Charter it's it's in their public statements we will continue to do this that's what from The River To The Sea means we get all of it you disappear you either die or what move back to Poland I don't know what their exact idea is but if you have an entity that has this philosophy and is said to you believe believe them believe them so the question is should Hamas be destroyed and most people agree it should be then the next question is how do you do it well I'll tell you two people Ted who don't know me and you and everybody else in here we don't know how that's going to be accomplished I assume the Israeli Defense Force has a little more idea than we do uh and also I trust Israel more than any other country in the world because they have a track record of at least trying to not kill civilians that is their history there was a uh tragedy 45 people were killed last week and I thought netanyahu's statement about that was very apt he said yes we don't like that we didn't want it to happen but for us it's a tragedy for Hamas it's a strategy where do you think the push back from a lot of his own people uh against Netanyahu who's coming from what what's the well two things one is let me ask this part is it cuz he mentioned day after is it day before like a lot of people upset that the attack even happened that there two horrible things on nyu's record one a little murkier but most people think he should not have tried to um change the Supreme Court of Israel that was the big controversy before October 7th right and the second thing was letting the attack happen Okay your big calling card is your Mr security and in in Israel in that neighborhood you cannot make mistakes you cannot let that happen you cannot let that happen so for that alone yes and I'm sure look he will probably go to his grave feeling horrible about that for the rest of his life I don't think he's not a patriot of Israel I think he's proven that but it is time for new leadership but they are in the middle of a war but as I say the the San point is that when he goes the next person will continue this policy because the citizens of Israel want this over next question very good do you regret treating Elon Musk with such difference when with each passing day it brings more evidence of what a threat he is to our country and Society you know no there the short answer I mean I treated him like everybody else on the show I interviewed the these people if you don't it's so funny that platforming this is a term we have now platforming there's somebody somebody doesn't like and they have them on you're platforming them I've had people I had Bill bar the former Attorney General on who is what I would call a As Good As It Gets Republican because he full-throated said Trump lost the election yeah told him to his face said it publicly so is Mitch McConnell full-throated Trump lost the election they would both vote for him again though look still As Good As It Gets yes that's all we're exactly which is you have lost this election yes I'll vote for you again sir of course Liz Cheney Mitt Romney I mean there's a few Mike Pence did the right thing at the right absolutely that's as good as it gets so I had Bill bar on because again we have to talk to each other it's half the country they're not self- deporting you have to talk to people people and I people oh it's like they act like the second he walked out I should have punched him in the nose that's the way to handle a guest on my show yeah so I mean Elon Musk who yes is a little on the Spectrum uh and I look I'm not a fan of where he's gone with uh his politics fully I mean he certainly seems to be more like fully on the right than he ever was before but you know he is doing amazing things I mean he did give the world the electric car uh and he does have starlink if with without which we would not be able to fight the war in Ukraine and he seems to be able to have something where people who are paralyzed and can't move can now like the neuralink the neuralink you know so look we're probably going to need some genius to figure out global warming when it gets so bad that we're all you know and I don't want it to be go to Mars I ain't going to Mars I don't get that whole thing about Mars I've told them that I I I I don't want to go to Mars yeah I've been put on ships and taken to another place before so we're not yeah yeah we're not we're not looking to do that again any well I think you'd be fighting to get on those ships because it's if this if this not enough heating on M if this world is so that we have to go to Mars and they're going to be fighting to get on the ships well the fact this place would be like Mars that's the whole point go to the same place there there's a funny one in there about this I mean about Mars and just the idea that how bad would Earth have to get to be worse than a place that has no air and it's 270° below zero yeah with radiation on the surface so you have to live underground and and and giant dust storms that last six months yeah see I have a different opinion about this I think it's amazing how much humans think they're going to outlive Earth you know it's amazing to me Earth is like I've been here 3.5 billion years you guys have been here like a million no the the the planet will be here but who cares who cares well that's my point I don't care about the planet I care about me on the planet I care about my ability to survive Earth is like I'm not going to be like Mars you might be gone but earth going to be okay you but again it's one of those things and look I'm I fully believe global warming is an emergency and have for decades but it's another one of those things when people come up to me like oh Bill oh my God I'm like shut the up it's a beautiful day and it's just it's just not here yet so you shut the up with your warming versus alarming yes yes go ahead Bill how much longer is this going after college presidents and university is going to go on for until they stop being stupid I would guess I mean you mean the whole Congress thing is that what he's talking no universities he's talking about colleges we're talking about those these ignorance factories like Harvard I mean if if ignorance was a disease Harvard Yard would be the Wuhan wet Market or the lab and again like for the people who say you know you've changed I didn't change the left change the idea that there would be kids protesting for this terrorist organization Hamas that's just crazy to me I mean it's like it's like if they were around on 9/11 they'd be rooting for the plains yeah well a lot of that comes from this country really hasn't been attacked outside of Pearl Harbor 911 people haven't experienced what many people in the rest of the world have and that's being attacked on your own soil your way of life being threatened directly directly not indirectly but directly once that is a part of your life you view things with a little more humility a little more reality you know and you just have different opinions about how the world Works yes we we love to throw around that term existential yeah existential threat well Israel has always lived under existential threat oh yeah yeah from 1948 forward it has never been anything us other than that and and these kids who are out there from The River To The Sea and into f if they had to live in Gaza and I don't mean today in Gaza with the War I mean Gaza pre-war just as Gaza really is if they had to live there one day they would go screaming and begging to live in Tel Aviv where they would encounter a society much more like the one they're familiar with yeah and the final question comes from Amina Who Says with Anthony fouchy coming to live talks La what question might you ask him well look I am I'm never been in anti fouchy guy I know people think I don't understand that whole thing that they people think you're anti fouchy well I I am definitely anti uh some of the ways we treated we we conducted ourselves deal politically Co and I am definitely a medical skeptic more than most people are I am not a big fan of the way Western medicine basically conducts so know I I am thrilled that we have antibiotics uh I'm thrilled that we have a lot of the stuff that the pharmaceutical industry comes up with but we treat Health in this country I think ass backwards we don't try to be preventative uh everything has to be either surgery or Pharmaceuticals yeah it's just not the way I want to treat myself and I don't like being told what to do as far as health matters go because I don't think they know a hell of a lot I think U doctors have a God complex uh but I think I can prove that they don't deserve it because what what do they say the first thing when you get anything that's complicated at all get a second opinion well what does that tell you one it's an opinion and two you need a second one yeah they have been wrong about a lot I'm not saying that's because they're corrupt although there's also that the Sackler family was fined $8 billion for selling opioids when they knew they were hooking people and killing people so don't so don't tell me that it's not Beyond them but generally I think the vaccine was a lifesaver for millions of people millions of people would be dead without it but I was not one of them I would not have been dead without it now there are some things that might come along pathogens where I would fight you for the vaccine right but don't tell me to put it into my body if I didn't want it I took one for the team because I had to because otherwise they wouldn't have even let me near my studio to do my show I wouldn't have been going on the road but I didn't want it and I didn't need it now that may change but it should be my decision with my doctors my medical what I know about medicine yeah I mean Obama said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor what good is that if I can't follow his advice yeah it really pointed out some of the Stark differences in just people's basic beliefs of the role of government and it came out during Co it where the left was comfortable with the government just being in charge right you know and the right was more concerned with the liberty of the individual in charge of what is probably one of the most personal parts of your life your own health but about fouchy I would just say I never thought he was a bad guy you know I think he was a guy who was in government for a very long time I think you're ideologically captured to a degree when you're a bureaucrat for that long but I don't think he's a bad guy I think he was trying to do his best and certainly at the beginning of that we were kind of in crisis mode so to go after him because oh you know what he didn't know it was six feet distance or you know the masks or you know he wasn't he not a bad guy these are the same people who are voting for the guy who said inject bleach in you to kill to kill K you know and then they go after fouchy who's dedicated his life a lot of it not getting praised for anything the work he did on age a lot of that he did in the dark you know that people didn't even I mean he did not get credit for at all and by the way he was attacked by the left when he was working on AIDS you know who felt the government wasn't doing enough and wasn't helping people some of those attacks were warranted there it's not that they were wrong he's just in a no- win position when you're doing a lot of that absolutely doing lot but I wanted to say when it came to co my belief this is one of those issues where two things can be true more things can be true at the same time correct we did need government to lead on that absolutely and at the same time yes individual liberty is important but we have a pandemic going on let's respect the fact there's something different happening it's not Monday it's pandemic day you know and a lot of people on the right did not respect that we were going through a pandemic they were acting like it was just Friday and a couple of people had the flu and that was not the case it was a Glo it wasn't United States pandemic it was a global pandemic well yeah but okay but I I think that's where the right lost it a lot where it's like how they can tell us to wear mask like just put a mask on you know going change your life right now I will never forgive them for not leveling with the people on who died they never once had the guts to go out there and say you know who dies from this people who are very old and fat yeah it killed the obese and oh yeah that's exactly who it killed it's in the statistics yeah also they should have said get your vitamin D levels up yeah people with low vitamin D died from this so it was only the only problem was a lot of those remedies don't match 10,000 bodies a day 20,000 bodies a day you know like bodies being piled up in those morgs in New York it it was the body count that if someone said get your vitamin D up when body counts are happening people are like are you a crazy man what are you talking about you know what are we going to do with these people stop Gathering groups like like the messaging that I'm just talking about those first three months that messaging to me it really wasn't that bad if anything I don't felt I feel but no no no attempt to ask I'm talking themselves to participate in their own health not one thing just stay inside and this about how we're all in it together we were not all in it together some people were in their pajamas at home getting food delivered to them other people were delivering the food so that's not all in it together right right there's mixed messages in there right and the vaccine so when we got to that that was a different period too I'm really speaking of those first few months when I mean bill we were three weeks in and people were marching about masks it's like can we just come can we give us three weeks to try this out it's like can we just do we have to March about this right now I don't remember that I remember being locked inside uh locked inside so don't get don't get don't get fresh air don't get don't get fresh get don't get sunshine vitamin D again um daydrink and put on weight right you couldn't have asked for a better recipe to make people vulnerable to this dis that's true the schooling was bad too keeping kids out of school that long and keeping kids out of school was a disaster that was a disaster you know but that's not all fouchy and he's an honorable guy and I'm just so glad that uh the whole thing is over but you know who is an honorable Guy Mr billar you guys and the National Treasure Mr Larry Wilmore
Channel: LiveTalksLA
Views: 234,211
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Keywords: Live Talks Los Angeles, Live Talks LA, Conversation, TED Talks, inteview, books
Id: vDqjuyheCQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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