Bill Johnson - 2 Essential Keys To A Successful Worship Service | Teaching Moment

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it's not fair for people that struggle with the three and five year old to get them ready to come into the building and had difficulty getting here and they finally got here and that's their offering that's their sacrifice then for me to lead them where I am ready after an hour two of prayer and practice with the worship team I am here they crawled into the building down here and you don't start depressed but you start with hope where people are at and you have to lead them oftentimes people require the congregation the church family to leap from kindergarten to twelfth grade in the first song and it's not necessary it's it's it's so much easier just to be ready you can't take people in worship where you haven't gone in private you can't take them in a corporate setting in a worship experience where you've not gone yourself when nobody was watching and it's not the the great strength of the music because you know if you're playing your guitar in your room by yourself you're not going to have the full sound it's not that it's not the beauty and the wonder of of a great team together it's just the fact that you by yourself maybe with no instrument just took time to minister to the Lord and it's learning to respond to him it's really all about him but a worship leader has an unusual assignment because they have to keep one eye on God and one on people and it's you say well I'm there to worship yeah yeah you are but it's not about you it's not about your experience you do that before you get up there so that when you're there you can monitor how well people are following not to grade them scolding people who are not responding will not help them to respond and the reason is because it makes them self conscious and the enemy of worship is self-consciousness if you heighten a person's awareness of their lack of faith or their lack of boldness or lack of courage all you've done is emphasised them and whenever we emphasize the problem the it's difficult to come into a solution it's it's a lot easier to come to a group of people with a solution without identifying the problem now I'm not saying one on one if you're dealing with somebody's fallen into sin some no I understand we confront we lovingly confront we honor we try to bring people into strength but when you're leading a worship that's not your role your role is to build two things and awareness of two realities in the room every time you come together I learned this the hard way the first thing is you you want there to always be an atmosphere of love of compassion and I'll explain this more in a moment the second is there has to be faith because anything we do apart from faith is not pleasing to the Lord so that means when we come together to worship worship actually has to be an expression of my faith of my confidence my trust in God it's not my delight in a song that's legal but that's as high as many people get they like that song that like when that person sings there like that guitar etc and all of that is very natural and it's not evil in and of itself we really appreciate appreciate this gift we appreciate what happened up here today my goodness I could listen to that for hours but the point is is that when we're leading people we want to bring them to a place of faith let me put it this way you don't build faith by telling people they need more faith it's so it's the Word of God hear what God is saying don't preach let the preacher preach your worship leader but there are individual statements sometimes a brief testimony something to build faith let me tell you let me I'll just explain to you what happened to me I used to lead in lead worship and then I pastored an hour from here up in Weaverville and that's where a good part of our our team actually came from and I remember one Sunday I don't know it was just one of those Sundays that I just thought it was horrible people said it was a great message it was great but they were lying to me I knew they were none of them were being honest to me it just it was like God was going east I was going west and there's just one of those days and I went home and I laid on my bed I said I saw I was going east you were going west I don't ever want that to happen again what happened and I just laid there I just laid there for a while I got my Bible out and just began to read and I had this verse just leap off the page and Pierce me but I didn't fully understand what he meant but I knew it was him he said in Matthew he said go learn what this means I desire compassion above sacrifice now you ever have the Lord talked to you and you don't know what he means but you know what he said was right what is what you need that's what happened to me in that moment I knew that there was something in that verse I laid there on the bed for quite a while praying reading over that verse looking praying over the verse meditating in it they said go learn what this means it's actually mentioned twice I believe in Matthew a goal learner this means I desire compassion above sacrifice well that morning we were very sacrificial but you know the scripture the scripture talks about if you have aught against a brother make it right then offer your gift so there are times where we offer gifts that are not acceptable they may fit the song well they may fit the mood at the moment they may fit the atmosphere fine but actually on his end it's not an acceptable offering and what I saw in that passage actually let me move on we had a gathering that afternoon Sunday afternoon we didn't have our own facilities at the time we were renting the town theater and and anyway it was just kind of a weird situation we had this this room that we'd use for a perm downtown the office space and that afternoon we had a group of people about 40 or 50 people come for what was going to be rehearsal or practice for a musical that we were doing and there's a whole bunch of people in the room and I walked into the room and I stopped and I looked at these people these people were hugging each other they're talking laughing they were praying they're doing all these things together they were they were this family of rightly connected believers and I stood there and I realized in that moment that's what was missing earlier in the day people drug into the room they barely got there on time or whatever or they they were had a fight on the way or they were worried or anxious or whatever it might be and so you understand what it's like people will sit all over different places of the room very very disconnected and there are times where people scattered all over the room and the body actually has holes in it because there's such a deep disconnection you actually have a hand over here and a arm over there and a leg over here and that's oftentimes the nature of the gathering we don't repair those we don't fix those by rebuking it or drawing attention to the problem but what you can do is help to provide a solution so what I determined to do that afternoon when I saw what was happening in that room I realized the affection the compassion the connection that people were making in that setting was different than the service that morning and I determined in my heart that from that point on whenever there's a gathering you'll see me here if on any given Sunday or whenever we have a meeting I get here early even in conferences when when you know we've got meetings we have stuff going on all over the place I get in early I get in here sometimes half-hour early it usually at least 15 minutes early and I walk around the room and hug people and just talk to them it's it would be a lot easier to sit up with all my friends and talk over one more cup of coffee but the point I'm trying to make is do your part to make sure compassion is in the room because he actually values that more than the song you're about the same the song about just sing has value in that it was in a context the dance the shout that all the things that we love to lead in that has value when it's in a context in the context is we are among people that are willing to sacrificially display compassion love affection for one another
Channel: WorshipU by Bethel Music
Views: 38,125
Rating: 4.9390583 out of 5
Keywords: worship leader, praise and worship, worship leading, bethel church, worship team tips, bethel music, worship school, worshipu, worshipu on campus, bill johnson, bethel, bethel sermons, bethel sermons 2019, bethel sermons bill johnson, bethel sermons youtube, bethel sermon of the week youtube, bethel tv, bethel worship, bethel sermons 2018
Id: 55IMuxvpQq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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