Bill Hemmer: This is a headline the White House doesn't want

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so let's take a look at what Jan saki said yesterday about the president addressing this crisis of the supply chain Bill she said hey y'all have only been talking about this for a little while but we've been working on this for a long time listen to this he's been working on these issues for months I mean I know it's been up in front in the news in the last few weeks but these are issues the president's been focused on since he took office so that begs the question then Bill if he's been working so diligently on this why are things getting worse and not better it's a fair question we'll see how she addresses the briefing coming up a bit later this hour John I think a couple things are at play here one is the consumer what Madison was reporting on it's obvious when you're paying more for food and gasoline um I mean it's obvious when your money goes a lot less further than it did before if you got a raise in your job well that raise is now being up eaten up by inflation every day I think the second factor is what happens to the Biden agenda on this John uh you're living in Washington you know that these two giant bills are put on the shelf and I think any time that happens you really start to invite a danger from the outside and the danger now is that the media has turned its attention to another issue and that is the supply lines and ultimately the issue of inflation so now you're asking Congress to pass these massive spending bills that total trillions and trillions of dollars um when the media turns its attention to issues like we just watched here now with gasoline you start to ask yourself well do you want to go forward with these massive bills and already Nancy Pelosi is talking about pairing these bills down we'll see whether or not they pass in the end or what kind of size they are but build back better John is already becoming build back smaller in the end you know it was really really remarkable listening to the things that gen saki had to say on this from the White House yesterday Brett Baer was sitting here with us when we were listening to this live and for one to say the president's been working on this for months well what does that say about about where things are today because it seems like it's only gotten worse right bill but then she also talked about on these supply chain issues uh the president working around the clock with these task force uh forces it seems like there's a task force for just about everything here was more from sake yesterday bill the president has the the supply chain task force has been working around the clock for months and months now to address a range of different issues that we see in the supply chain well maybe it would help just get out of the way right bill I mean let businesses operate let them get people back to work but a lot of these policies implemented by this White House is what is stopping folks from getting back to work well you're in the business of news and Sarah you John and so am I I could not name the leader of this task force and I don't even know who's on it and I reached out to Peter Ducey a short time ago and he said yeah they have talked about it many months ago but it really flew under the radar and they briefed about it a few times in the briefing room but I would venture to bet 9 out of 10 people on the sidewalk would not be able to even know if if not higher that there was a task force that was involved a couple quick antidotes for you you're talking to William logginess out in California we have a shortage of 60 000 truck drivers in America today think about that you want to move this cargo it's not even going to happen because you don't have the drivers to be able to do it on America's Newsroom earlier today we found an 18 year old high school student from New Jersey who's now in school to be a long-haul trucker I said you got a job he said no I have a career but that that's where we're reaching now as a country for this another thought here if you were president this is a headline you do not want from Reuters yesterday quote there will be things that people can't get at Christmas White House warrants you don't want that kind of publicity the third thing I say is I how well have we been trained now as consumers to go online and buy your Christmas gifts when you want and that website says to receive by 1223 or to receive by 1224 you must order by X date well all that stuff is up in the air right now as we approach the holiday season the head of Goldman Sachs today said that inflation is now his biggest concern a month ago our Fox pulley went out to find out people feel about inflation 82 percent of the people we surveyed said they were very concerned or extremely concerned that was mid-september where now we're now we're in mid-october and and the focus on this issue has grown larger uh and the acute need on this has grown uh even stronger now you know Bill the Consumer Price Index was up 5.4 percent in September which is troubling uh and then when you take a look at those pictures that we just showed of shelves empty looks like the bad old days of the Soviet Union I mean obviously during this pandemic we had some shortages earlier on mostly paper products uh toilet paper paper owls you couldn't get hand sanitizer anywhere but now that spread to so many different products it's literally across the board how is all of this going to play politically this November 2nd in some gubernatorial races and then a year from November in the midterms yeah well we'll see whether or not they can solve this and if so uh when that happens you know John and Sandra I talk a lot about images I think a lot about images over the past couple of months and I think about the C-17 cargo plane rolling down the runway in Kabul and I think about the cargo ships off the coast of Los Angeles I stacked one after the other it's never happened that way before and now the image you have on screen is of empty shelves the White House did not want it to go this way I believe what they would argue is that several months ago they could stop this but indeed we have seen quite clearly now that they have been unable to do that and the images stick in the minds of Americans and clearly in the minds of Voters you've taken a big picture bill we've seen the drop in the president's approval ratings and specifically with the economy it continues to go down it's at a record low for his presidency fast forward midterm elections what is the impact well um you know a lot of attention has been given to that Quinnipiac poll from about a week ago and I think the most important and relevant information in that poll is among independent voters and just historically in 2010 and the Republicans swept the house and by the way no one predicted they'd win 63 House Seats they won Independence that year by 19 points that's that that's who decides these elections in 2018 Joe Biden won the same group of Voters by about 10 points in 2020 it was about 11 points so about the same number there Independence as they look at this Administration right now on so many critical categories have ranked them greater than 60 percent on the disapproval level and what you're showing Now does not hurt those numbers go in the other direction if I were in The West Wing I would be very concerned about how these people today are feeling about how this Administration is governing the country well if they can't fix it they can always start to play the blame game though difficult to know who you're going to blame for this one bill great to see we'll see you back again tomorrow morning thank you John thank you Sandra thank you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 999,855
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Keywords: FNC, Fox News, Fox News Channel, News, america reports, biden, biden administration, biden economy, biden jobless claims, biden jobs report, biden white house, bill hemmer, economy, job creation, job growth, joe biden, john roberts, labor force participation, labor shortage, president biden, sandra smith, supply chain, supply chain crisis, supply shortage, supply shortages, white house, worker shortage
Id: vsmLj207hrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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