Bill Gates says government isn’t ready to regulate artificial intelligence

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Bill Gates is warning of the risks of artificial intelligence the Microsoft founder says the government isn't ready to regulate Ai and that pressing pause on the technology is not the answer Chief business correspondent Rebecca Jarvis has the exclusive interview in the town of camera Wyoming population 2400 billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is working on the next generation of nuclear energy with his company Terra power this is actually the place where the nuclear Island will be located with the coal plant off in the distance while getting this new plant running and creating jobs for the more than 100 employees at the retiring coal facility up the road is Gates's Focus here he also spoke in an exclusive interview with ABC news about that other game-changing technology in so much Focus today artificial intelligence openai CEO Sam Altman told me he's a little bit scared about this technology are you scared we're all scared that a bad guy could grab it the White House the administration Regulators here in the U.S do you think they're up to speed not yet they're not ready not yet I mean why are they not ready you're never going to have every politician understanding it but how do you build up a capacity to for health applications for education to review things the government has a role to play here you know they won't be the experts that they have to be part of that discussion and so the White House starting those conversations that's all good still unlike others in the field including Elon Musk Gates opposes pausing AI development if you just pause the good guys and you don't pause everyone else you're probably hurting yourself you definitely want the good guys to have strong AI can you guarantee that if you stop the good guys who can guarantee it won't happen you've got a fake image of the Pope fake images of President Joe Biden at some point if those proliferate at a much greater scale won't that confuse people about what the truth is you're going to have to say where did this come from and whose responsibility is that each the reader the viewer every person has the responsibility to question Society is going to start to say okay this source is more of a trusted Source it's not like we can say hey please stop making fake image and just as Gates is seen with nuclear getting it right when the stakes are so high takes time you've put billions of dollars towards this project why are you so committed to nuclear energy well nuclear energy if we do it right will help us solve our climate goals what do you say to the critics who say it's expensive there are the Safety and Security issues and then there's the issue issue of radioactive waste which lasts thousands of years yes today's plants are way too expensive the economic challenge you know we just have to change we've solved all the areas where there have been safety challenges and we have dramatically lost ways but every one of those areas who mentioned there are valid concerns that Terra power has to show that we've solved our thanks to Rebecca Jarvis and Bill Gates for That interview the new reactor which has been in the works for 15 years is set to open in 2030. as for AI gays Gates says that he's often surprised by how well it can already solve problems in healthcare and education he sees it as an incredible tool for democratizing education and he says it's still early days but revolutionary I want to bring an ABC News contributor Google tech policy fellow Mike Muse for more on that point Mike in terms of AI Gates says that he's scared that a bad guy could grab this technology what do you think he means by that I think what he's letting us know into the public is that there are Bad actors everywhere no matter what industry you're in whether you're in banking whether you're in sports whether you're in gaming where there's always going to be a bad actor that is there so what he's doing is he's a dressing head-on the reality and the possibilities of that but he's also saying but let's not stop this Innovation from going forward let's not stop moving ahead because we're concerned about a certain population of Bad actors so on that point there are experts who've said we should pause this until we know more about it Gates is saying no because then you're pausing the good guys you're just setting yourself back so what do you make of that argument and what are the Alternatives if he's also saying this government is not ready to regulate this that's such a good question and what he means by the good guys is there's so many tech companies anything about the big tech companies out there right now that are working extremely hard to make sure that every you know safety measure is in place that they're testing their product very thoroughly and if you don't have people who have like good AI principles you and I talked last week about Bill of Rights if you don't have these big tech companies that have ai printables as a guard rails then they will be allowed to do the things that most people are concerned about on the internet but what he's saying is let the good guys continue the advancement let them do the testing let them continuously iterate on it let them learn what are this fail stage that they need to improve upon but let's not pause this Innovation because if the good guys quote unquote pause it that's not going to stop the Bad actors from going so the more good people you have out there it will outweigh the bad but he is as I mentioned also saying that this government isn't ready to regulate AI so how do we fix that real great question government as you know operates at a very slower pace and just by the nature of the Cadence in which government works it doesn't coincide with the way and the pace of technology technology is growing so fast look we're already at uh version four of chat GPT and that's only been around for like maybe a couple of years and the government is just now wrapping the head around even the terminology of generative Ai and so it's hard for the government to understand the different terms different types of subcategories of it and so it's going to be hard for them to create policy for it and then you get into the partisanship aspect of it it's going to make it even worse as the technology is growing faster and faster and so the challenge is which we all been asking within the policy Community is well who's to govern is it independent federal agent see that's free from partisanship or is it self-regulation thick meta with their oversight board and so I don't think we've solved that right now but I like that we're talking about how it should be regulated now Gates is also saying that individuals need to think critically about potential AI generated fakes but how do you learn to do that if you're not an expert Diane I was nervous you were going to ask me that I think in the days we started getting emails about Nigerian princes asking for us to take their money and trying to a learn how to recognize that that's not real and then trying to explain that to my mom for example and I feel like we're back there in a way I was like man I hope she doesn't ask me that question yeah because I have to have the uncomfortable answer and the uncomfortable answer is America and Society has to really begin to think more critically and unfortunately the way that big Tech has allowed these different platforms to come is that Americans are so in society is so headline driven is that we don't even click on the Articles we only go based upon the headline and take that for face value so as a result we won't actually read the article to see where the Nuance is and so because we're still headline driven we don't appreciate the Nuance of things we are losing as a society our ability to think critically even if you look at the Pope's picture that Rebecca Jarvis mentioned even I could say that looks like too much of a fashion moment for this book to wear makes for me it didn't make sense now this was a previous Pope that retired I can say Ah that's on brand because he was a little bit more flashy but this Pope really took that vow apartment very seriously he's a very minimalist he lives very you know very a low-key lifestyle so for me that was such at odds but that's the critical thinking that we are losing ourselves to and so that's the uncomfortable answer that I hope that'll get canceled for is that we need to start just thinking more critically as a society and that starts with our K-12 education in terms of how do we teach our students to think critically probably also makes a big difference whether or not you want that thing to be true or not but the psychology is a whole other conversation but um what are you watching for as this technology becomes more mainstream Mike a couple of things I'm looking for more people to kind of get out there and talk about all the good things that genitive AI could do while at the same time I'm looking for other people to get involved and to say you know what I want to be involved and how do I help create guardrail cells to ensure that these tech companies don't that the Bad actors of these tech companies don't overpower the good actors of it and so I'm hoping more people will sign up and interested in computer science I'm really hoping Diane that more people take an interest in data becoming a data scientist because that really is the key you know I always harp on that every time you and I talk these computers can only learn based upon the data sets that are being inputted into that and I think we can get more data scientists involved I think we can kind of help curb the bad guys that Bill Gates is talking about all right Mike it's always great to have you thank you good times hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel 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Channel: ABC News
Views: 186,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Bill, ChatGPT, Gates, Government, Microsoft, Regulate, abc, abcnl, news, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-99168036, regulatory, technology, update
Id: G3Ov4lXIJ1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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