Bill Burr rips the Colts, technology, and idiots who can't turn left | THE HERD (FULL INTERVIEW)
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Channel: The Herd with Colin Cowherd
Views: 2,390,259
Rating: 4.7814341 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Burr, comedian, standup, stand-up, comedy, humor, funny, interview, Colin Cowherd, The Herd, Cowherd, Netflix, show, Indianapolis, Indy, Colts, New England, Patriots, Pats, Kristine Leahy, FOX, FS1, sports, news
Id: tTjCdpAAYo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2016
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that guy's mannerisms make me very uncomfortable. it's like he's pretending to have human emotion and wildly overacting it.
Why is the host so much higher elevated above the guest. Looks weird.
This guy talks like how Bill imitates radio personalities. Not sure if it's because I get older or I just watch too much Bill: "Are you a Patriots fan?" is pretty much like asking "is the sky blue?". I guess it's to stir up conversation
that girl is beautiful
Dude, he freakin' destroyed Cowherd on his own show!
Ugh I felt sick when Colin started complimenting Minnesota and I just learned he's from Seattle it made me hate him even more if that was possible. We don't need your compliments asshole
It was funny to see the "southie good will hunting" question bill talks about so often in action.
geez, that was weird
It seems like every interview Bill goes on there's always some hot girl who he has to make sure to mention how beautiful they are. This one, that one with the Swedish/Finnish TV show or something, I'm sure there were others
Not sure if that makes him alpha or not. That reaction when he tells her she's beautiful tho, like WHOA RIGHT OUTTA LEFT FIELD WITH THAT ONE