Bill Burr & Joe Rogan - Why I Don't Watch Horror Movies Anymore!

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[Music] but there's something weird about having a friend in a movie where you're going this movie's great oh there's Tate like it takes you out of it it's like oh that's my friend like this movie's bull yeah people always say it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't take me uh it doesn't take me out of it unless I see them like watching themselves like I can't believe I'm in this scene with this guy then then it then it like pulls me out but like I I I buy in when I'm one of those guys like I I don't like going to horror movies like they freak me out I buy in I don't give a what the concept is like that thing where the lady was like flipping the light switch off and then turning it on and then flipped it off and saw the thing again and then turned it on and then flipped it off it was right there I was literally at home I'm like stop turning the lights off what movie is that get out of there what movie is that I don't know like the movie was coming out and it was like the thing where she's like she's like you know when you look into a room and you shut the lights off shuts the lights off and all of a sudden there's this thing there sort of a girl sort of beastly and it's across the room so you can't quite see it so she's like look is that turns the lights on it's gone shuts it off it's there again same spot turns the lights back on it's not there shuts it off the third time and it's right in Grill yeah scared me Blair Witch Blair Witch when they were going the movie didn't scare Ralphie May go no that didn't scam that movie scared the [ __ ] out of me I saw that movie by myself I done a spot at the Laugh Factory I went down to man's Chinese Theater the one the Hollywood Galaxy I don't know if that's still there anymore right next door and I saw like the midnight showing by myself dude freaked out theater yeah but nobody I knew and it was like really sort of like there wasn't a lot of people there and then that walked through the parking garage oh dude I was I was freaked I saw that movie in Houston Texas Chris Maguire and I did a show we did a show at the old laugh stop you ever do the old laugh stop in River Oaks um did I do that one great Club I think I just whatever the classic one was that hicks and all those guys it had just moved to the new spot new spot sucked the new spot was not good but the old spot was amazing and that's where I did my first uh album that was uh I'm going to be dead someday I did in 1999 uh we we did a show and then Maguire and I met these kids that worked across the street at the movie theater and they go hey do you got we have the keys to the movie theater do you guys want to go watch the Blair Witch just us we were like holy let's do it so we left we had a 10:00 show it's like midnight we go across the street they cook up the popcorn the whole deal gave us free soda locked the door you couldn't even do that today you know it was amazing I mean today everything's digital you know the kid spools up the Reel and everything like that and we sat down in the theater it was like three of them and two of us and we watched The Blair Witch and [ __ ] our pants it was awesome oh my God Josh the [ __ ] screaming I still remember that movie when the kids staring in the corner like oh yeah when they just sort of like went past it yeah all of that where rather than just showing you saw in somebody's head off just the idea yeah when you think of like Tarantino talked about that that were in Reservoir Dogs he had one scene where they showed the guy hacking the ear off versus just panning away and hearing the guy screaming it's just like it was way more disturbing that that ruined that song for me for a long time I always what song was that Marvin Nash screaming um oh now I hear Steven Wright's voice uh well I don't know if I'm he's yeah that was that's something too stop stop s remember that when he's [ __ ] he threw right adding a fun song to a horrific scene oh that was so the powerlessness of just I can't I can't I can't deal with that's like Scarface remember Scarface when they cut the guy up with the chainsaw he's tied up in the in the bathtub and they force Tony Montana to watch he's getting splattered with blood as they hack his friend up yeah no that's uh that's my mother took took us to see that she didn't know what it was took all of us to see it and my youngest brother was like nine I think and and if my mother said after this chainsaw scene we have to get out of here I would have been like fine cuz I watching like go it was really I asked my mother years later she was just like well yeah I thought at that point yes that it might have been a little mature that's she says mature for your youngest brother and but I was laughing I was going yeah but you always took us to cool movies she goes and she goes yeah she goes that was a good move she goes I want Tak you those stupid Kitt things like she was against like the whole uh she took us to forava Benji and Herby goes to Monte Carlo and then they my parents were just like we're have Sitting through this [ __ ] we're going to go to a movie that we're going to enjoy too and then I went from that to like stripes and like scar your parents just said [ __ ] kid movies yeah just said [ __ ] it like we're going to if we're going to go out we're going to yeah we're going to see something but listen I'm swea like a that oh my God uh uh uh o o oo oo o
Channel: Bill Burr University
Views: 317,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bill burr, joe rogan, bill burr joe rogan, jre, mmpc, bill burr university, bill burr comedy, bill burr podcast, funny, podcast clips, joe rogan experience, bill burr advice, horror movies, scary movies
Id: P9gyFUwpyQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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