BILL BELICHICK JOINS THE PAT MCAFEE SHOW 👀 Co-hosting the NFL Draft, Tom Brady as the GOAT & more 🏈

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ladies and gentlemen this man Bill bellich all right bet coach uh hey you got some stuff behind you coach there some things behind you there I don't know if you knew that that that's my bling okay my fingers that's I blink uh coach I just announced to the world something that we've been chatting about for like the last month and a half or so so incredibly pumped and thankful that you'll be joining us next Thursday night in Detroit for the countdown and for the draft In Your Wildest Dream could you imagine your first live event post coaching maybe you know in the year off of coaching being with a bunch of idiots uh like our particular show and why did you agree to do this with us we are so incredibly thankful yeah well I'm looking forward to it uh it's always a draft day draft weekend is always an exciting time uh for everybody for the teams that are building their teams and for the fans and for everybody involved in it so uh you know it's a it's a great event and uh yeah I'm looking forward to seeing it you know from the other side it' be fun to be in Detroit you know be with you guys and uh and get your expertise oh who you don't need that now okay we don't need that type of chatter now um yesterday was your birthday happy birthdayy birth Happy Birthday coach we called the fire department to put out the candles a lot of them obviously a lot of them you've done great in this entire thing I chatted with you yesterday and uh I said what are you doing and you said I'm watching film what do you think this entire thing is this draft year are are you still studying all the uh draft prospects are you watching what is what is life like for you right now and what has it been like for the first time in 49 years not in an NFL building and for first time in 48 years uh not a part of the draft in the NFL yeah well sort of like what I've been doing you know watching watching The Players uh you know specifically the ones that might be involved in our uh in our show so the guys in the top you know top part of the draft um but the first round leads into the second round and and there's a lot of correlation there so uh we'll talk about that next Thursday night but uh yeah just trying to just trying to do some preparation and um you know follow I watched a lot of these guys in the fall and and uh even some from last year when they were Juniors or when they were under they weren't coming out but they were still factors in evaluating the players uh in the in the 23 draft so it's just kind of an ongoing process and uh yeah it's fun to keep up with I always enjoy the this part of part of the Season well we'll be thankful for it uh next Thursday as we're getting Intel from a man who's obviously done everything in the NFL and had success at all different levels they're chitchatting about you know o tackle draft uh deep wide receiver deep a lot of these mocks are coming out right now and I know that there's a lot of different thoughts about it all especially from the media world how much should we be paying attention to all these people in the next week and a half leading up to this thing and is the OT tackle wide receiver the group that is going to be stealing the show whenever we come to next week's first round well I definitely think there's a lot of depth at those two positions um you know they they should go quite deep into the first round and probably um carry over into the second round I imagine there are teams near the top of the draft that are uh looking at uh filling one position in the first round and then either coming back and getting a wide receiver or tackle in the second round you know assuming that somebody will be left but you never know draft's always full of surprises it could go a lot of different directions but uh you know doesn't look like uh you know a lot of tight ends are running backs at the top of the draft then defensively uh probably not the same depth on the board that there was uh last year the last couple of years at least not at the top so um but it it'll always be interesting to see how things work out and And Trades can you know that can skew it a little bit but um overall you know a lot of as usual a lot of good young prospects and uh I would say that you know just at this point in time a little over a week from from the first round um I think teams are probably starting to really get things pulled together now there's just a ton of information that comes in there in March and April when all your Scouts are out probably at least a dozen Scouts on every team uh so multiply all the information times you know times 12 or so of reports coming in new information then on top of that you've got the medical you've got the security um you've got the um you know all the scouts reports all being compiled and accumulated and now this last week or 10 days or so is where you really sit uh as an organization and sort through it and sift it out and um there's always a little bit of contradiction but you got to figure out where you're going to you know where you're going to place your chips uh what you're going to believe what you're not going to believe and um I'd say the biggest the the biggest newsmakers here quietly are the agents uh nobody wants their player to get picked higher than them so uh a lot of the information I think that comes to the media about um you know who who's going to draft who how high they're going to go um is uh you know a lot of media driven so you know when the agent hears well you know my player could go anywhere from uh you know the second or the third round uh you add one to that and say well you know these GMS or these teams are talking about taking my guy in the first round I've never done that I've never told an agent I've never told an agent hey we're going to take your guy in this round we're going to take your guy with this you know with the 27th pick or the 31st pick or whatever pick it is we have um I I don't think there's too many teams that do that but I think the agents will say hey my guy's going to go at 31 to this team my team guy is going to go at 17 to that team uh that type of thing and then that just generates interest in their players so uh think you got to sort sift that out uh but as you get closer to Draft Day sometimes uh teams get closer to figuring out what they're going to do there is information that can leak out of the organizations in one way or another uh that can give you some insight into what they're going to do I think it's a little early for that but when you get into the last you know I'd say 12 uh 12 or less hours before the draft uh sometimes that information can be very very accurate and uh and helpful yeah there was a lot of stuff you know that leaked out of your organizations that was what you guys were known for leakers everywhere everybody's leaking leaking leaking we'll talk about a lot of the you know the draft myths like are they drafting for needs or best available and how about like narratives that we heard going into it and we'll debunk uh what an actual draft board looks like in the countdown to the draft spectacular with Bill starting at 7:30 on Thursday and then he'll co-host the entire draft spectacular with us on Thursday night I assume what's going to happen in his first 30 minutes is there's going to be a human that is going to point some things out that has maybe taken uh place over the last couple weeks and then we're going to watch it unfold in real time for the next 10 hour are you ready hey I know you and Nike are hanging out most times during this draft this first round is like 45 hours long Bill 45 you I don't want you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of this thing you know what I mean yeah trust me I sat through a few of them I'll be uh yeah I'll be ready to go it's uh it'll be interesting to you know talk about you know we'll have our own kind of draft room set up as if we were you know the 33rd team and uh kind of watch the guys come off the board and talk about what other teams needs are and uh potentially if they trade conversations and that type of thing going on I I think I can you know give a little insight into maybe what the conversations will be in those rooms made a few trades yeah I think yeah I I think you will go ahead AJ maybe Andy and I can maybe Andy and I can work up a trade somehow this year oh I like that news when Andy and I Andy Andy Reid and I switch spots in the seventh round to keep our streak [Music] going just digging around Andy we need to do this go ahead AJ coach when uh when talk to these prospects at the combine when you get those 15minute interviews and when you bring them in for the uh the visits that you can as a team what are you looking for like what are you asking the guys and can you really like how much information can you gather well I think the 30 visits AJ are a lot more valuable than the 15 minute ones um you know those 15 minute ones can be misleading uh they could be real good or real bad and that may not may or may not be indicative of the what the player's real personality and and um interaction is with the with the you know from that time uh because it's very it's very artificial he'll probably never be in that setting again where he's you know in front of a dozen Executives and coaches from a team but the 30 visits are great um you know 15minute visits there give you a little bit of a chance to get to know the kid but the when you spend a whole day with them now those 30 visits could be uh for a lot of different reasons they could be uh you know you really want to dig more into the person uh his football knowledge his background uh medical is a part of that uh sometimes it's for free agents guys that you think aren't going to get drafted but you want to recruit and of course when you sign a college free agent right after the draft which there'll be you know several hundred of those signed uh a lot of those kids you won't have physicals on the ones that didn't go to the combine uh unless you bring him in and do your own physical so if you if you were you know have an interest in a guy uh who's maybe a little under the radar maybe a small school player or somebody like that and you don't do the physical on them and then you bring them in after the draft and you've already signed them and you can't P your physical or you find out he has an issue that uh you weren't expecting then you know you've kind of lost a spot there and um so uh there are a lot of different reasons for those 30 visits uh I'd say the guys that you feel like you know a lot about uh I'm not sure that there's a big reason to visit them and I'd say uh generally speaking that's not a high priority so just because the guy doesn't visit a team doesn't mean that team's not interested in them they may know all they need to know about him and feel like they want to spend that visit on something that would be more productive I don't know if you heard this or not the commanders actually hosted 20 guys for uh 20 of their 30 visits 20 at the same time went to Top Golf last night Top Golf last night had have you have you ever done any of that you take them to Top Golf maybe a little roller skating yeah no our no that wasn't we weren't real big on that the it wasn't more of a recruiting for us it was informational Gathering but I think we had maybe as many as a dozen come in on the same day and a lot of times we'd combine the the group so uh quarterbacks tight ends receivers uh so that we could interact and and work with them uh individually but also collectively uh see them you know work together with each other the quarterback call play and a receiver talk about what he do on it and things like that or you know four five six linemen at the same time so he could kind of uh you know be a little more efficient in terms of uh the staff time spending with them but uh sometimes that's just dependent upon what the player schedule is and so some guys you know we'll take 20 or visits and other guys will have two or three uh so scheduling sometimes becomes a you know a difficult part of those 30 visits but yeah I can see bringing in a lot of guys at one time it is an efficient way to to you know use the use the visit time for your staff because uh the more you tie your staff up on those visits and the less productive you can do be doing other things yeah and that makes sense you know I uh in the college world I've gotten dropped in there they have those recruiting weekends you know some of these schools and it's like every weekend it's a recruiting weekend and these coaches like you got to recruit via phone all week you got to prepare for a team and then you got a recruiting weekend and then I talked to Oregon coach Dan Lanning and you know Washington's probably going to be pretty similar with your your son in the entire uh crew up there with fish they schedule like one weekend because it's such a far trip and it's like we have our recruiting weekend with a lot of our recruits and then it also frees up us for football for all the other times not a bad concept I don't think i' heard of 20 visits but if you're doing 12 okay commanders look at you guys look at the commanders they got to feel good about that now a lot of those TR well you know one thing Pat uh you know when we look at our draft board on Thursday night I think the one thing that everybody has to understand is our draft board will look different than every other draft board in the league just like every team's draft board will look different than every other draft board in the league not any of them are the same even at the very top they won't be the same so um what you're looking at is what you feel like is going to help your team and how you've got them organized and and everybody else has that same view so you can kind of think well this is what some other people are thinking but you never really know that and so uh the recruiting things is a little bit the same thing I'm sure uh you know I haven't done college recruiting but I can imagine that yeah it'd be great to bring 20 guys in but if you got a top prospect and he can't come in that weekend you're not going to drop him you're going to find another time when he can visit when he can you know do whatever he does bring his parents or or girlfriend or whatever you can fit into his schedule if he's good enough you'll make room for him so uh you know a lot of that just depends on uh you know how schedules work out in in players that are in high demand hey be who you can afford to be coach and uh those those trophies behind you right there provide a lot of happiness for this man that has a question for you he actually has how about including the Emy yeah top 100 oh yeah 100 years loved it all Boston uh New England Patriot Die Hard a man who has we're on to Cincinnati tattooed on his bicep Boston Connor has a question for you coach yeah coach it is an absolute honor first of all thank you for all the happiness and joy you have brought to me and all of New England throughout you know my entire life and Pat is telling me to put my arm up right now so I mean I'll show is it's got you it's got your full name it doesn't say Bill bich it says William Steven bich and yeah my triceps do touch my butt cheeks but uh coach one thing that always happened for New England especially around this draft time was you know we didn't get very excited as fans just because when you're picking so late in the draft you know first of all Pat mentioned that you got to wait 45 hours to get to the pick and then a lot of the times you know you would trade back or trade out of the first round because you know you you just didn't have anything to really take what is the mindset going into a draft when you are picking that late cuz you know this is something that your your buddy Andy Reed has to deal with now cuz they're going to be you know 28 and up going forward for the next you know 10 15 years who knows but what is kind of the thought process around that and when do you know like during that first round hey we're trading out there's there's no point to stay here right that's a great question um and the answer is every year is different and you really don't know um when you're picking at the end of the draft and I got this question you know from people in organization and so forth a lot uh you know what are we going to do we're picking 28th we're picking 32nd you tell me who's going to be there and then I can tell you what we're going to do but you just really don't know there's so many teams in front of you it's just impossible to predict so uh did I think we would ever draft Vince Wilfork I thought there was no chance he would be on the board when we picked uh I didn't think Hightower would be there so we traded up and got him I didn't think Chandler Jones would be there so we traded up and got him um you know Logan manins was there and and we waited it out and took bankin at 32 but you just don't know what's going to be at the end of the draft when you're picking there so sometimes you see somebody fallen and say okay I'll I'll it's worth it to trade and get up and get the guy other times you kind of wait and see who slides through sometimes uh you feel like I'm taking this guy you know there's not much there at the end of the first round let me move back uh you know a few spots and try to either you know accumulate some capital or um you know take the same player or the same quality of player that you're going to take you got two or three guys you like there uh just back up and take a little bit more for it I think the fifth year option is is an issue at the end of the first round for the high priced positions so obviously quarterback uh which is what the Ravens did when they took Lamar Jackson they traded in our spot at 32 to take Jackson and got the fifth year option on him or cornerback offensive tackle uh you know maybe even pass rusher but when you talk about the tackles and the pass rushers and the receivers at that point you're probably talking about the fifth or sixth guy um but you know look if it's a guy who's going to end up making a lot of money at that at one of those high quality positions then it's worth it probably to be up in the first round and potentially have a fifth year option um so that's sometimes a factor too of there's a little bit of savings from the first round to the second round because that fifth year option is included in the first round now coach I heard you're a bad drafter that's what they say I heard you're a bad drafter you know it would be nice to maybe get a top 10 pi every once in a while but then the season would be terrible so what do we what do we want to have what do we not want to have uh I love hearing you break I've gotten a chance to chat with coach now a few times over the last few weeks had a great dinner last Thursday night I went to the bathroom four times he didn't go to the bathroom once jeez do you remember that coach you well you you were drinking more than I was I was hammering some Jack and D I tried to get him an espresso Martini found out he hates coffee okay fair enough no idea right is that real AB absolutely never had a cup of coffee in my life leg awesome this at the beginning of the dinner first time eat them face to face waiter comes in will you guys be having drinks you go sure do you have any specialty drinks I'm like we'll take two espresso martinis and I was about to give you the full speech about hey you got to get past you got to get past the name you got to get past the cup the whole thing and you go absolutely not I this is going to be a bad night this I thought this was going to win the evening and then you told me I don't drink coffee ever never I don't do it I'm like you don't drink coffee cuz tea and other things you do not a coffee guy I think we all just assume because from the legendary tales that we've heard about the amount of film study that you had to be just you know douch douch espresso espresso coffee complete opposite that was a bad start but I appreciate you taking time to kind of learn about me through this entire process and our show and our show a lot yeah well Pat I enjoyed being with you on with you in game Bay I mean that was awesome you and Coach corso and and uh you Army Navy setting you know nothing better than that but um yeah you know the the draft is a it's a fascinating uh event especially the first day and and uh for the most part teams have one pick they have you know one choice there on Thursday night to you know do the best they can to improve their team whatever that is whether it's trade up trade down take a guy whatever and so it's um you know it's an exciting day you want to try to make the most of it um and and honestly you know there are teams that look at it as they're willing to take more risk for more upside and then other times you you want the conservative pick and you want us you know I want to know that I got a good player uh maybe there's another guy on the board that could be you know great but maybe there's more of a chance that he could also not work out so no no these are all all Pros Hall of Famers no matter what all of them well that look we know historically the wide receivers and quarterbacks in the first round are are really a 5050 proposition in the long run and so you know that's that's what the stats will tell you uh each year could be different you know it could be 83 and and you could have you know five five franchise quarterbacks or you can end up with none and so you know time will tell on that but you know at this point everybody's optimistic that the player will reach his potential and that's why they're being picked they're being picked because the teams want them okay well I can't wait to experience an entire draft with you we have a Pittsburgh Steeler fan who wants to ask you a question before we let you go we're thankful for you yeah bill I assume on next Thursday you're going to spell a lot of uh myths and theories for us but one of them is we always say like let's just say like the Raiders draft a DN and we say oh well that's because they have to get to Patrick Mahomes they're drafting for their division is that actually a thing with teams in the draft room where you think about your Division and draft for your division or is that total and last year you know when the Steelers traded up uh with you guys to get in front of the Jets to take a tackle was that to screw the Jets over in the division uh and does that does stuff like that happen in the draft right well um well let me take the first qu the second question first the Pittsburgh trade uh we only traded back a couple of spots uh we were pretty confident that the Steelers were looking for a tackle and we were pretty confident that the Jets weren't going to take a corner because they had taken Garder uh the year before and so we kind of thought that both teams were looking for the same thing so uh in end of jets ended up taking a pass rusher but um we were really interested in the corner we probably would have stayed there and taken Gonzalez if there hadn't been a trade available um well we would have done that that's not probably we would have done that um but we know the option to move back a couple spots and um of course we didn't know the Steelers were going to take the guy the Jets wanted I mean I would say we weren't heartbroken that that happened but that's the way it goes um but you know in the end we ended up getting the guy that we wanted with Gonzalez and um so that was so that was good I would say the the first question you asked is part of a much bigger question and I think that's the question that you each organization is talking about right now what helps our team the most um sure part of it is your division part of it is your team part of it is the complimentary parts of your team part of it the salary cap uh if you have somebody who's making a lot of money that you know you're going to have to replace for one reason or another whether uh you know they're nearing the end of the career or maybe their um their contract's going to be up next year and you're not sure if you're going to be able to resign them and if you do it's going to cost a lot of money that sometimes you draft players at that position that give you depth you know a year ahead of when you really need it so that you know financially you can you know maintain a competitive team during that time you put all those factors in there together and maybe there's an overriding factor maybe it's you know we got a I know with Coach barcels uh you know one of the big things again this is a while back but you know when we were playing everybody was playing a 434 you know one of Big Bill's things was you got to have a center you got to have a good Center you know all the teams in our division were you know were playing three four at one point and you know we felt like we had to have a good Center so uh sometimes that the the division thing is overriding but I'd say there are a lot of factors that come into play in an organizational use have to decide you know what how it all fits together I would say the draft I would say the draft in the end is really uh is really it look out it like a jigsaw puzzle that there's not one piece that puts the puzzle together you look at everything you look at the players's character his mental his intelligence his work ethic uh his upside his you know everything his all the things that factor into his leadership his you know what type of a teammate's he going to be all those things and you have it and then you put it all together and then that's the picture you have on the player whatever that is and then you give it a great it's worth a certain value to you um you know there's not many perfect players out there and and all the best ones you know go in a first handful of picks and then after that there's always something with everybody that's you know but he might fit perfectly for your system and not as well for another team's system so so that's why I say the grades up there for each individual team are are not the same uh but it's it's a mosaic it's a jigsaw puzzle Co coach the day after the first round though yeah great we judged the draft immedi the losers coach right away what are you talking about yeah but you know as well as I do that that the players that are there in the second round a lot of those players were there on team's boards in the first round they didn't think they'd be there they didn't think they'd make it till the second round uh and so then all of a sudden that's great voutes I guess yeah but you don't know coach no way you don't know that's the fun thing about us covering the draft as a as a part of the media you know it's like the day after round one the experts are all out and the experts are all out just trying to figure out who was closest to what they were predicting to happen and if they were far for them happening and then all a sudden you get entire team's fan base is pissed because of what the actual general manager did versus what a mock drafter did on the internet and it's like a show you're like you can say now we're off ESPN but it is a show in this entire if you you don't you won't but if if you if you want to let you just let you know it does slot it will fly right now but it's like how quickly you think you can judge a draft like when do you think is the pro is it like if a second contract comes whether somebody's a buster if if they play immediately if it ends up working out what are your thoughts on that entire thing like of a successful draft for your team or 4 a team well I'd say uh for in my experience I think we've always drafted we've always graded a player for really what what we what we think they'll be in year two what will the player be in year two now year two could be halfway through his rookie year year two could be you know a year and a half it might not you know it might not be year two it might be almost year or three I would say but there's a point where the player figures things out he gets in he understand stands professional football he's had a chance to train to you know physically develop to a point where he can be at a very high competitive point and then what do you have um and I could cite a lot of different examples but just going back to the Giants uh you know Phil Sims everybody talked about Phil Sims what a bust he was uh and and he was a great great player but he played uh you know in some tough circumstances his rookie in second year um had a couple unfortunate injuries but Phil's a tough guy he was a tough player there was no softness in him he was as competitive as they get but the fans were on him and we blew it on Phil Sims we blew it on Mark Haynes there's another guy who turned out to be an allpro cornerback who didn't play his rookie year Brady didn't play his rookie year and you know we have Tom Brady so uh you judge Tom Brady after his first year and you know you have literally nothing you know we're talking about the greatest player that's that's ever played so uh Lawrence Taylor was a different story Lawrence Taylor from day one impacted the team shy was the best player on the field way better than everybody else and built the defense around him from that point going forward so it's different with different players and but I'd say once the player figures it out once he's had a chance to physically develop and again especially for linemen sometimes those guys need a little bit of time or the technique on the offensive line in particular is something that can take a little bit time quarterback's another position uh but once they figure it out once they get then that's when you know what you have and it it's usually not day one of his rookie year I would say Lawrence Taylor would be the you know kind of the one exception to that rule but there's not too many guys maybe you know like gos Kowski a kicker could come in Pat you know you come in and kick from day one uh you know if your skills are at a high enough level you can see the impact already but at a lot of other positions it just takes a little bit more time AJ you know that your your experiencing the guys you played with Co coach you're so wrong I I mean you're so wrong what are we supposed to do on Friday told that a lot especially as of late bunch of y AJ has a question for you coach yeah coach talking about the quarterbacks why does it seem just so difficult to evaluate these guys and see success in college will it translate to the NFL like I know there's a lot of factors but what do you think makes that so difficult I think that's what we're going to talk about in the pregame show because we got those quarterbacks coming up and I and I think we'll see uh some video of what do well what they have trouble with what they need to work on uh and what are NFL plays and what really aren't NFL plays I'd say there's a lot of plays these quarterbacks make they're just not going to make in the National Football League like they're just not going to make what kind of play and then the ones that they will make if you see them make those over and over again I think that's a pretty good sign uh that they can do it and then I'd say there's other there's other examples of players that if they can figure out how they need to play in a National Football League they'll be really good but it's not the way they played in college it's just a different game yeah everything's faster bigger stronger and a lot of guys you know whenever you're talking like I guess second on and for you guys you had starters in there and I know Sabin believes in this but like special teams in is a way how a lot of people are going to make the team and a lot of rookies don't know that it's their first time taking a punt protection it's like yeah you're going to be in the NFL because of this well no I just LED my college in tackles yeah so did the that's starting in front of you yeah he he did that as well so it's like that old Pac-Man Jones obvously special teams all pro has a question for you Bill coach you was big in special teams how do you feel that the new special team rules will affect the game well first of all Pacman I want to tell you that that punt you returned against us with the Titans was total BS oh that was it was third down and I was standing there on the sideline and I said look these guys can't move the ball the only way they can score is if we punt at the Pacman and he returns it so we are going out of bounds with this balls right before the half there's a minute to go in a half I said we are going out of bounds with this ball and we're going to make them drive it as they can't score on our defense and we punt it right down the middle and you go 85 yards and I I tell you I can't remember a situation I have been more upset about and you killed us on that just like I knew you were going to do and I before we even went on the field it was third down we started talking about that so I didn't get a chance to see after the game you know because that was a tough game there you know a lot of things happened to that game but you killed us on that play So they killed a lot of people say okay so how's that going to affect us I would say a couple things number one it looks like it's going to include like another I don't know whatever the number is called 1500 plays in the game that we didn't have in the last League wide right that we have Haven had in the last you know couple years so um I think that there's more opportunity for players to play on special teams than there have been the last couple years when literally 90% of the kickoffs are going out of the end zone so I think that might affect the bottom part of the roster and I would say with the new kickoff rules because there's really no running involved uh the kicking team's already down there the return team's already set up uh that there'll be more of an emphasis on size players in the return game than speed uh where you know a lot of teams would cover with you know six or seven DB wide receiver types uh you know with their kickoff unit uh and and play with the same type of players on the kickoff return play with a couple corners couple wide receivers on the front line that could run and get back and set up well now uh there's no need for that you just need guys who can play at the point of attack shed blocks and and defend their space uh because of the new alignment so I think it'll uh increase the size of the players that are on the field and I do think that because everybody is spread across the field that if these returners uh and I think these returners if they hit a little bit of space they're gone because it's just going to be a lot harder to overlap than what it was in the past I I don't like that they took the surprise onsite kick out of it although I wish that rule had been out when we played against upat because we always had to put another two guys over there to handle the spike kick even though you never did it against us but you did it against other teams and and that always screwed up our kickoff returns so I wish that rule had been in place and we played against you but it wasn't [Music]
Channel: ESPN
Views: 220,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pat McAfee Show, the pat mcafee show, pat mcafee reacts, pat mcafee podcast, pat mcafee, espn, bill belichick interview, bill belichick espn, espn bill belichick, bill belichick pat mcafee, bill belichick pat mcafee show, pat mcafee bill belichick, bill belichick patriots, bill belichick pats, bill belichick lawrence taylor, bill belichick tom brady, bill belichick brady, tom brady bill belichick, belichick espn, belichick pat mcafee, belichick interview, nfl, nfl espn, #espn
Id: hbbCAtFyO1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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