Do Your Job Well: The Road to the Patriots Super Bowl XLIX Win

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foreign [Music] the offices of the New England Patriots are not open to the public secrets to success are rarely discussed their coaching staff seldom heard from until now NFL championships are won on the football field designed inside buildings like this one these are the architects of the 2014 New England Patriots jobs are complex their goal was simple to win a championship [Music] play buddy finish the play that's your job do your job let's go fundamentals Bill Belichick demands that of his players don't let him in a man and also his assistants will go to him with new ideas all the time or what we think our new ideas which is stuff that he probably just ran 30 years ago or 20 years ago I mean this is just a throw it out there and see how he wants you to disagree he respects that he listens yeah what do you think about sometimes in the back of your mind you're going okay this is a first ballot Hall of Fame coach and you're just telling him hey this is messed up it's like every play is like a blow the whistle and Xerox do it over you know what I mean yeah he trusts us and then he demonstrates that by allowing us to go out and make decisions yeah okay that's a good idea I make a lot of mistakes and sometimes you're not as quick to recognize your own as somebody else's or somebody else can recognize yours before you do just take it one thing at a time so far as we go lucky with the Bears no perfect he has such an unbelievable uncanny ability to know when to change moods that's the thing that you need as a great leader those shortcuts to be in conditions no shortcut to being mentally tough the Patriots began the season 2-1 then came Kansas City we didn't play well at all we gave up big plays we turned the ball over so we came in at halftime we were talking about adjustments and all that but I didn't really feel like that's what the game was about at all I felt like the game was just really about competition and that's what I told team at halftime I said this second half is going to Define our season you know I want to see what kind of football team we have I'm not that concerned about the score until we start competing better until we start playing harder all the ssnos and adjustments and all that aren't going to make any difference on the scoreboard it only got worse New England suffered its most lopsided defeat in 11 years there's going to be some loud music out there there's going to be people questioning flight calling Personnel grouping we took criticism from everybody everywhere it's entirely possible to see how ineffective the Patriots have been on offense over the first four weeks and suggest that they are fatally flawed and there is something horribly wrong with them to the extent that even Tom Brady and Bill Belichick can't fix it it was also worth wondering if the Patriots incredible Dynasty died at Arrowhead Stadium too that's how bad the 41-14 loss was the Patriots have never looked this incompetent in the Belichick Brady era the best part of that is they were telling Tommy that he was all done I mean there's nothing better that can happen to get his competitive juices going so thank you to all the people and media people who did that when I walked off the field that night I really felt good about the team even though we'd gotten you know smashed I felt something about the team that night in the second half that I really thought we can build on anybody that want to cash it in there could have cashed it in we weren't going to win we were behind we're on the road their crowd was in a frenzy the Chiefs are playing very well but I could see the fight I could see the team's emotions in the game I felt good about their toughness their competitiveness that they cared that they really played with a purpose and they cared about each other okay if we have this then we're Indian we're going to have a chance he was right the Patriots won another division title let's look this gives us a chance now just gives us a chance puts us in position congratulations afc's Champs we'll see you Wednesday [Applause] to ensure a job well done they needed to win their first Super Bowl in a decade and raise a fourth championship Banner if coaching is a chess match Bill Belichick is the NFL's Bobby Fisher before the Patriots knew their playoff opponent Belichick was already crafting the end game [Music] during the bye week he brought myself Josh McDaniels and Brian daball in his office to talk to us about having something different that we might need in the postseason to help us win a football game Tennessee had a play on the last play of the game where they put uh four skill players in at guard and Tackle everybody but the center get mine out every everything the only offensive lineman that is in the game right now I believe is Spencer when I saw the play I thought to myself that's something you see on the punt team and that's always a problem for us to identify who's who who's eligible because you don't want to sneak somebody out and fake punt you and that kind of thing but it's hard to match up and a lot of times the officials don't you know they're not going to sit there and say you know 54 is eligible 27 is ineligible 89's ineligible 76 is eligible you know they just kind of it goes kind of fast and defensively you kind of just got to figure it out as an offensive staff we went in there and we discussed the general idea of displacing some people using a four-man line and I said Josh look if we split an eligible guy out and he's a legitimate receiver Lake Vereen defensively even though that guy is ineligible it's gonna be hard not to cover them just instinctively you see Varina out there and you don't think all right forget about him Derek Henry is the running back look at this hot formation players all over the field I think it was the Alabama LSU game Alabama kind of lined up in a unique formation and hit the tight end right down the middle there was nobody on them we actually showed it to the team LSU is confused this guy's not even eligible right here but he fakes a pass and they free up the real tight end who was lined up as a tackle with everybody split out and they're really you know six guys on the line but five were eligible we talked to the NFL officials about you know reporting and making sure we did everything legal about our alignment and our reporting procedure and who had it go out after the play and all that and so that's the way we practiced it the ineligible receiver formation with running back Shane Vereen was named Baltimore but the play remained uncalled until New England fell behind 28-14 in the third quarter that could be your ball game right there folks Josh and I talked and said look this is it I mean we're down by 14 we're in the playoffs you know we got to try to get it going here let's let's go with Baltimore and you know let's bring it on him and just you know see if we get a play here and get going [Applause] it's the first time in my career coaching 24 years they only have four offensive lineman on the field Vereen declared himself an ineligible receiver but still lined up in the slot tight end Michael oh manalinui appeared to line up as a fifth offensive lineman the Ravens left him uncovered Tom and I talked about it and our conversation was kind of well you know if this works the first time if we have like a little different look on this the second time they're gonna have trouble with that too so we changed the formation a little bit and made it Raven [Applause] awenui declared himself an ineligible receiver and once again Tom Brady found an open man on the other side of the field it's worth them formations illegal yeah they're illegal I mean there's really no doubt about the rule we didn't do anything that you know is in any way in violation of the rules it's just a tough look I would say Marine as he broke the Huddle telling him that that guy right there is ineligible but defensively not very much time to react to that waited until the second half purposefully so they didn't have an opportunity at halftime to talk about it [Music] touchdown Patriots oh John Harbaugh is livid about this one we figured that okay now they're going to go to the sideline like now they got to spend time talking about this and now the next year is we're not going to run it but you know maybe that'll distract him a little bit and so forth foreign you know we're down by seven right and Josh and I just looked at each other and it came out of our mouth the same time like let's go to the double pass [Applause] I mean I don't have to tell you it's happening okay [Applause] throw for giant setting on the screen [Applause] we went away from letting anybody other than Tom throw the ball for quite a while because we had another time where we let somebody throw the ball in New York and it ended up in an interception and I can remember the staff meeting that we had after that game never again you know with Tom Brady as her quarterback well we need to have somebody else throw the ball not me and not necessarily it was early in training camp and yeah I talked to Josh and we need to get some just misdirection plays and plays are a little bit different and I said like what do you think about the double pass you know Edelman can throw and he gave me that look like you're the one who said nobody other than Brady is going to throw the ball for us I said yeah yeah it's been a decade maybe let's let's give Edelman a chance foreign course any time the element hit it then he would come into the meeting after practice and you know have ice on his shoulder like a quarterback would you know coach got to take care of my arm it was actually run in the Kansas City game and we had a second option on the double pass and if we didn't get the defensive look that we would opt out of the double pass and then we would go to our slant route at the bottom to Brandon Lafell can see up top Danny Amendola telling to stop to not show the double pass we don't run the double pass you can't tell we're doing it at the bottom and Brandon will fell ironically scores on this play [Music] in hindsight obviously that was going to be critical to our season because if we don't have the players execute the part of not giving away the double pass then we don't have this play available for us in in the biggest game of the year when we need it at first Baltimore [Music] foreign [Applause] they have been keeping that one under wraps for a long time when the Patriots designed their game plan for the AFC championship against the Colts the staff Revisited a lesson learned from their week 11 victory in Indianapolis we didn't want to make this a deal where we're going three and four plays and then they got the ball again you're trying to to neutralize the amount of time that they're on the field and at the same time control the the ball and finish in the end zone we used an extra offensive lineman to hammer them in the Run game get extra lineman extra lineman extra lineman Cameron Fleming was the guy put him in it to jumbo tight end and let it roll this extra tackle out here is really making a difference Cameron Fleming and they are just either confusing or blowing the bullets off the ball here Jonas Gray helped defeat the Colts with 201 rushing yards and four touchdowns LeGarrette Blount started the AFC championship against the Colts but a change in running backs did not result in a change in Game Plan I don't think it was the same general approach it was the same approach until they stopped it we were going to use it we said it week 11. you're not going to be pushed around all that Bully's gonna do is find you every day of that schoolyard pound the freaking ball that's all just pound the ball he takes the hand up look here's left [Applause] force trauma has returned to the playoffs you know we talk about it a lot about um you know before you win you have to learn how not to lose and um one of the things that'll get you to lose quick a big plays well we put uh Rivas on Wayne Browner was on cleaner a lot they can't match up for us in that game was was Kyle Arrington on Hilton Kyle Arrington I don't want anything underneath he was going to Trail him the whole game and we had Devin over top of them thank you I think you only caught one ball that was and they made it a hell of a throw and catch Brown are waiting for me and they also got it's just like two guys standing in front of me welcome to my room liking the Baltimore game Patriots caught their opponent off guard with an unorthodox formation we've been using Fleming as the eligible alignment and and so we kind of we made a switch there Nate was the eligible guy Fleming was ineligible [Applause] with tight end on the other side it looks like he's the tackle even though he declared himself eligible you know it looks like he's still lined up in his original position although technically he's eligible nobody covered [Applause] congratulations to the AFC Champion New England Patriots Jim I only have one thing to say we're on to Seattle did they or didn't they it's the alleged cheating scandal launching a thousand Saucy headlines deflategate tonight the New England Patriots are fighting back against accusations of unsportsmanlike conduct did they deflate footballs during their championship game to gain a strategic Advantage the first I heard about it was at halftime when I heard that the NFL needed both teams footballs and I was to try to help get our footballs into the League's hands so I don't know why they needed them they just needed them you know at first I didn't really give it too much thought I'm thinking okay and then as more attention seemed to be given to this it was kind of like you know is this going to be a story what happened during the course of the game could potentially cause deflation well we go to the ideal gas law okay which is PV equals nrt so it became a media frenzy and a tremendous distraction why would it take that bag full of balls into the bathroom with him I mean Nature Calls right there that's his responsibility seriously yes don't let these out of your sight it pisses you off that it becomes a whole focal point of everybody that talks about you you know a good football team has got to be like a racehorse you gotta have the blinders on going straight ahead it did matter but it didn't matter because somebody else was handling it bill was on that he told the team Point Blank don't concern yourself with this you have to focus on what your job is for our jobs as you know assistant coaches we were we were grinding that week was a game plan week for us it was like we were playing on Sunday so for three straight days he's dealing with the ball and we know he would have liked to be in there where he's at his best and that's in the film room of devising a game plan that helps win a world championship kind of as everything settled in and was talk about I talked to the people here that would have had some knowledge of the preparation of the footballs let's take some footballs let's go through the exact same process that we went through you know we saw a decrease in the air pressure of all the footballs it was not exact but it was consistent um you know we used multiple gauges uh I saw at that point that there was a big discrepancy between gauges based on that I felt like there was an explanation that I could give that was certainly uh worth consideration and so that's what I did I'm not a scientist I'm not an expert in footballs I'm not an expert in football measurements I'm just telling you what I know would not say that I'm Mona Lisa veto of the football world as she was in the car expertise area can you answer the question no it is a trick question why is it a trick question because Chevy didn't make a 327 and 55 the 327 didn't come out to 62 and it wasn't offered in the Bel Air with a four barrel carb to 64. however in 1964 the correct ignition timing will be four degrees before top dead center I never seen a movie you know 50 times so she was the best that's all-time great expert witness I wasn't trying to be that Patriots were trying to be Super Bowl champions and not tabloid fodder excited on the plane ride out there that it made sense to just put an end to it so that the whole rest of the week wasn't spent answering questions about it I want to set the tone for the week that you know this was a bunch of hogwash if the wells investigation is not able to definitively determine that our organization tampered with the air pressure in the footballs I would expect and hope that the league would apologize to our entire team and in particular coach Belichick and Tom Brady for what they have had to endure this past week a lot of the players came up and thanked me and they felt that that shifted the whole dialogue of the following week take care of all the other garbage to installing the exterior get that out of the way get focused on our jobs and go out there and have a hell of a night Sunday seven years ago on this field the Patriots lost a chance for an undefeated season [Music] this time Bill that would be perfect he just wanted them to do their job is no mystery here fellas it's trusting each other and everybody's doing their job and maybe the one word that isn't in that uh sentence that's implied but not stated is do your job well take care of the one or two three things that we've emphasized all week you know we'll be okay our main focus was to keep Wilson in the pocket not let him run and make plays with his feet will it be running we're extending plays making throw you know from the well with guys around them something we preach something we work really hard at doing we had a day in practice down there at Arizona where we gosh I yeah I thought we were going to have to throw IVs at a bunch of the guys we brought a couple backup quarterbacks down there to just run around and work on not allowing him to reverse field and change direction making sure we're not you know past the quarterback we got to keep him in front of us we don't want him to rush timid or slow and then give it a rush but they have to be able to rush control and with the understanding that at some point this play turns into a run that's perfect and then he's hopping doesn't really know where to go about clean read good hands good leverage good pan level good job on the quarterback in the first half Russell Wilson completed just four passes and ran for only 39 yards in the game as far as the Patriots offensive game plan there were three points of emphasis number one offensively we had to block a fabulous player Ben at number 72. the truth is we didn't really block him all day Tom just did a great job getting rid of the ball the only guy that's giving us any trouble he's 72. nobody's been able to block Michael Bennett all night good hit 72 number two don't run vertical rounds run moving routes Crossing routes [Applause] their defense to cover our quickness Patriots using those quick wide receivers and just trying to find a way to run between Defenders Randy has plenty is not the playback [Applause] three recognize the difference between man and zone or that's by formation or by motion or pre-snappery whatever it is the best example of that came in the Patriots final drive of the first half when they devised a way to isolate Rob Gronkowski they had played a few snaps in that drive of man coverage because they had done that a few times we call it a play we use in two minutes Gun trigger left wide but we just did it from a formation that put Gronkowski by himself yeah [Applause] yeah it's one of those things where you roll in a dice I hope they play me in coverage flexed out to the near side right now if they didn't play Man coverage it was going to be Sherman over there on him and the ball would have probably gone somewhere else when we broke the Huddle and Sherman came over to the other side of the field and Wright walked out on him I think everybody on our side I knew where the ball was gonna go all day long baby [Applause] but the lead would and in the fourth quarter the Patriots trailed by 10 points [Applause] I never worry because we have Tom Brady the ninja bottom line is give him time he'll make things happen nobody's better blood shovels up fires back to the end zone touchdown New England fight that's what makes you guys what you are a continuous fight keep going we got a lot of football to play all right you guys are making plays because you're giving them a chance the Patriots had a great chance to score on the play prior to Danny amendola's touchdown watch this one in and Brady missed the throw yeah Jules had him and Tommy just missed it scored came the sideline I think everybody felt the same way let's call that again you know Tommy definitely said hey come back to that it's a great call come back to that again for a fourth quarter drive to take the lead here at Super Bowl 49. hey we need a big Championship drive that's what we need to continue the 50 124 yards Brady's final throw came on a play he had already run [Applause] Edelman gets it done but it was a play he and his teammates had never practiced that play was put in the night before in a ballroom in a walk-through setting up buddy how's everything sometimes what we do is if we're going to add something on a Saturday night we don't even make a big deal out of it we say hey guys you know we're going to add this and our guys are tremendous they don't Flinch us okay you got it Having the courage to draw up a play at the 11th Hour might win you the Super Bowl but as the Patriots know all too well it's the plays no one could ever imagine that can lose you one Russell [Applause] and he wind up with a football I saw the ball go up I thought Malcolm deflected it and it wasn't complete that was my first reaction I see it batted and I feel great boom it got knocked up and then I look and I don't see the ball bouncing around on the ground and I think did he just catch that he caught it [Applause] catch my purse on the camera [Music] man [Applause] when the curse catch happened down the same end of the field where the Tyree catch happened there was history unfortunately appears to be repeating itself yeah here we go again here we go again in this place again your heart stopped I can't believe this holy crap like that actually happened can you believe this I just said oh we have no effing luck [Music] and at that point you're really hoping Tom I think said it you know defense gotta gotta make a play he's got to make a play I think Butler hit it so he breaks up the play and it's still not on the ground it's still not on the ground it's still well look at that that's crazy Joe what's really crazy is that Malcolm Butler was even on the field at this stage of Super Bowl 49. they 25 they benched him in the second half the rookie free agent from West Alabama who had no interceptions and four passes defended during the regular season replaced nickel Corner Kyle Arrington you know I think Kyle's a streaky player um you know when he gets going good he can really be good like in Baltimore uncovering you know T.Y Hilton and then sometimes when they catch a couple on them they just doesn't play his technique maybe he'll wear things a little bit sometimes was a little conservative well Patriots cannot cover him you can't guard you you can't guard you they don't got the answer the answer was two of Brandon Browner into coverage on number 13 Chris Matthews who caught just one pass for nine yards after the change Malcolm came in and basically covered curse for most of the second half we knew they were gonna come after him which they did right away third and two from the New England 47. here comes the rub there's Malcolm you know it's third and two there's the rub beat and now he's trailing they're gonna go at him right now you know just a great execution great job of coming through holds the arm right there you know brings the other arm around to make sure the ball's out Butler made another big play on Seattle's final drive can you imagine what this Rookie's thinking and he could not have played just better but none of his heroics seem to matter after curses catch first and goal with the five 106 to play Russell under Center he hands the win he goes left unbelievable play by Hightower unbelievable play the most unsung but the biggest play of the Super Bowl from up in the Box I mean it looks wide open I mean it was wide open I remember texting two days later I said have you seen this play I said how in the world did you do this he bench presses okung off of him and he tackles Lynch with his shoulder and now New England has to think about taking a timeout when he got down there you know I thought about the timeout I knew they only had one time out left and when I looked over there I don't know I just something just didn't look right they started on and they started off and now hey hey you're out you're out however many seconds have gone by and I'm thinking all right I'm not gonna take him off the hook here by taking the time out if they want to use it let them use it and Matt said you know do you want the time out you want to call the timeout you know I want to call the time out um it was a very lonely moment for me because he wouldn't talk to me he wouldn't even look at me he was just kind of staring across the field and the clock is running people were saying stuff up in the Box asking were we going to take the time out I'd say Bill they're wondering about a timeout he said yeah I got it and he and you can see it when you watch the rewind or whatever you could see Bill doing that which is amazing that's again the genius he said yep I got like like we were in the meeting room right now I said no just play goal line [Applause] we have different goal line packages if they had one receiver out there we'd have one corner in the game if they had two receivers out there we'd have two corners in the game if they had three like uh they did on that last play then we'd have we've put three corners out there it was the first time we were in that Personnel Group all year the situation had never come up where we needed to use it in the game until that very last play of the season thank God we had it a lot of time talking about it and as a coach and I guess as a young coach you think it's never going to come up and then here it is the biggest game of Our Lives thankfully Bill's a forward thinker and no stone goes unturned we're all ready for it Josh I remember him chiming in on the headset flow send Malcolm and Flo turning around and yelling Malcolm go go Malcolm was in for Kyla during the game so Malcolm had to go and you know for Kyle at that at that point again let's go live let's go number 20 is if you look at the play Browner is having a conversation with Malcolm and he's telling him exactly what he's going to do I'm gonna Jam this guy and then you know we told Malcolm just go if you remember Malcolm's matchup was really a curse but Browner had seen enough of those pick routes he anticipated what was coming as well as Malcolm so he was like let me get up here and jam the point you go Malcolm had seen that in practice Butler had seen it in practice he just didn't stop it the inside receiver got off the line and up into the end zone Malcolm didn't really have enough awareness for the play so he had to go all the way around behind the receiver and the defensive back and there was just too much space it was an easy touchdown so the coaching point was if they're close enough together then you've got to be ready to get over the top and the defender on the inside guy has got to jam them so that he can't pick the corner going over the top the fact that the Patriots were even practicing against this play was a credit to Ernie Adams Ernie would diagram plays that either he thought that they might run against us or that he had seen from a previous game we put all these plays on cards so our scout team offense they they can just come up we'll show them this this card you're going to win or lose games at practice I mean there is no such thing as being a game day player you see situations come up on the practice field you've worked on it you know what it takes when it comes up in the game uh because because you're trained you're seasoned you've seen it uh you react to make the play foreign [Music] [Applause] he did his homework and he fired his shot and made the play of the Year Browner really had a lot to do with that play because he jammed the inside receiver and never got off the line of scrimmage and Malcolm anticipated the play that he didn't anticipate as well in practice I wish I could say that everything we did worked out as well as that obviously it doesn't but we do try to make sure we're ready for anything that's going to come up on a Sunday it's worth winning today I mean I can't tell you how many guys got that same route Jamie had a choice in practice Chung had it about two times in practice Malcolm had it twice we went through it with everybody foreign [Music] disbelief to concern that it isn't real and is screaming we're all right we're good we're good right we're good like yeah man we're good man we're good and caught him you caught it I had to gather myself have a heart attack out there but I tell you what it was just flat out awesome it was a feeling unlike any I've ever had I can tell you that you're not gonna have that feeling that many times in life in general um and I remember turning around and I saw Tom's face [Applause] he looked like a child oh my God I know how hard he works and how much time he puts in to see to respawn and react like that was it was worth it it was awesome to see those guys come through and make a play like that in that situation in as much stress and pressure as you can possibly imagine I mean I don't think you really could be any prouder they were denied Perfection seven years ago they're gonna cap the 2014 season with a perfect ending [Music] you dream about that happening as a coach [Applause] to actually realize it was happening is surreal this is cool you know you're like this is I'll remember this forever I told the defense back in training camp I described to him what I felt the first time I held the Lombardi trophy with the exception of holding my two kids the first time they were born it's probably the most vivid memory I have and I stood in front of them talked about the weight of it you know it's top heavy it's heavy now you're really dirty there's gonna be fingerprints all over it it's in any ways because you don't care we bonded for life with that win that's a family atmosphere that's what makes it so special and that's why you got a bunch of guys running out there Tony you love each other [Music] it was raw it was real and I think it was unique for other people to see it although it wasn't unique for us to hear it [Music] we have gone well past I'm Too Proud to tell somebody I love them love you man it's okay to tell a guy next to you if you really believe it man I love you I'll do anything for you and that's what they have here and that's why the New England Patriots won football games [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight once again the Patriots are world champions the it's a team that cares about each other there's a lot of love for each other we've sacrificed a lot for each other and happy for all of them very happy for all of them great job great job I think that shows you how unselfish she is and again it's just another great demonstration of how tremendous a leader he actually is because In the Heat of the Moment there's a lot of people that want to take credit for things do you ever think you were gonna get your hands on another one of those coach sure did with these guys we got a great team we've got a lot of great players I love these guys here you deflecting it totally onto the people that deserved it the most [Applause] [Music] I'd do anything for you they're the ones who make it possible the games between the lines they have to make the plays they carry the fortunes of the team with them with their decisions with their execution and it's hard it's hard the short amount of time that they have to make so many critical decisions on every single play now that's why pro football players are pro football players I have all the respect in the world for those guys that can do that on my high school coach I'll never forget him talking about how players win them and coaches lose them I mean there's a lot of Truth to that one together because each man did his job you know in the end that's the feeling that I want all of us to have is if I go out there and do my job I'm very confident in the guys beside me doing theirs let me go out there and do the best job I can do it what I have to do then that's my contribution to the team
Channel: NFL Films
Views: 341,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, NFL Films, American Football
Id: _aaYTbaOCDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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