Brock Purdy Hints Brandon Aiyuk Might Be Leaving 49ers, Talks Secret To His NFL Success | Pat McAfee

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this man went from the last pick in the draft Mr Irrelevant to Leading the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl in just two years out of Iowa State an absolute Legend ladies and gentlemen Brock pie how are you br guys hey it is it is an honor to have you on this program I want to let you know we're big fans over here what you have accomplished in such a short time in the way that you've done it in the demeanor in which you've handled it all hey we love a good Brock party we love you man we are big fans I hope you know that and feel the love from over here no appreciate it I've had family and friends send over clips from you guys and uh I appreciate all the love and support So means a lot hey okay well we got uh we got a nice deer right there across your chest and I know today is a big day okay because a few months back uh I think we saw you you know taking the tractor another round another round [Music] another round but today we're making this thing official right you're officially partnering with John Deere is that accurate yes sir we're doing a we're doing a campaign right now so basically they've created a a chief tractor officer um job it's a real job um and all you got to do is is uh submit a video on the John Deere website to apply and what it is is basically you become the face of John Deere on social media so real job if you want it it's out there there you take videos and and do all the behind the scenes work of farmers and the tractors and John Deere uh you do the dirty work so it's a real thing CTO trying to get knee high by the 4th of July that could be you I mean what a gig this sounds like a dream for somebody numerous people that I know are going to try to get actual job actually being paid yes sir yeah it's a real real job and everything so it's a I think it's a year contract but dude you get to go around the whole country and and and live the life so as we know though every contract's day to day that's right every contract's day to day you got to put your best foot forward every single day and continuing to prove it and earn it shout out to you and shout out to John Deere getting it by the way shout out John Deere always do that's awesome and we're Big John Deere fans as well this is almost a we're climaxing as this entire conversation is going let's talk about you now and the reason why John Deere wants to partner with you and we saw you I think uh on first take last week and it didn't work CU you didn't have any service around the middle of the field but I think it was with like uh Toyota or Honda what what was it Toyota yes sir okay so Toyota John Deere I assume there's going to be others and this is something that happened with Russell Wilson years back because he was a fourth rounder so his contract obviously nowhere near the same as other people what you were getting paid because you're a seventh round pick Mr Irrelevant vers what every other starting quarterback's get pain we're happy to see you get in your cash okay happy to see that now with that being said why do you think you were able to just kind of drop in there and figure it out Shanahan's offense is obviously a a lot there's a lot of things going on a lot of things happening there's number three overall picks that couldn't handle that offense there's other people that haven't been able to handle that offense you come in here and you're the most efficient seemingly quarterback that Kyle Shanahan has ever had in the offense why do you think that's the case and why do you two seem to have it down and why is that offense hum whenever you're in there you think Brock man uh I mean it's not all me I've had really good coaches around me like greasy and kubak those guys they from day one they invested their time to teach so that that's first but other than that man it's just been a It's a Grind of studying it's like another language with this offense and uh you can never be too familiar with it like it's always going to be where you have to continue to learn it and grow with it but um I don't know Shanahan's just been able to break it down to me and and for me I I've learned so much just in football in general just how he thinks and processes things and um so we've clicked in that regard and then obviously I just go out there I try to keep it simple for how complicated the offense is and um distribute to the guys that are all around me I got dudes around me so well um put all those things together and you have some success well the dudes around you and as you continue to chat here you do look like a 12-year-old I mean this baby face this baby face is phenomenal I look like I'm 50 I have looked like I'm 50 since I'm like 15 you have the opposite thing kind of taken over as you get older you're looking younger but when you talk about the dudes around you that's kind of been held against you and have you heard all the noise and all the chatter about how they judge you and I I think our big takeaway is like not only is he Mr Irrelevant so let's not even that conversation's done whatever greatest Mr Irrelevant of all time not even question but you're a rookie handling business it's like this is a Young quarterback doing things going into big games and operating at a high level and then second year you back it up yet again and but you still have a lot of people just bearing you on a regular basis do you hear that do you try to keep it out how can you in the modern world and what are your thoughts on how you've been judged since you got into the NFL yeah I mean it's a thing obviously uh it's part of the sport and I'm not saying oh woe is me or anything like that I mean it's part of it man and and people are always going to have a talking point and that's fine but for me man all I care about is the respect uh with the guys in the locker room uh with the coaches the staff the organization and and they see you know how I handle business here and and how I perform in games and what's on the film rather than just feelings and opinions and emotions um you turn on the like there's there's plays being made there's a guy that's playing quarterback uh for what it is and and uh and that's how that's how I look at it and as long as we're winning games dude it really don't matter like I just I keep it simple and and uh we just keep moving the ball forward and that that's how I look at it but it's part of it so heyen you know you're a check down King but your yards per attempt is like number one in the league or something so you know everything kind of is hypocritical to itself in the middle of the argument and I have I'm very happy that you have the mental toughness to kind of just just keep forging forward how do you continue to develop what do you continue to get better at obviously you have this Keyhole accur I mean you pull now Tai Schmid who asked you a question in a matter of moment said you can never beat Iowa but that's neither here nor there soon as you get that's what he that's what he'll say he I'm just telling you what he you can prepare for that I know you're a big prepared guy it's coming it's coming right down the pipe there but you put the ball right in the keyhole whenever you have to make an audible or read a defense you do it you throw the ball deep you throw the ball I UK right there on the money let's follow the ners again on Instagram maybe but like through all of it you know what do you continue to work at to get better and what does this offseason look like for you yeah I mean it's dude it's an evolution you know uh just with your body in the NFL I mean there's obviously continue to work on my arm and and just Mobility with my body and self and U maybe just get a little bit more agile with speed and and all that but um physically you know there's always going to be more room for for improvement and so that's where I'm attacking this offseason then just the Playbook like I said man it's it's something that you got to continue to study and work at and to get better with how Kyle sees the game man if if you're on point with who's calling the plays and and why he's calling them then I feel like you know our relationship can continue to grow and then we can really be a dominant force in this league so that's where I'm at um there's never you can never get comfortable in this league you'll get exposed real quick and so it's always you know find that chip on your shoulder and and continue to push push push so that's where I'm at yeah ners Faithful is going to be pumped to hear that obviously everything you've done since you've gotten the job as a starting quarterback for the ners has just been like yep that's what yep yep that's what we're looking for as a young buck especially one that doesn't have a lot of money I think you're you have money you're paid very well I get it but I think you're splitting roommate you have a roommate splitting uh lease and everything like that as this young guy has it been tough in that locker room full of dudes as a quarterback to be the lead because a quarterback you're immediately put in a leadership role you're the one has to tell the plays you're the one that has to get on people's ass we saw you get a little fiery I think George K even told us like I saw Brock like get after a couple people and George was like I need to see that like that is what I need to see has it been difficult to be like uh guy that just wants to make team guy that's not been really handed anything and then all of a sudden it's like hey we need you to be a leader of adults here not just adults some of the highest paid guys at almost every single position has that been an easy transition for you and how do you handle all that I mean since I I got here day one it's been about you know how can I you know show these guys that I can play and earn their respect and not come in with the puffed out chest saying I'm the guy follow me um it's been a process obviously came in as a third guy then the backup and then starter so but how I've handled my process hasn't changed and I think the guys respect that and I'm a guy that wants to help serve this team and and help win at all costs before even when I was back up all the way till now as a starter it's been the same thing so they know that they feel it and um they get so once I got thrown into the role man they've gotten behind me and we're like all right this kid wants to win and he's he's capable of leading us so it sort of was about like the way I just I I carried myself rather than all the the raw raw stuff so um but yeah it's it's different because I was the last draft pick to obviously now we're leading this team and and you got so many veterans like Fred Warner George KD juice all these guys that have been here for a while and now all of a sudden I got to like you know go in the Huddle and and lead them and tell them what to do kind of thing and so but they've been great with it man they've gotten behind me and I got you know just some some dudes that they want to win and so do I and that's the that's the ultimate goal so in that regard it's been they've made it easy for me do you feel like when Bosa came up to you is like how how you do it like I'm the number one overall pick and like I get nervous and you know H how you do you have you always been just Stone Cold killer legit in those massive games you play your best football has this been your entire life do you think like you're just built differently do you look back at a moment like maybe when you're were a kid playing like Youth Baseball where they're throwing way too much to Pitchers are throwing way too many pitches at the young age Jeff passon wrote a book on it it's ruining elbows in the MLB but any is there any moment where you look back where you've always had like kind of this Stone Cold killer mentality yeah I mean I don't know growing up and stuff there's been moments in little league and high school where you know there were some some big plays that I made in moments but I and obviously there's been plays that don't go my way so it's you know do you get too high with it do you get too low with it um it's a game it's four quarters and so for me it's been about you know and it's a long season too so it's been about dude how can I continue to get better how can I enjoy the little wins and learn from the losses um but guys feed that they feel it um and obviously like in that moment Bosa BOS was just like dude what like how the heck do you do it are you an alien bro like what's going on cuz I get nervous and I'm he's a speci that's a jungle cat yeah that dude's a jungle cat dude different day one uh I got here in my rookie year and everyone's like bro just wait wait till T see Bosa come in and Report like all right he came walking in I was like oh my gosh I never seen someone that big never seen a human built like that yeah like my first uh day in the building I saw Robert mathys shirtless head phones in jumping rope and he like didn't break a skip for like 15 minutes straight I'm like what's wrong with that I'm in the same I'm in the same team as that guy I don't know if that's necessarily the Right Moves In this all Tai Schmidt has a question for you Brock yeah Brock Pat mentioned it um I'm an Iowa grad so you know it it pains me a I mean listen it's really cool seeing what you've done with the Niners but it does pain me a little bit knowing that you were never able to beat Iowa and you know people are always going to bring that up they're always going to talk about that no matter how many super bowls you win no matter what you do people are kind of always going to point to that and say hey this guy could never beat Iowa I don't Brock I don't think that's true I'm just saying think going bring I'm just saying I definitely will I definitely will so while I love gassing you up and watching you play I will always be talking about that but that's neither here nor there uh I am curious though playing all those games at Iowa State like now with the draft a lot of people are talking about how if you're not one of those you know top 10 guys how important it is that you play all those games as opposed to some of these guys who are getting drafted high and they might need a year or two to kind of develop before they're actually ready to play because you started so much like how much do you attribute that to your success and being able to like when you were called upon that first year just jumping right into things and and no moment was too big and you were kind of just ready to go right away yeah I mean it's huge just uh the Reps that you get the defenses that you see the just all of it the moments that you're in from the beginning of a game to the end or a two-minute drill all that stuff man there's uh it's I think it's crucial just in terms of development um you know seeing a defense and being able to handle the pressures of you know success during during a year the losses um all of it man um there's so much that goes into playing this position at a quarterback and so um you know when I got thrusted in the role like yes we're in the NFL it's on another level and I'm not taking any way anything away from that that's it's legit and it's real um but I sort of sunk back into all right dude I played four years of legit power five football and you know um I I face a lot of things and I could go back to those experiences and and be ready for you know big games and stuff in the NFL as well but um I I think it's huge for development man you see guys like leaving early and stuff and I'm not taking that away from them but um guys that see a lot of football and play and develop I think can translate to the NFL and be ready to play quicker so don't you think it helps immensely whenever you have like a bad couple weeks too like getting out of a drought like having enough self-belief that you can get out of it because what last year Debo out Trent out right Cleveland and then that was when they started killing you like Yep this is this is what we thought Brock was this is what all the scouts were saying that Brock was but then all a sudden you flip a switch on the other side of it's like that doesn't Define me just because I had a couple weeks where I wasn't necessarily throwing the ball as perfect as I had I'm going to be able to bounce back do you think that's because of how much football you played in the past 100% man it's if everything's going perfect you know from college to the NFL you're winning all these games man like that's I think it's easier to you know get away with some things but dude if you go through stuff and you have some adversity in your life and then you face that three- game losing streak that we had or whatever like that's when the the real person of you comes out and and people really see see you for who you are so uh I think it's crucial man to go through some adversity and and be able to rely and go back to that uh down the road and and I don't know man it just shapes you it helps you no matter what what people say shout out to the hawkey I guess yeah absolutely face a lot of adversity I didn't even think about that we kind of it together Bingo you're welcome you're welcome Brock yeah I'm sure I'll I'll pray for you Hawkeyes man get on that John beer and pray to the heavens that the hawkey can get a first down maybe next year that'd be great to has a question for you Brock yeah Brock I don't think your athleticism is talked about enough why is that well I'm not sure if you know but you have the same 10 yard split as Christian mcaffrey okay he plays on your team not sure if you know him is really athletic so that means you're really athletic and then in that Lions game you just took over with the with the feet have you thought about throwing for 4,000 and rushing for a th000 as well this season like why why we need to get out of the pocket a little bit more don't you think yep I mean if it happens it happens scrambled drill all that I'm all for it but um hopefully Kyle's watching this we can put in some Zone read and couple's not watching this but we'll certainly trying to clip it and send it to the ners people I like the thought of Brock per reading the end could you oh oh Brock you got a little wiggle too we saw in Detroit you got a little wiggle basketball player or no nah just baseball how what position pitcher yeah pitch and play Third do you have some nasty [ __ ] do you have some nasty [ __ ] corner I was controllable for sure so I controlled the game so like most NFL quarterbacks you know you ask them if they played baseball they just I don't want to say they assume they could have went professional baseball players but I think a lot of us just assume that they could could you have done the baseball route if you would have went that way you think yeah I think uh I mean not to make a bull claim or anything but you know I think I could have you know gone D1 and and then make a run at it for the pros but um you know after my sophomore year in high school I was like right I'm playing football so that's just how it went I like that it's a bold claim who cares would never be proved yeah could we do it every day you should see I just I make bold claims all the time that would never be able to be proven it's awesome it's pretty sweet little gig actually Darius has a question for you Brock yeah Brock you just mentioned kind of that that read option maybe putting a little bit more of that in the offense you got one of the best combos the head coach in the GM uh positions know you're only going into your third year but how much input do you have on that offense with Kyle throughout the week and then in the off season maybe any input with the roster with John Lynch I know you are young one top receiver one of the most coveted receivers right now but auk obviously some things going on so any input there on those regards the offense and obviously the roster yeah I mean to answer your first question just uh you know as as I've played more and more that he asked me you know like what I'm comfortable with and what I'm not um but man at the same time I'm I'm still learning and so he just comes to me obviously puts in the offense through the week and and I'm all for it I'm all years and I'm learning um but then I'm like all right like I'm not really comfortable with this let's not run it let's run more of this so he listens for sure which is awesome um and then in terms of like the roster input and stuff um man if you just look at the history of of Lynch and Kyle and uh Jed York everybody they uh you know they've done a great job with putting the right roster together and having success oh yeah and making runs at Super Bowls so uh for me you know that's that's above my pay grade and and but I trust in what they do um and obviously like just with this whole iuk thing man it's um you know I was just grateful that I was able to throw to him and and be a teammate with ba so I love him and I want the best for him but like I said that's out of my pay grade for the business side of things well not if we put the John Deere contract in there yeah if we put the John Deere money in there then the pay grade all of a sudden a little bit different yeah right all a sudden we're at a different ladder aren't we to oh yeah add that in there terrible phone service though he didn't get two words out no skims I think he's doing skims too what you're a SC no way oh no no no no that's huh that's Bosa that's smart not to do that yeah if Bose is doing that it's smart not to get in that in the same locker room cuz we're already we're already talking about that entire thing I do appreciate though that you know you're like hey I'm just I'm still very young trying to learn this I have to be a leader that's a lot of delicate balances you know politically behind the scenes in the locker room got to make sure everybody has balls you know because you talk about all the weapons you have got to make sure everybody's happy and keep them happy and everything like that you're doing a fantastic job B uh that's why like legit anybody saying anything negative has no idea the job that you have to do I will say though do you think watching Jimmy work for a little bit you got to see like a veteran quarterback behind the scenes in the locker room in the meeting room maybe telling Kyle I don't like this play do you think that was a benefit to your entire thing watching Jimmy work 100% man um just obviously the preparation that goes into this offense and seeing you know Jimmy the way he handled it um and you know going out to the on the field and not trying to win every single play but you know make the right play over and over again and then his fundamentals all of it man um the the good and the bad that comes from playing this position at this organization with the history that the ners have had at quarterback so uh just seeing seeing it firsthand and and how Jimmy handled all of it man was was huge for me so and then obviously I didn't get my opportunity until week 13 so I had a whole season really to to see how he handled it so I'm very thankful and grateful for for Jimmy George KD's happy that you got dropped in there too remember it was as soon as he get oh yeah we were in Seattle I think I saw the Seattle game in Seattle George had two TDS I think he had one like the first drive he w down there went crazy it was like your connection with him was immediate what an electrifying human being George KD is how good does it feel to have that psychopath on your side legit no dude he uh he does such a good job with just obviously reminding all of us that dude we're playing a game man we love this game and he's like a kid still and we but I love it and and playing tight end dude I think is probably the second most you know uh intense position just behind the quarterback like they have to know everything the Run game the pass game they got to make catches they got to make blocks and George brings all that to the table and he's the best in the league at it and so uh and then obviously he's a he's a psycho when you get him the ball and you score touchdowns and in interviews but that's that's who he is man we love him yeah I forget I asked him I was like wasn't that game where you like call ball ran through a guy I do it every game hey you're right George you're right I was wishing George would get into the ring at WrestleMania his Vibes are always Immaculate I could imagine that day today he lifts him Connor has a question about the season we're in right now yeah Brock obviously right now you know it's combine in draft season rather and as pick 262 and a pro bowler you know that everything that's being talked about is 100% true and all the players that they're projecting are going to be exactly how well they are depending on where they're drafted but when you're going through you know the draft process and you're hearing things being said about you how do you kind of stay locked in and did you do anything specific to kind of block all that stuff out and for the kids doing it now is there anything that you would tell them like hey if if you do go 262 it's not the end the world there there is hope on the other side of that draft pick yeah only like one or two guys in the history but yeah there is hope there is hope for sure Rock for sure yeah I think you know for me I always knew like dude wherever I go no matter how I get there like that's all that matters like what I do when I get there um and so I kept that in mind uh Ryan Fitzpatrick told me that you know before the day three day three started of the draft and uh that was so true though man like I didn't matter how I got there and the minute I got here it was it was all about all right dude how can I you know find an edge how can I continue to learn this Playbook how can I compete and and show these guys here that I belong and all the the talk of should he get drafted here here like none of that matters man it what matters is when you get here and you make the team and and you win games and that's how I've looked at it you know even before I got drafted and that's how I still look at it so yeah once you get in the building you have an opportunity now there's certainly a head start if you're drafted early the bank account the house the car the setup you know but none of them are driving John deers to work you know that that's it's a little different down there at 262 I think I saw a video uh probably the commercial shoot for John Deere that you're definitely unless you're just driving around a [ __ ] tractor around San Francisco you saved a reporter a coyote was coming during a John Deere shoot a coyote started tracking down a local CBS reporter and her dog in Brock P yeah here's here's the video right here it they sorry it's a photo they spell your name wrong on the right corner prudy prudy new gig don't love that don't love that back on his tractor but this lady right here I watched this video this morning she said I just so happen I just happened upon Brock py and couple offensive lineman and John Deere tractors in the middle of San Francisco and then funny story I was walking my dog away and uh I hear Brock P yell coyote I turn around biggest coyote I ever seen was stalking me and my dog or whatever you saved a life you saved the dog you shot a John Deere tractor commercial in San Francisco you're you're picked 262 leading a team of the Super Bowl in your second year you're a magic man Brock keep going brother we appreciate the hell out of you appreciate you guys yeah I can't believe that that was a real thing but uh yeah she walked by and then sure enough she said she's a news anchor and I was like dude I just saved a news anchor life from getting eaten by a coyote but it's real man I can confirm it so she said that coyote was like the biggest she said like big ass guy I didn't know San Francisco at Coyote what the hell's going on over there uh I didn't either dude we're shooting this commercial by a hill on the outside of the city and I see this thing you know trotting by and had a long tail I was like bro it looks like a mini wolf and sure enough I like no one was going to scream and I was like all right and so I screamed and I was like yo there's a coyote and uh that thing that thing went running off but uh yeah it could have been an ugly day on the on the shoot but we saved her hey that's Brock prudy football that's true that's Brock prudy football out there prudy hey we appreciate the hell out of you man enjoy OTAs and congrats on the John Deere deal let's find a CTO yeah yep that's right let's find it hey appreciate you guys thanks for all the love and support too hey here's him getting into his tractor oh I love it hey hey you're dressed you know you look like every time you put something on to go to the the game or just walk about life you know everybody's going to be like look at this basic ass accountant about to go for 300 yards to get you you know that you know that Brock yeah no it's a it's a thing but I love love it dude it's a good little Mantra look how cool you look just walking in out of like some professor's class just walking into a stadium about to hang 400 yards on your team and I'm going walk out of here and hop in my John Deere tractor we appreciate the hell out of you brother ladies and gentlemen Brock party congrats buddy I love that man what a beast
Channel: The Pat McAfee Show
Views: 159,921
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Keywords: pat mcafee, podcast, sports, nfl, ncaa, football, for the brand, punter, kicker, pat mcafee show, american football, nfl news, pat mcafee clips, pat mcafee reacts, pat mcafee highlights, pat mcafee live, pat mcafee show live, pat mcafee podcast, the pat mcafee show, McAfeeESPN2023, brock purdy, brock purdy highlights, brock purdy interview, brock purdy pat mcafee, brock purdy john deere commercial, brandon aiyuk, 49ers news
Id: yRnAfhV9rnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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